Hello guys, and this is gonna be quite an unusual
type of video as you all know I am definitely not a support player
but I've
Just got this awesome skin of a project capsule
and I just went into a
Practice tool and it's so god damn nice
You're gonna love it
I'm not just sure if I'm gonna do full game commentary
or If I'm just gonna
Cut it to like highlights
But we will see
But nevertheless this skin is fucking amazing
By the way I'm running press the attack for support
Because I'm pretty sure it should be good for support like Blitzcrank and also I don't know
which any other one, would you like to take on Blitz -?
Look at that
thats just so amazing
This Kalista doesn't know how to play adc
Come on auto her motherfucker
Alright look at this mecha rengar skin. It's just so amazing actually
all these skins Riot
make they are just so fucking good like.. one thing I like about League of Legends and Riot games
Every new skin is so fucking hilarious
Look at this. This is hilarious.
This is best Blitzcrank skin ever made
Just look at this shit
Come on can you do anything to her?
Ok that's just so awesome
I'ma have the assist no matter her stopwatch because I killed a minion which one..
thanks to the Relic Shield heal them
Hi there
Hi there
And fuck you.. that was good
Oh you gotta run girl
There is now way I'm helping you
even if I would like to
And I'm not saying that I would. I'm just saying if I would like
I would not be able to
The other part of it is whether I would like to or not
There was some strange hitbox on that hook, but I'm not complaining
And also I didn't want to steal it, but..
do I have my autoattacks? I don't.. come on
This skin is hilarious,
That's what the video is about right? It's not about me showing you guys how to play blitzcrank because
I don't know that either
That blocks also my ignite ?What the fuck is that shit?
Come on that's unbalanced
Why my flash didn't go off? come on Riot
I was pressing the flash
Why the fuck.. it didn't cast
Oh come on
Fuck you.. noone likes you, noone likes the new champ
That's fucking broken shit
What the fuck is my pathing doing?!
We got the drake eh
Come here.. fuck you
That was a hurty barrel.
Why the fuck are you pinging me?
What am I?
This is a fuckin surrender guys
Okay, it was the game. I'm probably just gonna highlight that shit, so you probably just saw highlights
from the game
But I would like to know from you guys if you are interested in these kinds of videos I can do
stuff like
This very video. It's just highlights of a game and I
I would like to cover some I don't know new skins, new champs, some runes and
OP builds for example
also some zed games highlights from that
Commentary or not I will see
Let me know what you want to hear or what you want to see if you like that if you don't like that
It's just up to you guys so.. Peace ♥
For more infomation >> LANCER PARAGON BLITZCRANK || THIS SKIN IS SO FUCKING GOOD! || Game highlights - Duration: 7:24.-------------------------------------------
DIY Easy Handmade Ribbon Gift Bows - Duration: 2:48.
Your npower quarterly bill - Duration: 3:06.
Who says energy bills are complicated?
We've made your npower quarterly bill simpler than ever.
let's open it up and take a look
At the top of the bill you'll see your name, your account number and the supply address.
You'll also see the period covered by the bill.
To keep things simple we've divided your quarterly bill into six key parts
Amount to pay
Latest meter readings
Your account summary
Could you pay less
your energy charges and tariff information
useful information
OK let's start with amount to pay
This purple box simply shows at a glance how much you have to pay and by when.
Then we show the latest meter readings
as you'd expect
these are the latest readings we've used to calculate your gas or electricity.
Or both if you're a dual fuel customer.
We also say whether the meter was read by us, by you,
if it was an estimate, or a smart meter reading.
Don't forget giving us regular meter readings helps us keep your bills as accurate as possible.
and means you only pay for what you use.
This is your account summary.
this shows how much you've paid and the cost of the energy you've used.
If you have any other payment plans with us
such as a repayment plan or Green Deal plan, you'll find this information in a table below your account summary.
As an example your repayment plan shows how much you owe
what your weekly payment amount is and when you're on track to repay what you owe.
next could you pay less for your energy.
This section tells you if you could save money by switching to a different npower tariff
and you can see an estimate of how much you could save by switching to a different npower tariff.
Don't forget you may need to change your payments method or manage your account differently to benefit from these changes.
In your energy charges and tariff information you'll see the meter readings we've used to calculate your bill.
Price per unit of energy, standing charge and overall cost.
You'll also see a graph which shows your average daily energy usage
and compares your energy use from last year to this year.
Lastly, useful information provides all the contact details you might need
along with your account number and meter details
Please have your account number handy if you ever need to get in touch
We also include a gyro slip so you can pay your bill quickly and easily
You can find all the different ways to pay on the back of the gyro.
And that's it.
We hope you agree we've kept things nice and simple.
Drink One Glass Daily You Belly Fat Will Disappear In 10 Days - Duration: 1:40.
Drink One Glass Daily You Belly Fat Will Disappear In 10 Days.
Are you looking for mixture that will melt your belly fat without dieting or exercise?
Well, you are at the right place as in today�s article we are going to present you remedy
that is perfect for those people who want to lose the extra weight without going to
the gym or following some strict diet.
This is a beverage or better said cinnamon�honey mixture that will provide you many health
benefits and in same time will help you to lose fat.
Namely, this mixture will improve digestion and also will accelerate your metabolism.
This remedy is combination of powerful ingredients that will alkalize your body and assist in
the breakdown of fat.
Cinnamon is an aromatic spice that possesses numerous health benefits: this sweet spice
will improve the absorption of nutrients in your organism and will regulate the insulin
production and thus efficiently will prevent diabetes.
Honey is a nectar with sweet taste that will boost your digestion and metabolism and in
same time will assist in the fat burning process.
1 teaspoon cinnamon powder.
2 teaspoons organic honey.
1 cup water.
Preparation and use:
Pour the water in a suitable pot and put on heat.
Once the water starts to boil add the cinnamon and simmer for a several minutes.
Remove from heat and leave the remedy to cool down.
After that, add the honey and stir well.
After you wake up in the morning, drink 1 glass of the resulted beverage.
Very soon you will notice incredible results.
Drink this beverage until you get the desired results.
How to set up the ExpressVPN app for routers on a Netgear router - Duration: 5:18.
Let's walk through the steps for setting up the ExpressVPN app for routers on a Netgear
To complete this tutorial, you'll need a computer, a compatible Netgear router, and
an ExpressVPN subscription.
A full list of compatible Netgear routers can be found in the video description and
on the ExpressVPN Support page.
Note that ExpressVPN suggests you set up your Netgear router as a secondary router.
It should also be connected to the internet from the start of the tutorial.
If you are unable to connect your Netgear router to the internet, contact Netgear support.
Begin by visiting the ExpressVPN website and logging into your account.
Click the green button that reads "Set up ExpressVPN."
On the next page, scroll down and click "router" on the left.
On the right, click the dropdown menu and select your router model.
For this tutorial, we'll select Netgear Nighthawk R7000.
Make sure to double-check that you've selected the correct firmware for your router model.
Loading the wrong firmware onto your router could break it.
When you've confirmed you've selected the right firmware, click "Download firmware."
Once the download completes, you can move it to a location on your computer that makes
it easy to find later.
Without closing the current page, open a new tab.
You'll be returning to the ExpressVPN setup page later.
Make sure you are connected to your Netgear router and visit routerlogin.net.
If that doesn't work, try typing in your local host.
See the video description for an article on finding your local host.
Next, enter your router username and password.
If this is your first time using the Netgear router, you may also be asked to change the
username and password.
Skip this step for now—you can do it once you've installed the ExpressVPN firmware.
When you reach the Netgear dashboard, click the Advanced tab.
Select Administration on the left, followed by Router Update.
Then click Browse to search for the router firmware you just downloaded.
Select the file and click "Open."
Finally, click "Upload."
A warning may appear telling you the internet connection will be terminated.
Select OK.
Another warning may appear telling you that you are uploading an older firmware version.
Select "Yes" to proceed.
The firmware installation process will begin.
Do not turn off or reset your router.
The router will reboot when finished.
When the reboot bar fills up, open a new tab and visit ExpressVPNrouter.com.
This is the site you will access whenever you want to manage your router firmware, connect
to VPN, or switch VPN locations.
Begin by logging in.The default username and password are both "admin".
If you want to stay logged in for 30 days, check the corresponding box.
Then click "Login."
ExpressVPN recommends that you change the default login credentials once you've activated
your router.
On the next page, you'll need to activate your router.
Go back to the ExpressVPN setup page you left open from before and copy the activation code
by clicking the white button to the top right.
Then return to the ExpressVPN router window and paste the activation code.
Note that if you didn't leave the ExpressVPN setup window open, you can always enable internet
without VPN by clicking "Enable Internet without VPN" and visiting the ExpressVPN
You can choose to share anonymous connection data with ExpressVPN by leaving the box checked.
If you don't want to share connection data, uncheck the box.
Then select activate.
Once activation is completed, your router will automatically connect to a nearby VPN
If you would like to disconnect from the VPN, click "Disconnect."
To change locations, click "Select another location."
Finally, to change the default router username and password, go to "ExpressVPN Help & Support."
You've set up the ExpressVPN app for routers on your Netgear router.
You now have VPN protection for all the devices on your network.
If you have any questions, ExpressVPN Support is available 24/7 over live chat.
Thanks for watching!
102 Not Out Star Cast Names - Duration: 0:46.
102 Not Out Star Cast Names
Michael Anthony Jewelry 10K Cherub PendantNecklace - Duration: 3:51.
You can achieve a lot in 20 minutes - Duration: 3:58.
I'm not going to stand here and try to convince you that learning and development are really important.
You wouldn't be here watching this if you didn't already know that.
And yet recent research by Deloitte
suggests that a corporate learner has just 20 minutes a week to devote to learning.
20 minutes.
Should that scare us?
Well yes, it probably should scare us,
at least it should if we're still following the traditional approach to learning design and delivery.
Now I've used that traditional approach for most of my career in L&D.
It focuses essentially on three questions:
What competencies do we need to develop?
What's the most effective program concept?
And what learning content do we need to include?
and content.
The three C's I liked to call them.
And they've defined the corporate learning landscape for decades.
Now don't get me wrong, all that stuff was vitally important
and still is today.
It's just that on its own,
it's no longer enough to inspire leaners,
to win their commitment
and to guarantee that they will put new skills and knowledge into practice.
And it's certainly not enough if all you have to work with is just 20 minutes a week.
Here at Teach on Mars,
that 20 minutes statistic doesn't scare us at all.
In fact, we believe you can achieve enormous tangible results in 20 minutes a week.
Provided it's 20 minutes every learner can devote
to the kind of engaging and relevant learning experiences
that he is personally looking for.
And for that to work,
we believe the real focus of learning design and delivery
has to be on the individual user.
You need to ensure that every individual user is
connected to their learning experience,
convinced of its value,
and consciously engaged in its completion.
Connected, convinced, conscious.
The new three C's if you like.
The Teach on Mars platform is mobile first.
That means it's been specifically developed for deployment via mobile devices.
The format and content of the learning experiences it proposes
adapt spontaneously to where the learner is, to what he's doing and to his professional challenges.
Put a fully personalised learning environment on each learner's mobile device and you do two things:
First, you place in his pocket the ability and the desire to take control of his own development.
Second, you equip him to be more effective, more serene and more confident
in pretty much everything he does.
In other words, meet the learner half-way, and you double the value of the learning experience.
Because it's 20 minutes of real, engaged, inspiring learning.
And of course it may not stay 20 minutes for long.
It could quite easily turn into 30, 60 or 90 minutes of learning per user per week.
Maybe even more.
Because the Teach on Mars solution has been designed to produce levels of traction
and learner engagement like nothing you've ever seen before.
Because Teach on Mars is a more robust mobile learning environment than ever before.
It looks better than ever before, works better than ever before,
and tracks your learner's daily lives to be more relevant and empowering than ever before.
Not to mention the fact that it has a richer diversity of learning experiences than ever before.
Best of all,
learners adopt it, use it and ask for more.
Because it's accessible,
and it's fun.
But don't take my word for it.
Let's take a look at what some of our major clients are already doing
to get their learners connected, convinced and conscious using the Teach on Mars platform.
KARAOKE | Nhớ Em Mọi Lúc | Khánh Đơn - Duration: 4:58.
WA NDIS personal story: Mr and Mrs Junor - Duration: 4:09.
Melissa: Yes, we were dancing together
Mark: Yes, first we went dancing then I met Mel in 1996.
Mark: It was right after ….
Melissa: It was right after you played hide and seek with me.
Mark: Yeah I do.
Mark: I tickled her and that kind of stuff.
And we said we were going to get married.
Mark: Mel chose the ring for me and I gave her one as well.
Lynne: Mark came to me and said he would really like to marry Melissa.
Lynne: I said if you want to do that, you've got to do the right thing,
save up and buy her an engagement ring. And he did.
Lynne: You chose your rings didn't you?
Mark: My mum made the dress for her on our wedding day
and I wasn't allowed to see it, but I did see it.
Lynne: Our aim was to get Mark and Melissa to be
as independent of us as we possibly could, because we're not getting any younger of course.
Lynne: And we just feel that life is about having choices, they have a right to have choices
and to get as much out of life as possible for them.
Valerie: Working with Mel and Mark has been fantastic and their parents, Lynn and Gordon….
And it has been a story about trying to find out what the married couples dream was but
also finding ways to make that happen for them.
Mark: We watch Home and Away a lot, Star Wars and a few other things like that.
Mark: Doctor Who is really good and I watch it and every time I like.
Mark: Mel won't let me watch it.
Melissa: Only sometimes…. (Laughter)
Valerie: Melissa has a plan and Mark has a plan,
they don't have a plan between them.
Valerie: It is still individualised to meet their needs.
We decided early on that was important.
Lynne: It looks after the individual instead of creating an overall thing that most people would be
able to meet some but not all of the things.
It is centred around them particularly so they have their own particular plan for their
situation and their capabilities.
Lynne: And each of the people that are on it have a plan that is geared to them.
Lynne: One of the worst things when you have a child with a disability is you always wonder
what's going to happen down the track and you know there are some things we don't have control over.
Lynne: So we have to put things in place to manage the 'what might be'
in the best way that we can and the plan has worked extremely well for that.
Valerie: It's fun working with Mark and Mel.
It's fun because you see the tremendous achievements that
they've made over the years and they've just got stronger.
Valerie: Mark and Melissa know best about what they want and what they want to do,
even if you might think … hmmmmm…. they are pretty much right all the time.
Lynne: You know it takes a whole heap of 'what if' off your mind as parents, you know.
Lynne: I know I talk to other parents who have children with disabilities and it's this constant
thing that hangs over us all the time, 'What happens when we are not around?'
'What happens if something happens?'
Lynne: Now I am comfortable, like I'm not sort of over concerned about these things
because they will be OK.
Lynne: Because everything is in place, that life will continue for them
in the way that they understand, they know and are happy with.
Your npower prepayment statement - Duration: 3:08.
Who says energy bills are complicated?
We've made your npower prepayment statement simpler than ever.
let's open it up and take a look.
At the top of the statement you'll see your name, your account number, and the supply address.
You'll also see the period covered by the statement.
To keep things simple we've divided your prepayment statement into six key parts.
Latest meter readings
Your account summary
Could you pay less
Your payments in detail
Your energy charges and tariff information
Useful information.
Latest meter readings.
As you'd expect these are the latest readings we have used to calculate your gas or electricity.
Or both if you're a dual fuel customer.
We also say whether the meter is read by us, by you, if it was an estimate, or a smart meter reading.
Don't forget, giving us regular meter readings helps us keep your bills as accurate as possible.
Your account summary shows how much you've paid and the cost of the energy you've used.
Don't forget
you can also get your most up-to-date balance at any time
by looking at the display on your meter.
If you've got any other plans with us such as a repayment plan or Green Deal plan
you'll find this information in a table below your account summary.
As an example,
your repayment plan
shows how much you owe,
what your weekly payment amount is
and when you're on track to repay what you owe.
You can also see details of the payments you've made.
To check the very latest amount you owe,
look at the debt owed on your meter.
could you pay less for your energy
this section tells you if you could save money by switching to a different npower tariff
and you can see an estimate of how much you could save by switching.
don't forget
you may need to change your payment's method
or manage your account differently to benefit from these changes.
The your payments in detail section
shows all the payments that you have made during the period for your statement
and the total payments received in that time.
In your energy charges and tariff information
You'll see the meter readings we've used to calculate your statement
price per unit of energy
standing charge and overall cost.
You'll also see a graph
which shows your average daily energy usage and compares your energy use from
last year to this year.
Lastly useful information provides all
the contact details you might need along with your account number and meter details.
Please have your account number handy if you ever need to get in touch.
And that's it.
We hope you agree we've kept things nice and simple.
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