Part of our job at BookBaby
is to tear down barriers
that are keeping writers from becoming authors.
So, let's get to work!
For more infomation >> BookBaby is Breaking Barriers for Indie Authors - Duration: 0:38.-------------------------------------------
How to Make Corn Dogs | Easy Homemade Corn Dog Recipe - Duration: 4:18.
How to make corndogs easy homemade corndog recipe
Hello and welcome back to In the Kitchen with Matt, I am your host Matt Taylor.
Today I am going to show you how to make homemade corndogs, mmm yummy.
This recipe for corndogs is really easy to do, if I can do it, you can do it, let's get
First, I put a pot of oil on the stovetop, and I am going to heat that up to 350 degrees
F. And while that is heating up I am going to go ahead and mix together my dry ingredients,
1 and 1 fourth cups of all-purpose flour, 1 tsp. of baking powder, 1 tsp. of salt, 1
fourth cup of sugar, 3/4 cup of cornmeal, go ahead and whisk that together.
Now I am going to add 3/4 cup of milk, and then two eggs, I am going to come in here
with spoon first and go ahead and mix that together to form the batter, and we want to
mix this until we get all the lumps out, a nice smooth batter.
All right we have a nice thick batter here, it is fairly thick, that is great.
To make it easier to dip our hotdogs into it, I am going to transfer this to a glass
cup, I am not going to put all of it in at once, because the cup is going to overflow
once you poke the hotdog in it.
Now we just take a wooden skewer like you would use for like shish kebabs, go ahead
and take your hot dog, and go ahead and poke all the way down, like that, and then we are
going to go ahead and just come in here, give it a little turn, until it is all coated,
and then pull it out, just like that.
All right let's go ahead and check the oil, we want it to be 350 degrees F. All right
that looks good.
And then what we do, we take our dog, just go right in there.
And it will take somewhere between 3 to 5 minutes, to cook, and you cook it until it
is golden brown.
Let's go ahead and do another one.
You come in with tongs and kind of separate them a bit if you need to.
Depending on the diameter of the pot that you are using, you could do two or three at
a time, maybe four, these corndogs, look good, I am going to go ahead and take them out,
and put them on a paper towel lined plate.
And now I am just going to do the rest of them.
All right our homemade corndogs are done, they turned out fantastic, they are really
easy to do, go out there and make your own, I am Matt Taylor, this has been another episode
of In the Kitchen with Matt, thank you for joining me, as always if you have any questions
or comments or requests, put them down below and I will get back to you as soon as I can,
thumbs up, down in the corner, push it, don't forget to subscribe to my channel and check
out my other videos, take care, time for me to dive into one of these, oh yeah.
Grab this guy right here, dip it into a little bit of ketchup, the other side some mustard,
oh yeah.
Mmm, mmm, mmm.
Police Department Goes Viral With "Do's and Don'ts" List - Duration: 3:03.
A police department in Maine recently posted a list of "Do's and Don'ts" to Facebook
that's gone viral, serving as a stark reminder that behind every officer's badge and uniform
is a living, breathing human being.
The list basically specified annoying behaviors that the cops with the Bangor Police Department
frequently encounter while out in public, such as while standing in line at a fast food
"Don't feel you need to tell us that you did not speed today," the department wrote.
"You don't need to tell us the last time you got pulled over, or even if you never
had a summons.
We appreciate the way most folks drive."
"We are not thinking that you are a bad person when we show up in the fast food line
with you," this particular "Don't" continued.
"We think you are hungry.
It's all good.
We're hungry too."
Cops get hungry and eat food?
Who knew!?
But even more irritating than pointless remarks like these are when parents try to use police
officers to scare their children.
That's a big no-no.
"Do not tell your children that we are going to arrest them if they don't behave,"
the department wrote.
We are not going to arrest them if they are not behaving.
We are not going to scare them for you.
We just don't do that."
"Kids have enough to worry about without thinking that each time they see a police
officer they are going to be arrested.
We don't arrest kids.
You are going to need to work on your parenting skills if this is one of your strategies.
Stop it."
Other "Don'ts" include bothering cops with lame jokes about how "I didn't do
it" and with even lamer jokes about how your friend "did it."
According to CNN, the list was written by the page's part-time administrator, Lt.
Tim Cotton, and isn't at all unusual for the department, which has a history of posting
very blunt and to-the-point messages to its Facebook page.
For instance, after a 12-year-old kid stole a bus two years ago, the department posted
a hilarious recap to Facebook that included video from the couple that saw the kid swerving
all over the road and reported him to the authorities.
"Now, he would not win one of those school bus rodeos nor would he get cookies and cakes
from adoring parents at the end of the year for how he conducted himself with all that
precious cargo in the back," the department wrote.
"But, as a 'glass half full' kind of guy, I say he did not do that badly.
Sure, they might have to replace a mirror or get those sidewalls checked, but not half
bad for the first time driving a bus.
If…this is his first time driving a bus."
Dovetailing back to the list of "Do's and Don'ts," there was just one very pertinent
"Do": Do treat cops like normal human beings.
Say hello.
Ask them about their day.
Maybe even ask them for some help with something.
"We enjoy talking to all kinds of folks," the post concluded.
"Please don't assume we assume that you are bad person, a criminal, a fugitive from
justice, or that you are a bad driver.
We are just like you.
True story."
Ask A Bobcat: What Makes You Employable? - Duration: 2:49.
Hi! My name is Latisha Lewis!
And I'm a student here at FSU.
We're here at the Career and Internship Fair
And we will be interviewing students on what makes them employable.
Let's go!
My name's Cameron Cornish.
I'm currently a senior here.
I study human resource management.
What makes me employable
is the fact that I'm not afraid to go out
and basically go for what I want.
I know I want to major in human resources
But at the same time connections are important
I'm also the secretary for SFHRM -- Society for Human Resource Management here at Frostburg
And I'm happy to go ahead and just get really myself out there
get everybody else out there
And what makes me employable the most is my work ethic
My work ethic -- I'm not afraid to take risks and on top of that
I'm very, very in-tune - in-tune!
When I say in-tune I'm very in-tune
with my own strengths and what I want
to accomplish
My name is Amanda Godwin
and my major is sociology
What makes me employable is I have great leadership
skills and I take passion for the things that I do.
I'm Sarah Maggitti and I'm a management major this year.
I'm employable because I'm organized and I'm very passionate about what I do
My name is Osahon Terry Ewere
I'm a master's student studying applied computer science
Pretty much I believe I have all the skills
the technical background it takes to get a job done
and that's it
My name is Kyle Bowling
I'm a mass comm major here with a focus in event planning
media management and a minor in public relations
I think I'd be employable here because
I'm studying a vast variety of things here at Frostburg
and I feel like that I could apply that to a job very well
Hi I'm Micah!
I'm a junior and I'm a EVAP major
which is environmental analysis and planning
What makes me employable is
I'm a renowned leader on campus
I'm the Uprising Leader of Frostburg State University of 2017
I'm the leader of LEAD and I'm the president as well.
I'm in UpLift. I'm the research administrator for that
and I've been a part of Sloop, SOAR and the Leadership Retreat
that was my freshman year
Hi! My name is Travon Johnson
I'm a junior here at Frostburg.
And my major is business administration
with a concentration in marketing and minor in management
I feel as though I'm a people-person
I can connect and learn well and quickly
My name is Kirsten Hedrick. I'm a geography major
What makes me employable, I guess I'm a hard worker
I'm dedicated to whatever I do
My name is Asia Dee Williams. I'm a social work major
I think what makes me hirable is
I'm a self-determined, hard-worker
There's just a lot of money in social work right now
I think that I'm qualified and I'm a good applicant
for the field
Hot Chocolate Truffles | Gemma's Bigger Bolder Baking - Duration: 5:41.
Hi Bold Bakers!
Christmas is so close and winter is just around the corner, so I'm gonna show you how can
make hot chocolate truffles.
A really creative way to make hot chocolate and it doubles as a holiday gift.
So let's get baking!
The recipe for these truffles can be found on and make sure you
head over there because I've got a whole page dedicated to holiday baking that you're
going to absolutely love, so go check that out.
Okay, we're gonna start out by making our truffles.
We're gonna start out in a heavy-bottom saucepan.
Into our saucepan we're going to add in cream.
Now this doesn't have to be whipping cream, it can be single cream, any kind of cream
that you have.
Next we're gonna add in our chocolate, now the quality of chocolate that you use is really
important in this recipe, I like to use a mix of 72% cocoa solids, which is a little
bitter sweet and I like to throw some milk in there as well, for a little bit of extra
sweetness, but that's totally up to you.
So in you go.
Next we're gonna add in a dash of sugar, just a little bit.
Then as always, a generous pinch of salt.
Salt and chocolate go so well together and it brings out all of the lovely flavors, so
make sure you add that in there.
Okay so now turn on the heat to a medium-low, and just let this sit and simmer away until
the chocolate is fully melted.
Once you see your cream starting to come to a simmer it's a good indication that your
chocolate is almost melted.
So take a whisk, go in there, and just whisk it until it's nice and smooth and there's
no more lumps of chocolate.
My chocolate is looking really good, I'm gonna turn off the heat and then what you want to
do is just pour it into a dish.
You can use any kind of dish at all, something that's gonna make it easy to scoop your truffles
out of.
And here is our hot chocolate truffle mix.
So you know when you have a hot chocolate and it is really thick and creamy?
That's exactly what these truffles are gonna turn out like.
They're usually made of pure chocolate, and a lot of cream, so these are going to be absolutely
I'm gonna set this aside and let it cool down at room temperature for roughly two to three
hours and then pop it into the fridge until it firms up but doesn't go too hard.
So here I have a to chocolate truffle mix that I made yesterday.
It has gotten nice and firm and it's perfect scooping texture.
So I have myself a spoon here, and I'm just gonna go ahead and scoop myself like maybe
a small to medium size ball.
Then I'm gonna put it in my hands, make it a nice round shape, as you can see this is
a little bit of a messy job but it's worth it in the end.
And then just place it my tray lined with parchment.
And I'm just gonna go ahead and scoop all my truffles until the dish is empty.
Now you can make these as big or as small as you like.
That is up to you.
Now you might be thinking what's so great about these truffles but you have to wait
and see the next step because that's where it gets really fun.
So here we have our tray of truffles but we're not finished yet.
Here is where it gets really creative.
In these bowls I have some dehydrated marshmallows, which I found in the grocery store, I have
a bowl of cocoa powder, and I have a bowl of crushed up candy canes.
Now we're gonna take our truffles and we're gonna make all different flavors.
So I'm gonna start by dipping them in the cocoa.
Now this extra layer of cocoa powder will just add extra depth to your hot chocolate.
Lovely, just coat them all the way around.
And because we just rolled them in our hands and they're a little bit warm, al the coating
will stick to it.
Now I'm gonna roll my next ones in the dehydrated marshmallows.
When dipping it in marshmallows you might need to press the marshmallows into the truffle
a little bit more so they stick.
Just imagine having a hot cup of milk and then adding in one of these rich truffles
covered in little marshmallows, and then when they get into the milk they're gonna like
puff up a little bit, it's gonna be delicious.
Look at that, how gorgeous.
If this doesn't say holidays, I don't know what does.
So next we're gonna dip our truffles into our crushed candy canes.
Now chocolate and mint is such a popular flavor around the holidays because it just tastes
so good together, so these truffles are gonna be awesome.
Give them a nice coating all the way around.
Then just keep on dipping all of your truffles this recipe will make roughly around 25 truffles
or so.
So you will have loads if you want to keep some for yourself, if you want to give them
to somebody else, lots to go around.
So all our not chocolate truffles have been scooped and dipped, they look fantastic, they're
really, really fun.
So like I said these will make a really good holiday gift so you can put them into a nice
little box with a bow around it, and give it to somebody as an edible gift, and I'm
sure they would love it.
But what I am going to do is try it out right now because I adore hot chocolate.
So I have a big mug here of hot milk, and I am gonna take one of truffles…
I'm going to take the marshmallow truffles and I'm gonna drop him in there, give him
a stir around, and then just watch as that milk turns a lovely rich dark brown color
from the chocolate.
As you can see the marshmallows kind of puff up a little bit because of the milk, this
is fantastic.
Now as you can see mine are quite generous sized truffles, you can make yours as big
or as small as you like.
You wanna put two in there, fee free to put two in there.
Instant gourmet hot chocolate.
Okay so the proof is in the pudding.
You know what this is like?
It is like love in a mug.
And it is perfect for the holiday season when it gets chilly outside, and you'd like to
make yourself something a little bit extra.
This is absolutely delicious.
I really hope you enjoyed this recipe, head over to where I have
loads more holiday recipes for you.
And I'll see you back here really soon, for more Bigger Bolder Baking!
PREPPING POWERFOOD WITH DIO #1 • Rens Kroes - Duration: 6:07.
Black bean burgers.
Welcome to my party in the kitchen,
together with Dio!
It is so nice that you are here.
Yes, it is so nice to be here.
Yes, and I know that you are doing very well in terms of nutrition.
So, we are going to make some delicious burgers.
Are you ready?
I am completely ready.
I am excited.
Let's cook.
What do we need?
1 tbsp chia seeds, 40 ml water, 470 gr. black beans or aduki beans,
60 gr. sundried tomatoes, an onion, 3 garlic cloves,
a pepper (8 grams), 15 gr. parsley, 2 tsp cumin,
1/2 tsp crushed black pepper, a bit of sea salt,
a handful of thyme, 150 gr. feta, 125 gr. oats,
16 of those small portobello mushrooms,
a handful of bean sprouts,
or other sprouts.
Where do we start?
It is your book!
But you are the one that has to cook.
Yes I know.
We are going to put all the ingredients except for the chia seeds, portobello's, the bean sprouts and the topping in the food processor.
Then we are going to blitz them.
Are you a fan of parties?
Every week?
No, not every week.
It comes in phases.
I find it nice to have a party so that I can relax.
How often are you in the studio?
Usually from Monday to Friday.
Oh wow, really?
That often?
So non-stop, and do you go there in the evening or during the day?
I like to begin my day with a studio session.
I am not really the kind of guy that does night sessions.
I am letting you do all the work here.
But this is the easiest part.
I don't mind.
How often do you cook?
That also comes in phases.
But lately I have been doing it quite a lot.
What is your favorite thing to make?
I love food that is full of flavour,
especially sauces.
So I like to make a curry, or pasta.
I love curries.
So good.
Yes, exactly.
What is your favorite curry dish?
Green curry.
What is your favorite party food?
Party food.. I have never heard that term before.
Well that is why it is 'The Party Edition', right?
My book.
I think wraps.
What kind of wraps?
That is not because I am a rapper.
Just a good mexican wrap,
with black beans and guacamole.
Alright, the thyme can also go in there right?
A little party thyme.
Rens, you wrote down: 'put the mixture in a bowl',
'then add the soaked chia seeds.'
'Mix everything well and make eight, equally sized balls.'
I am going to add this in the mixture.
Yes, add the mixture.
I think this is going to be all right.
It is definitely going to be all right.
Is this your favorite party outfit?
I actually just like to be naked when I go out.
Oh, nice.
But that is not really accepted by...
People do not really like that, do they?
I thought...
It is a joke, I am not going to party when I am naked.
So yes, in general I eat quite healthy.
But sometimes, when I am all in... a vibe, while I am working in the studio,
I tend to forget about the time.
So then I come out of my cave and it might be quite late already.
Or the middle of the night already.
These do not look that amazing, I am sorry.
But yes, I understand.
I am now going to heat the frying pan.
Do it!
I make small balls of the mixture and then flatten them with my hands.
That is a bit better.
You are only telling me this now?
I am going to grill the portobello mushrooms.
How does that work?
Do you cut them first?
Ah no, you are just putting them on like that.
They have already been cleaned.
Say something in Frisian.
Lekker sleepen (for: good night).
Oh wow.
That is Frisian right?
Lekker koese.
I think that sounds so sweet.
What does that mean?
No that means good night.
Oh yes?
Bûter, brea en griene tsiis, wa't dat net sizze kin, is gjin oprjochte Fries.
Yes, you can put that on there!
Look, under here is the portobello mushroom.
This is the burger.
These are some bean sprouts.
Later on we are adding some mayonnaise and ketchup.
And another portobello mushroom.
After that we are all set to eat.
See, we can dance on Frank Ocean music.
Just a bit like this.
You can go all out.
He is a changed man.
I turn on music and he's having a party.
Without music there is no party.
What did we make today?
Black bean, portobello burgers.
It looks super nice, cute and delicious.
Yes, right?
These are cute snacks to serve, right?
Yes, definitely.
But we are just going to eat them with the two of us.
Burgers are quite difficult to eat.
Oh my, this probably looks a bit weird,
but these burgers are super delicious.
Wow, they are really good guys.
Dio, I want to thank you for coming.
Yes, thanks.
Thanks, it was great.
I think the burger is all over my face.
Thank you for watching this video.
See you next time!
There, there.
Bye bye!
AlunaGeorge - Turn Up The Love (Jake Crocker Remix) [Lyrics] - Duration: 3:19.
♪ Whats up on the other side? ♪
♪ Is it greener, is it better, are we free? ♪
♪ What's up with the good fight? ♪
♪ Are we winning, is it brighter, can we see? ♪
♪ Some new stakes, some new stones ♪
♪ The bones buried in our broken homes, oh no (oh no) ♪
♪ Run it up, run it up ♪
♪ I swear it's simple, turn up the love ♪
♪ You can call my bluff ♪
♪ But I swear it's simple, turn up the love ♪
♪ Run it up, run it up ♪
♪ I swear it's simple, turn up the love ♪
♪ You can call my bluff ♪
♪ But I swear it's simple, turn up the love ♪
♪ I swear it's simple, turn up the lo-o-ove ♪
♪ What's up in your bubble? ♪
♪ Is it safe there, is it nice there, are you strong? ♪
♪ Oh, what's up, be the troubles ♪
♪ Are you solo, are you alone, the only one? ♪
♪ (oh no) ♪
♪ Some use fire, some use waste ♪
♪ The ashes leave a bitter taste (oh no) ♪
♪ Run it up, run it up ♪
♪ I swear it's simple, turn up the love ♪
♪ You can call my bluff ♪
♪ But I swear it's simple, turn up the love ♪
♪ Run it up, run it up ♪
♪ I swear it's simple, turn up the love ♪
♪ You can call my bluff ♪
♪ But I swear it's simple, turn up the love ♪
♪ I swear it's simple, turn up the lo-o-ove ♪
♪ I swear it's simple, turn up the love ♪
♪ I swear it's simple, turn up the lo-o-ove ♪
♪ I swear it's simple, turn up the love ♪
♪ Run it up, run it up ♪
♪ I swear it's simple, turn up the love ♪
♪ You can call my bluff ♪
♪ But I swear it's simple, turn up the love ♪
♪ Run it up, run it up ♪
♪ I swear it's simple, turn up the love ♪
♪ You can call my bluff ♪
♪ But I swear it's simple, turn up the love ♪
Related CE Article: Plant Based Protein vs Protein From Meat.
Which One Is Better For Your Body?
An often cited �fact� is that vegetarians and vegans will struggle to build muscle because
they don�t have enough protein in their diet.
Non meat eaters are often told that getting sufficient protein is impossible due to the
relative lack of plant protein available.
Of course this is not true at all; while it is undeniably more difficult to hit your protein
targets when abstaining from meat, it is absolutely possible.
In this article we will be talking all things related to plant protein.
We will explore the plant-based protein foods you can eat and the plant protein powders
you can use to supplement your diet.
But first we will take a look at the benefits of protein and how much protein you really
should be consuming per day.
The Benefits of Protein
Why is protein such an important macro nutrient?
Well it happens to be very useful for people trying to lose weight, maintain weight, or
gain weight� which is basically everyone!
It can increase your metabolism (due to it being hard to digest compared to carbohydrates
and fats), preserve muscle while dieting, help contribute to weight loss, and aid muscle
It also increases satiety (that feeling of being full after a meal), which helps people
to avoid overeating.
Without protein, your body would not be able to maintain muscle mass.
This might sound fine to some of you in theory, particularly anyone who �doesn�t want
to get too bulky,� but if you desire a toned body, better overall fitness, or ease of movement
in your old age, then you would want to avoid losing muscle.
For any vegan bodybuilders out there, protein is even more important.
Without sufficient protein, you will never be able to build muscle.
That�s because protein is essential for the repair and rebuilding of muscle fibres
after a workout.
There is a process called muscle protein synthesis, which uses dietary protein to build and repair
If you don�t have sufficient protein, then your muscles will either stay the same or
even lose size.
Recommended Protein Intake
The amount of protein you can take per day is a long-debated issue, but suffice it to
say that if you have no long term kidney problems, there is no upper limit to the amount that
you can safely take.
This doesn�t mean that you can eat 400g a day, it just means the range is quite large.
A recent study found that natural bodybuilders benefit from anywhere between 2.3-3.1g of
protein per kg of body weight.
This doesn�t sound like much of a difference, but for a 100kg person, that could represent
an 80g per day difference.
Now, most people are not wannabe bodybuilders, so it would make sense to aim for the lower
end of the scale.
A target of between 1.5-2g per kg of body weight would be perfect.
Let�s say you are 60kg; then your protein target would be between 90g and 120g per day.
Protein in Vegetarian & Vegan Diets
Most vegetarians and vegans do not hit their protein intake targets, but then, neither
do meat eaters!
It is one of the reasons why many people are overweight or not as strong as they should
It�s hard to make generalizations about vegetarian or vegan diets because they can
be so varied, but most protein tends to come from lentils, nuts, beans, or soy.
Here are five of the best plant protein sources available:
� Tofu (10g of protein per 1/2 cup) � Lentils (18g of protein per cup)
� Navy Beans (15g of protein per cup) � Cashew Nuts (5g of protein per 1/4 cup
raw nuts) � Chia Seeds (4g of protein per 2 tbsp)
Of course, if you have been following a plant-based diet, then you are probably familiar with
all five of these excellent protein sources.
But what about plant protein powders?
In the last few years, lots of vegan protein powders have become available, offering high
quality, complete proteins coming from vegan-friendly sources.
Different Types of Plant Protein
There are a lot of plant-based protein powders out at the moment, and we are going to take
a look at five of the best around.
There�s soy protein, pea protein, hemp protein, rice protein, and pumpkin protein.
We are going to be looking at isolate protein powders rather than concentrate, as these
are superior (higher protein to calorie ratio).
Soy Protein � Soy is a great source of protein, but tends to be quite high in fat and
carbohydrates, meaning it can be quite difficult to increase protein without increasing everything
else as well.
Soy protein powder is made by isolating the protein and removing as much of the fat and
carbs as possible.
You end up with around 22g of protein per serving, with less than 1g of fat and around
2g of carbohydrates.
Soy is often criticized in bodybuilding circles because some believe it increases estrogen
in men, but if you are eating a diet high in cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, kale,
sprouts, etc.), this should not be an issue.
Pea Protein � A great alternative to whey protein, pea protein can contain up to 28g
of protein per serving.
It tends to work in a similar way to casein protein, being a slow digesting protein.
This can increase satiety (feeling full after a meal) and is perfect for anyone on a diet.
Hemp Protein � This form of protein comes from hemp seeds and is a very easily digested
form of protein, similar to whey.
Excellent for anyone who finds it difficult to digest certain foods, hemp protein powder
is also high in fibre.
Hemp protein tends to be a little lower in protein than soy or pea, with an average of
14-18g of protein per serving.
Rice Protein � Rice protein powder comes from brown rice, and it is much higher in
protein than help protein, managing to hit 24-30g of protein per serving.
Pumpkin Seed Protein Powder � Probably the least known protein powder on this list, pumpkin
protein is a really nice tasting and easily mixed protein powder.
It has a wide range of benefits, and a decent protein to calorie ratio.
It is around 63% protein, and is also high in fiber, vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids,
The Bottom Line
This article has given you five high protein plant-based foods, and five plant-based protein
Adding these to a calorie controlled diet will help you to lose weight, build muscle,
or just maintain your size in a healthy and sustainable way.
Good luck with getting lean and big and let us know if you had awesome results using plant-based
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Learn How To Make Hair Gel At Home & Steps To Use It | Natural Hair Gel Recipe - Remedies One - Duration: 3:38.
instead of spending a bomb on buying hair gel every month or so why don't you
try learning to make some at home it's really simple and you can customize the
hold as per your need today's video will discuss how to make hair gel at home
before you watch this video please take a moment to subscribe our YouTube
channel by clicking the subscribe button then tap the bell icon so you will be
the first to know when we post new videos daily making natural hair gel at
home is really a matter of a few minutes and very little effort to with
ingredients that are found at home are worst at the closest pharmacy you can
create your own batch of customized hair gel for weeks of wealth styled hair to
must-try hair gel recipes for healthy hair ingredients for homemade hair gel
unflavored gelatine 1/2 to 1 teaspoon warm distilled water 1 cup essential
oils optional how to make hair gel at home add the gelatine to the warm water
and stir until fully dissolved you can add more or less gelatine depending upon
your need less gelatine means less hold remember to use the less whole gel for
frizzy hair place the mixture in the refrigerator for about 3 to 4 hours to
set mix in a few drops of your favorite essential oil if you want to and mix it
up well yes that's it the hair gel is ready use it the way you have used other
commercially bought products make smaller batches first as this gel has a
shelf life of just one to two weeks you might need a few trials before you can
perfect the consistency but it is still worth of money you will save another
hair gel recipe uses flax seeds here is the flaxseed gel recipe flaxseed gel
recipe ingredients whole flax seeds 2 tablespoons water 1 cup aloe vera gel
optional essential oils optional procedure start by boiling the water
now add the whole flax seeds into it and keep stirring continuously don't worry
this will only take five minutes once the solution starts to look like gel
immediately remove it from the heat and strain it using a fine sieve after it
cools down pour it in a small squeezer pump bottle at aloe vera gel not more
than 1/4 of the flaxseed gel quantity this dims the gel and also imparts
moisturizing properties add a few drops of your essential oil shake the bottle
and you're ready to use it how to use flaxseed gel when mixed with 2 teaspoons
castor oil 1 TSP lemon juice and 2 teaspoons honey is your all-natural
homemade hair straightening gel apply it to your strands leave it on for about 30
minutes and then wash off with the nourishing shampoo allow your hair to
dry naturally done regularly for a month will leave you with straighter shinier
and naturally smoother hair store all the extra hair gel in the refrigerator
to keep it fresh transfer it in small squeeze bottles for easy applications
which method do you like let me know in our comment section below
if you liked this video give it a thumbs up and share with your friends for more
daily tips subscribe to our channel below thank you
Install Jeep Wrangler Smittybilt XRC Foot Pegs (2007-2018 JK) - Duration: 1:07.
Today, we will be installing the Smittybilt footrest kit.
The required tools for this install are a 3/8 ratchet, a 16-millimeter socket, and a
17-millimeter socket.
Remove the door.
Install the edge trim onto the footrest.
Install the footrest onto the bottom hinge, and secure it using the supplied bolt and
Repeat the same steps for the passenger's side.
You have successfully installed your Smittybilt footrest kit, which fits all 2007 to 2017
Jeep JK.
Will vs Be Going To vs Present Continuous: Talk About the Future in English (Jack Explains) - Duration: 12:37.
- What's up everybody?
This is Jack from and in this English lesson
we're going to look at the difference between
will, be going to, and the present continuous
when talking about the future.
(soft electronic music)
Let's start with three examples.
I will get my hair cut, I will get my hair cut.
I'm going to get my hair cut, I'm going to get my hair cut.
I am getting my hair cut, I am getting my hair cut.
Will, be going to, and the present continuous.
All three are used to talk about the future.
It's difficult to know in which situations
do you use will or be going to or the present continuous
but by the end of this lesson you will have
a clear understanding of when to use these three tenses.
So, let's get started with a story.
Imagine that we decide to throw a party.
That we decide to have a party for one of our friends.
And we all need to bring something to the party.
We all need to contribute something for this event.
Because I'm an expert when it comes to beer I say,
Okay, I'll bring some beer.
I'll bring some beer to the party.
You say, I'll bring, complete that sentence.
I'll bring, maybe you said some food,
or I'll bring some chips or I'll bring a cake.
But we both used will to talk about this.
And that is because we made the decision to bring beer
or a cake in the moment of speaking.
We didn't have the intention to do this before
the conversation and that's one of the ways we use will.
When we make the decision to do something
in the future while we are speaking.
Here are some more examples to make that clearer.
My wife and I are sitting on the sofa,
it's 7 PM, the kids are in bed, and my wife says,
let's watch Stranger Things, let's watch Stranger Things.
I'll say, great I'll make some tea, I'll make some tea.
I didn't have the intention to make tea before
we had that conversation, the decision to make tea
was made during that conversation.
It doesn't matter if that future action
is in the immediate future or the distant future.
For example, let's say that you are in a meeting
and your boss says okay, we need somebody to give
a presentation at the big conference next year.
And you say, I'll do it, I'll do it.
Again, you didn't have the intention
to give this presentation before the meeting.
You made that decision while speaking.
So far the examples are, I'll bring the drinks,
I'll bring a cake, I'll make some tea, I'll do it.
Going back to the example about the party.
Later that day you see a friend
and he asks you about this party.
And you say, yeah, it's going to be great.
Jack is going to bring some beer,
Jack is going to bring some beer.
The intention of bringing beer was
made before that conversation.
Therefore, we can't use will.
We need to either use be going to,
or the present continuous.
And at this stage it's important to know
that be going to and the present continuous can be flexible.
And in fact, in many situations you can use both
with more or less the same meaning.
So you can say, Jack is bringing some beer to the party.
Jack is bringing some beer to the party.
Before I said to my wife, I'll make some tea,
I'll make some tea but look at this example.
I'm going to make some coffee.
Do you want some?
I'm going to make some coffee.
Do you want some?
The intention to make coffee was
there before I asked that question.
I already had that intention,
therefore, I don't use will.
I didn't make the decision to do that in the moment.
I'm going to make some coffee.
Do you want some?
Going back to the example of the presentation.
In the meeting you said, I'll do it, I'll do it.
But imagine later that day you meet
one of your friends at the pub.
You say, I'm going to give a big presentation next month.
I'm going to give a big presentation next month.
Now, when we're talking about our plans
and arrangements and intentions for the future
we normally use be going to or the present continuous.
I've talked about a few examples of how we use will
but in most cases we use be going to and the
present continuous because we normally know our plans
and intentions before the conversation.
But what is the difference between
be going to and the present continuous?
Well, the present continuous is mainly
used for arrangements and in most cases
there is a specific time and date for this.
For example I have a football game at 3 PM on Sunday.
A friend asks me if I want to
go to his party on Sunday afternoon.
I say, I'm so sorry I can't go,
I'm playing football at 3 PM.
It's an arrangement, it's a plan with a
specific time and date.
I'm playing football at 3 PM.
Another example is I have an appointment
at 10 AM on Tuesday at the hairdressers.
Here, I would say, I'm getting my hair cut on Tuesday.
I'm getting my hair cut on Tuesday.
But if you don't have a set plan or an arrangement
then we tend to use be going to.
For example, I'm going to get my hair cut soon.
I'm going to get my hair cut soon.
In this example, I don't have an appointment.
But it's my intention to get my hair cut.
I'm going to get my hair cut soon.
And here's a conversation where
we can use this example with will.
My wife says Jack, your hair is bloody awful,
you hair is bloody awful.
I say, what do you mean?
Kate says, there's just no style to it, it looks terrible.
I say, wow, okay, I'll get it cut soon.
Notice that the intention to get my hair cut
wasn't there before the conversation.
I made the decision to do this during the conversation.
That's why I use will.
So going back to the three examples
I gave at the start of the video.
I'll get my hair cut soon.
I'm going to get my hair cut soon.
I'm getting my hair cut on Tuesday.
The first one, the intention is there
but I made the decision during the conversation.
The second one, the intention is there
but I already decided to do this before the conversation.
And the last one is an arrangement.
I have the appointment, I'm getting my hair cut on Tuesday.
So that is the main difference between
will, be going to, and the present continuous.
(soft electronic music)
Let's look at a few more examples using be going to.
And some very specific cases when we use this.
The first one is I'm going to mow the lawn this weekend.
Now, when it comes to these types of activities
we tend to use be going to.
Because we don't make arrangements with people to do this.
I'm going to mow the lawn this weekend.
We're going to clean the house on Sunday.
I'm going to do my homework tonight.
These are types of activities
where we tend to use be going to.
(soft electronic music)
Let's talk about predictions now.
Because when we are predicting the future
we can use either will or be going to.
For example, when we're talking about our party,
I think Paul is going to come,I think Paul is going to come.
Or, I think Paul will come, I think Paul will come.
But if you are basing your prediction
on current evidence then use be going to.
The example that many of your have seen before is this,
Look at that black cloud!
It's going to rain!
The black cloud is the evidence
that we are using for our prediction.
Look at that black cloud!
It's going to rain!
Or Mike Tyson looks so focused.
He's going to knock out the other guy soon!
He's going to knock out the other guy soon!
(soft electronic music)
We can also use both be going to
and will in the first conditional.
For example, if it rains, we'll cancel the party.
If it rains, we'll cancel the party.
Or if it rains, we're going to cancel the party.
If it rains, we're going to cancel the party.
I want to end on three examples
that are used very specifically.
The first one is this.
What are you doing tomorrow?
What are you doing tomorrow?
This is what we ask when we're trying to find out
somebody's availability so we can suggest something.
Let's say we have a party tomorrow which we do, you can say.
What are you doing tomorrow?
Do you want to come to this great party?
You'll notice we use the present continuous to do this.
What are you doing Sunday morning?
The next one is this.
You might here your boss say,
okay everyone, I'll be in the office tomorrow.
Or okay everyone, I won't be in the office tomorrow.
The boss uses will here to talk about a future fact.
Here are two more examples.
I'll be in London this time next week.
I'll be in London this time next week.
They'll be on the plane this time tomorrow.
They'll be on the plane this time tomorrow.
And finally, Let's introduce another tense here.
The train gets in a 7 AM, the train gets in a 7 AM.
This is a present simple.
And we can use the present simple
to talk about the future too.
This is for things on a schedule or a time table.
The train gets in a 7 AM, it's on a schedule.
Another example is I leave tomorrow at 7 AM.
I leave tomorrow at 7 AM.
I'm taking a flight, which is why I'm using it in this way.
I leave tomorrow at 7 AM.
And finally, what time does the lesson start?
What time does the lesson start?
So, we have covered a lot in this lesson.
What I recommend you do is if anything is unclear,
watch it again and then leave any questions you have below.
Speaking of leaving things below,
also write a few examples using
be going to, will, an the present continuous.
If you want, create some type of dialogue
so that you give the example some context.
And finally, know that this is not easy.
It's going to take you a long time to truly
understand when to use will,
be going to, and the present continuous.
But to help you I've created a playlist over here.
So click over there, watch those videos,
and you'll have a much better understanding of this area.
If you've enjoyed it, please like and share.
Thank you so much for being here.
(soft electronic music)
Bahtiyar Duysak: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | CaCao TV - Duration: 6:06.
Bahtiyar Duysak: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
The man who deleted Donald Trump's Twitter accounts for 11 minutes in November has been named. Bahtiyar Duysak was outed in an interview with TechCrunch that was released on November 29.
During the interview, Duysak says that he had a "wild" time while working for Twitter as a third-party contractor named Pro Unlimited.
He added that he didn't do anything that he wasn't authorized to do by Twitter and that the deletion of Trump's account had been a mistake.
Donald Trump's Twitter account was deleted for a total of 11 minutes on November 2. The deletion led to widespread rumors that Trump may have been banned by the social media site in accordance with their own standards.
Here's what you need to know:.
2 Days After He Deleted Trump's Account, Duysak Wrote on Facebook: 'Love America'.
Just two days after Trump's Twitter account was deleted, Duysak posted on Facebook, "Love America!" Duysak is a German national who has a Turkish background. A post on his Facebook indicates he's a fan of Turkish soccer giants Galatasaray.
He was adamant about his "mistake" telling TechCrunch, "I had a wild time in America. I was tired sometimes. And everyone can do mistakes.
I did a mistake." He added that users had complained about Trump's Twitter use for a few days and as a final action on his last day, Duysak began the process of having an account deleted.
Duysak says that he didn't think the FBI were investigating him, the interview concludes with him saying, "But I love Twitter. And I love America.".
Duysak Worked as a Security Guard at a Muslim Community Center in the Bay Area.
According to his LinkedIn page, Duysak worked for ProUnlimited, a company that provides contracting for a number of Silicon Valley companies. Buzzfeed reports that Duysak has a masters from the University of Birmingham in England in banking and finance.
Duysak posted on his Facebook in April 2014 that he had moved to Chesterfield in England, around an hour outside of Birmingham. The news site adds, citing a friend of Duysak's, that he also graduated from California State University in Hayward, California.
While at CSU, Buzzfeed says Duysak was the head of the school's Turkish Student Association and worked as a volunteer security guard at a Muslim community center in the Bay Area.
One Friend Described Duysak as 'Not Being Passionate About Politics'. A friend of Duysak's told Buzzfeed that he is "very smart" but not "passionate" about politics. That friend also said that Duysak did not have much experience working in the tech sector.
TechCrunch reports that Duysak was in the U.S. as part of a work and study Visa. During his time in the U.S., Duysak had worked for Google and YouTube while associated with another contractor, Vaco.
After Duysak left Twitter and Trump's account had been deleted, the company put out a statement saying, "We have learned that this was done by a Twitter customer-support employee who did this on the employee's last day.
We are conducting a full review.".
Duysak Had Been Lauded as a Hero for Deleting Trump's Twitter. After Trump's Twitter account was deleted, Duysak was hailed as a hero on the social media website:.
Duysak's Outing Comes on the Same Day Trump Pushed a Discredited Islamophobic Video on His Twitter Account.
Duysak's outing came on the same day that Donald Trump used his Twitter account to promote a discredited Islamophobic video. The clip was a retweet from British far right leader Jayda Fransen, the leader of Britain First.
In response, Sarah Huckabee Sanders said, "Whether it's a real video, the threat is real." While the Dutch Embassy in the U.S. tweeted to Trump saying, "Facts do matter.
The perpetrator of the violent act in this video was born and raised in the Netherlands. He received and completed his sentence under Dutch law." The video purported to show a Muslim immigrant beating up a person on crutches.
Other videos showed a man smashing a statue of the Virgin Mary with a hammer and another showed a man being pushed off of a roof by a mob in Egypt in 2013.
One of the men involved in that video was prosectued and executed, reports the BBC. The videos were later removed by Twitter.
Learn English Words: OBTUSE - Meaning, Vocabulary Lesson with Pictures and Examples - Duration: 1:10.
Obtuse not able to think clearly or to understand what is obvious or simple
Are you so obtuse that you will give away all your money to a fake charity?
Sometimes my youngest brother seems too obtuse to understand anything I say.
Because the man was obtuse after a night of partying, he was unable to pass his driver's
When you are obtuse, you should not get behind the wheel of a moving vehicle.
Obtuse not able to think clearly or to understand what is obvious or simple
Obtuse not able to think clearly or to understand what is obvious or simple
Obtuse not able to think clearly or to understand what is obvious or simple
Shoulder Strengthening With Theraband Laying Down - Duration: 1:21.
Hi this is Dana Ranahan from Body Works Sports Physiotherapy in North Vancouver and today
I'm here to show you a strengthening exercise that you can work on at home.
Do you have shoulder weakness or shoulder pain?
This is a great exercise, it's easy to do at home and will help you function better
in the day with less shoulder pain.
So grab a little piece of Theraband and you can get different strengths of Theraband,
this one is sort of a moderate strength, it's a green one and I'm going to lie down on
my bed, so at home you could lay on the floor, and with this band, we're first going to
work at bringing your arms up in line with your shoulders, so it's kind of vertically
stacked, your hand is right over the shoulder and you're going to face the palms in towards
each other.
Now we really want to check on where your shoulder is in space first because we don't
want our shoulders to be sitting high.
We want to work on our shoulders being able to pull back down into the bed, so that we're
not sticking our chest forward but pulling the shoulder back and then once the shoulder
is back, we're going to work on bringing the bands away from each other, so effectively
pulling apart the band.
With this we want to maintain our neck in neutral, work on repetitions of ten to fifteen
depending on fatigue, trying to control that shoulder position and then taking a rest.
So you can aim to doing two or three sets of ten and this is a nice strengthening exercise
to work on at home.
If you have more questions please check out our website at
How to Mend a Broken Heart After a Painful Breakup - Duration: 10:26.
thank you
I love getting thoughtful topic inspiring comments and questions from my
subscribers today's video was inspired by a question about broken hearts that I
felt deserved a well-considered answer
this question comes to me from Adam Foddy before I read it let me tell you what I
know about him Adam has written several comments on other videos I produced over
the past couple of months his questions are always on topic considerate
thoughtful and provide a great start for a conversation
Adam is a loyal subscriber and I'm happy to be able to reward him with an answer
to his excellent question he asks if you break a woman's heart and I mean truly
break her heart is there any way back I've spent two and a half years trying
to rebuild a relationship that I ended with a girl who believed I was the love
of her life it's recently finally ended and we are no longer in contact but I'm
left wondering can a woman truly forgive a man who broke her heart then he adds
it's been a difficult couple of years and although I miss her terribly I know
the situation had become toxic due to a total breakdown of trust on both sides
that is a complex question so let's unpack it a piece at a time
as Adam requested I'll give you my perspective on the situation considering
that every relationship is unique and I don't personally know the people
involved I'll go by my experience and generalities of relationships between
men and women let's start with the first question if you break a woman's heart
and I mean truly breaker heart is there any way back
yes Adam it has happened before and it can be done but it requires a lot
of work building trust again and it depends on the people involved first
there must be total honesty an apology and forgiveness then the trust building
begins and not from zero like a new relationship but from negative one and
you have to earn your way back to zero then one and two and so on if either one
of you can't let it go or Trust is broken again then the relationship can't
heal let's move on to the next part I've spent two and a half years trying to
rebuild a relationship that I ended with a girl who believed I was the love of
her life you say that you ended the relationship and then spent two and a
half years trying to rebuild it when you end a relationship you do it for a
reason it could be you weren't happy in the relationship or you weren't ready
for the commitment because you wanted to explore more choices before settling on
that one woman when you do something that damages your relationship because
you want to explore other choices you don't clearly break off instead you pull
away but strands of both of you continue to cling stretching out the pain with
the possibility that you could put it back together since I don't know your
exact circumstances let me give you a hypothetical example John has a live-in
girlfriend Mary and he feels dissatisfied with the relationship he
isn't ready for a lifetime commitment with Mary and wants to explore more
choices John flirts with Cindy to cover up his issues with Mary
one day while Mary is out of town John sleeps with Cindy to drive a wedge
between himself and Mary by having a sexual encounter with Cindy John
sabotages his relationship with Mary so he doesn't appear to be the one who
ended things even though that is what he wanted we know that's what he wanted
because of his actions words may lie but actions don't John behaves in a way that
forces Mary to be the decision-maker and break up their relationship in the
process John's hurt Mary Cindy and himself he draws out the painful moment
of breaking up which should have been one honest conversation in two months of
hurt anger and guilt that kind of guilt can make you feel that you need to mend
the relationship and heal the heart that you broke before you go any further you
need to answer these questions why did you break her heart and end the
relationship in the first place why did you want to repair this
relationship your responses to these questions are about you and may affect
your future relationships the next part of the question is this it's recently
finally ended and we are no longer in contact but I'm left wondering can a
woman truly forgive a man who broke her heart the fastest way to forgive and
move forward is to be decisive apologize for hurting the other person and say
goodbye then and all contact put away the photos and mementos and unlink all
your social media so you can both heal and fill that empty space with happier
and more fulfilling experiences don't dwell in hell keep walking toward the
light can a woman truly forgive a man who broke her heart to be honest it
isn't important or necessary that she forgives you and you have no control
over that anyway it's only necessary that you forgive her and yourself take a
look at my video on my wisdom included channel called why should I apologize
and my first video on the softer side how to increase your confidence there
are exercises in those two videos that will help you find forgiveness within
yourself which should help you to move on and find happiness the last piece of
information from Adam is this it's been a difficult couple of years and although
I miss her terribly I know the situation had become toxic
due to a total breakdown of trust on both sides I'm sorry you had to spend
two years to learn this difficult lesson Adam join a relationship out past its
expiration date is toxic and hurtful for both of you but I have some good news
for you there's no such thing as your one true love or soulmate the truth is
there are a great number of people we could choose to be in a long-term
relationship with and find contentment the relationships that are the most
harmonious and long-lasting are between people who have much in common your
upbringing philosophies goals dreams and lifestyles should work well together
you should make each other want to be your very best self and support each
other in achieving success this could apply to a great number of women for you
the trick is narrowing down that number to just one that fits best into your
life just like trying on clothes until you find the perfect look and fit for
you dating is a sorting process don't settle on one person until you know in
your heart that you can honestly be yourself and you can talk about anything
and everything with her and feel accepted
loved for who you are then you won't want to sabotage your relationship your
words and your actions will be in sync when you're ready I want you to do this
exercise sit quietly with a pen and a piece of paper close your eyes and take
a deep breath visualize the kind of woman you want in your life not just
what she looks like but what she does how she expresses herself and how she
feels about you then write down her attributes in order
of importance add to the list or make changes over the next week then post the
list where you'll see it every day those are your non-negotiables for the
woman who will help you to be your best self in the future if a woman doesn't
have those most important attributes you will know she's not the right fit for
you be honest with her and with yourself and end or befriend the relationship
before it goes further you'll save time tears guilt shame and you'll find the
best-fitting relationship that makes you both happy thank you for your trust in
asking that question Adam I hope my answer and the exercises I suggested
will help you if you have a question about our relationship please leave a
comment below or send me a private message here on youtube take a moment to
subscribe and share my channel with your friends Thanks for meeting with me I'll
see you soon
Joe can you freshen this up
AskTravian - Episode 2 - Duration: 15:26.
Hello warriors! I am Martina, the community communications manager. You might remember me
from the dev diaries we published in July
about the development of Fire and Sand. Here with me today is Jay!
Hello! I'm indeed Jay, the new social media manager for Travian: Legends. I have been working
behind the scenes for quite a while, but now I'm stepping onto the stage, so to speak.
You'll see this face more often from now on – sorry about that. I'm also the one answering your posts on social media…
Nobody cares, Jay! They want to know more about the game! That's why today we're here for the second episode of AskTravian!
We asked you to send us questions about game development.
Yes, we've received roughly 150 questions from around 30 communities,
and the most active community this time was Italy!
Yes, my native country! Good job, guys!
We are still impressed that we received questions from 30 communities!
That's even more nationalities than we have in the company.
I think we're quite close though, aren't we?
Well we're about to find out!
It seems that our players are interested in that, too.
You've asked us how many developers and designers are part of the team and where they are from.
So, I did a little digging and yes, we are close! At Travian Games, overall we have around 180 employees
with about 25 different nationalities! The team developing Travian: Legends currently consists of:
1 game designer 1 artist
2 UX designers: These are people working on the user experience
1 UI designer: They take care of the user interface 7 developers
and 3 QA testers: They're quality assurance. They check the game for bugs and test new features.
All these mentioned people work primarily on the development of Travian: Legends.
However, there are many other departments that cooperate with the team to make sure
the game runs smoothly, such as the solutions department, the sysadmins, tech support, etc.
Sounds like a lot of people are involved. Thank God we are not baking pies!
Very funny, Jay.
So Martina, how do we choose our employees? Were they all players before they joined the team?
Well, it usually goes like this:
First, candidates send us an application including their CV. Just a little tip:
Our tech lead pointed out that it's really important for him that you're honest!
Don't write that you have knowledge in areas that you just googled for five minutes!
And yes, we have had this happen before.
Wasn't me!
After we receive an application, our HR team runs a small pre-selection and then
sends the good ones to the different departments. From then on, each team holds interviews, either via Skype,
or directly on-site. We check if you fit our company values, and if our company fits yours!
You will also get to know the people you would work with. After that, if both parties are happy, we make you an offer!
So to answer the question how we choose our employees, it's a mix of skills, passion
and the willingness to learn. Our CEO recently gave an interview regarding our hiring philosophy.
By the way, we don't actively try to employ Travian players,
but quite a few of us had some battle experience before we joined the company.
We currently have a lot of open positions, so if you want to work with us, check out our homepage!
Jay, Don't scare them! They don't have to work with you!
Oh thanks, Martina. Ok, next question: Why are you always mean to me?
Is that a question from our players?
Maybe instead you can tell us about Fire & Sand. We got a lot of questions regarding the new annual special.
For example, how big of a project is it to come up with a totally new tribe? Especially when you
think about their history and lore? Did you send your designer team to a library with sleeping bags?
I actually spoke to our game designer Jake and our product owner Brian about Fire & Sand.
They had quite a lot to tell.
Regarding project size and library sleepovers, Jake says, yes, that is basically what happened!
They went through many documentaries about the Huns and Egyptians. We learned a lot about that time period
and started getting a good picture of what our tribes may look like.
Brian adds that they focused their research on history, unique preferences like "horse riding" and each tribe's
evolution at that point in time. For example, there is no pharaoh for a reason.
They also researched the weaponry, clothing, armor, etc.
All of this was just preparation before they even considered using the tribe in the game!
Wow! So, how do you implement new features in the game?
Is there brainstorming and then you test all ideas on a private server?
According to Jake, there is no special process. They might notice something while playing the game,
or by getting feedback from the community. These ideas are all gathered and refined within the design team.
The boss of course brings in his priorities as well. Once they know what they want to work on, they explain it to
the developers and quality assurance, so everyone knows what to do. Once the feature is implemented, it can be checked on our QA servers.
Brian also mentions that they get lots of ideas from the community managers.
They scan their forum for suggestions and receive in-game messages from our players.
But, but, they don't get all ideas from the forums. But all those who get passed onto the team
will be considered. Some of them, to be honest, will be discarded, some get stored for later use
in the future and others get worked on straight away!
Alright Jay, time to test your technical knowledge: Do you know what language Travian is programmed in?
What type of database we use and how big, on average, a game world is?
... So according to Dirk, the Travian: Legends core game is programmed in PHP and the database is handled
with MySQL. Unfortunately, we can't disclose any more details because of security reasons.
yes, sure, you can't disclose any more details because it says nothing on your paper!
Did you write this?
No, of course not!
But you worked as QA, right? You've seen a lot of bugs in your career. And not just the ones in your hair.
So what was the most difficult bug your team had to fix?
Okay, so ignoring the comment about my hair, it would probably be the "daily quests don't count to 100" bug.
Jake still tells us stories about it late at night, and I can never sleep after.
For anyone who doesn't know what the bug was about: You can get the highest reward by reaching 100 points
in the daily quests. For some reason though, the quests "raid Natars" and "raid oasis" were not counting properly.
The effect was so obvious, but the reasons behind it were so difficult to track down.
This bug was out there for a whole year.
The community often said that "Travian is not able to count to 100". Which is pretty funny actually, good one!
In the end, the only solution was to rewrite the entire code of the quest system from scratch.
This eventually worked. Since we rolled out the fix we haven't received any bad reports about it. Finally.
Alright, let's stop dwelling in the past. It's time to look ahead! So, what will change with Fire & Sand?
You guys have been asking us about the balancing, for example. And many of you might know, in other MMO games
they rebalance every 2 to 3 months. But we don't really do that. So, do you know why?
And do we plan something like this with our two new tribes?
Well, players build their accounts based on a strategy, and strategy is based on balancing.
That's why we don't want to mess with strategy, and we don't change numbers in such regular intervals.
For the Huns and Egyptians though, we might have to do some tweaking. However, we won't do this on live servers obviously unless there is an emergency,
for example if one tribe ends up completely useless, or the opposite way. And once we have more information
we might change their values once, before we start a new server.
In the past, we did changes on unit balancing but yeah... well, I think you can count them on one hand.
And for a 13-year-old game, obviously that's not much.
Woah, so the game is only 5 years younger than you?
It's too late for compliments! But of course, you're right. I don't have any gray hair unlike a certain someone.
Hmm? Me? No, no, no!
No! Obviously not you. I'm talking about the game of course. The normal version of Travian: Legends
has the famous gray area in the middle. Very similar to your head.
Don't you know why that area is there?
Why I have a head?
No! Why is there a gray area in the middle of the game? Especially when World Wonders are all over the map?
Okay, so ignoring another comment about my beautiful hair, I don't know why you keep saying that stuff. But imagine this: If you spawned right in the center,
you would have enemies in all four sectors around you. And the gray area is there to create some space
between you and the next registrations, so they're not all clumped together too much.
But, there are also some special rules in the gray area. For example, villages don't produce culture points.
And on average, the oases have a higher production bonus.
Interesting, so the gray area is there to create some space. Well, they definitely succeeded in that.
Why do you keep attacking me there though?
Because it's fun, obviously! You're like a nice village, while I'm the Clubswinger!
That's a weird reference, okay.
Whatever... But while we are talking about attacking, it reminds me that some players
asked about the combat simulator as well. One player wanted to know if we can share the attack formulas. So he could create a more accurate battle simulator.
Right, well, you won't just need the attack formulas, you'll need the complete algorithm as well.
The formula on its own works quite correctly. But problems start to arise from side effects like the fact that the hero has a weapon.
Alright! Moving from fighting, to the great world of trading: People have been asking us
why they can't cancel the process of merchants leaving the market place?
Well, this might seem stupid at first, but there is a reason behind it: Players used the merchants to save
resources when they were getting raided. But since this is a war game, and not for babies like you, Jay, we removed that possibility.
Alright, let's get back to Fire & Sand. We really did get a lot of questions about the annual special.
For example, players asked about new graphics for the buildings. They want tribe-related village views,
especially now with 5 tribes!
First of all, you can't call me a baby and tell me I have gray hair. What did you look like as a…?
Okay, yes. We would love to have new graphics for the buildings, and right now we are looking for artists
to join our team. At the moment though, there aren't enough people for that.
Talking about the tribes, how do you determine the appearances and characteristics of the tribes in Travian?
Right. So, well, the three old tribes: They're all pretty much set in stone. They are like Travian history, and we really don't want to mess around with that.
But for the new tribes, it was different. We researched a lot of their history, and tried to find and even create new gaps
that we can then fill with their strategies. They should have their own play style - and also we tried to visualize that accordingly in the game.
Actually, I've got a question for you as the community manager. How was the overall feedback
regarding the new tribes? And do you think they could be implemented on a normal Travian: Legends server?
Well, Jake says that right now they are only planned for Fire & Sand servers, but we might, and this is a big "might",
think about also trying the new tribes within the regular setting of World Wonders. Let's see first how it goes on the special servers. And then, we will decide.
So, stay tuned and check your emails frequently. We will, like in the past two years, ask you for your opinion
on the annual special. Some of the previous features made it to the classic version already.
The 2 new tribes? Well... never say never!
Wow! That would be amazing, wouldn't it? But there is one more topic about the annual special.
People were asking about the new "recommended" area when they choose a sector in the game.
And they were wondering if we are trying to be more realistic, with the Huns in the north
and Egyptians in the south of ancient Europe.
No. It's the former. We recommend the area with less players in it.
Alright! That brings us to our final question of the day, and it's quite a big one actually.
And that is: What is the cost of developing a game?
Well, beside the most obvious cost, which is the salaries of the employees, you have to add
technical infrastructures, software and hardware costs, renting of offices and also taxes.
So, if you search around on the internet you will find a lot of cool articles about the costs of game development.
In the end, it can go from nothing to 500 million euros, as it can go from a few days to several years of development time.
It depends on many factors but primarily on the type of the game and what you want to achieve with it.
Yeah, fair enough.
Okay, so that's it! Thank you so much for watching, and thank you Martina for insulting me, or rather helping me with the interview.
Yes, we really hope you enjoyed it and we are eager to hear your feedback.
So guys: See you!
BBC 6 Minute English - Do you need to upgrade your phone? - Duration: 6:21.
Hello and welcome to Six Minute English!
I'm Catherine.
And I'm Rob – and today we bring you a techy topic along with six up-to-date vocabulary
And today's techy topic is smartphones.
So Rob, can you tell me which age group have been buying smartphones at the fastest rate
over the last five years here in the UK?
Is it… a) 15-35 year olds,
b) 35-55 year olds or c) 55-75 year olds?
It's got to be the youngsters.
It's got to be the 15-35 year olds.
Oh well we'll see whether you got that right or wrong later on in the show.
Now Rob, a question: how old is your smartphone?
OK mine, I bought it a couple of years ago.
And are you happy with it?
Yes, I am.
It works just fine – it does everything I need it to do.
So you're not worried about not having the latest model?
Not at all.
My phone works really well – it has all the functionality I need.
And I'm not convinced that the latest model offers any more than the one I've got, to
be honest.
Functionality refers to the range of functions a computer or other electronic device can
So, let's listen now to Andrew Orlowski, from the tech news website The Register.
He explains why people are holding onto their phones longer – instead of rushing out to
buy the latest model of phone.
What's happened is that prices have gone up at the high end.
And it's kind of a cycle where people hang onto their phones for longer, therefore manufacturers
charge more.
Then people hang onto them longer to justify that higher purchase.
So big brand names like iPhone and Samsung make phones at the high end of the market
– meaning the expensive ones.
So once people have bought a handset, they hang on to it!
If you hang onto something, you keep it.
I've been hanging onto my phone for a couple of years – and am hoping I won't need to
change it for another year or so, at least.
But what happens is, if people aren't replacing their phones, the phone manufacturers don't
make a big enough profit.
So they start charging more… … and this, in turn, makes people hang onto
their phones even longer!
So that's why Andrew Orlowski calls it a cycle – that's where one event leads to another,
and then often repeats itself.
So where will the cycle end?
Good question!
Let's listen to Andrew again, talking about where he thinks the smartphone market is heading.
I think it's a very mature market now.
And you have to compare, say, a £900 Galaxy Note or a £1000 iPhone with a spectacular
TV you can… a 49 inch TV you can get for £450.
It no longer has that kind of must-have lustre that it might have had 4 or 5 years ago.
What does 'mature' mean, Rob?
Mature means fully-grown – we're mature adults for example, Catherine!
And in a business context, a mature market is where supply is equal to demand.
And if something has 'must-have lustre'?
What's that?
A must-have item is something you feel you must have.
And lustre means shine.
I love shiny new things, especially when it's a piece of new tech.
But £1000 is a lot of money for a phone.
A spectacular 49-inch TV for only £450 sounds like a bargain though!
My TV only has a 30-inch screen.
Stop there, Catherine!
It's time for the answer to today's question.
OK: Which age group have been buying smartphones at the fastest rate over the last five years
here in the UK?
Is it… a) 15-35 year olds, b) 35-55 year olds, or c) 55-75 year olds?
I said 15-35 year olds.
And you were wrong, I'm afraid, Rob!
The answer is 55-75 year olds!
Although research also highlighted that this age group tended to use their smartphones
less than younger people.The study was based on a sample of 1,163 people questioned between
May and June in 2017.
OK, I think it's time we looked back at the words we learned today.
Our first word is 'functionality' – which refers to the range of functions a computer
of other electronic device can perform.
'These two computers are similar in terms of both their price and functionality.'
Good example Catherine.
Number two – if you hang on to something, you keep it.
For example, 'You should hang onto your old TV, Catherine.
There's nothing wrong with a 30 inch screen!'
Thanks for the advice, Rob.
And our next word is 'cycle' – that's where one event leads to another, and then often
repeats itself.
For example, 'I'm in a bad cycle of going to bed late, then oversleeping in the morning.'
You need to sort yourself out, Catherine!
You're spending too much time on social media – and all that blue-screen time makes it
very hard to fall asleep.
The last thing you need is a bigger TV!
You're probably right.
OK – the adjective 'mature' means fully grown or fully developed.
Here's an example of the verb form– 'My investments have matured and they're worth
a lot of money now!'
Right moving on, a 'must-have item' is something you feel you must have!
For example, 'Check out the latest must-have tech bargains on our website!'
And finally, 'lustre' – which means shine.
For example, 'I polished my brass doorknob until it shone with a pleasing lustre.'
OK before Rob heads off to polish is doorknob, and I nip out to buy a new big-screen TV,
please remember to check out our Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube pages.
PoaTek IT Consulting: You speak business. We speak tech. - Duration: 1:06.
How far would you go to look like your favorite celebrity? Sahar Tabar went too far? - Duration: 1:03.
How far would you go to look like your favorite celebrity? Well, there are
numerous people who went too far but Charta bar from Iran went to her extreme
Shar Tabar, 22, from Iran has her Instagram filled with her
transformational proofs, and she also has quite a huge fan base on her Instagram
with 341 thousand followers. Her selfies have sparked huge debate among her
Instagram followers. However, not all response from her followers is positive
some comments her to be a zombie and/or a corpse a Belgian media reported the
sagar has undergone 50 procedures to look like her idol but fans claim she
creates the incredible looks just by using makeup and clever prosthetics what
do you think are they real or just makeup and clever prosthetics would you
go this far to look like your favorite celebrity let us know on the comments
below check the link in description for more information about this story
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