The barbell box squat is a great lower body strength training exercise that can
be performed before pregnancy and pretty much all the way through pregnancy, as
long as you're monitoring the load. So if you're someone who's accustomed to
pretty heavy box squatting, then just pay attention to how you feel. If you're
feeling any excess pressure and downward pressure on your pelvic floor,
or you're feeling like you're not totally stable in your core, then you
might want to reduce the load a little bit. You can even reduce the range of
motion slightly if you wanted to, but for most people, if they're proficient in
barbell box squatting, they're going to be fine to do it throughout their entire
pregnancy. So a couple things to note, the box squat is different than the squat to
box. So a squat to box is where you squat back and you barely tap your bum onto
the bench and it's usually used to gauge depth. Now the box squat is where you
actually put your weight on the bench and then you have to drive up out of the
hole. So Jessie's going to demonstrate. She's going to get underneath the
barbell, she's going to put her hands a little wider than shoulder width, she's
going to squeeze her back together and basically create a shelf on which the
bar is going to sit. She's going to pull her elbows underneath her a little bit
and she's going to stand up with the bar on her back. She's gonna take a couple
steps back and she's going to have either a box or a bench set up behind
her. She's going to get in the squat position that feels best for her and
that looks like it's a little bit wider than shoulder-width apart with toes
turned out about 15 degrees. She's going to make sure her ribs are over her hips
and her core is lightly braced. She's going to drive her knees out as she sits
back into her hips, she's going to put her weight on the bench, then she's going
to brace her core to stand back up. So give us a couple reps Jessie, good. You'll
notice she's putting her weight on the bench but she's not slamming down into
the vent. She's controlling her pelvis, she's not doing a crazy rock where she
pulls her pelvis underneath her. Good, give us one more, driving her knees out,
perfect, you can rack it.
Now if this had plates on it, we would absolutely put clips or collars on
either side. If something ever went wonky with your squat, the last thing you
want is for half the weights to fall off one side and then you're in big
trouble. So we're just showing you the unloaded barbell right now so you can
see Jessie's entire body, but the box squat is
fantastic for teaching people to sit back into their hips. A lot of women have
a tendency to let their knees drift forward in their squat or they plie out,
so it's good for teaching people to sit back into their hips. It's also good for
teaching to brace the core and come up off without letting the pelvis and the
core get wonky. And so that is the barbell box squat.
For more infomation >> Moms Gone Strong - Barbell Box Squat (With Side View) - Duration: 2:41.
12 Most DANGEROUS Beaches Ever! - Duration: 7:02.
12 Most Dangerous Beaches Ever
Playa Zipolite, Mexico- A nudist beach, mostly flocked by hippies and backpackers from around
the world.
Located on the southern coast of the Mexican state of Oaxaca, Playa Zipolite has also been
called "The beach of the dead," and for a good reason.
The beach has very powerful undercurrents that have supposedly used to claim about 50
human lives each year, and because of that, it's known as one of the deadliest beaches
in the world.
There's currently an entire lifeguard team stationed on the beach to reduce drownings,
and luckily, the numbers have declined.
Gansbaai Beach, South Africa- This part of South Africa is mainly for adventure seekers
who don't have a fear of the deep sea and want to come face to face with Great White
A very trendy tourist spot on the southern coast of South Africa, Gansbaai is considered
the "Great White Shark Capital of the World."
Between April and September, thousands of Great White Sharks gather along Gansbaai's
During this time, there is a 99% chance of a tourist seeing a shark right from the beach
without even having to go in the ocean!
Gansbaai has so many white sharks that it's become an attraction for the adventure seeking
You can feed them from a boat, and if you're brave enough, you can swim with them in a
shark proof cage.
Kilauea Beach, Hawaii- Kilauea Beach is one of the many beautiful and tropical beaches
found in Hawaii; However, this one is also one of the most dangerous beaches in the world
because the danger is hidden behind the beauty.
The beach is located right next to an active volcano.
The volcano has been active and constantly erupting since January 3rd, 1983.
The lava forms new land as it cools and hardens in the ocean, so there's a high chance you'll
experience this beautiful but dangerous scene if you decide to visit.
Bikini Atoll Beach, Marshall Islands- This beach is located near the equator in the Pacific
Ocean, the Bikini Atoll has fabulous beaches and diverse marine wildlife, making it a great
place to dive, but there are also dangers, there have been shark sightings at Atoll beach,
but surprisingly it's not considered dangerous because of sharks or other scary ocean creatures.
Instead, it was the site of 23 nuclear tests performed by the US military between 1946
and 1958.
Even though it's been more than five decades since any bombs were dropped on the atoll,
the radiation levels remain and are dangerously high.
The government has declared the area safe, but you still might want to stay away from
this beach.
North Sentinel Island Beach, India- The North Sentinel Island has exquisite beaches and
stunning nature, you might mistake it for a painting, but the natives are extremely
rude and even violent toward any tourists or outsiders.
They've been known to reject any contact with other people and have been known to kill several
intruders in the past.
There's been an incident in the past where India tried to make contact, and it ended
with the natives taking down their plane with flaming arrows.
So sometimes when you discover a beautiful remote island, there might be a good reason
why it's remote!
Manaus Beach, Brazil- Manaus is a large city in Brazil, mostly known for its beaches and
adventure tours.
Manaus is a pretty famous Amazon beach, the beaches in Manaus are mostly dangerous because
of the creatures that live in the river.
These creatures aren't your typical Great White sharks or jellyfish.
If you were to swim in the river, you would be sharing the water with electric eels, piranhas,
and even anacondas.
It's recommended to make a doctors appointment to get booster vaccinations to help avoid
catching malaria.
This disease can be spread by mosquitos in the area and should be taken before, during,
and after your trip.
Infections can spread fast in tropical climates.
Pick Pocketing and robberies have also been known to happen often in Manaus, so stay alert
of your surroundings and keep your purses and wallets close to your body.
Lamu Island Beach, Kenya- This beach has beautiful turquoise waters and soft white sand.
It once used to be one of the most visited beach resorts in the area.
But unfortunately, these days not many tourists dare to visit this beautiful place because
of threats made by the Islamic terrorist groups.
They have already taken several visitors from local resorts around the area.
A lot of locals make a living from tourism, and because of these incidents it has left
locals without work and struggling to support their families because many tourists have
been scared off from visiting Lamu.
Dumas Beach, India- An urban beach along the Arabian Sea in the Indian of Gujarat, for
awhile now the Dumas Beach has always been shrouded in mystery.
The beach has black sand and formerly used to be a cremation and burial ground.
Although it is a popular tourist spot, Dumas Beach is also famous for being in the top
35 haunted places in India.
The beach is considered one of the most haunted and deadliest beaches in India.
There have been several disappearances here, and this time sharks aren't doing the taking,
there hasn't been any trace or reason why these people mysteriously disappeared.
People have gone to the beach at night to take photos and capture any paranormal activity
they can, and have seen orbs appear in the photos they've taken and claimed the ghost
stories are true.
New Smyrna Beach, Florida- The beach is known as one of the top ten beaches in Florida,
but it has a far from perfect reputation.
In 2007 there were 112 shark attacks recorded worldwide.
Seventeen of them occurred at the New Smyrna Beach.
The three most common sharks seen here are the spinner, blacktip, and bull sharks.
Surfers and swimmers can quickly become accidental targets for these predators.
The beach now has its place in the "Guinness Book Of Records" as "The Shark Capital
Of The World."
Chowpatty Beach, India- Chowpatty Beach in India is both notorious and famous.
It's famous because it is the venue for the Hindu festival, a celebration where hundreds
of Mumbai residents flock the beach.
But the water is notorious for being one of the most polluted in the entire world and
deemed not swimmable by many people.
So as you can tell, this beach is known for many things, but beautiful isn't one of
The beach is located in Mumbai, India.
This beach is so polluted with waste and unclear water that it's extremely uneasy on the eyes.
The one time of day that Chowpatty Beach is beautiful is right at sunset when the bright
colors of pinks and oranges distract you from the garbage floating around in the water but
avoid going in; even many locals avoid getting in this water to avoid catching anything and
becoming ill.
Cape Tribulation Beaches, Queensland, Australia- This beautiful place is home to the Box Jellyfish;
it's one of the most poisonous creatures in the world.
Cape Tribulation beaches are shut down every year between October and April.
The beach even has warning signs throughout the beach to warn swimmers of the risk.
Since 1883 there have been more than 70 fatalities due to the Box jellyfish's sting.
The venom is so toxic, that if the victim is not treated immediately, the result can
be fatal.
Jellyfish aren't the only creature you'll find here; it's also home to crocodiles and
venomous snakes as well.
Heard Island, Antarctica- Unlike most beaches, this one has extremely icy water.
This island is among the most remote places on earth, southeast of Madagascar.
In fact, it's so remote that the population on this island is zero.
And for a good reason, because the Island is made up of giant volcano known as Big Ben.
The island is permanently covered by ice year round, so it never becomes a typical summertime
The Heard island is owned by Australia but is closest to Antarctica.
The water temperatures at Heard Island are so icy cold that a countless number of surfers
have gotten hypothermia from being in the water too long.
If you survive the cold, this would be an extreme surfing experience.
Hey you!
Yes you watching this video!
I want you to do something for me alright.
Now bear with me because I think it might be in your best interest to listen through.
I want you to close your eyes, and I want you to imagine you're an alien right, coming from outer space.
And you come from a place where the people of your kind live by only one rule and that rule is
Now you as an individual of course you have your own purpose
and you realize that a huge part of your purpose is to actually visit a beautiful blue planet called Earth
and inspire the same rule to the species living there.
Now you're really excited, you jump in your ultra fast spaceship and in a blink of an eye
you're there.
You're floating above this beautiful blue planet
and you think to yourself...
That is amazing! I think this is going to be you land your spaceship, and you start roaming around.
And soon you realize that so many important things that are crucial to creating
a much more advanced and different world...are being done wrong.
Everything is backwards!
The species living here have learned to collectively experience life through the rockiest and most uncomfortable
conditions they themselves have created. They have created a system, they chose to blindly follow
which projects fear, hopelessness and worthlessness, confusion
and emptiness.
An illusion so incredibly distorted they started shutting down their voice their power and their intuition.
They have forgotten their worth, their purpose and have distanced themselves from love.
As you stand there observing the confusion before your very eyes...
what do you do?
I'm going to give you three options here.
Option A: will you let yourself get affected by this energy and go back home feeling defeated, unsuccessful and
Option B
Will you stay and blend in, silence your voice, shut your intuition and power like they did
and wait for them to hopefully wake up one day so you can show yourself and finally start to fullfilling your purpose?
Option C
Will you stand out and show your uniqueness, your power, your gifts be who you truly are
and start living your purpose immediately?
Will you have the courage to say no to that
nonsense of a habit and instead start doing what you're great at, what makes you happy and fulfilled
even when those around you are still living in their own bubble?
You see, I chose the option C.
And I highly suggest you do the same
Do not hide your gifts, let them show.
Let everyone see you in all of your glory, let them see you at the top, because there's no better way to helping
a person out to follow their purpose
than to start living yours.
You are special and you have something huge to offer to the world! Now is your time to do it.
Other people's experiences now do not matter!
Now it's all about you.
It's your time to shine and to leave an important mark on this planet.
Now remember, your time here in this dimension is limited.
So use it wisely.
Do not dwell any more, take action.
You're here to be remembered and NOT to be forgotten.
सावधान ! Kiss करने से भी हो सकती हैं ये बीमारियां || disadvantages of kiss in Hindi - Duration: 2:47.
सावधान ! Kiss करने से भी हो सकती हैं ये बीमारियां || disadvantages of kiss in Hindi
Thinking About You (Music Video) - Sofia Feat. BOHEMIA 2017 - Duration: 3:06.
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Osteoporosis Diet: 6 Foods That Promotes Strong And Healthy Bones - Duration: 3:21.
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Osteoporosis Diet: 6 Foods That Promotes Strong And Healthy Bones
The world osteoporosis day kicks off on the 20th of October 2017, and its year-long campaign
is designed to promote awareness about osteoporosis prevention, diagnosis and treatment, plus
other metabolic bone disease.
In this post, you will get to see the importance of osteoporosis diet in promoting healthy
Osteoporosis makes your bones to become weak and fragile, thereby increasing the risk of
You can follow certain diets and lifestyle changes to promote healthy bones and prevent
the risk of osteoporosis, or sometimes even help in managing the symptoms if you are already
suffering from it.
One of the best way is to follow a healthy diet that is rich in bone-healthy nutrients
like vitamin D, calcium, and protein.
Below are 6 foods you should include in your diet to ensure string and healthy bones.
6 Foods That Promotes Strong And Healthy Bones
Green leafy vegetables
Green leafy vegetables are rich with vitamin K and calcium, these are major nutrients your
bones need to stay strong and healthy.
You should always include greens in your diets like spinach and mustard leaves.
These vegetables will also provide you with fiber, vitamin A and iron, all these help
in keeping your energy levels up.
Fatty fish which are rich in omega-3 fatty acids are very healthy for your bones, this
is because the healthy fats help in reducing inflammation.
Tuna and salmon (an example of fatty fish) also contain naturally occurring vitamin D.
Alkaline foods
Since osteoporosis thrive in acidic environment, alkaline foods like fruits, nuts and legumes
helps in creating a balance in the body's pH.
This reliefs the symptoms or reduces the risk of osteoporosis.
Dairy products
Dairy products are rich in calcium, hence they help in building your bones and keeping
it healthy.
You should always includes dairy foods like yogurt, milk and cheese in your diet for a
strong and healthy bone.
Apart from eggs being a good source of proteins, they also contain vitamin D, all these promotes
healthy bones.
Don't just eat egg whites, the yolk also contain vitamin D which is good for your bone
Sweet potatoes
Though you might not be aware, I will love t let you know that potassium and magnesium
are two essential nutrients needed for healthy bones.
Magnesium functions in maintaining the vitamin D levels in your body and potassium helps
in neutralizing the acid content in your body, that can leach calcium from your bones.
You can benefit from this nutrients when you include sweet potatoes in your diet, as it
is a major source of it.
Following an osteoporosis diet by including these foods in your meals will make you have
healthy bones and reduce your risk of osteoporosis.
As you age, your bones tends to become weaker, so you should always try to take care of it
by maintaining a healthy diet.
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LFP 083 How to Play the Flute with Power | Learn Flute Online Video Podcast - Duration: 9:39.
Welcome to the Learn Flute Podcast where today I'll be sharing some big tips and hints
on how to play the flute with more power.
I'm Rebecca Fuller, and this is episode number eighty three!
Hello, hello, it's a great day here at Learn Flute Online- as usual.
When I said 'episode number eighty three' a minute ago, it surprised me that we've
already done this many episodes.
How exciting.
It has just flown by, hasn't it?
As you might already know, I work with many students of different age groups and ability,
so my job is fun fun and never boring.
One thing I particularly enjoy is helping trouble shoot someone's tone.
That means, I get to listen carefully to them play and then make a plan in my head for how
I can first of all, improve something about their tone quickly- right then.
And the next thing I do is make a game plan to help them strengthen their tone for the
Basically, I like to give them an immediate fix, and then send them home with a new skill
or exercise that will give them the tone they're looking for, and is achievable within a few
weeks with consistent effort.
There are different types of tones that I hear including dry, airy sounds as well as
shrill and sharp.
But there's one specific type of tone we're going to learn about today that could possibly
change your playing life on your flute if this is something you are needing.
And, this is quiet and possibly flat tone… usually pretty thin sounding.
Small tone that has no power lacks color and vibrancy as well as dynamic range and depth.
Basically, it's a higher level skill.
Want it for yourself?
Even if you're not aware of it, almost everyone can use tips to strengthen their
tone, which some people think of as learning how to play louder.
Which is kind of the same thing.
So, let's get started!
Before I share the special tips I have for you today on this subject, we need to examine
a little more carefully the symptoms..
Haha, I feel like a flute doctor right now.
The symptoms are: thin, quiet, and possibly or usually with intonation problems.
This means that the pitches played are oftentimes flat or sharp from where they should be.
Now, the reasons flute players get into this funk or habit of playing this way is almost
always for one reason.
They are really working hard at clearing up their tone and not having any fuzzies or whispy
sounds in their tone.
So, what happens is that the flute player discovers that if they use a combination of
a few things, their tone clears up - it's powerless, but it's clear.
And, especially for a school band player, this seems okay because they like their playing
to blend in anyway.
Well, the problem with all of this is that it's a very hard habit to break - and full,
strong, open tone just isn't a possibility anymore.
The players find that if they tip their head joint in towards their face a bit and pull
back with their cheeks to stretch the aperture - you know, the hole in their lips, then it
creates a smaller hole.
This combination creates a smaller, and slightly sweeter tone….
Or at least they think.
The big tip here is to learn to keep the flute more level so that the angle of your air stream
is not so closed off.
Also, pulling the cheeks back and pinching into a tiny little hole does make it more
possible to stay clear, but tiny also means a tiny airstream..
And no matter how hard you force it out, it can't have much power.
Check yourself next time you go to play your flute.
Stand in front of a mirror and play.
How many dimples are showing?
Are your cheeks pulled back, your lips in a long stretched line, and on the verge of
a pucker?
Yah, that's a clue that you can use these tips today.
I like to demonstrate this in the learning videos in the Learn Flute Online modules.
It's a really important skill.
It's not the only important skill, but it is definitely on the top of the list.
Also, try blowing a nice long tone while experimenting with rolling the head joint out and in…
listen carefully to the size of the tone.
If you have the habit of playing the flute tipped in, you can definitely hear a difference
in pitch as you roll it out.
But, I should mention that this has two parts to it.
If you roll out and can't make any noise at all anymore, then it means you're pulling
back with your cheeks and super tight.
Food for thought for sure.
The last tip I'll give you today is to realize that you can blow much, much harder on a flute
than you really thought was possible.
Really, if a student has properly done a study in forte (forte means loudly), then their
heart rate will probably be up, and they'll have an exhilarated feeling as if they just
did something really big and really cool.
Marcel Moyse, who is the father of modern flute playing was probably the first to put
into writing that we flute players need to use our abs.
It's true!
We need to engage the abs and this will force the air out at a faster speed, thus increasing
the 'loudness'.
The trick then is to teach your lips how to behave so that the correct octave will
Remember, those loose cheeks and lips.
Haha, well I think I could go on for three days straight on this subject, but let's
give it a rest here and let it bounce around your head for
a while.
Remember that the best way to make a new habit is to take small bites and chew often.
Quick review now: Number one: keep your lips supple, soft and
your cheeks loose instead of pinched and tight
Number two: Keep the head joint nice and level..
If your head joint is lined up perfectly with your keys, then the keys will be horizontal
and parallel to the flat ceiling not tipped back.
Number three: engage your abs.
Push in on your belly button so the air is forced out of your mouth at a faster rate.
And, number four: make these previous three things a habit, and then come back for more
and I'll tell you the rest of the recipe.
It's so good to have you here.
You're experimenting faithfully, hopefully having fun, and enjoying the process of being
a learner.
I invite you to come into the membership areas here at, where you can
get 24/7 access to thousands of learning videos all designed in progressive order in a very
organized, systematic way that ensures your complete success as a
flute player.
See ya soon!
A New Reality Is Manifesting on Gaia – Can You Feel It - Duration: 5:49.
A New Reality Is Manifesting on Gaia � Can You Feel It
by Therese Zumi Sumner
This morning on the Swedish TV morning news show they interviewed a journalist from a
mainstream Swedish newspaper who has been reporting from Syria and the war there.
She basically said that this war has nothing to do with the Syrian people but is a war
between the nations with the most power in the East and West.
She mentioned on the one side the alignment of Iran, Iraq, and Russia and on the other
hand USA, Saudi Arabia and Israel.
I must admit that in 2010-2011 my opinion of President Assad was such that I said to
Source �if I knew how to, I would willingly go there and put a bullet in his head�.
Then Cobra came along and eventually a much clearer and broader view of reality evolved.
This Swedish journalist has won many prizes.
She has lived with the people in Raqqa, along with them she has experienced starvation,
lice all over her body, sleepless nights not knowing what�s ahead at any moment.
When you listen to her you know she knows what she�s talking about.
In case anyone still has any doubts about this the war in Syria is most definitely a
major part of NWO WW3 being played out.
Without the Light Forces ~ the Alliance on the surface ~ the RM below surface and not
in least the Galactic Confederation this third world war would have been multiple times worse.
Why I�m telling you this is that I have never heard someone speaking in such plain
language about the truth of reality and clearly being invited and allowed to do so on mainstream
To me this is a wonderful sign that things are changing fast now.
There are signs to be seen daily in our state owned TV that a more truthful reality is emerging.
I believe that we are �there� already now!!
We are day by day gliding over to this new reality.
It�s taking place before our very eyes if we have �eyes to see�.
Have you heard that we are the creators of our reality?
That our experience of reality is a mirror of what we focus on from within?
The more that we decide to focus on the change taking place like many have done worldwide
in meditation these past 4 days or so the quicker it will manifest.
We have focused when possible, every four hours, that the Pink Feminine Warm Loving
Goddess energy descends like a blanket over every man woman and child and we visualize
/ see a healing taking place and celebrations of peace on Earth.
So, if (merely an example) your focus is worry about chemtrails still happening then that�s
what you will manifest.
Most likely they will go on as long as the weather control is still in �their� hands
so why bother worry � their power is about to end soon.
Let�s focus upon what we want!
Let�s focus upon what we want!
Focus on Love.
Send out loving vibes to everyone you meet whether or not they meet your eyes, and if
they do meet your eyes say �Hi�.
One place on the planet {there are sadly way too many} that could do with a little extra
healing energy at present is the Rohingya people who have crossed the border to Bangladesh
from northern Burma.
This is such a disgrace.
Ethnic rinsing because the powers that be in that country want to develop oil, marble
etc. industries in the area these people have resided.
They have burnt their houses, committed so many other atrocities to drive them away,
and now slave traders without any conscience whatsoever are stealing orphaned children
age 5-6-7 years as they cross the border selling them to trafficking into slave sexual industry
for 150$ each!
The refugee camp in Bangladesh is now holding 1 million people with more arriving daily.
It is in the jungle and has many tents on the edge of ravines that could collapse when
the rainy season comes.
Lets us decree, declare and command that this situation is given priority and changed NOW.
An example of decreeing found here:
or a simple reminder; We could decree something like this:
I {your name here} declare and decree and command in the presence of the Council of
Love or my Family of Light {name if you wish any or all Guides � Light Beings}
That � {your desire here}
This is the will of Source {� your name �} and so it is, and so it is, and so it
Finally, we know that success is a given?
Do you know that?
You should know that?
Our unity as Lightworkers has brought us to a place where so so many of us have a similar
view of the new Gaian reality, so many of us focus on a beautiful bright new reality
so that there is no possibility that �their� NWO sad controlling vision could ever manifest
Cobra taught us that from December 2012 there was only one possible timeline future and
that it would be positive.
The more of us that join forces seeing that new future as brightly and vibrant as you
possibly can the quicker it will manifest.
So, let�s spend our time focusing on that and being prepared for the coming change in
every way that we can.
New Hollywood Movie 2017 In Hindi Dubbed Military Force - Duration: 1:43:40.
New Hollywood Movie 2017 In Hindi Dubbed Military Force hindi dubbed latest 2017 new blockbuster south indian movies.
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Przemek student vlog 1 – introduction | Oxford Brookes University - Duration: 1:52.
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Hello everyone! Welcome to Oxford Brookes University.
My name is Przemek and I'm from Poland. I study Applied Languages in business specialization.
I chose this course because I'm passionate about languages
and this course enables me to apply gained knowledge of languages
into different areas of business like people management...
customer experience management, marketing and accounting.
Another reason why I chose this course
is because it offers opportunity to do a work placement during the third year.
So next year I will be spending in Spain or Uruguay and English-speaking country –
maybe Australia, USA or England.
I can honestly say that while I'm at Brookes, I usually find time for studying, socialising...
having fun and going out to Cowley and city centre, and playing football.
And I love the fact that atmosphere here is so unstressful
and atmosphere is friendly and enjoyable.
What surprised me at Brookes was that
academic advisors and tutors are always there to help.
They will try to support you as much as they can.
And when it comes to checking the essays before the deadlines –
your friends will definitely help you.
I'm not completely sure what I want to do in the future
but I'm really interested in advertising which is a part of marketing
so I hope that after my work placement I will define my future plans.
That's everything I wanted to share with you today.
See you in the next video!
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As You Like it E ve ((お気に召すまま) English Subtitles) - Duration: 4:09.
As you like it
Blank words spilled out
These memories make me weep
Is today the end of this?
1, 2 signs wait
You and me take each other's hands
My courage gives me the push to move forward
to the next phase
Because I can't stand still
This false life
Why am I unable, I can't say
can't say
Maybe this time, I can't say
Now we
come come along
spinning to get to start again
gradually growing disdainful but the like grows too
Hey hey we won't know in this meeting between myself
again and again, we get half way there, but get torn apart
Ha Ha get on the sound and begin to dance
Completely full of disdain but the like fills us too
Hey Hey From this point on we won't know
My heart
Shake shake
There's no real correct answer
So then where on earth will we go
to end this story?
1, 2 signs waiting
You and me
our hands brush against each other
My courage gives me the push to move forward to the next
After all this formality is meaningless
Disgraced of the dreams we trade
From now on we will properly properly
You now come come cross, looking away
gradually growing disdainful but the like grows too
Hey hey we won't know in this meeting between myself
Again and again, we appear to crumble down
Ha Ha To feel before we fade away
Completely full of disdain but the like fills us too
Hey Hey from this point on we won't know
Until we add to our understanding
Maybe this time, I can't say
Now we
Come come along, spinning to get to start again
gradually growing disdainful but the like grows too
Hey hey we won't know in this meeting between myself
again and again, we get half way there, but get torn apart
Ha Ha getting on the sound, start to dance
Completely full of disdain but the like fills us too
Hey Hey From this point on we won't know
My heart says
Shake shake
Translation Colamiilk
Top 10 Smart People Ever Born In History | TOP10slive - Duration: 7:40.
hi welcome to TOP10slive YouTube channel please subscribe us and click on
the bell icon for new updates history doesn't grade your smartness on the
number of questions you did in math class Albert Einstein was kicked out of
the class more than once because his teachers thought he was dumb
Newton appeared to have learning disabilities and the teachers
recommended special school for him Tom Cruise the handsome Hollywood actor had
learning disabilities and yet these people created a mock in their industry
they are an emblem of what they do scientific achievements today rely on
the fundamental principles described or discovered by Newton and Einstein the
latter being the most celebrated scientist to date today we present then
such smartest people in history who would leave you in a state of
inspiration as well as saw let this list motivate you number 10 Alexander he was
a man that led to thousands of deaths in his quest to conquer Russia then why
would he be great and smart the defining moment of his intelligence and smartness
was the trust of his father who bestowed the kingship of Macedonia on Alexander's
shoulders when he was only 16 he ruled most of Asia by the time he dies due to
malaria parasitic infections spread by Anopheles mosquitoes that owed maximum
number of deaths each year never knowing Michelangelo the
difference between the works of art of this man and davinci is merely the style
though both men master that the former has a greater influence on modern art
and Western art today this man had the nerves to paint while hanging midair and
thus his passion for art ended up in creating a timeless painting on the
ceiling a celebrated artist of all times Michelangelo and his works are a subject
of interest amongst students number eight Thomas Edison the
man who gave us the bulb though he based his work on and little done by Nicholas
Tesla yet the maker of bulbs is Edison he is the man we ought to thank as we
turn on the lights every day number seven Leonardo da Vinci when we talk
about Leonardo we wonder who this person really was was he an artist a scientist
a model a sculptor a painter turns out that he was all of them the Vinci
mastered whatever he did be it 3d modeling or painting his famous articles
include Mona Lisa's portrait and the Vitruvian Man he also made the prototype
for the first helicopter airplane to this date the stories of da Vinci are
told and retold in the form of novels cartoons and Freemason controversies he
can be considered as one of the most flexible men of his time to have learned
and master each think he attempted all in the artistic fields number sex
William Shakespeare a man of many talents he was and still is as his name
has been preserved for centuries and may even last a lifetime from now to
Shakespeare is more known to laymen because of the difficult spelling of his
name where most of us have had a teacher rebuking us over missing the e only
later we learned that there is much more to the legendary playwright than his
misogyny sztyc treatment of the female characters having written 36 plays for
us Shakespeare is one of the greatest playwrights that history produced his
ability to think from a different perspective is what led him to this
stage number five
Adolf Hitler Adolf Hitler alone is considered responsible for millions of
deaths in the history of mankind putting down the basis of Nazism he fooled the
world into believing that what he is doing was right and this is precisely
where the genius of this man lies his famous quote I didn't kill all the Jews
so that people would know why I was killing them has intrigued many people
over the years legend has it that he was the illegitimate son of a Jewish father
who abandoned his mother and him a military man he was - at which he
cleverly used the resources and the German army as well as police forces of
that era to shield him from opposing forces only to eventually turn Germany
into a land at which would now primarily be owned ruled governed and taken
control of by him and his Nazi manifesto most definitely is one of the greatest
and smartest people to have existed until being topped by Osama bin Laden a
few decades later who had similar yet more detrimental motives number four
Galileo Galilei he is the man who gave us the eyes to look beyond the skies
Galileo invented the telescope through which man discovered the hidden secrets
of the universe only a small percentage of which has been revealed to us to date
to think that the work of this man is the foundation upon which the current
system of military intelligence is built gives us a weird pleasure do I need to
mention that at the bases of NASA lie the discoveries and efforts of this man
who existed centuries ago number three Stephen Hawking till from
relatively newer era this man deserves to be on this list
Stephen is a genius of the top-ranking because he proved most of in Stein's
theories to Einstein was shunt by many for presenting ideas that the common
mind would not decipher when Hawking United quantum theory with general
relativity he proved that it is the limitations of the mind and not the
possibilities which hold people back from accepting truth
number two Isaac Newton a mathematician by definition this man provided us the
basics for physics that we use to perform the most complex of experiments
today Newton's ideas were easy to understand in school probably the only
scientist whose works were understandable to the common minds like
ours he gave the famous laws of motion and gravity number one Albert Einstein
we all know that Albert Einstein is one of the smartest people to have walked
the earth in terms of science they say that his brain worked around four
percent more than the average man that reminds us of Lucy who unveiled so many
secrets of the living world because of extra brain functionality was Einsteins
mind and has apparently weird ideas a result of this functionality too he has
been rendered as the most well-known and influential scientists of the 20th
century Einstein's name has also been
subsequently linked to Unruh furred too as a word of its own in popular culture
and urban language example if somebody calls somebody an Einstein it can be
regarded as one of the most magnanimous and highest of compliments ever
indicating that such a person is brilliant with endless creativity
thanks for watching please hit that like button and share this video it really
motivates us to make awesome stuff when you follow on all the social media for
latest updates
You Never See - 10 Pakistani Cricketers With Their Lovely Wives - Duration: 3:57.
You Never See - 10 Pakistani Cricketers With Their Lovely Wives
Woman On Way To Interview Panics When Cop Pulls Her Over. What He Does Next Leaves Her In Tears - Duration: 2:26.
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Woman On Way To Interview Panics When Cop Pulls Her Over.
What He Does Next Leaves Her In Tears
Job interviews can be stressful.
They take significant preparation.
You want to make the best impression because first impressions are the ones folks never
You have to dress the part – no sloppy appearance allowed.
You also need to respond to the interviewer's questions in a manner that will hopefully
press all the right buttons.
So before you even reach the location of your interview, you're not exactly focused on
anything else.
Can you imagine being pulled over by the police on your way to a job interview?
It's probably happened more than we hear about, but thankfully this officer was in
a generous, helpful mood when he approached this particular civilian.
"So this happened just now," Chy-Niece Thacker wrote in a now-viral Facebook post.
"I'm on my way to go to my interview this morning when I get pulled over.
Both brake lights decided to go out this time.
How terrible for this lady.
Does she need this now?
Thankfully, he showed her some compassion: "As he walked to the car and I was pulling
out my stuff, he quickly said, 'Don't worry about pulling anything out.
I just want you to know that your brake lights are out.'
"So I'm immediately upset, because I just got them replaced like last month," Chy-Niece
"So I explained to him how the tire store wants to charge me $600 just to run a test
on the wiring of the car.
He looked at me and told me to pop the trunk.
He checked the lights in the trunk and tapped them, but they didn't come on.
So he told me to pop the hood to check the relay box then asked me to get out to check
the other one."
Though her brake lights were messed up, this woman realized how fortunate she was to encounter
this specific officer at this moment.
"He could've easily given me a ticket, but Officer Jenkins stepped out of officer
role and into mechanic role to make sure I was straight."
We love stories with positive endings!
The officer could've written Chy-Niece a ticket and ruined her day, but he decided
to show her kindness and compassion instead.
He took her at her word and offered his assistance.
We're sure she went to her job interview feeling relieved and with a smile on her face.
Hopefully, she aced it!
Blame It on the Book - Duration: 1:45.
Hi everyone. It's Maria Cristina, one of the contributing editors at book riot.
and today I have a question for you. I would like to know about a time that you
have slacked off or shirked your responsibilities because you just
couldn't put a book down. And I'm asking because in the grand tradition of "here's
an essay about why I'm not turning in an essay," I'm submitting this video a little
late to my colleagues just because I couldn't put out a book. I was up late
one night and I was scrolling through the advance review copies on my iPad
that I haven't been able to get to yet, came across one called Frankie, and I
couldn't remember what it was about. So I opened it up and then I just never
closed it. um So, a) you should check that out because it was a riveting read.
And b) this is not the first time that this has happened to me. I'm sure I'm not
the only person it has happened to. So tell me your stories about things that
you have blown off or rushed or procrastinated on because you were just
too deep into a book to set it down. Let me hear your stories. You know, it'll help
my case a little bit. Thanks for watching. Bye.
242252702 - Replacing Your Refrigerator's Water Inlet Valve - AP5671757, PS7784018 - Duration: 4:19.
Hi my name is Bill
and today I'm going to show you how to replace the water inlet valve
on your refrigerator.
The reason why you might do this is because you're having water issues such as your ice
maker overflowing or not filling enough, your water dispenser not dispensing water,
or your refrigerator is leaking water.
For this repair all you'll need is a 1/4 inch nut driver
Warning before doing any repairs please disconnect your power source.
For this demonstration I'll be using an electrolux refrigerator.
This is a side by side fridge.
Keep in mind though that your fridge may be a little bit different but the same techniques
should still apply.
Since our refrigerator is unplugged the first thing we're going to do is turn it right around.
Now what we're going to do is remove the four screws holding this piece of cardboard on.
Keep in mind you might have more or less screws on depending on your fridge.
Now that all the screws are out we can remove this by tiling it forward and then lifting it up.
and that exposes our water inlet valve.
Now i'm going to remove the two screws holding on the water inlet valve.
So now that we have our water inlet valve exposed you can make note of where the wire
harnesses are all plugged in as well as the water tubes.
Or you can make it easy and just take a picture.
So now I'm going to remove all of the wire harnesses.
and to remove the tubes I'm just
going to press this little plastic piece and pull the tube out
and I'm going to do the same thing with each one
Keep in mind there also might be some water still in the lines so keep a towel handy.
Now you can grab your new oem replacement piece.
If you don't have one already you can one from our website.
So now we're going to replace the wire harnesses.
and just push the tubes right back into the spot and they'll lock in.
Now that we've got it all put back together we can screw it back in to its spot on the
back of the fridge.
Now that that's back on we can put our cardboard piece back on.
And once you've done that you can turn your fridge around and your repair is complete.
Finally don't forget to plug in your appliance.
If you need to replace any parts for your appliances you can find an oem replacement
part on our website.
Thanks for watching.
And please don't forget to like, comment, and share our video.
Also don't forget to subscribe to our channel your support helps us make more videos just
like these for you to watch for free.
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