Hi I'm Lizz Trudeau and I run the membership program for the Drupal Association.
The Association has been part of the Drupal ecosystem for 10 years.
We unite our open-source community around the globe to build and promote Drupal.
I'm talking to you today about putting your best foot forward on Drupal.org.
Make sure you have a user profile on Drupal.org that shares your story.
Tell your Drupal and non-Drupal accomplishments making it easy so that
you can be found by others in the community.
This way you'll get the most out of being part of the Drupal community.
You should also create an organization page on Drupal.org so that you're
showing the community what your organization is doing to contribute to the project and
what services you offer.
Having a membership badge on your Drupal.org profile and your organization page is just
icing on the cake.
I encourage you to become a member because everyone who joins the Association becomes
part of this active group of Drupal contributors who do great things together.
You fund grants and programs to support the community and we all appreciate your help.
Thank you.
For more infomation >> Drupal Association: Lizz Trudeau - Duration: 1:16.-------------------------------------------
✔ HOW OLD ARE YOU?-MIDLIFE CRISIS DATING-DATING IN A MIDLIFE CRISIS-dating in a mid life crisis - Duration: 6:43.
HOW OLD ARE YOU?-MIDLIFE CRISIS DATING-DATING IN A MIDLIFE CRISIS-dating in a mid life crisis-mid life crisis dating
Okay, what a midlife crisis looks like, my midlife crisis.
Well, I am on my way to go have a date. Okay so I finished that date-that was
weeks ago. It wasn't too bad but there definitely seemed to be a lack of
personality again. So I was wondering like maybe somebody's-some of
these guys are just so nervous about dating or something, I don't know, they
don't know what to say or do so I figured I'd give him a chance and I
would go out with him again. So here we are, four dates,four. Nothing spectacular.
Then they get a text message from this guy, who still is lacking personality. I
randomly get this text message from him, he's gonna have a birthday, right, he
says, "I feel I should tell you something. Tomorrow is my birthday and I'm not
turning 51." So I sent two question marks-what do you
mean? Right? So he sends back, "actually plus 11."
Okay, so I send him to more question marks. He says that he informed me of 50 to
"reduce the shock factor."
He said he was actually going to be 62 the following day. So it didn't take me
long. So I responded with something more than question marks and my response to that
was "happy birthday. I only have room in my life for honest people. I wish you
luck in your future."
So I understand, when we get a certain age, we start lying about our ages I mean... Not me,
I didn't. I have never lied about my age. I think maybe it's because I can't
believe how old I am so I have to keep repeating it, I have to say how old I am
or, I mean like, I just don't even know it. Because I'm 50 and I really am 50. So
it's one thing to lie a little bit about your age I guess. I was talking about
this with a girl at work one day and she was like "I could understand a year,
two years, three years" she said "four years is even pushing it." But we
looked at each other and it was like, but more than a decade?!
Really? You thought it would just help to reduce the shock factor? This guy knew
that I have thing for age as far as dating goes. I'm like, I don't know, maybe
I'm too stringent here, maybe I'll get off this, I don't know, but
it's five years younger, five years older. I've got this 10 year span. So that's
probably why he lied to me so in my eyes, I'm like, well then you were being
deceitful to push my boundaries to get me to try to do something that you know
I didn't want to do. So there's that, first of all. Second of all, maybe I do have
this age range-this-this thing for age.
But if somebody's like outside of that age range and
there's a spark or whatever, then there's a spark, I'm not gonna ignore it. And I
think if somebody wants to date me-let's see if we can end up with some
relationship here or whatever. First of all, you need to be honest. Second of all, do
it on your own merit. You're not gonna get it on your own merit if you're
bullshitting or if you're lying. Of course you know at some point that would
have came out. I guess like, you know, I'm happy it came out after 4 dates. Like, not like
the dates were spectacular and not like he had much in the way personality but
like I said, I thought, well, maybe it's me and I would just give it a little time
to get to know the guy and for him to relax and maybe some personality will
come out-because my God! People have to have personality in their mid life? Don't
they? I think I do. All the people I work with will say that I have, all my friends
and family will say that I have. I think! You really can't tell how old somebody
is to look at them especially in this age, right? Because I mean there are some
guys and women that are 50 years old and they look like they're in their sixties.
And I'm sure you can think of a few. And then there are some men or women that are
fifty years old and they look like they're in their 40s- early 40s at
best. Probably could mistake them for their upper 30s. So you can't tell how
old somebody is just to look at them. So this guy didn't look like he was gonna
be 62, not anywhere close to it. So he carries his age very well. That's a plus
factor for him but don't lie to me! And I think what's funny is that one of the
conversations that he and I had it was about that, like I'll just cut somebody
out if, you know, they lie to then just, I'm done because I'm in a midlife
crisis and I don't have to take any bullshit including lying. All right, I got
that out in another video. So I just wanted to share that thought, that experience on
that date or a couple of dates. When am I gonna find somebody with some
personality? Are there any out there? Oh my God. So now I'm like, gotta keep going,
do this again, back at the old drawing board, I don't know.
Let's see what I can rustle up for the next date.
In the meanwhile, click share... Or maybe not, don't share this one! Click like if you
understand what midlifecrisis dating is, if you had such problems as people lying to
you about their age by an entire decade or any other bullshit they try feeding
you just to kind of try and suck you in. And click subscribe, follow me along on my
midlife crisis journey, through this midlife crisis dating-Yeah maybe I'm nuts
to do this? Whatever. Follow me along and see if I
survive my midlife crisis dating!
HOW OLD ARE YOU?-MIDLIFE CRISIS DATING-DATING IN A MIDLIFE CRISIS-dating in a mid life crisis-mid life crisis dating
How much can I get pre-approved for a mortgage - Duration: 6:45.
Welcome to Homebuyer's School
brought to you by Brookfield Residential.
Hi everyone and welcome to another edition of Homebuyer's School. Today I'm joined by
Mujtaba Syed, a Mobile Mortgage Specialist with TD Canada Trust. And today the
question we're gonna answer is -and one that's very, very I guess, a very popular
question is, "How much can I actually get pre-approved for a mortgage?" So Mo, how
much, if I go right now to talk to you or a mortgage specialist, what's the maximum
I can get pre-approved?
That's a really good question Karl, so technically what
we look at is we'd look at a bunch of different factors when we're looking at
the amount that you can get pre-approved for. The most important thing we do
look at your credit score, now a credit worthiness is an important part of the
approval process, so there are certain criterias and guidelines we like
your credit to be at to see maximum - minimum approval amounts. I'll try to
explain a little bit more.
So if your Beacon score is technically
above 680 where we want to be at,
we want your TDS, which kind of
stands for Total Debt Ratio. So a total
debt ratio is what we take, is we take
your income, we take your monthly
obligations, plus the new monthly
obligations of your home you're looking
at buying, which is going to be your
mortgage payment, property taxes,
utilities. We want it to be around 44% of
your income, and the reason why the banks
want to be able to do that is we want
the extra - 56% to be available
just in case you might need it. We don't want you to be house poor for
sure. So if you're Beacon score is above 680 we can go to a maximum 44% of
your TDS. But unfortunately if it's lower
than 680, we want to be at 42% of TDS
and these are just bank account and guidelines that we take a look at.
We also look at something called GDS which is your Gross Debt Ratio which is just
technically the housing cost we talked about. So the housing cost once
again is just your mortgage payments, your property taxes, and your utilities
that technically could be part of the home. We want that to be once again if
your Beacon scores around 680, we want
that to be around 39% which is the maximum.
Now, you know if your Beacon scores less than 680, we unfortunately
can't go more past 35% once again, just
bank account of rules to kind of see
exactly how much you get pre-approved for.
When you're talking about, so let's step back a bit here.
What is a Beacon score? Just for those who don't understand.
Absolutely, so a Beacon score is a credit score and it's
a whole bunch of different things that combine into making like a "risk
rating" for the bank. So what we do we can look through a whole bunch of different
situations. We could look at how long
you've opened your credit bureau,
what kind of debts you have on your
credit bureau, how you make your payments,
if you switch your job frequently we
want to be able to show stability. So if
you switch jobs often or you
move addresses often, that could actually
result in a lower score, or we want to show
stability, we want to show comfort so
technically a score where I like to explain to my clients is just a
statistic. So once when we say someone has a beacon score of 680 it just means
to the bank that 1 out of 680 people were most likely default on a loan
compared to someone who might have a beacon score of 700, so 1 out of 700 is
less riskier to the bank compared to 1 out of 680 or even 1 out of 600.
So that's how the bank's look at it. It is a little bit more complicated, a
little complex, but it's just a brief idea of who you are as a person
technically, how you come across to the bank.
Does a previous mortgage affect your Beacon score as well?
Absolutely yeah. A previous mortgage
could definitely affect and depending on your repayment, how you
made the payments, the amount, it could definitely impact in a positive way
or it could impact in a negative way.
Does a- would it would you recommend
then having let's say you know, let's say you're in the process of selling a home
and looking to buy another home, either another home or transitioning out of
that, in your opinion would it be better to make sure you sell your home first or it
doesn't really matter?
Yeah, to me I don't think it really
matters because when we actually look at the pre-approval process we
can factor all that into the application. We can look at what makes the most
sense for you. If it makes the most sense to you because you feel like
selling based on your financial obligations, we can look into that. We can
also look in getting your pre-approved or approved for a mortgage by currently
holding that property as well. A lot of people think they want to sell but then
decide that they might want to turn into an investment property or rental
property, there are many, many different ways we can work on to the
application, there is no just one way to kind of do that.
One question I always wanted to know is "should I max out in terms of how much I
can get pre-approved for?"
Yeah, so once again it just depends on where
your comfort level is. If you think that that's your dream home and you're very
comfortable with it and you see yourself moving in there and living in there for
a very long time you might consider buying that house, it might be a little
bit close for maximum living, but you might know that your income potential is
just gonna keep on getting more and more, and that's something that definitely you
could speak to your specialist about. I always tell my clients as long as you're
comfortable with the payments make sure you do the monthly budget, those monthly
obligations, and see exactly where that fits in based on your lifestyle. If that
makes sense for you based on your lifestyle, it's a comfortable payment,
you don't feel you're stretched or you don't feel that it's a little
bit too much for you, that's the ideal place to be in my opinion.
Great, do you have anything else to add?
No I think that's technically it. Once again we
just want to reiterate that, just really sit down with your specialist, talk about
your obligations, talk about your financial situation, talk about where you
see yourself in the future, all that could have a really big impact on your
decisions today. We want to be able to look into the future and see does this
make sense in the future as well, not just today.
Perfect, well thank you very much Mo, thank you very much everyone for joining
us and we'll catch you next time.
That's another edition of Homebuyer's School.
Tune in next time for more expert
tips and tricks, and visit homebuyersschool.ca
to bring you one step closer to finding
your dream home.
As with everything, it would be great if you
like and share our videos, also please
let us know if you have any home buying
questions you want us to answer.
Cell Phone Induced Bodily Harm – and How the Bees Can Help - Duration: 4:29.
Cell Phone-Induced Bodily Harm � and How the Bees Can Help
By Sayer Ji
Did you know that your cell phone technically microwaves your brain?
And did you know that natural substances have proven radioprotective properties that can
reduce your risk of adverse exposures?
Cell phones and the communications infrastructure that makes them possible are ubiquitous today,
making complete avoidance of their significant radiotoxicity next to impossible.
Plenty of evidence already exists showing that cell phones emit a type of electromagnetic
radiation � in the microwave range � capable of adversely affecting a wide range of organs,
with the nervous system of those exposed perhaps most sensitive to its adverse effects.
Below is a sampling of some of their adverse health effects as demonstrated in the biomedical
Liver Damage Interruption of Sleep
REM Cycle Disruption Heart Damage
Fetal Harm Head Tumors
Kidney Damage Acoustic Neuroma
Brain Wave Disruption Provocative research indicates that the problems
associated with cell phone radiation exposure are far more profound that previously believed.
In fact, pregnant women may need to exercise additional caution in order to protect their
unborn from adverse neurological effects associated with cell phone radiation exposure.
In a study, entitled �The influence of microwave radiation from cellular phone on fetal rat
brain�, and published in the journal Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine in 2012, researchers
discovered that pregnant rats exposed to microwave radiation from cellular phones had fetuses
whose brains showed signs of harm, as measured by enhanced oxidative stress and altered levels
of neurotransmitters.
We also reported more recently on clinical research indicating that as little as 15 minutes
of �talk time� can profoundly alter and disrupt brain wave activity intimately connected
to cognition, mood, and behavior.
(See: Brain Wave Warping Effect of Mobile Phones.)
For a concise explanation of the mechanisms behind cell-phone induced damage, watch Dr.
Chris Busby�s video on the topic below:
Natural, Evidence-Based Ways to Protect Against Cell Phone Radiation
Given the wide range of potential risks associated with cell phones, we have plumbed the depths
of MEDLINE in search of research on natural substances capable of ameliorating cell-phone
associated toxicities.
Surprisingly, the little known bee product known as propolis exhibits powerful protective
action against cell-phone induced damage to a variety of organs, including the kidney,
heart and brain.
Once believed to function merely as mortar for plugging up small holes in the bee hive,
propolis is now understood to have powerfully protective properties, such as its antimicrobial
The bees even use it to mummify animals that make their way into the hive, e.g. lizards,
that they can not physically remove before they undergo putrefaction.
Propolis� infection-fighting properties, however, are only the tip of the iceberg when
it comes to its potential beneficial effects.
While there are over 100 potential therapeutic applications of propolis documented in the
biomedical literature, propolis� radioprotective properties are perhaps the most intensely
investigated and well established.
We have, in fact, indexed 15 such studies on its ability to reduce radiation-induced
damage, including gamma radiation commonly associated with medical diagnostic and radiotherapy
procedures which you can view here.
Other substances capable of protecting against the radiation specific to the mobile phone
range include melatonin, EGCG (green tea polyphenol), ginkgo biloba and the glutathione precursor
To view the studies click the image below.
Drawing for kids. How to Draw Glider. Coloring Pages - Duration: 11:55.
Subscribe to the channel and choose what you want to watch further
Demi Lovato - Tell Me You Love Me Türkçe Çeviri - Duration: 3:05.
I am a champion the greatest speech ever - Duration: 3:06.
today gentlemen I'm gonna coach more our continued to build about there's another
the man that comes with that question Who am I I'm a champion that's why you
remember this game I'm talk--i but it's not become people not my cream
I never won that default never wanna let them down I will never leave them to be
by because our opponent does not know MA
to find me and no one will tell me who and what I am and can they believe will
change my world in through cottages little country and put man on the moon
and it will carry me through this battle oh if I defeat retreat though they're
not in my work I don't understand those definitions I understand never
surrendering no matter how bad things go
today will be that day not tomorrow not next week but right now right here
You Are Welcome Here - UNCP welcomes international students - Duration: 0:27.
Hello, I'm Tamsir Seck and welcome to the University of North Carolina at Pembroke.
You are welcome here.
[speaking in Chinese]
Hi everyone. My name is Demba, I'm from Senegal.
And UNCP wants you to know that you are welcome here.
Whoever you are, wherever you're from, you are welcome here.
Uplink x Alex Skrindo - Me & You (ft. Axol) - Duration: 3:20.
Summer days burn me out
Love just brings me down
Cold inside like when she leaves us
Slowly lived the ground
Hey you, come back, I wanna give you a chance
Love me like you used too, so we can learn again
The excuse is getting round, baby
Drinking out away maybe
We will not regret
You will not regret me
Lying down, under the sun
Burning love 'cause we are young
No one tells us what's done wrong
'Cause it's just Me and You
Yeah, it's just Me and You
Yeah, it's just Me and You
Hold you on the ground, make your eyes roll out
Kiss me all around, baby, do you know the sound
I'm not wasting love, wasting love
I'm not wasting love
Hold you on the ground, make your eyes roll out
Kiss me all around, baby, do you know the sound
I'm not wasting love, wasting love
I'm not wasting love
It's just Me and You
Yeah, it's just Me and You
Neisha Neshae| This Ain't You (Snippet) (@NeishaNeshae) - Duration: 0:43.
My friends told me to forget yo' ass Cuz a nigga like you ain't got no class
Got a model type bxtch hittin' my DM's Tellin' me that ya'll more than friends
She pulled the receipts with the proof intact I'm waitin' to see how you react
Tell me nigga that this ain't you I wanna swear that this ain't you
My friends told me to forget yo' ass Cuz a nigga like you ain't got no class
Got a model type bxtch hittin' my DM's Tellin' me that ya'll more than friends
She pulled the receipts with the proof intact I'm waitin' to see how you react
Tell me nigga that this ain't you I wanna swear that this ain't you
What is FTP? | GoDaddy - Duration: 1:58.
Hi there!
In this video, you'll learn what FTP is?
FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol.
What's a protocol?
A protocol is a set of rules used by computers that are connected, or networked together,
which specify how the computers communicate or interact with one other.
There are a variety protocols that manage interactions at various levels in the networked
computing environment we know as the Internet.
For example, some Internet protocols are used to govern how data is exchanged between two
computers, or hardware devices, while other protocols dictate how data is exchanged at
the application, or software level.
FTP is a protocol that computers on the internet use to transfer files to and from one another.
If you're developing a website, FTP is a critical part of the process.
FTP enables you upload your website files from your computer to a hosted web server,
so that your site is can be viewed on the internet.
The best way to make use of FTP is through an FTP client.
An FTP client is a software application that offers a simplified way to log into a server,
navigate between folders, and move files to and from the server.
FTP clients also allow you upload multiple files at once, which can be helpful if you're
uploading a lot of files at once… say like a website.
There are many different stand-alone FTP clients in prices that range from free to more than
a hundred dollars.
GoDaddy supports the free FTP client, Filezilla.
Is your GoDaddy hosting account set up?
Are your website files ready to go?
Consider downloading an FTP client first to make the upload process quicker and easier!
Why You Should Surround Yourself with Incredible People - Duration: 2:02.
Hey, what's up guys? It's Jason!
And I'm just hanging out down here in a pretty little spot. Check this out.
I'm out here hangin' out in front of all these very cool yachts
Anyway, pretty sweet.
We're out at this hotel. It's called the Shade Hotel. Easy for me to say.
The Shade Hotel down in Redondo Beach.
There's some really cool art work and all kinds of good stuff. And I'll show you, I'll flip around real quick here.
You got some rooms. We're starting a quick break out here. Doug's even here.
Hey, everybody say hey to Doug. Doug's out here.
When you hang out with incredible people some really important things happen.
When you hang out with incredible people what it helps you do it helps you step up your game.
I go to this retreat three times a year. I get surrounded by people that are doing more incredible things
than what I'm doing and it inspires me. It motivates me.
And to be really honest with you, it pisses me off and it gets me motivated.
Meaning, the last time I was here somebody told me they were doing something
that really got a lot of attention and I said, well why the hell am I not doing that?
And so I did more things and more things and more things and what I get so inspired
by being around people who are more incredible than me.
What's up, Randy? What's up, Jennifer? Good to see you guys. Thanks for joining.
I just love being around people that I can be in mastermind settings and mastermind situations with.
So, do me a favor.
If you think that mastermind settings are a good place for you to learn and grow,
Do me a favor and say, mastermind.
And again, if your coach or your trainer or the people you're working with are not in mastermind settings as well,
you need to find somebody else that's in a better setting.
I'm out here doing masterminds for me for the next three or four days.
Just learning from some of the best in the industry as far as business,
and just gurus at giving great value to their customers and clients.
So I just want to share a quick little tip with you:
Surround yourself with people who are masterful at what they do and you will continue to be a master.
Until then, have an awesome week! See you guys! Peace!
Selena Gomez - A Year Without Rain - Duration: 3:55.
Selena Gomez - A Year Without Rain
Selena Gomez - A Year Without Rain
NEW! Little Peek-Through: Are You There Little Elephant? - Duration: 0:36.
Selena Gomez - Summer's Not Hot - Duration: 3:04.
Selena Gomez - Summer's Not Hot
Selena Gomez - Summer's Not Hot
Huygens will go back to my channel and hello if you're new at make sure that
you do subscribe so you never miss out on another video I a little lot on my
channel lately and I know what you guys to miss out today's video is another
beauty hacks video and today we're gonna be talking all about Bishop botany and
her makeup secrets and skincare haircare secrets she is sold so beautiful she the
way she carries herself is so bubbly and humble and sweet I just love her and I
love her hair her hair is so big and long and just luscious and her skin
always looks so flawless and I wanted to share with you guys all our secrets
today so if you're interested then let's keep on my beauty secret number one is
rosewater now she likes to use rosewater on her face right after cleansing right
before she goes to sleep now you're probably wondering why I'm holding this
bottle it's because I like to make my own rosewater at home and I do have a
video coming up if it's not out already I will link it down below how I make it
at home I like to make a giant bottle and keep it in my pantry or in my fridge
and then I like to use it all over my body I will just take a little bit and
rub it all over and it smells so good it's moisturizing to the skin it makes
my skin look brighter and it tones it and also any scars or anything I have it
helps to fade that too so rosewater is really really good and I can see and
understand why the ship but his skin looks so beautiful and that rosewater is
part of it beauty like number two is the dish upon me likes to use almond oil on
her hair this is actually one of the oils you can use on your hair every
single day you can use it as a hair mask you can slather it on and then wash it
off or you can use it as a serum because it is not greasy
sometimes I like to use this on the ends of my hair right before curling or are
playing heat because it acts as a barrier sometimes I like to apply it as
I hear a mask and then wash it off and it's a really good oil that puts
moisture back into your hair and makes it shiny or glossy err another thing I
love about almond oil is you can use it as a hair serum because of the
texture it is very serum like so you can use it as both as a hair mask or a serum
beauty hack number three in almost every interview when asked about beauty Disha
Botany always mentions drinking lots of water it's a huge part of her beauty
routine and water is really good for you because it helps flush out all the
toxins from your body it keeps your skin and your hair looking really pretty now
a hack that I like to use is to put my water in something fun that way I'll
reach and grab for it more and it just really helps me drink more water so if
you're like me get something that's kind of fun and will make you reach for the
water more that's a neat little trick that I like to use pack number four dish
of botany loves to snack on fruits now here I have cherries and strawberries
but you could pick any kind of fruits that you want this is a great snack
because it gives your body vitamins that it needs its natural and you get your
sugar fix and it's healthy and it will give your hair skin body and energy
level and amazing boost now here's something that I like to make at home I
like to cut up apples and pineapples and oranges and then I like to mix all that
in with some orange juice and some pineapple juice it's a really refreshing
like snack slash drink and you just pop it in the fridge and then you can eat it
whenever you want a snack and this goes fast in my house so you can see there's
a little bit left but I wanted to share it with you guys
Beauty have number five is addition Phadnis likes to use a moisturizer on
her skin every day twice a day once in the morning and once at night now I was
super excited when I heard that she was actually a pond ambassador and she loves
using puns she's actually been using it since she was a kid because I love using
ponds too and I've been using this for about a year now this is the rejuvenates
anti wrinkle cream they give you so much product for such an affordable price and
it really works on my skin I tend to grab this a lot when I'm not using my
rose oil or whatever it will I'm using on my face and it really does the job
moisturizes my skin so well and I was really excited to see that I'm using
something that she's using sometimes you feel like you have to use something
really high-end in order to get skincare like the celebrity but it was really
nice to see that bishop at me was endorsing a brand
that is affordable then has been around for years and years and it was just
really nice to see that and hack number sixes in mentality seis know that all my
beauty hacks videos I like to incorporate a mentality about beauty
that these celebrities have because it's really important to your outer beauty to
have inner beauty as well so dish our body believes that every single girl is
beautiful and every single girl should know that she also believes that there
is no one single way to define beauty and I really admire and agree with her
because every single girl are missing every single person looks different and
beauty is like beauty is so many different things like one rose can look
beautiful and another rose can look beautiful and they could be different
like what could be open what could be closed so things can look different and
they are still each beautiful because they're unique in their own way and
these are key Shibata knees skin care and makeup and hair care hacks I had so
much fun watching her interviews and reading about her interviews because it
was just her personality is very sweet like I feel like if I ever met her she
would just be really sweet down-to-earth really easy to talk to she's very humble
and I really love that about her I hope you guys enjoyed this video thank you
thanks so much for watching make sure to check out my playlist I have a bunch of
beauty hacks for you guys I have a videos on how I cut my own hair
DIY face masks and hair masks and if you guys want me to start a celebrity
fashion hack series I've been thinking about doing that also leave me a comment
down below thumbs up this video so I know and I'll talk to you guys in my
next video bye
hey what's up all five of you that are watching this
I'm hurt today so instead of skating I'm gonna be fixing some stuff also I'm
gonna be explaining the direction this channel is heading and other questions
people might have so yeah sorry about the lighting I just realized that all
right so today we're gonna be fixing it with the best material to fix anything
ever duct tape
all right it went from trash to trash with a purpose
alright I'm on to our next project
Wow I'm really surprised I'm really surprised these aren't ruined because I took this out on
a hike yesterday I wasn't really I wasn't really expecting to take it out
on a hike yesterday but
alright guys so while thats drying I'm gonna take this time to answer some questions
you guys made where have you been um we've been taking sort of a hiatus from
youtubing right now mostly because the content was growing pretty stale and
we were trying to figure out a way to like spice it up and make it more entertaining you
know I feel like we can do that I'm actually really excited to keep going
what type of channel are you guys going to be running now? um we've posted two
videos of gaming which is just like the game fortnite we knew that we hadn't put out any
content and we had to put out content but it just wasn't really quality so I'm
pretty sure we're gonna be deleting those or putting them on a separate
channel that's just for that kind of stuff as far as what type of channel
will even be running uh mainly the type of channel that we started off and set
off doing which is vlogging and skits and stuff
all that good stuff then people love to do and now that we're making that
YouTube money
it's gonna be great next question Oh when's your next video gonna be next
question how often are you going to be posting your content um we really don't
have a set schedule right now as we start getting back into the swing of
things and getting doing things more frequently I'll be able to get a better
feel of like how often we can post content and stuff because it's difficult
work um not only with filming and stuff but also picking and choosing from that
stuff which it's worth putting up because we want to make the content
quality and the only way that you can do that is by practicing and getting
more comfortable talking to the camera like it took me a lot of time to warm up
to doing this and I'm still not completely warmed up because of my
crippling social anxiety but anyway we're getting better and hopefully we
can start posting more content for you guys I'm pretty sure tomorrow I'm going
up to Kaneohe some Northshore and I'm on the west side by the way so it's gonna
be fun try to get some skateboarding I'm not really supposed to because I hurt my wrist
skating but there's a skate park up there that Jason parks goes to that and I
really want to check it out um yeah so I hope that cleared up some things for you
guys and
okay so I really don't want to clean this up so I'm going to do one of those
really cheesy youtuber things alright so I don't have very high
expectations going into this - just woke up - there's like i might as well do something
you know might as well be productive um but It turned out better than i was expecting it to be which is
nice I mean it's sticky which spray
paint you know so I feel like if i get wheel bite its gonna suck Wow Wow but overall I'm happy with
it Oh
I mean I wouldn't say that I thought it all the way through but it was fun to do and I I
don't regret it um yeah I might title this video like
how to ruin your only skateboard deck you only intact skateboard deck okay
that's it for the video if you don't subscribe then what are you doing
with your life make sure to LIKE comment and I'll see you guys later
oh hey also before I end the video I'd like to extend a special thank you to
Cottonwood firing squad for letting us use their music they just released a new
album and I actually used one of the songs from the album in this video and the
album is actually really good I think so um yeah they're basically
the first person who let us use their music for our videos back when we had
like less than 10 subs you know just like out of the kindness of their heart
um and it really means a lot so check out their new album I'm gonna be putting
a link to the full album as well as the two specific songs we used in the video
we really appreciate the kindness and hope to see more music from you!
if you like cottonwood firing squad comment below your favorite song mine right now is blue
okay guys that actually is the end of the video now if you want to see more
content we're probably gonna put this right about here and if you want to see
the most recent video which when I post this this will be the most recent video
going right here and to check our profile out just click right there
alright see you in the next one goodbye!
Selena Gomez - Rock God - Duration: 3:08.
Selena Gomez - Rock God
Selena Gomez - Rock God
Selena Gomez - Round & Round - Duration: 3:07.
Selena Gomez - Round & Round
Selena Gomez - Round & Round
Mosss Presents Cliff Fong - Duration: 1:26.
Working with Mosss has allowed me to share the way I do things and the way I
think and some of the things I find important I hope you find them useful
and you appreciate them as well
I think it's really easy to think about dressing a room the way you might dress
yourself in the morning. Look for unifying points in different styles of
furniture when you get them all in one place they they kind of transcend their
usual assignments and you've created something that's really unique and
personal for yourself
anything in these showrooms are automatically vetted if someone were to
look at the evolution of design or the evolution of chairs to me this chair
would be the missing link
I really believe that everybody should be able to define the way they
live everybody should be able to wake up and enjoy what they look at in the
morning and everybody has a chance to make their world beautiful
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