…don't…don't be a missionary?
Don't like grab people, you know,
"You must accept karmic seeds," you know. Okay, no, you know?
"I don't know why you don't accept it, you know." Like that.
They don't accept it because you're not open-minded.
In this system,
you don't need to argue with anybody, anymore.
Because it doesn't work.
It doesn't change anything.
You don't have to try to convince anybody,
"You should wash the dishes!"
There's two...two methods to make your husband
wash the dishes, in the old system:
Number one.
"Am I cooking for 30 years?"
"Every night?"
"Does it take me like two hours?"
"How long does it take to wash the dishes?
Well I timed it yesterday, it's six minutes.
Would it be fair if you spent six minutes every day,
when I spend two hours every day?"
What will he say?
"I don't care." Okay?
It means logic...doesn't work.
Then you can try ignoring him. Deny him something.
"You wanna '...'?" you know,
then you're like, "No, I have a headache."
Then see if he understands…
it's connected to the dishes!
But, in the new system,
you don't have to do that anymore.
It's very beautiful.
You know how you know when your relationship
is about to break up?
You discuss it longer and longer and longer.
First you discuss it 'til 10PM.
Then you discuss 'til midnight.
When you discuss 'til 2 o'clock you're almost divorced, okay?
That's how you know, okay?
It doesn't work. In this system, there's no discussion.
Imagine how cool it is,
to fix your husband,
without saying anything to him.
And he has no choice!
For more infomation >> You Don't Need to Argue with Anybody, Anymore - Duration: 2:56.-------------------------------------------
wapda new feature / now pay bill what you surf - Duration: 1:04.
Datally: A new mobile data-saving app by Google. - Duration: 1:15.
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Texas Bobsledder on Track for Winter Olympics - Duration: 3:05.
KARAOKE | Đừng Đi Đâu Nhé | Bảo Kun - Duration: 5:13.
Grow prices- grow poor... - Duration: 11:39.
Price on gasoline went up. Very up.
92 will now cost 43 rubles,
95- ₽46 (about $0.80 US) a litre.
And this is wholesale prices.
Why do you think? You'll never guess.
Because the price of oil has grown
and now it's more profitable to export it.
Lovely! And the Russians? They will be OK.
Consequent hike in the cost of consumer goods?
Big deal, drink tea without sugar from now on.
The main thing is- that Sechin and Co. ("ROSNEFT")
became reacher. We begin.
I almost lost sight of the next story.
Thanks to the audience, they reminded me.
So. Do you know that the Russian parliament
is actively lobbying the new bill.
About undesirable behavior of citizens.
That is- about the behavior
that damages the country's security,
undermines its reputation and blah-blah-blah.
In other words, the people's servants
are planning to return the 58th article
of the Criminal Code of the USSR*.
Yes- about Enemy of the State.
Listen, I still admire our leadership
and the Kremlin's creators.
They can do delicate work if they want to.
Especially when you consider that our people
is too lazy to go into some details.
Later people can cry and resent-
how did this happen? But, it's later...
When it's no use locking the stable door
after the horse has bolted.
Similar story with the collapse of Soviet Union,
today many cry about it.
Same with the cancellation of the line
"Against everyone" in the voting ballots.
So it was when an article
about the bowels of the earth,
belonging to the people,
was struck from the Constitution.
Apparently, we will look
for the enemies of the people again,
put them in jail with made up charges.
You know, I don't even scared.
It's our own fault.
The "Real Journalism" today -
about a bright future, which is brighter every day..
Let's roll!
I invite you to Khabarovsk - long time no see.
Purely Russian story.
Residents of an apartment building
can't get rid of the annoying management company,
which steadily reaps them off.
They created their own Strata (HOA) and went to the courts.
They held a rally. But, all in vain.
This can happen only in Russia.
Remember folk tale:
Fox asked to stay in the house?
And she finally threw me out.
The law in our country is ALWAYS on the side of the Fox.
Especially if you lubricate it properly...
Attention to the screen.
-I turn on the microwave - everything turned off...
"Microwave oven, refrigerator, computer, TV-
all appliances in the Anastasia's kitchen
aren't working since this morning.
Dozens of apartments in this house
couldn't sleep at night"
-I woke up at night from some snaps
in the kitchen, one, the other, the third,
I come in, see the smoke there,
the wiring burns. It smells awful.
While open the windows for the air-
hear another explosion in living room.
"Committee was brought together at once,
called the police and electricians"
- This is done by an expert.
An ordinary person just wouldn't know, how to do this.
"According to electricians, the explosions
in the apartments were due to a power surge:
the standard 220V jumped to 380V.
The survey showed that the wire
in the electrical panel is cut off.
-When we came here this door was closed.
Question is- who did it,
could not be the tenants of this wing.
Imagine, how hot this confrontation is,
if people start fires and explosions,
or something like that, in the apartments?
This management company wants to keep
this house so bad, they are ready
on violation of the criminal code.
Don't even dare to sue me -
this is just my evaluation.
Yet, at the doorways now and then
there are leaflets of dubious content
regarding the most active and intractable people.
Keep going.
-The prosecutor's office of the Kirov region
is checking a certain group of people on the fact...
We constantly have some sabotage
with the former management company.
"According to the court's decision,
management company "HouService-5"
had to submit all the documents
to the new HOA in the summer.
Director of the managing company
didn't find time to meet with our film crew.
They declared over the phone
that the lawsuits are still going.
-The owners appealed to the court
to challenge the protocol on the establishment of the HOA.
I can not say more to you.
"The extreme measure in such management war-
removal of the building from the management company's register.
However, this procedure is very tough.
In Khabarovsk, there was only one such case so far.
Guys... wow! See what our courts are doing?
Whose side they are on?
People say straight- we don't want
this management company.
The court - no, no, no...
you still need to think carefully, maybe you are mistaken.
These judges are paid by the very same citizens.
Very touching moment:
for 27 years of the recent history of Russia,
only one trial was won on a similar case.
In all of Khabarovsk. Cool...
Moving to the Capital.
Statistic agency will joy us.
It reported the other day-
the average salary in the region
has increased already by 8.5%
since the beginning of this year,
and now this figure is -
91 thousand rubles per capita ($1,600 US approx).
Do the Muscovites know about this?
Then we'll educate them.
"In Moscow, salaries for doctors and teachers
will be raised, as well as a minimum pension.
Payments to exempts will increase several times.
At the same time, the social sphere
will come to the forefront in the city's economy.
Today Sergei Sobyanin held an annual report
to Moscow deputies and made
many important statements. About those numbers
is ready to tell our reporter Yaroslav Krasienko,
he is online. Yaroslav, hello, tell us.
Apparently, there are a lot of good news.
- Good afternoon, Eugene. As expected,
Sergei Sobyanin began his report on the government
over the past year with the transportation sector ... "
Did you see this correspondent's eyes?
It seems, he was stunned by the tales
that the presenter has told him.
I'm talking about salaries.
Then everything as usual.
The correspondent apparently recalled
where he was working and began to give a bull.
You know, creating this report,
I recalled these lines: a joke
from Pavel Volya about our media and about Moscow.
"I switch TV channel- the asphalt is even.
Children are happy, and pensions raised rapidly.
Happy Ukrainian, happy Tajik,
no traffic jams and Luzhkov cool muzhik.
Thank you my favorite channel TV,
whatever you called, whatever you be..."
In this case, thanks to the TV channel Russia-1.
Today it is the same holding company.
Well, salaries are growing not only in Moscow,
they are rising in the whole country, according the TV.
One more wonderful news to tell.
In the same place - the Ministry of Ideas,
I mean in the government and the State Duma,
came up with another new exaction,
for - ATTENTION - the disposal of old shoes.
Mostly cheap ones.
Some specially trained people figured
that shoes, sneakers, boots,
which an average Russian can afford,
made from some, pardon me, crap,
but it takes very long time for them
to decompose after throwing them into a dump.
And they suggested to put another tax on it.
Well, it has to be disposed somehow.
The law has not been adopted yet, but...
it is quite possible that in the year 2018,
Russian indigents will become even more needy.
"Total tracking of goods and money in retail.
This is a new policy of the Russian government,
on which officials place Big Hopes.
The labeling of the different items is offered-
from footwear and fur coats, to medicines, jackets and jewelry.
Ministry of Commerce already estimated
the economic effect from the such innovation-
at least 1.2 trillion rubles ($20.5 bln US, approx.)
in 5 years due to the market bleaching.
Officials have already selected 10 categories
of products for marking: shoes, outerwear,
jackets, some perfumes, photo cameras, tires.
Starting this year, in the pilot mode,
begins the labeling of medicines. At the same time,
the head of the Ministry asserts
that there are no conditions for the growth of prices
for light industry goods, in connection
with the introduction of the tracking system".
Listen, why wouldn't they tax all beggars at once?
All those, who lives below the subsistence level.
If you earn ten grands- nine thousand to take away.
No money - out of the home.
Yet, sell your kidney, if still have it.
And so on. Actually, there are some positive sides.
People will start to fear,
and according to statistics, the standard of living
in the country will increase dramatically.
That is, fewer beggars. Way fewer.
According to statistics, I repeat.
Well, those who don't get the hint...
they will improve living conditions
of some Mary Baghdasaryan.
Damn... I'm such a genius, gotta be in the government...
Okay. This was "Real Journalism", and today - like this.
On my page in Youtube, a link is right above,
you will find more gymnastics for the brain.
Come, enjoy. Do not forget to subscribe to the channel.
In social networks, too, look for me,
it's also interesting there. Append as my friends.
Suggest topics- we will raise and discuss'em.
I hasten to bow, all for now...
-Come in the suite, look around,
pretty much standard 1-bedroom apartment.
Here is the kitchen,
kitchen, please,
then living room,
No balcony door in the bedroom, as we f***g see.
And where's the f***g balcony?
Look for it, look.
No balcony, or what??
F***k, must be, I saw it from outside.
Here it is, f***k! Right there, damn!
And where's the door? Where's f***k door?
Look for it- no f***g door!
The balcony is f***g there, but no f***g door!!
Balcony with no door on it!
In the whole building like that!
HIGH TENSION UNRATED - Duration: 1:30:58.
The Sulis Club - I Know You Will Go (Official MV) - Duration: 5:51.
If you knew the ending from the beginning
Would you still choose to walk with me till the finale?
Miss Ha, this is calling from Dr. Yuen
I am please to inform you that
you integration therapy has almost come to an end
Congratulations for a whole new life ahead
Time flies like a pedal in the sky
And again, it's time to say goodbye
At this moment, I don't want to lie
I don't know how you got into my life
Like a star in the night, shines so bright
When I kiss you, I just want to cry
So I know
So far you will go
Tears are falling on this lonely night
It's cold and raining, I just realized
People are watching, I don't really care
So I know
So far you will go
Will you see me from the sky?
Can you hear me, what I said?
Don't forget me when you're dreaming in your bed
I know, I know, you will go
So I know
So far, I let you will go
So I know
So far, I let you go go go..
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