It's a nightmare all of us occasionally have.
As the plane taxies down the runway, as it starts to lift off into the air, as the ground
drops further and further away… the faint, unstoppable fear that the next thing you feel
might be gravity grabbing hold and dragging you down to a fiery grave.
That's the reason horrific air disasters tend to stick in our minds.
It's all too easy to imagine how those poor people on the Hindenburg, or on Pan Am Flight
103 over Lockerbie, or in the planes in the Tenerife Airport disaster must have felt.
Yet not all accidents are born equal.
For every United Flight 93, or MH17 shot down over eastern Ukraine, there are scores of
equally disturbing disasters that have been forgotten.
You've probably heard all about the New York mid-air collision in 1960, or the Germanwings
suicide-crash in 2015.
But we're guessing you're less aware of the following…
The R101 Airship Disaster (1930)
When the Hindenburg went up in a flash of flames, you could hear the sound of airship
stocks across the planet plummeting in value.
But the Hindenburg is far from the only deadly disaster in airship history.
Just seven years earlier, the experimental British airship R101 crashed into a field
in Northern France.
The impact caused the whole thing to burst into flames, killing 48 of the 54 people onboard.
The stupidest thing about the R101 disaster is how preventable it was.
The airship had come in heavier than its design intended it to be, so a safety mechanism designed
to avoid dangerous gas leaks was chucked to make it lighter.
On top of that, it was an experimental craft on its maiden voyage, yet the dude in charge
of the Air Ministry, Lord Thompson, decided that the voyage should be to India.
He further insisted it take off during a storm, and while loaded down with heavy crates of
silverware he'd inexplicably insisted on bringing.
R101 took off, untested, overfilled, and heading for a storm.
You can guess how that went.
R101 hit the ground and exploded just after crossing the Channel.
Lord Thompson was among the dead.
The disaster killed the entire British airship program.
The USS Akron Airship Disaster (1933)
If the R101 disaster was worse than the Hindenburg, the crash of the airship USS Akron was even
worse than that.
No other airship disaster in history has left so many people dead.
Sadly, like the R101 crash, it was also completely preventable.
The USS Akron was owned by the Navy, and, as such, frequently flown above the ocean.
Yet nobody had ever thought to install lifejackets or rafts or anything that might be useful
if the airship ever plunged into the water.
Which is exactly what it did on April 4, 1933.
Captain Frank McCord was flying way too low, and abruptly decided to pull his airship upwards.
As the nose raised, the tail sank, until it clipped the waves and the whole ship and its
76 passengers were pulled into the roiling, freezing ocean.
In this case, there was no dramatic explosion.
No great ball of fire.
Just an airship that sank beneath the waves, drowning 73.
During the rescue operation, another two lives would be lost.
Remarkably, the crash didn't end America's airship program.
It was only shut down two years later after the Akron's sister airship also crashed
into the sea.
The Freckleton Air Disaster (1944)
Some disasters aren't forgotten so much as they are barely noticed in the first place.
The Freckleton Air Disaster had the misfortune to take place in August 1944, just when the
Liberation of Paris was underway.
Compared to the nearly 5,000 who died in the French capital, the deaths of 61 people in
the tiny northern English village of Freckleton didn't warrant much press attention.
Yet it was so horrific that, had it happened at any other time, it would've received
wall-to-wall coverage.
The cause was sheer bad luck.
An American bomber got lost in a freak storm over the Irish Sea and accidentally wound
up over Lancashire.
As the storm reached a crescendo, pilot John Bloemendal lost control and clipped a tree
with his wing.
The plane split in two over Freckleton.
One part smashed through three houses and a bar catering to American and British servicemen.
The other thudded into the village school and burst into flames.
The impact on the bar killed 14, mostly American servicemen.
At the school, the sea of fire consumed 38 children and six teachers.
All three crewmen on the plane died on impact.
Santa Ana Airshow Crash (1938)
Few air crashes came as close to screwing up a country's entire future as that at
Santa Ana airshow.
Taking place near the center of Bogota, it was meant to show off the skills of Colombia's
new breed of daredevil fighter pilots.
As a stand full of diplomats and a stand filled with government figures watched, pilot César
Abadia attempted a low-altitude dive between the two.
He got his timing badly wrong.
Abadia's wing clipped the stand full of government figures, causing the roof to collapse.
The plane itself went into a spin, hit the ground, then plowed at high speed into a crowd
of civilians before exploding in a ball of fire.
By the time the dust had settled and the flames been put out, 45 were dead and 200 injured.
Another seven would later die of their injuries.
Bad as this was, it could have been worse.
The government stand had contained both outgoing Colombian President Alfonso López Pumarejo,
and incoming President Eduardo Santos.
Future President Misael Pastrana Borrero was also there.
Had the plane hit the government stand slightly harder, modern Colombian history would've
been rewritten.
Japan Airlines Flight 123 (1985)
The crash of Japan Airlines Flight 123 killed a lot of people.
How many?
So many that in aviation history only the infamous Tenerife Airport Disaster of 1977
(when two planes crashed and burst into flames) has killed more.
520 people died when the passenger plane slammed into Mt. Takamagahara outside Tokyo.
Incredibly, it could have been worse.
Somehow, four people managed to survive hitting a mountain at over 200 mph.
The crash took place in the middle of a busy holiday period.
Nearly everyone onboard was flying home, or heading off to meet family.
Among the dead were 11 children, the first Japanese singer to have a number one on the
American charts, and at least 21 foreign visitors.
Unfortunately for those involved, this was simply one of those cases where no single
person is at fault.
The rear door exploded off mid-flight, and the pilot completely lost control of the plane.
He attempted to turn it around for an emergency landing and instead clipped a mountain with
the wing, forcing the plane into a deadly tailspin.
Stockport Air Disaster (1967)
There's obviously never a good time to be involved in a traumatizing air crash, but
while returning from a dream vacation seems particularly cruel.
In 1967, a British Midland flight was returning from Majorca, Spain when it abruptly lost
power over Manchester.
The plane plunged into a residential area.
People on the ground reported that it went so low over houses that they could see vacationers
inside, banging helplessly on the windows, their faces contorted in silent screams.
Seconds later the airplane slammed into a garage and exploded.
Miraculously, no one on the ground was injured.
The captain was later praised for steering the plane away from people's homes, thus
averting a much higher death toll.
But for those onboard, there was little to be grateful for.
84 souls had boarded the plane in Majorca.
Only 12 were still alive after the crash.
77 were burned beyond all recognition.
Perhaps the worst part is how close the plane was to landing.
At the time the power went out, the airport was only six miles away.
Talk about bad timing.
Mt. Erebus Disaster (1979)
If you absolutely must be involved in a plane crash, you ideally want it to take place somewhere
with both a soft landing and nearby emergency response teams.
An open-air pillow factory beside an award-winning trauma hospital, say.
Where you really don't want it to happen is on Mt. Erebus.
An active volcano in the empty wastes of Antarctica, it's not the sort of place help can easily
get to, as those on Air New Zealand Flight 901 sadly found out.
A sightseeing flight, ANZ 901 regularly left New Zealand to fly over Antarctica before
returning the same evening.
However, on this particular day, Air New Zealand had changed the route without telling the
crew, entering new coordinates.
The crew thought they were going to fly into McMurdo Sound.
Instead they found themselves in the path of a mountain.
The crash killed all 257 onboard.
It was the retrieval operation that really proved difficult.
A small team of New Zealand policemen were sent out to identify bodies in howling winds,
subzero temperatures and surrounded by death and destruction on an epic scale.
34 bodies were never recovered, and being forced to live in the disaster site for two
weeks gave at least one policeman a nervous breakdown.
Avianca Cartel Bombing (1989)
Of course, not every flight that crashes is brought down by accident.
Some are deliberately knocked out the sky by people we're politely going to refer
to as fart-holes.
And Pablo Escobar was probably the biggest fart-hole of them all.
In 1989, the powerful leader of the terrifying Medellin Cartel decided he wanted a Colombian
presidential candidate killed.
Rather than blow up his car or gun him down in the street, he decided to target the plane
he was going to be flying on.
Avianca Flight 203 had just left Bogota when Escobar's goons detonated a bomb onboard.
107 people died instantly.
This would all be bad enough anyway, but the real kicker came when investigators looked
into the flight list.
Escobar's target, Cesar Gaviria, hadn't even been onboard.
He'd changed his plans at the last second.
The Medellin Cartel had just killed over 100 people and blasted flaming wreckage across
the mountains outside Bogota for nothing.
Fittingly, Gaviria went on the win the election and declare war on the Colombian cartels.
It was under his watch that Escobar was gunned down on a Medellin rooftop, justice finally
Superga Air Disaster (1949)
The late 2016 air crash of a Colombian plane carrying Brazil's beloved Chapecoense soccer
team was one of the most traumatic incidents in soccer history.
But it wasn't the first or only time an entire team has been wiped out this way.
Arguably, the Superga Air Disaster was even worse.
On May 4, 1949, a plane carrying Italy's legendary Il Grande Torino team back from
a game in Lisbon came in too low on its approach to Turin.
The weather was foul, and the pilot – a decorated WWII flying ace – got lost in
low-lying cloud.
By the time the mist cleared, they were about half a second away from impact.
There wasn't even time to scream.
The plane hit a basilica and immediately exploded.
31 lives were instantly snuffed out, including the entire Grande Torino squad.
This was a team that had almost invented modern soccer, bringing not just the 4-2-4 formation
to the world, but also some of the era's greatest players.
They'd been on the verge of winning the Italian league for the fifth year in a row,
and their spirit and sportsmanship was seen as a necessary tonic for Italy following the
bitterness of WWII.
The Superga Air Disaster wiped all that out.
Italy was plunged into mourning.
Over half a million people came to watch the club's funeral procession.
Iran Air Flight 655 (1988)
Most Brits and Americans remember the Lockerbie bombing, when a terrorist attack knocked Pan
Am Flight 103 out of the air over Scotland, sending its flaming wreckage crashing down
onto the town of Lockerbie below.
Yet few have ever heard of Iran Air Flight 655.
This is all the more strange, as there's an argument that the two are intimately connected.
First, the Iran Air crash.
On July 3, 1988, a civilian plane took off from Bandar Abbas, an Iranian airport used
by both commercial and military planes.
This was in the middle of the Iran-Iraq War that killed around a million and drew in the
United States.
At the time, the US had warships in the area to protect oil tankers.
When Flight 655 took off, those onboard the USS Vincennes assumed it was an incoming F-14.
They sent up two missiles and blasted it out of the sky.
All 290 people onboard died.
Here's where the Lockerbie connection comes in.
The Iranians were traumatized by the blowing up of IA Flight 655.
The Ayatollah claimed the skies would rain with Western blood.
To this day, significant sections of the CIA believe Pan Am Flight 103 was destroyed in
a revenge attack by Iran, and the Libya connection was merely a smokescreen.
We'll leave it to you to decide.
For more infomation >> The Most HORRIFIC Air Disasters You've Probably Never Heard Of - Duration: 12:05.-------------------------------------------
How To RECOVER ON YOUR OWN ♥ 5 Tips! // Eating Disorder Recovery - Duration: 13:59.
Hello everybody its Elisa here
And I'm an eating disorder recovery coach helping you recover from an eating disorder and today's topic
I want to actually answer one of your questions or video requests for me
And I would be very happy to talk about it because this is something that I can talk about my own experience
yeah, and I have some pretty good tips for you and
Also the first thing I want to say is that many people can't recover on their own, and this is totally okay
And you don't have to feel bad about it. You need to ask help, but the fact is that even when you get
recovery help and go through a treatment or something
then's most likely the
to get to full recovery you still need to kind of do it on your own like after coming from a treatment center often
so many people
relapse they go back to restriction so even for you if you have asked help
if you got support for your recovery then even for you this video is important to get you to actually to full recovery and
Yeah, so I want to talk about my own experience because I recovered on my own
from my eating disorders, bulimia and orthorexia and also overexercising and
just like the extreme dieting and stuff so the first thing... and I have some things written down so I will
sometimes look down to my notes. So the first thing
I want to say is that you have to develop this particular
mindset for yourself in recovery and this mindset is like you have to become your own
cheerleader, you have to become your own best friend, you have to become your own recovery coach
who will support you through this process
and especially in those bad days because recovery is hard, in recovery you're gonna have bad days
in recovery you will feel negative you have all of this fears and emotions come up
So especially on those bad days you have to notice what is your mindset
Because you can't only recover on good days you have to keep on recovering
especially and on the bad days as well because this is exactly the moment when the eating sorter will try to
You know like have these kind of negative thoughts about yourself
you misinterpret that those thoughts are you and you shame yourself, you quilt yourself. You are so negative
towards yourself, you bash yourself,
you talk down to yourself
and this is not you, you have to recognize as this is the eating disorder trying to push you back into the
like that restriction
But to get over this you have to develop this mindset that even in those negative days
You're gonna support yourself through it
as a best friend and what I mean is that it doesn't mean that you need to be happy all the time
It doesn't mean that you can't have a bad day
But actually like how to support yourself through those bad days as a best friend would
They would support your they would tell you that they love you they care about you
They want to help you
They would maybe encourage you to be proactive do something about it
And they will tell you the truth that you need to still keep on recovering despite that you have bad days
So you really have to notice your mindset
That you don't go into this like eating disorder thinking and just like being so negative even more negative about yourself
when you have a bad day, but actually like how to
how to instead... instead of focusing on the negativity how to instead focus on
The solution. Okay, I have a bad day
What can I do about it? What can I learn from this? How can I grow stronger from this experience?
And this is how you will support yourself through recovery because recovery is very hard
But having this mindset of being your own best friend your own coach, your own cheerleader
This is really like what helped me go through
the hard parts of recovery.
And the next thing is that you have to develop this another skill
And this skill what I'm talking about is that...
in recovery we have our biggest fears coming up, our biggest fears are manifested
you know the extreme hunger,
the fear of "binging", the fear of weight gain, everything will come up
And you will see your body
kind of changing, your appetite is maybe so big you crave all of those like "unhealthy food", "junk food",
Like your biggest fears all are just in front of you
but you have to develop this skill of
seeing the fear, feeling the fear, but going towards the fear
and going through the fear until the fear will dissolve
because if you
don't develop the skill then what happens is that
as soon as you are afraid to do something, as soon as you are faced with the extreme extreme hunger, as soon as you see
the weight going up - you panic and you go back to your eating disorder and you relapse
But actually you don't understand that the fear... all of this fear comes from your eating disorder and all of this fear is irrational fear
You have to kind of like... you have to go against your brain basically
And this is how you recover from the fear, this is how the fear will go away and this is
why the saying of "Feel the fear and do it anyway"
holds very much truth in recovering you literally have to be okay with being scared,
feeling the fear, you have to be willing to go into the feeling of feeling so uncomfortable
so scared, so anxious
but you must keep on going, and there is the other saying of like if you go through hell then keep going
because only this way it will pass because... and also I have done another video about like why you need to get
uncomfortable in the recovery
And I will link it here so look this video where I explain like why you need to go into the uncomfortable feeling
and this is literally like a skill to develop
in recovery because
Yeah, like if you do it on your own
there's nobody to do it for you nobody to push you into that like doing what's uncomfortable and letting your body you know like
have the extreme hunger
let your body gain weight if it needs to, it's normal, its natural, and you have to kind of like accept the fear
and keep on going because only this way the fear, in time, it will dissolve.
And another tip is that you have to make recovery your number one priority
I'm not telling you to
not to your daily stuff you need to do but
recovery needs to be your top priority. If you're only willing to invest
Like little bit every day to recovery, or from a scale from zero to ten
you're only a level of five commitment to your recovery. You won't get hundred percent results you won't get the full recovery so
recovery needs to become your top number one priority in your life
And yes, it means that you have to kind of like fit it in to each day
I'm not going to say it's gonna be super easy super convenient to you of course recovery is not convenient
This is not how it works
But you have to make the recovery in the forefront of your mind every day
Like you have to focus on recovery, and you can't only recover
When you feel motivated to do so,
you can't only recover when you have another relapse, you can't only recover when you have a good day,
but when the bad day comes you relapse and you feel like oh fuck this thing, and I can't keep going... sorry about that
Yeah, I just get so passionate about this
You can't only recover when it's convenient to you,
you can't only recover when you have a free day
and you have free time to focus on recovery. You have to even recover on your hardest days possible
Yeah, recovery needs to be your number one priority
But also I want to remind you that eating disorder lasts for a lifetime
But recovery is only temporary
And if you get this... if you put the recovery you're number one focus it's only until you get to full recovery
after that
Focus on whatever else you want to focus on
But just give yourself this time to fully be in recovery, focus on recovery
Because this is the fastest way to get over the eating disorder and to recover
But if you're only willing to invest little time here and there then yeah
you would just like prolong your recovery - I don't know like ten years
Maybe you will never get there if you don't commit to full recovery hundred percent you will never get to hundred percent
so yeah
And the next information that really helped me to
Support myself through it because I must admit that many times I thought that I am crazy one
Everybody else who is dieting, just "eating clean" or whatever like they're the normal ones
Me with my eating disorder with my bloating with like no exercise
I am the only crazy one and to get this... I needed so much
reassurance in my recovery and this is why I do these videos because I want to give you this
constant reassurance that you are not crazy,
you need to keep going, you are doing the right thing and this is what I needed as well despite recovering on my own
I couldn't give this to myself like all the time
And that's why I seeking information about recovery for me was like one of the best things that help me
go through those times of like self-doubts and worry about food and eating and my weight
And I got most information from the internet like in today's world the Internet is an amazing place
And I literally recovered
Thanks to the internet
I can say... and yes people say that like a "doctor Google" is not a real doctor
But for me "doctor Google" really helped me
And I really don't want you to get any wrong ideas
Because you do need to ask help from the professionals and stuff
but I just want to say that we underestimate how much good information is out there already and just
By reading about others people's experiences, how they recovered, seeking information about how my body works
You know why the weight gain happens, why the extreme hunger happens
reading forums, reading somebody else's comments and replies and
Question and answers, like it really helped me to
Keep my sanity
In recovery and keep going despite all of that
maybe they're outside information I got about, you know, like the dieting and the weight obsession and everything so
yeah, seeking the recovery related information
was really important for me to help myself go through recovery.
And the last thing I want to mention is that develop some kind of like support system around you whether it's your partner
Maybe your family, your friends
Maybe even online groups recovery groups or some forums or even my videos
they can help you in your recovery journey
whatever you can do to just like have more like minded people around you and people who are positive people who support you
Yeah, and if you can develop this kind of support system around you, whether it's only one person like it doesn't matter
It's still better than nothing
Yeah and make sure
you reach out to them, you talk with them, you ask for help
Yes, so my battery is dying out soon
But I want to wrap this up very quickly
So if you don't know then I also offer recovery coaching if you're interested the link is down in the description
work with me
Yeah, find out more, but yeah
I really hope these tips help you in your recovery journey
If you are recovering on your own or just when you feel like you want to support your own recovery
Yeah, so thank you so much for watching and see you next time. Bye!
Are You Weird?? - Reactions After Trauma - Duration: 3:04.
Hey guys, its Jo!
Today we're going to talk about, "are you weird!?"
The quick answer to that question is, no, you are absolutely not weird.
But it is a question I hear all the time.
Whether in support forums or face to face or wherever I am, there seems to be a real
concern with feeling like you're different for feeling a certain way or for responding
a certain way.
I definitely know I felt that way.
I felt like I was the only person feeling certain ways, or like I was a complete and
total freak for thinking certain things, like, like how could I be this person, or how could
I be thinking these things.
I hear questions all the time like, am I weird because I'm so angry I want to kill my abuser?
Am I weird because I'm not angry?
Is it weird that I'm sleeping sixteen hours a day?
Is it weird that I'm crying all the time?
Is it weird that I'm not sleeping at all?
Is it weird that I don't want to leave the house and I haven't left the house for three
Is it weird that I don't ever want to sleep with another person in my entire life?
Is it weird that I sympathize with my abuser?
Is it weird that I'm bringing home everyone at the club and sleeping with them?
Is it weird that I don't want to forgive her?
Is it weird that I want to forgive him?
Is it weird that I'm feeling everything?
Is it weird that I feel nothing?
People have really, really varied reaction to trauma, as varied as human beings are themselves.
We are made up of all different kinds of experiences and all of those things play into how we respond
to trauma.
When trauma happens, you are trying to deal with an abnormal experience.
Its normal that you would have abnormal responses to that.
Especially with who you were before.
You may not respond to things the same way that you did before, and that is to be expected.
Please don't feel like a weirdo because you really aren't.
Its really normal to have odd reactions.
Its really normal to have a hard time with things that used to be easy before.
Its really normal to feel like a different person because everything has changed.
And that's okay.
I'm not saying that's easy because it is hardest thing in the world but I just want to reassure
you that you are not alone in that, you aren't weird for that, you aren't a strange person
for that.
That's a really normal reaction to have, and its a really normal thing to be feeling.
Now, I'm not saying that all of those things are great.
You know, its not great to completely isolate.
Its not great to bring home everyone you see and sleep with them.
Its not great to sleep all the time.
Its not great to start smoking all the time like I did.
Its not great to whatever, but these are coping mechanisms that we develop to survive in the
Its important that some of the more destructive ones we do deal with those.
And we do deal with the trauma that is driving us to do those things.
But it is really important to realize that you are not weird for whatever it is that
you are feeling now.
Because you are trying to deal with an abnormal situation.
And you're going to feel abnormal trying to deal with that.
You really, truly are not alone.
There is a huge community of people who feel, in many ways, the same way that you have felt.
You are by no means the only person feeling this way.
I know that that does not fix anything, but I just want you to know that you are not the
only person.
You are not isolated, you are not alone, and you are not weird.
I'm Jo Beckwith, I would really love to hear your comments, your questions, and your stories.
If you're interested in seeing more videos like this, please remember to hit subscribe
and I really look forward to seeing you next time!
📺☎️ Learn English Words: OBSOLETE - Meaning, Vocabulary with Pictures and Examples - Duration: 1:11.
Obsolete no longer of use
If you look inside of most classrooms, you will not see chalkboards because they are
nearly obsolete in education today.
Many people believe the Internet has made the postal service obsolete.
Once Frank spent all of his lottery winnings, he became obsolete to his family members.
Despite what people say, I still use my VCR because it is not obsolete to me!
The young restaurant manager refuses to hire people over the age of fifty because he considers
them obsolete in the workplace.
Obsolete no longer of use
Obsolete no longer of use
Obsolete no longer of use
Can You Lose Weight with Yoga? | THE TRUTH + TIPS - Duration: 5:38.
Yoga is known for it's calming meditative benefits
both on and off the mat
but a bigger question that comes to mind
can yoga help you lose weight?
stick around
we're gonna talk about that in a little bit
{struggle bus}
Hi Everybody
It's your girl
Amanda the buzzed coach
I am an online health accountability coach
helping women to lose weight
and to lived a more fulfilled life
if you're new to my channel
please be sure to
LIKE this video
and to subscribe to my channel
so if you're anything like me
you love the idea of yoga
in comparison to
the high stress
high anxiety-inducing
workouts that you're normally used to
seeing at gyms
and I totally get it
you want to become fit for the rest of your life
but you don't want to have to
constantly dread your workouts
or feel like you're about to die
in an asthmatic attack
So the real question is here
is yoga a viable choice
when it comes to weight loss?
so I decided to do some research
I scoured the internet
looked at articles
and YouTube videos
to find an answer to this question
and from my search
I've discovered that this particular question
is a controversial one
among the yogi community
but I did find a common thread
there are two types of yoga
to really be thinking about here
you got the one form of yoga which is meditative yoga
so yoga that is purely
meditative in nature
like asanas
and hatha
just to name a few
while they do have enormous mental wellness benefits
they do not directly help you to lose weight
and then there's the other type of yoga
which is the intense yoga
yoga that is more intense like vinyasa flow and
have more movement and flow to them
so when yoga is used in this manner
it does help you to directly lose weight and change your body composition
your heart rate is up
you're sweating
your muscles are getting toner
your strength is building
you're creating more fat-burning mechanisms in your body
and these are essentially the ingredients for weight loss
now I do want to unpack
what I mean by
yoga INDIRECTLY helping you lose weight
for the most part
yoga in all its forms
brings mental clarity
and a deeper connection to yourself
both on and off the mat
meaning you are less stressed out
and better able to make decisions
that are good for you
throughout the entire day
and what that looks like is
you're less likely to stress eat
your mood improves
you can commit to your workout schedule
you become more consistent
you reduce the overall stress levels in your body
when your body is
super stressed out
essentially the hormones in your body
are telling your body
to hold the fat reserves
because you're in some sort of danger
and you have to get through that situation
whereas if you are less stressed
there's less of a reason for your body to hold onto the fats
best of all yoga
helps you to intrinsically love yourself
and to feel good in your own skin
out of everything that I've ever done in my health journey
being able to fully come to terms with
how my body looks
and how I feel in my own skin
has been a major game changer for me
so even though some forms of yoga
may not directly help you lose weight
you make better choices for yourself
and you're in the right state of mind
thereby allowing you to be more
consistent at losing weight
so just doing yoga alone and not changing your diet
is not gonna help you lose weight
you will not lose weight
if you don't change your diet!
so whatever type of yoga you decide to use
be sure that you pair that with a clean diet
and you know what it's just nice
it goes to show that you don't need to be doing
high-impact, sweat-inducing
exercise like CrossFit
comment below if you're scared to death of those type of workouts
I like to do the more meditative portions of yoga
but at the same time
add in the heart pumping exercises that
help to tone my muscles
and help me lose weight effectively over time
so what I personally follow is a yoga program
called "3 Week Yoga Retreat"
where yogi beginners just like me
can effectively learn the basic moves
and master them over three weeks
with trained yoga professionals
"3 Week Yoga Retreat"
can be found on Beachbody On Demand
which is an online service provided by the company Beachbody and
offers a plethora
of different types of exercises
ranging from high intense cardio to yoga
and different formats in between
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Norwalk Gutter Repair 203-316-8526 Norwalk Gutter Repair - Duration: 0:48.
Norwalk Gutter Repair. Are your gutters prepared to weather the next storm?
Did you know that clogged gutters are actually one of the most common causes of roof leaks?
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Don't underestimate the importance of routine gutter maintenance.
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Give us a call today for quality and affordable gutter installation, repair, and maintenance.
Man Hears "I Love You" For the First Time! - Duration: 0:52.
What is Sensorineural Hearing Loss? - Ear Problems - Duration: 5:40.
Toyota MR2 - Everything You Need to Know | Up to Speed - Duration: 11:25.
Mr. 2 if you're nasty.
It's a badass spaceship from Japan that went head to head with some of the best exotics
in the world.
What it lacked in size it made up for in pure driving joy, and it helped Toyota establish
a decade's long reputation for performance.It's one of the famous Toyota triplets, it's the
Supra's little brother and at one point it was faster.
That's right.
Here's everything you need to know to get Up to Speed on the Toyota MR2.
(8-bit music plays)
This episode of Up To Speed is brought to you by Movement Watches.
I wear mine everyday and I've already been married nine times.
(Engine revving)
The Toyota MR2 began as a design experiment in 1979.
Lead Designer Akio Yoshida was trying to build a car that got great gas mileage and was fun to drive.
I love it, I love this car.
He was playing around with his sketch pad and thought "WHOA, what if I put the engine
behind the driver?"
The car could be really aerodynamic and the weight balance would be great for driving
around on the twisties.
"Holy crap guys, I think I just made a sports car!"
Yoshida's bosses were like "Dude, you're a little crazy, but we like it.
Let's make this thing!"
The MR2 prototype rode a fine line between cutting edge and cutting costs.
The car was equipped with disc brakes at every wheel, which was advanced for the early eighties,
but also used simple MacPherson strut suspension, which...
wasn't so advanced.
What critics might see as a way to cut costs, Toyota saw as innovative, minimalist design.
The simple nature of Macpherson struts made for less sophisticated handling, but they
take up a lot less room.
Which is important when you are putting an engine where it's not supposed to be, huh.
When you're designing a small mid-engined car, you have to save space wherever you can.
I cannot stress this enough I learned it the hard way.
Don't make the same mistakes I have.
The Car was also powered by the world's first production twin cam, 16 valve engine,
the 4A-GE.
Ever head of it, it's a freakin legend.
The little four banger hit redline at 7,400 rpm.
It freakin screamed, and it ripped.
The MR2 was Japan's first mid-engine car and it also had pop up freakin headlights.
Toyota was serious about making the MR2 really really good, they even tested the prototype
out at Willow Springs and had racing legend Dan Gurney help develop the suspension.
You know how every race car driver sprays champagne on the podium after they win?
Yeah, Dan Gurney invented that, so I think he knows a thing or two about making fast cars.
Sh*t cops.
Get down on the ground!
Dan and his team spent four days at Willow making tweaks to the car, to get it just right.
Gurney liked the car so much, he convinced Toyota to let him take the Prototype to
Angeles Crest highway so he could see how well it handled on real world conditions.
He freaking loved it.
He practically asked it to marry him.
He called it late at night and when, when it picked up he hung up.
He would text the MR2 randomly and say "What's up, how you been?
Just thinking about you."
That's how much he liked it.
Toyota gave us the 'Midship Runabout 2-seater, that is actually what MR2 stands for, in 1984,
when it went on sale in Japan, and it was an instant favorite.
It was modern and exotic- the car was reminiscent of the prototypical driver's car- the Lotus,
which was intentional.
Lotus helped Toyota design the suspension, and Toyota 'borrowed' a few Lotus design
cues for the body.
Alongside the Celica and Supra, the MR2 gave Toyota some serious performance cred.
If you wanted an affordable and reliable sports car in the 80s, you had get a Toyota!
Why did people love the MR2 so much?
Well I'll tell ya bud!
Like the Miata and Nissan Z, the MR2 gave owners the raw driving thrill of a car exponentially
more expensive.
And since it was Japanese, you didn't have to worry about getting it serviced every ten
thousand miles like a Ferrari.
For around 38 grand in today's money, you could own a mid engined sportscar that looked
like a spaceship.
Yes, that's awesome.
In 1986 the MR2 was offered with a supercharger that produced 145 horsepower, which pushed
the car from zero to sixty in six and a half seconds.
That was faster than the Supra and almost as quick as the Ferrari 328.
The supercharger also had an innovative feature that allowed it to be disengaged when it wasn't
needed to save gas.
It could also be bought with T-tops which pretty much makes the MR2 the most 80s car ever.
You got the T-Top, you got them Pop Up headlights and you got a supercharger.
This thing is everything we love from the 80s in one car, it's amazing.
So now Toyota's got a real sports car that's beating everything on the road, so what do you do?
Naturally, they take it off road.
In the mid eighties Toyota built an MR2 rally car called the 'Two Twenty Two D'.
It may have looked like an MR2, but shared virtually nothing with the production version,
except for some body panels and that Macpherson strut suspension.
It was all wheel drive, and reportedly made over 600 horsepower.
It also looked like freaking monster.
So how did this beast perform?
Well, it didn't.
Unfortunately the class it was designed for, Group S, was scrapped with Group B. What's Group B?
Only the most badass collection of Rally Cars ever assembled.
(Loud exhaust notes)
The second gen Mr. two debuted in 1990, with a fresh face and a sleek new bod.
Critics soon started calling the W20 the 'Poor man's Ferrari' because it kinda looked like one.
The new MR2 embraced the Exotic mindset with a more luxurious interior and larger overall design.
It's still very small.
Chief Engineer Kazutoshi Arima.
Chief Engineer Kazutoshi Arima exclaimed that "The MR2 should be the perfect expression of freedom."
Arima wanted the car to be a space where the Japanese driver could be themselves, and he
felt the rigors of life in Japan made it hard to do so.
The W20 weighed 400 pounds more than the previous car, but that didn't matter because Toyota
got rid of the Supercharger and threw on a turbocharger.
It's a turbo Elaine, a turbo!
Making 200 horses, and it was only available with a manual transmission.
Which is freakin awesome.
These days the Turbo models go for about 2 to 3 times as much as the naturally aspirated ones,
which sucks because I'm paying like $6500 dollars a month in child support.
He's 22 years old Jessica!
The updated MR2 was again a legitimate threat to the 'fancier' sportscars.
The stock turbo MR2 beat the NSX, Supra and Ferrari 348 in the Quarter mile.
On the Japanese car show "Best Motoring" the MR2 went head to head against cars like
the M3, R32, RX7 and the Supra, all of them brand new at the time, and the MR2 held them
all off for a lap, like it was playing Gran Turismo on easy mode.
Toyota Racing Development, TRD, offered the MR2 with an official body kit and tuning package
turning the car into a replica of their TRD 2000 GT race car.
Customers could order the package with whatever engine and suspension upgrades they wanted,
with some rumored to produce over 500 horsepower.
Making it the most badass deathtrap Toyota ever made.
The second Gen MR2 was produced for ten years with only very few changes throughout
it was just that good.
The one major change Toyota made to the 2nd Gen MR2 was the suspension.
The car had a tendency to let the tail out if you let off the gas during a turn, which
would then snap back when the car found its weight balance.
Snap oversteer.
This is easy to correct if you have F1 driver level skills like me or Dan Gurney, but
it caught a lot of regular people off guard.
Toyota made tweaks to fix the problem in '93, but critics said the car had lost it's edge.
Would you make up your mind?
Do you want the car to kill you or not?
I swear these car critics, I don't know man.
The third generation MR2 "Spyder" with a "y" was unveiled in 2000, this time offered
only as a convertible.
Fans were a little disappointed with the toned down looks but that didn't matter because
this thing was really freakin' good.
Some journalists called it the best handling car you could buy, even better than the freaking
The new MR2 was being compared to the Porsche Boxster, which is exactly what Toyota wanted.
Ya hear that Mazda?
Not only is our car better than your's we're better than Porsche too!
Suck it!
The Spyder's design was entirely focused on the driving experience.
Sure, It made 'only' 138 horsepower but the car was so light that it didn't even matter.
Like the Miata and the Boxster, the Spyder rewarded drivers who kept their momentum going.
However, if you still find the power to be a little lacking, swapping for other Toyota
four cylinders or even some 6's is pretty easy.
The Spyders gained popularity as a great choice for first project cars.
They're pretty cheap and since it's a Toyota, you don't have to worry about it
breaking down all the time.
MR2 sales started to decline around the world, and the Spyder ended production in 2007.
Toyota shifted their focus away from sports cars and towards building more practical cars
like the Prius, until 2013 when they Introduced the GT86, but that is a story for another day.
The MR2 was Toyota's take on the exotic, both in terms of looks and driving feel, and
they did a pretty damn good job.
While it may have started out as an exploration in good gas mileage, The MR2 transformed into
a perfect mix of driving emotion, stellar design, and legendary Toyota reliability.
it's a really cool car.
This episode of Up To Speed was brought to you by Movement Watches.
Movement was founded on the belief that style shouldn't break the bank.
Their goal is to change the way consumers think about fashion by offering high quality
minimalist products at revolutionary prices with over 1 million watches sold to customers
in over 160 countries, Movement has solidified itself as the world's fastest growing watch company.
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Go to MVMT.COM/DONUTMEDIA or just click the link in the description below.
Use promo code DONUTMEDIA, duh.
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They got boy stuff, they got girl stuff, they got stuff for dads.
The watches start at $95 bucks, the sunnies start at $70 bucks.
You can get them polarized just like one of them giant white bears from the North Pole.
That is everything you need to know to get Up To Speed on the Toyota MR2.
We were literally bribed with cookies to make this one.
Donut fan Jack thinks he can bribe us with cookies, well he can.
We'll get the MR2 Up To Speed out asap.
Jack beautiful family, we love you.
We got Top 10's every Friday, Matt Field's FD Corvette build every Tuesday.
We got a lot of stuff going on, keep paying attention to Donut.
As always like, comment , subscribe, and share.
I love you.
Here's a Harry Potter advent calendar to get you in the mood for a magical Christmas - Duration: 2:23.
Here's a Harry Potter advent calendar to get you in the mood for a magical Christmas
With so many amazing different advent calendars on the market this year, were struggling to decide on the best one to use for our 2017 Christmas countdown.
Theres the gin and tonic one, the Zoella lifestyle one and the Yankee candle one and now, the advent calendar to end all advent calendars – a Harry Potter one!.
Behind each window you will find a super cute pair of Harry Potter socks. There are Hedwig socks, Harry socks, Gryffindor socks, Quidditch socks and Deathly Hallows socks.
And the best bit about this whole thing is that you can: keep your feet warm, countdown to Christmas and save a few house elves along the way all at the same time. Please tell us: what could be better?.
The calendar costs £12.
11 from Target and when you consider that youre getting 12 pairs of socks for that price, and the joy of saving a few Dobbys, then really this is one of the biggest bargains that weve heard about all year.
If you want to indulge in a few calendars this year, check out our round-up of TV and movie-themed advent calendars. And if youre already buying presents, then why not take a look at our Christmas gift guide for movie fans.
Weve got one for TV fans too, of course, and another for anyone in your life whos really, really into Star Wars (which may or may not contain the droids youre looking for).
Everything You Need to Know About STRU!!! (Enrollment Begins 12/1) - Duration: 13:01.
Tomorrow is the big day December 1st we're launching Short Term Rental
University Bachelor's and Masters a lot of you have had some really great
questions thank you for your patience we're about to answer them let's get
into it
first my goal why am i creating short-term rental university look I'm
absolutely thrilled with the impact we've had on the YouTube channel in the
Facebook group and I get comments every single day from people whose lives have
been positively impacted and they're taking chances and growing their
business and it's been amazing however it's also been you know very
superficial at a very top level and I want to get more granular speaking of
granular let's do it so what is it and it really comes down to what we call our
four C's we've got four C's one as content two is coaching three is the
community and four is our buyer Club and let's talk about each of these so let's
talk about the first C content and it really comes down to two things one
we're creating a course well actually two courses one for the bachelors track
and one for the Masters track and that specific content to where you are in
your journey and it's really granular and detail-oriented an action item
oriented we want you to do homework we want you to do things at a certain order
we want you to work on it and work on your business and really get it to the
next level so we're creating a course and I want to be really clear the course
that we're creating isn't the membership it's just one component it's always
gonna be updated it's gonna be released over time so if you buy the course don't
think that's all you're getting is just one element the second C is coaching
we're lining up a world-class list of people that are experts in their field
in their domain in their category whatever it is that they do they're
experts and they're thrilled to work with us these people want to work with
people that want to be helped just like I want to work with people that want to
be like students and help and help others so it's great and things range
from like topics that you would imagine financing analyzing properties mortgages
taxes decorating everything in and around real estate so like we've got
that covered talking about answering questions and
coaching along the way that's where I come in I'm gonna spend all my time and
energy on the page Facebook groups so you're gonna have full access to me
while I'm going to continue to moderate the Facebook group that's free because
that's a thriving community and it's great it's helping a lot of people it's
so broad-based that I can't have the impact that I want
I want to coach people I want specific questions where I can answer specific
action items and I'm gonna do that on the Facebook group that's for bachelor's
and master's so I'm excited about that and that brings us to the third C
community the third C and likely the one that you're discounting the most is
actually counterintuitive I happen to think and Charles agrees that this is
probably the most valuable one which is the community so we're gonna have
segmented groups in Facebook for where you are in your journey if you're just
getting started or you have one listing there's all sorts of questions that are
appropriate for you and we're gonna answer those questions and you're gonna
work with like-minded people in that community however if you're more
advanced and you're scaling and you're really a real estate entrepreneur
already some of these basic questions may not really be relevant to you and
you have more specific questions about triple net leases and 1031 exchanges in
LLC's and you want to be in that community with people that have that
expertise and answering those questions so we're really excited about the
community we did some meetups we plan on doing more meetups and things like that
I think that the community is sort of like the undiscovered Dimond you're
gonna find the real value is in growing your network with these communities and
we have some really cool ideas that we're gonna introduce next year about
how the communities can go even deeper and have like expert forums and things
like that but we're gonna save that for later right now I just want you to
realize that the community is going to be something that I think adds
tremendous value and the more that you participate in the more questions that
you ask and the more questions that you answer the more valuable the community
is I'm one guy you're hundreds of people that have expressed interest in growing
your business and your entrepreneurial endeavors and you all have resources
let's grow this thing together speaking of community let's talk about the fourth
seed the buyers club you know and we know that getting more like-minded
people together and forming a consortium has more buying power than any one of us
out on our own so consequently we're gonna use that to
our advantage we're gonna go out and we're actively discussing with vendors
of products and software and tools and things that we need to grow our business
to get a discount for everybody who's a paid member and at the same time any
products that we introduce that we go out and we source and we create and we
sell you get a lifetime 10% discount because we know these products are
really going to help you whether it's scale more save money whatever it is 10%
discount and that's the fourth C a buyer's club so that's
overview now let's get a little bit more specific we're gonna create two
different tracks we're gonna create the bachelors track and the master's class
let's get started with the bachelors so who's it for it's really comes out to
two different categories it's for people that have never gotten started on Airbnb
and want to get started or for people that have one or two listings and
they've been doing it okay and it's working out okay and they see signs of
like life and they want to get better they want to optimize their listing they
want to generate better results and if I do my job right I'm hoping to inspire
you to say gee this side gig could actually be better and more
opportunistic and richer and a bigger part of my life and then you would go
towards the master's class but let's talk about the specifics in the
bachelors class so here's what you're going to get here's the course that
we've developed right now and realize this is a work in progress it'll be
refined it'll be added there's constant new things that are coming on but here's
what we're starting with we're talking about optimizing your listing things
like your title your photography the thumbnail the description we're gonna
talk about pricing we're gonna talk about operations we're gonna talk about
hospitality we're gonna talk about bookkeeping in taxes so as you know you
also get access to the private Facebook group and that's gonna be people in the
bachelors tract they're gonna have the same sort of questions and the same sort
of ideas and that's gonna be a great tool for us as well now I'm gonna be
there personally answering your questions so our experts so it's gonna
be fantastic for you to grow your business now in order to do this right
we think it's really prudent to limit this to a hundred people a hundred
charter members I happen to think we're gonna open and close on the same like
day because we have many more than a hundred people already like signed up to
be notified so if this is something that sounds like it's interesting to you and
you want to be part of the launch community the Charter membership and
we're gonna talk about some of the benefits later but you want to go ahead
and sign up I just know that in order to help people as best as possible we want
the right people and the right people are gonna be the most eager and most
excited and those are the people that we're gonna have like a real impact on
so we think to start we're gonna limit this to a hundred people and I'd
encourage you if this is something you take seriously to be one of those so
let's turn our attention to the master's program and who this is for this is
custom tailored for people that know they want to be a real estate
entrepreneur maybe you've been on Airbnb at home way for a long period of time
maybe you have multiple listings maybe you aspire to have multiple
listings and have this be like your full gig going from a side gig to a full gig
the master's program and the content that we're developing there is
specific for you now I do want to also mention this in addition to the master's
program you get all of the content that we've created for the bachelor's program
and also access to the Facebook group there as well and the reason we're doing
that is because we know it's super important to have all of your foundation
items like super strong and best practices and so we encourage you to go
ahead and spend the time and energy reviewing all that content making sure
you're completely buttoned up so that when we're building our like high-rise
building the foundation is super strong let's go ahead and turn to the contents
specifically that we're creating for you we're starting with an assessment we
want you to take an inventory of where you are in your business what's your
current revenue what are your expenses where can you save money what's your
credit score taxes and accounting and how you build your team just scale how
you get financing how you research new properties creative strategies to help
you grow your business and go to the next level specific items related to
scale like templates and virtual assistants and how you automate and how
you use multiple platforms and finally if I do my job properly we're gonna get
you to be a full-scale full-blown real estate entrepreneur with multiple
streams of passive income and you're gonna be in a place that you wouldn't be
otherwise so once again because we really want to have the deepest most
meaningful impact on the right people we're gonna limit this master's program
to 50 people we have more than that signed up we think we're gonna open and
close if this is something that you really want to do we encourage you to be
a charter member grow with us we're gonna grow with you we'll reopen at some
point in the future who knows when but right now we want to get the right 50
people on board we want to impact those 50 people we want to change lives so
let's address head-on the question that's on your mind and everyone else is
which is how much is this going to cost and I'm so glad you asked the bachelor's
class is 37 dollars per month if you prepay for an entire year we're going to
give you two months free so that's three hundred and seventy dollars sounds like
a lot but let me tell you something if I'm doing my job right I'm gonna put
five thousand or ten thousand dollars or more in your pocket over the course of
the year and not one year every single year I know I can help you I know you
can grow this business so if you're serious about it it's a small price to
pay commit your time your energy and your money to growing your business and
guess what I will help you and you will get there the master's class is $97 per
month same thing 10 months prepaid you get it
for nine hundred and seventy dollars for the year and if I'm doing my job
properly it's gonna be ten thousand twenty thousand even
$50,000 more in your pocket in year one and every year thereafter but much more
importantly we're gonna help you grow your business and scale and become a
real estate entrepreneur and I know we can do that so I think it's really
important to align the right people with their time with their money with their
energy with this class with me coaching you and experts coaching you to take you
to the next level so where does this all go and it really comes down to three
things and the first is the most important we want short-term rental
university to be a growing sustainable business for the long term so that we
can continue to add value to you like forever and having a steady revenue
stream is really important to help us invest in your future and our future so
we're gonna be doing this for a long time too
we want to make sure that we have the best industry conference ever we're
planning for it right now sometime in q3 q4 in an Airbnb friendly City and we're
also gonna do some really innovative things like I want to have experts tee
up some deals and I'm committed to having a deal closed at the conference
but these conferences if you've never done one are really expensive I'm being
asked to front over fifty thousand dollars in securing space and minimum
food beverage etc so we need some resources to make this reality this
dream become a reality and the third thing is research and development
there's a lot of ideas that I have about tools and and ways to grow our business
that are gonna help save you money and so on and we want to add these products
to you and again you get a discount on those but we need some resources to help
this business grow in perpetuity develop new ideas like conferences and three
develop new products and ways to help you grow your business specifically so
let's turn to the fun stuff and what are you gonna get as a bonus for being a day
one charter member we want to reward you for helping us and we really believe in
this so we want to make sure that your first month is like completely free and
what we're gonna do is we're gonna give you swag to offset your cost so if
you're a bachelor's member you're gonna get thirty seven dollars worth of free
swag the hats and those shirts that we've been designing and so on we've got
other things we're going to include and if you're in the master's program we're
gonna give you ninety seven dollars worth of free swag including check this
thing out brand new $50 bag here canvas tote boat bag I use them for everywhere
I go I travel with them I take them on the weekend but the point is we're gonna
give you your first month's payment in offsetting swag so you can wear with
pride and authority that you're a charter member and we're gonna include
all that we pay for ship it's all on us number two we just talked
about this huge conference we're gonna throw in 2018 we're gonna give you 10%
off the ticket and to celebrate we're gonna host a little party for day one
charter members you're gonna get together I don't know this could be
launch dinner drinks whatever but we're gonna party to celebrate our success and
reward you for being a day one charter member and three don't forget if you're
not thinking like an entrepreneur part of the course is to get you thinking
like an entrepreneur education is tax-deductible speak to your CPA but the
cost of all this 37 a month or 370 a year or 97 a month or 970 a year it's
tax deductible so you're saving almost half depending on your tax bracket so
it's almost a no-brainer lastly friends I really just have to
thank you from the bottom of my heart the time and the energy and the devotion
that you have to growing yourself and growing our community and helping other
people has been incredibly rewarding this is like a monumental step in
short-term rental University and in my professional career I've done a lot of
things in the past this one has so much of personal meaning to see people thrive
and grow and achieve goals has been so rewarding and I appreciate your time
your energy your comments your likes your shares I mean it's just who would
have thought that a free youtube channel would lead to anything like this and
it's just been amazing I'm actually excuse me choking up a little bit but I
really have to thank you and if this sounds like something that you want to
do we encourage you to join us on day one charter membership we're kicking
this thing off at 12:01 a.m. on Friday December 1st first 100 bachelors are
gonna be there the first 50 masters your day one charter members to and I'm just
humbled honored and so appreciative
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