hello guys and welcome to another episode, today we are going to learn how
To be a Noob league of legends.
many would think that being noob In League of Legends.
is easy but it's not. it requires a lot of work to master the art of noob.
I will now tell you the steps to become the number one noob in League of Legends
By following my guide you can become quite the hated most reported
person on the face of the entire universe.
step number one
Never CS!!!! [NEVER] CS is for weaks. Just go Ham and miss every minion
and don't trade instead pretend to trade while you take free damage.
step number two
You can roam but not to help!!! you can roam just to see the different places
tell them you are an explorer and sometimes a camper .
step number three
whenever someone asks for help, be there as quick as you can.
you don't want to miss watching their death.
step number four
If you are playing top then sneak in and put a ward in enemy base,
TP there and wait, enemies will come to give you various gifts.
step number five
Lose the game, this is the most important step of them all.
if by any chance your team is winning start dying more.
otherwise use the special secret technique and afk.
thank you for watching,
now get out there and play, like you should or shouldn't play ? (WTFF???)
For more infomation >> HOW TO BE A NOOB IN LEAGUE OF LEGENDS 😂😂😂 - Duration: 2:30.-------------------------------------------
Living in A Car: What to do when you break down?!?! + van updates - Duration: 8:55.
So yesterday, what happened yesterday...
Why people don't vlog the bad stuff about van life... can you even see that?.... well the hood's up.
because we're too busy trying to figure out how to fix the problem rather than
filming it because my camera- my camera's right there, but I'm not concerned with
that. I'm way more concerned with what's going on right there.
So yeah basically, the plan was to just go to autozone because I needed a pick so that way I could take
the door panels off of the the two front doors so that way I could Dynamat them
and in the process of doing that I started the van, everything was fine,
got to Autozone, went inside, found the pick, paid for it, came back out, tried to
start the van... and it just didn't turn on. It just said like "no bus" which if you
know anything about that it's pretty much just- it could be a bajillion
different things it's just electrical. So pretty much what ended up happening was
just disconnecting the battery for a few minutes, letting it sit, and then once it
was reconnected the van started up again no problem like thankfully alright. But
that kind of goes into a question that I get asked very very often which is like
"what happens when your car or your van breaks down? like what do you do?" like I
just want to give you guys my two cents on that, but first the positive because I
did end up successfully getting the door panels off and putting Dynamat
everywhere looks great sounds great plus it's a little bit more of an update so there's that.
K so step one is gonna be to remove these door panels
Step two is just to remove this plastic film that was on the door behind the panels.
Step three is to clean them.
so shinyyyyy
Step four is gonna be to clean the actual panels.
Next I'm going to apply some Dynamat.
The last thing was to just put the panels back on.
Let's see how it's sounds....
Ok and then so for like what do you do when your vehicle breaks down or needs to be
worked on while you're living in it? I mean honestly its' the same thing as
anything else like you kind of you just do whatever you have to do like you
improvise. And as I like kind of said in the snapchat thing it's like- one thing I
think that a lot of people get criticized for is showing the positive
stuff of living in a van or living in a car living in an RV whatever and I mean
because there is a lot of good to it and- but I mean it's like naturally there's
bad stuff too. And I think the majority of the reason that people don't show it
is because they're too busy like in the moment trying to figure it out like to
handle the actual problem rather than like "oh let me film this because it'll
be like a learning experience for somebody else or like entertainment for
somebody else" which- true, especially when it comes to the learning stuff could be
really beneficial, but it's like I get very overwhelmed sometimes when some of
that stuff happens. So rather than thinking like "oh I should film this
right now" it's like bro I'm low key just trying to figure out what the heck is
going on and how I'm gonna get myself out of this situation. So I have been
very fortunate in the sense that like I haven't just broken down on the road. And
that was one of the things that was really, you know on my mind when I first
got this vehicle because of like the price range that I was looking at I knew
that I was going to have to get an older vehicle so it was really important to me
that although it was going to be older I wanted it to be reliable. And like I
said, very fortunate I lucked out. Like this van has been, for the most part, it's been
pretty awesome. But it is old so it comes with like its fair share of problems and
that's been really interesting to deal with so like like I said I haven't just
you know been driving you know & all of a sudden it like stalled on me or
something you know, I didn't just break down a hundred miles from the nearest
town or anything like that, but I have had
to have it worked on and be without it for a couple of days and in those
instances it's kind of like "okay, well when you have to leave your house at a
mechanic shop or the dealership or wherever you take it to get worked on
then where do you stay?" and again, it's really just improvising. Like I've done
things where I've gone on the couchsurfing website and found someone
to stay with there, I've stayed with family for a little bit, I've rented a
hotel and I just ubered everywhere. I honestly just haven't found myself in a
situation where all hope is lost or there's no way out of it you know what
I'm saying cuz that's the thing, it's like no matter what happens there is
always a way to fix it or like any problem can be solved. You also have to
think ahead of these things. Like if you're going to want to live on the road
or to live in a vehicle like- for instance the AAA membership that
I have like has free towing for up to a hundred miles. The reason that I have
that it's not just because like "oh you never know (casual)" it's like "no really like with
my lifestyle you never know (serious)". So I feel like that's something that's kind of a
necessity. So like good insurance and having you know them have like the
car rental on your insurance, things like that it's just- it's really important to
think ahead and plan for these things to happen because whether you have a new
vehicle or an old vehicle eventually it's gonna happen and I'm not gonna lie
it's gonna suck, but the whole- it's part of the adventure. I again have been very
very lucky and I haven't ever- since I've been living in a car since 2014 in all
three of the vehicles that I've lived in I have not had any accidents. Like no one
has hit me and I have hit nobody else or anything. A lot of that has to do with
the fact that like I purposely drive a lot more careful now like since I've
been living in vehicles than I did previously because of the fact that I'm
like "whoa bro this is like my house nothing can happen to it", but even if
like I'm the most careful driver in the world that doesn't mean that like nobody
is ever gonna hit me. So I always have to just keep that in the back of my mind. I
would say keep a savings that's specifically for when things go wrong,
and kind of like do your best to just know the basics of things, and of course
just carry like some essential tools like jumper cables and stuff, and then
maybe have like some extra parts like belts and whatnot that you could easily
replace like get familiar with your vehicle because if you're gonna be
living in it and driving it all the time and and far distances like you really
want to be able to take on as much as you can and be able to fix as
much as you can cuz 1) it's gonna be faster and 2) it's gonna be cheaper. And
in my case ironically, one thing that has helped me out a lot is YouTube videos
just looking up things and watching other people do them that has been a
lifesaver. And another thing that I'm so grateful for is the fact that I know a
mechanic that has worked on this van so he's pretty familiar with this vehicle
and like he's okay with like on a Saturday at 7 p.m. if I'm having issues
I can call him for the most part, like if he's not busy, he'll answer the phone and
try to help me figure out like what's going on. And I have a few people in my
family that are mechanics or have been mechanics or whatever so like I said I'm
so grateful for that and luckily I have that so that has been a big big help
because there are so many times where honestly if I didn't have them to call
and walk me through something I might have ended up spending a lot more money
than I needed to. So honestly that's basically it. Every situation is
different, just do your best, improvise, be smart, plan ahead, yeah hope
you guys enjoyed this video and I'll see you guys next time
10 Child Prodigies to Make You Feel Lazy - Duration: 9:57.
It's important to feel proud of yourself.
It's also important not to compare yourself negatively to others.
It's not you vs. the world; it's you vs. you.
But sometimes others can act as inspiration.
If you can look at others accomplishments without jealousy, as motivation, then they
can be helpful.
We hope you will try to keep that in mind as we list off these kids who have accomplished
stuff that the prime, adult version of you probably never could.
Shane Thomas
Music is full of impressive child prodigies.
Mozart, Beethoven, Michael Jackson, Justin Bieber.
Go ahead, get mad.
Those are the names we're going with.
But, let's add another less well-known name to the list: Shane Thomas.
Shane is an Irish kid who's really good at classical music.
He started playing piano at age seven, and according to his dad, he could play almost
instantly by ear.
Now, whether that part is true or not, he's clearly very talented.
You can check out some of his music on his website.
He released an album with a "major music publisher" as a teenager.
At age 15, he also composed a symphony for the BBC in only 3 weeks.
His dad claims he can write songs while playing computer games, and that many of his compositions
come to him in dreams.
This sounds made up to us.
Maybe his dad should chill out with the mystical claims of greatness?
But that's probably not gonna happen.
Here's another quote from his dad: "What he's doing for the BBC's Music Day is
right up there with the capability that Mozart demonstrated as a child prodigy."
We're not sure about that, but it is very impressive what he's accomplished at such
a young age.
Good job, Shane.
But try not to let your dad convince you you're a god or something.
Brighton Zeuner
How old were you the first time you won a medal at the X-Games?
Most skaters are probably in their 20s or late teens.
Some of you reading probably don't even have any medals!
This makes what this teen recently accomplished even more impressive.
Brighton is a 13-year-old skater from Encinitas, California, which sounds like the city that
all skateboarders come from.
We assume everyone there rides their skateboards to work.
We bet they pick the leaders of the town through a skateboarding event of some kind.
Well, there's a new sheriff in town, and her name is Brighton Zeuner.
Brighton competed in a X-Games skating event just 12 hours after she turned 13… and she
won the gold medal, becoming the youngest gold medalist ever.
Make sure you check out just how radical (is that a word skaters still use?) she is in
the video above.
It's got some pretty boring commentary, so we recommend you turn on some '90s rock
music in the background instead.
We recommend some Goldfinger.
Then you should probably go play one of the old Tony Hawk games.
Anthony Russo
Plenty of people tell themselves they're going to run a 5K, or 10K, or whatever…
But they never seem to get around to it.
If you're one of those people, prepare to feel really lazy.
Anthony Russo is one of those people who told themselves they were going to run a half-marathon.
The difference between him and most people is that he actually did it.
Oh, also, he was 5-years-old at the time, and he was actually pretty fast.
He's the youngest person in the US to complete a half-marathon in under two and a half hours.
According to his parents, he doesn't see running as work.
Apparently, he sees it as fun.
He really enjoys running amounts that would have the average adult wheezing like a motion
sick General Grievous.
And before the half-marathon, he was happily training like a madman, running up to 40 miles
per week.
When he was asked about it by a newspaper, he replied, "It's a cool thing to do."
Most of us would not be interested in running with him, but we admit that it is indeed cool.
Carissa Yip
Chess is a game usually dominated by men in their 30s, but 12-year-old Carissa Yip of
Massachusetts can beat most of them.
Carissa started learning chess from her father at age 6, and she's been breaking records
since she began playing competitively.
She's the youngest person to ever reach the National Master rank, which she achieved
at 11.
Two years earlier, she was the youngest person to ever reach the title of expert.
And right before her 11th birthday, she became the youngest female player to ever beat a
Among girls under 14, she's already ranked number 1 in the US, and 6th in the world.
She also won the North American Under 20 girls championship last year.
She's apparently so good she doesn't need to look at the board.
She showed an interviewer how she could play with her back to the board, keeping track
in her head and telling her dad where to move her pieces.
And, in the same spirit, we have decided to write the next paragraph with our backs facing
the computer.
Well, that didn't turn out so well.
Guess we need to practice more.
Jamie Edwards
Jamie Edwards is a normal teenage boy who happens to dabble in nuclear fission.
He calls himself an "amateur nuclear scientist."
At the age of 13, he broke a record, becoming the youngest "fusionner" in history.
What exactly does that mean?
It means he got the materials and did the science necessary to carry out atomic fusion.
How'd he even have the resources to do that?
He showed his school a presentation explaining why he should be allowed to build a nuclear
fusion reactor, and they gave him $3,350.
Wait, so he just asked his school for money, and they gave it to him?
If we knew about this back in middle school, we'd have probably have become scientists
Or at least we would have gotten an Xbox a lot earlier.
Duo Duo
How old would you guess the world's youngest pilot is?
Somewhere in the teens, probably.
Maybe 14?
Well, we should probably be safe and go ahead and guess 13.
Ok then, 13.
And we'd be wrong.
Duo Duo (a nickname) was the world's youngest pilot at the age of 5.
He successfully piloted a plane around 1,000 feet above Beijing, becoming the world's
youngest ever solo pilot.
He's also done a few other notable things, mostly as a result of his father (Eagle Dad,
as he likes to be called) meticulously planning his daily activities.
We'll admit that Eagle Dad's activities do sound more fun than those usually imposed
by Tiger Moms.
Duo Duo was also the world's youngest sailor and was planning to bike through the Tibetan
And apparently, he's "the youngest person to start an investment company."
These accomplishments come at a price, as Duo Duo wakes up at 6:30 a.m., a time usually
reserved for birds and old men who still read newspapers.
But, his dad says that he does it because "Chinese parents spoil their child too much."
His dad might be seen as going too far, but his motivations seem to be mostly good.
And also, he's not totally strict.
As Duo Duo says, "On Sunday, I can even watch movies."
Farhad Nouri
If you were a 10-year-old Afghan boy living in a migrant camp in Serbia, what do you think
you would spend your time doing?
If you said you'd get really good at drawing and painting and acquire the nickname 'Little
Picasso', you may in fact be Farhad Nouri.
Farhad learned some basic art from his father beginning at age 6, but he has recently been
learning more by watching YouTube videos.
He says he does plan to draw a portrait of Picasso, and he's already drawn Angela Merkel,
Salvador Dali, and Angelina Jolie.
He says that art has helped him to deal with being stuck in the refugee camp.
Not surprisingly, he hopes to be a painter when he grows up and wants to live in Switzerland
or the US.
He hasn't won any awards or anything, but there probably aren't many to be had for
a 10-year-old in Serbia.
His work is quite impressive, especially considering his circumstances.
Good job, Farhad.
Lots of Golfers
Golf is a game for retired people, right?
Well, that's the stereotype.
It is a game that can be played at an older age than most, it usually takes money to play
(which old people have), and if you play a round you'll probably see some grandparents
out there.
But of course there are exceptions.
Almost everyone's heard of Tiger Woods, who at age 2 went on The Mike Douglas Show,
then at age 8 was invited on Good Morning America to show off his skills, and later
became the youngest ever Masters champion at the age of 21, a time when many of us were
most well known for how many beers we could chug.
Maybe you've also heard of Michelle Wie, who started playing at age 4 and joined the
LPGA when she was only 12.
She later became the youngest USGA Champion in an adult event.
She turned professional shortly before her 16th birthday.
She later attended Stanford, but was not allowed on the golf team as she was already a pro.
There are several other young golfers we could highlight, but there's not enough room in
this article for all of them.
So we're just going to include a link to one at random.
And the winner is…
Shubham Jaglan, a 13-year-old who has already won 100 tournaments, including the Junior
World Golf Championship.
So, we guess the lesson here is that even if a competition is meant for older people,
that doesn't mean you can't start earlier if you want.
We're excited to soon hear about the 8-year-old World Knitting Championship winner.
Tyler Armstrong
What did this kid do?
Did he run a 4 minute mile?
Is he a professional hockey player?
Nope, sorry.
OK, last guess: he boxes kangaroos.
Please tell us he fights kangaroos.
Unfortunately, he doesn't have time for kangaroos… because he's spending his time
climbing up freaking mountains.
He started out back when he was seven, when he decided to climb over 14,500 feet up Mount
Whitney, the tallest mountain in the US outside of Alaska.
He climbed it in one day, and was the youngest person to do so.
The year after that, he became the second youngest human to climb Mount Kilimanjaro.
And then, at 9-years-old, he became the youngest ever to climb 22,841 feet up Mount Aconcagua
in Argentina, the tallest mountain in both the western and southern hemisphere.
Wait a second… do they just let anyone climb mountains?
Are there not rules about this?
Actually, there are.
Tyler just doesn't care.
Mount Kilimanjaro's normal age limit is 10, but he applied for a special permit to
head up a year early, and they said yes.
So, we guess the lesson here is that if you don't like a rule, just ask and they'll
let you break it.
He did the same thing with Aconcagua.
The limit there is 14, but he asked for permission, so they let him climb it five years early.
Maybe we should have applied for a drinking permit at age 16.
So, why's he climbing mountains?
Just for fun?
He's doing it to raise money and awareness about Duchenne, a kind of muscular dystrophy.
To describe why he's doing it, Tyler said, "They can't walk, and that's like the
opposite of me … I want them to climb with me when we find a cure."
Kim Jong-un
Yes, that's right.
Kim Jong-un was a multitalented child prodigy with near magical levels of ability.
At least, that's what students in North Korea are learning.
In 2015, teachers were issued manuals that list many of Kim's great accomplishments.
We'll let you decide whether this manual should be trusted, but if so, Kim was one
truly amazing kid.
According to the books, Kim learned to drive at the age of 3 and was winning yacht races
by the time he was 9.
Apparently, he even won a race against a foreign yacht company CEO.
He's also supposedly a great artist and musical composer.
These claims are somewhat hard to believe, but they're nothing compared to the claims
about his father.
Kim Jong-il, according to official North Korean doctrine, wrote 1,500 books during his time
in college and also penned six operas, "all of which are better than any in the history
of music."
He also once golfed a 38 under par, making 11 holes in one.
And here's the catch: he never golfed before that and he never golfed after that.
That's right, that was the one and only time he picked up a golf club.
Truly incredible and inspiring.
What a family!
What Makes a Psychopath? - Duration: 6:28.
I never understood them
I always saw them as chains binding me down, holding me back against what I really want to do
You're probably thinking,
"That's why you're sitting in that jail cell now. For breaking the rules"
And you're right, but you are also wrong
Because unlike most who broke the rules or committed a crime out of passion, money, lust, or hate
I did it because it was fun
You see, I am what you call, a psychopath
What's a psychopath, you may ask?
Psychologists have explained it to me a thousand times
Lack of Empathy - Superficial Charm - Manipulation - Narcissism - High Intelligence
I just laugh
"So an average day then", I tell them
Alright, why don't we go back to the day this part of my life began
Listen close
It was half-past nine when I entered the office that morning
in a suit that cost more than some people's cars
I was vice president for one of the biggest companies in the country. In a couple more years, I would have been at the top
But something was different. Employees weren't at their desks, the phones were left ringing
and something was going on in the middle of the office
And then I heard it. The crying
The looked at me. The familiar mix of fear, admiration, and respect in their eyes
But today it was tainted with a certain grief
They stepped aside letting me see
It was the pretty blonde from accounting
She was collapsed on the floor in another woman's arms with her phone lying next to her
"She's still having trouble coping with her loss sir" my secretary whispered
"It's been 3 days and she's been unable to sleep"
"Is that so", I answered Barely a hint of emotion
I stared at this woman, moaning and crying and gasping in her own tears
And the crowd that formed around her Every single one of them
Encouraging this pathetic show
What was pain?
7.5 billion beating hearts on this planet and you let yourself cry for a single one?
This is what separated me from them From all of them
Why I'd always be better
You see, I don't let emotions get in the way of what I'm doing
But I played their little game
"Order her flowers", I said to my secretary loud enough for everyone to hear
I walked to the woman, bent down, raised her chin and held her hand letting her eyes meet mine
So beautiful and so naive
"I'm so sorry for your loss"
"Why don't you take a month off Paid"
"Let yourself breathe"
She wrapped her arms around my neck
Her damn spit, snot, and tears soaking into my suit
"Oh thank you so much, sir. Thank you, thank you"
The crowd around me stirred muttering, and speaking of my generosity
"He's so sweet. He's so generous. He's so handsome"
Their eyes flashed. Some even with affection and lust
I made notes of those worth my time, but already I was thinking
Perhaps this blonde would need some company tonight?
How easy it would be
I spent the rest of the day in a board meeting
Too long, too pointless
They didn't understand my plans
Moving operations overseas to cut costs
They were small and ambitionless
They didn't see our growth, our potential
They never did
Without me, none of them would have had a job
But by the end of the day, they were all eating out of my hand
The idiots were convinced
It was as good a day as it could have been being surrounded by all these useless people
Until the police kicked in the door guns drawn
Everyone raised their hands Some screamed
I just listened. Listened as they called my name
Followed by, "You're under arrest for the murder of Mr."
What was it?
I don't remember his name But I remember his face
I remember the way he choked in my hands How he begged for his life
I remember the moment when that last sliver of life clicked out of his body
It was fun
The Adrenaline - The Excitement - The Mystery
I felt alive
Like I was king
Why did I kill him?
Maybe I thought someone that fat and stupid didn't deserve a wife as pretty as the blonde from accounting
Maybe I hated his face His clothes, his cheap car
Or maybe I was just bored
Bored - Impulsive - and slightly Reckless
With a single fingerprint revealing my identity
Do I regret it?
Nah, I was born this way
7.4 billion people living on this plant 1% are psychopaths
Out of every 100 people you will ever meet 1 will be like me
A psychopath
We don't all kill And in fact, I didn't have to
But in a cat and mouse world, we are always the cat
Some Lie - Some Manipulate - Some Rob - Some Con - And Some Hurt
Hurt more than they'll ever realize
Because there's one thing we all share in common deep inside
You see, none of us really feel
And believe me, I've met them all And so have you
But 5 years later, none of it matters anymore
You'd think they wouldn't release a psychopath so soon, but with power and money
Anything is possible
Maybe I should go see how she's doing
Matt Lauer Has Been Fired From NBC News | TODAY - Duration: 3:31.
Megyn Kelly On Matt Lauer's Dismissal: 'We Are In A Sea Change In The Country' | Megyn Kelly TODAY - Duration: 4:13.
how to whiten teeth with baking soda || Teeth Whitening at Home Fast Instantly Naturally - Duration: 4:28.
How to whiten teeth with baking soda
Mix the baking soda with water or a lemon they both work fine
In a small cup mix half a teaspoon of baking soda with a few drops of either water or lemon
Be sure it is a paste
This way it will be easier to apply
For applying the paste to your teeth you can use a tooth brush or just your fingers
If it is a bad stain you want to remove
It's recommended. You apply the paste directly to the stain and let it set for about 2 minutes
Just like with doing the dishes some stains need a little extra scrubbing
this can also be the case with the stain on your teeth use a
Toothbrush or your fingernails to scratch away that last bit of dirt
Brush your teeth for one to two minutes
Brush your teeth as you normally would but really concentrate on getting the brush into all the cracks and crevices
don't brush your teeth for any longer than two minutes as
Baking soda is a mild abrasive and may begin to erode the enamel on your teeth
ensure that no sideways destructive brushing occurs
Purely up down like the type of brushing. You might see in the movies
Make sure you are using a soft
Toothbrush and low brushing forces not be aware that the taste of baking soda is not particularly pleasant
Spit out the baking soda and rinse your mouth with water or a mouthwash if your toothbrush a thorough rinse as well
Repeat every other day you should repeat the process of brushing your teeth with baking soda every other day for one or two weeks
you will notice a slight difference in the
Whiteness of your teeth after just a few days and a substantial difference after a couple of weeks
mix the baking soda with hydrogen peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide is another great household product that can be used to effectively whiten teeth
Simply mix half a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide with a teaspoon of baking soda into a paste that resembles the consistency of toothpaste
Brush our teeth with this mixture, then let it sit on your teeth for a minute or two rinse off with water or a mouthwash
mix the baking soda with lemon or lime juice
Baking soda can also be mixed with fresh lemon or lime juice as the citric acid in these fruits is an effective bleaching agent
Simply mix half a teaspoon of baking soda with half a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon or lime juice
Brush this mixture onto your teeth using a toothbrush and leave to sit for about a minute before rinsing thoroughly
mix the baking soda with toothpaste
You can mix a little baking soda with your regular toothpaste to get the whitening benefits of the baking soda
combined with the strengthening and protective properties of fluoride toothpaste
Simply place the regular amount of toothpaste on your toothbrush sprinkle some baking soda on top
Then brush as normal mix together glycerin peppermint oil salt and baking soda
Combine three teaspoons of vegetable glycerin with three drops of peppermint oil add 1/2
a TSP of salt with five teaspoons of baking soda stir the ingredients
Together thoroughly dot had more peppermint oil as desired
Make a bentonite clay
Toothpaste another option for homemade toothpaste is a recipe that has been tonight clay and baking soda as key ingredients
Combine the following ingredients and stir until mixed
3/8 of a cup of soft coconut oil not liquid
1/4 cup of baking soda 1 TSP bentonite clay
1/2 teaspoon of salt dot 5 7 drops of peppermint essential oil
mix the ingredients add
2/3 large strawberries, which break down plaque and remove surface stains
To a small bowl and mash them with a fork add
1/4 of a teaspoon of salt and 1 teaspoon of baking soda
Mix together thoroughly apply the scrub put the strawberry scrub onto your toothbrush
Gently apply the mixture to all of your teeth
Depositing it on the surface without brushing vigorously leave it on for 5-10 minutes before rinsing thoroughly with
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BHARTI SINGH WEDDING VIDEO | DANCE On Her Bangle Ceremony Will Make You Believe Why Punjabis - Duration: 1:25.
bharti singh wedding video
How To Deal With The Increasing Energy Shifts - Duration: 7:42.
How To Deal With The Increasing Energy Shifts
Have you ever tried reading a map?
It is not always clear which is the best route to take.
It can be confusing and unclear.
Navigating your path does not have to be filled with stress.
Your path to bliss can be discovered with ease.
Let this energy guide you.
Let go of all those puppet strings you are so desperately attempting to control to the
point of exhaustion.
Your arms are achy and tired.
It�s not working.
The harder you struggle to force things the more you deplete yourself.
Detach from the drama.
Preserve your precious energy.
�When you don�t know what to do, don�t do anything at all� is the general advice
to eliminate doubt and avoid taking a wrong turn.
With the increasing energy, shifts, people leaving both quietly or with a bang.
Changes, loss of a job, loss of a home, relationships devolving or evolving it has been quite the
challenge not to hide under the covers and stay in bed.
Fear is a liar!
It will never tell you the truth.
It limits you in every single way.
You are good enough!
You are strong enough!
You do have something of value to share!
Your opinion matters!
We all need to hear what you have to say.
Along with that fear there is also a quiet tap on the shoulder from Spirit.
Nudging you.
Guiding you.
How about this?
I wonder what that feels like?
That would be a cool place to live.
That class is so interesting, I want to know more.
They come so quietly we tend to sometimes ignore them.
And that is our own GPS attempting to steer us in the right direction.
One breadcrumb, one idea, one curious investigation at a time.
In order to fully take advantage of this guidance we must consciously be aware of it and listen
for it.
Be aware of what sparks your curiosity.
What looks interesting?
What sounds fun?
The road to your new life is disguised as fun.
We disregard it because we tell ourselves we have serious work to do.
I can not waste time right now messing around coloring, taking classes, fill in the blank.
I have to figure out what my next move is!
Filled with sudden desperation to solve this enormous mystery right this very moment.
Smother it with food, alcohol, tv.
Twisting yourself into knots to try and please everyone around you to keep the status quo.
To prevent change.
To make them happy so they will like you.
Making yourself smaller.
Silencing your voice, your wants your needs so that they won�t leave you.
All the while you become further and further disconnected further and further confused
further and further depressed and filled with thoughts of giving up.
That is when the dark takes over.
We got her!
We got him!
We managed to steer her away from her light.
He gave up!
Stop the insanity.
You have not wasted any time because you learned something.
Everything has been for your greatest good no matter how messed up it felt like when
it unfolded.
Even now looking back you can think of a few times that life seemed to blow up in your
face and now you see what a huge gift that was for you as it was the catalyst for a blessing
right around the corner.
And that happened when you were �asleep�!
What glory awaits you now that you are conscious and aware?!
How exciting!
Anything is possible!
All you have to do is create!
Let go.
Stop trying to control anything.
Drive your own car.
Stay in your own lane.
Don�t go trying to drive someone else �s car.
That�s when you crash.
And I�m sure you are quite familiar with crashing, am I right?
We all are.
Let everyone else worry about their own road.
You stay on yours.
Nothing else matters but your happiness.
Point blank period.
Relax, listen, investigate.
What lights you up?
What makes your heart sing?
What looks cool?
What sounds interesting?
Go there with an open mind.
Don�t talk yourself out of anything.
The mind will try to sabotage your investigation telling you all the ways you will fail because
of stuff that went down in the past.
All that exists is this very moment.
Just now.
Nothing else.
Allow yourself to be guided to your next breadcrumb.
Take a chance!
Take many chances!
Do not label anything as stupid or ridiculous.
You cannot know for sure this is not going to lead you to your next discovery.
If you feel drawn to get a reading or a healing, do it!
Wisdom and guidance will come in all forms.
Do not limit the way you are willing to receive your next breadcrumb.
Stay open and alert.
Constantly observing the synchronicities that arrive at your doorstep.
A conversation with your sister.
A text message.
A book you read that has the most amazing idea!
It can come to you in a myriad of ways.
Be prepared to receive it however it may come to you.
It may even come from a child.
It will feel as if its dawning on you for the first time when you hear it.
What is meant for you is unstoppable and you cannot mess this up.
The fastest way to feel good is to be good to yourself.
You are transforming.
Any pain from what is unfolding around you is the meagerness of your old life leaving
you forever.
Let it go.
Allow it to leave.
You can�t stop a baby being born.
All you can do is try and get as comfortable with what is transpiring as you possibly can.
Labor pains.
As you birth your dreams.
Just the way you would treat a beloved child is the way to treat yourself during this transition.
Go to bed early.
Walk in nature.
Take long hot baths.
Eat nutritious foods.
Drink lots of water.
Exercise to move that energy out of your body.
Any kind of exercise.
When your body tells you it needs to sleep, listen to it.
Each day will be different.
We are not in 3d anymore.
What worked back then is not what is required now.
This is new.
The old world was set up to keep you programmed like a robot.
The same thing every day.
The same formula day in and day out.
Now we are being called to respond differently.
Not react.
With ease.
In an elevated way.
Let us be our own cheerleader, caretaker, best friend and advocate.
After all, it�s our life.
We should be the one to decide what that life looks like and with whom we share our light
Drugs ft. Addaction | Voice Box | Childline - Duration: 8:18.
G: hi I'm George T: hey I'm Tariq G: and today we're talking about drugs
G:what do people usually mean when they're talking about drugs? T: what people commonly
refer to as drugs are mainly their illicit substances for example the most commonly
used illicit substance amongst young people that's 13 to 24 year-olds would
be cannabis.but obviously when we're talking about drugs that does also
include legal substances as well as such as caffeine. Prescription drugs as well
which you can get over you can get from the pharmacy and which are prescribed
from a doctor. in general you're talking about things such as heroin cocaine and
other illicit substances G: can all drugs be unsafe T: any kind of drugs there is an
element of risk with it, that goes for prescription medication that goes from
illicit substances and it also goes from other substances that might not that the
average person might not look at and think oh yes that's a drug. A lot of
young people are when they are going out they are mixing now caffeine and alcohol
caffeine alone is a stimulant so it actually raises your heartbeat it raises
your blood pressure and alcohol is a depressant which actually slows down the
way the body works and it slows down the heart rate you know if you mix those two
substances to substances together it causes a low strain on the heart before
you actually decide to take a substance I'd always say do your research. Even if
it's a painkiller you have a headache doing a little bit of research and
finding out or maybe an alternative actually I might be dehydrated today and
that's why I have a headache so I don't need to take the painkiller instead if
you're going out and you're think and you're feeling a bit nervous oh you
might not be the most quote/unquote outgoing person initially when you're
meeting people you might think okay let me get a bit of Dutch courage in me and
yeah you know so it hides the fact that actually maybe there's a little bit of
anxiety social anxiety there yeah and actually work through. A lot of the times you
do find that people are dealing with things that they have gone through in
life g: yeah and it's those underlying reasons isn't it that are so much part
of it at the same time. What can you do if you are feeling pressured by friends
or people you hang around with to take drugs like what what might help you out there?
T: developing really strong relationship with yourself
is very important first and foremost okay
understanding what you like and what you don't like to do yeah what you want to
try and what you don't want to try creating a plan for yourself and
actually giving yourself reasons as to why you want to try it that and why you
don't want to try that yeah and actually understanding so when you're in those
scenarios you can't play it back to you and actually say no I don't want to for
example start smoking not because of what everybody else is
saying but actually I like playing sports so I don't know get my fitness
yeah you know and if you feel that you can't actually express that to your
friends or to the people that are pressuring you then you have to
understand that actually they may not be a healthy person in my environment if
that is the case and I advise any person to actually go seek the help of an adult
all schools now across the UK you should have a safeguard in officer or if you
were pressured into doing anything that you don't feel comfortable with please go
have a talk to your safe guarding officer, but one thing I explore all young
people to do is actually make use of the services around you even if you're
feeling in a you're in a situation of isolation and you feel that you know
what I may go back to old habits that I've stopped yeah you know you may have
gone through a recovery may I've got come out the other side and you're now
substance free but you're afraid of like slipping back you can access the
service and you can receive help there are people around you there to support
you. if you feel that you're not ready to go access a service go talk to your
family members even if you haven't talked to them in a while just having
that one conversation even if it's just for yourself to let things off your
chest very important and it could be a scenario where you don't know what
to do they may be able to give you advice even
to your peers and things like that reach out, connect, if you are if you do need
help with your substance misuse issue and you're unsure talk about it services
such as Childline are very important it's a service that a young person can
access out of hours they can actually access at time of crisis
and it means that they can actually recently receive support immediately and
I think that is very important because as soon as you pick up the phone you
talk to individual again you are talking to someone that is
empathetic G: so what asked some of the risks of taking drugs, both
physically and emotionally T:that's the quote unquote scary thing about
substances is that it can affect an individual differently so when
we talk about physiological effects or physical effects taking any kind of
substances for instance is the simple fact that it does change how your mind
works it is a psychoactive substance although
you may think actually I'm doing okay I'm doing fine I'm doing fine you'll
notice the simple fact that there's a change in the packing your pattern of
thinking and it will have and make a negative effect on your well-being
short-term or long-term if you are suffering from high blood pressure
anyway and then you actually end up taking for instance cannabis cannabis is
a very is quite it's quite unique in the fact that it does act as a depressant
and a stimulant if you stand hot your heart rate will increase if you sit down
your heart rate will slow down and that's why I know people when they are
actually under the influence of cannabis if they stand up very quickly they get a
hot flash they feel dizzy right you know and they may feel like as if they're a
little faint and things like that all those all those short-term effects
depending on the situation can be very risky and because again it varies
between person person to person you can't be sure how it's going to affect
you on the night if you are for instance indulging an illicit substance
you are having to buy it off a drug dealer or off someone that knows a drug dealer
simply because of that you're putting yourself in an environment that you
would have never been in otherwise and you don't know this person this person
has no loyalty towards you you know a lot of young people especially with
cannabis will say are using it to medicate I'm using it as a medicine I
would say is that a doctor if you won't speak to the actor and you ask them
could you give me advice to do over I'm going for I very much doubt that cannabis
would be the first thing they'll go yeah sure they'll probably suggest for
example if you're feeling anxious so you're going through bouts of depression
you probably would suggest that you do receive some sort of counseling well you
do go talk to someone instead of just giving you even prescription medication
to yeah with the scenario so again it is
about being able to understand that with any kind of substance use regardless if
it's illicit or if it's prescription there is a risk around it there is a health
risk that there is that it is a psychoactive substance it does change
the way your mind works it's always to understand that if I've been given
prescription medication this is the reason why this is for how long and
actually this is the reason why I should stop because I can actually get an
addiction. if I get in addition to prescription medication a lot of the time
people then go looking for the alternative the alternative to
prescription grade opiates is straight great heroin you know and that is
again mixed of things that we you can't actually know unless you are the person
even the person dealing it to you doesn't know G: if you think you have got a
drug problem or an addiction like what can you do
what where can you turn for help? T: that's the great thing about Childline is that
it covers it almost it covers the cracks that we can not actually see so when I
am not at work when the services are shut down when the school is not there
to help that person when the person doesn't feel able to go and talk to the
people that are close to them Childline is always there and I
think that's really important thing about it it's just that it gives a young
person a choice so if you feel that you do not have the
choice as a young person just always understand
I do have childline G: thanks so much for coming Tariq
T: likewise thanks for having me G: and we'll see you next time
Wizard of Legend - Announce Trailer - Duration: 1:23.
How To Improve Your Marriage Relationship - Duration: 13:03.
Hi I'm Dr. Paul, welcome back to Live On Purpose TV. Today, how to improve your
marriage in a few short minutes.
As a psychologist, I've had a lot of really
cool opportunities. One of the things that I enjoy the most is working with
couples and marriages. So the question comes up all the time, how do i improve
my marriage? We've got a little video here where we should be able to handle
that whole thing in just a few minutes, right? There's probably more to it than
that but let me boil it down to a few things that I've noticed in my 23 years
of clinical experience and almost 30 years of being married, so I'll add that
to the mix too and by the way, in saying that, I have the best marriage I know of.
I have the best one, I choose to see it that way and that serves me well. Is it a
choice how you see your marriage? Yes, it is. Here's the first concept and this is
a paradox, see if you can wrap your head around this, paradoxes are seeming
contradictions, it's something that doesn't seem like it could be true but
it absolutely is. I'm going to introduce this paradox with a little story about
my son who several years ago, as a young adult, he wanted to buy a car, he didn't
have any significant work history at that point, he didn't have any money,
he didn't have a credit score, nothing yet and as a young adult,
he wanted to get into this car. Now it was only, I think, a three thousand dollar
loan so I took him down to the local credit union, not too far from my office
here and we sat down with a loan officer and this loan officer was taking my
son's information and typing it all into her computer and and she got this dark
look on her face and she turned to my son and she said, I'm really sorry, you don't
qualify for this loan. Big surprise, right? We kind of knew that he wasn't in a
position to qualify. So I threw my hat in the ring, I said, "How about if I co-signed
on that loan with my son? How's that work for you?" This loan officer gets excited
and says, "Oh sir, that would be awesome." So she starts to enter my information, she
gets an even dark look on her face as she looks at me and
she says, "Sir, that makes it worse." Okay, no, I was kind of playing with her. I'm a
psychologist, I do this sometimes. I knew that my credit was wacked, I had been
through some, well read my book, the first chapter of my book is lightning strikes,
it's about a time in my life when I went through some economic challenges that
left me in a position where I didn't qualify for the loan either. That was
kind of funny to me but I was ready for her and I presented a third option,
I pulled $3,000 out of my own pocket, I set it on the desk in front of her and
I said how about if I lend you the $3,000, you lend it to my son and then you let
me co-sign on the note? How would that work for it? She brightens up immediately
and she says, "Oh sir, we could give you really good rates on that." Thank you for
the good rates on my own money, right? It's called a secured loan, the bank is
not taking any risk at all, I'm assuming all of it but I had reasons for doing
that because I wanted to help myself and my son to build up some credit. So you
see where I was coming from on that, here's what I learned, you can get the
loan as soon as you prove that you don't need it. Is this true in the world of
finance? That matches my experience. You can get the loan as soon as you prove
that you don't need it. Now let's shift back to marriage for a minute. Can you
improve your marriage? Can you upgrade this thing? Can you make it better than
it is? Absolutely and you're most likely to improve your marriage as soon as you
realize you don't need to. Okay, now that's going to strike some of you
different than others. I had a couple on my couch here not too long ago, they're
telling me about their marriage and everything that's going wrong and how
terrible and awful it is and they had already talked to an attorney about
divorce. I mean, it was it was a mess, right? And I jumped in with one of my
psychologists questions and all of my questions are loaded by the way, so just
watch out if I ever ask you a question, and I said to them, "How's your marriage?"
She looks at me like I haven't been paying attention, "Doctor you listening to me?"
Do you remember I shared a model in another video, I shared this model.
In fact, you can link to that video, we'll put it in the description here. I shared
this model of evaluation and creation, what I'm talking about is two different
processes in the mind. We do evaluation of our current circumstances and then we
create what's coming. My whole point here is that you can make an upgrade to your
marriage and it best starts in evaluation mode by acknowledging that
your marriage is already good. It is good and I can share stories with people that
will help them to see that their marriage is good. I had for example, I had
a couple I was working with, I just realized they might be watching this
video, oh well, I'll tell anyway. It's confidential, I had a couple I was
working with where he had an affair, this happens, right? With her mother. I know,
don't think about that too much. How you feeling about your own marriage right
about now? Another one where she fired a 45 caliber handgun at him,
another one where he hired a hitman to kill her.
You can't shock me honestly. I've been in practice for 23 years, I've heard some of
the darkness crap you can imagine. How does your own marriage seem when you
compare it to those? See, it goes back to the model that we talked about with
evaluation and creation. You're always judging this thing, just notice that
you're judging it in a certain way. Why? Because that sets up the energy for what
we're going to do to improve it. Think about how you feel when your spouse is
constantly telling you how bad this is. How's your spouse likely to feel if
you're constantly telling your spouse how bad this is? What changes if we shift
that perception, that evaluation choice to how good this is?
And all the reasons that it is. So here's the first strategy that you can use to
improve your marriage and it ties right into this paradox, you realize and
acknowledge and catalog and document the ways that it is already good.
Full, rich, blessed, pick your adjective. Go there and here's how you
can do it, practice a simple gratitude exercise for each of the next five days,
come up with 25 things for which you are sincerely grateful and these can be
anything, they can be hot water, indoor plumbing, puppies and rainbows, anything
that you're grateful for, you can put it on the list.
Now half, at least half, that's 13 if you're doing the math, at least half of
your list every day is about your spouse or your marriage. Your spouse or your
marriage, you come up with things that you're sincerely grateful for.
Now if you're struggling in your marriage, it's because you're focusing on some
things that you're not happy about. I'm asking you to shift gears, to shift
direction, to steer this in a direction that allows you to see what's good
already. That will power up your mind for creating an upgrade. So the paradox is,
you can have the upgrade and you're more likely to have that upgrade as soon as
you realize you don't need it, that it is already good. Okay, so gratitude exercise,
five days, you come up with 25 things for which you're grateful, 12 of those
can be about anything in your life that's awesome,
the other 13 have to be about your spouse or your marriage and don't repeat
anything on tomorrow's list that's on today's list, this will immediately
improve your marriage and it's interesting that it didn't even change
anything, except your focus. You try that, that is a relationship saving activity,
give it a try. Okay, one more. For the same five days, you intentionally give a
social gift to your spouse on each of those five days, you intentionally give a
social gift to your spouse. Here's what I mean by social gifts. I'm referring to a
book by Dr. Anne Demory
and she is the one that identified these
four social gifts. So let's use Dr. Demory's four social gifts. You can pick any
one of these to give to your spouse every day, intentionally, for five days.
The first one is appreciation, this one shouldn't be too hard because you're
already doing the gratitude list. So from your gratitude list, you might choose the
one or more of the things that you're grateful for, related to your spouse or
your marriage and give that to your spouse as a social gift. It is simply
expressing appreciation and be specific. "Honey, thank you for.." whatever it is that
you picked from your list. "Sweetheart, I really appreciate that you.." give them
something from your list, it's a social gift. Okay, that's one, appreciation.
Two, connection. Connection is something that we have in common. With your spouse, you
can pick a common interest, for example, if you if you share a common interest,
the social gift for that day might be something like bringing home a favorite
meal from that restaurant that you both loved. It might be offering to share
a television program that you both enjoy. So that's the connection piece,
it's common ground. The third social gift is elevation.
Elevation is just what it sounds like, you know, an elevator lifts people so
this is something that's intended to lift the mood or the spirits of another
person. Elevation, sometimes it takes the form of humor, laughing, a smile could be
this social gift but I don't want you to get off easy, so don't just flash a quick
little smile. I mean a genuine, elevating smile or humor or fun,
that's elevation and then the fourth social gift is enlightenment.
Enlightenment is increasing their fund of knowledge or information. So you want
to tell them something or give them access to some information that they
didn't have before. It could be in the form of sharing this video with your
spouse, that would be enlightenment, it could be that you just
say, "Hey, did you know..." and then you give them some factoids you know,
something that you heard on the radio or in a podcast or something.
It's increasing their fund of information. Okay, so we've got four social gifts.
Appreciation, connection, elevation, and enlightenment. So each of those five days
that you're doing your gratitude list, also intentionally give one of those
social gifts on purpose to your spouse. How do you improve your marriage?
You can do that.
Paradox is that you're most likely to improve your marriage when you
realize you don't have to, that what you have is already good and rich and full
and amazing and awesome. Find the ways that it is and it immediately improves
for you, that also changes the energy for your spouse who is probably craving a
sense that you are pleased with them and with the situation. You know, I think the
most amazing feeling happens when another person says, "My life is better
because you're in it."
Let's see if we can give that kind of a social gift to our
spouse and then we can start to practice the things that will immediately improve
our relationship.
Will address some other topics and other videos too like
communication and how to work together and how to solve problems creatively,
there's all kinds of resources available. Let's start with this one where you get
to practice that gratitude and give some of those social gifts, let's see what
happens in just a few days.
So is your marriage better already?
I hope it is. Share this episode with someone that you think would benefit.
CLIP PARKOUR | can't fix you | Cool Gang Official [HD] - Duration: 1:45.
Lucian Wintrich: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | CaCao TV - Duration: 7:54.
Lucian Wintrich: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
Lucian Wintrich, the Gateway Pundit's White House correspondent, was arrested at the University of Connecticut Tuesday night after what UConn officials referred to as an "altercation. Here's five things to know:.
He was Giving an 'It is OK to be White' speech.
As the Hartford Courant initially reported, Wintrich was at the University of Connecticut to give a speech titled "It Is OK To Be White," sponsored by UConn's College Republicans (who declined to comment on the evening).
A few weeks ago, the Courant said, Wintrich had planned to give a talk of the same name at the University of Massachusetts in Boston, to be sponsored by the student group Turning Point USA.
However, UMass said the group "was not comfortable" after Wintrich released publicity for the event, so the event was postponed until next spring.
Before the event, UConn's College Republicans said Wintrich's appearance was not organized by or for white supremacists, and that they intended to have a public question-and-answer session after the speech. Anti-racists were not persuaded, and protested Wintrich's appearance.
He Jumped on a Woman who had Stolen his Notes. The altercation at UConn apparently started after Wintrich's speech was cut short by a woman who appeared to take paperwork off of his lectern and walk away.
Various videos taken on cell phone show Wintrich running up behind the woman and grabbing her, before bystanders got involved. Police charged Wintrich with breach of peace, but released him later on Tuesday night.
Conservative writer Ben Shapiro tweeted about the incident, saying "1. Stealing people's notes is dumb and bad. This is a NUTS response to someone stealing your notes.".
Later that evening, Wintrich re-tweeted Shapiro with his own comment: "Hey Ben – just curious if you think that if someone steals property you don't have the right to retrieve your belongings. Asking for a friend.".
The Gateway Pundit reported on events by saying "FAR LEFT PROTESTERS SHUT DOWN LUCIAN WINTRICH SPEECH TONIGHT AT UCONN." Pundit founder Jim Hoft wrote that "The far left student activists were screaming throughout his talk.
Lucian drank a glass of milk to trigger the leftists. He was attacked soon after this! They started chanting, "Go home Nazis!" They screamed and called him a racist.
After the room was clearing out a far left couple approached Lucian at the podium and began harassing him. At one point the women STOLE Lucian's material.
Lucian screamed at her and jumped at her. The woman fell to the floor and the room erupted!". Hoft also called out "Cuck conservative(?) reporter Lachlan Markay" (of The Daily Beast), for "attack[ing] Lucian Wintrich after the altercation.
Wintrich Previously Reported That 'Antifa Supersoldiers' Were Plotting to 'Behead all White Parents'. In late October and early November 2017, rumors flew among the far right that "antifa" were going to start a civil war on Nov.
Wintrich, writing for the Gateway Pundit, ran a sensationalist story headlined "ANTIFA Leader: "November 4th […] millions of antifa supersoldiers will behead all white parents." Wintrich quoted a since-delete tweet from Tom Bloke, whom Wintrich described as "a thought leader of the far left.".
In addition to Bloke's tweet, Wintrich also offered another example of a since-deleted violent Twitter threat from antifa: "we, ANTIFA, ARE going to Exploge the white USArace with acme tnt crates UNTIL they are cobered with soot and waving a white rag on a stick.
Wintrich followed those two tweets with a bold-print subheading: "UPDATE: Far-left radicals now claiming it was a 'funny joke.
Wintrich is Openly Gay. Before writing for the Gateway Pundit, Wintrich was the founder of "Twinks 4 Trump" (not to be confused with the satirical Twitter feed @Twinksfortrump).
In July 2016, Death and Taxes ran an article (illustrated with possibly NSFW pictures) calling the group "a sampling of humiliations the alt-right wants to inflict on you.".
Death and Taxes reporter Jamie Peck, referring to an alt-right party hosted by Milo Yiannopoulos during the Republican National Convention, wrote that "The first things I noticed at Tuesday night's gay neofascist party during the RNC were the "Twinks 4 Trump" photos adorning the walls.
Shot by alt-right believer Lucian Wintrich, the series depicts impossibly lithe androgynes posing in Trump hats and not much else and captioned on Instagram by quotes like 'Don't tell me it doesn't work — torture works… Waterboarding is fine, but it's not nearly tough enough, ok?' —Donald Trump.
(Or as they prefer to call him, 'Daddy.')". In Peck's article, Wintrich admits most of the models were not actually Trump supporters, though during the photo shoots he did try to convince them of the benefits of Trumpism.
In March 2017, shortly after becoming the Gateway Pundit's White House correspondent, Wintrich claimed that a homophobic Fox News reporter assaulted him at the White House (although, as the Advocate reported at the time, "no one who was there so far supports that claim.
He has a Reputation for 'Trolling' Rather Than Reporting. In February, after the Gateway Pundit made Wintrich its White House correspondent, Media Matters noted his promotion by reporting "A Dangerous Troll Is Now Reporting From The White House.
" Two months later, the Hollywood Reporter did a story about "48 hours with the media troll who is now part of the White House Press Corps.
Wintrich is a Pittsburgh native, and in July 2017, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette ran a profile piece headlined "Lucian Wintrich is a White House correspondent better known for trolling than reporting," which opens with the sentence "Lucian Wintrich, a writer for The Gateway Pundit who mocks 'serious journalists,' admits: 'Half of what I do is f—ing with people'.
What Your Car Says About You - BMW i8 - Duration: 7:16.
Kris Krohn here today with Limitless TV and we're talking about this fancy BMW.
Is it important? What's more important?
So what's up with the BMW, right? I was on a
two-year waiting list and I got one of the very first BMW i8 here in America.
Certainly the one of the first that came to Utah and people love to ask,
there's either car enthusiasts that are excited and excited about it, there's
some people that are really judgmental and they think, "Oh that's a status
symbol." or "What does that car mean about you?" or "Why are you spending so much
money on a car? Couldn't that money be used for investing or for something
different or creating greater personal security?" and I want to
shoot this video because I get a lot of people asking about it and what's
interesting is that a car is kind of like money, it has the ability to magnify
who we are and it's interesting to see all of people's different perceptions on
what this car is all about. I won't lie, I'm German, I could really connect to my
German heritage and I've had two other BMW's before and for me, this car is such
a huge celebration of innovation for future, for technology, it's a hybrid so
it's both gas and it's also electric. I fill up that tank probably once every two months
and the only reason why I really need to fill up the tank is from perhaps driving
from time to time a little less responsibly than I could because I like
taking the canyon turns a little faster than I probably should, that's besides
the point. It's amazing what these engineers have
actually produced, they actually produced a vehicle that has the ability to
challenge other gas based cars and being all-electric, it can compete with them as
far as its top speed goes and how fast it accelerates and because BMW, who by
the way, is a company with a hundred year business plan, that's what they have
right now, is a hundred year business plan, they said, "We want to create the
first electric vehicle that can competitively race against other
vehicles that are not." And they did it, they had accomplished it
and the car is amazing, it's cool, it's probably the most fun
cars that I've ever driven before cuz sometimes I'm in just chill all-electric
mode but if I put it into sport mode, everything goes red and it turns
really aggressive and you know, for me, I could drive a really cheap car, I can
drive a really expensive car, in the end, why? Why are you living in the house that
you're living in? Why are you driving the car that you're driving? Why is there a
car that you want to drive maybe that you can't afford yet or haven't bought
yet? Why is it that you want the things that you want and what does it really
say about you? There's a really important principle in the
personal development world called projection and what it says is that,
we only have the ability to project onto another person our own expectations, our
own laws, our own principles, our own beliefs and so every word that proceeds
out of our mouth to another human being is an expression of what we believe,
which it's kind of interesting because some people will be angry and they'll
say, "Oh my gosh, how could you spend so much on that car?" And all they're really
revealing is what? Their own belief system about that which they're entitled
to and I get other people are like, "Oh man, thumbs up! That is so amazing, like
that's so incredible!" And they're enthusiasts and there's a reason
why they really like the car. I think the bigger principle at play here is, what
are you projecting in life? What do you project upon your spouse or your
children or your friends? What do you project upon people? And
what are the judgments that you have that you project? One of the things that
I believe as a Christian is that the judgments that we have for other people
are really just judgments against ourselves and there's no need for God to
judge us because I think we're doing a fine job judging ourselves on a pretty
regular basis. So while there are some people that have controversial feelings
about this car, while there are other people that celebrate it, while there's
some people that are excited about it and celebrate with me for maybe the
success that I've had, in the end, it doesn't come down to how much did it
cost how, much is it worth, or even what people will think about me. In the end,
why did I buy this car? To celebrate a team of scientists coming
together and doing something that hasn't been done before and it inspires me.
When I built my house, it's nearly ten thousand square feet and that house has
been used to bless a lot of families, it's housed a lot of people in my
basement over the years for last several years, that's been my parents, been able
to use it for large functions, and parties and weddings and all sorts of
amazing things but in the end, that house, it's large, it's big, what does it really
say about me? What is it really about? I wanted to live in something I created
and that's what inspiration helped me come up with and help me create, it's a
unique expression of me in my life. You and I, we all have unique in different
paths to walk in life and not one of us, I can't tell you what your path is
just like you can't tell me what my path is but we live in a world where we're
judging each other and trying to tell each other what that is. At the end of
the day, I can produce some real estate videos and suggest, "Hey, here's a path
that I walked" And some of you it's going to resonate and I will literally give you a
golden blueprint to how to create wealth for yourself. Others are going to say,
"Kris, you gave me great information that told me why I shouldn't do your system and
I'm thankful for that knowledge." or "Kris, I was really triggered at your system
and decided to unsubscribe and never talk to you again." At the end of
the day, we're all just trying to find our path, we're all trying to find the
path that will get us where we want to go. So watch out for your projections
because if you waste enough of your time judging other people and projecting your
own beliefs on others, then you might miss out on a more beautiful principle
at work which is the things that trigger you, the things that excite you, the
things that upset you, they're yours, so learn from them and instead of
projecting them onto others, live them, live by example, harness the power of
that and then create greater tolerance and compassion for people that are
different. In fact, celebrate their differences. Honing in this skill and
learning how to do this is a beautiful way for you and I to level up and go to
another grade level where we get to see life in reality more clearly. What is
that car to you? What is it to me? What are the things you want in life to
you? How many of the things are driven by ego, are the things driven by love, are
the things driven by uniqueness, are the things driven by simple
desires and minimalism? This is your life, you get to make that choice so make them
for you, leave the rest of us out of it, honor
your truth, follow your path and if all of us can do that, I think we're going to
live brighter happier lives.
Thanks for joining us for today's video.
What's important to you? Why is it important to you? And do you ever project it on to
other people? Be sure to subscribe, we'll get more videos coming your way,
we'll see another day.
My TOP 5 Vacation Packing Tips and Holiday Essentials - Duration: 2:14.
Natural Remedies That Can Help You Treat Burns At Home! - Duration: 2:08.
Natural Remedies That Can Help You Treat Burns At Home!
We have all burned ourselves at some point in our life, particularly in the kitchen.
In other words, burns are pretty much a part of our childhood and adult life.
Some people still have the scar of the childhood burn even today, while others that have taken
early precautions then, like applying toothpaste, wouldn't have helped them prevent the painful
blisters at the burnt area.
Thus, home remedies for burns are an important thing that you should be familiar with.
So, in this short article we will show you some very effective natural remedies which
will help you heal the burns in no time.
Baking Soda In order to dissipate the pain immediately,
just mix some baking soda with water.
When you prepare the paste, apply it onto the burnt area, allow it to dry and then rinse
it off.
Tea Bags Simply put 2-3 bags under a spout of cold
water and after that use the liquid.
Another alternative is to make a stay-in-place poultice using 2-3 damp tea bags if you're
on the go.
Make sure to use black tea because the tannic acid consisted of in it reduces the pain immediately.
The tannic acid in black tea helps draw heat from the burnt area.
Vinegar Vinegar works as an astringent and antiseptic
on small burns and helps prevent infection.
All you need to do is to soak a cotton ball in vinegar and apply it onto the burn.
Another solution is to do a compress soaked vinegar and water.
This will help you prevent infection considering that it will kill the prospective pathogens
and the burn will heal much quicker.
Banana peels In some cases, placing a banana peel on the
burned area of the skin till it becomes black has proved beneficial for burn injuries.
Aloe Vera Aloe Vera is fantastic for healing and soothing
Its gel is the best solution for burns since it has soothing and rejuvenating properties.
Also, besides healing the pain, it does not allow scarring of the skin.
Man Listens to Headphones. You Won't Believe What He Hears! - Duration: 0:39.
Why do chickens dust bathe? - Duration: 1:03.
Global Warming | Super Mario Odyssey #8 - Duration: 30:19.
I have a license to use Nintendo's content in this video through the Nintendo Creators Program. This video is not sponsored or endorsed by Nintendo, but any advertising revenue from this video will be shared with Nintendo.
Welcome back to some more Super Mario Odyssey.
Last time I left off. I was just getting done with the wooded Kingdom
And we are now going to the lake Kingdom. Let's go ahead and go
Letsa go
Travel the world among the rare hats
As you can probably see I'm doing some more wine
with the waluigi outfits
Ii think the precious
Soirée bouquet stolen we can't have we can't let that bowser. We keep doing whatever he wants
Seeing as how we've got some time to kill let's review some useful skills
Travel tip spin, throw
I'm not reading this because I do this enough already
Well there it is
Next let's read up on the lake kingdom
It says they're known for their fashion, and oh there's a famous wedding gown they're called the lock lady dress
Looks like it's nighttime
Excuse me
Lake kingdom lake lamode
Brutal is over the lake
There's be that skinny one I'm fighting now the brutal x' they're here to
Add the coins are like tears
We go Oh missed
Okay over here
Also a bunch of enemies
They're wearing feels the intercom feels
Mermaid but we'll see because I think there's one right there right down
I'm not really hearing any music
It's hard to hear any music anyway cuz I have to turn this down really low and order for
It not to be picked up on my mic even though. It's picked up anyway
Which sucks?
My goodness that monsters minions just stomped in here uninvited
And they stole our kingdoms finest lock lady dress it's a tragedy
Grab I got a coin won't make up for all those coins, I lost
The first power moon of this kingdom
Taking notes you dive and swim
You're looking for the water Plaza the way it is right behind me
Okay, I just did that completely on accident
As my head itches, that's why I accidentally threw the Hat I
Know that makes up for losing all those all those coins are left in the mist
Saw this in the wood of the kingdom, but I don't know what to do with it, so
Them tears
You say we're most at home in the water
Before I go in there I was gonna do everything I can
Another wall jump over each other Oh
Long jump over here
Beside you to look around
Looking around at this be the sound
There's a way to just drop down, but I don't know what that is so
Watch out for those spikes
Yeah, there's only 50 here yeah, I can't see what's below me, so
I don't want to get hurt by the spikes
Church chest I
Think that's the second one treasure in the spiky waterway
Nothing. Oh, yeah. That's a second
How many moons are this
Seaweeds attacking me
Thank you rekt GG
JJ glitchy cheap late
Fish never had to worry about here
What is his name
Don't remember his name
You're like I should
I'm thinking like Nessie or something
Where are these other ones it's so fun
Fortunately chips you can go up there
Scoops oops okay center camera, so I haven't had this in
Too much if I want a me
I'm pretty sure it's name is
messy I
think it's messy I
Feel dumb not knowing
Hey breathe in here put this rock here isn't it dreadful?
Got em all I jump out at the top though
Get in through here
If you travel all the way to the lake Kingdom you should dress for the occasion
To get to the lock lady dress display window you have to dress like a swimmer
Keep traveller. You don't look at all dressed for swimming. I'm very disappointed
Dang I probably need the boxer shorts maybe
There was a lovely lock lady dress in this display window
But that monster came and stole it he stole our kingdoms greatest treasure
This is where the dress was displayed the governor no I can't I
Miss our beautiful lot lady dress
Display window
Derp derp derp derp derp derp
I'll figure out how to drop down
Okay push it down dude always works is the monsters still out there?
One two three four coins
You see the beautiful shop display on the next floor up
Okay, so I go in there's
Another one
I've no idea why I did hold it there
It's talking to
The shop is on the level above and there's a roof of level above that
How do you get up there same way you go anywhere in the water swim?
Talk to
What do you got to say
What's the secret you're seeking I know it. I know it. Haha I
Can't tell you, but I'll give you a clue. I feel underdressed
It's hiding somewhere. No peeking go find it go find it Square car
This I
know I know that uh I think two parts back I
Guess um if you know who Tom Fox's I
Know he's streaming this game. I know he's streamed this game. Oh
no, I haven't seen any of it, but I I bet that I
Bet that he gave the Iago voice to talk to because it would make complete sense
My precious lock lady dress stolen. I can't believe it
How could you think that thought after this moon shards in the lake
Like I'm pretty sure
I'm pretty sure he probably used that voice for talk or two at some point. I'll have to
Watch his dream videos that he uploads and see
See if that is the case
It's all the shouting area here
It's a horrible
Let's go ahead to this after this I'll go to the shop I
Feel like it gives off the Paper Mario aspect
It's a -
There's nothing
There I can't risk of that, I'm not going to do that
I'm not the risk-taker you think I am
It's waluigi's el
Now I don't feel as bad missing that stack of coins earlier
So I hated missing that stack of coins
Yeah, the camera is too far away
Keep forgetting about certain things okay hit the zipper
Straight down I
Don't know what the point of that was
Probably to get rid of all those goombahs and get massive amount of coins
Well I did everything manually
How risk it risk
No reward
So I don't take risks just have to do this all over again I
NOT gonna risk it this time
Get the Power Move unzip the chasm
Now I risk it maybe
Well I can actually do this
Then think that way you'd be able to sing
Just a fine leap I
Feel stupid now
Okay surprise me super secret zipper
Like usual I'm not going to risk anything
Let's walk out of here
I'm gonna go up here first seems like this
Dori back rider
See I was thinking it was probably too worried, but I mean finding dory, so I don't think it would be the same thing
Cheep-cheep crossing it's like animal crossing. What a Nintendo GameCube?
Everybody remembers those commercials
So that name
Courtyard we good was followed me
First take you guys jump up here run from you guys
Huh, oh my god, okay
Jump on you hopefully I can make it up there now, okay?
Take that I'll take that Goomba one jump because I got the ups
See what's let us see?
It'd be easier to do with the I
Could have gotten more coins that way whoops
Another thing is this a fishpond neat
Look I can't really look down there, but I know what Kingdom that is I?
Was like a gourmet Kingdom or something like that
Hmm no I'll go down there just
Go ahead and do this
Let's go Super Mario 64 in this mess
Luncheon Kingdom something smells scrumptious
Loading Skyland
Secret path to amounts of all bono
Give me a moment I got to scratch my ear
There's the ear that the
head the mic
I'm dumb
It's the ear that the mic is near is idle s my headset. I don't know
Just looking at this little sky island thing
Pretty sure we just look around okay
So actually looks pretty
Tall to me it looks pretty small because I'm so far away from it
You get what I mean
It looks kind of small
Yes as I was saying what?
Like with the like booty style I was like that they were
They were like a number of those in
San Kingdom
I'm pretty sure
There's a painting in one of these kingdoms that leads me to
Leave me to there so
Don't have to really worry about
Not to really worry about that
To you pal boo end of the hidden passage
All right, sorry I have enough to make it to the next Kingdom
I'm me
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