17 Signs You're Suffering From an 'Introvert Hangover'
Does this sound familiar?
You've spent all day with your family.
Maybe you ate a big meal.
You caught up with your cousin about her latest vacation.
You listened as your uncle told that story, again, about the year the turkey was accidentally
served frozen.
And now you're so exhausted you can barely see straight.
It's not that you don't love your family.
In fact, you may have even enjoyed spending time with them.
But after all that socializing, you feel like you've run a marathon.
You're both mentally drained and physically exhausted.
Some members of your family, on the other hand, show no signs of slowing down, specifically,
the more extroverted ones.
You start to wonder if there's something wrong with you.
Other people seem to be having fun, but you're fighting a massive energy slump.
If this has happened to you, you're not alone, and there's nothing wrong with you.
You're probably an introvert, and you're suffering from something that's been dubbed
the "introvert hangover".
Of course, everyone gets worn out by socializing eventually (even extroverts, according to
one study).
That's because talking, emoting, and listening expend energy.
The introvert hangover is social burnout at its very worst.
Introverts are particularly susceptible to social burnout because socializing can overstimulate
It has to do with the way introverts are wired.
They tend to be more sensitive than extroverts to noise, activity, and other forms of stimulation.
And, because of the way their brains respond to the "feel good" neurotransmitter dopamine,
they just don't get "high" off socializing like extroverts do.
Yes, the introvert hangover is real.
Here are 17 signs you're suffering from one.
You may not experience all these symptoms, or you may have somewhat different ones.
What you experience will depend on your level of introversion, as well as how long you socialized,
how much energy you had going into the event, and other factors.
Here are the Signs You're Suffering From an Introvert Hangover
1 - Every little thing is getting on your nerves, from the way your spouse asked where
the car keys are to your mom insisting that you take home leftovers.
2 - Your brain feels like a pile of mush.
You can't think straight.
3 - Similarly, you can't make a decision about even the simplest thing.
Do you want pumpkin pie or cherry?
4 - You say words that are close to what you mean, but not exactly.
You just can't seem to pull the right words from your brain anymore.
"Brownie" becomes "candy" and "Where's my coat?"
becomes just a vague gesture.
5 - If you're really exhausted, your words may even come out slightly slurred — even
if you've had little to no alcohol.
6 - You're tired.
Like, really tired.
You would fall asleep right now if someone gave you a comfy place to lie down.
7 - You may feel physically unwell.
Some introverts describe getting headaches, muscle aches, dizziness, or upset stomachs.
8 - You feel discombobulated, as if things are happening in a blur.
Your mind seems to be processing things in slow motion.
9 - You feel trapped and anxious.
You start calculating how to slip away from the event, party, or get-together, even though
it's not technically over yet.
10 - You may have depressive or negative thoughts.
As you turn inward, your mind spirals downward.
You question decisions you've made or wonder about the meaning of it all.
11 - You're not acting like your normal self.
12 - You go quiet.
People start asking, "Are you okay?"
Or, "Why are you being so quiet?"
13 - You just can't do polite chitchat anymore.
You're craving something of deeper sustenance.
14 - You're zoning out, unable to concentrate well.
Someone annoyingly waves a hand in front of your face and says, "Helloooooo!
Anybody home?"
15 - You're struggling to explain your mental state and lack of energy.
People are interpreting your quietness as rudeness, standoffishness, or disinterest.
16 - Noises seem louder.
Lights seem brighter.
17 - All you want to do is get away from it all and go be alone, preferably somewhere
calm and quiet, like your bedroom.
The Only Cure for an Introvert Hangover
If you're suffering from an introvert hangover, there's only one way to get relief: Spend
time alone, preferably in a calm and quiet place.
Do something that boosts your energy and mood, like reading a good book, watching a favorite
show, or indulging in a favorite hobby.
For introverts, solitude is as nourishing as food and water.
If you're stuck at an event and can't get away, you can still start to recover some
of your energy.
Leave the party and go for a short walk by yourself.
Help clear the table or do another chore; having a task to focus on can help, and it's
an excuse to not chat for a while.
Most important, leave the event before you've hit rock bottom on your energy levels.
Above all, remember that your needs as an introvert are valid.
In a society that values the extrovert's way, introverts may feel like their way of
being is "wrong."
Or introverts may worry that their needs will inconvenience someone or hurt someone's
So they hide their needs or pretend that they don't have them.
As a result, they often end up suffering in silence.
It's okay to need to leave the party early.
It's okay to need to spend time alone in a quiet place.
Your needs are perfectly valid too.
All in all, that's the 17 Signs You're Suffering From an 'Introvert Hangover'.
Really cool information isn't it!
Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!
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Thanks for watching!
For more infomation >> 17 Signs You're Suffering From an INTROVERT HANGOVER - Duration: 6:18.-------------------------------------------
November 29, 2017 - (LK 21:12-19) - Duration: 2:43.
Aggression, violence - mindless, dull, and linked with tormeting another man is something dreadful.
It is a mystery when a man gets aggressive due to religious reasons.
Something referred to as the persecution of another man due to their religion.
Due to their devotion to God, their love of God.
What kind of things must be going on in persecutor's hearts if they find psychopathic joy,
some kind of sick passion to destroy believers.
This indicates an inner struggle in them, some part of them defending itself against God.
This is indeed truly mysterious and terrifying at the same time, that each of us has it,
the part putting up a fight against loving God and accepting Him.
When you meet someone who is a living example
that one can be fully devoted to God, and you want to destroy them.
Sin has degenerated this part in us that on the one hand, we do not want to belong to God - and at the same time, we also want to belong.
And this shows the gravity of our situation, it shows the gravity of sin.
When at Mass we say - God I acknowledge I am a sinner, it means, among other things,
that there is a kind of resistance in me, some fear of God,
treating God like my enemy, in a way.
And this fear, this terror, this defiance can only be healed by God's grace.
How This Girl Lost 100 pounds! (And How YOU Can Too!) - Duration: 2:56.
Whats up guys.. It's Matt from Macro Lean and in this video I'm going to be talking
about "how to lose a hundred pounds" or even seventy pounds, or 50 pounds or 20
pounds, or five pounds, or one pound as it is all the same method, is all the same path.
I found an article online on PopSugar today and it has a girl called Rebecca
who has lost over a hundred pounds in the last two years. So let's see how she
did it? First off she tracked her food! she started tracking her calories. It
says here "I first started tracking my calories using the app My Fitness Pal" so
she addressed the most important thing when it comes to changing your body
composition. Which is calories in versus calories out! Quite a smart move if you
ask me! The second thing she did was implement a flexible diet. It says here
"I gave myself some breaks" she followed the 80/20 rule of diligently tracking
most of the time. So basically she was eating whole natural clean foods the
majority of the time, but still factoring some treats, some junk food, some food she
enjoys, some naughty food as long as it fitted her calories and macronutrients.
That's going to give you more flexibility more, freedom it's not gonna
make you feel deprived so you can carry on that current course that path with a
more consistency. Because you don't feel restricted! The third and final piece to
the puzzle is her exercise regime. And she says "I typically workout everyday
for about an hour"... and she does different kinds of workouts. Some days she does
strength work, other days some cardio other, days she's swimming, other days she's
walking. But she's being active consistently! Getting her in that
groove! She's burning calories and she's feeling good. In the time span of two
years Rebecca has dramatically changed her body, she's changed her life, and
she's changed her relationship to food. And she's done that through a flexible
approach, through tracking calories tracking macronutrients and going to the
gym often and also being active whenever she can. And it shows you that the fad
diets that advertise so much in the media like juice fasts or cutting carbs out! These
are all short-term fixes that DO NOT harbor long-term results!
This girl has put in the effort, she's put in the work she's done the research
and she has got amazing results without being restricted, without
being deprived, without cutting out any foods or any major food groups through a
flexible, more malleable approach. So if you need to lose body fat, if you need to
get toned, lean, whatever?? Maybe change your body composition
I'll always advise tracking your calories and macronutrients. The 80/20
rule is fantastic 80% the time have natural clean foods and 20% the time factor
and some treats or what you enjoy, so it's not depriving, it's not too gritty and
move often, drink lots of water, get lots of sleep,
be consistent and you will get results!
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