- So let's begin.
Alright, so,
myth number one
is that you think that
you need to have all of these requirements,
these job requirements
to be able to do your job.
The myth here is that
you need
to fulfill
I think that's, yeah, fulfill
the job requirements
The fact of the matter is that you don't. Okay?
As long as you have the main requirements down,
then you should apply for that job. Okay?
When companies ask, you know a lot of times
companies on the job descriptions they ask for perfection
and it's just not even possible.
In fact, I think it's funny
when I look at a job description and it says
to be able to multitask,
and if you've ready anything in science
in the last 60 years,
or 70 years,
it's impossible to multitask.
So I don't know why this still applies
on job descriptions but it does.
Multitasking is impossible.
In fact, I have a story that I actually got an interview,
I got to interview with a job,
a company where I didn't even have
the requirements met.
So you can definitely apply for a job
where you don't meet the 100% requirements
as long as you have the main ones down
you should be fine.
The second one here is
only follow your passions.
Now this one is definitely a common job myth.
This one is definitely a common job myth, because
for one we don't always know what our passions are.
And for two, what we think are our passions
are just fantasies.
For example,
if you think that, you know, you wanna become a lawyer
or a trial lawyer, a defense attorney,
you may think that you're gonna end up in court all the time
and arguing with the judge and the jury,
or you want to get one the juries side
and you're arguing with everybody in the audience
and your like woo!
This is great, I love it!
Okay, but the fact of the matter is,
when you're a defense attorney,
maybe only like 10-20% of the time you're in court.
80% of the time you are reading legal briefs
and editing things and thinking about things
and writing things and revising what you wrote down
and constructing your case.
A very small percentage of it is in court,
so if you think you wanna be a lawyer
because you want to have that kind action in court
just realize that its a very small percentage of
that actually happening.
So it's a big reason why a lot of people
after they become lawyers are like,
I hate my job.
A tremendous amount of lawyers hate their job.
Not kidding.
If you're a lawyer that loves their job,
nice, welcome to the two percent.
The third tip here is
leadership, not third tip,
third myth,
and management skills
will develop with time
and experience.
Okay, so the myth here is that
you think that if you want to grow
in management with your company
and you want to get more leadership roles
you just think that you have to wait
and then you'll get the leadership role
and then you'll be able to fulfill that
and you'll be able to lead teams
just because you got the position.
Here's the thing, is,
and this is the reason why so many managers suck,
is that they don't know how to lead.
They get their position, but they don't know how to
manage the team.
And so for some reason they get a promotion
so they have an even bigger team to manage
and they still don't know how to manage.
If you wanna get good at leadership and management skills
like anything, like sale skills,
like people skills,
working out, being able to get a six-pack,
being good at swimming, anything,
you have to actually work at it
and you have to read leadership books
and management books
and you have to actually ingest this information
and apply it to your team
apply it to your life.
And it's, you know, you'll try one thing
that doesn't work, you'll try another thing
that does work great.
But it does take studying,
It does take effort.
This leadership management, this stuff does not,
it's not acquirable with time.
It's, one is experience, but it's also
experience with studying. Okay?
The fourth myth about job,
about job myths that we're gonna go over today
is that
you can't
quit a job
within two years.
And this used to be the case is, uh,
I think,
probably pre mid 90s,
this use to be the case
where if you had a job, actually pre early 2000s,
if you had a job then you should stick with it for two years
because if your just job hopping from company to company
hiring managers are more reluctant to see
or are more reluctant to hire you
because they see that you might just, you know
high turnover, you might just leave
in another six months or something like that.
Now today it's not the case
because there's so much turnover
and the job market today isn't nearly
what it used to be.
There's a lot of people who are employees
but also independent contractors for other companies.
There's also a lot of people who maybe work 30 hours
at their job but they're hired by individuals.
Uh, maybe they have an online thing going on,
there's a lot of different ways
to generate income than there was.
And so there's a lot of people job hopping
from company to company.
Company loyalty isn't really
a big thing now-a-days so much as
I'm gonna have to research that.
But anyways, you can quit a job within two years.
If you know, your boss sucks, co-workers are negative
then yeah, go ahead and quit that job
if its only been 6 months.
Last tip here, last myth
that we're gonna work on here
is that
working long hours
will get you promoted.
And that is just simply not the case.
At least anymore.
If you spend long hours at the office
you're gonna, just like, yeah,
I'm sitting here, I'm working 70 hours a week
just so I can get that promotion.
It's not gonna work.
The only things that are gonna get you promoted
in this day and age
are your three P's, your three P's.
Your production.
Can you produce?
Whatever industry you're in.
Sales? Can you meet and excel quotas?
If you're in other industries, can you
if you're in design are you able to produce
and have a great design and have multiple
high quantity high quality kind of designs?
Number two,
people skills.
You need to have people skills
in order to get promoted
because you need to be able to speak to
your higher ups and actually have them like you.
Your third one here,
is presence.
You have to be present.
Not saying you have to be present for
106 hours a week,
but you do need to be present at your job.
Meaning that it's probably better to come
into the office, you know, a couple days a week
then, you know, not at all.
So, those are some common myths that
are probably killing you right now
and, that's about it.
If you're watching this on YouTube
go ahead and click on that link below
it's in the description section.
Thank you so much.
If you only, only, only, only
only do it if you want to get a job
only using social media,
you know what I mean.
If you want to get a job, like,
completely offline please do not click that link
it's not for you.
But if you do wanna get a job
and you only wanna go online
and you want to use social media
to be able to help that out
go ahead and click on that link.
Thank you so much for watching
see y'all later.
For more infomation >> 5 Myths Holding You Back From Applying to the Job Of Your Dreams - Duration: 8:41.-------------------------------------------
JAPANESE PEOPLE TRYING SLOVAKIAN FOOD FOR THE FIRST TIME, Halusky a palacinka 外国人クッキングママお料理しました - Duration: 13:29.
Thanking you in advance
My pleasure
Did you call that firefighters?
If something...
It`s OK Tina!
I called them...wahaha
Mom I will say the best YES to everyone...
Thank you my friends!
Do we need 2 litre?
Today is the day for SLOVAKIAN FOOD!
We don`t have a slovakian restaurant here
that`s why I`m so curious what kind of food is it?
I think, everyone doesn`t have any image of slovakian food, right?
I can say, it`s very good taste.
Today, I`m introducing you
Tina from Slovakia!
Thank you
It`s a chicken in paprika sauce.
I will cook it...
It`s slovakian traditional pasta
very traditional food of Slovakia
Every slovakian make this special pasta.
It will be definitely NEW TASTE to you...
It`s like American pan cake, but very thin...
Yap, in Slovakia, when you don`t know how to cook, you can`t become somebody`s wife!
Here in Japan, it`s opposite. After wedding, we are learning how to cook.
Eating rabbits? No way in Japan!!!
I think, the main countries eating rabbits are Slovakia and Rusia...
AND in japanese KANSAI (they eat rabbits)
Put the paprika and mix it with the meat...
Hmmm....It`s interesting how this taste!
She doesn`t use KONSOME(boujon)
Let`s have a small fire and wait 20 minutes
While we`re waiting
let`s make palacinky.
But first HALUSKY (slovakian traditional pasta)
yap, saying the word in japanese is so difficult...Japan doesn`t have "L"
It`s little bit hard to say "L"
We`ve got very special cheese in Slovakia. "BRYNDZA"
You can`t buy it in Japan.
We, girls in Japan, we are so sad, because we want to make that food but no real "bryndza" cheese here...
Yap, I can make Halusky pasta, but not that cheese...
bryndza is similar to cottage cheese.
And I have to tell you, that we love to drink alcohol in Slovakia.
We`re so strong when it comes to drinking alcohol.
When somebody is going to visit somebody,
you have to bring bottle of wine.
Do you want to try how hard it is?
This is the best
It has to be like this, because if it`s thickier, it`s not good.
I`ve got a good story for you...
When I was younger
I went to drink to the bar
and my friend drunk a little bit there also.
On the way home, the police cought him.
Don`t tell to anybody...but...
That friend
gave the shampagne to the police
and they allowed him to go home...
He wasn`t put in jail for driving and drinking...
Tell me how much you need, when to stop, OK?
Thank you
OK, it`s there. Do you see everyone???
You have to push it down
and it will fall down to the hot water
and after when the pasta will come up
the pasta is ready to pick it out...
I`m seeing this for the first time!
It`s different from russian pasta.
russian pasta NYOKI is more bigger
I want this tool in my home, my kid will be happy to make it!
So true, right?
Then let`s put some oil on that pasta (for not sticking together)
The best HALUSKY pasta depens on the holes in the tool...
This one is easier to use!
It`s so easy, right?
This tool, everyone has this wooden tool.
Handmade in everyone`s homes...
I`m going to mix with this...
Flour and cream together...
Tina, that wooden tool made your dad, right???
Yes, this made my dad in Slovakia.
It`s very easy to use and mixing with it...
Nowdays, they sell it in plastic type, but...
You need to use wood
for the best taste of food.
In Slovakia, we have big gardens
It`s too easy, go to garden and make that tool
Turn the fire down
Where did you see this wooden tool???
In another country in flea market sale...
Yes, you can also buy that wooden tool on Christmas Markets in Slovakia...
OK, paprika sauce is ready!
Sauce is finished.
Is Slovakian cucumber different from Japanese cucumber?
Slovakian cucumbers are much more hurting the hands...that sharp horns on the cucumbers...
The salad is too easy, just mix all together and it`s ready (cucumber, yoghurt)
I know, everyones image is, that yoghurt has to be sweet...
But I`m going to make a sour salad with it...
And you will be definitely shocked with the taste of this salad. Some new taste to you I think...
And if you want you can put more salt after tasting...it`s up to you.
And let`s put the vinegar
It smells so good!
In old Slovakia, we didn`t have a mayonese
We were making our own mayonese at home.
Oil and eggs mixed together...
fe...for traditional christmas salad
Christmas potato salad.
I`m going to make slovakian Palacinky now...
In Slovakia the filling is jam
when I lived in England
made that pancake and
filled with honey and banana inside of pancakes.
Let`s spread the jam now on Palacinka
roll it
This one is ready.
My older bro loved strawberry jam
I love blueberry jam
How did we know which pancake is with different jam?
My mom made always 2 types of it...
My bros was rolled and mine "palacinka" pancake was the sharp of triangle.
That`s how we knew which one is which...
it was easy for us than.
And we didn`t fight
how many you ate?
The point is after making it, eat it very soon.
In Slovakia, we`ve got 4 seasons: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.
Just like here, in Hokkaido.
This looks like Hokkaido`s nature right?
My grandpa was always working on the grass like this...
Bread is homemade in Slovakia
They sell the bread of course but
the best is homemade.
We don`t eat so much rice in Slovakia. Maybe once a week.
We don`t eat so many rice like in Japan.
The main I can say is potato, pasta...
if you mix cocoa with butter
you can have slovakian choco spaghethy.
Slovakian people loves to eat that.
Mine japanese kids doesn`t like it at all...
Sweet spaghethy? NO WAY mom!
Thank you so much everyone!
Thank you for your food!
Woow, everyone said it was a delicious
you made me so happy everyone!
Really, thank you so much.
Thank you
Thank you everybody for coming.
What Is Off The Wall Bidding? | Property Auction Tips - Duration: 2:20.
Strong cold wind brings down temperature _ 112917 - Duration: 1:39.
Hello I'm Michelle Park here with the weather update.
Cold air is blowing hard from north of the peninsula.
Over the course of the evening,... we'll get subzero readings, so make sure to layer up
when you commute back home.
By tomorrow morning, you can expect even colder conditions.
Seoul will begin the morning at minus 4 degrees Celsius, while the southern region will still
be bearable with Daegu and Busan beginning at 0 and 6 degrees.
By the time we reach noon, it'll get sunnier across the country with Seoul topping out
at 3 degrees while Gwangju and Busan rise up to 7 and 11 degrees.
Clear skies will stay with us until Saturday in most places including Seoul,... but with
freezing temperatures in the morning.
And on Sunday, rain or even snow is expected to fall on the central region.
I'll leave you with the weather conditions around the world.
3. How The Web Sausage Gets Made / Monica Dinculescu / ffconf 2017 - Duration: 34:21.
Despicable Me 3 Minions Dance Shape of You With Pikachu During Christmas - Chip Studio - Duration: 11:36.
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Selena Gomez, Marshmello "Wolves" (karaoke+) - Duration: 3:23.
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How can I improve my speaking fluency? - Duration: 2:48.
The key to it is practising your communication skills, and so for me it's
not necessary that it has to be a native speaker. I don't think that's important.
I think what's important is the person that you're communicating with,
the person you're interacting with, has a good grasp of English and so that the
communication can be fluent. What's more important is that the communication is meaningful.
ln other words, that you have a reason for talking to this person, and
it's not just a matter of practising your English but that you actually have
a purpose when you're talking to that person.
Fluency - probably, you've got to speak. Practising as much as possible. Taking ... or
making the most of every opportunity that is available to you, so in your
university, joining clubs or any activities that have an English language focus,
debating society, whatever it might be. But also going to your English
Language Centres, where there will be plenty of resources for you to
to utilise and to develop fluency.
There's only one way to improve fluency in any
language but particularly in English. You have to use it. The only way you're going to
start to be able to recall that language and get it out a lot quicker is by
having that opportunity. So, joining some clubs, for example Toastmasters club
that's only taught in English, or a drama club, or even going out on the internet
and finding out some local exchange or meetup clubs where you can go and talk
to some native speakers. But, people have it wrong. You don't need a native speaker
to improve your English. You just need somebody to speak English to.
Why not try this?
Go for a week and only speak English to everybody you know.
Even your Chinese friends.
Even if they respond to you in Chinese, respond back in English!
Only use English and you'll see your fluency improvement!
Pets Hospital | pets doctor | pets business - Duration: 2:56.
Hi...Meet Lori Gossard He is a Doctor
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Your pet's health and well being is very important to us and we will take every step to give
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All Pets Hospital is a full service animal hospital and will take both emergency cases
as well as less urgent medical, surgical, and dental issues.
Lori Gossard is experienced in all types of conditions and treatments.
Beyond first rate pet care, we make our clinic comfortable,
kid-friendly, and a very calm environment so your pet can relax in the waiting room
and look forward to meeting his or her own Grand Forks veterinarian.
We have a number of resources for you to learn about how to take better care of your pets.
Browse around and look at our articles and pet videos.
The best veterinary care for animals is ongoing nutrition and problem prevention.
If you want to ask a question call (701) 746-9707 or email us and we'll promptly get back to
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Dr. Lori Gossard Grand Forks Veterinarian | All Pets Hospital
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Grand Forks, ND 58203
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