Hello, hello guys! As usual, Mr. ATC for another idea of housing!
A lot of people are often asking me advice on what can we recycle and how to do it.
Today I would like to challenge your creativity…
One of the basic things with recycling is first to know what you need and then how can you make it happen…
For example take this plexiglas frame holder that I found in the street by the way…
It's not good at all…
It's amazing how many good things we just throw away and that's very sad!
Remember guys, we need to stop just throwing away stuff and refurbish and recycle as much as possible…
A lot of things can be recycled today and broken down into single materials
Another great tip for you is to check online how you could recycle a specific item
There is a lot of great website showing some cool ways how to upcycle things…
So now let's go back to the plexiglass frame holder...
In a few days, I will be showing you what you could do to recycle it.
And believe me it's going to be very cool
You could even be surprised!
But now the most important question is: What do you think can be created out of this???
Before showing you the final result, I would love to read your comments and ideas.
So come on go in the comment field now and share your ideas with us!
Then I will be back to you in a few days! See you soon!
For more infomation >> Challenge your creativity!!! how to recycle a Plexiglas frame holder // DIY - Duration: 1:39.-------------------------------------------
Episode 4: Be the Champion of Your Mind - Using the Law of Attraction in Your Daily Lives Podcast - Duration: 13:18.
yo its WT Hamilton and I approve this message
No alright and welcome to episode 4 becoming a champion of your mind that's
right your you're tuned into using the law of attraction in your daily lives I
want to welcome you thank you for joining us today I'm excited about
talking about this I've been thinking about it for the last couple of days and
it's becoming a champion of your mind what that means is you have to be the
shepherd stop being the sheep you see in life a lot of times we get influenced by
what other people think other people's perspectives their opinions and we start
to bring that into our reality into our way of thinking into our beliefs and
then that becomes part of our subconscious thought so as we were
talking about you know loading your subconscious in episode 2 this is kind
of an extension of that this is a becoming a champion of your mind to
really know what is going on in your mind and and really look at what you
believe what is true for you not what someone else has taught you let me give
you an example that so you can kind of understand where I'm coming from so my
daughter she's 16 and she wants to go to this surprise birthday party that one of
the other girls and and the girl's mom was strong for for one of the girls
turning 16 so I she she asked me I told her look you have futures that you got
to do once you get those chores done then sure I don't have any problem you
can go to this party with your friend and their parents are driving them there
picking them up blah blah blah everything's cool so uh she gets ready
to go to the party and as relieving the actually as it was after I came back
that's what it was after I came back her big brother says oh you let her go to a
party but there might be a alcohol drugs there and knows one of the things that I
never really never really thought about because it was we've talked about that
before but all of a sudden and then her mom was
also talking about all of a sudden I started to think to myself oh maybe I
shouldn't let her go to that party oh maybe there's no she's gonna be doing
drugs and drinking him and you know doing things that I don't want her to do
and then it caught myself and I said wait a minute this is these guy's
opinion that's not what I believe no I I believe the law of attraction I believe
in really focusing it on what you want but also I've taught her to really use
her brain and to to do things that only she wants to do not to be influenced by
other people in to be a champion of her mind and I trust that she'll make the
right decisions and and the experiences that she will have will be the ones that
she's meant to have so instead of being worried and fearful I I went back to how
I felt before I talked to these guys which was I really felt that there was
no problem she was just gonna have fun and whatever the other kids were doing
she wasn't gonna get involved in that and I knew that she was with another
girl that's not into any of that stuff and my daughter's not he's not into all
these kind of crazy things anyways so I had nothing to worry about the only way
that I was going to worry is if I let someone else influence me if I became
the sheep instead of the shepherd and this is what you have to do you got to
become a champion of your mind you got to start questioning why you think the
way you think I'm going to be doing another episode where we're really
looking at changing your beliefs but right now what I'm talking about is I
really think about what you what you think and why do you think that I'll
give you another example just so you can really kind of put this together and
understand what I'm talking about when I was younger my parents are always
talking about you know don't go to the u.s. the u.s. is very bad US a very
dangerous thing you don't like black people in the u.s. you know all kinds of
fear about the US but as as I grew up my job required me to go to the US and I
remember the first time that I've I had to go there I was
so nervous I was fearful as full of fear because the only thing I knew about the
us was really bad stuff you know that people hate black people this very
violent place is just a scary place that you wouldn't want to go to unless you
really had to and I had to for the job that I had but when I got there it was
completely different it was completely different from from what I thought it
was almost the same as where I live there was no racial issues that I ran
into there was no no animosity you know you had little pockets of little things
but nothing that was any different from what I deal with it was was really a
pretty similar I started to realize that the fears that I had there there weren't
my fears from my own beliefs and my own experiences they were I was taking on
someone else's fears and making them mine and then having that in my
subconscious telling me that I should always be scared of going here or scared
of doing that or you know this is dangerous once I started to become a
champion of my mind start to realize I'm only gonna take on the fears that I
believe that are true for me true for my reality I really started to open up all
kinds of opportunities for myself I was no longer afraid to go certain places or
talk to certain people or do certain things because I felt really secure in
the belief that I was going to be okay in doing those that there was nothing to
fear there there was no no problems you see when you become the Shepherd instead
of the Sheep when you only believe in the things that
are true to you you open up your yourself to all kinds of potential and
possibilities and this is one of the things you have to realize everybody
doesn't matter if it's your brother you could even if you have a twin it could
be your twin doesn't matter who it isn't the people that you live with the people
that are your friends the people that you work with every single person even
the person that you share your bed with the person
you spend the most of your free time with every single person has a different
life experience they have different things that happen to them different
things that influence their opinions and their beliefs and so if you stay true to
only your opinions in your beliefs and if you stay true to that you become a
champion of your mind you will become the Shepherd of your
mind and you will be able to listen to other people's perspectives and you'll
be able to look at those in a detached way remember we were talking about
detachment in the other episode but detaching from fear you detach from
other people's opinions in getting upset or getting emotional and you can just
listen and take it in for two perspective and decide whether it fits
with your logic whether it's going to expand your logic if it's something new
that makes sense to you and it replaces something that you you believed or if
it's not for you at all well you don't have to get upset you see a lot of
people get upset when someone doesn't agree with their perspective someone
doesn't agree with their belief someone doesn't agree with the way they see
things but in the reality is we all see things a little bit different we all
have different experiences that's what makes the world so unique in the world
so so awesome and makes everything work so well is because we're able to see
things from different perspectives we bring in our different life experiences
and we put that all together to to make the world the world that it is all the
good all the bad all the in-between but if we all try to start thinking the
exact same way and believing all the exact same things we will lose what
makes humanity so exciting and so creative and so so wonderful you have to
stop letting other things other people influence the way you think you can't
take on someone else's belief just because they said that
how you should believe and it includes things that that that you're learning
about the law of attraction there's a lot of things in the law of attraction
that I just don't I don't gel with you know I'm a lot of the stuff that Abraham
teaches for me it's it's very difficult for me to get my my head around it to
get into that it just it's it's really foreign for me it doesn't mean that it's
not good information it just means it doesn't speak to me so for me to learn
the law of attraction I can't I can't follow that so there's certain things
that maybe they say you should or shouldn't do I don't follow that because
it's not for me it doesn't fit in with my life experiences and it doesn't fit
in with my vision of how I want my life to be the same thing with people tell me
Think and Grow Rich that book is great it's awesome and blah blah blah I read
the book but it really didn't didn't do a lot for me it didn't help me because
it was still again in another another way of thinking other than how I think
in the way that I see things the way that one of my experiences are and I
started to realize that you don't have to have all that stuff to use a lot of
attraction the law of attraction is about focusing on things that you want
and then really visualizing seeing them things and talking about them things and
you know bringing those things into your reality when you start to really believe
it in your mind and in your heart and that's for me what the law of attraction
is for someone else it might not be that someone might disagree but the other
thing I tell people is you don't have to buy everything I'm selling just by the
part that's gonna change your life so you find parts and pieces that make
sense to you and you put those into your your reality into your way of thinking
but it has to be because you believe it because it makes sense to you if you're
only doing it because this is what this person says you have to do to become you
know a champion at manifestation to become a champion of your mind and you
don't agree with some of the things then you're becoming the sheep and you don't
want to be the sheep you have to be the Shep
you have to be the leader of your own mind the champion of your own mind
that's what you need to focus on that is the key to really getting started and
getting getting yourself and expand and be able to really do the things that you
want to do with the law of attraction to use in your daily life
we talked a lot about this stuff in our book your invincible power and like I
said you know you need to read that book because it's really going to help you to
understand this stuff there's some exercises that that you're going to need
to do so in the in the third chapter there's an exercise that we're going to
be working on working on that you need to read that and start practicing that
because it's really going to help you as we go forward with really expanding how
you see things and how you're able to do things so that's what I want to talk
about today it's about becoming a champion of your mind I know you can do
it I know that sometimes you take on things that you don't realize you're
taking on you know you have tools now you're starting to get the tools to to
be able to identify when that's happening in to to change it to say okay
wait this is not what I believe this is not what I want in my subconscious is
not what I want to think about is once you start to think intentionally your
life changes intentionally so that's what I want to leave you with today
thanks for joining I hope you subscribe to this channel you can check out past
past episodes and you want to listen to these a few times let it really sink in
to your to your mind and really understand and and make it part of your
habitual way of thinking we're going to be doing more more episodes I do have my
mom's going to be joining us for a couple episodes and you know we're going
to give you a little bit of insight into some of the things that she's going to
be doing going forward as well so thanks for joining remember to subscribe share
it like it and we'll talk to you again yeah it's WT Hamilton and I
this message
Learn to talk about mobile phone upgrades in 6 minutes - Duration: 6:19.
myth or real, drinking alcohol warms you up - Duration: 1:15.
drinking alcohol warms you up.
is it just a myth. or is it real?
lets find out,
but before that if you are new to our channel
consider subscribing.
Since at least the 18th century,
St. Bernard dogs with barrels of brandy
famously attached
to their collars have been warming snow-stranded travelers in the Alps.
But does alcohol really raise your body temperature?
Turns out, just one alcoholic drink could make you feel warmer,
but it actually lowers
your core body temperature.
How does alcohol employ this rule of opposites?
Alcohol may make your skin feel warm,
but this apparent heat wave is deceptive.
A nip or two actually causes your blood vessels to dilate,
moving warm blood closer to the
surface of your skin,
making you feel warmer temporarily.
At the same time, those same veins pumping blood closer to the skin's surface
cause you to lose core body heat the heat you need to survive, especially if you're
stuck in a snowdrift .
This effect could lead to fatal hypothermia.
So a snifter of brandy may make you feel hot,
but you certainly won't be that way for long.
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