For more infomation >> 3 DANGEROUS Android Apps YOU ARE USING (Uninstall them) - Wasting Your Time - Fake Apps - Duration: 12:04.
🏋🏼 Learn English Words: ONEROUS - Meaning, Vocabulary with Pictures and Examples - Duration: 1:06.
Onerous involving great effort and difficulty
Handling security in a busy nightclub can be an onerous job.
While the assignment seems simple, in reality, it is quite onerous.
When Jack agreed to help his father cut the grass, he did not realize the chore would
be so onerous.
Despite his rigid training, the athlete was unprepared to handle the onerous terrain.
What can I do to make the move less onerous for you?
Onerous involving great effort and difficulty
Onerous involving great effort and difficulty
Onerous involving great effort and difficulty
Mom Devastated After Twins Die. 3 Months Later Doctor Gives News That Has Her 'Dumbfounded' - Duration: 2:21.
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Mom Devastated After Twins Die. 3 Months Later Doctor Gives News That Has Her 'Dumbfounded'
It takes time, love, and a lot of preparation to have a baby.
There's so much to do!
The nursery must be perfect.
Do you know if you're having a boy or girl or do you want to be surprised when the baby
What color do you paint the room?
You'll need plenty of bottles, not to mention diapers.
Swaddling blankets and burping bibs too.
Rattles and pacifiers, a sturdy crib, maybe some formula.
And what if you are having twins?
You'll need double the supply of everything!
In 2015, Nick and Angel, a couple from the United Kingdom, learned they were expecting
twins – a boy and a girl.
They excitedly prepared for the arrival of their little ones.
The twins, Annabelle and Blake, showed up sooner than expected at 22 weeks.
Their parents were overjoyed, but their happiness quickly turned to sorrow.
Because they had come so prematurely, Blake and Annabelle were too tiny to survive.
Sadly, they passed away soon after their birth.
Angel didn't know how she'd go on.
These were her babies, her sweet children she had wanted so badly.
Why would God take away such a precious gift?
Little did Nick and Angel know that as they grieved God had another miracle in store for
Just three months after losing Annabelle and Blake, Angel discovered she was pregnant once
The couple was surprised by the pregnancy, but what stunned Angel and Nick even more
was that they discovered they were yet again expecting twins – another boy and girl.
I'd be anxious if I were in their shoes – they'd already been through this before.
But the couple from County Durham took this pregnancy in stride.
In August 2016, Angel gave birth to Ava Annabelle and Mason Blake.
Thankfully, Ava and Mason were healthy and hearty.
It wasn't lost on Angel and Nick that God gave them another precious gift.
The twins' middle names were given to them to honor and remember the siblings they'll
never meet.
We don't always know why things happen the way they do, but Angel and Nick plan to cherish
the twins they have here on earth and never forget the ones they have in heaven.
Can you escape the 100 rooms 1 tutorial - level 3 - Duration: 1:31.
Cake Pop Finger Family Collection for Colors| Top 5 Finger Family Collection | Finger Family Songs - Duration: 4:05.
Cake Pop Finger Family Collection for Colors| Top 5 Finger Family Collection | Finger Family Songs Lyrics: Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you? Here I am, here I am. How do you do? Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you? Here I am, here I am. How do you do? Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you? Here I am, here I am. How do you do? Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you? Here I am, here I am. How do you do? Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you? Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
🤷🏼 Learn English Words: APATHETIC - Meaning, Vocabulary with Pictures and Examples - Duration: 1:12.
Apathetic having little or no interest or concern
Because Jane was apathetic about completing her schoolwork, she did not graduate on time.
Although James was apathetic about his classes, he loved playing football.
The apathetic men were unwilling to do anything to save their families from the kidnappers.
After seeing so much violence in their neighborhood, the citizens had become apathetic.
How can you be so apathetic about the war when people are dying in battle every minute?
Apathetic having little or no interest or concern
Apathetic having little or no interest or concern
Apathetic having little or no interest or concern
Stepping out in faith- not easy but worth it! - Duration: 8:58.
it won't be easy but I can promise you it will be worth it coming up next
hey everyone welcome to Wednesday's with crystal I'm crystal Sparks it is the
week after Thanksgiving I hope you had a great time with your family and your
friends and wherever this video finds you I'm so glad that you are here on my
channel every week on Wednesday I put out a new video and my whole channels
goal is this one thing is to help grow your faith and to help equip you to
accomplish your dreams and your goals hey so I want to talk to you today it's
not always gonna be easy but I can promise you it will always be worth it
you know every time that I've done something big for God it's never been
easy in fact I will tell you this at the moment that I say yes it's like
everything goes crazy and I start to question myself
you think about Peter whenever Jesus beckons him to come out on the water it
says that the very minute his feet hit the water he began to look at the wind
in the waves it's like he thought well goodness if I step out to walk on water
to Jesus then that must mean that the circumstance is going to get better but
I found that often our circumstances are gonna go in the opposite direction of
where God's taking us why the enemy is always gonna use what's around us to try
to keep us from where God's taking us you know whenever I first got asked to
speak I remember I was absolutely terrified I was so scared and I stood up
there that first time and I remember I opened up my mouth and I didn't even
know if words we're gonna come out I was so scared and you know what happened
right after it doesn't speak in that first time I got my next invite to
preach and you know what the next time it was just as scary and I think
sometimes we think if God's called us to it then the beers gonna go away that
it's gonna get easier and although I will say that said some things do get
easier with time I don't think that it ever gets easy necessarily there's
always gonna be circumstances there's always gonna be things and it's not
always gonna be easy but God's promises in his word that it will always be worth
it you know I love reading Paul's letters in the New Testament and I love
that he writes here in 2nd Corinthians chapter 11 verse 25 he says three times
I was beaten with rods once I was stoned and he's not talking about drugs
he says three times I suffered shipwreck a night and day I have been in the deep
and what I think is interesting here is Paul's letting the people know I've done
a lot of great things for God but it's not because my life was easy it's not
because I'm less busy than anybody else it wasn't because everything was handed
to me on a silver platter I remember there was one time I was
talking to a lady after church and she said you know there's so much I would do
for God but my life is just so busy I don't have time and I thought about this
and I thought how easy it is for us to buy into the sly because for some reason
in our mind we think the people that do great things for God must not be very
busy they must have not have both schedules like I have they must not have
big agendas with lots to do in kids and sports no the truth is they're just as
busy as you in fact I would say they're probably busier but they've made this
one determination is that God's gonna do something beautiful with their life and
they understand that it might not be easy to serve every Sunday it might not
be easy to give time to your local community it might not be easy but
they've decided this it will always be worth it so many times in our lives we
feel like everything in our world has to line up before we step out and do it but
the truth is that it's called a step of faith because it's going to defy logic
if it didn't defy logic it would say a step of common sense right it doesn't
take faith to walk across your house from the living room to the kitchen why
because you know logically there's nothing there that will hurt you it's a
step of faith when you know that the circumstances are adverse and that you
could be overcome pause letting us know here that he's
gone through some really big difficulties he says three times he
suffered a shipwreck what I think is interesting is that the Bible really
only tells us about one and that's in the book of Acts it tells us about how
he was shipwrecked but just think about this Paul lets us know three times he
was shipwrecked and yet he survived this would be the same as us getting on three
separate planes that all went down and yet we live I mean that is some really
big adversity he says a night and a day I've
spent in a deep the phrase there in the deep is the Greek word basis and that
word basically means in the deepest of the part of the sea so in other words
he's saying I was in a place where it seemed like there was absolutely no hope
and I wasn't there just for a moment but he says I was there for an entire night
an entire day in other words I was in a place where I was completely forgotten
by man it looked like my situation was going to take me under there was no
light to be found and yet God still found him he said in
other words I've gone through really unlucky breaks I've gone through times
of being in the darkness and feeling like nobody's gonna be able to find me
and yet God still knew how to make something great come out of my not good
see Paul's letting us know it even a 24-hour period treading water and the
deepest darkest place of the sea could not make the enemy forfeit the good
things that God has and I want to tell you in your own life that yes it may be
hard but you know what it is always gonna be worth it don't quit when times
get hard in fact when times get hard you've got to begin to have a greater
determination than ever before you know when I pick up my Bible and I read so
much of it about from Paul in the New Testament I think what would have
happened if Paul would have quit what would it happen if on the first
shipwreck he thought well I guess it's just not worth it and we would have
never had Romans if you thought well I guess there's just no hope for me we
would have never had first and second Corinthians if you would have said well
I guess it's just too hard then we wouldn't have Ephesians I want to tell
you that your life is leaving a story for other people to read and if you quit
what are they gonna pick up whose story are they gonna pick up to tell them that
they can make it whose story is it that's gonna inspire them to keep
fighting for their dreams friend let me tell you it's so much more than just
about you see Paul had a determination on the inside because he knew that it
might not be easy but he knew in the end that
God was gonna make it all worth it I want to announce this over you that you
are not defeated other people may have dropped out of sight and they didn't
survive you know Paul didn't talk about any of
the other people that parish in those shipwrecks he just kept his eyes focused
on Jesus and the same is true for you maybe you started after your goals and
two seemed like tons of people were going with you you had a group of people
they were all determined and now it seems like one after another they're
dropping off but Fran let me just tell you I want to announce over you that you
just keep keep keep your eyes on Jesus and that I'll tell you this that the
greatest and get back on the enemy that you can have is to keep fighting to keep
pressing to not give up when times get hard God's power has enabled you to
overcome this far and he's not going to let you down now yes it may be hard but
I can tell you at the end of this it will be worth it so hey did you get
something out of that video today I hope you did I love spending time with you
every single week let's be like Paul let's be able to say at the end of our
life yeah we've been through a lot of hard times but this one thing we know to
be true that it was worth it hey thank you so much for watching if you'll do me
a favor be sure and subscribe give this video a thumbs up and hey if you didn't
already know I just released my book and if you haven't already gotten a copy I
would love for you to get it and the book is called happily even after and
it's about a living life on the other side of insecurity it has been so
amazing here all the incredible testimonies have been coming in about
people's lives being changed through this book and I would love to be able to
share that with you I have the link down below to the Amazon store I would love
for you to get one get a copy for you and a girlfriend I actually wrote this
in a great way where you can grab a group of friends together and go through
it week by week for six weeks and you guys all overcome insecurity together
it's a really great way to begin to grow together in Christ and with each other
so hey thank you so much for watching share this video with your friends and
family and let's do something awesome for got this week
Dream Big or Dream Pig? - Duration: 2:38.
Hello! Ingrid's Ingredients. Today we're gonna talk about
Dream big or dream pig.
I watched a video and felt shocked,
very surprised and also happy for this great woman.
And I also forwarded her video to people I know.
The video is about a 94 years old woman who went skydiving
because she thought, she has to live in the moment
I especially admire her courage when she wanna jump outside of her world.
Do you know how tough her decision was?
Think about it,
Do you also date to try something very exciting?
let me explain my question:
Did you have any dreams 10 years ago?
And now, how's the dream?
Or did you always make wishes on your birthday,
but have no results year by year.
My dear, look at this great maiden, she feared nothing
and made a huge jump on her 94th birthday.
How cool she is!
We always say "I'm gonna do something, after bla bla"
So, Gary V told his audience and readers, over and over again
"get rid of 'gonna', you're going to die"
That's right!
Life is too short to use "gonna", just do it!
Make your wishes become true.
Although teachers told us
"don't do impulsive things"
but sometimes being overly careful just means you dare not try
you dare not do something big for yourself.
Life has no miracles.
Every historic record was
created and broken by people, so you know, you can dream big
How about setting a target
but do nothing all year long.
That's dream pig!
If you can choose to dream BIG
Why do you dream Pig?
Let's get up.
Cheer up!
Dream big instead of dreaming pig.
Let's have a dream. And time to say cheers.
I also have to cook you know.
See me next time. Bye, bye!
REBELLION - AFTERVLOG #105 - Duration: 13:47.
Welcome at my new video
It's Saturday
And today we take you
Very excited. Honestly, I didn't focus really good at this party
I don't know what I can expect of it
Imara has been there before
I'm driving to her so I'll see you later
We're in the car
- On our way to Rebellion
We're driving to the bus
to Haaren
And I'm very curious because I've never been to Rebellion
You are right?
- Yes!
This is my favorite song by the way
- Song? Track!
My favorite track!
Like last week
It's amazing!
- It's Gold!
Look what they gonna do!
I can't take you serious right now
Isn't she beautiful? Thumbs up
I'm closing the vlog right now
Last Saturday was Rebellion
It was a small party
so it was really different because we went to Qlimax last week
But we had a great time
The visitors, the crowd
or how do you call it?
Everyone was really dedicated
And you see it in my video
The best acts were
Phuture Noize and Sub Zero Project
They played the best sets
And who I liked more?
Warface and Killshot!
By the way, I want to say I'm sorry for the sound
The bass is really hard on my video
I can't do anything about it
I can't get a extern microphone
So I'm sorry!
I hope you liked this video!
Don't forget to like and subscribe
And thank you so much for all the views and likes
and comments on my Qlimax video
Very nice!
I just wanted to say that
Saturday we're going to Reactivate
So I'm going to take you
So thank you boys and girls
See you soon!
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