Welcome to Fort Belvedere!
In today's video, we talk about the pros and cons of touchscreen gloves, I show you alternatives,
I show you how they work, what you should look for, what can you not expect, just so
you end up with the perfect glove for your needs.
I don't know about you but I use my phone an awful lot; whether it is to communicate
with people, checking my emails, checking stats, or whatever it is that you have to
The phone is something I touch multiple times a day.
Personally, I love to wear gloves because they elevate my outfit so they are not just
functional when it is cold outside but also during the transitioning season when Igo with
unlined gloves.
The problem I have whenever I use my phone, I have to take off my glove.
If it is really cold, my hand gets cold, and then sometimes, the touchscreen does not react
to it as well anymore and it is just a big hassle.
So our goal at Fort Belvedere was to create a glove that is nice but at the same time,
having a touchscreen ability.
We really love our soft supple lamb Nappa gloves and so we first started by adding a
touchscreen solution to the inside of the glove and tried to work that way.
The problem was it would sometimes work, and sometimes not, and it was quite frustrating.
Because of that, we never sold them as being touchscreen sensitive even though some of
the gloves actually work.
Because it was unsatisfactory, we switched to adding the touchscreen ability to the tanning
and dyeing process of the leather and now, it works like a charm.
I can scroll with a touch of the finger, even the glove itself is touch sensitive so it
does not matter if your hand is cold or warm, it would always work.
You can actually type or swipe, you can move around, navigate, zoom in, and using our gloves
on a screen now is pretty much like using your bare hand.
Now obviously, that is a huge advantage and personally, I love it and the downside is
the leather is much stiffer than before and it is not as soft and supple.
Unfortunately, at this point, there is nothing we can do about that so it is either you get
a soft and supple leather or you get a touchscreen sensitive leather.
Because we realized that not everyone wants a touchscreen sensitive glove and some people
appreciate soft gloves more than others, we are offering both kinds in our shop.
To gauge interest, we started with our burgundy gloves that you can find in a touchscreen
version and a non-touchscreen version so if that is popular and we see there is demand
for it, we will extend that and offer more gloves all with touchscreen and without.
Of course, the finishing, the details, and the fit of our touchscreen glove is exactly
like the ones from our regular lamb Nappa gloves.
That means they are all hand cut in Hungary, they are then handsewn in Hungary by experienced
sewers, all the piping and the leather is all the same, you have the quirks in the middle
of the finger that help you keep your fingers moving and to learn more how specifically
our gloves are made, please check out this video here.
I hope this video will help you decide whether you want a touch screen sensitive glove or
For the full selection of Fort Belvedere gloves, please head over to our shop here.
To learn more about gloves including how to find the right glove size, please check out
the videos on our website.
In today's video, I'm wearing a vintage double breasted herringbone coat that I found for
five euros at a flea market in Germany.
I actually bought it during the height of the summer and therefore, nobody else was
interested and I scored a bargain.
I really like the heavy fabric and the way it drapes as well as the wide lapels and the
ulster collar.
I paired it here with a green and red silk wool scarf from Fort Belvedere that goes really
well with the large herringbone pattern.
The red is also picked up in my burgundy touchscreen gloves so the overall outfit works quite well
My pants are black corduroys from Polo Ralph Lauren, my shoes are from Crockett and Jones
they are single monk straps with a silver buckle and a wingtip brogue pattern.
They are not quite burgundy but they have brown tones and they pick up the brown tones
of my overcoat.underneath my overcoat, I'm wearing a dark green cable knit sweater with
elements in gray and yellow which are likewise picked up in the overcoat.
The tie I'm wearing is a silk bourette tie in a large houndstooth pattern in red and
off-white which go well with my gloves and the rest of my outfit.
My shirt is a very rugged light blue oxford cloth button down shirt and it pairs well
with casual outfits.
Also because it is a little thicker fabric, it keeps me warmer than a thinner dress shirt.
For more infomation >> Best Leather Touchscreen Gloves Explained - Fort Belvedere - Duration: 4:46.-------------------------------------------
How to Set Accomplish Your Goals - Duration: 6:52.
Do you have a vision board or some other way that you keep your vision and your goals in
front of you every day?
Now let me ask you this,
When was the last time you saw something come off your vision board
Because it manifested in your real life?
In other words when was the last time you accomplished one of your goals?
I'm Tamara Hartley, Your Advice Guru and How-To Coach.
Today we're talking about how to set goals,
But more importantly, how to accomplish your goals!
[Intro Music]
Vision boards have become very popular. Especially around the first of the year when
People are focused on setting new goals for the New Year and making resolutions.
Scrolling through my social media I see multiple flyers and events advertising
Vision board parties and workshops.
I myself have conducted several workshops.
But, visions boards are more than just pasting pictures onto a large sheet or poster board.
It's more than pasting photos of expensive houses and cars, or luxury items
We wish to have one day.
The true purpose of a vision board is to help
You get clarity about what you really want in your life,
And then to help you keep that vision in front of you,
By placing your vision board in a place where you can see it every single day.
It's a constant visual reminder of your goals and your dreams.
But once you get clarity about your vision,
The next step is to make that vision or dream a reality by setting and accomplishing goals.
Sounds easy enough right?
Then why is it that most people don't go beyond placing that vision board on the wall?
Matter of fact, do you even know where your vision board is from last year?
When was the last time you took a serious look or inventory of your board?
I believe the answer to accomplishing more of our goals
Lies in how we approach goal setting.
So, today I want to share three strategies
To help you move beyond your vision board, and truly start to accomplish more of your goals
One, set tangible goals.
Goals that are attainable, that you can work towards, and actually accomplish.
One of my favorite quotes is by Napoleon Hill, The author of the infamous book,
Think and Grow Rich. If you haven't read it, you need to.
But the quote is "A goal is a dream with a deadline."
Let me say that again! "A goal is a dream with a deadline."
This lets us know that at some point we have to stop dreaming and we have to start doing something.
Set a deadline for your goal.
When do you want to achieve your goal?
And then make a list of action steps you can actually take to reach that goal.
Two, take action every day.
Don't just write a list of action steps, implement your list.
In the professional world they use a moniker for goal setting known as S.M.A.R.T. goals.
The theory is that in order to accomplish your goals, they have to be clear and reachable.
And your goals should be S.M.A.R.T.
Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time bound.
But I want to challenge you to make your goals even S.M.A.R.T.E.R.
By adding an "ER." The E stands for "Execute," or to take action.
And The R stands for "Real," make your goals your reality.
Three, push past any obstacles. When I work with my clients on setting goals,
One of the strategies we use is to set a goal and them identify all possible barriers to that goal.
What can throw you off track or stand between you and your goal?
And then come up with a strategy plan to combat
Or push past any potential roadblock.
For instance, if your goal is to, let's say,
Lose 20 pounds, I know, I'm always using weight as an example.
But, what is a potential obstacle to your goal of losing 20 pounds?
It could be having to attend work events or functions where they're going to serve
Food that isn't on your lose-20-pounds-approved list.
So, if you this is a potential obstacle, create a plan for those occasions.
Maybe before functions, you eat a larger, healthier meal right before the event
So that you aren't tempted to snack. Did you see what just happened?
You are making a plan as to how you will handle obstacles if and when they arise.
You can do this same exercise for all of your goals.
And this will help you to push through and to deal with any obstacles that have the potential to
Slow your progress, throw you off course, or cause you to give up on your goal.
Be prepared to deal with potential obstacles.
So, remember, posting your vision board on the wall and staring at it every day
Will not make your dream your reality.
It's a good beginning, but it's not enough if you truly want to accomplish your goals.
You have to set goals and determine action steps.
And then you actually have to "DO" something!
Do the action steps, take action.
I always say that anyone can dream a dream,
Or in this case, create a vision board,
But it's is in your daily actions where your dreams becomes your reality.
I hope that you got something from this episode
That you can really use to make some positive and changes in your life.
If you've enjoyed this episode, please be sure to like it and leave your comments below.
And share this video with others who are making goals,
But struggling to actually accomplish the goals
In fact, share it with all the guests at your next vision board party.
And just maybe it will change how people view and use their boards.
And If you are serious about accomplishing your goals, and
You're ready to stop being a dreamer and you want to become a "DOER,"
I also want to invite you to join my Dream. Do. Done! Community
My monthly membership program dedicated to helping you
Accomplish more of your goals And to live your dreams.
Inside this community, you will get the coaching, training, support, the tools and the strategies
You need to finally accomplish your goals and live the life of your dreams!
And make sure to subscribe to my channel so that you don't miss an episode.
I would love to hear you. Let me know how you put these strategies to use in your life.
You can connect with me on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @ImTamaraHartley.
Also, let me know if there's a topic you would like for me to cover.
I love getting your comments, your feedback, and your suggestions.
Thanks for spending this time with me and I'll see you in the next video.
[Outro Music]
How To Convince Your Parents To Buy A Horse | To Horse Lover Parents - Duration: 4:01.
hey y'all there are plenty of other how to convince your parents to buy you a
horse videos and you've probably watched them all but what they didn't tell you
is there are other ways to own a horse so if you're interested in thinking a
different way to go about this dilemma keep on watching if you are a parent or
friend watching this your child or friend has probably talked about horses
at some point they've done their research and they watched the how to
convince your parents to buy you a horse videos but they want to do more than
convince you they want your encouragement and they want to feel like
they're going somewhere to making The Horse Dream Their Reality so here's
three ways to help a horse dreamer without buying a horse number one listen
to them yes I know they go on and on and on listen with full attention I know
they're just gonna repeat themselves but let me tell you what not listening
can do when a horse dreamer is tuned out or told not to talk about horses they
start to feel discouraged and think their dream is impossible or
unachievable you may know nothing about horses and you may even have no desire
to learn but you don't have to learn everything just listening can do wonders
for a horse dreamer number two start learning a few things here and there
they may grow out of the horse loving phase but what if they don't because
most don't you have a huge impact on how they grow so if they start talking about
this video they saw of an event where a rider or owner did such-and-such and
then they bring it up again the next day take time to either have them show you
or research what they're talking about so then you can come back with but did
you see this or did you know this about it get excited with them be a
facilitator let them know that you're not just listening but you're investing
in their hopes and dreams that doesn't directly cost money number three be
honest while encouraging them after realizing that I wasn't going to stop
talking or wanting horses my dad told me to research how much owning a horse
would cost knowing that I would get hit with
reality check as I was 15 years old without a steady income my parents
couldn't afford a horse but they did do things here and there that were great
reminders that I could make this happen whether its financial reasons or its
maturity knowledge reasons be encouragingly honest with them just
because you can't own a horse right now doesn't mean they can't make
The Horse Dream Their Reality in the future if you think they're not ready to own a horse yet
that doesn't mean that they're not going to mature and gain knowledge as
time goes on whatever the case The Horse Dream Journal is perfect for them it'll
teach them how to budget and why it's important and walk them through the best
steps to prepare them for being responsible horse owners if you're
interested in the horse dream journal it is linked up here and in the description
below I hope this has helped horse dreamers friends and parents feel more
confident helping their horse dreamer without buying the horse for them the
feeling you get when you finally make the horse dream your reality is insane
and I'm proud and grateful of myself for making the horse dream my reality and I
want to do the same for y'all in the best ways I can so I hope that you join
our community by subscribing to the horse dream youtube channel if you are
interested in the horse dream journal it is up there at the top and also in the
description below it is full of topics that are designed to encourage and
prepare you to become a responsible horse owner I hope y'all have a great
day and go make The Horse Dream Your Reality see ya
Shell Advance Outride Anything - 30 sec - Duration: 0:31.
Shell Advance Outride Anything - 15 Sec - Duration: 0:16.
Stranger in the Night Part 1 | Spoken Word Poetry | By: Poetic Daisy - Duration: 1:10.
Stranger in the Night Part 1
I was chillaxing Just relaxing
When I heard a knock upon my door I wondered what for
So I waited and then I heard it once more Then before
Me stood a man who wore All black and his sweat began to pour
His shoes had holes his feet looked like they were sore
Then he told me he just came from the store Where he met a young lady dressed in fine
couture Who made his heart soar
And he thought he could score But when they got back to her place
She slapped him in the face He said his heart began to race
She made him feel like a disgrace Her body covered with white lace
Increased his heart's pace But then she sprayed him with mace
And hit him with a vase It was then that he wished he could erase
It all How the blow made him fall
And she stood over him looking tall How she got a call
And went into the hall So he moved closer to the wall
So that she couldn't see That he
Was about to flee From her house and way past the store
Where he finally arrived at my front door
…To Be Continued…
I found the Rilakkuma Cafe! | Taipei Arrival and Day 1 - Duration: 12:29.
Arrived in Taipei
Taipei Day 1
I'm in Taipei right now and
it's raining
I don't have an umbrella but it's okay
I am waiting for the department store to open
so I can exchange my money
Just walking around in the rain
trying to find a shop that I can get into
This is the museum
I don't think that I'm gonna go in
but, yeah, it just looks good from the outside
Maybe I can walk through here
There's a guy with birds!
let's check this out
What's he doing there?
I am the most stupid person ever
I got the water fountain
straight into my face, because I wanted to look
how it's gonna be stopped
And I got the water fountain into my face
I think this has happened to no one ever before
The Memorial Hall with the Taipei Tower in the background
Looks cool
Tradition and modern buildings
I think the croissants here look better than the ones in Paris
I don't wanna eat it
Having your hotel next to the Taipei Tower
This is amazing!
The windows are so dirty
Shilin Nachtmarkt
Hong Kong Waffles
And I won these things!
Sweet Potato balls
Thank you for watching!
i wanna go home - Duration: 1:01.
okay, so...
i've been moping around you
for waaaaaaaaaay too long.
now i just want to go home and eat cookies
i'm sad.
i pretty much hear you chuckling at my words.
i just want to be silent for once.
you know about those cookies!
those cookies that are soft and so so so good!
why are the videos you make always the same format?
about those cookies!
aaaah! dude i'm out here talkin' about cookies-
and i get interup-whatever...
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