দজবঙ্গ কি ? ও তার সমাধান! What is Dabangong ? And its solution
For more infomation >> দজবঙ্গ কি ? ও তার সমাধান! What is Dabangong ? And its solution - Duration: 4:32.
Music Playing: Y&V Lune [NCS Release] - NCS Music is free to use for independent Creators and their UGC (User Generated Content) on YouTube & Twitch
why are you overacting? you are over acting too much! Fake!
F A K E, Fake fake fake
I think I need to give a lesson to some people about overacting and what it means
what is overacting? act a role in an exaggerated manner that means
exaggerate when acting.
asking me or telling me 'why are you overacting?' is just like
asking an actor 'why are you acting?' when he is acting
my name is Shankhar! (Hey brother!)
why are you acting? why?
for friends. (but why are you acting?)
why? (slaps)
so please I know I overact
I am doing it on purpose
I'm doing it yes!
I know I'm overacting so I just let it be
God please, come down once, please!
people without brains needs some treatment!
i'm sure you know by know what this video is about by looking at the title so I'm
just gonna go ahead and unbox this
are we ready are we ready for this? let's start
(opening the box)
on oh oh oh got a card too, it's the internet security
bull card
okay this is not the best part this is the best part guys. I feel like
it's Christmas today
this is 17 inch gaming laptop let's unbox this product
I need a knife. My friend! I'm here! (camera man: okay)
do you like my sandal by the way? This is
from my Bartamanda! Swag, this is called swag brother
happy birthday to you happy birthday to you (my friend) happy (it's not my) birth day
it's not my birthday man. (oh okay)
whose birthday is it then?
it's everyone's birthday! yay!
okay so let's get it out
whoa guys look at this just look at this sexy beast
right here look at this man by the way it's not my birthday
and it's not Christmas present
I bought this because it's something I really need
(Black Friday) also Black Friday thank you very much cameraman yeah I
Hey did you buy this with your YouTube money?
You can say that (laughs)
thank you so much for that question that was a very lovely question so we got the
charger looks good, and it's guidebook and this is, this is the screen wiper
I am excited I am excited and this is the charger's
plug, lets charge this and turn it on
Music Playing: Y&V Lune [NCS Release] - NCS Music is free to use for independent Creators and their UGC (User Generated Content) on YouTube & Twitch
okay now so we're gonna go ahead and set this up Wow
what's feels so smooth, choose English united kingdom, next
I'm already liking this gaming laptop I like the feel, and the track pad is soft
as well basically the keyboard is quite tough, it's really good
obviously A W S D is highlighted with white
and I can change the color of the keyboard as well to whatever color I want
now there are choices; green blue red and other colors
we will check it out in a bit, I feel great at the moment I feel really good because
like I've been wanting to unbox this since the morning and finally I'm getting
a chance to unbox this and the reason I haven't unboxed this is because
I just wanted to show it to you guys the unboxing video
ok memory okay, It's now updating so while this is updating I'm gonna introduce you
to my friend his name is Ashiq! (Oh hey hi) [Laughs]
so my laptop is updating so after it's done updating we are gonna
review the laptop but at the moment I'm going to introduce you guys
to my good friend Ashiq so basically he does bodybuilding
he participated in June, isn't it in June? (Yes so basically competed
this year on men's physique man and it was my first
time and I got first runner-up yeah it was your first time as well and you did
pretty good first runner off and he's done it first time
so well done for that also Ashiq is more updated on Instagram
at the moment so if you guys want to check out you know bodybuilding tips or healthy
eating tips you guys can follow him that's his Instagram name and I'm gonna
put the link in the description below as well you guys can check him out but for now
Ashiq is gonna show us a little preview of his body so
don't do the press up clap you will end up banging your nose (laughs)
you recording this as well mate?
If you want to show your muscle pumped on a video, you need to do at least 20 press ups at first
Music Playing: Y&V Lune [NCS Release] - NCS Music is free to use for independent Creators and their UGC (User Generated Content) on YouTube & Twitch
okay that was a preview of Ashiqs body now it's time to see my
martial arts skills
okay? you guys ready for this? camera man stand back a little
oh shoot (laughs)
is that for real? are all the lights gone? wait mate
I only touched the lights
I think the main power went down
The main fuse. where is the main switch?
This is the aftermath of my martial arts skills
I got a little bruise on my hand, it felt like I got electrocuted, this light is turned off
because I touched it, all the lights went off
We have turned the main power off, that was my martial arts skills
anyways everything is done updating and setting up
it took a while to update because of the windows ten update and other recommended
It has given me options
for downloading some additional software, I need this winzip
to unzip the files, dash lane I don't know what this is
a soda PDF is the software provided by ASUS i guess, what else do I need?
call of war? what the hello is that a game? I don't know what games these are, I'm not
familiar with these games free antivirus I don't know I don't think I need these
because I have another protection virus software given by ASUS for one year
It's the full version of protection that's why I don't need any other
There are many things I like about this laptop now firstly
you have probably seen the looks of this laptop
The eye at the back lights up as well, I didn't know that before buying this laptop
now this laptop is a high end gaming laptop so it's especially made for gaming now I will probably be using it mostly for
video editing because I'm traveling to Nepal next
year so then I will need a laptop to edit my videos on, obviously when travelling
you want to watch movies or you want to play games on your laptop so
this is perfect for me, and another thing, it's 17 inch so for video editing this laptop is
gonna be amazing, now it's not easy to edit videos on 13 inch 14 inch 15 inch laptops
it's quite difficult because the screen is small, so 17 is a good size maile
So I saw this on a video review, if you press this, gaming center comes up
this software controls this whole laptop, now If I want to
speed up the fan or the keyboard lights
I can do it from here
you can see it here, fan boost, audio control and touch pad
and this is another feature, I can change the colors, let's change it and see how it looks
so this is a different one Wow you see
this is the green one, green blue, oh wow, I can use all colors
so this is a preset, so this breath preset gives that breathing effect
now I don't know which one to go with a let me know
in the comments below, might go with the slow effect
oh! I'm gonna go with this!
I'm gonna use this preset
it has pink
is it purple or pink? I don't know, blue, yellow
green and red
Music Playing: Y&V Lune [NCS Release] - NCS Music is free to use for independent Creators and their UGC (User Generated Content) on YouTube & Twitch
so this is just a random game that I'm playing
we need to create chaos in homes security grid so get to the zone and
defend it
okay I'm gonna show you the full specs of this laptop
so it has given the device information here,
So intel core I5
7300 HQ CPU and the graphics card is NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 gddr5 2 gigabyte
Hard drive is 1 terabyte and the RAM is 8 gigabyte so that's
enough for me
It also has128 gigabyte SSD
It didn't show on the device info but I think I'm gonna be able to like show you guys yeah Maura
okay there's over one terabyte hard drive only 128 gigabyte SSD so that's
enough for me oh this laptop is amazing now when I come to nepal
and when travelling to other countries' It's gonna be easy for me becasue
I can edit videos and upload videos for you guys while I'm away on holiday and
stuff like that because I had another laptop before, you guys probably know that laptop
laptop over from my old videos
Banana laptop
cheaper than iPhone 6, cheaper than iPhone 6 plus
it's even cheaper than TV as well, it's even cheaper than your wifey
anyways let me know what you think about this laptop if you liked it don't forget
is that like and don't forget to subscribe to stay tuned because I don't
want you guys to miss any of my videos and I'll see you later
hey guys if you enjoyed watching this video don't forget to subscribe to stay
updated for more
WhatsApp, you will not need to press your finger to record voice messages - Duration: 2:17.
WhatsApp, you will not need to press your finger to record voice messages
WhatsApp Audio Cramps Caused By WhatsApp Audio? No problem.
The padlock arrives.
(already known to Telegram users).
The most talked about will be particularly pleased with this new launch, launched with the new update for iOS.
It will no longer be necessary to press your finger for the duration of the recording.
Just press on the microphone icon and a padlock will appear high: a small swipe to the last one and the recording will be locked as long as you want.
A more comfortable solution that could bring users, even the least prolific ones, to record longer voice messages.
From the most popular of the chats comes another novelty (always for iOS): that of seeing Youtube videos within the application.
And reproduction should continue even when you switch from one conversation to another.
The users reaction - The news has split in two the Twitter world: Audio lovers on the one hand and others who can not stand them.
There is someone who writes #WhatsApp and the update that allows voice notes without holding down: a small step for man, a big step for logorrhea and Now you can excite yourself and who instead This is called update ! And Turning .
Teen Titans Go Trolls finger family song | Daddy finger Trolls Teen - Duration: 0:53.
Daddy finger, Daddy finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Gardenscapes Level 172 - How to complete Level 172 on Gardenscapes - Duration: 3:39.
Gardenscapes Level 172 - How to complete Level 172 on Gardenscapes
How to complete Level 172 on Gardenscapes
Gardenscapes Level 172
Gardenscapes how to complete level 172
Gardenscapes beat level 172
T-Pain Says You've Been Singing the Lyrics to ''Buy U a Drank'' Wrong This Whole Time - Duration: 1:55.
T-Pain Says You've Been Singing the Lyrics to ''Buy U a Drank'' Wrong This Whole Time
Remember T-Pains hit song, Buy U A Drank? Well, youve been singing it wrong the whole time.
The rapper took to Twitter to clear up confusion surrounding the lyrics in the 2007 song, writing, Its and then not ooh wee but really it's whatever you want it to be. Even when you Google the lyrics to the song, what comes up is: Baby girl, whats your name? / Let me talk to you, let me buy you a drink / Im T-Pain, you know me / Konvict Muzic, Nappy Boy, ooh wee / I know the club close at 3. But it looks like thats all wrong.
Understandably Twitter users were shook when they realized they had been singing the wrong lyrics for the last ten years.
And while he was on the subject, T-Pain added that we have also been botching the song All I Do Is Win, saying, I dont wanna throw another wrench in your childhood but also its Everybody hands go UP..
and they stay there.. AND THEY SAY YEAH sorry..
Twitter fans responded hilariously to the news, many joking about their total surprise over the clarification. Record producer Dillon Francis tweeted his shock, writing to the rapper, listening back ASAP cause now i feel like my life is a lie..
Despite the earth-shaking revelation, the artist reassured his followers that he was just grateful that people still enjoyed the tune. He advised, Just enjoy the song however you hear it.
I just appreciate you listening. #BuyUADrank #THANX. In good humor, he also called out a fellow musician, You singer Lloyd, whose lyrics have been incorrectly sung over the years, telling him, Cough it up homie! 52 or fine too?!.
So, have you been singing the lyrics wrong too? Let us know in the comments below!.
Health misconceptions2 - Duration: 3:53.
Hello and welcome to the world of "Nutrition in the Mind"
I am Elena Rayner-Melnikova and in the second part of this three-part video I'd
like to bring to light another most unhelpful idea that still exists about
health, weight loss diet and healthy eating. The thing is that ideas get under
the skin if they're simply around for long enough, think of the decade of
low-fat diet advice that we still can't quite shrug off. Then the ideas get
wired into the brain so we struggle to simply reject them that's just how
brains work. But to be basking in the success of a healthier life you need to
be doing just that challenging and rethinking ideas and beliefs you have
about health, weight loss diet and healthy eating. But what if you know in
your bones that you've neglected your body in your daily life just by putting
others first, being busy looking after the family, children, and working, so you
put on weight over the last decade. Is eating less and exercises more, or going
on a weight loss diet is the only way to lose weight? This is the second mix-up
that made to my list of the most unhelpful ideas that still exists about health,
weight loss diet and healthy eating that's stuck around for long enough.
When you want to lose weight, do you think right away about cutting down on
food, eating less, or going on a weight loss diet and abiding to a punishing
exercise regime? Isn't the ABC of energy balance, you say? Less energy in more
energy out results in weight loss. Solid logic you can't go wrong with and you
can swear it works. But only to start off with. The initial rapid weight loss
infuses you with confidence that you're on the right track, but in reality turns out a
recipe for failure for the vast majority. Because the weight just returns. What is
neglected here is that your body is not a passive bag of skin for calorie
transformation but an active coordinator directing your caloric intake and
expenditure and, in fact, regulating your body weight long-term. Under calorie
restrictions your body literally fights back for your survival by adjusting
metabolism, bumping hunger hormones and drastically cutting down resting
energy expenditure. So you eat less and you burn less. Dieting is also
so tiring and when your weight loss eventually plateaus, you just give up,
return to familiar old ways of eating and regain weight in a flash. So if
you're like me hungry to live the best life you can make for yourself whatever
your circumstances my tip for you for today is to challenge the beliefs you have
about health, weight loss diet and healthy eating and work with your body
not against it. That's all for now but don't forget to check out the rest of
the episode of this three-part video the top three most unhelpful ideas that
still exist about health, weight loss diet and healthy eating. Take care for now.
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