So yesterday, what happened yesterday...
Why people don't vlog the bad stuff about van life... can you even see that?.... well the hood's up.
because we're too busy trying to figure out how to fix the problem rather than
filming it because my camera- my camera's right there, but I'm not concerned with
that. I'm way more concerned with what's going on right there.
So yeah basically, the plan was to just go to autozone because I needed a pick so that way I could take
the door panels off of the the two front doors so that way I could Dynamat them
and in the process of doing that I started the van, everything was fine,
got to Autozone, went inside, found the pick, paid for it, came back out, tried to
start the van... and it just didn't turn on. It just said like "no bus" which if you
know anything about that it's pretty much just- it could be a bajillion
different things it's just electrical. So pretty much what ended up happening was
just disconnecting the battery for a few minutes, letting it sit, and then once it
was reconnected the van started up again no problem like thankfully alright. But
that kind of goes into a question that I get asked very very often which is like
"what happens when your car or your van breaks down? like what do you do?" like I
just want to give you guys my two cents on that, but first the positive because I
did end up successfully getting the door panels off and putting Dynamat
everywhere looks great sounds great plus it's a little bit more of an update so there's that.
K so step one is gonna be to remove these door panels
Step two is just to remove this plastic film that was on the door behind the panels.
Step three is to clean them.
so shinyyyyy
Step four is gonna be to clean the actual panels.
Next I'm going to apply some Dynamat.
The last thing was to just put the panels back on.
Let's see how it's sounds....
Ok and then so for like what do you do when your vehicle breaks down or needs to be
worked on while you're living in it? I mean honestly its' the same thing as
anything else like you kind of you just do whatever you have to do like you
improvise. And as I like kind of said in the snapchat thing it's like- one thing I
think that a lot of people get criticized for is showing the positive
stuff of living in a van or living in a car living in an RV whatever and I mean
because there is a lot of good to it and- but I mean it's like naturally there's
bad stuff too. And I think the majority of the reason that people don't show it
is because they're too busy like in the moment trying to figure it out like to
handle the actual problem rather than like "oh let me film this because it'll
be like a learning experience for somebody else or like entertainment for
somebody else" which- true, especially when it comes to the learning stuff could be
really beneficial, but it's like I get very overwhelmed sometimes when some of
that stuff happens. So rather than thinking like "oh I should film this
right now" it's like bro I'm low key just trying to figure out what the heck is
going on and how I'm gonna get myself out of this situation. So I have been
very fortunate in the sense that like I haven't just broken down on the road. And
that was one of the things that was really, you know on my mind when I first
got this vehicle because of like the price range that I was looking at I knew
that I was going to have to get an older vehicle so it was really important to me
that although it was going to be older I wanted it to be reliable. And like I
said, very fortunate I lucked out. Like this van has been, for the most part, it's been
pretty awesome. But it is old so it comes with like its fair share of problems and
that's been really interesting to deal with so like like I said I haven't just
you know been driving you know & all of a sudden it like stalled on me or
something you know, I didn't just break down a hundred miles from the nearest
town or anything like that, but I have had
to have it worked on and be without it for a couple of days and in those
instances it's kind of like "okay, well when you have to leave your house at a
mechanic shop or the dealership or wherever you take it to get worked on
then where do you stay?" and again, it's really just improvising. Like I've done
things where I've gone on the couchsurfing website and found someone
to stay with there, I've stayed with family for a little bit, I've rented a
hotel and I just ubered everywhere. I honestly just haven't found myself in a
situation where all hope is lost or there's no way out of it you know what
I'm saying cuz that's the thing, it's like no matter what happens there is
always a way to fix it or like any problem can be solved. You also have to
think ahead of these things. Like if you're going to want to live on the road
or to live in a vehicle like- for instance the AAA membership that
I have like has free towing for up to a hundred miles. The reason that I have
that it's not just because like "oh you never know (casual)" it's like "no really like with
my lifestyle you never know (serious)". So I feel like that's something that's kind of a
necessity. So like good insurance and having you know them have like the
car rental on your insurance, things like that it's just- it's really important to
think ahead and plan for these things to happen because whether you have a new
vehicle or an old vehicle eventually it's gonna happen and I'm not gonna lie
it's gonna suck, but the whole- it's part of the adventure. I again have been very
very lucky and I haven't ever- since I've been living in a car since 2014 in all
three of the vehicles that I've lived in I have not had any accidents. Like no one
has hit me and I have hit nobody else or anything. A lot of that has to do with
the fact that like I purposely drive a lot more careful now like since I've
been living in vehicles than I did previously because of the fact that I'm
like "whoa bro this is like my house nothing can happen to it", but even if
like I'm the most careful driver in the world that doesn't mean that like nobody
is ever gonna hit me. So I always have to just keep that in the back of my mind. I
would say keep a savings that's specifically for when things go wrong,
and kind of like do your best to just know the basics of things, and of course
just carry like some essential tools like jumper cables and stuff, and then
maybe have like some extra parts like belts and whatnot that you could easily
replace like get familiar with your vehicle because if you're gonna be
living in it and driving it all the time and and far distances like you really
want to be able to take on as much as you can and be able to fix as
much as you can cuz 1) it's gonna be faster and 2) it's gonna be cheaper. And
in my case ironically, one thing that has helped me out a lot is YouTube videos
just looking up things and watching other people do them that has been a
lifesaver. And another thing that I'm so grateful for is the fact that I know a
mechanic that has worked on this van so he's pretty familiar with this vehicle
and like he's okay with like on a Saturday at 7 p.m. if I'm having issues
I can call him for the most part, like if he's not busy, he'll answer the phone and
try to help me figure out like what's going on. And I have a few people in my
family that are mechanics or have been mechanics or whatever so like I said I'm
so grateful for that and luckily I have that so that has been a big big help
because there are so many times where honestly if I didn't have them to call
and walk me through something I might have ended up spending a lot more money
than I needed to. So honestly that's basically it. Every situation is
different, just do your best, improvise, be smart, plan ahead, yeah hope
you guys enjoyed this video and I'll see you guys next time
For more infomation >> Living in A Car: What to do when you break down?!?! + van updates - Duration: 8:55.-------------------------------------------
Joe Cullen vBlog 9 - New YouTube Studio Beta Review - Making it big on YouTube - Duration: 14:15.
বাংলার কাঁচা মরিচ লাইভ ভিডিও Othoi Arbi | all videos - Duration: 19:53.
What is Arthritis and How to Treat It| Joint Pain Plano, TX - Duration: 1:31.
My name is Kwame Ennin. I'm an orthopedic surgeon specializing in hip and knee
replacement and I'm at the Texas Health spine and Orthopedic Center. Patients
usually come in complaining of pain in a particular joint or an ability to move
in a way that they often done in the past.
Oftentimes patients complain of pain at night where they can't get a good
night's sleep and we confirm our suspicions of arthritis with x-rays. And
so with these pictures we can oftentimes see arthritis and be able to, you know,
explain to the patient exactly what is arthritis and how it's affecting them.
Arthritis is a degenerative condition of a joint and it can be for many different
reasons. As to why patients have arthritis, the most common reason is
osteoarthritis which is a degenerative process but there's post-traumatic
arthritis and there's inflammatory arthritis like rheumatoid arthritis that
can lead to very similar presentations. All of those reasons as to why patients
have arthritis can be treated with arthroplasty.
21 Inspiring Small Space Decorating Ideas for Studio Apartments - Duration: 6:49.
21 Inspiring Small Space Decorating Ideas for Studio Apartments
We tend to think of our dream home as a huge house with space for everything we've pinned
to our "Home" boards on Pinterest.
But if you're in a studio apartment and aren't sure when that space will grow into
something bigger, there's no reason to wait to create your dream home.
Just because you only have one room doesn't mean your decor can't fulfill all of your
hopes and dreams.
Check out these 21 beautiful studio apartments with major style that prove you can have it
all in a small space.
Brick and Glam: Don't think of your living room as tiny — it's cozy.
Nesting tables are the perfect way to bring out extra side tables when you're entertaining
and need more space to set glasses and treats.
Nordic Chic: Don't let the TV dictate the room arrangement.
In this space, watching TV with more than one person would mean rearranging a bit, but
maybe that's not a bad thing.
Our design choices reflect what's important, and this room seems to prize conversation
over television.
And we love that.
Classy Gray: A uniform color palette keeps a small space from feeling too busy.
A palette of gray is consistent and soothing, while the shag rug and wood trim add textural
interest without competing with the color scheme.
Open Spaces: When you're decorating a studio, try to keep accessories to a minimum for a
relaxing feel.
We love all the house plants in this light and bright apartment.
Scandinavian Glass: The unusual glass partition in this studio takes away some of the privacy
but also creates a very airy and open feel.
Large mirrors help emphasize the openness and spaciousness of the room, making it feel
more connected.
Creative Touches: White with just the right amount of blue, this living room is positively
We are digging the creative coffee table using magazines as the base.
European Style: You don't always have to start with a sofa.
A daybed can allow for a lot more flexibility, decorating-wise.
Or if a sofa (even a small one) just isn't working in your space, try two chairs instead.
Cube Room: Living in a completely open space does not mean you have to give up on privacy.
We're not sure if you could DIY this, but we love that it's mounted on wheels and
can easily be moved around.
Pattern Play: Bold and beautiful, this tiny studio didn't shy away from color and pattern,
and we love it.
If you have a weird layout or only one window, bring interest and color into the space with
wallpaper or a painted accent wall.
Float 'Em: One great way to store things without cluttering your space is on the walls!
Use floating wall shelves to keep all your items in place while adding some character
and color to your walls.
Divide It Up: We think we might prefer this curtain wall to a "normal" wall.
A flowy white curtain permits a flood of natural light while maintaining a chic aesthetic.
Light It Up: An elegant iron chandelier brings immediate presence to the all-white space
that would otherwise visually disappear in this charmingly eclectic and colorful living
Make Your Own Wall: Get creative with your space and DIY your own walls with bookshelves
for extra storage.
Velvet Glam: Even a small space can rock a lot of personality.
If you don't have tons of wall space (or you just have a lot of awesome art), get creative
with your art display.
We like the idea of propping art up against the window like a casual art gallery.
Color Pop: We all know white walls make a space feel bigger, but that doesn't mean
you should say no to color.
Skip the wall paint and designate the most vibrant shade to the room's focal point
(such as the couch or bed) with a subtle flow of hues throughout the rest of the space.
Bright Whites: Sleek and modern, most of the furniture in this bright studio is white,
maintaining a uniform look and creating the illusion of more space than there actually
Statement Furniture: Statement furniture, lighting and artwork are what truly make this
space shine.
Don't settle for anything but must-have pieces, and then echo the tones in a favorite
painting or rug throughout your space to create cohesiveness.
Switch It Up: An open plan full of double-duty furniture enables this long space to be used
for a variety of purposes.
The dining room table doubles as a kitchen island when there is lots of cooking to be
done and extra ottomans can be pulled up when more seating is required.
Daybed Style: A thoughtful plan and smart furniture choices make this studio feel like
a fully custom space.
Freestanding shelves look like built-ins and sconces hung on the bookcase's sides provide
reading light at night for a truly multi-purpose room.
Pastel Charm: This feminine studio is the perfect example of double-duty furniture.
A pair of upholstered ottomans act as a coffee table, but also function as additional seating,
and a tall bookcase emphasizes the room's height while also offering plenty of storage
All White: We love all things colorful, but we can still appreciate this monochromatic
color scheme and the simple styling.
All-white interiors have a calm and serene feeling, and the flowers help enforce the
zen atmosphere.
How do you make your studio apartment work?
Talk to us in the comments below!
Gardenscapes Level 169 - How to complete Level 169 on Gardenscapes - Duration: 4:33.
Gardenscapes Level 169 - How to complete Level 169 on Gardenscapes
How to complete Level 169 on Gardenscapes
Gardenscapes Level 169
Gardenscapes how to complete level 169
Gardenscapes beat level 169
Should You Go Into Business With Your Best Friend? - Duration: 7:48.
Hey, gorgeous. It's Denise here from Lucky Bitch.
I've got a juicy question for you today. Have you ever thought about going into
business with your best friend? After all, maybe you've known her for years and
together you could make millions. Right? Well, maybe. Let's unpack this juicy topic
now to see if you're on to a winning idea or if you're about to make the biggest
mistake of your life and business.
If you're tempted to go into business with your best friend right now, you're not alone.
In my 20s, I almost started a dating coaching company with my bestie
because we'd meet up for lunch to bitch about our day jobs and dream about
doing something different. It can seem like such a great idea – especially over a
glass of wine. I mean, you love each other, you have a ton of fun together,
so surely going into business with each other is a no-brainer. Right?
Wrong. I hate to break it to you, but most of the time going into business with your
best friend is not a recipe for success. Now, don't get me wrong. There are
definitely a few amazing success stories of best friends who have made it as
entrepreneurs together. But, for every success story, there are far more
cautionary tales of friendships lost – pretty much forever – by the pressures
of mixing friendship and business. You have to be very careful about
how you set things up to ensure your success and make sure your friendship
lasts beyond that normal roller coaster or entrepreneurship. Here's a checklist for
you to go through to make sure you're on the right track. First up, just be honest
with yourself. I want you to ask if you really want to have a business partner.
Is it because you're scared to do it alone? Do you think that you'd only be successful
if you had a partner pushing you along? If this is your main reason to start a business
with a friend, you need to snap out of it fast, especially if you do end up going into
business together. Now, business requires you to be self-motivated and, yes, it's
really nice to have someone holding your hand. But, you have to give yourself
permission to be successful on your own merits. Otherwise, your blocks could
derail your business and probably your friendship as well. Second – this is obvious
– decide who will do what. It's best to do a lot of talking before going into business
together – and not just over cocktails and wine. When you talk it over, you really
need to decide who will do what in the business and you've got to decide on a
fair distribution of tasks and make sure that nobody gets all the crappy jobs.
How many hours do you each have available to put into the business?
You've got to consider lifestyle factors like family commitments, side gigs,
working preferences, et cetera, because I've seen a lot of business partnerships
derailed by unrealistic – or more likely unspoken expectations.
Third: What are your strengths and weaknesses and do they complement
each other? If you do decide to take the plunge, it's best to be prepared and know
your personality types and how they mesh together. I recommend doing a bunch of
personal and business personality tests so you know how your working styles or
communications can go together. Even things like your love languages and how
they could trigger each other. I actually have a special money personality quiz for
you so you can see how you can complement or trigger each other.
If your energy and ambition match, it could be a real sweet spot to go for it.
But, if you're raring to go and your bestie is a slow and steady type, you might have
a bit of a clash or ambitions that kind of frustrate you both. The best thing to do is
to talk about it and be really incredibly honest about how that would work in a
practical sense. Next, you might need to decide who will be the face of the business.
This could be a hard one because a lot of businesses do need somebody to be the
public face of them and some people are more behind the scenes. It works well if
one person is an introvert and one person is an extrovert. But, if you both want to be
the star of the show, then you just need to make sure you get enough air time.
You could appear in promos together, you could split up interview responsibilities
and then you could hire other people to delegate the behind the scenes
responsibilities to. But, if neither of you want to, maybe you could do something
creative like create a cartoon avatar to be the star of your business, like Grammar Girl.
Or, you could focus on your product rather than the personalities behind the business.
Now, let's get legal. This seems really boring, but there really are a million nitty
gritty details to sort out before you go into business. Things like how much money
you need to get started. Really. You might not need that big website.
Who's going to put the money in? What's the ownership structure? How are you
going to split the profits? How are you going to decide on purchases you need to make?
Who is going to own the intellectual property of the business if you decide to separate?
What happens if you make a hundred gazillion dollars together? What will
happen if you need to shut down the business? How will you end it if one
person wants to get out? Getting all that formal kind of boring stuff sorted out with
legal contracts and signed agreements is my best advice. It might seem kind of
unfriendly to go down that legal route with someone that you know, but it's
really going to serve your business and your friendship down the track. The more
you can hammer out those details before you start, the more chance you have of
keeping that friendship that inspired you to start a business together in the first place.
Lastly, truth time. Are you better off just staying friends instead of going into
business together? Really, you've got to be crystal clear on that. Maybe you're not
meant to create a full business together. It doesn't mean you can't support each
other in other ways. Maybe you want that creative buzz and to have a good time together.
Maybe you could do one-off workshops together or form a mastermind.
You can build both businesses, but together. You could co-work space together.
You could create events together without a serious or long time commitment.
One of my business besties, Victoria Gibson, we go to amazing locations like
Bali or we do spa retreats and we host conferences, but without the pressure of
being in business long term together. Even after all this stuff, do you still really
want to go into business? One thing to check before you do that is your money
personality. When you understand how each other functions when it comes to
money, you're going to have really valuable information to work with when
you need to make business decisions. Knowing your money personality is so
powerful. This is whether you're a solo business or if you work with others.
I've got a free quiz for you. Just go to and you can find out
all about your money personality. My final advice is this: you can choose
the right business model for you with our without a partner. You can do this.
You might not need them, or it could be fun as well. Go and take that quiz right
now at and you'll see how you best work with money.
It's your time and you're totally ready for the next step.
Kathie Lee Gifford: Matt Lauer's Dismissal Is 'Very, Very Sad' | TODAY - Duration: 6:11.
My (Healthier) Brownie Recipe!! - Duration: 7:07.
hi everyone welcome to my channel I am Raterman and this is my Journey
first of all thank you very much for watching this video today I'm going to
show you one of my favorite brownie recipes, it is a bit healthy but it
still has sugar and butter and that kind of things but it's okay I mean for some
special occasion or some day that you really crave something sweet or
chocolaty it's a good option, just don't eat the whole brownie at once you know..
I am actually working on finding and perfecting the most amazing
and healthiest brownie of all, because let me tell you, I tried to make a zucchini
brownie and it was the worst, like seriously it was zucchini and also
stevia so sugar free and, no, it's not a great option. it didn't taste at all like
chocolate. it just tasted like a little bit like Apple and, nothing and then
stevia. And also the texture was really weird, I put it in the oven for one hour
and it was.. it looked like raw and really soggy and not really good no then I
decided to makevthe spelt brownies because I wanted to do a
healthier version of the normal ones but I wanted them to be delicious and that is amazing.
this brownie recipe is a bit healthier than the normal brownie recipe or the
box brownie because instead of using all-purpose flour I'm using spelt flour
this avoids a lot of the empty calories that white flour has. So instead of using
white flour that has probably zero nutrients I'm using the spelt flour that
has lots and lots of nutrients that are really good for you. So with no further
ado I'm just going to get on with the video and show you how I made this brownie! enjoy!
to make these amazing spam brownies you will need 3/4 of a cup of
spelt flour three quarters of a cup of white sugar
three quarters of a cup of brown sugar two teaspoons of salt 1/4 of a cup of
unsweetened cocoa powder about 200 grams of dark chocolate 113 grams of unsalted
butter three large eggs a heatproof bowl and a medium-sized baking pan
first of all start by lightly brushing the bottom and sides of your baking pan
with butter then line with parchment paper leaving a slight overhang on the
sides now place chocolate and butter in a
heatproof bowl and set it over a saucepan of simmering water stirring
until melted now whisk in both white and brown sugar until smooth
whisk in eggs one at a time
the mixture will start to get some consistency so if you want to you can
use a stand mixer like I did add cocoa powder and salt here my stand mixer
decided to stop working so I had to continue manually finally both bean
flour gradually until well combined
get your baking pan and pour the butter into it and bake at 175 degrees Celsius
for about 35 minutes or until a toothpick inserted comes out moist
you can either wait until it fully cools or just eat it while it's warm so we're
back here and well you're going to see how it tasted I'm sorry but you need to
see the texture and how it looks and everything I just put it and this
beautiful pink plate because there is nothing better than this it's very
similar to your normal bra me it's pretty consistent but it's soft so I'm
going to try this now here we have it
yes awesome it's over and I was so hungry so yes you can see it's like very
moist well not moist like soft it's like chewy
yeah chewy that's the word it is so perfect
like more crunchy here but then it's like it's really soft from the inside
and amazing this brownie is totally worth it totally worth a try
so for the calories and the macros of this brownie I'll write them down in the
description box and I'll also write the whole recipe so that you can make it the
result is amazing I'm sure you will love it please I would love you to try and
make it and if you do make this brownie leave a comment down below and let me
know how it turned out if you liked it and also if there's any other dessert or
recipe that you want me to make a healthier version of it and I will
definitely try my best to do so and well that's all for this video if you liked
it please give it a thumbs up because it really sports my channel hit that
subscribe button down below and above next to it I'll see you guys in my next
video bye
The Most Satisfying Video In The World | Life Hacks & Cake Decorating 2017 - Duration: 24:08.
Rarities Agate, Black Spinel and White Zircon Pendant - Duration: 2:30.
Why you should never, ever drink coffee on an empty stomach - Duration: 4:20.
For most of us, good day start with coffee.After all,there's no better alarm clock than a warm mug of our favorite brew.
And you don't even have to feel guilty about your routine; because drinking coffee has health benefits,such as protecting your brain from dementia.
In fact, here's certainly what happens to your body when you drink coffee daily.
Although prioritizing your daily Java fix is nothing wrong, you should be careful of drinking it on an empty stomach.
For starters, coffee can take a severe toll on your digestive system.
All that java will jumpstart the stomach's production of acid, and if you haven't already eaten something,
the acid could damage your stomach's lining and cause indigestion and pyrosis.
That goes for decaffeinated coffee, too.
But that's not the only risk.Dr. Adam Simon, told express
"Drinking coffee on an empty stomach can give you the jitters
,shakes and other withdrawal effects, including mood changes."
It can also increase symptoms of anxiety, and unable to concentrate.
In addition, Your circadian rhythm is destroyed by a sipping coffee in the morning first thing.
That's mean, A hormone called cortisol is released in your internal body when you wake up.
Its make you feel excited and watchful.
Yet inverse to what you might expect,
research has shown that consuming coffee actually reduces your cortisol levels.
Translation?More often than not, that early morning pick-me-up will fail,
begetting you to feel sleepier.
Instead of trying to brew a cup of joe at the best time of day to drink coffee.
Of course, some people have drunk coffee on an empty stomach for years and they feel full
If that applies to you, then by all means, continue drinking!
But for everyone else, pairing your caffeine fix with a hearty breakfast
—or at least a snack if you not hungry are recommended by certified dietitian.
these 27 healthy breakfast ideas to get you begin.
Meet Maxwell 'Bunchie' Young, Sports Illustrated Kids' Sportskid Of The Year | Megyn Kelly TODAY - Duration: 5:33.
Healthy Fat-Burning Starbucks Drink - Duration: 10:49.
Hey, everybody out there.
It's coach Dan Long, with Get Lean In 12,
and I forgot my super drink this morning.
So I'm going to show you, how you can, simply on the fly,
pull up to one of your favorite spots,
I know, it's called Starbucks, as you can see here.
I am at Starbucks, and I'm going to show you
how you can order your own super-food drink, that
has the most amazing nutrients in it.
That I think some of the people that go to these places,
and they order all these very fattening frappuccinos,
and they order cappuccinos, with all the cream and all the stuff
that actually puts the weight on you.
I'm actually going to show you how
you can order a simple drink.
It's not that expensive.
Of course, it depends on the size that you get.
That you can get on the fly.
That will combat so many different things
that I'm going to introduce you to right here today.
So, by the way, I will, at this link up above,
have a free gift for you just for being here today with me.
When we're done here, you can click that link.
And it's going to take you to a special gift
that I'm going to explain more about here, in a second.
So let's talk about what this drink is actually
going to give you, and also myself,
when I get this drink today.
It's going to help do numerous things.
Now have you already guessed what that drink is.
Yeah, it's a special drink and it is served here at Starbucks.
And I'm going to roll this window down.
It is served at Starbucks.
And I'm going to tell you some of the amazing things
that actually this drink will do.
One, it will burn tons of fat, without even
having to work out.
Now imagine that.
You just drinking a drink, and it's healthy for you,
and it's helping you burn fat.
So that's one of the main things that you're
going to get from this drink.
The second thing is it combats diabetes.
So if you or anyone that you know
has diabetes, and/or you're on the borderline of diabetes,
this will help.
And, by the way, as far as the amount of this drink
that you should drink, they say one to two cups a day
is sufficient.
There are people out there that drink up to five cups a day.
I don't recommend it, because it does have caffeine in it.
It doesn't have a ton of caffeine,
but it does have caffeine.
Now, besides diabetes, it also combats heart disease.
So if you're like me, and you have that in your genes,
that could be something very helpful for you.
All right, we're going to pull up here,
and we're going to place our order.
Thank you for choosing Starbucks.
This is Amanda.
What can I get started for you today?
Hi, Amanda.
May I please-- hey--
hope you're having an amazing day by the way.
You too.
Thank you.
I would like to order, please, a trenta size green tea, just
ice, with no sugar.
That's it.
It's going to be $3.15.
I'll see you at the window.
Perfect, thank you.
So she's having an amazing day, by the way.
So besides just heart disease, it also
combats esophageal cancer.
Imagine that, right.
I know there are some people out there
that are suffering from this cancer in their throat.
This actually helps prevent that, and it helps fight that.
Another one that is very dear to my heart,
because I have someone in my family who died from this,
is Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.
So Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, also
is something that it helps prevent, it helps fight.
Again these things are in studies that have been proven,
but at the same time, you've got to realize,
the things that are in green tea are so healthy for your body,
they help combat these deadly diseases.
Also, the bacteria that builds up around your teeth.
Even though you may brush your teeth, there is decay
and there is also possible viral stuff that sits in there,
that you possibly can't get out, and that's why we get sick.
Well this also helps combat that.
Now another one that I have to pay attention to,
and so the reason why I drink green tea,
is the fact that I could have cholesterol problems,
if I don't pay attention.
Now you guys saw in my oatmeal video, I know you did.
Oatmeal is great for fighting the bad cholesterol,
but this helps raise the good cholesterol,
and helps level out the bad cholesterol,
by drinking some green tea.
Also blood pressure.
If you have blood pressure issues, all right,
maybe you're on the borderline of having some blood pressure
That's another thing that green tea will help.
It helps combat high blood pressure.
Now, if you have high blood pressure by the way,
you need to be paying attention, because it can get out
of control really fast.
And that's one of the things that, there's
no doubt in my mind, that I've had to pay attention to.
My family wants me around.
So if I don't do the things that are
going to combat these deadly diseases,
then I can end up dying at a young age,
and unfortunately, that's happening to a lot of people
these days.
Now another one is depression.
Some people suffer from depression.
Some people take things very seriously,
and they have a lot of anxiety, and they have depression.
Well this helps combat that.
Also, what else does this do?
It does fighting for the bacteria and viral that
can be in your body, besides just in your teeth.
So you have possible viruses that could be floating around
inside your bloodstream.
And, also, bacterial stuff that you can even
get from a simple cut.
So green tea has also been known and proven to help combat that.
Then, imagine this, imagine having wrinkles,
because you start getting older.
And you're over 35, you're 40 years old,
and the wrinkles are starting to really annoy you,
and they make you look like you're aging
a lot faster than you should.
Well, guess what?
Yep, guess what?
Green tea helps combat that.
So it helps with the wrinkles.
It helps with your skin.
It helps you actually have vibrant skin.
I don't know about you, but the last thing I want to do
is look my age.
And I'm 44 years old, and all I want to do
is look like I'm at least 43, if not 25.
So one of the most amazing things green tea does also,
is it helps with fighting anti-aging,
and it also helps with your skin, and wrinkles, by the way.
Those wrinkles, they can get, boom, sucked right back up,
and made those wrinkles look like they're
no longer a wrinkle, and it looks like that skin
is nice and smooth.
That's another amazing benefit.
Now, besides that, it also gives you something great to drink.
And you can add stevia to this green tea if you like.
And here, let's go up here and grab our drink.
Good morning.
How are you?
Good morning.
How are you doing?
Oh, hey.
Say hey.
I'm telling everybody the benefits of green tea.
So awesome.
Yes, good for you.
It's great.
It's my favorite.
You're having an amazing day?
Oh, yes.
How are you?
I'm amazing.
Thank you very much.
Thank you.
Would you like your receipt?
Yes, please.
She's nice.
It's always nice to get somebody nice when
you go through a drive-through.
Thank you so much.
Have an amazing day.
You too.
So I'm going to pull over up here,
and I'm going to show you my green tea.
Roll my window up here so we can hear.
All right, so I got my green tea.
As you can see here.
And it's from the famous Starbucks.
So those benefits inside this green tea, which by the way,
I'm going to take a sip here.
Now I do want to let you know one thing.
Green tea doesn't taste the best by itself,
but the benefits outweigh the taste.
If you don't like the taste all you have to do
is add a little sweetener, maybe some stevia, something natural.
It's not going to pack on the pounds,
because you don't want to drink something that's
going to help with fat loss and then, basically, gain weight,
because you put some sugar in it that's
going to make you gain weight.
So having green tea, by the way, is not,
this is huge, by the way.
This is a trenta size.
You can get smaller sizes, by the way.
And this was $3.00.
Having green tea is also another benefit, because, in the end,
if you want something to drink and you're
going to reach for something, maybe it's a soda,
maybe it's something sugary, like a fructose drink,
this is much better for you.
And it's going to give you all those benefits.
I gave you 11 benefits of what green tea will actually
do for you.
So now, for you being here on this video today,
I want to give you a free gift.
It goes perfectly with green tea.
If you drink green tea and you have just 12 minutes a day,
to add into your day, I have a metabolic sequence
that is geared and specifically designed
for people in their 40s, 50s, and 60s,
to actually help you in losing that belly fat that you've
always wanted to to get the body that you desire.
It's called the Stubborn Fat Sequence.
And my ripped buddy Shaun Hadsell and his wife,
57-year-old wife Karen.
You'll see them in this, because they
have shocked some of the biggest world-renowned doctors
with this sequence.
In using it, to not only combat aging, but also combat fat.
And so for today, just because you're here with me,
I have that free gift.
So go ahead and click that link, that's
right up above right here.
All right.
Pick up your Stubborn Fat Sequence.
It's only 12 minutes.
And it's a metabolic sequence that you
can use with your green tea daily, to combat belly fat.
All right, thanks so much for being here
and keep going strong.
How To Haggle On Prices During The Holidays: Electronics, Cars, More | Megyn Kelly TODAY - Duration: 6:37.
C&C Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge Yuri Mission - Prisoner of Conscience - Duration: 33:21.
Prisoner of Conscience, Yuri's Mission made by Concolor for C&C Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge
Music by Black Ice 9.
Prisoner of Conscience is the first mission of the mini-campaign for Yuri made by Concolor.
In the first mission our task is to rescue the Yuri Prime from the joint Allied and Soviet custody.
Whole base is basically under a constant fog of war because Gap Generators everywhere but Yuri has few tricks.
The mission somehow always crashes on the hard difficulty, but is playable without any issues on the normal difficulty preset.
Once you establish a base, you have to fend of an attack made of few Robot Tanks and one V3 Launcher - very easy because of Gattling Tanks at your disposal.
Later there will be some Kirovs coming at your base but Gattling Tanks in the Tank Bunkers are awesome against them when there are few of them.
Other attacks include the multiple Rhinos accompanied by the Flak Trucks and some Conscript with Terror Drones.
The Allies will send against you the Harriers, Rocketeers, Tank Destroyers and some Robot Tanks.
A lot of trees nearby your main base are basically the Mirage Tanks, you can capture them with Masterminds or the Adepts.
North to your base is a small outpost with captured Yuri Statue and two Oil Derricks, pretty easy thing to capture.
The big Allied-Soviet base has one major weakness - Nuclear Reactors are close to each other, together with some barrels around.
Once these Reactors are badly damage, they are automatically sold by the AI, you can also use Saucers to turn off the whole power grid.
Once you clear the base, you can destroy the Bunker and free the Yuri Prime from the custody, he goes by default to that place with Derricks.
Remember to clear the area from Snipers, Mirage Tanks and even Tanya with Chrono Legionarres near the exit!
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