Hello and welcome back to another class with OLA English with Greg. Now, today I'm
gonna give you a little bit of a different class. I'm going to give you a
conversational class in which you are going to learn a ton of common useful
expressions and ways of expressing yourself in English. So if you're ready
let's begin!
I'm Greg from OLA OnlineLanguageAcademy.com
If you want to reach a high level of spoken English then click up there! Right,
today's video is conversational. I'm gonna answer 20 completely random
questions about me. If you like this video and you've got more questions that
you want me to answer for you, write your questions in the comments. If I get 10 or
20 comments with suitable questions then I will do another video like this
for you. So I haven't actually seen these questions yet and the idea is behind
this conversational class is that I'm just gonna answer relatively short
answers. I'm gonna answer them naturally and honestly and then I'm going to teach
you the most useful chunks. Chunks are groups of words which I think it's very
important for you to learn if you want to speak English fluently and also to
understand English more easily. OK, let's have a look at the questions then... bring
them on!
I actually quite enjoy my job, and when I start working if I've got enough
caffeine and enough brainpower I could just continue for 10, 12, 15 hours. I enjoy
what I do so I would probably choose four hours of.. four days of 10 hours a
week and a three-day weekend... that'd be great!
YouTube Facebook and and and the football app that tells me the football scores are when Liverpool are playing
Alright, ALSO, one of my favourite apps is Google Photos, when I take photos it
automatically uploads them to Google and from time to time they'll create a
little video or a collage, it'll tell me what I was doing on this day last year
and I absolutely love that it really takes away the the hassle of me putting
my photos on the computer and organizing them in in in folders and if you want to
search for something, if you want to search for, for example, a photo of my dad
in London, I would type in 'Dad London" and it'd bring up a load of photos of my dad
in London. WOW! I love that app, I couldn't live without it... Google photos!
My first job was a paperboy. I was a paperboy, I used to I used to spend half
an hour every day riding my bike up and down the hills where I'm from delivering
newspapers to to people who wanted their newspapers delivered. It paid five pounds
per week and I kind of did enjoy it. I didn't enjoy doing it on Saturdays, but
from Monday to Friday it was part of my routine and I loved having a job and I
loved the fact that, unlike friends of mine, you know, I had five pounds coming
in every day (*WEEK) and yeah I think it taught me the value of earning money from a
young age. I was, like, 13 when I did that.
Oh there are many many many foods I would not eat. I'm very boring when it
comes to food. Honestly, I like, I like meat, vegetables, chicken, y'know, beef...
Anything that's a little bit weird I won't touch and living in Spain there's so
much shellfish and so much... so many delicacies that for me they're a bit
weird, and I don't eat them! Ah, octopus,
shellfish, lobster... I'm not a shellfish person, snails? Ah no way! Absolutely no no
no no no! Just boring food for me please!
Groundhog Day? I used to live in the town where Groundhog Day was filmed and every
year they show the movie at the cinema (or the 'movie theater') there and
it's such an emotional moment, y'know, when you're in the, when you're in
the cinema with everybody from that town and suddenly you see your town on the
big screen. It's like wow, I mean, it's emotional, brings a... almost brings a
tear to my eye. AND it makes me laugh out loud!
Very funny film and I love it!
The best piece of advice I ever received was from my dad when I was about 16
years old and we had to decide what subjects we wanted to do when we were 17
and 18 years old in the last two years of school and I was gonna do scientific
subjects and I eventually changed my mind to do, like, maths, IT and human
biology, and my dad said, he said, "you know what why don't you do, like, a bit of
French in there too?" because French wasn't compulsory at that age he said, "just do a
little bit of French". I thought, "yeah!" He said, "just do one year", I said, "neh, okay".
He said, "you know, if you do one year you're gonna have a foreign language on
your CV where everybody else in England isn't, so just to a year of French!" I
thought, "yeah go on then, go on then. I enjoy French... let's do it!"
Well, the one year of French turned into two years of French which turned into a
degree at University in French which included a year in France which inspired
me to go to Spain for a year afterwards where I met my future wife and she took
me to America for three years and now it just got me in the language world and
made me want to teach and learn and it just... whoah, wow what a piece of advice!
What a piece of advice! Good father work!
English, I think! I mean I do enjoy teaching English, believe it or not, so if
I had to teach you a university I would yeah I would teach English... spoken
English. Any... spoken English!
I'd love... I'd proper love a parrot, I would! I really, really love birds and I would
love one of those big macaw type parrots. The thing is that I love them so
much that I'd actually feel quite bad having them in my house, I would want
them to be, yeah, out in the forests where they belong, in the jungle, so it's a... yes
I'd love one but I don't think I could do that to them, I would feel too bad. But,
for the sake of the question I'm gonna say parrot!
Fifteen years ago I was living in, I was living in France fifteen years ago!
2002 yeah so I, what would I take from France? From
France what would I put in a time capsule that I could have right now?
That's hard... there was a very nice fondue where I used to live called Fondue Creusois
I would like to put some of that in a time capsule and have it for lunch today!
What's surprised me about my current job? Let me tell you what surprised me the
other day about my current job. I took my laptop to another house, alright? And
when I came back I forgot my laptop. My laptop is my life
for work, y'know, it's got everything on it. What surprised me was that even
though I was 2 full days without my laptop I could still work perfectly.
Everything I use is online for that very reason. Like, I always want to know that if my
laptop gets gets broken or stolen then I can... it's not going to affect my business
and I was really surprised that it worked! So there you go, that surprised me
in a very very good way!
I think that... it sounds so cliché but I can't think of many jobs that I would
rather do. I can't think of any jobs that would rather do than the job that I
do! The only negative about my job at the
moment is that I don't have enough time to do more of my job! How ridiculous is
that? But it's true! And if I was guaranteed to be successful then I would
just do the same thing as I'm doing right now. Is that a boring answer? if it
is, then... football player!
The weirdest thing I've ever eaten was in Kenya we
went to some really cool restaurant in in Nairobi where they serve all sorts of
weird meat and, as I said before, I'm not really keen on trying different, strange
food, but that night I tried a few different things including a bit of
crocodile! And I probably had about, like, a mouthful of crocodile just so that I
could say that I'd eaten it! Very weird.
Shan't be trying it again. Thought it gives me a good answer for this question...
The coolest road trip I've ever done was the mother of all road trips: Route 66!
Yeah, me and my wife did that a couple of years ago on our last summer vacation
before we had a baby. We went from Chicago and we went all the
way to New Mexico. We didn't actually do the final part because we wanted to see
Colorado as well, but my word, we went on a mammoth road trip around the States and
it was brilliant! Absolutely brilliant!
Right I live in Spain now and before this I lived in the United
States. What are the biggest differences between here and there? How long have you
got? I could do an entire video on this! The timetable, alright? In Spain we tend
to have lunch at 3:30 I used to have a lunch at 12:00 in the States. And we have
dinner at about... bufff what time do I have dinner? I have dinner at about 10 o'clock at night
here! I used to be sleeping at 10 o'clock in the States
y'know? Everything is kind of two hours later than it should be over here in
Spain. That's really the biggest difference and the biggest thing that
it's been hard to get used to. Also it's November and I'm wearing a t-shirt
outside! In November in Chicago we'd be snowing already so that's another huge
difference. It was starting to get nice and Christmassy and it still feels like
summer here. That's quite hard to get my head round as well.
Role model in terms of being a good person and growing up to be a good
person and a good parent and a good citizen?
My parents! And mentor like kind of educational or professional person I
would say my University professor David Hornsby. I think he did a great job of
making everything kind of make sense and make... he was so passionate about his... the
subject that he taught (which was linguistics) and I think that's where I
developed such a passion for the English language even though he taught me
linguistics... French linguistics... it really was so
incredibly infectious and kind of made everything make sense and make me
realize what my big big passion was and yeah, great mentor, great guy.
I would absolutely love to be able to fly! I would! I'd go on holiday whenever I
wanted. Cheap air fares. I'd go and just fly around the city, go up to the top of
the football stadium, watch the game for free.
It'd be a great money saver and it would be a lot of fun!
The strangest compliment I've ever got was that I've got nice teeth!
I didn't even think 'nice teeth' was a thing! But yeah, two people told me I've
got nice teeth. And I ended up marrying one of them! It obviously had a very
positive effect on me!
Alright, best piece of career advice I heard was this: find something you love
doing and then find someone who will pay you to do it! If you don't know what to
do with your life professionally, that's pretty good advice! The worst? I can't even
remember to be honest with you. I don't really.. You know what, when I get bad... when
I get advice that's just not relevant to me, it just totally goes over my head.
I don't even... I might go up mm-hmm but honestly it goes in one ear out the next,
and it's, it's instantly forgotten! So I really don't know, really don't know.
Alright, there you go, maybe you've learned a little bit more about me in
this lesson. Remember to write your questions for me in the comments below.
If I get a good number of questions I will do another conversational video
like this for ya! Alright, thanks for being here
and I'll see you in the next lesson! Bye for now!
For more infomation >> 😱 20 Things You Don't Know About Me (+ 35 Common English Expressions) - Duration: 17:01.-------------------------------------------
#แดนซ์ฟังสบายๆหู See You Again & One Call Away 2017 - Duration: 2:44.
See You Again Ft One Call Away
See You Again Ft One Call Away
See You Again Ft One Call Away
See You Again Ft One Call Away
See You Again Ft One Call Away
See You Again Ft One Call Away
See You Again Ft One Call Away
Khim Sokheng - Think Positive Make you successful | Success Reveal - Duration: 11:05.
Khim sokheng - Think Positive Make you successful
Success Reveal
Best Textbooks For Learning Russian – Лучшие учебники РКИ - Duration: 8:01.
Hello everyone! Today we're having a little bit unusual video
because I'm not alone here
here is beautiful Anastasia Semina
amazing and professional teacher of the Russian language as a foreign language
She teaches it in school... Right?
I also do individual lessons and I teach on Skype
But I also have a YouTube channel to see the link
Yes! Check out the description box of this video
to Anastasia's channel, she has amazing videos
and also... we're at her place now
and she has an amazing collection of Russian language textbooks
and she's ready to share her opinion about these books
but we're going to speak in Russian
so right now you should go to the settings and turn on English subtitles
if you don't understand us
So, now...
Ok, well...
First I want to tell you about a textbook
titled "Tochka.ru"
It's a new textbook, and I like it because it's very bright
Look, here are many colourful pictures and illustrations
Also I like that this book is well structured
When a student opens a lesson... For example, lesson 2.3
he knows what grammar he's studying now
for example, in this lesson he learns the verbs that demand accusative case
Verb plus the accusative case of nouns
also they use vocabulary about hobbies
and each lesson is like that
both teacher and student know what they're studying
this textbook also includes a workbook
which contains very many exercises
for each topic from the textbook
So the lesson in the textbook and in the workbook, they...
I'll say it in a different way
Each lesson in the workbook corresponds with a lesson in the textbook
so a student, after completing some topic
can consolidate knowledge properly
And where can foreigners buy this textbook?
Foreigners can buy this book on the website
we'll write it here
the authors of this book live in Switzerland
but as far as I know they can ship textbooks from Moscow
And to Europe from Switzerland it will be faster and easier
And cheaper
Another textbook I want to tell about...
It doesn't look that neat already
because I've been using it a lot, and many of my students used it with me
we work with those who just start
oh, by the way, about that book
The textbook "Tochka.ru" is also for those who have level A1 and just start learning
from the alphabet, from the very basics
those who learn the language from scratch. From zero
The "Russian souvenir" textbook is also for those who starts learning from scratch
total beginners
And if you compare these two textbook, this one has a "slower pace"
The pacing is slower, but it doesn't mean that there's no enough material
it's just more comfortable for those who want to learn
with smaller portions of information
Now I'll show how the textbook looks
Show yourself there
It's in the next one, part 2
for example, here is a topic Health
again it's obvious what vocabulary a student learns,
there's a rubric "New vocabulary"
some grammar constructions
and some very...
and useful phrases and constructions for conversations
for example "How to show that you're in pain"
or "How to call a taxi" or "How to call to a restaurant and book a table"
so, some important constructions for the beginning level,
to survive in the Russian speaking country
Just like the "Tochka.ru", the "Russian souvenir" is very colourful
very many illustrations
very nice to touch, like some magazine
Yes, the quality is great
This book also has a workbook, and both textbooks also have a very good audio material
Also I use this old textbook
it's black and white, not like the modern textbooks
but I like that in the very beginning student learn to read
and students can do it even without a tutor
So there are no Latin letters, right?
No, there's absolutely nothing, not a single word in English
From the very beginning there are letters
vowels, consonants
syllables and some short words
simple of course: mama, papa, we and so on
And the audio material for this book is complete, so a student can learn by himself
and just to repeat. listen and repeat, listen and repeat
In this textbook the structure is on the more difficult level
on more difficult lessons... It's not...
not that well organised, I think
that's why now I prefer these textbooks
But for the first lessons I like how here they teach students to read
This textbook also includes a workbook and the audio
For beginners I like to use the book "Little casket"
In this book there is a collection...
This book is a collection of tales
Here are some stories that are short
and written in the easy Russian language
let's open this tale for example
"What's their profession"
These short texts
And here they give different words with English translations
After each text they have exercises to check yourself and practice
the new material
And what I like most, these texts are grouped by level, and also by cases
The first one...
First 8-10 texts are for the nominative case
then prepositional case, accusative case and so on
And further we go, the texts become more difficult
So these were the books for the beginners
it's approximately levels A1-A2
And in the next video we'll talk about... something more difficult
Yes, something like B1
Yes, so don't miss the part 2 of this video
Bye-bye for now! Bye!
The real reason American health care is so expensive - Duration: 5:42.
I cannot tell you how obsessed I am with this chart.
It shows exactly what is wrong with America's
conversation about health care.
On one level, you've seen this chart before.
It shows health care spending as a share
of the economy of a bunch of countries.
There's Germany and France and Japan and Canada
and oh! There's America.
But now I want to add something you haven't
seen to this chart.
This is how much of that spending in each country
is private and how much is public.
Here's what's amazing:
America's government spending on health care
on programs like Medicaid and Medicare and the VA -
our versions of socialized medicine.
It's about the same size as these other countries.
These countries where the government runs
the whole health care system!
And then there's our private spending.
It's the private insurance system that makes
health care in America so expensive.
Conventional wisdom says that the government is
more expensive than the private sector.
"It can't say no. It's corrupt, it's inefficient, it's slow."
"If you want something done right
you give it to the private sector."
That is what we hear in America all the time.
And yet here we are with the biggest private sector spending the most.
If you look at the data on physician visits
and hospital discharges, you can get rid of one theory.
Americans don't consume more health care
than people in these other countries.
We don't go to the doctor more than the Germans
or the Japanese. In fact we go to the doctor less.
The difference between us and them
is that we pay more.
Every time we go to the doctor for everything
from an angioplasty to a hip replacement
from a c-section
to a pain reliever.
In America, the price for the same procedure
at the same hospital, it varies enormously
depending on who is footing the bill.
The price for someone with public insurance
like Medicare or Medicaid is often the lowest price.
These groups he covers so many people
that the government can demand lower prices from hospitals and doctors
and they get those lower prices.
If the doctors and hospitals say 'No'
they lose a ton of business.
They lose all those people on Medicare
all those people on Medicaid.
But there are hundreds of private insurance companies
And they each cover far fewer people than
a Medicare or a Medicaid.
And each one has to negotiate prices
and hospitals and doctors are on their own.
And if you're uninsured, you have even less leverage.
Nobody is negotiating on your behalf.
So you end up paying the highest price.
One study found that most hospitals charge uninsured
patients four times
as much as Medicare patients for an ER visit.
Other countries, they don't have this problem.
Instead of every private insurance company
negotiating with every healthcare provider.
There's just this big list.
The country, the central government, they go
and they say, "If you want to sell to us, to all
of our people, then here's what you can charge
for a checkup. Here is what you can charge for an MRI
or a prescription for Lipitor.
And so then whether that bill goes to the
heavily regulated private insurance
companies in Germany or directly to the government
like in the UK.
Each country is telling the doctor or hospital
or drug company how much that bill will be.
And because the government controls access
to all of the customers. It's an offer that hospitals
and doctors and pharmaceutical companies
typically can't refuse.
"I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse."
In America the idea is that you'll be a consumer.
That you'll do what you do when you go to Best Buy and buy a television.
But that just doesn't work in healthcare.
It doesn't work in healthcare because
you often come and get health care when you're
unconscious, in an ambulance,
when you're scared,
when it's for your spouse or your child
It is a time when you have the least bargaining power.
You are not usually capable of saying, 'No.'
You're not knowledgeable enough to do it,
you're not comfortable doing it,
or you're not conscious enough to do it.
That's why in other countries the government is a
person who can say 'No' for you.
You can say, 'No, that's too expensive
you're going to have to lower your price'
because they do have that power.
Anchor: A new push for single-payer health care
right here in the US.
Demonstrator: What do we want?
Crowd: Single-payer!
Demonstrator: When do we want it?
Crowd: Now!
Anchor: California and others are saying maybe
we should adopt the European model.
Klein: If we decided to create a single-payer system
with one of these huge price lists in the US
There would be nothing to stop
lobbying from hospitals from doctors from
drug companies. And those prices would get influenced.
So we could end up with a single-payer system
that is expensive. Even as expensive as
our current system.
It all depends on how much you negotiate down
the prices and now in America
these groups have so much power because they are so rich.
That it's really hard to get them to bring down the prices.
This is the irony of American healthcare:
It's so expensive that it's become hard to make it cheaper.
All that money they make, that becomes political power.
And years and years and years of overpaying -
those are huge industries now.
And they have a lot of influence in Congress.
Under a single-payer system
if we did drive prices down, doctors and hospitals
they would be paid less than they are right now.
That might mean some of them close
or some go out of business or some move.
It would be really painful. One person's waste
is another person's essential service or local hospital
or their income. But then single-payer
it's not an all-or-nothing choice.
For instance, there's a really interesting section
of Bernie Sanders Medicare-for-all bill.
Where he lays out this interim plan.
It's a plan he wants while he's setting up
his new single-payer system.
And in that plan, he expands Medicare
to cover vision and dental.
And he opens it to nearly everyone.
Not just people 65 and older.
All kids go on Medicare automatically
and most adults can buy in.
That plan, on its own, it wouldn't get American
health care spending far down overnight.
But it would at least begin to recognize
what we already know
and what most other countries already do:
That health care is one of those things the government
can do cheaper and better than the private sector.
BILLI SONG | বিল্লি সং | Filmy Dance Song | Funny Music Video | Prank King Entertainment - Duration: 6:19.
A Better You: Get ready for ski season - Duration: 2:25.
3M Vetrap Review - Duration: 1:20.
SARAH: Hi, I'm Sarah from Marketing, and today I'm reviewing Vetrap by 3M.
I use Vetrap all over the barn.
Mostly for my horse, Cody.
I use it if he has an injury that I need to keep a wound dressing in place or just keep
a wound covered.
I use it to wrap his feet if he loses a shoe and you need to put a hoof packing in.
If he has an abscess. It comes in super handy for all of those kind of things.
I've also used it for tack that has an uncomfortable pressure point or rub, you can provide a little
bit of extra padding by adding some Vetrap around there.
Basically, anywhere that I don't use duct tape, I'm probably using Vetrap.
I love that Vetrap is super stretchy and that it binds back to itself so that you don't
have to have anything over it to secure it onto your horse.
I have basic black here, but Vetrap comes in tons of super fun colors, so you can match
your horse's colors or your barn's colors.
We offer Vetrap in single rolls or, as I usually buy it, in a case of 18, because the only
thing that you can't have is too much Vetrap.
Every roll is 4 inches wide by 5 yards long, so you can get a lot out of this tiny little
I'm Sarah, and Vetrap by 3M will always be in my tack trunk.
Ayo and Teo Give Dance Props to Tony Romo, You Don't Suck! | TMZ TV - Duration: 1:42.
How To Install Imo on Windows PC or Laptop Without BlueStacks [Live Tutorial] - Duration: 2:46.
At first, We are going to download
imo software for our windows
Type imo.im in our browser and press enter
we can see here several imo version to download
Since we want to install imo on windows
We are clicking windows desktop
Completing download you may find your file browser's default location
We are run this software now to install
you may run by double click or right click to install
insert check mark and press install
keep check mark and click finish
We can see now country and Phone option to verify
Here, Select your sim operator country and type your phone number
Click continue after fill up correctly
A verify code has been sent your provided number
you have to insert the code on your desktop version imo
To complete the imo setup and Activation
Inserting verify code click Continue option Below
Wow! our setup has been completed
You can use it now as like Android Device
Francis | Café Owner: How Do You Have A Happy Life? - Duration: 3:10.
Winter Class Announcement! - Duration: 1:35.
My vision for Source Medicinal Arts is to educate and inspire you to use this system of care. That is
continuously researched and has been available for thousands of years.
This system enables us to move away from most over-the-counter medications and prescription drugs.
Source Medicinal Arts comes alive to you through my online classes my blog and one-on-one sessions.
To kick off, my first online class will consist of a four-part series.
This series will offer you an in-depth look at everyday
medicinal kitchen herbs. Each of these four videos will provide you with the knowledge
understanding and
confidence to use these herbs medicinally in your own home and
for your own healing. All of the herbs in this series are safe for adults children and pregnant women.
The first class in the kitchen herb series will be on ginger. An herb that has been used medicinally
all over the world for thousands of years. In the West it is vastly underused.
To learn more about the class on ginger and to register for this class, the kitchen herb series, plus
upcoming classes, please click on the link below.
I look forward to sharing my knowledge with you and putting the power of healing back in your hands. Thank you for watching!
Microsoft Edge for iOS and Android - Duration: 0:31.
Microsoft Edge.
You know when your friend sends you a really funny link?
Now you can share it with the whole gang.
Browse from your phone to your PC without skipping a beat.
Turn up
We took a fast, safe, desktop browser and made it mobile.
So now you can take the browser designed for Windows 10
wherever you go.
Matt Lauer: 'There Are No Words To Express My Sorrow And Regret' | TODAY - Duration: 4:34.
How To Remove Dark Spots | How To Clear Skin | Dark Spots On Face Removal | Lemon and Sugar - Duration: 2:35.
Hello friends my name is Tricia and today, I will tell you how to remove dark spots
I will tell you how to clear skin at home with the best home remedies
I will tell you how to remove dark spots with lemon juice and sugar
This remedy is popular all over the world for dark spots removal
I will tell you more about this remedy and some cautions at the end of this video, but first
I will tell you how to use this remedy, so let's start our video
But first be sure to subscribe to our channel for more health and beauty videos like this
the exfoliating benefits of sugar and the bleaching effect of lemon juice
Combined can make the perfect scrub to get rid of all your dead skin and give your face a refreshed glow
What you need?
half a lemon 1 TSP sugar
how to use
Step 1 squeeze the juice of half a lemon into a clean bowl
Step 2 add a teaspoon of sugar to the lemon juice and mix well
You can also add a teaspoon of coconut oil to the mixture if you have dry skin
Step 3 rub the mixture between your fingers and scrub all over your face using circular motions
giving special attention to the dark spots
step 4 keep scrubbing for two minutes
Step 5 wash off with clean water and pat dry your face
how often
Once a week
Warning do not apply any home remedy as containing lemon juice around or under your eyes as the skin in those areas is highly sensitive
Do not go out into the sunlight during or right after using a lemon juice home remedy as it makes your skin
highly sensitive and can cause sunburns
Tips use only freshly squeezed lemon juice as the packaged variety contains
Preservatives that can harm your skin if you have sensitive skin
You could add honey or rosewater to any of the above mixtures to make them gentler on your skin
Peace Devotions - When to Gossip - Duration: 1:59.
When I was in school there was a friend
of mine that began to have strong body
odor. A number of the fellow students in
class also noticed and began to ask the
question: "does that guy use deodorant?"
"Somebody should talk to him about it."
I knew it was true and I didn't want to
confront it. What would he say? Would he
accept my words of advice or would he
think I was simply being critical? In
such situations it's much easier to gossip
rather than confront the person in
love. But what about in a much more
difficult situation? What about when that
person has fallen into sin or that
person has sinned against you? God gives
us advice for this in Matthew chapter 18
verse 15 where he says this:
It is much easier to gossip,
to tell other people about someone's sin,
rather than to confront the sinner. Why?
Why does God want us to go one-on-one
to talk to them? So that they understand
where we're coming from: from the point
of love, concern for their soul. Yes God
doesn't want us to spread the rumor "did
you hear what so-and-so did?" Or "did you
hear what so-and-so did to me?" Or even
to immediately go and tell our pastor
about it, but rather to speak to that person
one-on-one. For what purpose? To win the
brother over, that they might recognize
their sin and that we might be there to
assure them that even that sin is
forgiven through the blood of their
Savior Jesus Christ. May God help us in
such situations to be guided ever by His
Word and to be motivated by love as we
confront sin. Amen.
6 Water-Rich Foods That Help You Stay Hydrated - Duration: 4:24.
I'm sticking with the VB-MAPP....here's why - Duration: 7:09.
Hi I'm dr. Mary Barbera, autism mom, BCB AD and author of the Verbal Behavior
Approach: How to Teach Children With Autism and Related Disorders which was
published in 2007 so it's more than a decade old now. In my 2007 book I talk,
which actually I wrote the book in 2006 it was published in 2007, so when I wrote
the book in 2006 I talked exclusively about the assessment of basic language
and learning skills, otherwise known as the Able's which was written by dr.
James Partington and after Mark Steinberg
in 1998. The Able's was not written as a standalone book but instead one of three
books that were written to go together. For many people including me credit the
publication of dr. Sundberg and Partington's three book collection
including the Abel's with the creation of the Verbal Behavior Approach. And I
can say that without the Abel's my son with autism who is now young adult would
not have progressed to the point he is now. And I most likely wouldn't have
become a BCBA either or ever written my book.
I'm therefore eternally grateful to dr. Sundberg and Partington for publishing
the Abel's. I used the Abel's starting in 1999 when my autism friend flew down to
Florida to hear dr. Vincent Carbone speak and when she came back she told me
about the Abel's and convinced me that we needed to switch from a low VAS type
ABA program to a verbal behavior ABA program. As a BCBA
I continued to use the Abel's until 2008 through my work with the Pennsylvania
Verbal Behavior Project which is now known as the pattern autism ABA Supports
Initiative. In 2006 I had the great opportunity with the VB project to
field-test the verbal behavior milestones assessment and placement
program otherwise known as the VB map which was
written by dr. Mark Sundberg and was published in 2008. We began switching
over from the Ables to the VB map actually in 2006 when we were field
testing it and officially switched over to the VB map only in 2008. This awesome
assessment and curriculum guide was published by avbpress.com and for
several years there's also been a wonderful electronic version of the VB
map which is available at vbmapapp.com Here's a few reasons why I love
using the VB map; not only for toddlers and very young children but also for
older children and teens with severe language impairment. First of all dr.
Mark Sternberg created the VB map first starting with milestones of where
typically developing infants and toddlers gain language, social and play
skills. So was crafted based on typical development. The assessment was also
field tested with more than a 150 infants and toddlers typically
developing and dozens of kids with autism. I love how it's set out so that
the VB map has three distinct levels. VB map level one is typical development of
a zero to 18 month old child. Level two is that of an eighteen month to thirty
month child and level three is 30 months to 48 months. So some people say:
"Hh well that's great for little kids but you know when a child becomes a teenager,
no matter where their language is at, we need to get more functional." I
disagree with. I think the most functional thing you can do for an older
child or a teen with little to no language is to complete a VB map
assessment and I use it all the time. The second reason I like the assessment
and use it every day, is that unlike most other assessments
that I'm familiar with, the VB map looks at not only good pro-social behaviors like
language and play skills that we want to encourage, but it also looks at the
"bad problem behaviors" or barriers with a whole separate barrier
assessment. I find especially when we used to use the Abel's, we were just
trying to fill up the boxes as hard as we could and meanwhile the child's
behavior was becoming more and more problematic. With the VB map we can look
at where the barriers and problem behaviors are happening, look at where
the milestones, get those problem behaviors down while we build the
milestones up. So the barriers assessment is definitely one of the reasons I love
the VB map. Once the VB map is completed, the boxes can be added up so the child
can get a score both in the milestones as well as the barriers and the
electronic version of the VB map automatically fills in the boxes and
creates the score. This is great for objective use for pre and post scoring
of the child's progress and is appealing to researchers as well. I find that the
practitioners who use the VB map are more likely to develop balanced programs
with an emphasis on pairing amending and improving a child's deficits without
further splintering skills or creating new and more severe problem behaviors.
The VB map contains a transition assessment too - which is helpful when it's
time to decide what level of inclusion in school is most appropriate. The final
reason I love the VB map is that I find it's relatively easy to administer every
4 to 12 months to measure progress. My early learner and intermediate learner
online courses walk parents and professionals through the VB map
assessment and programming, and all the procedures within my online courses
focus on measuring language and learning skills measured by the VB map milestones,
while reducing problem behavior measured by that barrier assessment. For more
information about this awesome tool including research studies utilizing the
VB map - check out a avbpress.com, marksundberg.com and vbmapapp.com
Thank you very much and I'll see you next week.
Favorite of: November| Not so far away - Duration: 9:26.
Hello everybody and welcome back to our
channel . Today we're gonna talk about the favorites of the month.
It was a diffucult choice since
I would have insert a lot of products and I would have talk about a many things
but we must be short.
So I will talk about the things I liked most and of which I could not
help it.
The first is a beauty product,
and it concerns hair.
This is the product . You can find this in
pharmacy and it's Bio so is diffucult to find it in supermarkets or in any other point of sale
except a pharmacy.
I find myself very well using this product because
is a creamy texture
This really saves my
hair's condition
I noticed that all the conditioner wich I have tried heavied the hair,
they made them even more oily than I already have
Instead this product even thought
I distrike it on the entire length of the hair also slightly
on the scalp is very light
and it doesn't make me split ends then girls this is a top
product . I really recommend this to you ,
the only disadvantage is that it costs more
compared to the normal conditioner, it costs 16 euros.
So if it is a product that
you have curiosity and the possibility to try
I absolutely recommend that , without any doubts
but if you can't ,cause I recognize is not cheap
you will find other similiar product
which may be suitable for you.
Another product that which I appreciated has been
the highlighter of Puro Bio , the n°1
, the first of a series of highlighter
it's something that really , I'm not able to explain
I never used any type of
highlighter before, it's the first time that I use
this type of product , even because with
my skin problems is diffucult for me to find
products that are fine
for my complexion or for my problems.
This is a cruelty free product
and even Bio so is perfect for my
need and problems,
I can not describe how much I like it.
I didn't buy it this month but
it was a previous gift
more or less
in coincidence with my onomastics
but only now I started to use it more
and I have to say that is something
that I can't live without and every time I go out I have to put
because , really , I can't stay without.
This is the product and I don't know if the quality it's clear
like the reality ,when you apply it
but is really something gorgeous.Another
favorite that I want recommend you
and is not
a real product but a book . It's a book that I have
really loved this month . It's a book
really singular.
I have never find a book like that . I read a lot and
I've always read , since childhood, I like read.
I think is something relaxing and even so
help to discover ourself . This
is a book that , personally, for intensity of content
I compare to " The girl on the train " of Paula Hawkins.
The book in question is titled "1Q84"
of Haruki Murakami,
and is the second book that I read of this author.
Is a japanese writer and
I had never read books
that moved away so much
from my culture. Instead I've discovered that
is an author that I think can describe
my way of thinking , my lifestyle
and all the things that represented
my life until now.
So I recommend this to you , is a nice reading
it doesn't have a heavy style but is very sliding
and even if it's enough long
because it have many pages , I repeat , you can read it
quickly and quietly.
During this month I listened losts of songs
that I liked however
the ones I preferred and that I always
listen, at least a couple of times a day , are four.
The first is "Unsteady" of
X Ambassadors . I liked it
a lot . I introduced also
on one of the colums in our
Twitter's page.
You can find us how " Not So Far Away" so if you
never see that , there is the link in the info box 👇👇👇
and you can visit our page
So during the week , when we have to choose
a song , following the
weekly theme
it was the soundtrack of a television advertising , so it was
a really random thing because up to a few days before
I didn't know which
song choose and I have seen this advertising
and was the advertising of a soap opera
which is going to be aired in Italy
and it had this amazing soundtrack.
It fits well,
it was a well thought-out approach,
very harmonious and the song
impressed me a lot , so
I've run and with the app Shazam at the end , I've found it. At the evening I heard it a lot
and then, like I usually do I've read the lyrics
because I think
is important to understand the text of a song.
I liked it a lot.
Is a song that talk about both of the past,
the present and implicitly even of the future
of a married couple with sons and
talk about all the vices and habits
that at first they appreciated , when they were a
young couple , that started to go out, but with the passing
of the years , on a relationships start to weight.
Talk about the life of two normal person ,of a common couple that falls in love,
and that with the time however
faces so many difficulties
of life , experiences and so
I recommend you to listen .
Another that I really loved was the song
of Niall Horan " Too much to ask"
This is one of the songs
that we've introduced on our column, always on Twitter.
Is a song that
moved me , not only for the lyrics
that surely
really fit for when we feel sad
you have to listen to because is suitable to comfort! *sarcasm*
I think that amazing songs like this one
are difficult to explain
fully as you would like . So I say it was gorgeous and I leave the judgment to you.
Another song
that I have appreciated so much
but is really different from the others
for both contenent,melody
rythm , and mostly culture,
is a BTS song,
a kpop band , so south korean.
The title is " Hip hop lover"
and there isn't something in particular
that I've liked because I like in general all their songs
If I have to says the reasons for that
I could stay here until tommorrow.
Is a song that
gives joy , streght , force
so I like it especially in this period of sessions studies,
it helps me a lot . The last song
but not least ,nay , maybe , the one
that I listen more frequently , is the song of Kehlani " Gangsta"
is part of the soundtrack of the film " Suicide Squad"
for those who see it , I don't , I've discover it with this song
of which I fell in love.
I really liked also the music video
that is done really well both for
the sequences of the singer
and some scenes of the film, well balanced.
I think
is one of that songs very sensual.
I think that at our age , twenty, is very important also
feel good with ourself.
I consider that this song gives
a lot of confidence
an incentive for take care of ourself
and to feel more feminine. That we must not be by force, but
personally this is one of that songs
which sends a lot of self-esteem.
I believe that everyone has a song
that makes you feel better instantly .
It doesn't have a
precise reason for which I like
but like happen frequently , you can't stop listen to .
Hope that you like the video
if it is a yes , give it a like,subscribe
to the channel . You can find on the info box all the products
and all the favorites of the month which I have talk about in this video.
I send you a kiss, I hope that you have enjoyed the video
see you at the next video and hoping for the best!❤
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