What's up guys it's me Jeremy!
Today we're back with another design corner episode, focused on the tips and tricks you
can use when it comes to skillshot mechanics in League of Legends.
A lot of players don't really put much forethought into when and how to use skillshots to get
the maximum value out of them, so hopefully these tricks will help you guys both dodge
and land a lot more abilities in your future games!
And as well this video is gonna be sponsored by LoLSumo which is a FREE app for both IOS
and Android.
Their goal is to help you improve in League of Legends by analyzing your games live and
also giving you some detailed stats of your own play.
I've been using it for a pretty long time now and it's proven to be useful for me, so
I'm happy to promote them.
They can help you pick out runes for any champion, while also giving you some dynamic tips and
item build recommendations live for your in game matchups vs your opponents.
It's a pretty useful tool that is really tailored to your individual play so I personally like
it more than other stat sites online that provide more generic advice.
They do have a pro version, if you want to take it a step further, but it's actually
completely free to use on both iOS and Android, so you don't have to take it from me, you
can check it out at the link in the description and decide for yourself if you like it or
Staying alive is one of the most important things to do when playing League, so we'll
kick things off with our first two tricks which are both focused on helping you dodge
The first one is all about predicting what your opponent is about to do, such as when
he's going to actually fire a skillshot.
Players often fall into the trap of treating evasion as a really reactionary thing; they
wait to see a skillshot being launched, and then they try to sidestep it.
Although sometimes you have no choice but to react and try to dodge, there are a lot
of situations where you can definitely see a skillshot coming before it happens.
In those situations, you should think carefully about the enemy champion and how they are
going to aim the skillshot.
By anticipating the skillshot, you remove the need for reaction time—after all, you're
simply waiting for what you know is going to happen, and you already know where to move
to so that you can avoid the skillshot.
This is one of the reasons professional players can be so consistent with dodging, it's
because they start avoiding the skillshot in their head before it even gets thrown out.
Our next trick is pretty micro-intense, and it can be a really hard habit to get into,
especially if you've been playing a long time.
Something that you can often see on pro player streams is how close to their champions they
issue their movement commands.
If you click half a screen, or even a quarter of your screen away from your champion, you
actually have slower direction turns which means your champion won't respond to the
command as quickly as they could.
Clicking closer to your character speeds these turns up, which means you can change directions
really quickly when moving around.
This gives you two advantages; firstly you dodge a little faster, giving you the extra
time you need to shift your champion's hitbox out of the path of an incoming skillshot.
Secondly, it allows you to twitch around at high speeds, which means it's a lot harder
for enemy players to predict which direction you are going to move in.
This means you can often bait an enemy into firing his skillshot in one direction, while
you move the other way.
Next up we'll be focused on tips to help you land your skillshots, the first of which
is known as 'slow rolling.'
Unlike in Poker, where it's pretty bad etiquette and involves slowly revealing a winning hand
to taunt your opponent, in League of Legends slowrolling is an effective technique that
gives you a way to mindgame players that are trying to anticipate your skillshots.
As we discussed in the first point, one of the best ways to evade a skillshot is to predict
when and where it's going to be used, so that you don't have to play reactively.
Slowrolling is a way to combat this, and it basically means holding on to your skillshots
for as long as possible against players that are actively trying to dodge you.
Let's say you are chasing down an enemy with Blitzcrank, and they are constantly moving
from side to side and trying to predict your Rocket Grab.
Slowrolling in this situation is great for two reasons, the first of which is that is
messes with your opponent's attempts to predict your skillshot.
If a player is trying to evade a skillshot that for some reason isn't happening, he's
more likely to make a mistake or do something predictable, allowing you to land the skillshot.
The second benefit to slowrolling is that it can give you time to close down the distance
between yourself and your enemy.
In our previous example of Blitzcrank chasing down a lone enemy, if that enemy was constantly
trying to sidestep a Rocket Grab, they wouldn't be moving away from Blitzcrank in a straight
If both champions had the same movement speed (or if Blitzcrank was speed boosting), Blitz
would eventually start catching up to the enemy because he's not sidestepping, he's
moving in a straight line.
The closer you are to an opponent, the more likely you are to land your skillshot, so
you are essentially turning an opponent's attempts to anticipate your skillshot into
a way to make it more likely for you to land that skillshot.
Although players will be try be unpredictable when you are out in the open and trying to
hit them with a skillshot, there are lots of predictable movements that you can take
advantage of.
Some players call these 'timing attacks,' because it's all about exploiting a window
of time where you will know almost exactly where an opponent is going to be.
There are a few key examples, such as when they are going for a cs, if they are standing
near a wall or choke point, or when they are chasing someone.
In these situations, any movement is going to be very predictable, and that makes it
a great time to line up a skillshot.
Our next trick is something that you'll start to get the hang of as you play more
and more of a single champion, and it's all about understanding your own champion's
Many abilities in the game aren't necessarily tied to the direction that your champion faces,
but this can heavily influence the way your opponents dodge.
A good example of this is Thresh's Q—during the windup, he'll face whatever direction
you were facing from your last movement command, but once the hook is thrown, he'll change
to face the direction that the skillshot was aimed.
This can be an effective tool for taking enemies by surprise, especially if there are two enemies
to aim at.
Simply face one of them, and aim the skillshot at the other.
The enemy players will expect the hook to fly out at one you are facing, so they'll
be pretty surprised and have little time to react when the hook flies out in the other
Some champions work the other way around; instead of changing direction when the ability
actually fires, they face the direction the ability is fired right at the start of the
cast animation.
For champions like that, you should face a different direction and then change direction
right as you start to cast the ability—our trick about faster direction turns will help
you here!
In the same vein as our last trick, you can also take advantage of your opponent's animations—such
as when they use an ability that forces their character to stand still during the cast.
If you know you're up against an enemy character that has an ability like this, it's a great
time to try land a skillshot.
A good example of this is Ezreal's Ultimate; he can't move while he channels it, so he's
a sitting duck for any of your own skillshots.
Our final skillshot trick today is all about good old hitbox abuse.
Skillshot detection works on an edge-to-edge system, that means if the very edge of your
ability hits the edge of a champion, it's counted as a hit.
This is what allows so many skillshots to seem like they miss when they actually hit.
On top of that, abilities actually gain an extended hitbox at max range.
Riot Zenon mentioned that most missiles in League of Legends have what's called 'lollypopping.'
It means that if the ability didn't hit anything, they check in a small circle at
the end position for any targets.
It's a trick that helps abilities feel more accurate for both the attacker and the target,
especially in cases where the camera angle can suggest that you would have missed.
The idea behind its implementation is that although it feels great to sidestep an ability,
barely walking out of range feels pretty cheap.
Meddler commented that 'most' was a bit of an exaggeration, but he did note that a
fair number do, with Nautilus's Q being one of the most clear examples.
Anyway, what you should take away from this is that if you take the time to learn the
hitboxes for different champions and abilities, you can often find ways to land abilities
that your opponents would expect to miss.
On top of that, don't be afraid to try go for a max range skillshot now and again, especially
if the target doesn't see it coming.
You might be granted the hit thanks to lollypopping!
For more infomation >> 7 OP Tricks With Skillshots You Should ABUSE! - League of Legends - Duration: 11:23.-------------------------------------------
HOW TO JUMPER HIGHER WITH YOU SIDE only in 3 steps (english tranlate too) - Duration: 3:38.
Who is Sahar Tabar? 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know About Angelina Jolie Looks Like - Duration: 4:02.
How to Make Homemade Granola - Duration: 14:05.
Hey, YouTube! I just wanted to do a quick
video with you today and share my
granola recipe with you. Now, you've seen
my yogurt making recipe and as a topping
for the yogurt, I like to make granola.
[chuckles] I make a lot of this!
It's great! it's just oats and nuts
and it's toasted with some honey and some
coconut oil and its really delicious.
I make it in big batches. You can
can sprinkle it with some toasted
coconut. Sprinkle in some Craisins or some
other some dried fruit. TO eat:stir in a little bit
of jelly, some granola and then your
It's breakfast every morning! So, what I'm
going to do is put together a batch.
Makes about seven pounds, I think! You can
obviously scale the recipe.
Check the show notes in the
description below and I'll have the full
recipe down there, But it's super easy to
make the ingredients are two pounds of oats.
One pound of raw cashews (Don't get
toasted cashews Don't get salted cashews.)
These I picked up at a natural food
store... at a health food store. One pound raw almonds.
Raw sunflower seeds. All these
are raw because what we're gonna do is
we're going to mix all the stuff
together and then we're gonna toast in
the oven. So make sure we all the
ingredients that you buy are raw.
Besides the nuts, what
we're going to make is, I dunno, kind of just
of a dressing, I guess is
the best term for it, Which is one half cup of
water, a cup of honey and a cup of
coconut oil. We'll mix that all together
with some cinnamon and some vanilla, and
a little bit of salt. Mix the whole thing
together and then we'll toast it real
low and slow. About 250 degrees in the
oven for about an hour or two and then we'll
just leave it to dry in the oven
overnight and that will give you a nice
a toasted oatmeal product, a nice toasted
granola. Here, take a look! Let me show you
how easy this is to make! First, we need
to weigh out the two pounds of oatmeal.
Either put the bowl on the scale and
turn it on or hit "tare" and just zero out
your scale.
These sunflower seeds come in one-pound
bags which is one of the reasons why I
make as much as i do just because it's
easy because a lot of times you can buy
these kind of seeds in one-pound bags a
lot of times I'll get the cashews in one
pound bags.
They didn't have any of the cashews
measured out in the retail bag so i just
got the bulk. Knife through these.
Just chop up a little bit You can
usually pick up the the raw "pieces" a
little bit cheaper than the
"whole" cashews because you're going to
chop them up anyway. You can
use your own judgment for how much you
want to chop these. I try to make sure
that there's just a couple of whole nuts left.
It's kind of fun to get a whole nut in your
in your oatmeal. Think "granola" the while
you're cutting these up
I mean I'll leave a couple of whole nuts
It's kind of fun to get a whole nut in
your cereal, but by and large make sure
most of them are cut in half.
Let's do a pound of almonds.
This looks like about two pounds in here.
Again, these are raw almonds. Just cut
them, basically, mostly in half.
Leave a couple of whole ones.
Can they be whole? Of course, they can be
But, you're making you're making
breakfast cereal here, folks!
On the other hand, what you have to weigh
against is this powder that gets created
this just kind of sinks to the bottom of
your bowl and isn't really great so the
more you chop the more of that powder
you get. I'm calling it! Leave that out
Right! Next, I want to mix up the sauce. I'm gonna
want a cup of coconut oil. Coconut oil
makes the cereal take on a nice toasted
color, a nice brown color when you run in
the oven. A lot of people tell me this
is a lot of oil. This is cold-pressed oil.
This is actually good-for-you-oil.
So, I like to include it in my daily diet.
I'm going to do a cup of that. I want to do a
cuppa' honey
Yeah, that's a lot of sugar, but again,
we're making...What? Seven or eight pounds
of cereal. Well, we're making five pounds
of cereal plus the waterweight of some of
these ingredients.
I guess we can weigh it when we're done and
figure it out!
Next is the water. I've got four ounces
of water- boiling water! To that, I want to
add a tablespoon of salt. That's mostly
just for flavor, a quarter cup of cinnamon,
and a quarter cup of vanilla.
Give all that a little spin until the salt
dissolves and the cinnamon is stirred in.
It's key to get the salt dissolved!
You don't want to bite into a crystal
of sat while you're enjoying your
breakfast. But having boiled the water, it
makes pretty short work of those big
crystals. I think we're good...
Boiling water will help to melt the
coconut oil as well. Yeah, good- no salt!
My coconut oil was a little cold. I think
i'm gonna stick this in the microwave
and see if I can get this oil melted.
I don't want to boil this again! Remember
I've got that vanilla extract in there.
I don't want to cook out the vanilla
extract too much, so let's try to
emulsify this a little bit and then
right into the cereal mixture. I've got a
spatula so i can keep lifting the liquid
off the bottom of the bowl and then, kind
of, "folding" in my cereal. Keep doing this
folding mixture until you don't see any
more dried bits. I'm still bringing up a
little bit of dry oatmeal from the
bottom of the bowl.
Eventually, it'll all get coated.
Once you've got that the ceral mixed up, just
spread it out on some sheet pans or
maybe in an oven pan or anything any
kind of a wide surface that you can use
to toast and sort of dry this cereal out
a little bit.
From here, you just want to spread it out.
Try to get it even across all the trays.
This last tray looks a little thin.
Let's "share"! The more trays that you use
in the thinner you spread this out the
more of its gonna toast at once.
I mean my mom used to
make this in her oven roasting pan and
she'd pile it in there about that deep and
put it in the oven
250 - 300 degrees and then just take it
out and stir it every 10 or 15 minutes,
give it a good stir. Bring up all the... get
all the corners. Get the top down to the
bottom and keep and keep moving it
around in the pan and and toasting the
top and and drying it out because you
really want... this is a cereal product... you
want to get dried out. If it has the
least bit of moisture left in it, it's going
to get mouldy in the bag and that'll be
not good So, I like to spread it out in
as many pans you have. i've actually got
three shelves in my oven so I can put
all three of these in my oven and toast
this. I'll probably check this every
15 or 20 minutes and give it a little
stir and make sure nothing's getting too
brown too fast and then we'll come back
to the video. Alright, let's toast the
cereal at 250 - 300 degrees. I'm gonna
do 250 just to go low and slow for a
while here. If you have an oven that gets
real some ovens get really hot when
they're preheating and then they'll come
down to the set temperature this oven
doesn't do that it just kind of comes up
slowly so i'm not going to get real
excited about putting my food in there
while it's preheating because it's not
getting that hot anyway but just be
careful! I don't want to hear somebody
burned their granola because they put it
in while they were preheating. That's
going to be fine. I'm gonna let that go
for about half an hour and then i'll
give it a stir.
So, after this has been in the oven for
what? about that two-and-a-half hours?
I'm going take it out give it a little stir.
just see where you are with it and feel
a little bit of weight underneath here
still feel little dampness but I've got
a nice brown... This pan was on the top
initially you can see it's a little
browner just from being close to the
but i think i'm calling it done! I think
this is good enough. I don't like to get
it too brown. So, at this point, I'm just gonna
leave the door ajar. Turn the oven off
and I'll just leave that like that
overnight let that dry out and by
morning that'll be delicious i'll pack
it up in gallon ziplock bags and throw
in the freezer for safekeeping.
If you want to add the toasted coconut,
you have to toast the coconut separately.
Take the bag of coconut and spread it
out on a cookie sheet or a baking pan.
That goes in the oven at 350. Let that cook
for 5 or 10 minutes and keep your eye on it
because that coconut can can get real
dark real quick so I'm just gonna hit
the light and make sure that I keep my
eye on that because i don't want to burn
it and once that's toasted i can add
that to the rest of the cereal and
that'll be delicious!
Who's watching the clock? It's been in
there for a couple of minutes and it already
has a nice nice brown on it!
Just give us a little stir. I think
that's done! That's as toasted as I
want to get! That's perfect!
So I'll just put this back in here to
dry overnight I've got the oven off.
That's off. I'll just let that stuff dry.
So that's it!! Good homemade granola!
Super simple to make and delicious and eat it
every day for breakfast! So, subscribe and
leave me some comments and let me know what
you think of the recipe and if there's
anything else you'd like me to make.
Let me know about that, too, and I'll put
together a recipe for you!
Thanks for watching!
Sarah's Monologue on Motherhood | I Love You, America on Hulu - Duration: 6:13.
It's my birthday this week.
(audience cheering)
Indeed, it is the anniversary of the first time
I got my s*** together and moved out of my mother's body.
She was 17...
...years younger than I am now.
(audience laughing)
It's so sad. I still feel like if I had a baby,
it would be babies having babies.
Even though I am almost positively barren.
And don't get me wrong, I love kids to an insane degree.
Like, you know how some guys have
a rubber neck over juicy butts or whatever?
That's me with babies.
If a toddler strolls by me, I'm like- a blblblbl aah-oog-a!
(audience laughing)
That sounds, I don't mean that in a...sexual.
It's very... We live in...
We live in a time where I should be very, very clear about this.
I just mean when kids are near me I get really excited.
That also sounds wrong.
(audience laughing) I'm, um...
I'm saying that I...
I like looking at stranger's children.
F***! No!
What I'm saying is that I'm running for senator of Alabama!
This just...
(audience cheering)
It keeps coming out wrong.
I love kids in a maternal way.
Like, I just love them. Like, they are so cute,
I want to f****** eat their f****** cheeks.
I'm good with kids.
I have so many bits that kill with kids.
This is where I really shine with babies, because I'm so committed.
When they're like, "Again," I'm like, "No problem."
"Again!" "You got it."
"Again!" "I'm three steps ahead of you, baby.
"I just free-based a Red Bull. I don't get tired. YOU get tired."
That said, loving kids and having kids of your own
are two very different things.
The thought of having my own baby completely paralyzes me.
How do people have kids so easily?
It's such a huge decision. It's f****** forever!
Even the logistics! I'll sit in my apartment and be like,
"Okay, so that would be it's room?
"And I guess I'd buy food for it and clothes for it.
"And then I'd have to figure out a school for it."
Oh my God, why did I name it, It?
That's my first mistake.
(audience laughing)
You know, a few summers ago I did a tour with a bunch of comedians
and it was really fun.
It was at a time when I was really struggling
about never having had kids, like at a real crossroads.
And one of my comedian friends, a man, was like,
"Sarah, you'd be the best mom! You should do it, it's easy!"
(audience laughing)
And I was like, "Really? Who's watching your two-year-old
"right now and for the next eight weeks of this tour,
"you f****** d***?"
(audience laughing)
Who is my friend and who I love.
And I know the comedy guys who say this kind of thing,
they mean well.
They love me, they're my brothers!
I just...
I wish they would consider the fact
that it is different for women.
And they're not aware of it,
because they've simply never had to be aware of it.
It's that blissful ignorance about our different realities
that drives me a little bananas, cuckoo.
Telling me it's easy is like me telling Stephen Hawking,
"Oh my God, you know what you would love?
"Going like this."
(audience laughing)
It's so easy, Stephen, just do this!
(audience laughing)
If I could be the kind of parent my guy friends are,
I would do it in a f****** second.
If I could be a fun dad, I would have done that years ago.
I still get to put my job and my passion first
and be on the road, and then come home
and be the best version of myself in loving, 40 minute bursts.
Yes, I would love to do that!
If I had a partner who wanted to stay at home
and be the primary caregiver, I would be so down!
I just, unfortunately, am not attracted to c*** p******.
(audience laughing)
I do love kids. I love kids!
But I also really love what I do,
which is
anything I want, all of the time.
(audience clapping)
Don't get me wrong, I know I'm the anomaly.
Most women my age have both children and jobs,
and I am in awe of them.
And they always get the same question,
"How do you balance your life as a working mom?"
When was the last time a man was asked how he
manages it all as a working dad?
Have you ever even heard someone talk about
or even mention the words, "working dad?"
I do think we should start, though.
Are you a...
Are you a dad, do you have kids?
- I am.
- And do you have a job?
-I do.
- Oh! That is amazing.
(audience laughing) - Thank you.
- Wow!
You guys, a working dad!
(audience clapping)
(audience clapping) I don't know how you do it.
(audience clapping)
(audience clapping) Working father in the audience!
It's an honor--
Men really can have it all.
That's amazing.
What is this monologue about?
Yeah, I guess it's about double standards.
It's also about understanding
that different people have different realities.
Like right now, I'm realizing that this monologue
is extremely hetero-normative,
a tad bit Sarah-centric as well,
and down right laughtastic.
(audience laughing)
But, you know, I'm trying. I'm trying to be aware of that.
And really, that's all I'm talking about.
When I see Stephen Hawking now, I'll just say,
"Oh my god, you know what you would love?
"Solving the problems of the universe
"whilst moving just your eyes a little bit."
(audience laughing)
Have YOU SEEN The WORLDS LONGEST BANDIT DASH in Clash Royale!? - Duration: 8:12.
Clash royale by far the most perfect game ever no bugs. No glitches
No complaints in the game never have I broken an iPad in half due to rage never have I ate an iPhone because my two
Versus two partner was a dumbass and never ever ever
Have I stolen my mom's credit card to supply a gem opening video? I'm just being honest here guys clash Royale is by far
Perfection and just in case you suck at detecting sarcasm
Let me just tell you everything I said previously was a big big lie now over the last few weeks
Or so you guys have been sending me a lot of emails with cool glitches
So I figured I would save up all the glitches and just compile them into one big massive
Glitch video now the fluence glitch we are gonna be taking a look at is something
I have mentioned in previous videos
But I never really had
Gameplay to back it up also
Whenever I usually reference this topic the video does really bad and not a lot of people tend to see it so hopefully I can
Get this point across one last time and never talk about it again, so we're gonna be talking about this weird glitch right here
I call this the good old classic reverse tower glitch
Essentially what happens is when you're searching for a battle you hit the cancel button but shocker
It doesn't really work in clash Royale
Throws you into like two
Matches at the same time your towers are really glitchy the Kings are jumping up in the air
You can't place troops down and overall it's just a bunch of bullets. Okay, right here
We can see the glitch from the very beginning of a battle the Kings up top are just hopping around the Kings on the bottom
They're just straight-up chillin. Also look at the level 9 icon for some reason
It's drifted way off to the left now the person who sent me
This is trying to place troops down, but literally they can't do anything
And then if you caught that
The health bar was really really stretched over and then out of nowhere like the game
Just made him three crowns
And there's a another factor that makes this entire thing way more funny and way more
strange so my friend Dylan sent me this screenshot right here, and as you can see he's in a battle against a 7ex Abaddon and
quotation ow however you say that name
But as soon as that battle ends the opponents who beat him are now named Jay and Dwayne the rock Johnson
Let's just look at that for a second Dwayne the rock
Johnson the rock is not taking any in clash Royale
He's coming over here
Glitching your device taking those three crowns and pretty much pissing you off and on top of all that
BS when you're looking at your attack log it actually counts as two battles so right here
You can see the top battle in the second battle
And if you're looking at the times the times are two minutes ago
And one minute go so like I said clash royale glitches puts you in two battles at once you can't do anything and overall it
Just really screws with your game now guys the next glitch
I'm gonna show you is top secret never have I ever seen this happen in the entirety of clash Royale
I'm not gonna say anything. Just watch it on your own
Did you guys just see that the cancel bought in worked. I've never seen anything like that
How how did this even happen look let's just watch this one last time he's battling
He is searching searching forever the battle is canceling he does not find any opponents and somehow
The game brings him back to the main menu
Gracefully and peacefully never have I ever witnessed something so beautiful guys
Please give the video a like down below for this gamebreaking glitch
it is just it's insane and while you're giving the video a like down below if you're new you might as well drop a
Subscription it may be a good idea or you may regret it later
Either way drop us up now that dude has really really good luck
So let's take a look at another person who seems to have some pretty damn crazy luck
This dude is in the shop looking to buy some chests and the game is telling him that he has enough gems to buy these
Chests as you can see the amount is highlighted meaning that he has the opportunity to buy the chest
But the problem is he doesn't even have the proper amount of gems in the first place
I don't know. What supercell is on, but they're giving this guy a great deal
Well that last guy has pretty good luck with chests
Let's take a look at someone who should probably delete clash and never play again, so this dude is named
Ike a 9 he sent me this email awhile ago, and I thought this was the funny
But I've ever seen
So he's opening up an epic chest so the cards he's getting should all be epic a rarity well no first off
He gets a mega minion
That's a rare card so right off the bat this does not make any sense at all
But if he goes on to the next card. It's actually a knight
What in the hell is this guy's luck and moving on to the final like card screen of the chest you can see he got?
78 gold 2 gems 1 mega minion and 10 nights
What kind of look is this this poor dude man and since that last guy had such bad luck?
Let's take a look at another person who has very bad luck as well
So this dude is in the shop, and it says you must be level 7 to unlock this
And if you're looking up top this guy is level 7, so essentially super sells like hey dude piss off
You're not getting anything today. Well honestly. I'm out of breath right now. Maybe I'm talking too fast
Let's tone it down a bit and move on to the next glitch this guy is in a regular battle
But he has two mirrors
Can you just imagine how much power you can have with this like imagine putting a car down and mirroring it?
And then you put another of that same exact car down
I do have one question like whenever you mirik hard the elixir cost goes up by one so if you
Mirror your mirror does the elixir cost go up by two, or does it stay the same as that first mirror?
These are some questions that I'd like to know the answer to
Speaking of questions that we want to know answers to what the hell happened to this guy's bottom-left hour
It's just like ask where there's no debris. There's no remains of any Tower there
It's as if this battle started without a left tower where the hell did it go. Okay, okay?
Let's mix it up a bit and look at something a little bit more exciting right here
We have abandoned approaching the tower
She destroys the tower now if you're looking on the bottom right he loses that tower, but here
I want you to pay close attention to what happens to the bandit, so you can see a wizard is pushing off
There's a hog rider abandoned you tornadoes everything back, but look at the range of this bandit
It literally dashes like halfway across the arena and of course he ends up getting the three crown
But the clip ends like right here, so we don't get to see him get the three crown
But you guys get the gist of things really really far bandit
- don't know how she did that and it is now time for the final glitch of the video
This isn't touchdown in the filming isn't the best but regardless it is still pretty funny
so I want you to pay close attention to the bottom half because a minor is about to get sent in but just look at
The minor so he's walking
But it looks like he's digging a path still so essentially it's like the miners farting or pooping as he's moving
Looks really weird honestly a useless glitch
But I've never seen it before so I'm hoping you guys thought it was funny cool
I don't know, but guys that was the good of the video, so hopefully you found everything interesting. My name is eclipse again
Hopefully you enjoyed and peace out
Greetings and Goodbyes in Spanish - Duration: 12:16.
Hi, friends!
Today we're going to teach you how to greet and say goodbye to someone in Spanish.
Now, this is one of the most important lessons we can give you because, whether you're
talking to a taxi driver, a doctor, or friends, you're always gonna have to greet them.
Now, not only is it polite, once you get it down, it will help you make new friends.
But before we get started, don't forget that we are your resource to learn real-world
Travel Spanish, so hit the subscribe button, and let's get started!
So, for the first part of the video, we're gonna show you informal greetings.
This is how you would greet someone, an acquaintance, someone you've met before, and you see them
in the street, and you don't have that much time to chat.
This is how you'd do it.
Keep in mind that we have English and Spanish captions available for this video.
You can turn them on if you get stuck.
"Buenos días" means "Good morning."
Only use this in the morning, before noon.
"Buenas tardes" - "Good afternoon."
Use this from noon until sunset.
The following examples are short conversations.
We will first play the whole conversation and then break it down for you in English.
Hi, May, what's up?
What's up?
How are you?
Well, and you?
Me too, well, take care.
Yeah, you too.
See you.
"¿Qué onda?"
A very Latin American way to say "What's up?"
This is used extensively in Mexico between friends.
Only use this in casual or informal situations.
"¿Cómo estás?"
means "How are you?"
This is probably the most common way to greet someone after "Hola."
"¿Y tú?"
Any time you hear a greeting, you'll probably hear this shortly after.
It means "And you?"
It's polite to ask how the other person is doing.
"Cuídate" means "Take care."
"Tú también" means "You too."
"Adiós" The old standard "Goodbye."
Used just as often in Spanish as "bye" is in English.
Hi, how is it going?
It's going well, you?
Pretty well, thanks.
Okay, see you.
See you.
"¿Qué tal?" is a very general greeting.
You can use this with anyone regardless of their age or how well you know them.
It works just like the phrase "¿Cómo estás?"
"Nos vemos" is a common way to say "See you."
Literally, "we'll see each other."
Jaime, what's new?
Not much, just here walking.
Me too, just here going for a walk.
Well, see you.
Take care.
"¿Qué cuentas?" means "what's new?"
Like "¿Qué onda?" it's very casual.
Use it with friends and people your age or younger.
"Aquí nomás" is a very informal phrase.
It means "Not much" or "Just hanging out."
It literally translates to "Just here" but the whole phrase here was "Aquí nomás,
caminando" which means "Not much, just here walking."
"También aquí" is the most common way to answer after "Aquí nomás, ¿y tú?"
It simply means "Me too, just here." But we added "paseando" which means
"going for a walk."
So the whole phrase is "También aquí, paseando."
Now we're gonna show you how to greet someone in a more formal situation.
Maybe when you are greeting your friend's grandparents
or someone you wanna show more respect to.
Yeah, this is for anybody who is older than you or in a position of power that's greater
than yours.
First, listen to this short conversation,
then we'll break it down for you piece by piece.
Doctor Fernandez, right?
Yes, nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you. I'm doctor Larios.
How is it going? How are you?
It's going pretty well, and you?
Pretty well, too.
It's really nice to see you.
Have a good day.
"Mucho gusto" means "Nice to meet you."
"Soy la doctora Larios."
May said "I'm Doctor Larios."
When you are meeting someone for the first time you can say "Soy…" and then your name
or "Me llamo…" and then your name.
They both mean "I am…"
"Me llamo…"
literally means "I call myself…"
"¿Cómo está?"
Notice we used "¿cómo está?"
instead of "¿cómo estás?"
This is an important distinction.
You should always use the "¿cómo está?" form
in formal settings.
"Muy bien" means "Pretty well."
This is another common way to answer the question "How are you?"
"Qué gusto saludarlo" means "It's really nice to see you."
If you are talking to a woman you should say "Qué gusto saludarla."
If you want to use this phrase with a friend or in a more casual situation, you'd use
the informal way - "Qué gusto saludarte" for both men and women.
"Igualmente" in this context means "likewise."
You'll hear this often in smalltalk.
You could also use "Usted también" instead, which also means "likewise."
"Que tenga un buen día" means "Have a good day."
If you're talking to a friend or someone in a more casual situation you would say
"Que tengas un buen día."
Good afternoon. Are you the teacher Mayra?
Yes, nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you, I'm Santiago's father.
How is it going?
Ah, pretty well. I'm in a hurry to go to work.
Okay, have a good day. Nice to meet you.
Likewise, see you later.
See you later.
"¿Es usted la maestra Mayra?" means
"Are you the teacher Mayra?"
"¿Es usted…?" followed by the name of the person or their occupation is a good
phrase to use when you're not sure if you're talking to the right person.
"¿Cómo le va?"
means "How is it going?"
If you were using this phrase informally you'd say "¿Cómo te va?"
"Que le vaya bien" just like "Que tenga un buen día" means "Have a good day."
"Mucho gusto en conocerla" means "Nice to meet you" but it is only used when talking
to a woman.
If you want to say it to a man you'd say "Mucho gusto en conocerlo" or you can
always just keep it short with "Mucho gusto."
"Hasta luego" means "See you later."
Excuse me.
Yes, tell me.
Good afternoon.
Good afternoon.
Is this the tour bus?
No, the tour bus is the red one over there.
Oh, okay, good. Thanks a lot.
Yeah, have a good day.
"Disculpe" which means "Excuse me" is a great word to use
when addressing someone you don't know.
It is polite and can be used in any situation.
Use "Disculpe" with people you wanna show respect to or who are older than you.
Use "Disculpa" if you are talking to someone who looks your age or younger.
So we have shown you how to greet someone in a casual way, also how to greet someone
in a more formal way, but now we're gonna show you what to do when you are greeting a friend
or when you are meeting someone for the first time and you don't know if you should do
a handshake, give them a kiss, give them a hug, because in Mexico, hugging and kissing
is very common and we're gonna show you how to do it right to avoid something like
Jaime, what's up?
Doing well, and you?
I'm sorry… uh…
Yeah, don't do it like that.
This is the right way to do it:
Number one: Hug the other person by the shoulders and
Two: Give them a "kiss" just by slightly pressing your cheek against theirs.
No lip contact.
Hi, how are you?
Hi, I'm well, and you?
I'm well…
If you are a male and you're greeting another male, a handshake and sometimes a hug
is all you need.
If you're a female greeting another female, do it just like we do in the video here.
Now we're gonna go for a walk and show you how people actually greet each other in Mexico.
Good afternoon.
Good afternoon.
Good afternoon.
Hello, good afternoon.
Good evening.
Good evening.
Notice that some people say "Adiós" when passing by.
Good evening.
Goodbye. Good evening.
This much more common than saying "Hola" in Mexico if you don't intend to stop and chat.
Good evening.
Good evening.
Goodbye, have a good day.
Thank you.
We know there's a lot of information in this video, but if you wanna practice even more
head on over to our website at spanishandgo.com where we have a lot more resources to help you.
We're gonna leave a link in the description.
Thanks for watching, and if you enjoyed this video, don't forget to like and subscribe
for more travel and Spanish tips.
See you later!
See you soon!
I froze, I froze!
This is it, I promise!
[Laughs in Spanish]
Let's Make A Deal - Are You Moving Up? - Duration: 2:27.
Decoding Business Casual | GoalGetter vlog - 11/30/17 - Duration: 5:10.
Hey, this is Kelsey from the GoalGetter
blog. Thanks for watching this video. So let's talk about
the moving target that is business
casual. Depending on what company you work for,
business casual could mean a variety of different things.
I know that there are some companies out there
that say that jeans are okay to wear when you're dressing
business casual. There are also some companies that say that jeans
are not permitted, but you have slacks or professional
pants or something like that. And don't get me started on
open toed shoes. I've heard that too many
times to even count. If you want to
stop getting those passive aggressive memos from your HR
department, take a look at some of these tips that I've got. Maybe I'll be able
to help you nail on the head exactly what business
casual means for your company. The first tip I have
is find somebody that you admire, and see
how they dress. Look at what pieces they tend to use more
often. Do they tend to be more formal, or do they tend
to be more casual? It helps
to find somebody that you admire that actually works for the same company
as you, but even if they're not in the same company,
but they're in the same industry, sometimes that helps, too.
Company culture is really important
when you're determining what business
casual means. For example, I had a friend
who wore a certain outfit to a job interview
at a company, and the outfit was completely acceptable.
At least I think it was, 'cuz she moved on to the next round of interviews
but she wore that same outfit to work later,
at a different company, and it was not considered acceptable.
So the company that she interviewed at
was a lot more casual.
You know, they were fine with wearing jeans and sneakers. So her interview
outfit was completely acceptable. But this other company,
even though they also described their dress code as business casual,
they tended to be a bit more formal. The next tip:
Dress for the job you want, not the job you've got.
I highly recommend looking at your dream job
position, what people in that position, and see out they
dress, then you can start building up your wardrobe
and dressing that exact same way. That way,
you're dressing a step or two
above what's expected of you, and you've also
built up your wardrobe so that when you do get in that position, you don't
have to go shopping right away. You already built up those
pieces, so you already fit the role. Whenever you're dressing for
the job you want and not the job you've got,
you will also see that there's two good results from that. The first one
is that others will perceive you as more
competent. So let me tell you a story: I was once in an
office where everybody was really
comfortable wearing jeans. They were comfortable wearing
sneakers and T-shirts to work. They were business
casual, emphasis on the casual! But there was a manager
and you could tell whenever she walked in the room, because she wore
black slacks, she wore high heels, and a nice professional blouse.
Even though she also had the option
to dress super casual, she chose to step
it up a little bit, and dress in a way that kind of commanded
more respect. And as a result, people gave her
a lot of respect. So, whenever you
dress for the job you
want and you decide to dress a step or two above, people
will see you as more competent and more
respectable. Whenever you're dressing for
the job you want, not the job you've got,
another great thing that will happen is you will feel more
competent. When I was in school, I was a firm believer
in the phrase "dress well, test well." Whenever
I knew that I looked nice,
I just felt more confident and I
felt like I could take on more and do well. Whenever you dress in a way
where you feel more worthy and more competent,
you're going to feel
like you can command more respect from other people.
The next tip I have for you for nailing business
casual on the head for your company is asking
your HR department. See if you can get a
copy of your company's dress code policy. These are usually
pretty specific, so that way you can see
exactly what is allowed, what is not, and what's
encouraged. The last tip that I
have for nailing business casual on the head, is always
for a bit more formal. It's always
better to be overdressed than under dressed. That's one of
the best pieces of advice I ever got in my life.
So always aim for a little bit more formal. It's a lot easier to
pull off a dress when everybody else is wearing jeans,
than it is to pull of sweatpants when everyone else is
wearing jeans. If you just wear
sweatpants and you're dressing a level below, you just look unprepared.
So just to be careful, always
aim for a little bit more on the formal side. You can just
make it look like you planned it that way. That you decided to look a little nicer on
purpose. Like I said, business casual is a
moving target. So I hope these tips help you whenever
you're determining what to wear to work. If you like
this video, be sure to subscribe and thumbs up. Also feel
free to share any tips that you've got about dressing
business casual at your work, or any funny stories
about dress code at your work. I'd love to hear them, so write them in the comments down below.
be sure to check out my website.
It's www.beagoalgetter.net
Thanks for watching!
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