What's up YouTube hey just want to let you guys know the movers came
house is
Md now kiddo, and I are staying the night another night tonight
And we are turning in the keys tomorrow
And then after that we're going to my dad's house and we're staying with him until we get our plane tickets
Which should hopefully be soon?
You know it's gonna be fun
Finally done get to relax a little bit and
Enjoy tonight an empty house with a mattress and a toddler and a laptop so this will be fun
Let's go, I'm good. I should be getting back to making more adventurous videos soon
Just like I said these past couple days has been rather
Chaotic and busy, so thank you guys for being patient with me and understanding, and I hope you're enjoying these updates
And we should be like I said to getting
Into Italy soon so this is gonna this channels gonna pick up a lot here soon. All right cool well
I hope you guys have a great night
kid and I are gonna kind of chill out and relax after the past you know three to four chaotic days and
I will see you guys tomorrow
Have a good ones day night
For more infomation >> Empty house and a long day - Duration: 1:31.-------------------------------------------
Jay King Turquoise Bead Adjustable 241/2" Necklace - Duration: 4:10.
Hibernate Tip: How to escape table and column names - Duration: 2:22.
I'm Thorben Janssen from thoughts-on-java.org with a new Hibernate Tip.
Did you ever had the situation that the name of your entity or attribute
was a reserverd word in SQL?
One of my readers had this situation with his Order entity
and Hibernate tried to map it to the order table.
That, of course, failed with an SQLGrammarExceptions
and he was wondering if there is
any other solution then renaming his domain object.
You can avoid the exception with a delimited identifier.
You just need to set the table name
with a Table annotation
and enclose it in double quotes.
Hibernate, and all other JPA implementations
will then use the delimited identifier in all generated SQL statements.
And please keep in mind that you need to use the same approach
in all native SQL queries
and that it might have a negative effect on the readability of your SQL statement.
You can not only use this approach with the Table annotation.
It's also supported by all other JPA annotations
that allow you to define a database identifier.
You can see them here on the slide.
OK, that's it for today.
If you want to learn more about Hibernate,
you should join the free Thoughts on Java Library.
It gives you free access to a lot of member-only content
like an ebook about the Java 8 support in Hibernate,
a printable PDF version of this Hibernate Tip,
lots of cheat sheets and a video course.
I'll add the link to it to the video description below.
See you next week for a new Hibernate Tip
and if you like today's video,
please give it thumbs up and subscribe below.
jailbreak ios 11 ❗ ios 11 jailbreak | jailbreak ios 10.3.3 ❗ jailbreak ios 10.3.2 💯 - Duration: 4:40.
jailbreak ios 11 ❗ ios 11 jailbreak | jailbreak ios 10.3.3 ❗ jailbreak ios 10.3.2 💯
jailbreak ios 11 ❗ ios 11 jailbreak | jailbreak ios 10.3.3 ❗ jailbreak ios 10.3.2 💯
jailbreak ios 11 ❗ ios 11 jailbreak | jailbreak ios 10.3.3 ❗ jailbreak ios 10.3.2 💯
Wonder l What's On Movie Review l ACCTV - Duration: 2:16.
- That kid sounds like a real jerk.
If somebody pushes you, you push back,
don't be afraid of anyone.
- Why are we whispering?
- Because I'm afraid of mom.
(electronica rock music)
- So it's Jack Will
because he learns to stands up for his friends.
- "Who is it that I aspire to be?"
That is the question we should be asking ourselves
all the time.
- [Child] Hey Jack, come sit here.
- In a sec.
- What made it great was because
it showed you don't always have to be cool
or right, you just have to be kind.
- Okay, so, who wants to read this month's precept?
- [Children] Me! Me! Me!
- What about you?
What's your name?
- Summer.
- Summer.
Wanna give it a shot?
- When given the choice
of being right or being kind,
choose kind.
(bell rings)
- Well, I think parents will enjoy that
when he has to stand up for himself,
and he has to show people that
he doesn't care what they think.
- Two rules.
First, only raise your hand once a class,
no matter how many answers you know.
- Check.
- Second,
you're gonna feel like you're all alone, Auggie,
but you're not.
- Check.
- Should we lose this?
Come on, costumes are for Halloween.
Prepare for blastoff.
- That it's about being kind
and not caring what people look like.
It's what they are on the inside.
- Hi.
- You don't have to do this.
- I don't know what you're talking about Auggie.
- You don't have to pretend is all I'm saying.
- Auggie!
- Okay, I'm really sorry.
Why are you sitting here then?
- Because I want some nice friends for a change.
- Me, too.
- I think it was when
Auggie said to Auggie's mum,
when he was crying in his room,
he said,
"You have to say that
just because you are my mum."
- [Isabel] You are not ugly, Auggie.
- You just have to say that
because you're my mom.
- Because I'm your mom,
it counts the most
because I know you the most.
(electronic rock music)
Burpees are a great exercise not punishment - How to start - Duration: 1:24.
burpees don't run away don't be afraid because there really is nothing to be afraid of
all you have to realize is that you can do it if you modified things so by the
end of this video that is what I want you to realize at level one all you've
got to do is a squat and a mountain climber and I reckon the best way to go
is to try with a wider stance with your feet so that you can gain a little bit more
depth in your squat and get your hands to the ground more easily
and when you want to raise the intensity level then all you have to do is turn
the mountain climber into a squat trust
and then the last level is really where most people will end up going to is just
add in a jump squat instead of a standard squat and that should be enough
to raise the intensity of any workout so that's it
remember burpees aren't a punishment they're just a great exercise so don't
forget like share and subscribe but also more importantly get practicing
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