This is like second time near the studio my little nervous
probably my shaking no you know yeah you need you need some nerve sometimes right
what's that people's today I decided to take like a little thug life I don't
know what to do with my hair anymore candies were her soul she's doing a suit
today that should be good
yeah doesn't work if you are to have that comfortable space to move around
and attract
yo so today's been like a madness day shooting BTS for candy at the same time
fat boy SS II was hosting this event everything was closed to you I said hey
man let's shoot a video the man's a guy let's do it bro cool
got his contact got his phone number sent him an email with the skits I
wanted to do I'm like oh this guy's cool and so then he comes to try now when I
get out what up you can yell what up so I give him the
schedule breakdown cuz they're all okay cool I'm thinking hey man we're gonna
shoot these videos long and behold it hits me with the fucking tats that
anybody with no money like myself hates to get is it how we doing this USD what
what I had to be respectful the guy has like 3.5 million Instagram followers
yeah and by the time you guys watch this you probably have more who knows but you
know I had to take him seriously young kid whatever obviously I have services
hiking's offering I'm a really good videographer and I had to put some dope
shit for him together so I told him that you know for trade off I didn't think he
was wanting cash but then I did ask him what does you fee at the end of the
message cuz I respect him right and it's a hustle and I get it couple hours later
he messages me to not want to fire mogees understand for the left knee if
he's agreeing with me or not this man hits me with fire fire
what the fuck does that mean Marvin do you want light into what the fuck is
fire fire what is it what this fire fire to me like the whole running around you
can you just told me yeah I'm gonna get pain could I just set it from knew from
the jump board that's what I said yeah so we need you up all the way yeah
I didn't to drop out anyways enjoy a few moments later alright so here's the news
Fat Boy hit me up and he's like let's do it let's shoot the video Mike what is
going on bro it's a few moments later it's not gonna
happen talk to Fat Boy me no I did you pointed
at me doctor that boy he wants money I couldn't give him but he has every right
to ask for money hmm bigger man no pun intended and yeah you
got this one but we gained knowledge I mean at the end of the day he knows who
you are now there's some sort of relationships established and again it's
it's it's no no hard feelings it's just what it is right yes I understand that
when you have that much follows you could charge them a good lump sum now
I'm gonna say what it is for an Instagram video for a minute imagine
making that much money for one minute video on your iPhone I've learned
something today what
that fiance that my pulse won't be on so that's funny like I think my advertiser
and all these things like that's its money like so Kylie Jenner is five
hundred thousand us Wow five hundred thousand US fair pole half
a mil cripples justice a non in this product
that's what's that Blue Book was it yeah yeah give you a good understanding of
what you know you know there's there's power in viña influencer and online
computer in the reach job and it's valuable
you got turn your popularity into profit that's the name of the game so I'm post
a paycheck hopefully one day mm-hmm it's a profit we still have a dollar and a
dream do you got change
today we're going to YouTube space Toronto whoa for free drinks and alcohol
oh wait that's the same thing I'm gonna sound so stupid yeah so just to follow
up I did email Charlamagne tha God the short phone that's pending
it's okay so basically the way all main reddit you bet my email and even watch
it yet and I know he's been busy I've been stocking his Instagram and I feel
like I feel like a captive a little rope you feel like a girl just fun and
stalking Charlamagne tha God just please watch it you're really gonna like it
and I don't know what's gonna happen I eventually I'm gonna wait a week I seem
like a real cat see wait a week and then like DM and because it's logos oh it's
good so yeah I need him what is he a Caesar I think isn't like it I think you
should like it if he doesn't like it something wrong with it yeah but he
hasn't seen it I need them to somehow see it spend three days alright let's
time move the man but gonna be late yeah half an hour to get there yeah
that's all YouTube space Toronto so where we headed today you know the space
has been there for about like a year now for I have never been to you to try no
speech stuff I've been there I've been there three three times to be honest by
the time they voted everything I wasn't youtubing as much actually I
only had put out like two three videos this year yeah but
that's gonna change anyway Sam is LGBTQ and I know they know
how to turn up so I mean do you have any good friends dropping different Tom I do
like cocky so like don't have any gay friends no
that like I know our openly gay that I hang out with regularly not so much I
know I know huh like I have a lot some gay gay Quentin's is this stuff like
that but I guess like my core group of friends yeah no okay
you couldn't have this that can you ten oh no 10 years ago
yeah of course then go away okay 2007 yeah Kanye West was a mcdaggett and shit
no 15 no I thought yeah I think 10 years ago it's still like $0.50 a pound oh
definitely 1994 sure well that wasn't
the one thing that I definitely noticed is the amount of like on screen time to
get back on TV please webseries series at one point I
thought maybe they're just doing it for ratings yeah but certain stories make
sense like it's needed because stories need to be told like specially in Mecca
orange is the new black and the transsexual
yeah like those stories need to be told you know you know was a good episode I
saw the master of blood yeah I saw his friend I love that yeah yeah it's so
girls a really good episode and people got to realize those things like you
know I'm like well we're all people like yeah we all then today we're all human
we all have feelings to be something if you can it just is what is you can't
help it right one thing I like about it is that humanity is fake I mean like
because it's people are more accepting and and understand that these are people
too yeah so don't make outcasts then somewhat a little bit of humanity is
getting restored
in a way better progression yeah so change is good change is great you know
was not with an obama state change in supply chain yeah but things didn't
change in America
me too
yo so we just came back from YouTube space for Onorato
I'm gonna meet up with this videographer named Jackie bro where is this place
it's it's so sketch around here I'm I feel like I'm gonna get stabbed I'm
right at church and Dundas I see Oh Pizza Pizza I see
walks out that church
oh I see you oh I see your doctor you know it's it's gets here
please snapping me or some shit it was good I had like so much so then
Applejack you got footage or whatever and then managed to corral you know say
I'm gonna come out that so hold on yeah would you yo you can't all date what
part it's very cool but then they're always wings
I have family in Manchester a bunch of food yeah so hopefully we're gonna shoot
something Saturday yeah we do something something different yeah okay
you know all loves you know I'm saying alright now I'm going to next party yeah
yeah and I go I'm safe you too though Jake can't drink too much apple juice
apple juice all right take care see Saturday
so I'm at the Gladstone Hotel right now when I was a kid I used to be a plumber
construction worker and this place was haunted we had to break down the walls
and papyrus in there and I was finding syringes and shit and like devil worship
besides I was spray painted behind the walls it's crazy this is something that
I used to do all the time come here every today and I work down I would do
plumbing here we would bring see all these pipes I put these pipes in here
when I was a kid and right there someone actually committed suicide why did they
fall nobody could see it they fell right off that balcony I was working here I
gotta go there cuz I shouldn't be
yo foot it is haunted I actually went all the way upstairs to show you boy I'm
gonna watch you you're like her
no it's don't like how I didn't get invited to their friends with benefits
sure you don't need Africa today everybody has to be Canadian or American
eh and you you even went to Australia no if the method is aware because Ron Diaz
I told you I told you where we were everywhere who we're boys and come on I
was your friend when you were fat now because you know my friend oh boy
reverse your life way to riches place who
who's holding prince hostage and his birthday today we're going on
PJ I'm a magical carpet ride is jet-set but anyways always a good time and good
people's good vibes yeah simply fine will be
don't be how turn it up
if should I cut my hair how many times they ask me miss about just put your
ducks in there and call it put your ducks in there call it a day
should I cut my hair guys Evi yeo-hwa yeo-hwa man's birthday in hello oh look
at this Oh chips and dip what yeah sorry I took some out of it yeah that's for
you but but but but then I took some keep that guy I'm that guy yeah hi I
brought this for you but then I drank some squeeze it so this has Hennessy in
it and the seat and you squeeze it in there
put a little bit pull out a little bit there you go
it is Hennessey's so can I just eat this thing ya never know so would you like to
say anything to the gallon what's in this but you had to pay for okay so we
need to explain this like why what is this I'll put it back
first of all you've been anyway in the world tonight with you here tonight with
me okay calm down listen I'm a strong believer in trusting the process
trusting the universe and everything then don't believe it I'm happy that I'm
in a group a great group of friends and exactly where I'm supposed to be so
trusting the process things are going really well
set the gun boy shut to run shove it to your hairline dress
this man right here so very soft you guys are named for beating Boston
Amelia lies the man boss and celebrate my birthday with you man just let me
turn from a no rusty light be the best of your life yeah
from the night yesterday my legs dyma yeah I need some I need some stability
take the camera away
Oh so as you can see Yoshiko my guy needs a job like that when I was all
staged I had a whole spiel I couldn't remember shit well yeah unless that was
crazy you missed it
For more infomation >> Ep 3.Birthday Love and Mishaps - Duration: 22:24.-------------------------------------------
The Junkyard Fishing Rig saves you so much money! - Duration: 12:20.
Today, we're using a special rig that we like to call...
The Junkyard Rig!
That's a big one!
Ooh! Don't! Don't! Don't! Don't!
Don't! Don't! Don't! Don't! Don't! Don't! Don't! Don't! Don't! Don't! Don't! Don't! DON'T!
Stop! Stop, stop, stop stop! -Okay!
So basically, we've been tog--
we've been tog fishing for the past 2-3 weeks now,
and um, something that we learned with tog fishing is that you lose a lot,
a lot, a lot of gear.
I went through 15 sinkers the other day,
and, um, that adds up!
we have met some new friends here at Deleware,
um, this guys name is Gage,
he's uh, he's a local fisherman here and he's very good.
He showed us this awesome rig, where
instead of using sinkers, you just go to a junkyard,
and get a bunch of these spark plugs
and either they'll sell it to you for really cheap or they'll just give it to you for free,
and basically, what you do is
you attach a--a paperclip onto it
so that if your--if your sinker gets stuck there,
instead of breaking off your entire rig,
just the sparkplug will come off.
This thing will bend out of shape, and uh,
you know, instead of losing the whole rig, you just lose the spark plug.
So tog fishing is very difficult, and uh, this is something that
I have just picked up not too long ago,
probably a month now,
and um, basically, they like to hide by reefs or under--around
underwater structure or rocks,
stuff like that, um,
casting a sinker into that area is what you want to do
um, but now,
the good thing about this is there's fish there,
the bad thing is that you'll always lose
at least one rig.
Um, from my experience at least.
Uh, these fish are notorious for- for being bait stealers
and uh, they're a very frustrating fish.
*long sigh*
--so that's why this rig is so,
I think is, uh, so efficient and I wanted to show it to you guys
because this could save you guys a lot of money!
Um, either, I mean--
It takes a lot of time to tie a bunch of rigs,
and it costs money to buy hooks,
and fluorocarbon leader,
and-and sinkers, and it all adds up!
This thing really saves your rig from being completely snagged,
because instead of-- instead of the whole rig breaking off,
the paperclip will bend out of shape and you'll just lose the spark plug.
Comment below some other things that you would use for sinkers!
Um, I'm sure a spark plug is not the only thing
that could be uh, used as a sinker.
What are some other ideas? Comment below!
*drag screeches* Woahh! Ooh! (That's what I thought we were doing-- Woah, nice!)
Oh, nice!
It's a short.
Woah, nellie.
Same size.
Nice, did you have the s--? --And look at that! Look!
--And it saved--the paperclip saved the weight!
Sho--! Go, show the camera! Show the camera over here.
So--? Oh.
It's there though, I can get it. Alright.
This is how Gage told me to put on the spark plug.
First, you get a paperclip.
And that's it.
You just put it on like that.
You have your loop end
feed it through there,
and just bend,
bend it around like that.
So now, if this gets stuck
you'll not lose the whole rig.
You'll just lose the spark plug.
*drag screeches*
Oh! Wow- nice!
Nice, man.
--And that's 4 - 4.
4 - 4!
Yo, I found--I found the sp--!
The spot to hook the sand fleas.
Where do you hook the sand flea?
I'll show you, I'll show you.
So how we're going to hook this sand flea
is up here by the head.
There's a lateral line that runs up and down
and I'll put it right there
tuck it right in that corner.
Ah! Ha ha ha!
So inside here
the hook is hidden.
The tog like to eat out this, the leg area and the tail area
and we keep missing them because they keep biting around the hook,
now the hook is hidden in there, and hopefully
they have no choice but to bite the hook.
Gage has gone 4 - 4 now.
(Ha ha) and I've gone uh
100 ---
0 - 100 Ha ha!
I also think we have an advantage with the size 2 hook.
Why is that?
Because the way we're hooking it now, we're covering more of the flea
than we would even with a smaller hook. -Right.
Oh yeah!
A little baby one.
Ha ha ha!
You've finally got one--what is this? 1 out of 110?
That's just a little baby one,
But uh, these fish are very tasty!
I'm here.
He got another one.
What the heck?
Ha ha ha ha!
Killin' it.
Can you talk a little bit about the spark plug and where you would acquire a spark plug from?
So the whole spark plug purpose is just being resourceful,
we um,
we fish out here so much that we lose
countless and countless, countless of weights,
and that can get expensive.
It can get very expensive when you lose a lot of lead.
So what we-we're--
so, me and a couple of my buddies,
so, we thought about spark plugs.
Using two of them will give you about
2.75 (oz.) which is perfect for an inlet,
you really don't need much 'cause you don't need to cast out too far,
you just need to be able to drop in the water column.
So what we did was we thought of a paper clip,
so, say if we get snagged,
our paperclip
will bend out
and you'll lose that
before you lose your rig. Oh, that's smart.
And replacing a spark plug is easier than replacing a rig.
So the spark plug is working pretty well,
um, the difference is
you have to, you have to feel it more and it's
it's harder to feel the spark plug because it's lighter than a 2 oz. sinker
I would usually use a 2-3 oz. sinker for this,
and I hooked it the way that Gage taught me,
which is just through the parts that the fish like to eat
which is like, the under side.
Um, and the hook is just barely showing.
But that's where it's going to try and bite.
That's a big one!
Come on, Brendon. Aaargh!
Come on, baby.
Ooh!!! Don't! Don't! Don't! Don't! Don't!
Don't! Don't! Don't! Don't! Don't! Don't! Don't! Don't! Don't! Don't! DON'T!
Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop!!! Okay, okay, okay, I'm stopping, I'm stopping.
Come on.
Come on.
Tell me it's still there.
Still there?!
Uh huh.
*Erin makes high pitched noise of anxiety???*
Don't let him get away, man!
Ooh! Slob!
Huh? Slob!
Nice! Absolute slob.
Ho!! Ha ha ha ha!
That thing pulled hard, man! Absolute slob.
Wow. First hookset!
I hooked it on the first bump, like you said, Gage.
Ooh. Look!
And he would have gotten you snagged but your weight broke off.
My weight broke off!
And that is why he used a spark plug! So everything worked, man!
That's how you do it!
That's a beautiful fiiish!
That's a slob!
My teacher right here!
Thank you. That's a slob, son.
So I would have lost that if I had a regular sinker on there, huh? (Uh huh.) (Oh my gosh, that is so enormous.)
So the spark plug broke off...
What a fish!
I'm super jealous!
He he he!
Is it?
Fifteen and a--
Good fish.
Hoo hoo hoo hoo!
That thing was strong, really put my reel to the test with that one.
Yeah, he hammered it.
I knew once I saw the white of his belly flash. Uh huh
Alright, get on it, Gage! You're up!
That's dinner.
I hooked that thing good, look at that, it engulfed the whole thing.
That wasn't going nowhere.
Now this is a dinner - sized fish right here!
Now if you touch these fish, they're very fatty fish, they're really squishy looking fish,
and look at these teeth!
Okay? Oh, my.
You see these?
These are very strong, crushing teeth.
And inside their throats, they've got more teeth!
To crush down and break shells.
Congratulations, my dear. That's a good size.
Alright, the conclusion is
this, this, uh, junk yard rig works pretty well!
Ha ha ha ha ha!
I caught a nice keeper on it.
Um, and, Didn't get snagged.
Didn't get it snagged, if I didn't have this on it,
that fish would have gotten the sinker stuck into the rocks
and I could have lost it,
and um, because of Gages advice,
this worked really well.
And uh, a big shout out to Gage.
so, thank you guys for watching,
if you guys like our show,
subscribe, if you guys really like our show,
we've got merchandise on our, um,
also we offer, um
I have a whole gear list of everything that I use on the show,
um, from my rods, my reels, the kind of line I use,
I have that all written out in my website under my gear list,
and we also tell you gyus the different spots we like to fish as well,
we have a map, and we pinpoint every spot that we--
ooh, look at this guy!
Hoo hoo! Stuck?
That's stuck.
Ha ha, rockfish!
He caught a rock.
--And if you guys want to see all that stuff,
go to
Thank you guys for watching, have a good day.
(Brendon's grandma speaking Cantonese) Oooooooh.
Look at those piggy lips.
Soy sauce.
Mmmm looks good.
This the Chinese way to eat the fish.
What do y'all think?
Can you get me some, Grandma? Yeah, yeah, I plan to give you.
Thank you. Mmm.
Some sauce.
I know. (speaking Cantonese)
Thank you, Grandma.
Grandma always feeds me.
It's very good, yeah? Oooh.
Okay. Thank you.
See, look how flaky the meat is.
This is my favorite fish to eat.
Thank you guys for watching. I'm going to eat now, see ya!
Ford Explorer Maintenance Schedule: When You Need Service - Duration: 2:41.
You have a lot invested in your new Ford Explorer and to keep it running in tip top shape you
will need to adhere to a regular maintenance schedule.
We at Richmond Ford West want to help you understand what services your Explorer will
need, at what interval and what exactly will be done at that point to keep your vehicle
taken care of.
Your Explorer's Maintenance Schedule will consist of 10,000-mile service intervals that
will include some of the core services and inspections that you will need at every interval.
There will also be a few services you will need sporadically at varying mileage intervals
as well.
At 10,000 Miles, you will bring in your vehicle for its first service.
You will start the every 10,000-mile interval at this point and have all of these same services
completed at the next service interval
This consists of an oil change and filter replacement, a thorough inspection of your
braking system, cooling system, exhaust system, and steering linkage, joints, and drive-shafts
will all be checked.
At 20,000 miles, you will repeat the 10,000-mile interval services as well as have your cabin
air filter replaced.
At 30,000 miles, you will once again have your 10,000-mile services completed as well
as your engine air filter replaced.
Jumping ahead at 100,000 miles you will reach a major service interval.
You will need of course the previously mentioned services but in addition you will need to
add a few crucial services as well.
You will need your platinum spark plugs replaced and your orange coolant flushed and changed
You will also need your accessory drive belts inspected and at every interval from here
out and possibly replaced if necessary.
At 150,000 miles, you have reached a milestone and have made it this far by performing regularly
scheduled maintenance.
At this interval, you will need your automatic transmission fluid changed and your accessory
drive belt replaced if it has not already been swapped out.
Making sure you have these services completed at the correct intervals will insure that
your Explorer will be kept running great throughout the years.
If you need to schedule a service for your Ford Explorer make sure you contact us at
Richmond Ford West.
We know what your Explorer needs and have all the right tools and parts to keep it running
in top shape for years to come.
Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more great content.
And remember that Richmond Ford is Driven by You.
Steagul României în Bangkok | Thailand Vlog #1 - Duration: 1:02.
Ceau. Sunt Mihnea, un romnân care locuiește în Bangkok.
Sunt în fața Asociației Naționale de Pușcă din Thailanda unde se pare au un eveniment internațional.
Și, printre țările participante se pare că se află și România.
De unde știu?
Pentru că, steagul României se află printre celelalte steaguri aflate în fața clădirii.
Asta este.
Steagul României în Thailanda adus de pușcașii români
care probabil au venit la o competiție internațională de pușcă.
Sunt Mihnea, un romnân din Bangkok.
Sawadee krap.
Sarah Interviews Randy "Iron Stache" Bryce | I Love You, America on Hulu - Duration: 6:55.
(audience applauds)
- My guest tonight is an iron worker,
a veteran, a single dad,
and a Democrat running against House Speaker Paul Ryan
in next year's mid-term election. Please welcome Iron Stache
Hello, Randy Bryce. - Hi, thank you for having me.
- I have this written down. You are a dad, a Union leader,
you're Polish, and you're Mexican.
Your sister's a teacher and your dad's a cop.
You're a cancer survivor, and you're adopted,
and you're a veteran.
You're literally everyone in America.
(audience applauds)
Honestly, if you were also disabled and a lesbian,
you would have this whole thing in the bag.
Maybe you should consider.
- I support those people.
- You've been an iron worker for decades, in Wisconsin.
Now you're running in one of the highest profile races
in the country. What made you decide to run?
- I've been involved in politics, especially for the last decade.
A lot of changes come to the state of Wisconsin,
with Governor Walker being elected,
and these extremist Republicans
that have just proceeded to shred everything
that was once good about our state.
And it got to the point where it's a fear of
what happened in Wisconsin taking place on a national level.
And I'd just had enough.
I've been standing up for stuff,
and who better than me to take it on?
- Yeah. (audience applauds)
You're running the first district of Wisconsin.
What is that, the Southeast?
- Southeast. - You grew up there.
That's where you're from.
What can you tell me about the first district of Wisconsin?
- It's traditionally a lot of hardworking people,
just like you see any place else in the rest of the country.
It used to be a manufacturing center.
There used to be a lot of auto worker jobs.
There's a huge plant in Janesville,
right in Paul Ryan's backyard,
that's being overgrown with weeds now.
A GE plant just moved up to Canada.
There used to be a lot of good jobs.
They're all disappearing,
and nobody's doing anything to help
keep the good-paying jobs that we have.
- On the surface you could,
if I were to see a picture of you,
maybe be someone who looks like you voted for Trump.
That is very superficial of me.
- Yes. (audience laughs)
- A lot of your campaigning, you're talking to Trump voters.
What are you hearing from them? What are they saying?
People that voted for Trump, saying, I mean-
- There's a lot of them that voted for Obama as well.
Some that voted for Bernie and voted for Trump,
that were just fed up with the establishment in Washington, DC.
The way that things are. They liked the Trump message of,
he was gonna drain the swamp.
The only thing they weren't ready for
was what he's gonna put back in the swamp.
It's a lot more toxic than swamp water.
- Yeah. (audience laughs)
- They're having all kinds of buyers remorse.
The people on the job site, when they see me coming,
the few that I know voted for Trump,
they'll hide behind a column, first of all,
When I'll catch them, I'll say
this is gonna be a really short conversation
if you can answer one question.
What promise did Trump make to you that he kept?
And that's the whole thing.
People are waking up, seeing that he hasn't.
He hasn't made any promise that he intended on keeping.
The same people that say they voted for Trump
because they wanted to have a change in Washington, DC,
see Paul Ryan as part of that- a main part of the problem.
- Paul Ryan
he has won by a huge margin for two decades there.
And you've run for a few things over the years and have not won.
How are you gonna win this?
- Using the Bernie model.
Coming out and saying what you stand for,
and where you're not gonna be bought off. Early in the campaign,
we said we're not gonna accept any money from fossil fuels.
We're not gonna accept any money from Wall Street.
And that seemed to follow (audience applauds)
We know we're not gonna outraise or outspend Paul Ryan,
but what's he gonna spend money on?
Getting people to know who he is?
- Yeah. - Everybody knows who he is.
It's gonna be getting enough money to get our message out,
which we're well on our way to doing. We've done polling
that shows that, when people -
We have a positive statement of him
versus a positive statement of me
that we're actually up by three points.
- That's amazing. (audience applauds)
Here's a big one.
What does this tax plan mean for the average American?
- It means if you're somebody like me,
or making under $75,000, even under a $100,000,
you're gonna get screwed and any benefit that's gonna be
put in there for people that aren't billionaires
That's basically what's gonna happen.
The richest people are gonna get richer.
The rest of us are gonna get screwed.
Same thing that's happened since Ronald Reagan came in.
He took the tax rate from 70%,
down to 40% for the richest people and look at all
the income and quality has blown up since then.
It's gonna be a horrible thing,
and they're not shy about getting it done.
They've even had, you know,
Some of them have come out and said,
"That if we don't get this past,
"our donors aren't gonna contribute anymore."
- It's all about the donors. It's all about the oligarchs.
I looked that up once,
and now I say it all the time with aplomb.
Thank you for running for office. Running for office is something
that I can't imagine how punishing that is.
How do we get more people, good people, like you to run?
- Don't tell them how punishing it is.
(audience applauds)
No, actually, it's something, you know people
I'll get a message on Twitter.
"Hey, Randy, I'm in North Carolina.
"Can you send one of your brothers down here?"
What about you? You live in North Carolina.
Obviously, you care,
because you're asking about somebody to run.
Why don't you think about it,
and let me help get your message out?
Let me amplify your message.
That's going on throughout the country,
through social media.
People are seeing other working people that want to step up.
We're getting behind each other and giving them support.
- It's so important. I think if Trump gave us anything,
he made it so people went, "I can f****** do that."
(audience laughs and applauds) - Randy, thank you so much.
- Thank you so much.
- You're amazing.
Randy Bryce, everybody. - Thank you.
Film Gear For A Documentary (Wunderlich BTS) - Duration: 5:21.
hello Claus here in this video I'll give you a look behind the scenes of our
documentary wunderlich which we just released in this video particularly
we'll have a look at the gear we were using for the documentary and at the end
of the video I'll show you a cool trick for making running gun documentary style
interviews on the street so without further ado let's get right to it
so let's have a look at the gear we used in our documentary
so our documentary was a low-budget documentary and that meant that we
started to shoot our documentary before we actually had the fundings or the
budget to do so so we actually started out by shooting the first bits of Street
interviews in the document we shot that on the pocket camera
we shot down on the pocket camera with the root canal 16 millimeter lens on a
test done and then all the audio we recorded into the zoom h6 which I am
recording all my audio right now for the Rick we were using an elder chrome
foldable foldable like which you can fold in so I would fold it out and then
it has like this small belt pocket and I would use that in my belt so I would
have film like that hand held like that
and we used that for quite wild to do the documentary and and actually I was
pretty happy with the image we got from that and but then we went into the part
where we had to do all the interviews for the documentary and and we also got
a bit of fundings and we got some great cakes and so we were able to invest in
their equipment so what we did do was that we upgraded our pocket camera to
the Blackmagic production 4k camera which is a awesome camera I've shot a
lot on that as well and on that the lens will use all the interviews this was our
a camera and the B camera we used the gh4 which I usually do in YouTube videos
with but not today so that was the main setup for a we were using them black
magic and for the beam camera we were using the gh4 so on the Blackmagic
camera we were using we're using this sigma 72 70 millimeter lens it's pretty
decent students it's it's not the best students in the world but it worked for
the escape and for the gh4 we were using this one the Lumix 12 to 35 millimeter
which is actually a very good lips so that is the basic camera setup so as we
will see into these clips we are I'm showing here you will see here we have
the camera shooting a roll and this is a cut
to the B camera and then we also had like the C camera or special camera we
had itto probe have to go poo hero4 and we also had a gopro hero3 at some point
but we upgraded to the fourth because it could shoot 4k so the entire film is
actually shot in 4k more or less and for the sound setup for a documentary we
were using the mg 2 from Road which were plucked again into the zoom h6 m and
that was one of the our sounds sources I love to have multiple sound sources so
of course we also have a lavalier mic which with the Sennheiser which I am
using right now and for our lighting setup we were using two LED lights
pretty basic so that is the basic equipment we use for shooting our
low-budget documentary so before we end up today I want to show you a cool trick
you can use if you're doing interviews on the street asking people if they're
no classman dalish or whatever so I will be shooting all of the interviews on the
Blackmagic production camera for okay with this Lin Sun and with a GoPro mount
attached on the front of the lens cap and on that I would simply apply the
GoPro which would allow me to shoot a white picture and then on the cinema
camera here I would just do a close-up which would give me the ability to cut
from a white thumbs up and I found that very useful and I've done it a lot of
time since I've done that when I was doing concert videos and stuff so I hope
you found this video useful if you did please hit that subscribe button and if
you want to be notified every time there's a new video please hit that Bell
icon down in the corner until next time keep filming keep learning and keep
sharing bye
FlexPath Movement | Coni: Why I Went Back After Many Years - Duration: 4:10.
Hi, everyone.
I'm Coni.
I'm here today to talk with you a little bit about my Capella journey.
If you are a full-time working professional who has been out of school a few years like
I was when I made the decision to go back and pursue my education, it can be a little
bit scary and daunting, particularly because our brains tend to function and work a little
bit differently as we get older.
I think being out of a formal classroom for 30 years, you have to ask yourself, "Am I
too old to learn?
Will it come back to me?
Can my brain think that way?
Do I have the commitment?
Do I have the organizational skills and all of those things that are necessary to get
me across the finish line?"
I just wanna say if you have the desire, and you've been thinking about going back to school,
do it.
Make the investment in yourself because you will soon see the level of confidence it gives
you, especially if you've been out of school a while like I have.
The sense of accomplishment and the ability to do things that you haven't been able to
do before can really come from going back and pursuing your education.
Every assignment you get through and every hurdle you get over is just gonna prepare
you for that next bad day at work.
Or, that difficult conversation with one of your kids or your spouse.
It can touch your life in so many ways and benefit you in so many ways and give you the
confidence to just do things that you didn't think about doing before.
The great thing today about pursuing your education, no matter what your age, is that
you can do it in multiple ways.
For myself, I chose the online path because I was busy.
Working full-time, I really didn't want to drive somewhere and sit in a classroom, and
listen to an instructor.
For me, I just really wanted that flexibility to do it online, do it on my time, do it when
I had the availability to do it, and get it done as quickly as I could.
For me, I love FlexPath because it lets me make all the decisions.
It lets me figure out how fast or slow I can get through a course.
There are options where if you like the structure, if you like someone to set those deadlines
and timelines, and kind of set it all up for you, and you just have to show up and do the
work, you have those options too.
If you like to have the socialization of having a teacher and being a part of a class, and
you learn that way, then you can do that too.
I think the great thing about pursuing an education at any age, but especially, if you're
like me and have been out for a while, you have a lot of options.
Depending on your personal life and your professional life and the way you learn, there really is
no excuse not to go back and make that investment in yourself, and get that degree.
It will change your life in so many ways that you will not understand and know until you
start to do it.
If you're thinking about it, do it.
Check out the different options that are available for you.
Think about how you like to learn.
Think about your commitment and how much time you have each and every week to work on assignments,
and then set some goals for yourself, and make that investment to be the best you that
you can be.
Thanks for listening, and we'll catch you next time.
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