It's possible
to live in a world
where everything you try to do is successful.
There is a world like that.
The sky is blue somewhere in this world.
There's a different way to live.
You can…you can have everything.
You can have…what money you want, you can have.
And you don't have to fight,
get exhausted.
You don't have to live like that.
There's a blue sky,
but you have to try to imagine.
You can have a—
any relationship you want.
If you already have a relationship,
you can make it perfect.
"No, no, Geshe Michael, I'm married for 20 years;
"nothing's going to change now.
"It's not possible now.
"I tried to fix my husband for 10 years,
"and for 10 years, I just gave up.
"It's too late.
He's not going to change now."
Then, in this system,
you can change anything.
You can remodel your husband completely.
You can do it.
You can have blue ocean at home.
Then people say, "I feel… I'm getting older.
"I feel heavy.
"I used to work late, you know,
"2 o'clock, and now I'm too tired.
"I used to do... hundred different things;
"now I'm so tired, I can't do it, you know?
"I'm getting older.
"My face is changing.
"And, I cannot…
Now it's too late."
Then that's also not truth.
You can change your body.
You don't have to get older.
You can have the energy that you had
when you were very young.
Okay? I'm in Shanghai.
I came to visit Shanghai.
I'm telling them about the blue sky.
They don't believe me 100%.
I say there...there can be a blue sky in Shanghai.
Then they are like,
"I don't think so.
"It sounds nice.
"We would like to have a blue sky,
"but I don't think it's possible.
"I'm happy to come to your program.
"I would like to learn a few things about…
"to be more successful.
"But a complete change in my world—
"I'm very successful financially;
"my husband or wife becomes perfect;
"my body feels like I'm twenty years old;
"all my doubts and all my worries are gone;
"I'm totally peaceful;
"I'm totally happy;
"excited all the time—
"you know, I…
"I don't think really that that's possible.
"And especially the world—
"you know, I understand it would be nice
"if there's no war;
"I understand it would be nice if everybody…
"not just not hungry, but wealthy;
"I understand that;
"I can imagine it,
"but I don't really believe it's possible—
there's not enough resources for everybody to have a Ferrari."
Then you believe that.
So you are like Shanghai people with the brown sky.
And from the beginning,
my job
is just to get you to imagine
your life,
What money you want, you have.
Your family, your husband, wife, perfect.
Your body feels young.
Inside you are extremely happy all the time.
And in the world,
Relationship between countries.
Hunger is gone.
There's no unhappiness in the whole world.
Everybody treats everybody like a family.
Then is it possible?
You see, this is the goal.
That's what we are doing here.
I don't want you to think, "Oh, if I use this system,
maybe next year I can make $10,000 more, you know?"
That's not the goal.
Can we learn a system which makes the world perfect?
Can we make the whole world have unlimited resources?
Is our life up to now,
is the system up to now,
in the world,
is it broken?
It's just broken.
There's a something we didn't understand.
All countries, all people—is there something we don't know?
And if we learn it,
can we make the ocean blue again?
Can it be a perfect world?
So that's…please, that's what I want you to think about, okay?
We will make you successful financially.
You will have a lot of money.
And you will be super-healthy.
And your married life will be like heaven.
And all day long, even in Moscow traffic,
you will be like a Buddhist monk—very...
But that's not the real goal, okay?
If you learn this system,
you can change the whole world.
You can make the whole world successful.
And that's…that's much more exciting.
But you cannot do that,
you cannot make the whole world
happy and successful,
if you cannot do it for yourself.
So our first job:
we…each of us must become successful.
As much money as you want.
Young, health.
Beautiful partner.
Inside, extremely peaceful.
Our job,
in these three days:
teach you how to start.
You become super-successful yourself.
And then we can change the world.
But don't forget the goal.
We want to make the whole world bring back the blue sky.
Make the whole oceans clean again.
And the whole world's like one family.
That's the goal.
The way to get there—
you must become successful.
And that's fun.
Okay? It's fun to be successful.
For more infomation >> To Imagine Your Life Perfect - Duration: 10:09.-------------------------------------------
Automatically You Are Helping the World - Duration: 1:55.
Then, I don't know,
tomorrow you are taking me to a nice restaurant, okay?
We are having a— the Romania team—
we are having a team dinner, okay?
Scott is paying. You are ... You are ... Okay?
if we go to the restaurant together,
we take one table with our team,
Romania team,
and there are many other people in the restaurant,
but they are not eating anything.
They are not drinking anything.
Then I ask you, you know, "What's the problem in ... in Bucharest?
"Why ... why these other people aren't eating, you know?
Is there something wrong with the food?"
"No, no, these people, they ...
they are in the restaurant, but they cannot afford."
Then, can you enjoy the dinner,
if the other people in the restaurant—
many other people— cannot buy anything?
It's not fun to eat in front of hungry people.
You are like ...
You know?
You ... you don't want them to see, you know?
So the fifth goal—
now we have rock n' roll–
fifth goal—
what do you think?
(audience member) Compassion.
I want everyone to have those four.
And in this system,
when you use the system to get the first four,
automatically you get number five.
Automatically, you are helping the whole world.
So, it's very cool. Okay?
New View Configuration Panel in Altium Designer 18.0 - Duration: 14:52.
In this video I want to tell about new View Configuration panel which was added in AD18.0.
This panel was introduced instead of old modal dialog View Configuration in previous versions.
New panel was added for quick access to all visibility preferences and they are not required any time for applying with new graphical engine.
Remind how this dialog looks in Altium Designer 17 and I will show where you can find old settings in new panel.
In previous versions you can press key L and huge dialog will opened.
First tab here contains layers visibility settings and all layers displayed by groups .
It was possible to enable/disable visibility for whole group and also enable only used layers in group.
Let's see how this settings look in new panel and how we can control layers visibility.
If I press L in Altium Designer 18 then new panel will opened.
This panel contains only 2 tabs - Layers&Colors and View Options.
First tab have 2 sections - Layers and System Colors
All layers displayed like tree view and you can collapse/expand any group
For each group you have eye sign for enable/disable all layers in the group and also button Used On
Groups Signal and Plane layers now presented in common list with same order like in stackup
At the end of layer name in round brackets you can find shortcut for quick enable/disable that layer
This is the same shortcuts like in previous version.
How it works before: if I press L and then press key 2 - then layer #2 was enabled.
And how it works in AD18: press L.... press 2 and layer 2 was enabled. Continue to press 3,4,5,6,7...
Even not all high experienced Altium users know about this ability =)
Next functional from AD17 - is ability to create layer pairs.
These layer pairs usually are used for component description from two PCB sides (Top and Bottom).
In Altium Designer 18, we have group of layers "Component Layer Pairs" where layers split on 2 columns for Top and Bottom side.
In this group you can find system layer pairs (Overlay, Solder and Paste) and also you can add custom pair.
For adding new Component Layer Pair or new Mechanical layer you need press right mouse button...
Necessary assign two unused mechanical layers for new layer pair.
I added only pair with name Assembly but got two layer tabs: Top Assembly and Bottom Assembly.
The key benefit from having Top and Bottom columns - I can quickly manage visibility for all data from Top and Bottom side.
Also, first tab contains settings for System colors and this list is presented in new panel!
This list is collapsed by default because it is used rarely.
Next functionality is Layer Sets which was accessible in separate dialog in AD17.
In previous version, it was LS button in layer tabs line or Design>Manage Layer Sets>Board Layer Sets
In new panel it works a bit different: you need to enable/disable layers which you need in new set and then add new set.
In my sample, I create new set where will add only signal layers which used for routing (not plane layers).
The section under layers list is using for layer sets management.
Now I can use layer sets the same way like in previous version and also, it is possible to choose set in drop list in new panel.
Now, old dialog Layer Sets Manager implemented in new panel with only a few rows but with same functionality.
Next functionality is ability to save/load configurations...
We have huge left part of old dialog for that.
and we have only one row in new panel for same functionality!
Second tab "View Options" contains a big list of settings which depend of active view mode (2D or 3D).
In previous version these settings were located in different places in tabs Show/Hide, Transparency and View Options
In new panel, I can quickly show/hide any primitives, enable/disable draft mode and change transparency.
It was possible to set transparency by layers in old version and now it is possible only for primitives.
It was useful to use shortcuts for visibility control in previous versions: F=full view, D=draft, H=hidden
Try to press CTRL+D in AD18 and then press F, D or H - you will quick change visibility for all primitives.
I can switch between 2D and 3D modes by pressing keys 2 or 3 and also I can use switch in new panel.
Here I can also enable/disable single layer mode (same like with shortcut SHIFT+S)
For 3D mode, I can control Orthographic/Perspective views and 3D bodies visibility (new shortcut here SHIFT+S).
Here I can control transparency and colors for PCB layers in 3D mode.
The visibility of layers now can be managed from same list for 2D and for 3D modes.
One more interesting option is ability to add any mechanical layer in single layer mode.
In new panel, necessary to click on eye sign with hold CTRL for adding layer in single layer mode
Separate icon is using for layers which enabled for representation in single layer mode.
Thanks for attention!
Weaning - Duration: 1:25.
(upbeat music)
- Tips for weaning a toddler or baby
is sort of a tricky one.
Because I sort of think that it should be child-led.
I think you should take your child's lead on that,
when they're ready.
One thing I read years ago said
don't offer and don't refuse,
which was a good neutral stance.
If your baby comes to you,
in my opinion, it should probably be your toddler.
An older child, if they come to you and they want to nurse,
I don't think you should refuse,
but should you follow around after them offering,
if you're really ready to be done with this phase?
Probably not.
- When you decide to begin weaning,
the key is to understand to go slowly,
and to honor the emotional component
of both the breast and the bottle.
So by offering more ounces of milk at the meal,
you can then begin to shave the ounces
that you're offering from a bottle,
you can then begin to shorten the time
that the baby is nursing on the breast.
And doing this at seven to 10 day intervals,
and no faster,
allows the child to get used to the change
one weaning at a time,
without experiencing the anxiety
of losing the milk or losing the breast or bottle
as synonymous with losing the mother.
(light music)
Your Need for Certainty is Holding You Back - Duration: 2:33.
G'day it's Rowan here from Your Life Designed. We all have needs. Some of these
needs are the same for all of us, Abraham Maslow called these our
physiological needs and include things like food, water, sleep, excretion, oxygen;
but more interestingly most of the needs vary from person to person. Needs such as
the need to feel significant, the need to look a certain way, the need to have a
certain amount of variety in life. There's a huge amount of needs but the
ones I want to focus on in this clip are the needs for certainty, security,
safety. They all kind of come under the same umbrella it's that comfort zone
kind of need. Now I'll give you some examples, the need for safety, you
know to be a certain safe distance away from the train tracks or the
certainty of earning an income or the security of being in you know a
secure environment. Now these needs are fantastic in the
short term, but in the long term they can hold you back. So I know they've
certainly held me back and continue to hold me back while I'm working on it
I'll share my own experience. For the last 10 years I've been in the corporate world
and that has very much been, you know, go to work, work a certain number of hours
be paid for those certain a number of hours that creates a habit and that has
created a very certain feeling within myself, that you do something, you get a
result, it's like clockwork. Now heading more down the
entrepreneurial path I can see that that sort of mindset and that sort of habit
is really just holding me back because it's stifles creativity and it stifles
the open outward thinking that is needed for entrepreneurialism, and also the
thinking about the flow of money in life you know with entrepreneurial or
owning your own business it's not that certain process of work pay work
pay, it's quite different so it's something that I'm having to work on and
I really just wanted to share this clip to build some awareness and to possibly
get you thinking are there any aspects of your life where you have some beliefs
or you have some habits surrounded by that safety security mindset. If so
my only word of advice is to question it to death. Is it is it true? Is it
necessary? Is it holding you back? And is it something that you can change? I hope
you got something out of that clip. Have an awesome day, take care, bye
Are you taking the right prenatal vitamins? - Duration: 0:57.
Every pregnancy is unique and special
That's why we at Prenatal Ease. Do not believe in the concept of one-size-fits-all.
Our carefully formulated prenatal vitamins support the different nutritional requirements of mother and baby at every stage of pregnancy
We offer prenatal vitamins for moms planning a pregnancy
1st, 2nd and 3rd trimester and postnatal
And we understand the need for the right balance of nutrients like folic acid and iron at the right time
Our products are approved by Health Canada and manufactured in Canada under a GMP compliant facility
Free of artificial colors, gluten and lactose and contains plant-based vitamin A, Beta-carotene.
Which makes our products extra safe for pregnant moms!
visit us for more details
Drinking Alcohol and Breastfeeding - Duration: 1:34.
(uplifting music)
- After nine long months,
many breastfeeding moms want to know
if it's possible for them to have some alcohol.
And I would say to that mom,
yes, as long as you understand how it works.
Whatever amount of alcohol is gonna be absorbed
into your blood and therefore into your milk,
will peak in about 60 to 90 minutes,
and then will be broken down and will leave your body,
so, essentially, your blood alcohol level
is equivalent to your milk alcohol level.
So if you can time your drink with your baby's sleep,
it would work out quite nicely,
so you would start drinking
right at the end of your breastfeeding
or right after you finish nursing,
and then by the time your baby wakes up
in three to four hours,
the alcohol is really gone from your breastmilk
and it's safe to put your baby back on your breast.
But let's say it's gonna be your birthday
or your anniversary and you're gonna celebrate,
you know you're gonna have more than one serving of alcohol.
So what you do is you plan ahead
and you pump a couple of bottles of milk
and you put 'em in your refrigerator,
go off to your event, start drinking.
Around four hours, your breasts are gonna get really full,
and you don't wanna give that milk to your baby
so you're gonna pump it out and dump it,
and your baby will get the milk
that you had previously pumped ahead of time.
There's actually a product called Milk Screen
where you can test your milk
to see if the alcohol is present
or if it's safe to go ahead
and put your baby back on your breast.
It's kind of a nifty product.
(uplifting music)
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