Hello. My name is Emma and in today's lesson I am going to teach you a bunch of new vocabulary expressions.
These expressions are all very common and very useful.
So, the expressions we're going to learn today all have the word "mind" in them.
And there are a lot.
I'm not even covering all of them because there are so many expressions in English with
the word "mind", so we're only going to cover some of them, but we're going to cover the
main ones.
Okay, so, when we talk about "mind", there are different ways we're talking about mind.
"Mind" can have to do with the brain and with thinking or thoughts.
So, sometimes when we're talking about mind we're talking about our brain or we're talking
about our thoughts.
Sometimes we're talking about something totally different with mind.
Sometimes when we're talking about mind we're actually talking about being polite.
For example: "Do you mind?" this is something where you're being polite.
And then we also use "mind" when we're telling somebody to pay attention to something.
For example: "Mind the gap" or "Mind the hole".
So we have these three times where we're using "mind" and we have a lot of different expressions
for each of these different categories.
So we're going to go over each of these.
I'm going to teach you a bunch of expressions where "mind" has to do with thought or brain,
I'll teach you a lot of expressions where it has to do with politeness, and then I'm
going to teach you a lot of "mind" expressions that have to do with paying attention.
But this is pretty much one way you can look at these expressions.
So let's get started by talking about...
When we're talking about mind, and thoughts, and the brain.
So, first, when we talk about "mind" one meaning of "mind" can have to do with pretty much
the brain, but it's not exactly the brain.
So your brain is in your head and it's a physical thing.
You can touch the brain, you can feel the brain, you can see the brain, smell the brain,
so it's physical.
Mind is not physical.
You can't see the mind because the mind is where your thoughts are, where your memories
are, and these are things you can't really see or feel, but they're somewhere in here;
we just can't see them because they're not physical.
So, for example: Einstein, very famous scientist: "Einstein had a brilliant mind."
So this means Einstein had brilliant thoughts, he was very smart.
He had, you know, brilliant ideas.
These things are all in his mind.
So it's similar to brain, although not exactly the same thing, it's very similar to brain.
We can also say: "psychologist".
A psychologist is a job and people who are psychologists, they study the human mind,
meaning they look at the brain and they look at people's memories, they look at the way
people have ideas, and they think about: "Where do these things come from?"
So they study the human mind.
So, a lot of the times when we use the word "mind", we're talking about kind of your brain
and your thoughts.
You know, we might say: "Oh, Beethoven had an incredible mind", or you know: "In your
opinion, which minds were the greatest of the 20th century?
Who had the greatest mind?"
Meaning: Who had the greatest ideas, and thoughts, and pretty much brain?
Okay, so that's "mind".
Now, let's look at another way we use "mind" and that's in the expression: "on someone's mind".
So this is a very common expression.
In English we often ask: "What's on your mind?"
Or we also say: "I have a lot on my mind."
So, what does: "on my mind" mean?
And make sure you have "on someone's mind", so it can be: "on my mind", "on your mind",
"on her mind", "on John's mind", you can pretty much put any person here.
What does it mean?
Well, when we talk about "on our mind" we're usually talking about problems, so we're usually
talking about problems that we are thinking about.
These are thoughts, we're thinking about something so it's on our mind.
So, let me give you an example.
If I ask you: "What's on your mind?"
I'm asking you: "What are you thinking about right now?
What's on your mind?"
And you might tell me, you know, some problem you're having.
"You know, I had a fight with my brother.
That's on my mind right now, that's what I'm thinking about."
You can also say: "I have a lot on my mind."
When somebody says this it means they're saying: "I'm thinking about some problem I'm having".
"I have a lot on my mind", it means I'm thinking about a lot of problems right now or a big
problem I have.
So you'll see often in TV or movies somebody says: -"What's wrong?"
-"Oh, I have a lot on my mind right now, sorry."
Meaning: "I have a lot of things I'm dealing with at the moment" or "I have a lot of problems
in my life".
So: "on my mind" has to do with thoughts, often it has to do with problems and thinking
about problems.
Now, let's look at some other examples with the word "mind" when we're talking about thoughts
and the brain.
Okay, so our next expression also has to do with thinking, thoughts, and the brain, and
that's: "have in mind".
So: "have in mind".
So, when you have something in mind or someone in mind, what it means is that you are thinking
about a person for a position...
So, for example: -"Who are you voting for?"
-"I have Trudeau in mind", so I am thinking about Trudeau for the position of Prime Minister.
Or, you know, maybe if you're following American politics, you know, if Hillary Clinton is
running, you might say: -"Who are you voting for?"
-"Oh, I have Hillary in mind."
This could also be for a promotion at work.
Maybe you need to hire somebody for your company or promote somebody, so you want to give somebody
a job.
-"Who do you have in mind for the job?"
-"Oh, I have my sister in mind" or -"I have George in mind.
He's a good employee."
So it's where you're thinking or it's like your opinion about a person for a position.
You think this person is good for this position, so you have this person in mind for this position.
We can also use it with a thing also.
It doesn't always have to be a person.
For example, when we are thinking about something, some sort of object that is right for a situation.
So, for example, you know, I'm pretty hungry right now, I'm thinking about dinner.
So somebody might say: "Oh, what do you have in mind for dinner?"
So: -"What are you thinking about for dinner?
What is right for dinner?"
-"In my opinion, I have pizza in mind."
That's what I'm thinking about, I'm thinking about pizza.
Pizza is right for this situation.
So, again, we can use it either with a person or a thing, but you're pretty much saying
that this is right for this situation in your opinion.
Our next expression is: "lose someone's mind".
I really like this expression.
When you lose your mind it means you go crazy.
So, for example: "I'm losing my mind.
The cat is speaking English."
So this means I'm going crazy because cats, of course, don't speak English, so I'm losing
my mind.
We can also use it if somebody's doing something very strange, you know: "I think my dad has
lost his mind.
He's, you know, wearing a winter jacket and it's summertime.
I think my dad has lost his mind.
I think my dad has gone crazy."
So, we use this expression a lot, especially in conversation.
All right, now let's look at some other expressions to do with the mind.
Okay, so our next expression is: "cross someone's mind", so this could be: "cross my mind",
"cross your mind", "cross her mind", "cross his mind", and what it means is when we think
of an idea very quickly.
An idea comes into our head very quickly.
So, for example: "It just crossed my mind that I need to buy bread today."
It means I've just really quickly come up with this idea.
Or: "It crossed my mind that I should bring an umbrella because it's going to rain."
So it just means a quick idea.
Okay, our next expression: "Give a piece of someone's mind."
I really like this expression.
It means when you're giving someone an angry opinion.
So, when you give a piece of your mind, you're usually angry like this.
So maybe, you know, you want to call your telephone company and you've been waiting,
and waiting, and waiting, and nobody's answering the phone.
You might say to yourself: "I'm going to give them a piece of my mind."
It means: "I'm going to give them my angry opinion.
I'm so angry right now."
So: "She gave them a piece of her mind."
If I ever meet...
You know, like, maybe there's somebody you don't like: "If I ever meet Johnny I'm going
to give him a piece of my mind."
It means I'm going to tell him my angry opinion about him.
What I don't like about him.
Okay, the next one is also an expression, I love this expression actually.
When your "mind goes blank".
This happens to me all the time.
What it means is when you forget everything.
You forget what you're going to say, you forget what you're supposed to do, you forget everything,
and your mind...
You don't remember what you're supposed to do.
So, for example, if you have ever taken a test and you get the piece of paper, you get
the test, and you look at it and suddenly: "Oh my god, I don't remember anything.
Oh my god, I've forgotten everything."
That means your mind has gone blank.
Or if somebody asks you a question, you know: "Can...?"
Like, you know: "What's...?
What's your phone number?"
Maybe if you're, like, forgetful, you don't remember.
"Oh, my mind just went blank.
I don't remember.
I need to, you know, memorize it."
So when your mind goes blank it's usually because you're nervous or tired and you forget
And then maybe you remember in a minute, but at that moment you don't remember anything.
Okay, so: "My mind just went blank."
My mind always goes blank.
Okay, the final example of these brain expressions with "mind" is: "Make up someone's mind."
So, when somebody makes up their mind it means they decide something, they decide to do something.
So I can say: "I have made up my mind.
I'm going to university."
It means I've decided to go to university.
We could say: "Philip made up his mind.
He's going to get pizza for dinner tonight."
Or: "Susan made up her mind.
She's going to the prom with Johnny."
Just another example.
So, when you make up your mind, you decide to do something.
"I've made up my mind.
I'm going to be an astronaut."
Another example, okay, of deciding to do something.
So now let's look at some expressions that have to do with "mind" when we're talking
about being polite and politeness.
Okay, so we can also use the word "mind" when we are trying to be polite.
And usually we use it this way if we are asking permission for something or if we are requesting
Pretty much we are asking: Is something okay?
And this is a very polite way to ask that.
So, for example: "Do you mind if _______?", "Do you mind if I smoke?"
So this is a question where you're politely asking: "Is it okay if I smoke?"
So, we don't usually...
Well, we sometimes talk this way to our friends, but we usually use this in formal situations
or with strangers, or with people we don't really know that well.
But we can also use it with friends, too.
"Do you mind if I smoke?"
So you're asking permission.
"Is it okay if I smoke?", "Do you mind if I open the window?", "Do you mind if I turn
off the light?", "Do you mind if I borrow your books?"
So, again, you're asking permission.
Now, if it's okay, you can say: "I don't mind."
This means: "It's okay".
"I don't mind if you open the window.", "I don't mind if you smoke.", "I don't mind if
you borrow my books."
You're saying: "It's okay if you do this."
You don't even need this.
If you want, you can say: "Sure. I don't mind."
So, you know, you don't need the full sentence, you can just say: "I don't mind", and that's
okay, too.
What about if you do mind?
What about if it's not okay?
If somebody says: "Do you mind if I smoke?" and you're not okay with it, what you can
say is: "I prefer if you didn't".
-"Do you mind if I open the window?"
-"Well, I'd prefer if you didn't."
So we say: "I don't mind" if it's okay, and we can say it in different ways, but one way
is if you have a problem you can say: "I'd prefer it if you didn't."
Okay, and then we also have another expression which means very similar: "Would you mind
So this is a very polite way to speak, just like: "Do you mind?", "Would you mind getting
me some coffee?"
So in this case I'm asking somebody to do something for me, so I'm requesting something.
I want somebody to do something for me and I'm asking: "Is it okay?
Is it okay for you...?
Do you mind if you get me some coffee?", "Would you mind getting me some coffee?"
I'm requesting for the person to do something for me.
"Would you mind if I don't go to the party?", "Is it okay if I don't go to the party?
Would you mind?"
So this, again, is very similar to: "Do you mind?"
It's a polite way to either request something or ask for somebody's permission to see if
something is okay.
So these are all very polite ways to speak.
So we've now covered "mind" when we're talking about the brain and thinking, we've covered
"mind" when we're talking about being polite and requesting or asking permission for something.
And now let's look at the final way we use "mind", which is when we're telling somebody
to pay attention to something.
Okay, so our next expression has to do with paying attention.
It means you're telling somebody to be careful about some sort of danger, and so that sentence
is: "Mind the _______!" and then here you put whatever the danger is.
So, for example: "Mind the gap."
If you've ever been on the subway or the tube and you see there's, like, between the train
and the platform, there's like a hole, sometimes people might trip on that so you'll see signs
saying: "Mind the gap", which means: "Be careful about the gap.
Pay attention for this gap."
Or on a rainy day when it rains, the ground has puddles on it.
So, a puddle is like a lot of water, and what you might tell your friend is: "Oh wait, mind
the puddle", meaning: "Pay attention.
There's a puddle there."
Or maybe you see dog poo on the sidewalk, and you're about to step in it and your friend
says: "Mind the dog shit."
Or: "Mind the dog poo", if you want to be more polite.
So, you know, you see these different dangers.
Sometimes they're not dangers, but you really don't want to step in dog doo-doo, so that's
an example.
So anytime you're telling somebody: "Be careful.
Pay attention to this" and it's kind of urgent, you can use: "Mind the _______."
We also have: "Keep in mind".
So, "keep in mind" means you're telling somebody to pay attention to something and not forget
to remember something.
So, for example: "Keep in mind the bus leaves at 8 pm."
This means: "Remember", or, you know: "Keep this on your mind.
Don't forget this.
Pay special attention to this, the bus leaves at 8 pm."
Or imagine your boss is going on vacation and you're not going to be able to contact
them, your boss might tell you: "Keep in mind I'm going on vacation on Tuesday."
So: "Keep in mind" means: "Please remember this."
You're pretty much reminding somebody about something, you're telling them to put...
Or to pay attention to it, to put some sort of focus on it, and to remember it.
So we've covered a lot of different expressions, and just to tell you this, when we cover a
lot of expressions it's very easy to forget some of the ones we cover because we have
covered many.
What I recommend is maybe working on three or four a day, and then just come back to
the video, watch again, learn some new expressions, practice those ones, and once you're comfortable
with those ones maybe work on some of the other expressions we've covered in this video.
You don't have to learn them all at the same time; you can do a little bit every day, and
that way you will remember a lot more.
On that note, I invite you to come check out our website at www.engvid.com and there you
can actually find a quiz where we have all of these expressions and you can practice
using them in our quiz.
So I highly recommend that for practice.
Another point is I'd like you to invite you to subscribe to our channel.
There, you will find a lot of incredible videos on all sorts of things.
We have more vocabulary videos, grammar, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, business English, all sorts
of different resources that are very helpful for students.
So I highly recommend you check that out.
Until next time, take care.
And I will see you later.
For more infomation >> Learn English: 11 'mind' expressions - Duration: 20:36.-------------------------------------------
4 Ways on How to Engage Employees in Meetings - Duration: 8:35.
Hey guys! Welcome to today's video with Maresa Ng Official where we help businesses to grow
Today's video is gonna be a very interesting one. In today's video
I'm gonna talk a little bit about how we notice if teams are engaged during team meetings
As a business advisor to many companies and many businesses, I've had the privilege of
you know, sometimes sitting into board meetings / team meetings, and I noticed a lot of things and I'm always playing the observer
I'm always playing this third eye in the business
But I noticed a lot of things and that's why I'm building this video for you today
Because I noticed four very powerful things. When teams are engaged
I noticed this four things and so I like to share this four with you today
All right
So the first point I'm gonna share with you of an empowered and engaged team, is that the team talks more than the boss
yeah, and just the opposite of that, is when in team meetings. I noticed where the boss is always talking
There's always his or her voice
that's just sounding out the room and why does this happen?
You see, what gets done more in the business is when the boss is talking or when the team is talking?
You see, when we have a very quiet culture and the employees just don't say anything
There are a couple of reasons why this happened. Number One, they simply don't care about the company
That's why they're not contributing yeah. Number Two, maybe there is this "The Boss is always Right Culture" where
employees just feel that, you know
"Whatever I say or whatever
I suggest, the boss is always right, and they don't listen." So, when you start having that kind of culture,
how empowered will the team be? Not really... Number TWO
and I think this is one of the most important aspects to
noticing if a team is engaged or not, is when team meetings begin with PROGRESS REPORTS
So I noticed a lot of team meetings and some team meetings start like this, you know... The boss sits down "Boom"
Everybody is waiting and the boss just goes "Okay, all right guys, what problems do we we have today?
What do we want to talk about today?" And there's no agenda, there's no progress report, there are no numbers, but it's just one
super fantastic doctor sitting in the front and ready to solve problems, you know... So,
when team meetings start like this, they do go on for a pretty long time because yeah
there are a lot of problems in business, yeah? But what are the progress reports?
You know, and what are the team reporting? You know, Number One
You know, when there's a progress report,
team members know what they're accountable for. They know which area they have to affect. They also take accountability
but they're also
empowered to make changes, and part of the meeting
part of inside that meeting, is also talking a little bit about what they can do if the numbers are not met and if the
numbers are met, yeah, you celebrate together. But, what are the progress reports?
Are there 90-Day Plan? Are there SMART goals being discussed in team meetings... Now
this is Number Two and very very important, as far as an empowered meeting. Number THREE, and number
three is a very very big one. I noticed a lot of team meetings
that are empowered and engaged, you're always discussing
They're discussing moving forward
And they're talking about future plans, they're talking about strategies that you're implementing
Just the opposite, are team meetings that are always discussing problems
Have you ever noticed and you see when you're discussing problems, you're always discussing
ways to handle
challenges that you had,
difficult customers, difficult employees, difficult situations, mistakes, fire fighting
There's a lot of that and that stuff never ends
And this is the thing, in an empowered and engaged
team meeting, are you talking about stuff that moves you forward or are you just talking about stuff to
fix problems today. Number FOUR, if a team is engaged, you know what we start to notice? Is that meetings are kept
very very productive and very very short
So for me, a good productive meeting could be anywhere within the hour or one and a half hours tops
And a long meeting would be one that is over two hours, two and a half, sometimes three, sometimes four hours,
there are two breaks in the middle, people go to the toilet, they get up, they have to stretch,
you know... Those are really really long meetings and
just the opposite, you know, when those meetings are getting too long,
first it tires employees out. They're inside tons of meetings, and you know, employees don't want to
spend that much time in team meetings because they just want to get stuff done. Now,
why does this happen? You know, why do long meetings happen?
two very very important
criteria cause long meetings that happened. Number One, employees are not prepared. Yeah. They're not prepared
They don't know what the meeting is about, they didn't get any agenda,
they're not sure what's gonna be discussed... So they just come in, sometimes with an empty notebook and a pen,
yeah. If employees are prepared, they bring in the right reports, they bring in the right decks of slides,
They bring in the stuff that they know are gonna be discussed so that they can get forward movement. Number One,
that's why long meetings. And the second one that causes long meetings
i that the leaders are not prepared themselves. If leaders are not prepared, you know, before you have a team meeting with your team,
there is already a list of things that you know you want to discuss and most of the time, if the leaders are unprepared,
even if the employees are unprepared but leaders are prepared, there is some kind of direction,
meetings will go chop-chop
and this will keep a lot of forward momentum
You see... And one of the things that I noticed when meetings are really really long,
yeah, when meetings go for three, three and a half hours, and totally long
is sometimes because there's not an
consistency in those meetings. And so when meetings drag out really long, there are a lot of things to talk about, and
that meeting is only happening once a month or once in two months when the boss is free
And that's why the meetings gets all dragged out because there's too much to talk about. And the better version of that, is
consistent meetings
but these meetings are very short and
productive, and that
enables, you know, and even creating an agenda
Creating an agenda, a very consistent agenda and shooting out to your team and saying, "Guys,
every weekly meeting, we're gonna be discussing this this this..." And
leaders as well, you know, and sometimes meetings get really dragged out. Why? Because you're having very
specific discussions
with maybe one or two managers of ten people in the room. And the rest of the other eight are disengaging. They just go "Ugh"
You know, and so that one or two are really focused because the boss is talking to them
but the other eight has just gone into handphone mode
So sometimes as a leader, you gotta identify
when these meetings are actually more relevant to just those two people,
take those meetings
offline and get back to the agenda where you have everybody connected with you chop chop
chop, one hour, "Bang", get it out of there, all right?
So this is very very powerful and I just wanted to share this video, why? Because these
really really are things that I get to see in team meetings
but really really if these are things that are happening in your company, either the good parts or the opposite, you know
Make sure that you get some changes today, all right? So, there you have it, guys
You know, I really hope that you enjoy this powerful video. Like if you like this video
Share it of course if you think that others needed, other business owners out there, and of course subscribe to Maresa
Ng Official, because if you want to be able to get in tune with more and more of these kinds of business insights,
don't forget,
and I am putting out information like this on a weekly basis, alright? Guys, because remember this, you know
having a team is to start, but when you work with other people, you gotta set a tempo, you're gotta set a momentum. Why?
Because we all want to have great businesses and remember this, it's not just a great business
but it's also a great life, because being in business is about having more life. Take care. I'll see you next week
Jay King Turquoise Bead Adjustable 241/2" Necklace - Duration: 4:10.
Teach men how to treat you - Duration: 4:18.
ladies if you hold yourself to a higher standard
you can teach men how to treat you even men that you deem to be dogs will
treat you better than they treated other women let me explain this is liberty v justice
reminding you that you are worth it!vales mucho
don't forget to subscribe
I dated this guy it was back in Erie Pennsylvania I was 18 years old it was
right before I went into the army ok and uh he met my mother I met his mother my
mother went and met his mother we were all just cool friends like he was part
of the family and that's because like when I first met this guy it was this
Puerto Rican guy so I'm gonna say Jose it wasn't Jose just so you know but just
to make it up so that people don't know who it is is the only reason I ever
talked to the man is because I was you know walking down the street in my
neighborhood and he was in my neighborhood just like riding his bike
or whatever and he was like "hey beautiful how you doin'?" see now fellas
that is how you approach a lady ok and ladies if a man tells you you're
beautiful I mean isn't that hard to ignore somebody like that? okay Jose and
I never had sex okay and that's why we remain friends you know and I looked at
him when from the moment we met the way you know he approached me "hey beautiful
how you doin'?" you know and how we met each other's families and we went on
trips together and he bought me like stuffed animals he took me and he would
he spent money you know what I mean he was like on disability you know and he
would get a few hundred dollars a month but he was spending all of his money on
me and so you know just buying me stupid stuff like I didn't even ask for it you
worked up teddy bear mama who's buying teddy bear you want this you want that
you know Jose was always taking me out we were going to eat we were doing
things we were going on trips I mean and he was you know what he was really good
to my mom too my mama loved him is that like I there's other woman they seen a
whole inside of Jose because they were
different women right and what I'm trying to tell you ladies is that don't
have sex before marriage because God reveals to you how a person is you can
find out real quick how a man woman too but as dating you can find out real
quick what type of man someone is you know by not having sex in you I mean it
comes out pretty easily too you know but you know Jose was a different person
you see Jose was a different person with those other women because they were
different women they didn't treat Jose the same way I did they weren't as good
to him for one thing they they all had sex with him a lot of them had babies by
him and Jose went to prison and because Jose was on drugs and stuff like that he
was into a lot of stuff because he was he has a lot of problems he's
misunderstood he had problems growing up but with these women they had sex with
him and they treated him a different way
they cussed him out they did this they did that or whatever cuz I know these
women they talk to me I don't know why they were coming to me
telling telling me about Jose I guess they just figured I was cool enough to
talk to you I don't know but you know but anyway you could you can change you
could change somebody and make them step up and change their standards by the way
that you treat yourself by the way you hold your standards you can show
somebody how to treat you and you know like for me I love Jesus I'm not going
to be with a man that's not in love with Jesus but you know like if you're gonna
be with somebody you got to talk to him and learn about them and you gotta if
you want something different you got to be different just do it meaning be you
and do you and get your money and get your mind right ladies get your mind
right and you know what you will have the man that you want in your life
because you'll both be in the same place doing the same thing and you know and
you'll have the minions you don't need to look for a man see that they're
everywhere see that they're everywhere so just do
you just do it like Nike you do what you want to do and you are worth it don't
have sex before marriage okay ballets mucho you are worth it ladies ballets
and just do it like Nike
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Learning Sea Animals Names Water Ocean for Children - Real Fish and Learning For Kids - Happy Land TV
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