Why do bats have eyes?
Aw shit, man...
We got to look at the bright side of things.
This is going to be a really good year for comedy.
You guys remember the Bush administration?
That shit was hilarious!
What an awesome thing to study is comedy What got me into comedy is I have no other
marketable skills whatsoever.
I lost the whole front table the second I called Jar Jar Binx a Jamaican retard.
I have wanted to do comedy my entire life.
Alright, I'm here at Legend's Sports Bar and Grille.
If you wanna be a great comedian, you gotta work hard.
It's something that I have to get really good at.
I just don't want to get a day job.
[Title Music]
My man right here, he travels all up and down the strip.
I want ya'll to put your hands together right now, dude, for Strangling mother fucking Jack!
The name Strangling Jack, I have no idea where it came from.
It's a uh, it's one of the mysteries of our time.
Strangling Jack, I mean is that a name for a comedian?
I love the Strangling Jack What idiot would name themselves Strangling
Sometimes behind his back we call him Struggling Jack
Strangling is the name for a comedian He's just fucking goofy
Ah, Strangling Jack is one of the most talented comedians I've ever had the pleasure to work
Um, if he just would stop being such a douche bag, I'd...
I think.
I think he's a terrorist.
I don't care what terrorist he is.
I don't care what his cause is, I just want to contribute to Strangling Jack.
Turns out he's a fucking comic.
Her name was Lola and she's a transvestite.
I'm trying to give to a terror organization, and this bastard took my money
My buddy Ryan told me that I was named after
a wrestler It was just a made up wrestler name.
I asked him years later, like what's this wrestler?
Cause I could never find the guy.
He was like, you weren't named after a wrestler, I'm like well what, you fucking told me that.
It was just an easy pun.
What actually happened was, he got high as shit, and doesn't remember how the fuck the
name came up.
[Music] This is my third set.
The first night though, I did...
The fucking Dive bar.
Who has done the Dive Bar?
Holy shit with that place!
Oh my god!
My first night was at the Dive Bar.
The Dive Bar is a special place.
That was like the bar from Deadpool [Chaotic sounds]
It was the bar from Gremlins.
Remember that shit?
People hanging from the chandeliers and shit.
Some people were multiplying in the corner with water.
There was a Russian guy with tattoos upfront, there were hecklers
Actually, that guy [Indiscernible]
I think he's actually part weed.
[Indiscernible] He's like a-
Shut the fuck up!
Most people's first time doing stand-up happens at an open mic
My first night went kind of crazy.
I had about 17 minutes of cool stuff.
You start thinking of Eddie Murphy and Richard Pryor, and you know, John Witherspoon.
You think of all these people, Steven Wright, who you admire, who do stand-up comedy-
I'm gonna be one of these guys And the first four jokes I told were had to
be there kind of stories.
And then you get up on stage, and like, I'm not gonna be one of those guys.
Nobody really laughed at them, because they weren't there.
I forgot half of the shit that I was going to say
[Nervous laugh] Uh, let's see.
I just couldn't think of what I was going to say next.
I forgot all my fucking jokes, yeah!
[Laughter] I fucking knew this would happen
I froze up And that's a good thing to see is me freezing
up in the first fucking video.
I bombed really really bad when I first did this,
and uh, it actually was the best thing that ever happened to me.
Not only did I bomb, but we actually were made fun of by the MC.
The Dive Bar, while it's a crazy place, it's actually the kind of bar that you really need
as a comedian, because it's the one that's going to toughen
your skin up, and get you to deal with hecklers, get you to deal with bombing
I did my first mic you know, six years ago or something like that.
I watched the open mics probably twenty times, and then one day I got hammered and was like,
I want to sign up!
And then just, I don't even remember what the fuck I talked about.
I was terrible, you know.
So the first night over at the Dive Bar, uh, it went really bad, but I did get one
good laugh in.
Few people know that apart from being a powerful force in Hollywood,
actor Keanu Reeves considers himself to be a bit of a philosopher.
I'm Morgan Freeman I'm a seventy year old black man with chocolate
chips on his face [Laughter]
It was a great first night, because that's the kind of like extreme situation that is
going to make all the others a little easier.
Even on my worst day if I think I have a bad show, I always think to myself, it's never
like that one show.
So, it's kind of like I always have that.
My comedy background is fairly extensive ha,
hm, goodness Strangling Jack is like one of my dearest
We were both improv brothers with the Swinging Johnson Brothers back in southern California
They can barely afford sub-standard health care.
The Johnson Brothers were originally birthed out of this really crappy theater in Colton.
In High School, I started getting into improv, which was, which is fucking terrifying.
I went up there and I made a fool out of myself, and so I was frightened of it.
I didn't go back for two years.
That looks great Oh, thank you, I worked very hard on it for
like two and a half hours.
Yeah- no.
I actually only worked for like twelve minutes, I have ADD.
[Laughter] I continued with improv all the way through
college, uh abd then we ended up forming the Swinging Johnson Brothers
at a theater in Colton, California.
[Music - Johnson Brothers Theme by Hobo Jazz] We also performed out of, I mean, like, almost
every venue in Riverside that would accept an improv group.
The Swinging Johnson Brothers lasted for about twelve years.
Ah, from 2002 to... twelve years after 2002.
2014 is that it?
Is it 2014?
Is that math?
It was the origin of Big Sexy.
After the third performance with the Swinging Johnson Brothers, you have to choose a Johnson
I landed on Big Sexy Johnson.
It's always just been Big Sexy Johnson.
People think they call me Big Sexy, because I have a big fat penis...
but that's wrong.
[Laughter] If you do comedy, even bad stand up, they'll
give you stage time.
We came at it a different way.
We did good stand-up style improv that was fast paced and crowd centric, and hig energy.
It's about to get funky in here.
That's right, it's gonna get hot, 'cause we're the Johnsons.
It's gonna get so hot, that I'm gonna make eggs in the small of your back.
Then I'm gonna take jam and I'm gonna rub it all over my hands.
I'm gonna put my hands on ya, and I'm gonna... or uh...
Or we're gonna do a comedy show for ya Because we were so big and we had such a,
a weird internet following that the other stand-up guys didn't have,
we were immediately accepted into the Improv.
Big hand everybody for the Swinging Johnson Brothers, right here, let 'em know!
We were knocking it out of the park doing live shows.
We were funny over and over to the point where I mean some people just called to hang out.
You wanted to be a part of them because they had so much fun.
People just wanted to be a part of it.
It was a weird energy, man.
It was like, just awesome.
It's how I met my wife.
That led to us making sketch comedy.
One thing we figured out is that if we recorded this stuff, it lasts forever.
And digital media had just broken into the houses.
People could just then buy enough equipment with just a regular salary in order to technically
produce a movie.
We started doing these sketches immediately.
They're not going to give you anything if it's in Spanish.
Yeah, that's better, okay.
No parent should ever have to outlive their child.
We can rebuild your child or loved one in one of three classic positions:
Playing catch in the front yard...
Listening to one of dad's stories...
And of course, praying.
Do you like doughnuts?
Oh, I love doughnuts, are you kidding me, I'm a cop.
Doughnuts, I love 'em [Music - Psycho Christmas theme]
We did a lot of productions!
They were doing video productions, and movies, and skits
That ended up leading us to making a movie.
A full motion picture called Driving Bill Crazy.
Still bankrupt from that mother fucking thing.
[Laughter] The Swinging Johnson Brothers were also screenwriters,
and they eventually wrote this movie.
A full feature movie called Driving Bill Crazy.
That's Bill.
He's our next project.
The first thing they had me do was this little
I was the big bad wolf in a dream sequence that the main character Driving Bill Crazy
And it's probably one of the most fun things I ever had filming.
Our movie had 200 actors, 73 locations...
We, we didn't go small on anything.
We didn't pay anybody.
We nobody had any money to pay 'em.
We spent all of our money on the equipment to make the movie to begin with.
If you only knew how many times I've killed you in my mind.
Time came to film the actual full length movie, and I was playing a detective.
I got to interrogate Juanathin Johnson, and I got to slap him around and...
Probably one of the best shot scenes in the movie in my opinion.
We have confirmed reports of you making terrorist threats.
We found experimental medication on your person.
All of our costuming we had to borrow from this costume store.
We worked out a deal with a local costume house.
To where they'd give us all the costumes we'd need to make the movie,
but we had to make a DVD for them.
We ended up producing an entire exercise video for... belly dancers.
...that are... belly dancers.
Come on Okay.
They're morbidly obese belly dancers and this is a... this is a disability situation thing
for them, and I can't do this...
[Laughter] I sat through so much footage of these belly
dancing ladies.
They're so nice, but man, it was a long project.
Fuck it.
Best years of my life.
Johnson Brothers, making the movie.
My son is in my movie because of the Johnson Brothers.
He was like an improver and did all this other crazy shit for all these years.
Then he just decided to quit doing that, and then just jump feet first into stand-up, which
is fucking nuts.
Last night I did the Baja Grille, anybody do the Baja Grille?
Baja really helped me open up because it's such a supportive atmosphere.
This is much more what I'm used to; it's the usual comic crowd.
You got about half white, half black.
Alright, we got the- I thought we had the token Asian, but we don't, he's just another
funny Mexican.
The problem with it is, I- we forgot the camera.
They shouldn't give me the Matrix, cause uh; I would've made it a comedy.
Like the first thing I'd do is give him like a comedy side kick.
Like someone else from the drug culture, like Owen Wilson.
It'd be, be like, I know kung fu.
Hey I know Kung Fu too, man.
Asian guy, lives down the street from me.
Real nice guy, he's teaching me karate!
[Laughter] No one does an Owen Wilson impression.
Because of that, I've tried to force him into all kinds of sketches.
He was in Hollywood Knights where he plays a witness.
The guy was like, hey, can I have your autograph, and he was like, no, but you can have a bullet.
He didn't actually say that, he just shot him.
And the Pedi-file.
I got him being a foot fetishist as Owen Wilson.
And it's great for me especially, because I've got a foot fetish.
Pedi-file, a file for the feet!
The best one... was his suicide press conference.
So about a decade ago, he slit his wrists; you know he was hanging out with Courtney
Love's people.
He was in a bad way.
I've got a small box with a lot of different prescriptions,
this way I don't have to inconvenience myself by having to go to a doctor.
You know what, there's some that are actually test drugs that my buddy over at UCLA, he
gives to me.
He just says, hey, I don't even know what this is, it's got a number on it.
It's really weird.
And I take it!
It was horrible.
I mean it was the, like the meanest thing ever.
Alright, I'm gonna get the fuck out of here.
We forgot the camera, so we just have shitty, grainy, standard definition cellphone footage.
Which is a shame, because I had a good time over there.
Strangling Jack!
Slash Keanu, slash Morgan, slash... that was funny.
[Music] The type of comedy that I'm probably most
famous for is impressions.
Strangling Jack, he's an impressionist.
He does anybody.
Hollywood's my town, bought and paid for.
I just don't get it.
Imagine my surprise.
Are you high right now?
I love impressionists, man.
I have a lisp.
Every time I do an impression, the character has to have a fucking lisp okay.
Scooby-Doo with a lisp, Sylvester Stallone with a lisp.
That's my name, don't wear it out, you know what I mean.
The weirdest people have got to be impressionists, man.
They're fucking bazaar.
One of my first Halloweens that I can remember, I was eight years old, and I played Jim from
So Christopher Lloyd, like, "Wooah!"
So, a little eight year old boy, they're like, "oh, nice little hobo", and I'm like "I'm
Christopher Lloyd!"
And they're like, "What the fuck just happened?"
[Scary music]
We're all gonna die!
[Scary music] Strangling Jack played Ash in Evil Dead the
And uh, I got him the job.
He headlined that Evil Dead thing, right?
I heard good things.
[Music] Cabin in the woods ooh ooh.
Die Die.
Die die.
The fact that he played Ash is one of my proudest moments.
Since I came to Vegas, uh I haven't done, I don't think any improv, because I got cast
in Evil Dead the Musical.
[Music} What the fuck was that?
It's the Evil Dead!
[Music] You need to audition for this role, so get
your headshot, get your song together, come sing and do this shit.
Cause I need you to be in the show.
My buddy said, uh, I know a guy who'll make a great Ash.
I'm like nah, I'm not gonna get it.
And they actually really liked me for some reason.
Playing Ash, putting a chainsaw on my hand, killing demons, and singing songs about it.
It is the greatest gig I've ever had.
I love it, I buy all the shirts.
I've been watching it since I was a kid.
I saw Army of Darkness in the theater You know what you're about to see tonight?
I've seen the movie, but I've never seen- That doesn't mean anything
[Laughter] You know nothing of the horrors that you are
about to experience.
Fucker looks like Bruce Campbell.
Can I cuss in this thing?
This mother fucker looks like Bruce Campbell I typically don't do a lot of like uh theater.
As far as I knew it was the first time he had played a big major principle role that
wasn't on film.
But I had to do this.
But I knew he'd be perfect, and I knew it, so you know, I'm a genius like that.
Groovy [Music]
The Stateside Lounge, that was my favorite of these last three nights.
I like the ambiance here [Laughter]
Like the uh, the lighting, I mean what the...
[Laughter] This is the only bar where like I can tell
jokes and retain my anonymity.
I feel like I'm in the witness protection program
The host of the Stateside Lounge is Melvin Washington, and that guy's hilarious
Now I'm gonna do some jokes for you.
If ya'll want Melvin to do some jokes, make some noise in this bitch.
He did a lot of physicality Ya'll ain't never played T-ball before when
a nigga hit this.
[Laughter] People were comparing him to LeBron James
I'm getting tired of people calling me LeBron James.
LeBron James, really mother fucker?
Have ya'll seen LeBron James' hairline mother fucker?
He did like a dribbling thing Ya'll ain't never been in Walmart, mother
fucker come up to you, just...
Not a lot of the comics there were like really using the stage and he used it.
Fellas, who in here got that salt and pepper head before?
Who know what that is?
Oh, ya'll some little dick bastards.
That's when a girl grab your dick with both hands and chicka chicka chicka chicka chicka
Melvin what, what was this with the uh, the salt and pepper shaker?
I call that the Indian burn.
Was that shit pleasant?
That would not feel pleasant to me.
I want ya'll to put your hands together right now for Alex Just Alex.
Alex Just Alex was the headliner.
I've seen him a couple of times now.
He's the host of the Dive Bar.
Alex, have you ever had sex with a big girl before?
Yeah, of course.
What was her name?
Which one?
[Laughter] Sadly, we didn't get a lot of footage of Alex,
but he's a funny bastard too.
I'm Morgan Freeman.
I'm a seventy year old black man with chocolate chips on his face.
[Laughter] Way to destroy my Morgan Freeman
I apologize, Mr. Alex Just Alex.
[Laughter] Just Trying to be Ale- no Just, Just being
Alex Just Being Alex
He's just being Alex, ladies and gentlemen.
I like that Melvin brought it back up.
At the end, I had chocolate chips on my face.
You got chocolate chips on your face!
Thirty more years, you'll get the chocolate chips.
[Laughter] Morgan Freeman and the chocolate chips.
Sounds like a Harry Potter title.
Morgan Freeman and the Chocolate Chips.
By the end of the third night, I was feeling really comfortable.
I ended up hanging out with Alex Just Alex and Melvin.
We took some pictures, and then I did some like dancing with Melvin.
[Music] Melvin's a cool cat.
I have a feeling I'm going to see him uh, a lot more, and it's going to be pretty fun.
In '87, Leno said if you want to be a comic, you gotta go on the road, quit the cushy job,
and I did.
And I've, I've been on the road ever since.
In the comedy world in general, there's a lot of tips and tricks, some kind of rules.
When I come across those, I'd like to be able to share 'em on here and it might be able
to help somebody out.
Prepare to work.
If you're gonna be a good comic, you actually work harder.
I would say just always be a student of comedy.
It's hard.
Nah, just kidding.
I'm up usually eight, nine AM, working, making phone calls, sending out my avails.
But I don't consider it work, because I love what I do.
This is not going to be glamourous.
You're not gonna go from Joe Shmoe off the streets telling jokes in an open mic to Kevin
Hart overnight.
Just work hard.
Just keep working those lines over and over and over again, and just walk up and down
the street, you know, don't worry what people think.
You know, well maybe your neighbors, worry about 'em a little bit.
But just, just work hard.
Really it comes down to stage time.
Get on stage.
It's a lot of rejection, it's a lot of tough nights, but if you're really talented, stick
with it.
For me it's about the art.
Find your niche.
Find what it is about you that makes you funny.
Take every class you possibly can.
Take improv classes, take acting classes, learn how to perform, use space work.
Learn to write a fucking joke.
The more crazy you are, the better comedy you have.
Get on stage with a professional crowd.
Get on stage everywhere you can.
Go to a rock club, go to a jazz club, go to a urban night.
Just get on stage, cause that's where you're gonna work it out.
I encourage all comedians to get out there and try to fricken do something.
Anything Even if it's a movie that won't make any money
and will bankrupt you and your family.
If you're good and you're putting yourself through the meat grinder of comedy,
I just wish you the best, man.
Just be original, be yourself.
Tell the truth.
truth is comedy, comedy is truth.
and if you're true, it should be funny.
Get on stage, work it out, and and get good.
I gained so much just by being around people that, you know have been doing it for twenty
thirty years, so.
That's been uh I think the most helpful thing I've done.
I want to hire the best comics I can for the cheapest price.
So get good.
If somebody doesn't hire you, go out there and get so good that they have to hire you.
What you actually really want to say, but you're not saying, that's when you got something.
That's the strongest thing, you know, that's the strongest thing.
Next show is gonna be at Motor City Cafe.
We'll see how that goes, then I'll be doing stand-up all week.
And I'm just going to keep doing it until I get decent at it.
Til I stop saying "um" Until I stop wandering around the stage or
I'm just going to keep doing it until I feel comfortable, and until I start having fun.
My name is Brandon James, and I am a stand-up comedian.
Was there anything else that you wanted to say?
Uh, porn, I do porn as well.
What's your porn name?
Uh, Brandon James.
[Laughter] Yeah.
Too obvious?
Mine's not Strangling Jack.
It's, it's not It's Sledge Manhammer
It's Sledge Manhammer.
That's good.
That was going to be my first guess.
Of course.
I'm glad we covered that.
[Laughter] [Music]
Is the axe in the shot?
[Music] Yeah, it's required in my contra- I wrote
it down.
It's in my contract.
If you don't...
You know what, it's fine.
We'll deal with this later.
[Godzilla sound] [Music]
For more infomation >> 100 NIGHTS with Strangling Jack S01E01 - Who the F&%# is Strangling Jack? - Duration: 22:01.-------------------------------------------
How It's Made: Sufganiyot (Jelly Donuts) with Frena Bakery - Duration: 2:27.
Hi guys my name is Isaac
and welcome to Frena Bakery
Today we are going to make some sufganiyot.
We have the best sufganiyot possible
so now you are going to see how we make them.
The process starts in the mixer.
We have to follow the recipe. Put the flour, yeast, sugar, salt.
Every step in baking is crucial.
You mix it for about 10 minutes.
Baking is very accurate.
Baking has to be the same timing and amount of recipe every time.
From the mixer, take out all the dough
and you take it in a machine.
We have a special machine that weighs the dough, cuts it and makes it into balls.
They all have to be the same exact weight.
From the balls, you organize the dough in wood trays.
From there you put it on a rack.
From the rack you put it in the poofer.
The poofer has to sit for about 40 minutes and then its going to come out from the poofer.
You let it dry a bit.
When the dough is dry, you put it in the fryer, around 3 minutes.
Once its cooled, we are ready to decorate it and stuff it with yummy flavors.
We have six or seven different flavors here.
The original one the raspberry jelly, the red jelly is the top selling thing here.
We have blueberry, bavarian cream, chocolate.
We have halva and chocolate flavors.
Whatever the chef feels like today, we change the flavors on a daily basis.
Whatever we feel like and whatever the season is.
For the jelly donut, you always eat it during Chanukah.
The miracle of Chanukah happened because of the oil
besides the oil, we eat food like latkes or donuts
that are fried with oil.
After such a high demand that we have of our suganiyot,
of our donuts, we decided to make them year
round and every day is Chanukah here.
Now let's take them out to our happy clients.
People really like our donuts.
We just want to give them more options.
Every day you come, you can try a different flavor.
I'm going to eat the bavarian cream and chocolate.
I want to thank you for listening and learning about donuts and sufganiyot.
Please come to Frena, try it out, let us know what you think.
We'd love to see you here.
Come any time.
Minecraft: Modo de história Templo Cena - Duration: 1:47.
LIVERPOOL HEATH NEWS : New Guidelines Redefine Hypertension for Liverpool Fans - Duration: 5:12.
newly released guidelines from the American Heart Association and the
American College of Cardiology lower the blood pressure
BP cutoff for hypertension diagnosis from 140/90 it's millimeters HT to 130
ATF's millimeters Hg the term prehypertension is no longer recommended
instead stage 1 hypertension will refer to levels of 130 to 139 millimeters Hg
systolic or 80 to 89 millimeters Hg diastolic pressure 120 to 129
millimeters Hg systolic and diastolic less than 80 is considered elevated by
lowering the cutoff nearly half of American adults particularly the younger
individuals will now be considered hypertensive you've already doubled your
risk of cardiovascular complications compared to those with a normal level of
blood pressure Paul K Welton Mb MD MSC lead author of the guidelines stated in
a news release we want to be straight with people if you already have a
doubling of risk you need to know about it it doesn't mean you need medication
but it's a yellow light that you need to be lowering your blood pressure mainly
with non drug approaches for otherwise healthy stage 1 hypertension patients
lifestyle modifications such as a reduced sodium diet in line with the
Dietary Approaches to stop hypertension - study eating plan as well as exercise
and stress reduction could be the initial approach rather than immediate
medical therapy patients with stage 1 hypertension however who are at higher
risk for a cardiovascular event such as individuals with chronic kidney disease
CKD or diabetes should be treated with medication patients with CKD or diabetes
need to target blood pressure below 130 ATF's millimeters HD to slow kidney
disease progression patients with advanced CKD or stage 1 to 2 CKD with
mccrory albuminuria could be started on an angiotensin converting enzyme a seee
inhibitor or if intolerant and alpha receptor blocker when resistant
hypertension is did clinicians should screen for
contributing conditions beyond CKD and albuminuria such as sleep apnea the
lower threshold for hypertension diagnosis should raise awareness and
lead to earlier management of hypertension
George Thomas MD director of the Center for blood pressure disorders at
Cleveland Clinic told renal and amp urology News lifestyle modifications are
still a cornerstone of management it is also important that blood pressure be
measured correctly with an emphasis on out-of-office measurements such as home
or ambulatory blood pressure monitoring most nephrologists are already targeting
lower blood pressure and patients with proteinuria based on post-hoc analyses
of Sprint and KD ideal recommendations added dr. Thomas who is not involved in
creating the new guidelines the new lower target is reasonable with the
caveat that patients should be very close monitored particularly because of
hemodynamically induced reductions in GFR when blood pressure is lowered which
was seen in the Sprint study it remains unclear whether hemodynamically induced
reductions in GFR would translate into longer term adverse renal events
treatment should be individualized as some patients may not tolerate attempts
to lower blood pressures this also applies to diabetes patients medication
side effects in tolerances patient preferences renal function electrolyte
imbalances etc also need to be taken into account Saba peak of SB MD
nephrology section chief of the Memphis VA medical center offers this view the
blood pressure treatment target for CKD is based solely on the Sprint results
sprit suggests that a benefit in patients with EGFR below 60 milliliters
per minute per 1.73 m2 but did not assess whether the benefit was uniform
for those with more advanced stages of CKD our recent reanalysis of sprint oby
at al J in med 2017 suggests that there is in fact no
benefit for those with EGFR below 45 who also experienced a higher
hawky indicating that a blanket recommendation for stricter blood
pressure treatment targets in all CKD patients is not supported by available
New Clinical Trial Drugs Could Mean You Have Fewer Migraines 😇 - Duration: 3:19.
New Clinical Trial Drugs Could Mean You Have Fewer Migraines
Two new clinical trials are offering promise to those plagued with migraines
Attention, people prone to migraines: There may be some hope for alleviating the frequency
and intensity of your attacks, according to new research.
Two new clinical trials are offering promise to the millions plagued with migraines, including
one study that slashed the number of migraines in half for approximately 50 percent of people
King's College Hospital researchers noted this was a "huge deal," reports the BBC.
The treatment in question involves antibodies made to affect chemicals in the brain.
Globally, 50 to 75 percent of adults between the ages of 18 and 65 claimed to have headaches
within the past year, according to April 2016 data from the World Health Organization.
Thirty percent of those people said they had migraines.
A migraine is a headache disorder that involves recurrent episodes, which can include hours
to days-long headaches of varying intensity and nausea.
In most cases it starts at puberty and affects people from ages 35 to 45, and more often
occurs for women.
The clinical trials – of the drugs erenumab for episodic migraine and fremanezumab for
prevention of chronic migraine – were published Thursday in the New England Journal of Medicine.
The erenumab trial included 955 patients, while the fremanezumab trial had 1,130 patients.
In the case of erenumab, patients had a reduction of 50 percent or more in their average migraine
days each month (specifically, 43.3 percent of patients in the group given 70 mg of the
drug and 50 percent of patients given 140 mg of the drug compared to 26.6 percent given
the placebo).
Patients had migraines eight days a month on average when the study began, reports the
The Associated Press reports the drugs have been sent to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
for approval.
It's evidently still early in the research process, but study author Dr. Peter Goadsby
appears confident in the results.
"The results represent a real transition for migraine patients from poorly understood,
repurposed treatments, to a specific migraine-designed therapy," Goadsby told The Telegraph.
The fremanezumab trial showed 41 percent of patients assigned the drug monthly had a 50
percent reduction in headache days each month.
This dipped to 38 percent in the group receiving the drug quarterly, and 18 percent for the
placebo group.
Researchers noted in both cases that the drugs need to be researched further for long-term
safety and durability.
That said, this option could prove beneficial for these patients.
"The effects [of migraines] can last for hours – even days in many cases," Simon Evans,
chief executive of charity Migraine Action, told The Telegraph.
"An option that can prevent migraine and that is well tolerated is therefore sorely needed
and we hope that this marks the start of real change in how this condition is treated and
Hackers are Going After Schools - Duration: 8:05.
Schools have a lot on their plates. They do their best to keep up with the latest teaching techniques for every style of learning.
They work to figure out ways to increase their end of level scores, and are continually learning the best ways to protect kids from
physical harm from terrorists, or emotional harm from bullies.
With all of their diligence in making schools safe it may be alarming to you to discover that most schools have done nothing to protect or secure
their servers and websites from hackers. Cyber bullies can do any number of things to harm or hurt not only the students,
but the teachers, staff, and families of the students as well. All of your child's personal information is easily accessible if your
school hasn't taken the right steps to protect and secure that information.
In fact, check out this search I did on Google:
And check out this quote from a recent CNBC.com article:
And check out this quote from a recent CNBC.com article:
You don't need special skills to hack a school's website!
If your neighbor's kid can easily hack the school's website, what makes you think professional hackers aren't?
We are urging parents across the globe to pay closer attention to their school's digital security
because this is a huge issue that's being ignored.
We have put together a checklist of steps we recommend you take to help get your school secure.
You can download that checklist below.
If you think you're school is safe, you might want to think again.
And just to give you a glimpse on what you could be dealing with if your child's personal information was stolen,
we interviewed a parent who had to deal with this first hand.
Here is what she went through when her child's identity was stolen and used.
He was around nine when it first happened. I didn't come to realize it until
just before his tenth birthday though because you don't often check the credit of a child.
I was actually working really hard on cleaning up my credit and one of the tips that I was reading (going through some pamphlets) was to
check your children's credit. So, I went ahead and checked the children's credit,
and discovered that one of my children's credit had been used...for about a year.
Rent had been put in my son's name, a motorcycle and a stereo system.
So, there was a credit card in his name. Some utilities had been put in his name.
It still took me about four to five months to get it all cleaned up, but I would have to go to the major credit bureaus and present his birth certificate.
I had to have my lawyer bring some paperwork for me to send to them as well.
Thankfully, it was only four to five months to clear this up, but it could have been worse.
What if the thief lived close by? Would it have been easy to prove those purchases weren't yours?
I had clearly established residency in Utah, and his credit was being used in Idaho. It was a six- hour drive and wasn't pinned on me.
However, I know that can happen, it's happened to some friends of mine,
and that can be very, very frustrating to come up and prove it wasn't yours.
It would have been harder to prove that it wasn't him buying this stereo system and all these other things,
than it was when he was ten years old. So, I do think, as far as children go, it is very critical to go ahead and put a lock on their credit reports
and go ahead and check them and not assume that just because they're minors they're not going to be used until their 18.
Protecting your child is ultimately the parent's responsibility. Knowing where your children are vulnerable
and then taking action to fix the problems and keep them safe is extremely important!
It's frustrating enough when you run into hard times due to job loss, or medical bills, and you run into financial issues for that reason.
But when it's somebody else, and you're just a victim, it's so frustrating to have to deal with it. And if it can be prevented, it should be.
There are so many ways to keep yourself safe. There's really no reason to be taking risks
with things that important that can have such long lasting effects on your life.
After having gone through this process with her own son, Angela has paid much closer attention to where hers
and her kids' personal information is going, how it's being used. She is also standing up for them and demands protection.
I went to enroll my son in school, I found out that they were, at the time, using their social security number as the student ID.
I did not at all feel comfortable with that. I went right to the school and I'm like "No. No, this is not okay with me." I was very clear as to why
that was not okay with me. Two years later they changed the policy, but in the meantime, because I threw up such a big stink, they told
me they'd give him a separate student ID instead of using his social security number.
Schools are leaving your kids vulnerable when they don't secure their websites and servers.
They are easy targets for hackers and big money can be made selling your children's personal information.
It's actually pretty common for social security numbers to be sold and used. Children's are the most popular to be sold.
That's because you can use it for years before it's discovered because they're not going to use it until it's time to buy their first car, or their first
credit card. It won't get noticed forever. So, yeah, don't just be worried about your own, worry about your kids too.
We've just been talking about stealing identities, but consider how easy it would be to abduct your child
with all the information hackers can get from your schools about your kids? I don't even like to think about that. It's absolutely terrifying.
I haven't had it as bad as some people, I think. I think I see the end of the tunnel. But it is still very critical to be very careful with where all your
information is and who's allowed to have access to it, and who's able to have your social security number, your important financial documents.
If you are at all concerned about your child's safety, you owe it to them and yourself to make sure your school
is being PRO-ACTIVE about keeping your child's information secure.
By law they are supposed to be. Unfortunately, with all the laws and regulations, continuing education and certifications,
changes in testing procedures and requirements, physical safety protocols, bullying, and everything else that's on their
endless to-do list, cyber security is being pushed to the bottom of the list of priorities. And it's only a matter of time before your school is
the next hacked victim--given how easily hack- able their systems are and how valuable the information is that they can get there.
If you are concerned for your children, download the checklist below and arm yourself with the information you need to put pressure on your
school to take action and protect your child, yourselves, and your school staff members. You're all vulnerable on their servers and
websites and you don't even realize it. Let's get this movement underway and keep our kids safe.
Take action now! Download the checklist below and then call your school principal and school board to express your concerns for
website and server security. Look for a trust seal or badge to show that they are safe.
The Indian Air Force is more powerful than you think - Duration: 2:27.
When You Die and Rage - Duration: 0:12.
5 Foods to Reduce and Clean Parasites in Your Body - Duration: 12:17.
Top superfood to reduce in clean parasites in your body. It's not entirely unrealistic to assume that you have parasites
despite what many people think they come in many shapes and sizes and our health concern beyond the borders of
impoverished countries with poor health care
Parasites lurking deep within the human body may be hidden from sight, but their effects can be far-reaching and serious
Ranging in size from tiny microorganisms to ten foot long segmented worms
While you cannot control hereditary and some environmental factors
you can still lower your risk of getting a bad parasite by making healthy diet and lifestyle choices a
Well-planned diet can help prevent bad parasite developing to clean the parasite medications are needed
Medical treatment is a simple safe and effective option
however certain foods can also can help reduce in clean parasites and boost the effectiveness of your metabolism
Here's a list of some of the best foods and herbs to eat if your goal is to prevent and clean a bad parasite developing
One garlic
garlic is known to slow and kill more than sixty types of fungi and twenty types of
Bacteria as well as some of the most potent viruses known to humans
Garlic, also has a history of killing parasites controlling secondary fungal infections
detoxifying while gently stimulating elimination and has
antioxidant properties to protect against oxidation resulting from parasite toxins a
Licen antigen are the components in garlic that kill parasites
Including one cell varieties as well as pin worms and hook worms a licen is not present in garlic in its natural state
When garlic is chopped or otherwise damaged the enzyme Alina's acts on the chemical alene contained in its fibers?
Converting it into a listen it Jone is the principle compound responsible for garlic's
anticoagulant properties and contributes to its strong odor
To pumpkin and sunflower seeds
Before we continue this video do not forget to subscribe my channel to see if they're useful health videos
Studies have shown that pumpkin seeds have a natural anthelmintic effect on the digestive system
Meaning they can cure intestinal parasites 6. It. Doesn't kill the worms outright, but it does help your body flush them out
The parasites are paralyzed by the compound in the seats and cannot cling to the intestines to avoid being flushed out through digestion
for the freshest pumpkin seeds remove the seeds from your pumpkin and
Expose them to air for a few days to dry them out and eat them raw fisting each morning
or if you like you can then bake them at
150 C for 30 minutes with your favorite cold-pressed oils and seasonings such as cinnamon cloves and nutmeg
Seeds make a crunchy addition to cereals porridge or salads
For a morning tonic grind the seats along with
Watermelon seeds into a powder and take with aloe vera juice on an empty stomach each morning for a delicious salad dressing
grind seeds with fresh garlic parsley and coriander leaves
mix with extra virgin olive oil and lemon juice
3 coconut
Coconuts are a food packed with nutritional benefits. Thanks to their natural saturated fats
It's the same fact that gives extra virgin coconut oil the ability to flush out internal parasites
It detoxifies your system and can prevent the development of flutes and Giardia
Many people mix coconut oil into smoothies or other beverages, but it can be used in many different recipes
coconuts provide the fatty acid uric acid when ingested lauric acid is then converted to mana Lauren and
or inactivates protozoa including several species of ringworm in Giardia lamblia
For tapeworms it is
Suggested to drink the juice and eat the flesh of one fresh coconut first thing each morning then fast for four hours
Coconut is a strong anti-parasitic agent
Both the fruit and oil can be used to treat intestinal worms
Eat one tablespoon of crushed coconut with your breakfast and then after three hours
Drink a glass of warm milk mixed with two tablespoons of castor oil
Repeat this every day until the symptoms go away
However castor oil is not recommended if you have gastrointestinal disease or the patient is aged under five
some people prefer to take coconut oil which is
antifungal and detoxifies your system
Use the extra-virgin type, which contains lauric acid a natural saturated fat
Which kills parasites after being converted by the body?
eat four to six tablespoons of extra virgin coconut oil Deanie
Makes it what smoothies put it in your food or your tea to flush out internal parasites
For papaya
This fruit has a strong capacity to destroy worms including most intestinal worms and tapeworm
To enhance their anti-women powers remove the skin and soak in apple cider vinegar for one day
then eat eight ounces of this pickle Copiah entering two ounces of the vinegar solution for four days as
a preventative while traveling eat a spoonful of papaya seeds once a day on an empty stomach if
You already have parasites eat the seed for one week then wait a week and repeat
It is important to chew the seeds thoroughly if you don't find them palatable you may blend them into smoothies
Pomegranate we are talking directly about the fruit here though the rind of it can also be used for medicinal purposes
The bark of the pomegranate tree is often used for digestive medical conditions such as diarrhea and dysentery
Its ability to flush out intestinal parasites with astringent qualities adds to the already
extensive list of Health applications that come from the plant as
With many of the herbs listed you should consult a medical expert Antos yourself carefully to avoid vomiting
Also the pomegranate juice can be used for anti parasitic effect
But you will need quite a large amount of up to four glasses of pomegranate juice daily for four or five days at a time
How we get parasites in the first place
First you need to understand that you are not actually eating worms to become infected
you're getting infected from the microscopic parasite eggs that can be virtually anywhere if
after reading this section you're thinking if
Parasite eggs are everywhere and are so easy to obtain then why aren't we ALL infected the answer?
90% of us already are
Here are some examples of how easily you can become a parasite host
contaminated water
Water is the primary way parasites infect humans?
For example over 50% of our lakes rivers streams and creeks are infected with the protozoa parasite Giardia lamblia
This parasite is not killed by chlorine and is steadily finding its way into urban areas with treated drinking water
Symptoms of an infestation include diarrhea and cramping that lasts for over a week and is most often misdiagnosed as the stomach flu
Also, when swimmers have parasites and they swim in places with others the water is then contaminated with eggs from their bodies it
Only takes a very small amount of swallowed water to become infected
To other humans you can obtain parasite eggs from other humans very easily
Since most infections come from the anal oral route think about this someone has parasites. They use the restroom
Do not wash their hands afterwards then they sit down and use the salt shaker on the restaurants table
They have just deposited microscopic eggs onto this object
You are the next person to sit at this table and use the salt shaker
You then lick your finger or even put your hand to your face. You are now the new host to parasites
Parasite eggs can live under human fingernails for up to two months
Think of how many common objects you come into contact with on a daily basis
Even more common infections come from kissing holding hands sharing eating utensils and of course
sexual contact
Usually if one family member is a host to parasites the entire family is infected
There are many parasite eggs that can live without a host for weeks for example
Microscopic pinworms eggs become airborne and can travel anywhere, and they can live for two days outside of a host
These microscopic eggs are inhaled where they then hatch inside to your body
three animals
including pets can spread 240 diseases to humans via parasites
By petting or grooming animals you are picking up eggs that pass from them to us via hands nose and mouth
Also parasite infected fleas and ticks and parasite infected animal feces are concerns
This is why walking barefoot where animals have defecated is a major source of parasite
Infections especially when you can se the actual animal feces you just happen to be walking where they have been before
Think about this when your pet or someone else's lick their anus they are depositing thousands of eggs onto their tongues
Then they lick you and those eggs hatch has been transmitted to their new host
Americans now have the highest rate of
toxoplasmosis parasites in the world
You have probably heard of this one as all pregnant women are warned about toxoplasmosis because they can die from an infestation
Pets and domesticated animals are not the only ones spreading parasites
mosquitoes fleas ticks lice in all other biting insects transmit protozoa one-cell parasites to humans
for meats
undercooked meats are very high source of parasite infections
Commercial pork products are also notorious for infections
Bacon ham pork chops cold cuts hot dogs etc
also cuts of meat such as beef lamb chicken and fish contain parasite eggs
sushi raw fish alone contains eggs and larvae of several species of parasites
We trust the kettle pork and chicken producers to keep their livestock wormed on a regular basis
But over 50% of animals that go to slaughter are parasite infected
five fruits and vegetables
unwashed fruit and vegetables are also a big source of parasite carriers a
Lot of vegetables are eaten raw and according to the Center for Disease Control
Diseases from fruit and vegetables are on the rise
With a huge demand for fruit and vegetables we Americans import 30 billion tons of food per year
Some of this food comes from countries where animal manure and human feces are used as fertilizer
This practice greatly increases the spread of parasites the practice of eating at is also on the rise
Salad bars infected food handlers and improperly washed fruits, and vegetables are all sources for parasites
6 travel in our modern age World Travel is a way of life for many
These travelers are bringing home parasites that were once almost unknown in America
Airplanes are a great source for parasite transmission
It's very common for a family to go on vacation and bring back uninvited guests with them
We also have a huge influx of refugee and immigrant populations, who are bringing us their countries parasites?
Amazing Makeup Tips and Beauty Hacks You Need To Know About - TUTORIALS By Xthuyle (1) - Duration: 10:31.
I hope you are well
I hope you enjoy watching this video
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