We've installed Ubuntu and started working in VI editor.
VI isn't a full IDE and is NOT user friendly.
Just 'sudo apt-get install intelliJ'
Mein Fuhrer... IntelliJ...
IntelliJ isn't in the repository.
Terminal returns 'Unable to locate package'.
Linux geeks - stay here. Others - leave.
Bloody Ubuntu! Damn Command Line Interface!
Is this you "productivity increase" initiative? GUI boosts productivity, Linux kills it!
Error messages instead of working software!
Now you cannot install an IDE! You end up with VI?!
New user can't even close this awful editor!
We'll add PPA, wget tarball and then compile sources...
You have no idea wtf you are talking about!
Linux is open-source, secure and different from Windows!..
GNU software that you can't install!
How is Linux secure?
A new user runs tones of 'sudo's from random forums! Is that secure?
Linux is different? I am not impressed!
I'll find all CLI-only developers!
Squeeze and jerk their balls!
Don't replace great GUI with a crappy one just because we are different from Stalin!
Yet, Linux does exactly this! Because "Linux is different from Windows"
Damn it!
Bloody dependency hell and brute force tweaking!
We have pending projects and no time to waste.
We try to work in Linux, but it spits back stupid error messages!
Are we masochists like those Linux lovers?!
Geeks show off on public, but use Mac at home.
We have to install VirtualBox, Guest Windows and work from there.
Slow, ugly, inconvenient.
But if you believe I am going to use VI You are mistaking. I'd rather use punch cards.
Do whatever you like.
For more infomation >> Hitler rants about Linux - Duration: 4:00.-------------------------------------------
You Don't Know How Toilets Work - The Illusion Of Explanatory Depth - Duration: 11:39.
>> ALEX: You don't know how toilets work.
This thing you use every single day, hopefully, you know almost nothing about even though
you may think you do.
I guarantee it.
Well, actually, I don't guarantee it, maybe a plumber is watching, or maybe you just really
know how a toilet works, but chances are that you think you know how a toilet works, but
you actually don't.
Let's talk to some people, and, I recommend you too answer my questions as we go.
Hey guys, I'm here interviewing some people, let's get technical.
So, on a scale of 1-10, 1 being you have no knowledge whatsoever, 10 being you're an expert
in this, rate how well you understand how a toilet works.
>> ALEX: A 3? That's a good answer.
>> PARTICIPANT: A 9 or 8 I think
That is a 3 for me
3, 4 maybe
I'd go with maybe a 2
I give it a 4.5 out of 10
Maybe 3
>> ALEX: That's good, solid answer.
So, can you explain to me, step by step, how a toilet works.
>> PARTICIPANT: Well, so there's a handle, and you flush it, and it goes through some machinery,
There's little lever inside the little box that's behind what you sit on, and then it...
I just know there's just kinda pipes, and I don't really know.
The water washes down into the pipes, okay?
There's like pipes going into the top thing, and then you press the flusher thing, and then the water goes all around and it flushes the gross stuff out.
>> ALEX: How does it actually, like, *flush* it out?
>> PARTICIPANT: It goes down a pipe? I don't know.
Water comes out into the bowl, and pushes the stuff down.
>> ALEX: Can you elaborate on that? Like, the pushing?
>> PARTICIPANT: Um, I'm not sure.
>> ALEX: How does the water actually go down?
>> PARTICIPANT: Um, can't wait for the next Technicality video for that one!
>> ALEX: Cool! So, now after you explained it, can you reevaluate yourself? On a scale of 1-10, rate how well you know how toilets work.
A 6 or a 7.
Like, 2 or 3.
Like a 2.
I think 2 was maybe pretty accurate, although I might want to decrease to a 1.
I'd put myself on a 1.5.
I don't know, I think I'm still a 3.
Uhh, like an 7. I did better than I thought I would.
I'm gonna say 2-3.
Oh, like 1. *both laugh*
This is known as the illusion of explanatory depth, the keyword there being explanatory,
but we'll get to that later.
The Illusion of Explanatory Depth is when people inaccurately overestimate their knowledge in a certain thing.
You can see this illusion everywhere, because there's so much stuff we use all the time
and people know almost nothing about, but they think they do.
You could just swap toilets from the previous example and replace them with refrigerators
or zippers or locks or bikes or can openers or a lot of other things!
Leonid Rozenblit and Frank Keil, both Yale psychologists, coined the term back in 2002
with this study: The misunderstood limits of folk science: an illusion of explanatory depth.
Hey, quick post-production note. You may notice I didn't put in a picture of Mr. Rozenblit, and that's because no picture of him comes up when you Google his name, but John Green's there for some reason, soooo.
Among other things, like doing many, many, many tests to prove that this is actually
a thing, they outline four factors that contribute to this illusion of explanatory depth.
Change blindness.
Or, more specifically, change blindness blindness.
Let me explain.
This is a bike.
You probably know that, but, now, close your eyes, can you picture a bike?
Maybe it looks something like this, or maybe this, or maybe even this.
Yea, none of those designs would actually work as a bike.
This is Phil Fernbach.
He has a doctorate in cognitive science and is the co-author of The Knowledge Illusion:
Why We Never Think Alone.
>> PHIL FERNBACH: A psychologist studied this question, he wanted to see if people know how a bike works.
He brought people into the lab. He gave them a simple test, he said, "just draw in where the pedals go, draw in where the chain goes and draw in where the frame goes.
I'm gonna show you a couple examples of what people came up with.
Here's one. Bikes haven't looked like this since the 1920s
Here's another one. If you have teeny-tiny legs, this might be the bike for you.
>> BABY LEGS: Baby legs, here we go!! TTTttttt (I don't know how to put that sound into words)
>> ALEX: That was a clip from his TED talk on the subject.
Except for that Rick and Morty clip, I added that myself.
>> PHIL FERNBACH: I didn't cherrypick these examples, these are good representations of the average level of knowledge of bicycles, despite the fact that we all ride them every single day.
>> ALEX: We, as humans, rely very heavily on information that is right in front of us.
"When people succeed at solving problems with devices they may underestimate how much
of their understanding lies in relations that are apparent in the object as opposed to being
mentally represented."
When the bike is in front of me, of course it's a bike, but when we change that, we
become both blind to the makeup of the bike and blind to the fact that we are blind to
the makeup of the bike.
Change blindness blindness
Confusion with layers of explanation.
What is this?
Ok, so let's take my phone, for example.
How would you explain my cell phone?
Well, among other things, you might mention that there's a touch screen, a battery,
a speaker, emojis, and a camera.
Ok, so if you're then asked what's a camera, you might mention, well, there's a lens,
a flash, an aperture, et cetera.
Did you just see what we did there?
We just delved into 2 different layers of analysis when it comes to my phone.
The first layer is the stuff that makes up my phone, the second layer is the stuff that
makes up that stuff, and so on and so on if we were to continue.
A problem arises when we gain a surface layer understanding of something, but then think
we know all the layers, creating the illusion of explanatory depth.
Going back to our toilet example, yes, you know that when you press the flushy thing,
the water in the tanky thing empties, and pours out into the bowly thing.
But wait, how does the water actually get from the tank to the bowl?
Where does all that water in the bowl go?
How does the tank know when to stop refilling?
And what other parts play a role?
These are deeper level questions that you may not be able to answer, but because you
know the first layer, your brain thinks "Yea, I know how that works."
And this contradiction is a big
factor in the illusion of explanatory depth.
Murkiness of Knowledge.
This one kinda builds on the previous point.
Remember when I said that the key word in the illusion of explanatory depth is explanatory?
That's because this illusion really only works with explanatory knowledge, not with
facts or processes or other kinds of knowledge.
It's really easy to know if you know a fact or a process.
Do you know how old I am?
It's a question in the comments that is very very very very very very very very very
very very very very hey we done yet?
Not even close?
Cool cool.
Very very very
>> SPONGEBOB NARRATOR: 2,000 years later.
>> ALEX: Very very very very very common.
It's a fact, and it's pretty easy to tell if you know it or not.
A lot of people don't, apparently.
You just ask yourself, how old is Alex?
And if your answer is I don't know, then you don't know, and if your answer is the
15, then you know it.
Same reasoning for processes.
For example, do you know how to turn on post notification for Technicality?
*weird wink thing*
If your answer is I don't know, then you don't know, and if your answer is, well,
just click the little bell right beneath the video, check "Send me all notifications
for this channel," and click save, then you know it.
So do that--.
However, with explanatory knowledge, that ease simply isn't there because of those
layers of explanation we talked about earlier.
With processes, you have a clear beginning and end, and with facts, it's clear if you
either know them or if you don't.
None of that is true when it comes to explanatory knowledge.
Explanations usually, if not always, have no clear ending because there are so many
layers of explanation you can go into, and, thus, it's not clear if know it or not.
And finally, four!
The rarity of explanations.
Think about the last time you said a fact or told someone about a process.
It probably wasn't too long ago.
However, explanations are much more rare.
You don't often explain how toilets or bikes or refrigerators work, and that's because
you don't really need too.
Thus, we have less familiarity with explanations, making us more susceptible to overestimating
our knowledge.
Quote from the Rozenblit and Keil study, "Although each of these four features may be present
to some extent with other kinds of knowledge, such as facts or procedures, we claim they
converge most strongly with explanations, producing a powerful illusion of knowing."
One of the most important takeaways of the illusion of explanatory depth is that recognition
does not equal understanding.
You know THIS is a computer, but that doesn't mean you know how it works.
And that's ok, if my computer ever breaks, well, I know a guy who can hook me up and
fix it, right?
*long, awkward pause* The Division of Cognitive Labour.
Many many years ago, when we switched from a hunting and gathering society to an agriculture
society, we also switched to specialization.
This means that people who are the most helpful to society are really good at one thing, because,
if we're all really good at one thing, we can all work together to combine those talents.
No one needs to know everything, but if they know a lot of other people, and, collectively,
those other people know almost everything, then we're all set.
This is the Division of Cognitive Labour.
That's why we see kids start suffer from the illusion of explanatory depth at the same
age they learn about which professionals know what, around 3-5 years old.
At those ages, kids learn stuff like how a doctor will know how to make you not sick
and farmer will know how to make you not hungry.
That's why we can get away with the illusion of explanatory depth.
Because we've evolved so that we can rely on others, it doesn't hurt us to not be
able to explain something.
Or does it?
See, it's not gonna hurt me to not know how zipper zips stuff, but can the illusion
of explanatory depth actually have a pretty big impact?
Turns out, yea.
Remember Phil Fernbach from earlier?
Well, in that TED Talk, he talks about a study he did where he brought in participants and
polled them on certain topical political issues.
Stuff that's fairly controversial, like a single-payer healthcare system, and emissions
trading, and GMOs.
Participants were asked to explain how each of those things work, and what Phil and his
team found was that people, even if they have extreme, passionate views on a certain issue,
don't always know how that issue works.
>> PHIL FERNBACH: They think they know how these policies work, when, in fact, they don't. And the attempt to try to explain leads to drastic reduction in the feeling that they get these things.
>> ALEX: Moreover, in another study, they brought in a bunch who people who had all different opinions
on GMOs, ranging from they're great and everyone should eat them to they're terrible
and no one should eat them, and asked participants to answer this question: true or false: a
gene inserted into a food can migrate into the genetic code of humans who consume that
Now, if you're curious, this is false, but what's interesting is what Phil found.
>> PHIL FERNBACH: The people who are most passionate, most vociferously opposed to this, are the ones who most strongly hold this false belief.
Now, I'm not trying to imply that everyone opposed to GMOs hold this false belief.
What I implore you to do, though, is think about it. Do you know enough to hold the position that you do as strongly as you do?
>> ALEX: Woah.
So the next time you're advocating for a certain view, make sure you ask yourself to explain
the topic before you vote or tell the world.
You should, quite literally, check yourself before you wreck yourself.
Oh, and if you're still curious about how the standard toilet works: the water level
is usually low enough so it doesn't go up and then down this pipe, called the trap,
but when you press the handle, the piece covering the hole at the bottom of the tank is lifted,
allowing the water to go into the main bowl, forcing the water currently in the toilet
to go up, in, and down this pipe.
That's why you can "flush" a toilet by just pouring water in it.
*Maybe a clip of interviews*
If you enjoyed this video, it's really helpful if you leave a like, or share it on social
media or Reddit.
Thanks for watching, DFTBA, and explore on.
I would like to give a huge thank you to this episode's sponsor, PosterBurner.
PosterBurner prints phenomenal, high-quality posters for a simply great price.
I've got 2 of their posters myself, and, let me tell you guys, these things look amazing.
I took this picture of my dog on my phone, and it looks CRAZY good on this 11x17 poster.
oooh, me me big boy.
Here's a beautiful poster of the Technicality logo.
Whether you want a big or small poster, whether it be for personal or business, PosterBurner
has got you covered.
You know what, I just realized you could print a picture of Pi on a poster that's 3.14 inches
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Wow that's so cool. Someone should totally do that and tweet a picture of it at me.
Go to PosterBurner.com/Technicality to get 10% off your order. You will not be disappointed.
If you want to check out another mind-blowing psychology experiment, check out this video
about how food presentation affects taste.
I made vanilla cake taste like chocolate just by adding brown dye.
Click the end card to check it out, if you're new here, subscribe!
Thanks for watching, that's to all my patrons at patreon.com/Technicality, more specifically,
these on screen right now.
Click the end card ok byeee.
Fishing for silver sea trouts with sbirolino and fly - Duration: 15:56.
It's the middle of November
and we are out in the "Danish South sea"
Come and follow OUT FOR TROUT
to enjoy this wonderful day at the coast!
Hi everybody!
The sun is shining
but it's a bit cloudy as well
Isn't that optimal for sea trout fishing, Mattis?
So what's our plan for today?
We felt like trying out a new spot today
Hopefully, it's going to be a lucky day!
It's closed season for coloured sea trouts right now,
so we decided to fish closer to the open coast
Hopefully we'll find some shiny silver trouts over here
There's indeed a chance for that!
This spot looks pretty good!
We are here on purpose to not fish the brackish areas
where you can find many coloured fish at this time
Maybe this works out...
A few "Grönländer" would be nice
or a big "Überspringer"
This can definitely happen here at any time!
We've prepared this trip with google maps again
and we chose a spot with nice structure
Here's a satellite picture
Our plan for today is
to concentrate on fishing this spot downwind
It gets dark pretty early meanwhile
so we will fish till 4 pm or 4.30
And that's enough because it also got colder
I even brought my gloves today!
Fishing for a few hours is just right then at such a day!
As you can see
We're using the fly- and the spinning rod again today
We're going to try both tactics
to find trouts further out
as well as closer to shore without spooking them
That's my task then!
Flyfishing is like approaching trouts in stealth mode
and you can cast right at the fish without spooking them
whilst a sbirolino might scare them in the shallow areas
But the sbiro would be better for long distance fishing
We'll try both today!
There's really nice structure over here
reaching out about 200 meters into the open water
That's really interesting for Mattis' sbirolino fishing
while I will focus on the shorter distance
But that's definitely enough to get some nice fish
And there's heaps of structure close to shore!
That could work!
Shall we start then?
Yeah! I'm pretty keen!
I'm itching to start fishing now!
This spot looks so good
and I just want to make some casts!
and hopefully hook some nice fish!
Yeah, definitely!
I'd be happy after the first trout!
For sure!
Let's go get them!
Mattis has started already
and because he's fishing with the sbirolino,
I won't start next to him with the fly rod,
but go a bit further up the coast
and fish my way down to him from the other direction
The area that I'm fishing in
remains unaffected by the (maybe) scaring sbirolino
and I can pretty carefully fish and stalk
in the shallow areas then
I simply have a better feeling fishing this way
'cause nothing would spook the fish I'm after
But that's just my personal preference...
Feel welcome to comment on that!
But now, I'm going to start!
It's not good that Mattis is already making some casts
while I'm not...
See you later!
Take take take!
What the...?
There's something on!
Yeah, that's a fish!
But it feels strange!
It's pretty small!
What is it?!
So here's fish #1
Mattis, what is it?
That's a bullhead!
Didn't expect that one on the fly...
but he obviously liked my pattern!
Let's have a look!
Spiky little guy!
He looks pretty cool!
Yeah, funny guy!
With a huge mouth!
Let's put him back then!
After this amazing catch,
we fish our way up the coast
and the seaweed meadow slowly changes
to a more promising bottom structure for sea trout
The water temperature has already decreased a bit
so it may help to use brightly coloured fly patterns
like this Polar Magnus
That was a good take!
Right in the shallow area?
Or what?
Yeah, right over here!
Get it now!
There're trouts around!
It looks just perfect!
There's nice murky water
and as Mattis mentioned: Nice bottom structure
There must be trouts around then!
The sun is warming the shallow water a bit
Nooo! Got off!!!
That one felt really good!
Really heavy!
D a a a a a amn!
Come on! You'll get it!
Try again!
That was a really heavy shaking in the rod!
Unfortunately, it didn't take my fly again...
There was something going on at Arne's spot
I'm not too sure what happened...
I'll go to him and ask him what went wrong!
That actually looked like a good fish
at least he whinged like that...
Let's see!
I've just reached Arne
and he hadn't moved for 15 minutes now
That's a sign that sth. happened over here
What was it?
I had two really good contacts
and the second time I even hooked the fish
and I could really feel a good weight!
It felt really decent!
But then it was directly off again!
But it felt really good!
Too bad!
We decided to go a bit further up the coast
'cause every sea trout fisherman knows:
You need to find the fish first
and then you may be successful!
I just lost a nice one
But we'll find others!
Oh no dude!
That was another good take!
It nailed the fly!
But I just untangled some line
'cause the wind entangled it in my basket
it blew all the line in one corner
and that's really annoying then!
They always strike when you're doing sth. else... !
That's just not possible!
What was that?!
A nice fish in the evening sun!
That's a nice little trout
which can surely grow a bit more!
Changing the spot one last time!
Let's see if
the dusk might be helpful for catching another trout...
You often have to search for the fish, but
that's sea trout fishing!
Here's finally the cliff coast!
cliff coasts are often a good indicator for trout spots!
We'll find out!
Nice one!
Have a nice
way back home!
Well done!
Now I caught my trout as well!
Bigger ones would be great now!
Maybe dusk will bring some more!
Otherwise we can be happy about the trophy bullhead!
Let's go on!
Pretty far out this time!
How stereotypical is that?!
Catching trouts at dusk once again...
And going back home again!
This Polar Magnus here just lost one eye!
I broke it off while using the pliers...
Let's see if this one-eyed Polar Magnus
may do the job as well...
For sure!
A new pattern!
Here we go!
Despite the Cyclops Magnus,
we didn't catch any more trouts that day...
A nice day at the coast is coming to an end
we were pretty lucky with the weather today
The sun was nice and warming,
we had clear blue sky for some time
That was nice, wasn't it?
Very nice for this time of the year!
Even the hands got warm again while fishing in the sun!
That was really comfy!
Yeah, that was nice!
And things even worked out for us...
Yeah, kind of at least...
We only caught shiny silver trouts
and no coloured ones...
except the brown bullhead for sure,
that one wasn't really shiny...
but the trouts were all silver at least
all a bit small nevertheless
about 35 centimeters
you hooked a better one for a short moment
That was a bit too short in my opinion...!
That was a really nice take
and I could directly feel a decent fish
But it directly got off again then!
It wasn't properly hooked,
but that's sea trout fishing!
We walked, waded and casted a lot today
We finally found some trouts which was our aim
and we'll surely get the big one another day then!
That's for sure!
And you can subscribe to our channel!
So you won't miss the next trip with
With the big trout then!
With the big one!
We'll have a nice tea now
and then
head back home
where it's nice and warm
See you next time!
Bye bye!
When do you need an estate litigation lawyer? Elm Law - Duration: 0:56.
It's not common to need an estate litigation lawyer.
We certainly don't get that much repeat business. But when you do need an estate
litigation lawyer, then you really need one.
The important thing to remember with estate litigation is that you should
retain a lawyer as early in the process as possible. Think about how much easier
it is to stop money from being dispersed from the estate when it's still in the
estate. Rather than trying to chase down money that's already been dispersed to
beneficiaries. This is an emotionally loaded time for families and it's
important to have someone in your corner who's going to do the economic analysis
to decide what's best for you.
Broncos' Brandon Marshall Motivates Students - Duration: 1:39.
(Brandon Marshall) "Class class?"
(Students) "Yes yes!"
"Hey DPS, this is Brandon Marshall - linebacker for the Denver Broncos - and my message to
you guys is to stay in school, man.
Stay in school, work hard, and persevere through anything or any trying time that you might
"That is part of the reason why I'm here today."
"You gotta come to class first!"
"As far as perseverance goes, you know, I had to persevere through some things.
You know, I was... released, three times in my career so far.
While I was released, I was told that I wasn't good enough to play or maybe I should look
for something else to do.
But you know, I didn't listen to what anybody else had to say."
"Just like you guys, I knew what I wanted to be at your age when I grew up - and you
know where it started at right?
It started off with school."
"You know, there's a lot of people that will try to tell you that you can't do something,
or that you shouldn't do something.
But all it takes is one person to believe, and if you believe in yourself that's all
that matters.
And look at me today, standing here as a Super Bowl champion."
"I had to go to school, I had to get the good grades.
Everything you guys have named - fashion designer, basketball, doctor - you have to get an education."
"Sometimes it's going to be rainy days, it's going to be hard days.
But my message to you guys is push through, when you don't feel like doing something,
if you don't feel like going to school, if you don't feel like doing your homework...
push through it."
"You guys have to work hard to learn, to do your homework...
I still have to work hard.
I still have to learn plays.
I still have to study."
"And I promise you at the end you'll become successful and you'll be able to be whatever you want
to be in life."
Use The Going Meta Hack To Stand Out As A Recruiter - Duration: 4:24.
Hey guys!
This is DSP, David Stephen Patterson, Founder of 7-Figure Headhunter.
And in today's video, I'm going to show you how using the 'Going Meta' hack can help you
stand out as a recruiter.
Now in today's recruiting world, it seems like everyone says the exact same thing…it's
like a broken record "We only recruit A-Players" "We recruit the top 10% of candidates"
"We only talk to superstar candidates" Like really?!?! …you can go to any recruiter's
website and they all say the same thing, and they repeat it ad nauseam.
So is it any wonder why hiring managers just don't listen?…and be honest.
Are you guilty of this?
I'm willing to bet you are…
You see, right now your dream clients hear the same line from every recruiter who hits
them up with a voice mail, email, LinkedIn message, so they tune it out.
Yet as recruiters we all feel the need to repeat the same tired line over and over and
over again.
Recruiters tend live in an echo chamber…we only hear ourselves and we think our crap
doesn't stink! (even though it does) So how do you stand out from the crowd when everyone
else is saying the same thing?
Well you do that by Going Meta!
"Meta" simply means about the thing or the situation itself.
"Going Meta" means seeing the thing or situation from a higher perspective instead
of from within it like everyone else.
In other words being self-aware.
How will "Going Meta" get you noticed?
Well, imagine the next time you're lucky enough to get a prospective client on the
phone , which is pretty rare admittedly because we all know they don't pick up, or even
when you pitch yourself over email…imagine saying this: "Bob, I realize that every
single recruiter out there says they recruit A-Player talent.
You know that saying 'if I had a nickel every time I hear _____?'
Well if that were true I'm sure you'd be rich by now!
Look, we claim the same thing, BUT we validate this claim by checking references for each
of our candidates before we submit them to our clients.
When was the last time your agency sent you a reference write-up on every candidate they
"Now the downside to this approach, is that YOU ACTUALLY HAVE TO DO THE DAMN THING that
you claim to do and provide those references…But do you see how calling out the behavior of
all the other recruiters out there, including yourself and offering a solution, can set
you apart?
Can you see how that little pattern interrupt, and that small shift in perspective puts your
prospective client and you together on one side of the fence, looking at all the other
recruiters on the other side of the fence?
Give this a shot in your marketing and recruiting and let me know what happens.
What other ways can you 'Go Meta' to set yourself apart from the crowd?
I'm sure there's a ton more that this a great starting point for you.
And if you're really interested in taking your career to the next level, click down
below for my free report on the 7 biggest recruiting mistakes of the new millennium
and how to avoid them so you can have the most epic year of your career, ever, and check
out my site davidstephenpatterson.com for even free resource guides and videos.
If you want to join my private Facebook strategy group specifically designed for headhunters
and executive recruiters just like you, click the link below, request access, and you can
start networking and learning from the best recruiters in the industry.
If you want to learn how to start, brand, automate, and scale your very own independent
recruiting practice, well you might want to sign up for my free weekly live webclass,
link also down below.
If you liked this video hit that like button, share it wth your friends or anyone who might
benefit from watching this video, and of course subscribe to my channel.
I'll be releasing more content every Tuesday and Friday as I put the power back in the
hands of the recruiter.
Thanks for watching, and happy hunting!
Can you upload 16K video to YouTube in 2017? - YouTube Insight #95 [EN] - Duration: 6:56.
BIG BLACKHEAD REMOVAL - V 4 YOU - Duration: 4:58.
Blackheads, those dark spots that seem beneath the skin, are often unpleasant and ugly.
they're caused by the buildup of oils, skin cells and bacterium within the pores, per
acnetalks.com. once this mixture is pushed to the surface, the air oxidizes the contents
and provides it the achromatic look.
as a result of blackheads area unit basically dead pimples, they're not painful and might
be removed however you want to try this rigorously to avoid permanent injury to the skin or spreading
Prepare the Skin: The skin is a porous and elastic organ.
It responds to stimuli in different ways and one way to condition it is through heat and
Moisture serves to soften the skin and heat opens the pores naturally as the body wants
to release sweat more easily.
The method by which you accomplish this is up to you but steam is a good option, as is
pressing a warm washcloth to the area.
Another important consideration is to avoid the spread of a bacterial infection.
Keep your hands clean, as well as any tools that will be touching the area.
Disinfecting with rubbing alcohol can help but do not apply alcohol directly to the skin,
as it can seep into cuts and cause further inflammation, as well as drying out the skin
and defeating the purpose of the warm moisture.
Remove the Blackhead To remove the blackhead, you need to apply
pressure at the base of the pore to force it through the thin layer of skin holding
it in.
There are a number of ways to accomplish this, the most common and basic is the use of a
tissue and simply pressing the fingers around the edges of the blackhead.
If this method does not work, you might use tools, such as tweezers.
Maintain the same technique, not squeezing the top of the blackhead, but squeezing from
the base.
Care Fair, a skin care web site recommends using aligned tweezers in order to avoid slipping
and scratching the skin.
It offers similar warnings for tools such as metal loop extractors, which allow you
to place a loop over the blackhead to force it out, or spoon extractors, which are similar
to tweezers.
If the blackhead doesn't pop out with relative ease, do not force it as this could lead to
scarring or spreading of infection by rupturing the pore and releasing the bacteria to other
areas of the skin.
Coax Out the Blackhead If the squeezing methods do not bring the
blackheads to the surface, you may need to give it more time to rise to the surface by
There are a few things you can do to expedite the process.
Exfoliation of the skin is important, as it removes dead skin cells from the surface and
might stimulate the skin beneath.
You also can try methods that pull the blackheads rather than push.
One common method is the use of blackhead strips, which connect to the blackheads through
glue, and then pull them out when you yank the strip away.
Or, there are blackhead "vacuums" that suck the blackhead out.
Either of these methods might work but you should exfoliate beforehand to remove any
possible impediments.
Fix the Problem from the Inside Blackheads are a type of acne, which means
that they result from bacterial infection.
But this bacterial infection is allowed to take hold because of excess oil in the skin.
The causes are varied including eating greasy foods--which increases the oils in the skin--or
overuse of oily makeup.
Or, it may just be a hormonal, chemical imbalance issue in which case a doctor can prescribe
If you can figure out the cause of the blackheads, it will be easier to take preventive or remedial
measures so that you don't need to remove large blackheads in the future.
Destroy Target Artifact - Booster Giveaways - Introductory Welcome! No Giveaway! How it works - Duration: 7:38.
okay hello everybody welcome to destroy target artifact where our target
artifacts are fresh sealed product for every product we open we are giving out
that same thing if we open the booster pack and make somebody a booster pack
what you've gotta do is comment in the comments below and include every clue
that's mentioned in the video so for example for this first one you got to
include affa protector the first card that we find in oath of the game watch every
video might be different and who knows what the clues are gonna be and when
they're gonna pop up let's say we open a booster box we're gonna be giving out a
whole booster box just somebody who includes all the clues in the comment so
also if you're under 18 and living with your folks and have
the same address as them please make sure you inform them of you giving
out their address let's see this is pretty cool and natural endurance we're
not giving out anything in this video
but I just want to let everybody know how it works let's see so for today you
see I've got a couple of patches there in each video say in this video I'm
gonna open up one a market and one hour of devastation give away the other one
like you're just got to watch the video and see what you need to include it
might be name your card with the favorite it's your favorite artwork
Unknown Shores land so I don't know what I'm looking for
I just know that
in Amonket and Hour of devastation there our invocation cards I really like those
earlier I opened some cards and got a foil right off the bat can't really see
the foil while it's in the sheet desert of the true that one's a foil one I got
really excited but that really wasn't really all that great I've really gotta
find those invocations in these but in oath of game watch I just wanted to open
this and talk to you all well you know it goes down reflector mage this looks
what does that called
full art basic land so let's see you say at the end of another video I say what's
your favorite what's your favorite white
your favorite white card really broad so you can put whatever from any series or
what's your favorite series and you just mentioned that in the comments um
nothing really that great this one's rare I don't know how collectible it is
but here's another this night a lie you need to create a token creature to -
that's a night Ally theres your guy I really don't know much about the game
right now just refamiliarizing myself but let's see what we get I might tell ya'll something haven't yet
oh yeah okay so after every video it's
going to be up for ten days sling crater sand worm
No it's kind of the no kind of in the beginning of the pack I see these
uncommon right here legendary artifact Kefnet's monument blue creature spells
you cast cost it one last to cast whenever you cast a creature spell
target creature an opponent controls doesn't on top during its controller's
next on top face Watchers of the day the cat because I Watchers of the Dead each
opponent chooses two cards in his or her graveyard it was exiles the Rose that's
a rare and there's a still you know four cards right here let's see oh that's
pretty it's got that oil on it it's cold it's a common came under the pantheon so
I guess that's the thing there's always the token and then I'll and that one was
another full art lands so watch the rest of the videos we're giving away at a
market booster and hour of devastation in one video in another video this right
here well I guess I'll just have to do with this I just have to flip a card
Gangplank Montage feat. Tobias Fate - Best Gangplank plays 2017 - Duration: 10:50.
Soul Insole Revolutionary Orthotic Technology - Duration: 1:52.
Some and Any: The Grammar Gameshow Episode 8 - Duration: 6:23.
What should I be looking for in a family lawyer? - Duration: 1:15.
When you're looking for a family lawyer the most important thing that you need
to have is absolute trust with that person. You need to trust that they're
going to be giving you the best advice and you need to trust them as a person.
That they care about you and they care about your well-being. The most important
thing about your lawyer is that you like them as a person and that you feel they
are emotionally supportive of you going through a very difficult time in your
life. They're giving you legal advice yes but they're also supporting you and
making sure that you understand what your rights and responsibilities are. The
lawyer that you choose to represent you should focus their practice on family
law. This is a very unique area of law and there are all kinds of details that
someone who dabbles in family law is not going to get. At the end of the day this
is your life and you'll be living with the decisions that you make in this
period of time for a long time to come. So you want a specialist who's going to
lead you in the right direction.
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