So what's up guys?
This is all included, and I'm gonna show you today some of my apps that I have on my iPhone 7 plus
128 years half number one spark
spark is to all of the
Emails and stuff it gets to one I can attach all of them like my Gmail Gmail my Yandex
My inbox and my iCloud I connect all of them together. I like it. I use always smartphones because it separates them
to notifications
You usually there
It's really nice app number two sweet boy
Flipboard is can use by the janitor that you like I have apple and
Right here is some of them like news technology authors gaming you can choose anything you like to your opinion
And it's really nice have heard if you love it. It's awesome. You can see everything
You see fighting and stuff like that see
three dollars I
Have number three
That's the lenses so take a picture of my collar here, and I would like to put some of the
Shiny stuff would say from a Sun
let's say do this and
I can be there to
And go to put the light on this side
And put the light from this side
depending that it's like something flash out there or even to put like this I
Need to focus feedback
Loops go look at it
open you can do a lot of cool stuff you can mess around with it and stuff I
Like it I using some of my pictures and stuff brah
We'll see how it is if you like it's called lens
at number four
It's called develop
The velum is the wallpapers for iPhone would say
This is limited back most of all papers that they have just click on it click on a little button to save
It's really nice. I love it. I use all of my wallpapers from you. They're awesome
really nice quality you can see perfectly on the screen I
Don't know
The person who made this this is like perfect look at this like everything look at it
That's the one I have right here
See on the background. I have number five. Let's call open table
open table is the
Reservation app you can reserve anywhere you want anything you want
Let's say you want to do romantic dinner with your wife or something you can click on it
They have it in here. You can choose a boy
Like Italian Mexican Chinese and stuff like that. See we could say that's what I was talking about romantic
And you can it shows you the price right here. It's a
$3 so it's kind of expensive to it's fine, but you can choose and see at some of them. They give you points
We'll see if I choose at this place for tonight at 8:00 p.m.. I
will get a
bonus points and I can
redeem them by getting some discounts and stuff like that so it's really nice and
What I like about this like this is the main thing that I like you can watch the full menu right here
And I'll show you the price and everything it's really nice guy
It's like you need to use it if you go out somewhere to eat
Just click on anything you wanna sit outside right here look at this. This is awesome
App number six, it's called hot all tonight
My name is volume, so you cannot reserve the room anywhere you want. I'm living in dinner
You can click in here you can do like whatever. It's a whale
No, you want to do when?
Would say tonight, there's the theory continue?
Often you choose so one of the check-in and checkout you wanna do it a start up tomorrow
Right here. They show you the prices and stuff see this one
Perfect this one perfect lucullus, this is awesome, and they're not that expensive, but this one is really nice look this
This is perfect guys. Let's really pull up
The other
It's called Torah
Let's say if you want to find the car you want to go to enterprise they don't have the car that you like
You just built it, or you would say we do
Denver Colorado right here let's say I want to take it out
5:00 p.m.. Search and until you would say tomorrow
Tomorrow 10:00
And they show your offers look you can get this car for $17 you click on it, and it shows you right here
How many miles you can drive each additional mile it says a dollar more
So you just pay that they have the insurance of stuff you don't need your insurance they cover you
Tony about 21 bucks
They have nice cars in here too like to really night like g-wagen and stuff like that
Yeah, but they're kind of expensive eight thousand bucks
Let's see right here. This is the app that you can look at check it out guys. It's called total
The next app it's called Europa flute
Plus that's what I use. This is the Russian radio, and you can play music and stuff. It's awesome and
don't know it plays like perfectly high-quality and saucy, it's
perfect perfect
Okay guys, so this is it. I'll just show you some of my apps that I have I really like them
And I hope you guys enjoyed the video put likes and subscribe. Thank you
For more infomation >> TOP 8 Apps For Iphone! Iphone Free Apps. - Duration: 6:18.-------------------------------------------
Imma teach you a thing - Duration: 1:52.
So even though I have not been active on this channel in over a year
Look the f*** we made! Stop assigning gender to cheetos! Shh. It's all right.
No my last video was for my 21st birthday--in over two years--when I privated all of my videos, you guys noticed immediately
Once again, I continue to be amazed and terrified by the power of the Internet
but yes all of my videos are gone and so are my
subscribers. So we can all be sad. So if I had to guess. those of you who are left were part of the
OG vlogger squad, which means that you were here 2011
and if you were on YouTube in 2011, that means that you tried and failed to complete NaNoWriMo in
2011, so what I have before me is a well of
untapped writing potential. So that's what this channel is now
Um, helping you to become a better writer
Or worse writer. Because what do I know? Hannah, no one is going to believe in you if you can't believe in yourself.
So we're gonna talk about writing and editing and submitting things for publication
and using imagery and concrete versus abstract words and narrative perspective and EVERYTHING THAT'S FUN. :)
it'll be one video week still on Thursday because
Thursdays are the best days at because Thursdays were hayleyghoover's day on 5AG.
God, I miss 2011. If you don't want to be a writer,
you can still hang around because you liked me once. You can probably like me again. By the way
It's braces it's not heroin
Thanks for asking ok so leave me a comment and tell me
The stupidest thing that you've done this month because I left my curling wand in a hotel fridge in Galveston
I feel like if I put a video right now next to a vlog from when I was 16, you couldn't tell the difference
It's the same. The face is the same. I have braces now. It's gotten...I'm younger. I'm
aging in reverse
Ask me how
Truth - Thoughts From the Road Vol 1 Ep7 - Duration: 11:22.
All right here we go. The truth will set you free.
Well first it'll get you in a lot of trouble probably and then, then it,
it will actually set you free. Yep. I think that's how it actually works.
The truth will set you free. Well first it'll get you in a lot of
trouble and then it'll set you free. And possibly end a few relationships, but hey
you got to figure out of his worth right. So, as I alluded to before, my wife and I
were going through a pretty rough patch. A lot of stuff going wrong, health,
emotional, financial two-degree. Just, just a whole lot of bad stuff accumulated
over a number of years and I was becoming the worst of the worst.
It's just the worst person I could be and I was desperately looking for any
way to slow down, but what to me was a freight train. Well let me rephrase this.
I was basically a freight train out of control
and I just couldn't figure out any good way of stopping who I was becoming. So I
was just reaching out for any answer I could find. Any silver bullet or anything
to just slow down the momentum because I just couldn't seem to get it under wrap.
And I watched a TED talk and if I can find it again, I'll link it in the
description down below or the comments, about, you know, going to people and
basically getting anything that you're you feel guilty about or haven't told them
that's you know, basically something you're hiding from them.
And there was nothing really, that I was hiding from my wife, or not being
truthful about that was related to the situation but I did find two things that
when I thought about em and my wife not knowing about it. It did, it just didn't make
me feel good and so I told her those two things. And you know it's one of the
things that started getting me back on a better path. It wasn't, I wouldn't say it
was one of the biggest things but it was definitely a contributing factor. So with
the whole true thing, with my wife's little unique because she knows a lot of
stuff about me that normally someone wouldn't know without you telling them.
And that's because she was my sister's friend really before she had anything to
do with me and my sister basically told her all sorts of stuff about me, that
that normally you know just someone you were dating or met wouldn't know unless
you told them. So yeah. She has basically like a lot of insider information
already. So there wasn't a lot to divulge but there were two things. And actually I
felt guilty about them and then after I told her it did relieve, not a
significant part of the issues we were having, but it relieved some of the guilt
from me for just never telling her these things. And I've used this with
other people, stuff I felt guilty about not saying to them, or keeping back, and
it's at various effects, right. It has relieved some of the stress and
guilt from me. It hasn't completely destroyed any relationships I've had but
be honest it has strained some of them.
But there was already a strain there by keeping the stuff hidden. So I don't know
on this one for me I think being truthful
for me, trying to think how to word this. Well I hate when I get like this because
it turns the editing job into a pain in the ass. Oh my god it's like shoving a
hot coal up there. Just sucks. I wouldn't recommend a hot coal up your
ass. You know cauterizing the poop shot and it's not a smart thing to do.
Anyway. So yeah, mileage may vary with this right but the thing is if you've
got something that you're holding back from somebody and every time it pops
into your mind, you feel guilty about it. There's a good chance you should just
throw that out there and get it off the table because it's straining your
relationship in the background. It really is because there's always this hidden
stress. There's always this hidden stress back there, on the back of your
mind. So anyway. Yeah I mean being truthful is something, I think a lot of
people are missing out on nowadays. A lot of the stuff is very facade based, very
putting up fronts, and a lot of fake it till you make, it kind of BS. Especially,
with the internet people trying to be something they're not
and it's very easy to misrepresent yourself. So being truthful I
personally feel that it goes a really long way but just in dealing with
anybody. And I'm not saying being truthful to be hurtful. You know. I'm
talking more about stuff that you feel guilty about saying and there is a way
to be truthful with somebody and there's a way to be a bull in a china shop. And
with me even some of the people I was honest, completely honest with stuff
about my personality probably made it. Well there's no probably to it - it made it
worse than it was because I was just blunt and it really should have been
presented a lot, just a lot better. I mean there's
ways to word stuff. You know "that's an ugly-ass dress" versus "that dress is not
very flattering on you" or something. So see, even, even then I'm not very good at
this shit. So yeah. I should have thought about it more and presented it
in a better manner. Just a lot better manner and it would have made it
probably - it still would have sucked talking to em about it but at the same
time, we wouldn't have to get through the "wow you just, that was really a dick
thing to say" versus "wow that was really a painful thing for you to say." You know.
I don't know if that differentiate there it makes sense to everybody but you know
what I mean, hopefully. Who knows but honesty and being truthful with people
it really is a good way to go about life. It's a really good way to clean out
stuff and there's a chance it will destroy some relationships. There's a
chance that it'll strain them for a while but the ones that last through
that strain and are able to - to mend when the truth is all out there, they'll be
stronger and the guilt that you're carrying around; and the shame that you
have for whatever it is; it'll be gone. You know, when you're carrying
around lies and you're carrying around deceit, it's death by a thousand cuts.
And while just throwing it out there on the table, may be one big punch to the
face, it takes a week or two to get over a punch to the face but death
by a thousand cuts you never heal from because you're
always getting another little cut, ans another little cut, and another little cut.
You just - it just never heals. So something to consider.
For me, it's worked really well everywhere that I've applied. It although
it was painful and - and what I'm talking about being truthful I'm not saying you
have to make your life an open book to everybody at all because, believe me my
life I'm pretty open up open about a lot of things but there are certain things
I'm just not going to tell other people. And that's not being deceitful, it's just
you know, it's not really something I want to discuss with them.
More on this truthfulness is being truthful to yourself, is being truthful
with something that pertains directly to somebody, right like, let's say you have a
really bad habit and you're hiding it from your spouse. You know it's that
little deceit there where you can just tell them "hey look you know I do this."
Right and there's big ones too, you know. There's big deceits you can do to that
just - yeah - just get it out there. You know you can
play the game and hopefully it'll never blow up in your face and all that, but it
is causing a strain. And if it's not, well you may want to go see a psychologist
about that. Because usually that starts getting into sociopaths and stuff of that nature.
Which hopefully nobody is. Who knows. Anyway. So yeah, be truthful with others.
Be honest. Don't be like me and be so blunt about it, where the truth gets lost
in the in the presentation. Oh yeah, yeah, I'm- I'm a work in progress people but uh
that's just short and sweet one man. Being honest with others. Don't put on a
facade. You're gonna - Number one you're gonna get a lot more people on your side.
You're gonna get a lot more - you're gonna get a lot better, stronger, healthier
relationships by having them based on honesty and yeah you may lose some
because of it but that's okay because you're gonna strengthen the ones that
are more pure of heart and that uh have a better more solid foundation to build
upon and that's just a wonderful thing. It's a win-win in the long term and
is really crappy in the short term but there you go. Love all you guys. Take it easy.
Here's your 2018 marketing plan - Duration: 1:40.
Let's talk about your personal real estate marketing in 2018.
And how It's time to think of marketing in layers.
That means communicating with your audience in multiple ways.
So here we go, a really simple one page marketing plan with 4 layers.
Social media.
That's where people spend their time before they know they even need you.
Plan to build an audience and distribute valuable content at scale.
Send value at least once a month by email.
This gives everyone in your database 12 chances to reply to you each year.
Don't you want to make it easy for them to contact you?
You can't put an email on a coffee table and last time I checked people still had letterboxes.
Put a market report in it once a month, if that's too much, do a quarterly report.
With everything going digital, quality print marketing has a high retention rate.
The more active someone is in real estate the more help they should receive from you,
right? So think weekly and think of
all the buyers in your database.
A weekly email gives them 52 more reasons to contact you every year.
Here you go, four simple layers for real estate agents to be unignorable and a very effective
one page marketing plan.
Always add layers, don't subtract, if something isn't working evolve it, the more layers
you have, the easier it makes it for your customers to contact you and the longer you
speak to your customers the more trustworthy you become.
Scaling up is the next challenge.
If you have time to run this you're not selling real estate.
Get a marketing team to roll this out for you.
Stop thinking short term, because life is long and the average person sells their home
every 9 years.
Hollywood Star Reveals He's An Illegal Immigrant – Should Trump Deport Him? - Duration: 2:44.
Liberals seem very confused.
They don't understand basic things.
Like the difference between your money and their money.
Or the different between legal immigration and illegal immigration.
They accuse Trump and conservatives of hating immigrants.
Forgetting the fact that many Americans come from immigrant families.
Legal immigrant families.
There's a big difference.
Recently a Hollywood actor revealed he is an illegal immigrant.
In defending his stance (and attacking conservatives) he seems to confuse a few very big details.
From Daily Wire:
On Tuesday, a well-known actor on NBC's "The Good Place" who was born in the Ivory
Coast revealed that he is an illegal immigrant, stating of himself and his fellow illegal
immigrants, "We're done with fear.
We're here to stay.
Let's push.
Let's fight, because nothing is going to be given for free."
Bambadjan Bamba, 35, fled with his family to the United States in 1993.
The Los Angeles Times enthused:
Motivated by the Trump administration's efforts to rescind the Deferred Action for
Childhood Arrivals program , known as DACA, the Obama-era policy that protects the children
of immigrants who didn't enter the country legally, the "Grey's Anatomy," "Suicide
Squad" and "Black Panther" actor is breaking his silence.
In an exclusive interview with the Times, Bamba opined:
Immigrants are not criminals.
We're not here to take away your jobs.
We're here to give back.
We're not just Mexicans or Latino.
We're black, too.
We're from the Middle East, from Asia, too.
We're your neighbors, your doctors, the teachers of your children, and sometimes we're
on TV in your home, characters that you love.
We're just one of you.
The only difference is [that you have] a certain piece of paper that's supposed to allow
you to navigate freely in the country.
Funny how he say's "nothing is going to be given for free," while being here illegally.
That's exactly what you're doing, Bamba.
You came here, without going through the legal process.
You exploited loopholes and cracks in the system.
You effectively got a "free" citizenship.
He goes on to defend immigrants.
Yeah, we all like immigrants.
Legal immigrants.
That "certain piece of paper," means a legal immigrant followed the laws to be here.
You didn't.
That's a big difference.
Normally, I'm not someone who calls for the deportation of a harmless civilian.
But this man is using his platform in Hollywood to lie and distort the facts.
Get rid of him.
He's slandering the President and millions of Americans.
He's building an argument based on deception.
And he's proud of it.
It's time people like that were held accountable.
Hackers are Going After Schools - Duration: 8:05.
Schools have a lot on their plates. They do their best to keep up with the latest teaching techniques for every style of learning.
They work to figure out ways to increase their end of level scores, and are continually learning the best ways to protect kids from
physical harm from terrorists, or emotional harm from bullies.
With all of their diligence in making schools safe it may be alarming to you to discover that most schools have done nothing to protect or secure
their servers and websites from hackers. Cyber bullies can do any number of things to harm or hurt not only the students,
but the teachers, staff, and families of the students as well. All of your child's personal information is easily accessible if your
school hasn't taken the right steps to protect and secure that information.
In fact, check out this search I did on Google:
And check out this quote from a recent article:
And check out this quote from a recent article:
You don't need special skills to hack a school's website!
If your neighbor's kid can easily hack the school's website, what makes you think professional hackers aren't?
We are urging parents across the globe to pay closer attention to their school's digital security
because this is a huge issue that's being ignored.
We have put together a checklist of steps we recommend you take to help get your school secure.
You can download that checklist below.
If you think you're school is safe, you might want to think again.
And just to give you a glimpse on what you could be dealing with if your child's personal information was stolen,
we interviewed a parent who had to deal with this first hand.
Here is what she went through when her child's identity was stolen and used.
He was around nine when it first happened. I didn't come to realize it until
just before his tenth birthday though because you don't often check the credit of a child.
I was actually working really hard on cleaning up my credit and one of the tips that I was reading (going through some pamphlets) was to
check your children's credit. So, I went ahead and checked the children's credit,
and discovered that one of my children's credit had been used...for about a year.
Rent had been put in my son's name, a motorcycle and a stereo system.
So, there was a credit card in his name. Some utilities had been put in his name.
It still took me about four to five months to get it all cleaned up, but I would have to go to the major credit bureaus and present his birth certificate.
I had to have my lawyer bring some paperwork for me to send to them as well.
Thankfully, it was only four to five months to clear this up, but it could have been worse.
What if the thief lived close by? Would it have been easy to prove those purchases weren't yours?
I had clearly established residency in Utah, and his credit was being used in Idaho. It was a six- hour drive and wasn't pinned on me.
However, I know that can happen, it's happened to some friends of mine,
and that can be very, very frustrating to come up and prove it wasn't yours.
It would have been harder to prove that it wasn't him buying this stereo system and all these other things,
than it was when he was ten years old. So, I do think, as far as children go, it is very critical to go ahead and put a lock on their credit reports
and go ahead and check them and not assume that just because they're minors they're not going to be used until their 18.
Protecting your child is ultimately the parent's responsibility. Knowing where your children are vulnerable
and then taking action to fix the problems and keep them safe is extremely important!
It's frustrating enough when you run into hard times due to job loss, or medical bills, and you run into financial issues for that reason.
But when it's somebody else, and you're just a victim, it's so frustrating to have to deal with it. And if it can be prevented, it should be.
There are so many ways to keep yourself safe. There's really no reason to be taking risks
with things that important that can have such long lasting effects on your life.
After having gone through this process with her own son, Angela has paid much closer attention to where hers
and her kids' personal information is going, how it's being used. She is also standing up for them and demands protection.
I went to enroll my son in school, I found out that they were, at the time, using their social security number as the student ID.
I did not at all feel comfortable with that. I went right to the school and I'm like "No. No, this is not okay with me." I was very clear as to why
that was not okay with me. Two years later they changed the policy, but in the meantime, because I threw up such a big stink, they told
me they'd give him a separate student ID instead of using his social security number.
Schools are leaving your kids vulnerable when they don't secure their websites and servers.
They are easy targets for hackers and big money can be made selling your children's personal information.
It's actually pretty common for social security numbers to be sold and used. Children's are the most popular to be sold.
That's because you can use it for years before it's discovered because they're not going to use it until it's time to buy their first car, or their first
credit card. It won't get noticed forever. So, yeah, don't just be worried about your own, worry about your kids too.
We've just been talking about stealing identities, but consider how easy it would be to abduct your child
with all the information hackers can get from your schools about your kids? I don't even like to think about that. It's absolutely terrifying.
I haven't had it as bad as some people, I think. I think I see the end of the tunnel. But it is still very critical to be very careful with where all your
information is and who's allowed to have access to it, and who's able to have your social security number, your important financial documents.
If you are at all concerned about your child's safety, you owe it to them and yourself to make sure your school
is being PRO-ACTIVE about keeping your child's information secure.
By law they are supposed to be. Unfortunately, with all the laws and regulations, continuing education and certifications,
changes in testing procedures and requirements, physical safety protocols, bullying, and everything else that's on their
endless to-do list, cyber security is being pushed to the bottom of the list of priorities. And it's only a matter of time before your school is
the next hacked victim--given how easily hack- able their systems are and how valuable the information is that they can get there.
If you are concerned for your children, download the checklist below and arm yourself with the information you need to put pressure on your
school to take action and protect your child, yourselves, and your school staff members. You're all vulnerable on their servers and
websites and you don't even realize it. Let's get this movement underway and keep our kids safe.
Take action now! Download the checklist below and then call your school principal and school board to express your concerns for
website and server security. Look for a trust seal or badge to show that they are safe.
Family Finger (Daddy Finger), Sesame Street Style! - Duration: 20:34.
[intro music]
>> Daddy finger, Daddy finger, where are you?
>> Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?
>> Mommy Finger, Mommy Finger, where are you?
>> Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?
>> Brother Finger, Brother Finger, where are you?
>> Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?
>> Sister Finger, Sister Finger, where are you?
>> Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?
>> Baby Finger, Baby Finger, where are you?
>> Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?
[closing music]
Hair regrow Lifestyle | Diet | Routine - Duration: 37:45.
After watching my previous video where I show the video of my hair condition of 2014 and
2017 Many of you are asking me what I did to regrow
my hair back.
So, in this video, I'm going to tell you the whole process.
English is not my mother tongue.
So, ignore my spoken mistake and pronunciation.
Just try to understand what I want to say.
I don't want anybody to suffer the condition; I suffered due to hair loss.
I will show you what I did to regrow my hair.
This video is going to be a long video.
But this is also going to be the most informative video about hair regrow.
Watch the video until the end if you really want to regrow your hair back.
In this video, I'll share my morning to night routine or full lifestyle to regrow hair.
Remember one thing that regrows is 100 percent possible.
But, it is not an easy road.
Because, you have to invest lots of time every day.
But once you regrow your hair back you can reduce the time.
So,lets get started.
6:00AM Kapalbhati Pranayama- Duration:10 minutes
Stress, hormonal disorders, bad eating habits, diseases, drugs, hair dyes, genetic disorders,
or smoking, anything can cause your hair to fall.
Plus, your hair condition is a direct barometer of your overall health.
That's where yoga for hair loss comes in handy.
It not just gives you healthy hair but also improves your physical and mental health.
With yoga for hair loss, you can deal with your hair loss issues a lot more easily.
Kapalbhati yoga eliminates toxins from air passages to cleanse body and mind, purifies
the brain's frontal portion, thus boosting blood circulation and reducing hair loss.
Anulom vilom Pranayama- Duration:5 minutes This yoga asana for hair growth removes impurities
from skull nerves, benefits brain, lungs and heart, skin diseases, depression and insomnia,
all of which are major causes of hair fall and greying.
Anulom Vilom is also called Naadi Shodhan Pranayama.
It is a simple, alternate breathing technique that helps to keep the lungs healthy and fight
the free radicals produced due to stress.
It promotes proper circulation throughout the body and helps relieve cold and promotes
the growth of healthy hair by nourishing the scalp.
The constant regulated breathing also massages, tones and cleanses the entire nervous system,
thereby making you feel relaxed.
Headstand or Sirsasana- Duration:30 minutes This is a beneficial yoga asana for hair growth,
because in order to perform this asana you need to touch your crown to the ground, which
helps the blood to flow to the head.
Proper blood circulation to the scalp means healthy and strong hair.
Hair loss, greying of hair and baldness are often caused due to bad blood circulation
in the scalp.
Sirsasana doesn't only direct enriched blood to the brain, it also sends it to the scalp.
The transforming of grey hair into its original color and good growth of hair is possible
through the practice of this headstand pose.
Who should NOT practice Headstand?
-pregnant women should avoid it as it can be risky if they fall out of the pose due
to any reason;
-people with glaucoma should avoid it as it can increases the pressure in the eyes;
-people suffering acute or severe migraine should also avoid headstand;
-people with shoulder and neck injuries should also avoid practicing headstand till the injury
is healed;
-people with hypertension should avoid headstand as it can lead to worsen the condition in
some cases;
-people with severe heart problems should avoid it; and
-people suffering of osteoporosis should also avoid headstand.
Nail Rubbing or Balayam- Duration:10 minutes Balayam is one simple and natural yoga technique
for hair regrowth mentioned in ancient books and works of yoga & ayurvedam by ancient Indians.
Balayam has also great importance in acupressure therapy.
This is the most common treatment for hair regrowth and other hair problems mentioned
to people by Acupressure doctors and Ayurveda doctors.
Even popular Yoga Guru Swami Baba Ramdev ji has mentioned
Balayam as the best natural treatment for hair regrowth and many other hair problems
like white hair, alopecia areata, pattern baldness, regular hair fall in many of his
television shows and occasional public meeting videos.
Jogging - Duration:15-30 minutes An intense jogging routine will detox, increase
circulation and break down fat within organs – this in turn will produce better hormones,
balanced hormones that help hair growth.
Increased circulation is the main objective here.
If the body is not being taken care of, over time, circulation decreases, and hair is the
first to go; capillaries are the thinnest blood vessels, and can easily stop/reduce
circulation if aerobic activity is not maintained – the human body is actually not designed
to stay sitting for more than 30 minutes, anywhere!
Even Eastern Medical books, talk about how lack of circulation is the cause of almost
all disease and illness – it shows a lot when you think of it on the grand scale of
Drink Anti hair loss juice Anti-hair loss juice contains fenugreek amla
haritaki and bahera.
Amlaki haritaki and bahera are called triphala together.
How to make it?
See video link in the description
8:30AM Eating Anti hair loss breakfast
Taking care of your hair doesn't mean just buying products and hoping they'll do all
of the work for you Your diet makes a huge impact on the quality
of all of them so you need to make sure what you're putting
inside of you is healthy and beauty-friendly! massage- Duration:5-10 minutes [Not everyday,But
when I have time] A properly done scalp massage can increase
blood circulation to the hair follicles, increase relaxation, decrease stress, condition the
scalp, and boost the strength of the hair roots.
The pressure applied by massage warms the skin and opens up blood vessels to increase
flow and boost circulation.
Increased circulation means that the cells of the hair follicle will receive more of
the nutrients necessary to optimal hair growth function.
The rubbing motion promotes relaxation and feels good, thus increasing the production
of "feel good" chemicals that work to lower levels of stress hormone in the body.
Lower stress levels allow your organs to function more efficiently, thus boosting your hair
follicle's ability to grow hair.
1:00PM It's Lunch Time
I usually eat rice, fish or meat, papaya, vegetable, boiled egg in my lunch.
I buy a lot of vegetables and put them into what I eat
Most of my diet is protein-heavy stuff like fish, meat and egg
Boiled peanuts 100gm or more Eat less rice in the lunch so that you can
eat 100gm or more peanuts Peanuts contain several hair friendly nutrients
that are beneficial for maintaining healthy hair.
It contains a high level of omega 3 fatty acids which strengthens scalp health and hair
follicles to promote hair growth . Peanut is an excellent source of larginine,
an amino acid which is very helpful for treating male pattern baldness and to encourage the
growth of healthy hair.
It also improves the health of artery walls and prevents blood clotting to improve blood
A proper blood flow throughout the body and hair is imperative to get healthy and strong
Deficiency in vitamin E can lead to brittle and weak hair which can easily break.
Including proper level of vitamin E in your diet ensures that the hair roots receive a
rich supply of hair healthy vitamins to keep them strong and healthy.
Boiled egg Protein is a primary constituent of hair,
so you need to eat protein-based foods like eggs to keep your hair healthy
In addition to protein, eggs are a good source of biotin and other B vitamins that help control
hair loss The protein present in eggs is considered
high quality protein and is excellent for hair growth and hair strength
The whites are rich sources of selenium, vitamin D, B6, B12 and minerals such as zinc, iron
and copper.
Eggs are regarded a 'complete' source of protein as they contain all eight essential amino
acids; the ones we cannot synthesise in our bodies and must obtain from our diet
2:00PM Scalp Exercise- Duration:45 minutes
Scalp exercises to reduce hair loss provide natural, holistic ways to improve your hair
health while encouraging hair growth.
Exercises do not require expensive equipment or doctor visits.
Exercises range from stimulating the entire scalp with one movement to concentrating on
individual sections at one time.
Performing the exercises daily can help you obtain the healthy-looking head of hair you
To know more about scalp exercise click the link on the description.
Sunlight Exposure- Duration:15 minutes Is sunlight good for hair?
It's not just your skin that needs the sun for health.
Your hair can actually benefit from the sun as well.
Remedy For Hair Loss: Sunlight therapy is an effective remedy for
hair loss.
While this is great news for those who suffer from extreme loss, it's important to also
remember that overexposure to sunlight can do more damage than good,
so go easy on giving your hair a dose of the sun's rays.
The epithelial cells that help your hair grow are known to be highly sensitive to UV light,
and too much exposure can deplete the levels of vitamin E and C that are essential for
hair growth.
Helps Hair Growth: Sunlight allows your body to produce Vitamin
D and this, in turn, stimulates the growth of your hair and prevents hair loss.
remember that you shouldn't totally deprive yourself of the sun's rays.
Get out a little more and let your body receive the vitamins it needs to give you healthy
skin and hair.
5:00PM Kapalbhati Pranayama-Duration:10
minutes If you eat anything
wait three hours before doing Kapalbhati.
If you drink water ; wait two hours before doing Kapalbhati.
[Anulom vilom Pranayama-Duration:5 minutes Anulom vilom cures blood pressure
Increases oxygen supply throughout the body including hair follicle.
I skip anulom vilom some days.
Don't skip anulom vilom if you have enough time.
Headstand or Sirsasana-Duration:30 minutes If you eat anything
wait three hours before doing headstand.
If you drink water wait two hours before doing headstand.
Nail Rubbing or Balayam-Duration:10 minutes If you eat anything
wait three hours before doing balayam.
If you drink water wait two hours before doing balayam.
Jogging-Duration:15-30 minutes Through sweat, toxins and waste substances
are flushed out from the skin pores, giving us a fresh and radiant skin.
when we sweat from our scalp, it helps to unclog the hair follicles, giving enough space
for the new hair to grow Exercising also increases blood flow to our
muscles, skin and scalp The increased blood flow brings with it more
nutrients and more oxygen This provides nourishment to the hair roots,
and thereby promoting healthy hair growth
Drink Anti hair loss juice Anti-hair loss juice contains fenugreek amla
haritaki and bahera.
Amlaki haritaki and bahera are called triphala together.
How to make it?
See video link in the description
7PM Using Onion juice
Onion juice may be effective for hair loss in some instances.
It may also restore luster and shine.
Onion juice could also prevent premature graying of hair and treat dandruff
Science shows that there are many ways onion juice can help with hair loss.
onions are high in dietary sulfur, a nutritional element our bodies need.
Sulfur is found within amino acids, which are components of protein.
Proteins — and especially keratin, which is known to be sulfur-rich — are needed
for growing strong hair.
When added to the hair and scalp, onion juice can provide extra sulfur to support strong
and thick hair, thus preventing hair loss and promoting hair growth.
The sulfur from onions may also help promote collagen production.
Collagen in turn helps the production of healthy skin cells and hair growth.
It's also believed that onions may boost circulation.
Applying onion juice to the hair and scalp could increase blood supply to hair follicles,
which in turn improves hair growth.
To know more about onion juice click the link on the description
8:00PM Dinner
I usually eat a green vegetable, rice, fish or other protein sources in my dinner
Nutritionists confirm that people with certain nutritional deficiencies tend to have dry,
stringy and dull hair, and sometimes experience hair loss.
Boiled Papaya-200gm or more Papaya provides numerous hair care benefits,
which can be obtained by consuming the fruit on a regular basis
Along with the Papain enzymes, it is also a good source of antioxidants and nutrients
such as Vitamin C, Vitamin B,Vitamin A, flavonoids, fiber and minerals like magnesium and potassium.
One of the best vitamins for hair loss to stay away is vitamin A.
As a result of different metabolic processes, our body continuously produces free radicals,
which are highly damaging for normal cell growth
Similarly, our hair follicles are also damaged due to free radical production
Vitamin A have antioxidant properties that stop the free radical from formin in the body
Resulting in restored hair health.
Also, normal levels of vitamin A in the body are associated with better blood circulation
throughout the body, which greatly promotes hair health and hair regeneration.
Eating banana if dont have papaya Biotin (or vitamin H), which is found in bananas,
helps prevent both hair and nails from becoming brittle and breaking.
This is thought to be because biotin plays a role in keratin development, and keratin
is a main component of hair and nail structure.
Milk 250 ml milk also provides numerous benefits to hair
and nails Although it also contains vitamin D, protein,
and biotin, it provides further benefits from calcium
Calcium helps keeps both hair and nails growing healthily
However, vitamin D is a prerequisite for the body to properly absorb calcium.
Nowadays I don't drink milk every day.
But, I used to drink milk every day when I started hair regrow journey.
I will highly recommend you to drink milk every day if you
can afford.
Amla juice on the scalp Amla, also called the Indian Gooseberry, has
a plethora of medicinal properties and has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for many years.
If you are wondering if amla juice is good for hair or skin, I think we need to tell
you that this ingredient has been a part of grandma's beauty treasure trove for centuries!
The amazing medicinal and beauty benefits of this wonder drug was explored long back,
and everyone swears by this ingredient.
A common reason for hair problems is a deficiency of Vitamin C, which is found abundantly in
Fenugreek juice on the scalp Fenugreek seeds not only help hair fall control,
but also help in dandruff control as well as make your hair thicken if you use the remedy
regularly at least few months to actually be able to see real results.
No its not an assumption based on the popularity of methi seeds, but a fact tested and tried
by many since ages.
Its one of the grandma recipes that if you are close you your elders at home you already
would know by heart!
The methi seeds are known to be used in a myriad of hair problems including dandruff,
rough, and dry hair.
It is chiefly used to remedy hair loss.
The composition of lecithin and amino acids in the methi seeds is what makes it a fine
remedy for hair related issues.
The application of methi seeds offers a setback to hair loss and hair thinning.
Some advice to follow daily.: Avoid Masturbation and porn[Not partially,but
completely] There are many benefits to nofap ;and hair
growth is one of them.
I will discuss this matter in a different video.
Taking breath perfectly Breathe properly and you send oxygen flooding
into every single cell in your body.
Yep – your cells BREATHE.
The air doesn't just come into your lungs, it's taken to every single cell in your
body via your circulation system.
Every cell in your body inhales the oxygen and exhales the carbon dioxide – a process
called respiration .Breathing is important because our cells
constantly need a new supply of oxygen so they can produce energy –
without this vital oxygen, cellular function is impaired, and damage or cell death is possible.
Air is the very essence of life.
Do scalp exercise or nail rubbing when you have free time.
Remember; more exercise means quicker result.
Avoide stress and tension If you suffer from depression you could be
experiencing other symptoms that include hair loss.
Depression and hair loss are linked and depression can affect the quality of our hair.
The physiological states of depression such as low mood, discouragement, low self-esteem
and feeling drained can be a factor in reducing the hair growth phase, leading to hair loss.
stress can also trigger the onset of hereditary hair loss and accelerate its progression.
"In those susceptible to male pattern baldness or female pattern hair loss, stress can instigate,
accelerate and aggravate the problem.
So,avoid stress and depression.
Be happy
Drinking water 1 hours before eating and after 1 hours of eating
Drink water 1 hour before a meal to help digestion.
Remember not to drink too soon before or after a meal as the water will dilute the digestive
Drink water an hour after the meal to allow the body to absorb the nutrients.
7-8 hours of deep night sleeping Hair loss and sleep deprivation appear to
be equally universal problems but are they related?
Sleep plays an important role in allowing the body to repair and regenerate and hair
growth can be influenced by a number of factors.
Is it coincidence that 80% of men and 40% of women experience hair loss and one in four
of us suffers from some form of sleep problem?
Alterations in sleeping patterns have been shown to affect the body's immune function,
hormone secretion, and physical and mental stamina.
The hair is very sensitive to changes within the body, and hairloss is nearly always the
consequence of an internal disturbance
Avoid sugar or sugar biscuit or product Hair loss among people with diabetes is relatively
Not because of diabetes itself, but because of what it does to their blood sugar levels.
The link between sugar and balding in women has to do with blood circulation.
High blood sugar levels cause poor circulation.
When your blood isn't flowing like it should, it has a much harder time reaching all the
way up to the hair follicles on your head.
The result?
Weak hair follicles that simply cannot grow.
And if they're cut off from proper circulation for too long, the roots might not recover.
Knowing your blood sugar levels is important to pinpoint the cause of hair loss, even if
you've never had a history of problems.
Blood sugar might not be the sole reason for your hair loss, but it can definitely be a
Eat various types of vegitable everyday Before you start losing sleep over hair loss
and book appointments with trichologists, take a closer look at what you're eating.
Chances are that even slight modifications made to what you eat by incorporating ingredients
that aid hair growth and health will have a drastic impact.
Hair loss affects both men and women.
While genetics plays a role, there are other factors, including hormonal imbalances, an
underactive thyroid gland, nutrient deficiencies and insufficient scalp circulation.
In addition, there are many foods that offer vitamins and minerals that support healthy
Eat lots of vegetable and fruit that included Vitamin A,B,C,E etc.
Zinc and iron is also important for hair.
I will cover this topics in a different video.
Drink sufficient amount of water everyday You may have heard how drinking lots of water
can help keep your skin hydrated and looking younger.
Hair is actually a connective tissue of the body and carries many of the same compositions
as your skin, fingernails and toenails.
When you don't get enough water into your system, the result is dehydration, and for
many, hair loss as well
Avoid Smoking and alcohol Smoking causes damage to the scalp and hair
follicles in two major ways: Toxic chemicals in cigarettes and the smoke
from cigarettes poison your blood and kill off hair follicle cells.
Smoking lowers your immune system and opens up your hair follicles to all kinds of bacterial
and fungal infections.
Smoking causes blood vessels to shrink and the scalp does not receive the blood it needs
to support normal healthy hair growth.
You may think that some smoker don't lose their hair.
I'll discuss this matter in a different video.
Some advice to follow Weekly: Natural reetha shampoo 2 times per week[Friday
and Monday] Since, ancient times, ritha has been used
for hair treatment.
Due to side effects of chemical shampoos, the relevance of soapnuts is again gaining
Washing with ritha provides shining and silky hair.
It is used as important components in soaps and shampoos for hair wash.
Using reetha as a hair Shampoo is economical and giving gentler effects to your hair.
The Reetha liquid makes your hair shinier and softer.
It is anti-bacterial and anti-fungal in nature and keeps your scalp free from dandruff and
prevents hair loss.
It shows no side-effects in spite of using it daily that is not with chemical shampoo.
Use natural shampoo 1 or 2 times per week.
Do you want to know the process to make natural shampoo?
See the video link in the description.
Water Fasting for 17 Hours[TH day 6PM to Friday 11AM
Fasting is very beneficial to health including reducing stress and depression.Stress and
depression are related to hair loss.I will discuss this topics in a different video.
A detoxification process also occurs, because any toxins stored in the body's fat are
dissolved and removed from the body.After a few days of fasting higher levels of endorphins
which are known as feel good hormone are produced in the blood which can have a positive impact
on mental well being Some advice to follow Monthly
Use Dermapen or dermaroller every month or every two months[Depending on the condition
of your hair]
Dermapen or dermaroller is only for those who have some bald spot.
Dermaroller is not required if you are at the primary level of hair loss.
Do you want to know more about derma roller?
Please see video link on the description.
I spend a lot of time managing the hair and I do it.
it's my routine.
I enjoy doing what makes me feel good.
it's not right for everybody.
It's not right for most people.
You have got to find the routine that works for you and then execute it consistently
Follow this lifestyle until you see full regrowth.
Don't expect any magic that will regrow your hair overnight.
Natural treatment takes time.
But it's the permanent solution.
The result may vary man to man.
Everybody is different.
So, everybody will not see the result in the same way.
Some people may see result quickly and some people's body may take more time.
But everybody must see the difference after few months.
If you see weight gain after following my diet; then reduce eating rice.But eat lots
of vegetables.
Don't worry if you can't perform any treatment for one or two days.
I always try to maintain this routine.But, I also fail to follow this lifestyle some
You can rearrange some treatments.
For example, you can perform scalp exercise in a different time in your day when you are
free.But, exercise duration should not be changed.
If you have any question about hair loss, ask me anything in the comment section.
You may also follow my facebook page.
Subscribe the channel for more videos.
Share the video with the people suffering from hair loss.
Let them know that there is a solution.
There is hope.
Thank you.
Are you a nervous flyer? Therapy dogs now available at Bradley International Airport - Duration: 0:42.
Sermon Clip: "There may be a time when the invitation stops for you." - Duration: 1:37.
Here's the reality,
if in the last few months, even as we've gone through this series or whatever,
you felt any kind of tug on your life, on your soul,
on your heart, on your mind to go,
"okay, I need to believe in this."
This doesn't get to be your own timeline,
because there may come a time,
listen to me, think about what this story is saying,
there may come a time where the invitation stops for you.
you don't get to do this -
if I make you a meal,
this week with my kids, I made them dinner
and then I yelled up to them and I said,
"hey guys! Time for dinner!"
What do they get to say?
"Hey, I'll come down when I'm ready!"
They know that ain't going to happen.
"Hey dad, thanks for making that great dinner."
"I'll be down in a week."
"I'll consider what you're offering me for a month or so,"
"The pros, the cons,"
"Then I might show up."
And when they show up,
Food's done.
It's garbage, it's rotted,
I'm not inviting them down a week from now.
I'm inviting them down now.
And if you feel any kind of, "man I've started questioning my questions,"
"I've started doubting my doubts,"
"I've started to think maybe Jesus really is"
"the person in the marketplace of ideas and worldviews and people and history,"
don't assume to yourself that you're going to have next week,
or next month, that you're going to actually care about this stuff.
The thing is, you gotta go,
"the meal is being offered to me right now."
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