-Hi, my name is Thu Tieu and I want to be in Environmental Engineering.
-Hi, my name is Gerald Santiano and I'm going for Electrical Engineering.
-We have been lab partners since last fall when we were in Physics 114.
So then we decided, Gerald, next quarter, I'm gonna take this physics--will you take with me?
-It's always easier to have someone you know in class. -Yeah, right.
-To get you through as you progress, you know?
Starting from the 200 series, it's all investigating and learning the theory behind
forces, magnetism, electrons, and stuff.
-So the lab is like, to prove that all the stuff we're studying in class is true.
-It's not magic. -Yeah, it's not magic.
-It's actually real science. [laughs]
-Before I get the scholarship, I just kind of almost want to give up my study, because
I have a full time job, and then full-time school.
I very appreciate the donor to give me that chance to continue on my career.
-Both Thu and I are here from like 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 at night every day
so, you know, the scholarship means a lot.
It makes me feel better about myself that people are recognizing that we are trying
to do something for ourselves and people want to help us out.
It's just like--It's just a good feeling all around.
For more infomation >> Gerald and Thu - 2017 Scholarship Recipients - Duration: 1:37.-------------------------------------------
Beth Chapman Cancer: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know - Duration: 3:42.
Are you taking the right prenatal vitamins? - Duration: 0:57.
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Post Retreat Update - Duration: 3:22.
Hi Everyone
The IRID board had our retreat on November 17th and 18th
to do the strategic planning for the next two years.
Wow ! It was a very intensive weekend but very rewarding.
Before we inform you of our plans, first,
we want to thank Karen Putz and Kim Bianco for coming to the retreat to help us.
First, Karen talked with us about having the passion back in the interpreting field
especially after a difficult year.
She reminded us of our "whys" we became interpreters in the first place
and helped us feel rejuvenated that we are now more motivated
to do the work that needs to be done with IRID organization.
Then, Kim gave us some guides as how to do the strategy planning for next two years.
Through Kim, we realized that we need to go back to the roots of our organization.
Looking at the mission statement of IRID,
we are committed to promote the interpreting profession
and to support the best practices in the interpreting field.
So many of you submitted ideas and suggestions for our two-year plan.
We reviewed the ideas and suggestions that you gave us
to make sure they were relevant to IRID's mission statement.
We narrowed to two goals.
They are "Recruitment and Retention of Interpreters"
and "Outreach and Engagement."
We then discussed what kind of tasks or activities that could be accomplished under each goal.
Unfortunately, we ran out of time.
We will have our IRID board meeting on Sunday, January 7, 2018 from 9 am to 4pm ( location TBA).
During the board meeting, we will then finish up planning the tasks for each goal.
You are welcome to join us at the board meeting.
We are also looking for more volunteers to help us with our two-year plan. We need your help!
We want to thank Sara Lucas and Suzanne Salerno for their time as the secretary and treasurer with IRID.
We wish them best of luck with other endeavors.
We are happy to report that David Rice will be our secretary and Karen Janssen will be our treasurer.
If you have any questions, please send us an email message.
Thank you for watching us.
Happy Holidays!
Ishqbaaz _ 30th November 2017 _ Latest news _ Ishqbaaz news _ Technical King - Duration: 2:55.
Shivaye and Om see the house blasting in the video and get shocked.
They drive and reach home.
Rudra says no, don�t come close to me and shows the bombs fixed to him.
They get shocked.
Some time before, Shwetlana asks Shivaye to slap Anika as she can�t do this.
Media asks Shivaye will he do justice.
Shwetlana says you know I can do a lot, but I have hope from you.
Media asks Shivaye will he agree to Shwetlana and punish his wife.
Shivaye says enough, not a word more, Shivaye Singh Oberoi will do justice, the person who
did mistake will get punished.
He goes to Anika.
Everyone looks on.
Shivaye holds her hand.
She nods.
Anika goes to Shwetlana and slaps her.
They all get shocked.
Shwetlana says how dare you.
Shivaye says you said one who did mistake will get punishment, this is that real
remote, by which this chandelier was operated, this was Shwetlana�s plan to make Anika
fall in everyone�s eyes, a vixen can be clever, but can�t win over a tiger, I have
allowed you to stay here, it doesn�t mean I m your slave, Anika is my pride, if you
challenge my pride, it won�t be good, stay well, I will not tolerate if my family gets
Rudra says it won�t be needed, I will drag her out.
He holds her hand, and remote fixed on her hand, gets pressed.
Chandelier falls down.
Shwetlana�s nose gets a wound.
Reporters laugh.
Shwetlana shouts stop it, you are getting a laugh, you have much pride about your blood,
family and brotherhood, see how I separate you three, how I ruin your family, this family�s
destruction will start with your wife Anika.
Its morning, Shivaye says Anika I was thinking� Anika hugs him and says I m scared, whatever
Shwetlana said last night.
He says Shwetlana can�t do anything.
She says you know she can do anything.
He says hatred can�t win over true love, she tried before too, but she always got failed,
I have thought of a plan to get rid of her.
She asks what plan.
He asks her to get Gauri along and come office, they can discuss there.
He leaves.
At office, Om says its good you gave a leave to staff, what�s your plan.
Shivaye says the plan is�.
They see Oberoi mansion footage on tv.
Shivaye says its live.
Om says it can�t be live.
He says its happening real time.
Shivaye and Om see the house blasting in the video and get shocked.
They run out of the office.
They drive and reach home.
They see the house fine.
Shivaye says its all okay here.
Om says we will go in and see.
Rudra calls out Shivaye.
They turn and see him.
Rudra says no, don�t come close to me and shows the bombs fixed to him.
They get shocked.
They reach back to office.
Om says I will try to remove this.
Shivaye says no, I will call bomb squad.
Shwetlana comes and says no use, its a trap laid by me, just I can cut it.
Shivaye repeats his words.
He says I told you, if anyone gets hurt in my family, I will not leave you alive.
She says I like your style, but you forgot your attitude can take your brother�s life,
this bomb is password protected, no one else can deactivate this except me, Rudra is fortunate,
I could have made Om wear this bomb jacket, but my old love stopped me.
Om says my brother�s love stopped me, else your voice would have got shut by now.
She says this anger suits Oberois.
Shivaye asks what do you want.
She says Oberois� destruction, you would have heard this saying, a house got burnt
by the heir, I want you to turn this saying true.
Om says stop nonsense, tell me what will you take for defuse the bomb.
She says I called a press conference, if you want to see Rudra alive, Shivaye will tell
the entire truth of Kalyani mills incident, you will say Oberois were behind it.
Shivaye says I won�t do anything such.
She says you will do this if you want your brother to be alive.
Om says you want us to ruin ourselves.
She says you have to choose between your brother or destruction.
She goes out and sees Anika and Gauri coming.
She comes back and says your wives are coming, they shouldn�t have any doubt about this,
She leaves.
Gauri asks does this office stay vacant.
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