Heal your dental cavities naturally once the dental enamel and dentin becomes
affected by tooth decay caused by the proliferation of bacteria on and between
the teeth a cavity or hole begins to form teeth or a multi-layered heart and
the tissue buried in the gums dental cavities can be potentially improved
through home remedies such as dietary changes most importantly proper oral
hygiene and regular dental care can prevent most cavities in the first place
prevent your cavities naturally by following these simple remedies brush
your teeth regularly you should brush your teeth at least twice a day ideally
you should brush your teeth 15 to 20 minutes after heating keep the
toothbrush at a 45 degree angle to your gums and gently move the toothbrush back
and forth in short strokes make sure your brush the inner outer and chewing
surfaces of the teeth don't forget to brush your tongue as the tongue can also
carry bacteria and food particles use a soft toothbrush your teeth can be
damaged by brushing too hard are using toothbrushes with hard bristles you
should replace your toothbrush every two to three months leave the toothpaste in
your mouth without rinsing spit out the extra foam
but don't rinse your mouth out with water you want to give the minerals in
the toothpaste some time to be absorbed onto your teeth
if your teeth are sensitive use toothpaste for sensitive teeth this can
also help reduce gum inflammation reduce your intake of carbohydrates
cavity-causing bacteria need carbohydrates and sugar to survive they
turn that food into acid which weakens the teeth limit your intake of carbs and
sugar so that the bacteria do not have anything on feed on you should also
avoid soda and any other sweetened drinks because these four
tend to contain a lot of added sugar in addition sodas are very acidic and can
damage the enamel on your teeth when you do Intel in carbohydrates or sugar be
sure to brush your teeth afterwards to clean them off which can stick to your
teeth and has in the development of decayed oil pulling oil has the ability
to cut right through plaque and get to the surface of your teeth coconut oil is
most effective at attacking bacteria which causes cavities it is also rich in
medium chain triglycerides and high in oleic acid oil pulling is believed to
strengthen teeth by disposing toxins by reversing the flow and by pulling
bacteria out of the teeth not only does this fight cavities but it whitens teeth
sweetens the breathe combats genitive ities and improves the
health of your gums clove oil cloves or an ant scent remedy for oral infection
issues and with damaged or decaying teeth a strong antiseptic antimicrobial
and antifungal agent of clove oil helps to cleans the oral cavity and also it
helps to repair receding gums and other damage in the oral tissues if used
frequently it can effectively stop a bacterial infection to combat an acne
tooth you can apply 2 or 3 drops of clove to a cotton ball place the cotton
ball on your painful tooth by down to hold the cotton ball in place after 15
minutes you should feel a reduction in pain and can remove the cotton ball
repeat this process daily for effective results thank you for watching this
video like and subscribe for more videos
For more infomation >> How to Treat and Prevent Cavities in Tooth - Duration: 4:05.-------------------------------------------
Receiving Cards - Thinking of You Week - TGCP Special - Duration: 2:40.
Welcome back to The Greeting Card Project and this special episode on receiving cards
particularly Thinking Of You Week cards You might have seen my
Thinking of you Week episode a few weeks ago where I sent cards to my friends
from a yoga retreat that I did in Ibiza a couple of months back.
I actually had some replies from them, which I haven't had a chance to
show on the project and I thought this would be a good opportunity
to do that and I had a couple of other cards that I received as well during that week.
So we'll get started... This first one I received from my friends
over at Pabaku. They sent me a thank you for all the work I do with
the Ladder Club and the help I've given them with their business.
I also had another card along similar lines from Jakki Brown at Progressive Greetings
This card is published by Redback cards and she said thank you for the
contribution that I do in our community helping other businesses
which is really sweet of her.
I also have this really nice card from one of my friends from my retreat. I think it means
"happiness is continuing to desire things that you already have"
It's a really lovely card from my friend Renate.
It's published by Kiub Edition in France.
I really love it and I've had it on my fridge ever since as nice reminder.
I also got this really lovely card from my friend Zoe. It's published by Icon
She said that the card that I sent really made all the difference to her.
She really loved the kind words inside. It was just what she needed at the time,
which is really lovely to hear.
This is an amazing card from my friend Gisele from the group.
She lives in Thailand, so she got me a handmade card.
Made in Thailand with this handmade paper. These bits are all stuck on by hand.
I think this is an actual leaf even with a jewel and everything.
She's written some really lovely words inside. It's really special.
This last one is pretty cool. Check this out. It's a pop-up card
It's from my friend Laeticia from the group and she's written some really
lovely words inside as well so that's really special.
The Project has very much been about sending cards this year,
rather than sending to receive cards. I'm not a big believer in that.
I think you've got to choose to send those gifts out into the world and
not worry about whether people reply.
Having said all of that, it is so lovely to get a card coming through the door
I've enjoyed receiving each and every one of these.
So I'm eternally grateful to my friends.
Do you think about sending cards if you don't send that many at the moment
It really can light up someone's day. These definitely lit up mine.
Thank you very much to all my friends.
I'll see you again in the next episode. Cheers!
Natural Remedies To Get Rid Of Herpes! Here's What You Need To Do! - Duration: 2:16.
OUR WEBSITE : http://justhealthrelated.com/
Natural Remedies To Get Rid Of Herpes!
Here's What You Need To Do!
We all know that herpes is an infection, caused by the herpes simplex virus.
We can notice it through little red, swelled and liquid-filled blisters near the mouth,
lips, eyes and genitals.
In this article we are going to show you several natural solutions which will help you eliminate
the herpes permanently.
Garlic has antibacterial and antimicrobial homes.
It includes substance known as allicin and ajoene which assist kill a host of germs,
viruses and parasites which cause the herpes infection.
To prepare the solution you will have to put 1 teaspoon of minced garlic and 1 teaspoon
of honey in a bowel.
Mix it well.
Take in the mixture and hold it in your mouth as long as possible.
Then swallow it.
Do this every day for about one month.
Lemon Balm
This balm has flavonoids, phenolic acid and rasmarinic acid that help the healing of the
It is exceptionally effective in treating herpes infections.
First of all, you should prepare a lemon balm tea and the soak a cotton ball in it.
Use the balm straight on the blisters.
You can also add 3 ml of lemon balm in water and mix it well.
Drink the solution twice a day.
Essential oils
You may use clove oil, tea tree oil and myrrh oil for treating herpes.
The best natural solution for herpes is tea tree oil.
It contains antiviral and antibacterial properties and is really helpful for skin problems.
You need to apply two drops from this oil 3 times a day to the areas with blisters and
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar has disinfectant, astringent and anti-inflammatory properties.
It has a numerous of benefits for our health and one of them is fighting the herpes simplex
Dip a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and then apply it on the affected area.
Repeat this three times a day.
You can also mix apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and consume it in the morning
after breakfast.
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3 Ways to Find a Mentor When You Lack Connections - Duration: 3:14.
- A couple of days ago, I was on a call with this guy
who came in through LinkedIn
and it was great, we talked for about five, six minutes.
At the end of the call though,
he asked if I would be his mentor.
And while I hate the term mentor,
there are people out there, obviously,
that know more than you do.
It's good to acknowledge them
and it's also good to use them for advice,
use them for connections,
use them for personal relationships.
I still have people I look up to,
I still have people in my life
and so in this video, I wanna go through
three ways to get a mentor.
Number one is bosses.
One of the biggest ones is Dom Tancredi,
he's the CEO of Dom & Tom.
He's helped a lot in terms of becoming a client
and vouching for Experiment 27 in the early days,
and the way that I found him was I worked for him.
So your bosses, especially if you're working for somebody
that you look up to or could see yourself looking up to,
they could become a good source of mentorship,
even after you leave the job.
It's all the more reason not to insult them when you quit.
The second way to find a mentor is to hire them.
Another one of my mentors, and I've mentioned this guy
maybe a dozen times already, Neville Medhora,
I found him through AppSumo, random site,
hired him for a hundred dollars
and eventually paid him more as copyright
and consults and stuff, but now I consider him a mentor,
I send him info, we talk about stuff like that,
and it's been a valuable relationship
that started with that monetary transaction.
And it was actually the same, while I don't consider
this guy a mentor because I don't believe in mentorship,
it is somebody I look up to,
Noah Kagan, as well from AppSumo.
I met him when I bought a ticket to his conference.
So sometimes if there's somebody you look up to
and they're running a conference
or they're speaking somewhere, it's worth getting a ticket.
That's was how I met Steli Efti as well from Close.io.
I got a free ticket to Growth Marketing Conference,
which is worth checking out,
and sat there and talked to him before he went on the stage.
And that's how the relationship starts building,
so however you need to get in front of the people
that you look up to, whether it's working for them
or paying them to talk to you,
it's worth it in the end if you want to find a mentor.
The final way, number three, is to interview them.
So we do this weekly podcast,
the Digital Agency Marketing Podcast
where I've interviewed a bunch of people, Rand Fishkin,
lot of different people that I look up to.
We just had an interview with Tim Schmoyer
who runs this channel called Video Creators,
which that interview will go live in a few weeks,
but we talked a lot about YouTube marketing,
we talked about his personal life,
and it's such a good way to connect with potential mentors.
If you're wondering also how to book these interviews,
how do we get all these high-class interviews,
here's the actual email script we used to book Tim Schmoyer.
It was three or four emails deep with his assistant
and if you want to pause this video, run through it,
and pull some of this to see
if you can get some of these mentors yourself.
Question for you, who do you look up to as a mentor,
whether they're an influencer or not?
Leave them down the comments and tell me one thing
that you learned from them.
Would love to know.
Be sure to like this video if you want to see me
make more content like this, subscribe for more of these,
and if you need marketing support for your digital agency,
check out experiment27.com.
How to Meet Like-minded People - Duration: 2:05.
How to apply for a graduate programme - Duration: 2:19.
Beautiful Warehouse Meka Pop Up Shipping Container Home - Duration: 2:59.
【#010】11月11日は日本で何の日? ~What is the day on 11th of November in Japan?~※with English subtitles - Duration: 7:34.
Hey guys! It's Misaki!
Do you know what the day on 11th of November in Japan is?
Here in Japan, we called it Pocky day.
This is a Japanese chocolate snack called Pocky.
Let me explain why November 11th is called the "Pocky day".
As you can see in this package, Pocky is a stick-shaped chocolate snack. When you line four Pocky up, they look like 1111(November 11th).
So November 11th is called "Pocky day"
Actually we don't really celebrate anything in particular on this day, we just eat Pocky on the Pocky day.
When I was a university student, my professor bought many packs of Pocky and he gave them to us. I sometimes exchange the Pocky with my friends.
Pocky has a variety of flavors like this strawberry one.
It has different kinds of thickness, like the thicker ones and the thinner ones, and it sometimes has seasonal flavors too.
Today I'm going to have this one!
I think it was about 100 yen.
There are two packs of Pocky here.
Pulling open like this...
This is Pocky!
Let me make 1111(November 11th)!
Okay, let's eat!
Hmmm, yum…!
The top part is coated with chocolate but the bottom bit isn't, so you can hold it here and enjoy the Pocky.
This bag has about 20 Pocky sticks.
Next I'm going to open the strawberry Pocky!
This package is very cute and as this says, this stick is heart-shaped.
I think this is also about 100 yen.
If you get it in convenience store, it's about 130 yen.
Let's open!
This is so cute! Look at this heart shape!
This chocolate not only has a nice strawberry flavor but you can also taste the strawberry's seeds.
Let's eat.
Actually I don't like seasonal flavors that much but this strawberry one is really good!
I haven't had this one for a long time so it feels good having it again.
The Japanese snack company "Guriko" sells Pocky and I think about 10 years ago, it also established the Pocky day because it wanted us to buy and eat more Pocky.
So it is not exactly a Japanese culture but it's like a trend recently.
So far I've introduced the Japanese chocolate snack "Pocky". Actually, one of my friends went to America a month ago and he bought this Nutella to me. So I'm gonna try it out now!
Actually you can find this one in convenience stores in Japan. When I studied abroad in Canada, I've seen it so many times, but I've never tried it.
I want to try this snack on Pocky day because it is also stick-shaped.
Let's open!
You can dip the stick in the Nutella.
This color is like chocolate… But some friends told me this is not chocolate...
It has a nutty taste.
Before I took this video, I've just talked with an American friend and he told me that the name "Nutella" comes from "Nuts".
I'm not sure though...
It's delicious! I want to buy a tub of Nutella.
I've talked about Pocky day today.
If you're in Japan on 11th of November, try having Pocky too!
Of course, if it's not on 11th of November, you can still try it out!
If you like my channel, please subscribe it! Don't forget to give me a Like if you enjoy my videos!
Thanks and See you guys again!!
Gardenscapes Level 167 - How to complete Level 167 on Gardenscapes - Duration: 3:29.
Gardenscapes Level 167 - How to complete Level 167 on Gardenscapes
How to complete Level 167 on Gardenscapes
Gardenscapes Level 167
Gardenscapes how to complete level 167
Gardenscapes beat level 167
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