For more infomation >> ANUYA - CAN YOU HOLD IT VERSION -CLIMAX - BITTU MAMA - Duration: 3:31.-------------------------------------------
NO MAN'S SKY FARMING MASTERCLASS Part 2: Planning & Mathematics - Duration: 11:35.
Welcome everybody to part 2 of this Farming Masterclass in No Man's Sky, last time we
covered the basics, this time it's the mathematics and how to use maths to plan the perfect farm
for you.
<Part 2: Planning & Mathematics>
So let's start with complexity.
If you haven't alterred your game files, you are limited to 2000 complexity, it is worth
noting here that while you can lift that limit by manually alterring your game files allowing
you to build more, anyone visiting your base will not see more than the first 2000 complexity
that you built, so if you planted your crops last after building more than 2000 complexity,
no one will see any of the crops, also from some study from a traveller of whos name I
do not know, it is possible that only the first 1850 complexity is visible by others.
Complexity works in a very simple manner, each buildable item is given a complexity
value, so by knowing these values you can plan your full build with 100% accuracy.
The main buildable items you will want to know for planning a farm is that all crops
cost 5 complexity each, normal and holodoors are also 5 complexity, a Bio-Dome is 40, a
ladder is 5, a single cuboid room is 10, a circular or square room is 40, the original
habitable base circular room with the teleporter, vendor and such is 20, a storage container
is 5, so 50 if you want them all, signal boosters and save points are 20 which is a little high
if you ask me.
Corridors range between 10 and 40 being some of the most expensive for what they are.
Now, I have done the maths on the efficiency of complexity as far as what the best use
of complexity per crop plot and it is as follows.
The most efficient by far is the initial default circular room with a bio-dome directly on
top and a ladder going up into it, this utilizes all 16 plots in the biodome while only costing
as much as a bio-dome on the ground with a door into it which gives 13 plots.
This can unfortunately only be done once per base as the other circular rooms provide little
extra value while costing an extra 40 complexity.
The next most efficient method is free standing Bio-Domes with a single Door or Holodoor as
an entrance, this offers 13 crop plots and costs 8.46 complexity per crop which is pretty
darn good.
The next most efficient after that is pretty awful and this is Hydroponic Trays, now these
cost either 5 complexity for a single crop plot planter or 20 for a quad plot planter,
that already is 10 complexity per plot, but you also need an inside environment for them
to be placed inside, at the very minimum this is a cuboid room, this room requires a door,
the door is only needed once or for every 4 or so as with no way to walk around the
planters you could only harvest as far as you can reach, but even without the door this
is 12.5 complexity per plot.
So, the general rule is this, if you have 4 or fewer crops to plant, then build a cuboid
room with hydroponic trays inside and a door to access it, if you have 5 or more to plant
even if the other 8 plots will remain empty, it is more efficient to build a bio-dome with
a door.
You will likely wish to have a galactic trade Terminal in your base which cost a very acceptable
10 complexity.
The standard satisfactory farm would consist of the default building with a bio-dome on
top and a ladder to access, a galactic trade terminal inside the default building, any
containers you wish to have present which could later be placed inside your freighter
and an optional landing pad which comes in at a hefty 50 complexity and an optional exocraft
pad coming in at 40.
The rest should be spent on freestanding bio-domes with a single door per dome.
Now let's move to the products you can craft from the crops you will farm.
This dictates fully what you will need to grow, there are 14 blueprints that require
farmable plants to make, some require the items indirectly in a sense that an item they
require to build is made directly or indirectly from crops.
These are; Acid, Circuit Board, Cryogenic Chamber, Freighter Fuel, Fusion Ignitor, Glass,
Heat Capacitor, Liquid Explosive, Living Glass, Lubricant, Poly Fibre, Quantum Processor,
Stasis Device and Unstable Gel.
You can narrow these down to 2 kind of Final Forms and these are Stasis Device and Fusion
Ignitor, these 2 are what I call level 5 blueprints, as they require 5 levels of production, they
both sell for 18 million units and are rare to even obtain the blueprints, I'm personally
lucky to have both but am missing a key blueprint being the quantum processor which is needed
to make the stasis device.
The best out of these as far as farming goes is the Stasis Device as the crops required
to build, overall have a lower duration to grow than the fusion ignitor.
The problem with these 2 blueprints is that they require a lot more than just the crops
to make, you will need to gather consistently large amounts of Carbon, Iron, Heridium, Gold,
Emeril, Iridium, Radon, Sulphurine & Nitrogen and that is just the Stasis Device, not the
Fusion Ignitor.
This is high-end endgame farming and not how most people do it.
Most people craft level 2 blueprints that require only the crops themselves to build
and there are 3 of them, Circuit Board, Living Glass and Liquid Explosive.
These 3 can be produced almost passively in great number netting you anywhere from 20
to 50 million per cycle, a cycle is what I refer to as anywhere from 1-8 harvests, this
is, however, many harvests are required to produce one lot of the crafted product.
Circuit Boards are the most valuable per item but require the most to make, they go for
1,315,875 units by the galactic average.
To make a circuit board requires 1 Poly Fibre and 1 Heat Capacitor.
To Make a Poly Fibre requires 100 Cactus Flesh and 200 Star Bramble while a Heat Capacitor
Requires 200 Solanium and 100 Frost Crystals.
Each Echinocactus will give a yield of 100 cactus flesh but take 2 hours to grow, each
Star Bramble gives a yield of 25 star bulb and takes 30 minutes to grow, a solar vine
gives a yield of 50 Solanium and takes 2 hours to grow while a Frostwort gives a yield of
50 Frost Crystals and takes 15 minutes to grow.
This is the part of the planning stage that you decide how often you are going to harvest,
this massively affects how much of what you plant, and even what planet is best suited
to your farm.
If you only plan to harvest once per cycle, you will need to plant 1 Echinocactus, 8 Star
Bramble, 4 Solanium and 2 Frostwort per Circuit Board.
For this configuration, Star Bramble requires by far the most crop plots and so a farm such
as this would be best suited to a lush planet where Star Bramble can be planted on the planet
surface taking it's general complexity cost to 5 down from 8.5, allowing you to plant
more of the required crops and therefore get more Circuit Boards per cycle.
But, if you increase the level of harvesting, for this farm you can choose to harvest every
15, 30 or 120 minutes, I would not advise 15 in general as only the frostwort can be
harvested that often and little is needed, but doing so would increase your efficiency,
but I would definitely advise harvesting every 30, this would give you the configuration
of 1 Echinocactus, 2 Star Bramble 4 Solar Vine and 0.5 Frostwort per Circuit Board,
the difference here is massively allowing you to make far more Circuit Boards per cycle,
also the ratio has shifted to Solar Vine being the highest crop plot crop and so would be
better suited to a planet with a hot environment allowing you to plant the Solar Vine on the
planet surface for greater efficiency.
If we take both of these examples and make the perfect farm from them, say it has a trade
terminal, all 10 containers and a landing pad
with the default building also accounted for this leaves us with 1870 Complexity for the
To work this out we need 2 average complexity calculations, 1 for the crops in domes and
one for without, so the first configuration that is only harvested once per cycle requires
7 plots inside and 8 outside per circuit board.
We can simplify things by also assuming the first 16 plot dome has only 13 and deal with
those 3 later.
Each dome plot cost 8.46 complexity, each planet plot costs 5, this gives us 59.22 for
the domed and 40 for the planet.
We then divide our lot of 1870 by 99.22, this gives us 18.84, so we round it down to 18
and that's roughly how many circuit boards we can make per cycle with that configuration
so 18 would require 126 dome plots and 144 surface plots.
This is a total of 10 domes, 1 with 16 plots, 9 with 13.
The total complexity cost of that is 10 Bio-Domes each costing 45 complexity plus the 126 domed
crops and 144 surface being 5 each when not taking the domes into consideration is 1800,
this leaves us 70 complexity and a few potential empty dome plots.
In this circumstance the 10 domes 1 with 16, 9 with 13 gives us 136 plots to work with,
so we have 10 empty plots inside domes, if you add an extra circuit board worth of crops
youd be only 5 complexity over so just having 1 less star bramble on the surface could give
you almost 19 circuit boards per cycle just requiring you to go out and harvest a nearby
star bramble for each harvest as you are on a lush planet where they grow in this example
or get rid of a single container for a perfect 19 board farm.
We should stick firmly to the example so this farm produces 18.93 Circuit Boards per harvest
which gives us based on the galactic average 24,909,513 units per cycle or 12,454,757 units
per hour.
I'll not explain the maths for the second example and just go straight to the results.
The second configuration of harvesting every 30 minutes for 4 harvests per cycle and based
on a hot planet where you plant the Solar Vine on the surface, requires;
10 Bio-domes Producing 37.5 Circuit Boards per Cycle with an extra few slots empty for
a per cycle wealth of 49,345,312 units or 24,672,656 units per hour, making it pretty
much double the single harvest per cycle config.
As a passive farmer, the first is ideal requiring around a 3rd of the attention for half the
reward, but if your main concern is making units, then the higher frequency harvest is
certainly the best option.
This of course only covers circuit boards, the highest per hour yielding product of the
3 level 2's is actually living glass.
I'll be going into detail on specific builds and the most efficient farms later this week,
but this lays out the mathematical structure you would want to apply to fit your own uses.
If you would prefer not to do the maths yourself then head over to xainesworld.com/nmsfarmplanner/,
link in the description for an advanced calculator which guides you through the process and gives
you all the details and more that you would like to get building.
Stay tuned for part 3 of this masterclass of farming in No Man's Sky where we cover
the actual building and gathering of resources for your farm.
If this video did help you a like would be much appreciated, subscribe if you haven't
already for more and maybe think about joining on Patreon, a dollar a month is a great way
to support the channel and get early access to the videos.
But above all, have an awesome day folks.
Are Exercise Machines HORRIBLE for You??? Watch This FIRST Before Using Them! - Duration: 5:08.
(imitating explosion noises)
- What's up everyone?
It's your host Justin here,
and today, I'm gonna tell you
the machines that take over the fitness world.
(imitating Arnold Schwarzenegger)
Okay, okay, enough of the melodramatic stuff.
In today's video,
I'm gonna talk to you about exercise machines.
If you've ever been to a modern gym,
you've probably noticed that
they are littered with exercise machines.
And because there are so many exercise machines,
that's what a lot of people are using for their workouts.
And if you think about it, it kinda makes sense.
Machines are super easy to use,
not intimidating,
and they seem kind of high tech and cool.
Heck, we use machines for
just about everything else in life.
And boy, do we use some complicated ass machines.
So why not use machines for our workout?
The answer to that is because machines are not effective
at developing real, practical strength.
Oh, they're also terrible for movement patterning.
Long story short, machines should not be
your main course in your training program.
Now hold up, let's think about this for a second.
Take a look at this machine.
It's a bicep curl machine,
why would you ever lift something heavy
with just your biceps while sitting down?
Oh I know!
Probably never.
Well, unless you got a super heavy beer chug.
So if you're never gonna be in that position in your life,
why train like that?
Why force yourself into this tiny, awkward position
and then train a very specific muscle
in a single plane of motion?
And when I say single plane of motion,
I mean, you know, two dimensional like this.
I am a robot.
You see, here's the thing.
You're made of more muscles than just the obvious.
Yeah, biceps, quads,
glutes, abs, all the big stuff are all important,
but you know what else is working in the background?
Oh yeah!
Your stabilizer muscles.
Hi Justin, it's your stabilizer muscles.
We're working really hard right now
to make sure you don't drop that weight
and end up killing yourself.
Well, that wasn't creepy at all.
So let's say I bicep curl a free weight
instead of using a machine,
I've suddenly now got a whole bunch of other muscles
working to keep the weight balanced.
If you only train with exercise machines,
you're gonna have really strong prime movers,
but really weak stabilizer muscles.
And if that's the case,
you don't have a lot of real, practical strength,
because nothing in real life mimics
the mechanics of a machine exercise.
Think about when you pick something up in real life,
like a really heavy suitcase.
It's basically a free weight.
So if being strong in real life
means picking up free weights,
what does this mean?
It means that if you wanna get strong,
you're better off ditching the machines
and sticking to your own body weight.
FYI, when you do a body weight exercise,
you're using your own body as a free weight,
so it's still a free weight.
Also, exercise machines are expensive as balls!
Now with all that said,
I am not the Donald Trump of exercise.
- All
are terrible
and bad
for you.
- I know, I've pretty much been
shitting on exercise machines this whole time.
But, there are times when using them
isn't the worst idea in the universe.
So I mentioned earlier that machine work
should not be the main part of your workout.
So as long as you've got that part
covered with your free weights,
there's really nothing wrong with blasting
a few sets on the machine just as a supplement.
You going to the beach later?
What's up, dudes?
Nothing wrong with blasting a few sets
of machine bicep curls to get your pump going.
Aw, yeah.
Again, as long as machines are not the main focus
and don't take away from your main lifts,
you're all good.
Oh, one final note,
not all machines are created equal.
If you really wanna use a machine,
use a cable machine.
Because cable machines at least force
you to work in three dimensions,
so you get to work your stabilizer muscles.
But it'll still put you in an awkward position,
so you're still better off using free weights.
So there you have it.
Machines are not effective
for building real, practical strength.
Stick to free weights for that, kids.
But it's okay to use machines as a supplement,
if you've already finished with your main lifts.
Alright, if you guys enjoyed this video,
please like and comment,
and most importantly,
subscribe to the YouTube channel.
More videos are in the works,
so stay tuned.
(heavy electronic music)
We need you now more than ever! November 29, 2017 Update - Duration: 21:50.
Hey! I'm Lance Wallnau, welcome to a quick update on what's happening now in
the spirit and in history. So we're looking at the news cycle right now and
what is amazing is the amount of accomplishments that President Trump has
achieved and the absolute negligence of recording any of that that's happening
in the media. However, we did catch that wonderful moment this week when the
president while dealing with Native Americans he was receiving
in the Oval Office, he took the opportunity to take a dig at Senator
Warren in Massachusetts referring to her as Pocahontas. Which of course sent liberals
into a outrage because he was so insensitive and insulted the Native
Americans and so what you've got now, in the Bible there's a word for this, it's
called the evil eye. The evil eye is let not your eye be evil is what Jesus said
and that's when you're looking at somebody solely through the perspective
and the prism of finding fault. It's like an evil eye is if you're looking -
literally when somebody doesn't like you they meet you in order to find something
wrong with you and so media is the magnifying lens of an evil
eye looking for anything. From I mean - Melania Trump could be going down doing
support for hurricane victims but if she wears the wrong shoes,
according to someone's sense of fashion then she will be picked on. It's not even
the wrong shoes if she got off the plane and they got a picture of her before she
got her sneakers on it's considered a big statement. So what you have
is a contradiction in terms of current events and you guys know this but every
now and that I actually have to remind people the achievements of what's taking
place because there's so much cynicism being mounted through the megaphone.
Remember something, Christian's have got to get this
straight let's just draw the plane here and we got a plane and there's the wings
of the plane. There's a little place in here it's like the cockpit up there. It
doesn't really matter whether or not there are 200 Christians. 240 Christian
passengers could be there if in the cockpit and in the cabin crew you've got
six people that are hostile they can control the flight, they could crash the
plane, they could take you to another location. Those six people that control
the airplane are called the head and the rest of this thing is actually various
departments of the tail. Now the Bible says you're supposed to be the head and
not the tail. Now you know why because a remnant of people, and I'm quite serious
about this, a remnant of people 2% of the population can control the direction of
an entire nation. You can expand the cabin seating and have 400 people get
this 400 people in revival and if you do not have control of the cockpit that
plane is going to get taken wherever the people sitting there are going to take
it. And this is basically why for years I've been talking ad nauseam about the
seven mountains and I said look America and the nations are going to end up
going in the direction of whoever it is that's in control of the cockpit and
2% of the population is going to control. Let's just take these three
things right here: whoever is controlling media is going to be in control of the
interpretation of current events. You could be doing great but if the
newspaper says that you are under suspicion of theft and
embezzlement, there goes your reputation. So you've got
the political sphere here which of course includes court appointments. I'm
sorry it's a weird thing but your appointments in court are going to
reflect your political ideology. You don't really have just judges you have
judges that have a bias that is either going to be conservative or liberal. So
your political system is here, your media system is over here, political systems
over here, and I'm going to put education here because the
academic world is producing - right out of the fountain of perpetual youth we have now
50 million Millennials that are going to be coming out and all voting who
basically are having their opinion formed by media and by their professors
and they're going to vote in the kind of Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren's
that are certain to crash the plane. So I'm bringing all this up to you right
now for a very important reason. I want you to look at the Bible.
Go to Matthew chapter 12 and notice what Jesus says. He says in verse 43
"when an unclean spirit goes out of a man he goes through dry places seeking rest
and finds none" I'm going to put the word man here. So just watch
this as we move along and here we go. When unclean spirits have gone out of a man,
watch this we're talking about Matthew, here's our verse, we're going with
Matthew chapter 12. If you got a Bible check it out, make sure I'm not teaching
false doctrine. Matthew 12:43, we have a man - unclean spirit goes out of
the man, it goes through dry places seeking rest and finds none. So cast out
goes wandering around. Then comes back and says "I returned to my house" so
this is interesting, the man is actually a house for a spirit.
Curious and then he says "I returned to my house which I came and when he comes
he finds it empty and swept and put in order." The house basically is empty now.
This is interesting but it's cleaned up. Empty but cleaned up. So we'd cleaned up
the house it's empty and he goes and takes seven other
spirits more wicked than himself. Ooh, look at this and the last state of that man is
worst from the first and "so shall it be with
this generation" - hold it wait a second. So Jesus is talking about the generation
of Israel. He was literally predicting that Rome - he'll eventually just lay it
out and put it right clear. This generation is a wicked generation. It
rejected - its leaders rejected the Messiah.
And because the leaders rejected the Messiah they were able to persuade the
people. See how leadership affects people? And therefore the man is the house and
the generation houses the nation and when Jesus comes along and there is a
move of God if the move of God cleans out the house and organizes but does
not occupy the house then what you have is seven other spirits come back into
the house and the place is seven times worse. Throw this together for a second.
If you were to take these high places that I talk about that shape the
United States of America and we're in a battle right now. As a nation everybody
is still praying and I understand it's a conceptual battle, everyone's still
praying for the winds. What are we looking for revival we can't wait for
revival to come but you see revival is the move of God that cleans out the
house but doesn't occupy the house. What's the move of God that occupies a
house? Reformation. Jesus brought the revival to Israel but the leaders
rejected the move of God and therefore they weren't reformed. Please hear this!
We are still drinking the revival kool-aid as a charismatic culture.
Why will revival fail? Well who discipled the United States over the last 20 years
while we had Toronto and Brownsville and Pensacola and you know you name
it - we've had revivals, we've had mega churches created from the 1990s
all the way through to the year 2017. We've had more books
printed and more TV and media than any nation on planet earth. We have more
Christians in America as a percentage of population than any other country. Who
discipled America? I'll tell you it was President Barack Obama during his
administration, it was the useless establishment of Republicans that
drove up the debt ten trillion dollars during George Bush with the sliding of
culture. In other words, for the last 15 to 20 years, it was the liberal arts and
entertainment taken over. It was the destruction of family and Family Values.
It was government lacking the ability to resist but rather just moving along with
the culture, it was academia teaching the LGBTQ arguments that ended up making
the same-sex marriage the new norm for what is the definition
of a family unit. And where was the church? Over here. I'll tell you what we were
doing - we're revival revival revival, prayer, signs, wonders, miracles, gold dust ...
you name it. And what did we not do? We did not actually take this into a move
of God that changed the nation. Now watch, this is real important, if the man has
the spirit and the man is a house and that spirit is cast out and actually Jesus
says the man refers to a generation and the house literally refers to a nation - these
seven high places of government, politics, academia, media, and of course we got
business over here - the high points up there, the tops of these mountains, these
are the institutional gatekeepers. This is the people that are in the cockpit of
the plane. This is 2% of the population. These are
your elected officials, your judges, your lawyers, your journalists, your
playwrights, your producers - listen to me.
We have enough believers in all these mountains to be able to
push the battle at the gates but we don't teach that message. We don't
organize our people. How would you get together with other Christians in your
city in order to impact the mayor's office for instance? The churches don't
work together politically. 90% of pastors askew and avoid politics in
the pulpit. So we're you gonna get your leadership from? How are you going to amass
in the school system? Who's bringing the Christians together in the school system?
See the flocks are subdivided into churches and then half the flock doesn't
even go to church. So even if we mobilize churches - what I'm saying is, do
you see the problem? Take a look at this. That we, in order to occupy, you need a
reformation. In order to have a move of God, you need a revival. If your revival
doesn't become a reformation you lose your nation. If a revival doesn't become
a reformation - because reformation goes into the institutional
high places. It doesn't just clean up the swamp, it
occupies the swamp with fresh water and new fish. If Christians don't get engaged
with politics, if Christians don't get engaged with journalism, media, if
Christians don't get engaged with the cartoons for the next generation, if
Christians - actually don't rise up and have an aggressive move on these college
campuses, if trustees and donors don't start taking an interest in where
their money is going - what curriculum is being taught - you understand Marxism and
the destruction of Judeo-Christianity is being now propagated almost with
fascists like vigilance on college campuses. And our poor little kids are
sent like lambs to the slaughter. 50, 60 thousand state-funded
campuses are indoctrinating your children. Socialism now has the 60%
approval rating from your kids. Socialism. That's basically, remember Hitler was a
national socialists. You want to talk about
fascist - Donald Trump doesn't represent fascism. Stalin, Mussolini, and Mao
dictatorships that actually are socialist or communist
that's where you lose your freedom of speech. Not from people that believe in
small or less government or more efficiently run government. So what am I
showing you but this mishmash here. I'm saying - I get off the phone all the time
with people that are all about praying for revival. I say so what? A revival sweeps
the house clean. If you don't occupy it with the reformation, if your revival doesn't
metamorphose into moving into institutions - and by the way all of our
kids that are going off to Bible School - let me ask you a question,
what's the plan for them? what are they going to do once they come
out? Remember this, once your kid comes out of Bible College and has gone to
Bible School wherever that is and you're
happy because they got all grounded and rooted and grounded in this Bible
teaching. If they don't come out of that place figuring out how to make a living
in the mountains out here. If they don't have that answer - if all that they know
how to do is to seek God and love God - guess what, they're in competition with
secular kids and kids from China and Asia and India who are in these colleges
and universities who have one focus and that's beating the pants off of the lazy
or the incoherent competition. Your kids are going out into a marketplace - I know
how they're going out because they're going out with the same la-la-land focus
on spirituality and instead of figuring out how to occupy territory they're
preoccupied with how to be spiritual and revival focused and then supernaturally
prosper. Guess what? God doesn't supernaturally prosper you if you don't
have a talent and a gift and a skill and an ability that you're willing to
put into labor. He that doesn't work doesn't eat. You have to work.
A lot of them don't even know how to work. They don't know how to be good
employees. They don't know how to be faithful employees
because to them their world is already divided into spirit land versus natural
and they want God to supernaturally take care of them in the natural. We have
actually screwed up a whole generation of Bible
students. Unless we teach your career. 90% of you are going to make a living in the
marketplace. Only 10% - only 10% of the Israelites were actually in the
tribe of Levi that were priesthood given to full-time ministry. 90% we're going to
go take territory. So let me give you your final verse here verse 13 of
chapter 19. We're going to go to Luke 19. Here's what I'm worried about - 19:13
Do I believe in revival? Yeah, I believe revival is the
manifest presence of God that over takes an individual to make them consciously
aware of the reality of eternity and impresses it upon their mortal
sensibilities. And I believe the more people are in revival the more that
manifestation happens and I also believe that the Welsh revival left no imprint
on Wales and America's Azusa Street revival actually didn't even leave
anything didn't even leave in Azusa mission behind. All you got is a star on
the floor of a parking lot owned by an Asian telephone company. That's what you
got left of Azusa. Now the ripple effect is everyone who prays in tongues can
thank Azusa Street for that but actually the Azusa Street revival kind of like
the the Welsh revival. Look at LA today and tell me is that the stronghold of
revival or isn't that where Harvey Weinstein is right now having a
reckoning? So Luke 19:13, what does it say, it says "occupy till I
come." What are we talking about "occupy till I come?" Here's the translation, by
the way this is in multiple translations, the literal translation of that is "do
business till I come." My gosh is that your definition of what Christians are
supposed to do? Do business. Transact business. In other words, your job is to
take the substance of what you got here and interact with those seven mountains
and do interaction. Transact transact transact like leaven go in go in go in
take more take more influence influence covert and overt until you actually can
occupy because if you sweep the house clean and you fail to occupy it,
you'll end up with something seven times worse. The land of the reformation didn't
occupy its mountains and instead of having the Protestant Reformation
occupy those seven mountains - National Socialism came in and you actually could
end up in America where the very nation that had the greatest freedom is going
to have the greatest demonic backlash because those mountains are going to be
taken each one of them all seven of them will be taken and it'll be seven times
worse because Christians were seeking revival rather than occupation of
cultural territory through the way that they did business the way that they
earned a living the long term plan not a quick escape route through a rapture but
thinking a hundred years down the road about what kind of a culture and nation
you want to leave to your children. This is the battle that the church is in right
now because I'm promising you we still don't understand it. I'm on the phone
all the time with people that are praying for a revival and it has not
occurred to them yet that if you had the revival after it's settled down if you
didn't take those high places the cockpit of the plane will be rushed and
that plane will be taken vigilantly in the new direction and you'll be under
the heel of a backlash for your revival. So that's the positive word. May not
sound like it but it's positive. You know why because Donald Trump is in office
right now and with Donald Trump in office with Mr. Trump in office as we're
praying for him there is an opportunity right now for revival that will lead to
reformation we are going to have to reform government, reform tax, reform
educational systems and if we can reform them we will be a new nation. We have got
to be a reformation nation because that's
the sheep nation God wants us to be versus the goat nation the left wants us
to be and like it or not revival is not going to do the job of reformation
of the nation. So father I thank you in Jesus name,
I thank you Lord for the the grace of
God that is on my friends right now that everyone was listening to me I pray for
a burning passion to be able to know where and how we cross over and occupy. I
pray for those young people that have been steeped in and
saturated in the desire and the yearning for the spiritual life. I pray
that you give them their secular assignment that they will know where
they go in and penetrate what part of the system are they called to take, what gates are
they called to storm and go through and I pray for a new alliance of fathers and sons
and mothers and daughters of my generation with the next generation that
together we can work this beautiful Reformation this powerful Reformation
Lord that you want to do in this 500th anniversary of the Reformation in this
nation may this President of the United States Lord be strengthened may he be
covered in the soul of his head for the top of his head to the soles of his feet
may the anointing quicken him with sharpness with strength with youth
remove the stress that put the joy of governing in his heart in Jesus name and
everyone said amen
Automate ecommerce campaigns, flash sales, and product drops with Launchpad - Duration: 0:55.
It's the busiest time of year.
With new products to release, events to schedule,
and sales to manage,
your to-do list is getting long.
Caffeine-fuelled all-nighters are the norm.
And you wish you could put the manual tasks on autopilot.
Now you can with Launchpad, an ecommerce automation tool
that lets you schedule, monitor,
and manage events on your Shopify store.
In a matter of minutes you can automate your to-do list,
eliminating sleepless nights.
Schedule front-end customizations to drive conversion,
creating a great customer experience
from product page to checkout.
You can also track performance in real-time
to better understand customer behavior,
so you can focus on making your customers happy
and boosting revenue.
Now you can sleep knowing Launchpad is awake.
Stop worrying, and start selling.
How To Start A Laundromat | The Wealthbuilderz Way - Duration: 10:59.
How To Start A Laundromat
Whats good Wealthbuilderz
Today we are going to talk about How to Start A Laundromat
The Good Bad and ugly You ready?
Lets go!!
Ok before we get started make sure you subscribe to the channel
for more videos like this where we discuss everything under the sun
that pertains to money and business.
Now back to the topic at hand How To Start a Laundromat
There are a few different ways to start Laundrymat
You can buy an existing old laundromat
You can start a laundromat in area
and provide better service
Or you can find a area that is growing in population
but doesn't have a laundromat within 5 miles of
the area
I personally would buy one and renovate it It would save time and guess work if the area
is in need of a laundromat or not
The average-size laundromat will cost you in
the neighborhood of $200,000 to $500,000- whether you choose to purchase an existing
laundry or build one in a retail space.
The profit can fluctuate tremendously As per the website Entrepreneur.com
the annual gross income from one store can range from $30,000 to $1 million.
The expenses to run a store range between 65 and 115 percent of the gross income.
That means that for a store grossing $30,000 per year, at best it nets $10,500 and at worst
it loses $4,500.
For a store grossing $1 million per year, the profit could be as high as $350,000,
or there could be a loss of up to $150,000, depending on expenses.
This is why I said the profit margins fluctuate tremendously
The great thing is these profit margins good or bad
usually depend on the owner and how he runs the business.
Are you the type of owner that fixes things fast when they break
do you keep the laundromat clean and inviting for others to stay a while and
feel comfortable
You can add vending machines, free wifi, tv's, Wash n fold service
and maybe ever like a snack bar for coffee and things like that
This type of stuff can make or
break you.
Now keep in mind it cost alot to start a laundromat
If you compare that to start your own online business
the start up cost is way cheaper then starting a laundromat
If you want to learn more about my online
business click the link below and learn more
about my business.
Thanks for watching my video on How To Start A Laundromat
Do remember wealthbuilderz
Make More Save More
Build More
🐻 Domastic - Tonight (feat. Chris Linton) (Lyrics Video) - Duration: 3:09.
📝 Domastic - Tonight (feat.
Chris Linton) Lyrics
Tormented by the consequences Your shadow, it closes up on me
Walking on fire makes me feel sick To move through your air is a pain I don't
miss tonight Oh, tonight
Tormented by my worst suspicions of you Your shadow, it closes up on me
Walking on fire gives me an itch To move through your air is a pain I don't
miss tonight Oh, tonight
This is our truth that I have known Take a look at me, look at how it's grown
To nothing but the best that I can be When you turn around, when you turn around
(When you turn around)
PnB Rock - TTM (feat. Wiz Khalifa & NGHTMRE) [Lyrics] - Duration: 3:44.
♪ I don't really care about this ♪
♪ You talk too much about me ♪
♪ You make things up about me ♪
♪ Never would've came up without me ♪
♪ From people we love, yeah ♪
♪ I don't really care about this ♪
♪ And I don't ever waste a minute ♪
♪ You talk too much about me ♪
♪ You make things up about me ♪
♪ Why you wanna make things up ♪
♪ Why you wanna waste my time ♪
♪ Girl we used to be in love now ♪
♪ Now I don't really care about you no more ♪
♪ We used to be perfect now it ain't working ♪
♪ All my niggas swerving ♪
♪ Drop top coupes, girl you used to be my boo ♪
♪ Now you telling lies on me ♪
♪ Shawty this sad but true ♪
♪ Yeah yeah drop top coupes ♪
♪ Girl you used to ride with me ♪
♪ Girl you used to slide with me ♪
♪ Now you telling lies on me ♪
♪ I don't really care about this ♪
♪ And I don't ever waste a minute ♪
♪ You talk too much about me ♪
♪ You make things up about me ♪
♪ You talk too much about me ♪
♪ You make things up about me ♪
♪ Never would've came up, about me ♪
♪ From people we love ♪
♪ You talk too much about me ♪
♪ Say I don't show you love ♪
♪ You doubt me ♪
♪ I'ma roll one up, get cloudy ♪
♪ When my pockets wasn't up, you wasn't round me ♪
♪ Why you wanna roll one up ♪
♪ Why you keep calling my line ♪
♪ Girl you used too keep it G but ♪
♪ I don't need to smoke one with you ♪
♪ Drop top coupe, girl you used to be my boo ♪
♪ Now you see my brand new thing ♪
♪ Wishing you was in her shoes ♪
♪ I don't really care about this ♪
♪ And I don't ever waste a minute ♪
♪ You talk too much about me ♪
♪ You make things up about me ♪
♪ You talk too much about me ♪
♪ You make things up about me ♪
♪ Never would've came up, about me ♪
♪ From people we love ♪
♪ I don't really care about this ♪
♪ And I don't ever waste a minute ♪
♪ You talk too much about me ♪
♪ You talk too much ♪
♪ You talk too much ♪
♪ Far too much ♪
♪ I know what you like, I know what you like ♪
♪ From me ♪
A quick Family Vlog! The first hint! #CydneyBCC - Duration: 7:02.
I told you I was gonna start showing you guys stuff and I am!
hey welcome back to
my channel okay guys we have a exciting day planned today I have to first I have
to edit a video so I'm gonna finish doing that
someone's a slacker
that I am going to go downtown and see if we can find a place
but I'm not going to tell you what yet
I told you I was gonna start showing you
guys stuff and I am
first things first though I can't decide if I should wear
this is the current outfit of the day a big floppy hat a little choker
this choker is so cute to see yes and then we'r doing a leather jacket
some pants and maybe these but I haven't decided if I want to do these
or these
ooh and they're cute with the pants mmm these these
or these these definitely
these I like these is yes okay these are the ones
yeah I like these much better
okay let's finish our first mission of the day which is editing and then me and
you were gonna go look at some stuff together
see you in just a minute
hear me out I know it doesn't look like much right now but when all the little houses
and all the lights are on I think this will be perfect this will
be just right yeah yeah I think this is it I think this is the one
okay here me out so right nowit doesn't look like much but,
when it's lit it's gonna be so cool!
no let's get Tyler in that shot this is the place it's definitely the place
Baby! is it cool?
No? *laughs* you don't like it?
there's a tree in there you just can't see it yet
I think it's perfect!
about to run into you!
the ugly orange box my igloo orange box
Zack was due
okay let's go
get a sneak peak for us!
oooh, what's in there? can we see?
There's candy in there!
Sugar babies,
She wan'ts to see dad
is it cool stuff?
it's all sun faded,it's been in there for a while, yeah
yeah, it's been in there for a LONG time!
ok guys, I'm going to end the vlog here.
this is it we found it! yeah that's all we have to say I hope you guys liked this vlog
this is our place this is where we're gonna do it and I'm so excited to help
you guys enjoyed the vlog if you guys aren't already subscribed to my
Channel I will give you 3 seconds to do that
alright thank you guys for being here
like this video like it share with all your friends and yeah I love you guys
I'll see you guys later bye guys say bye bye see you later
Arise allows you to Travel More: Passport Kings Travel Video - Duration: 9:14.
Today our passport Kings, I'm gonna show you how to make money from home working for established companies
So you can travel more without recruiting selling or much of an investment.
I'm Roklan. I travel the globe for leisure
Exploration and education about different cultures. Join me, and YouTube can be royalty - This is passport King
Welcome aboard abroad
Barack Obama himself
Endorsed Arise in one of his speeches few years ago...
I understand the feeling when someone online makes a promise about helping you make money without a typical nine-to-five job
A Lot of people turn their noses up and shut down communications
Although those are fine opportunities, sales and recruiting is not for everybody. They want to take it slow,
Make it slow and let an already established fortune 500 company "make it so!"
People are used to clocking in and clocking out at a set time and having a steady paycheck
arrive into their bank accounts every two weeks. That is where Arise comes in. Arise virtual solutions provides a
technology platform that connects customer service representatives with prestigious
clients. Many of which, are like I said fortune 500 companies.
When a lot of Fortune 500 companies sent out surveys to their customers, they would ask
What would make their company better?
Customers overwhelmingly agreed that when you call customer service
they do not want to speak with someone with a strong accent from a foreign country. It had nothing to do with nationality or
Racism, It was just that when one wants to take care of an issue with the bank, phone company,
Retail, customer care or utility company basic communications in the same language makes the process a lot faster and easier
Arise listened and with stay-at-home parents in mind
they were able to tackle two birds with one stone. clear voices of customer care agents with English as their first language
And the ability to work from home to get a steady constant paycheck was exactly what those companies needed
And you don't have to twist someone's arm to try to get them to buy something that they never wanted in the first place
So what will you be doing all day taking incoming phone calls from customers of major and well-known
businesses. Register today and connect with the nation's largest cable and internet
Providers, as well as retail stores, income tax help, cruise line, customer service and other world-class client
opportunities providing services and inboundl communications using the arise platform
What will you need? A desktop or laptop computer?
Connected directly via ethernet to your modem/router
I know I know "but the Wi-Fi is flawless in your home."
Well, they still will not trust it. There customers are very important to them and they do not want your Wi-Fi
conking out in the middle of a conversation. They also want you to have a landline phone
No, your cell phone or magicJack will not work. Ff you don't have one,
you will have to call the phone company and get one. Phone service from a home phone company is mandatory
mainly because of the clarity of connections and there's no chance of it dying or being
Overwhelmed with apps. At least I think that's their logic behind this rule. Other than that, you need to put some time aside
to just work the hours you set up for yourself. Like I said I've, in the last few months went through the entire process there
Is nothing complicated about it
It's just like having a regular job
But you're just doing it from home and making your own hours. Upon successful completion
of the registration process your next step would be to enroll in a client certification
course of your choice. Client courses may take as little as three weeks...
or as long as eight weeks to complete, depending on the project you selected. The registration process is easy
You could be up and running in as little as three to five days and on your way to making your work from home business
Dream a reality
all you ever pay out-of-pocket is a one-time fee for your background check and
one-time fee for your training the number you will want to use if you're
Uninterested in starting up your own call center business is the passport Kings LLC
corporation number which is eight two two five one five three six nine
I feel that big rewards come with significant risks and big investment
But some people are just not willing to put so much money at stake
without a guaranteed return. Arise is the
perfect solution for you. If you want to use it as a full-time job
Or just a part-time supplemental income, both or either or is possible. You work..
And they will pay you, by the hour, and no funny business.
Don't let big companies take up all your time you have in this life. Watch your kids grow and take off when you want to
Arise is excellent if you want to have a set schedule
But make your own hours. If you've ever did any kind of customer service,
you will Excel right out of the door if you haven't, you will still be guided, trained and helped, until you are an expert for the client
that you work for. I've been dealing with this company for over six months.
And I wanted to make sure it did all the claims It said it would, before I mentioned it on this channel!
I made sure I have the equipment
I needed I took the classes did plenty of hours
And yes, indeed they sent checks via direct deposit into my bank account. There is no guessing game
You work you get paid no sales hoops. No manipulation. It is not outgoing calls
They are all incoming and the best part for me was if you need to take a week off
Simply don't schedule yourself for those days and no one will ask you about it or judge you
Travel cannot be fully enjoyed if you only have two days per week to do it until your annual vacation
You're in complete control over your work schedule and your life. That type of freedom needs to be felt firsthand
to truly understand. Season 5 of Passport Kings is made possible by viewers like you
To contribute to passport Kings on patreon being a member will get you exclusive content that can sometimes be considered, too
Risque for my rated G. Audience. You'll get behind-the-scenes content
You'll get half off the shirt of the month and some of you will even get to select the topic of my next video
Plus I'll put your name in a drawing for a free trip abroad that a winner will be picked every single month
So become a patreon today and keep passport Kings going strong
Alright, so fortunately, Making money from home is not as hard as it used to be and now
and now with Arise you can make money from home and
Have the free time that you need to travel. So that's what you should do from now on
So you can be free to do what you want , like a King
A Passport King...Peace.
Yo, what's up? This is Roklan. I wanted to send out a rest in peace to a really good. Dude that died last weekend
He's a friend of mine
He's a friend of a whole lot of people. He really walked a lot of people up to getting their
passports and making sure that a lot of people traveled to Brazil and just
looking outside of the US for options as far as
Love and as far as like just making your life a little bit better
So this one goes out to Charles Tyler a good friend of mine
You rest in peace, baby?
Man, sorry that we never got to really get up like that, but the times that I didn't speak to you
They were all good times. We had great times
We spoke about good things, and you rest in peace, and if you guys haven't yet..
There is a GoFundMe for his burial services. Y'all go over there and support that guy's burial services as well as him getting
out of Brazil and if it's of any consolation
I know that he died doing exactly what he loved doing best. Being in Brazil and giving his black brothers an option
So rest in peace Charles and my condolences to your family, peace!
Financial Advisor: When Should You Use One? - Duration: 1:27.
Hey guys, this is Patrick Portman.
I'm a financial advisor in Bardstown, Kentucky.
Now, what I want to do with these little videos I'm going to create is dispel some rumors
and answer some questions about our industry in a 1 minute to a 1:30 to help people understand
exactly what a financial coach, advisor, planner is supposed to do.
So, starting this video off, when would you use a financial advisor?
My opinion is when your life changes.
So, you get a new job, you get married, you're about to retire.
All those different stages of your life involves money moving.
So, helping somebody navigate where your money is, how your investments are paired with your
risk tolerance is super important for you to achieve your goals going forward.
The main thing I would reiterate is there isn't a bad time to go seek a financial advisor
but the most important time you're going to need one is when your life changes.
Ex: someone passes away, you get married, you get another job.
Those are all prime times to think hey I may need somebody to help make sure my investments
are aligned with what I want to do going forward.
Thanks and I look forward to the next video.
You guys have an awesome day!
Destroy Target Artifact - Bundle Box Giveaway - Part 2 - Day 1 Big Giveaway - Duration: 25:30.
All right here we go we're gonna flip the card
No that wasn't a full flip I gotta get higher
Maybe that's just gonna be the one so this one right here. We're gonna see what exactly's inside
Right now
Okay, so we're getting this cracked open now
The clue is
How many booster packs did I open today?
That number reminds me that if you're still living with your parents and you're gonna
intend on
Entering for the giveaway you might win
So tell your parents are we giving out your address
All right, what have we got here
Maybe this could be used for something it looks like it could be a
Poster if you unwrapped it correctly. We'll do that later
This is just a
Space a box take up space
Just your deck among friends. Tell your friends about us destroy target artifact a
guide that has every card in the power of devastation
destroy target artifact like the video
In order to be in the running for this bundle box you had to have
entered in the last two
last two
Giveaways it's day one and we're already on this bundle box
Really sweet
Card box here I
Think I scratched it with the knife. So yours is not going to be scratched
Because no knives are going to it so as they said
There is gonna be the ten booster box
Boom these are the ones where cracking open?
80 pack of land I
Don't know if there's any rares in there, but we're gonna find out
and then
25 double-sided tokens, so here's our token we use the roll down
So that's cool
So let's get to it
Here's the quick reference guide and
I'll put this back on there. I'm curious about
The land pack
It said a least
25 full art-based plan so that tells me it's somewhat random
Let's see if there's anything in here
Any lands and you ever want so now that I've gotten all these booster packs at tons of comments
I could start making some decent decks
I've only ever gotten
It was from a
Big-box store this starter package you can start a game with your friends right out of the box
So just open this up because we're destroying this target artifact and all its Leela's glory
Will never be sealed again
Useful for gameplay
Neat put that with the lands here anti-theft device so let's
Get to this aye
See as we're opening this
Next clue tell me what your favorite hour of devastation card is that's it
Very broad so let's do this right the way I've been doing
It's simple stuff, I just want y'all to watch
Get every clue no cheating, watch the videos
You might see me find something really neat really rare. I mean, I just like this
We've already gotten one today one of these too warrior supreme will
Now this is supposed to be mythic aye?
Got a mountain in that
I'll put the tokens right there
As well put the lands. no
It'll mix them all up. So this is pretty good
That's a good start mythic at the end
Prove the combatant mummy paramount
Rhonas stalwart
lurking rot beasts
frilled sandwalla
Okentras Avenger crash through travelers amulet
There we go next clue
See uh travelers amulet
Name a place you travel to go play magic, and if you don't just name a place you've traveled to
Even if it's just across the street
It's a sinuous striker it's uncommon
This is uh. I really don't know how where this is, but I like that it has this extra card on it
That's another
Some other card with an X on there dagger of the worthy
Another artifact so that's it those are just uncommon just nothing rare even in their neat-o
That was packed two
Don't want to try to keep the decks tight so that
We don't spoil the surprise if there's something extra sweet at the end
Seer of the last tomorrow
Alright next clue
Include there on the comment
In your answers comment for the clues what your favorite card is what's your favorite name?
Favorite name
of any magic card ever in time
You've got to get all the clues, right
Including this one how many packs have I opened today day one
in order to be eligible for this giveaway you have to
Have participated in the other two this is giveaway three
You have to have watched
And picked up all the clue so the other video is also
You can have this bundle box for free not this one. I'm opening this one right here
That is brand new
It's just nice life goes on
Another rare the plains
Let's see I'm hoping for an invocation sometime today
It would be nice. If not then maybe it's in your pack or maybe it's in both
All the giveaways from the other stores each batch
Mmm basically each pack was from different places at different times, so it's gonna be really random
Just little rough
Here we go
Countervailing winds sandblast sandbast deals five damage to target attacking or blocking creatures
Moaning wall
Feral Prowler
Pharaoh's faithful God
Striped riverwinder
Okay uncommon crypt of the Eternals accursed horde
Ifnir deadlands
Nimble obstructionist, and we got a foil card so that's neat with an island
It's cool I guess
So I like that anything, that's
Kind of different like a foil is good even a little
Foil symbol down here that I have no idea what it means
It's good
Anything's good. That's what we're doing this because
everybody likes free stuff
And that's what we're doing here, I would have liked it if somebody said hey I
Get to open up all these booster packs, so I'm gonna send you one two
But it doesn't happen every day, but today that starts so remember
Tell your friends the more support. We have the more viewers. We have
The bigger the prizes are going to be this is just day one
There might be a day. I say I'm gonna open up ten booster boxes and one person's gonna get that now that's quite
quite a large
Large giveaway, but anything's possible
We're getting lot of repeaters in here another sweet land
Eternal of harsh truths
Struggle it is real, and we got another uncaged the menagerie the second one
That's a second one
So I have come up as a clue later
You must watch to find out
I'm pretty excited because we get to just tear up these sweet booster packs I
Was starting in a sealed collection I still have some but
It's just too fun. So anybody who wins I would
Really love it if you could film yourself opening your packs, too
countervailing wins they like to open what that cars and blasts can both fury must our lurching raw beast
frilled sandwalla desert of the indomitable
Ruin rat, I think we've seen every single one of these so far life goes on
Granitic titan Nissas defeat vile manifestation
inferno jet
Wildfire eternal so that's rare, but not too fun
I'll put that up in a sleeve - I'll probably do that with the uncommons - because
anything the sides of that little black logo I
Never want it to be out of the out of a sheet for some reason
Number eight here see we can find a
Good feeling about this box
Even if it just means we're going to survive to the end of this video, but it'd be nice if we got some of that invocation action
Alright the next clue guys
What mythic card have I gotten two us so far in this bundle box
Which is that worth?
3:25 on this goldfish
Another farm to market quarry beetle
Deserts hold
Crested Sunmare and another foil so we got a mythic and the foil card
That's pretty good
Says it's worth $4 and what about steadfast sentinal?
Yeah that one isnt worth much more, but it's foil
Pack Number nine
Solitairy camel
That reminds me
Unstable is coming out, and I think we're gonna be doing something for that
I'm really excited that got me really excited when I saw some of those wacky cards the artwork is what really gets
Gets me about that wretched camel second camel
Rhonas stalwart
uncommon. and we got another uncommon
So oh that's a rare with a tournament of hailfire?
You gotta put this up in here
So I like those you know there's own basic lands, but
To where so we're down here to the last one so we go put a few clues
And you need to put in the comments. I'm gonna watch to the very end there may be something else
another camel
Solitaire this time
Let's see
All right, I gotta think of a last clue, and it's got to be original how about this?
For all your collectors out there this might be easy
Some of you just really like to play and don't pay attention to the cards, I think it's
You know if the look through your cards, but I want you to
Put us a last clue there. Oh your favorite
Magic the Gathering
card art artist is and what card of theirs is your favorite and
So you're gonna have to write a little on the last clue you're gonna have to be in both the previous giveaways of the day
for the booster packs
And you're gonna have to be subscribed
Subscribe so you also know when we are giving away anything more and
For the end of this one we got Mirage mirror
Very neat artwork
It's rare
But we didn't find invocation today
But we got a sweet card box roll down die
Hmm some huge collection of land so now I can go deck built as it's
Barely getting back in the swing of things with this Magic the Gathering. I haven't played in since middle school
20 years ago
Because you're watching you're able to try to get some free stuff so get down to those comments
Put every clue in the
Check out the video if you're lacking one one clue on there you can't be eligible
so that's a thing
We have to figure it out the videos gonna be up for 10 days and at the end of the ten days
We're gonna. See how this little YouTube thing goes
But at the end of the ten days
We're giving this away
And the next weekend is gonna be unstable and you can only imagine
Really thinking about getting that
booster box for myself and
Seeing if anything really great comes out of that
We can do this thing here before we go
So I guess what they don't tell you is
You also can get a box of the Booster bundle
It's kind of like a long
So you guys watched destroy target artifact and destroyed quite a few artifacts today
10 in this bundle box by itself I
Hope you've enjoyed I
Didn't really get anything extra great, but maybe that's what's in this box waiting for you
Check us out next time remember subscribe so you know when we're giving stuff away
We're hoping this we can do this weekly. Especially when we know there's a lot of viewers out there. We're gonna be able to
To get you all get y'all's part of the action some more let you
Get a chance at trying to win at least at least a booster pack. I mean if we're gonna make a video
It's gonna be at least one booster pack giveaway today. We didn't do anything less than two so
Be hopeful tune in next time
Rules of Survival Hack - Get Gold and Gems ! - Duration: 3:07.
Rules of Survival Hack - Get Gold and Gems !
Residential Lending | Thomaston Savings Bank Commercial - Duration: 0:31.
With a Thoamston Savings Bank mortgage or home equity loan or line of credit, you get more.
A great rate, a quick application process,
and local knowledge of the housing market from a team around here.
An online lender can't give you this.
And neither can someone who's not next door.
Thomaston Savings Bank
You Get More When You're Next Door.
[BANGLA] How to make an intro using sony vegas without any templates - Duration: 16:02.
What Things You Didn't Know About Meghan Markle - Duration: 1:43.
Top 10 Most Valuable Body Parts - Duration: 8:14.
Top 10 Most Valuable Body Parts
Hello, welcome back to Most Amazing top 10! I am Rebecca Felgate and CRIKEY what a topic
we have today! That's right, we're talking the Top 10 Most Valuable Body Parts.
Being an organ donor is a great thing to be, although there are black markets out there
where you can sell parts of your body for a profit….although really…why would you
Before we get started, I just want to point you guys to our Patreon page! We have set
up fan funding so we can keep bringing you controversial videos like this one as well
as provide you with some behind the scenes insight into our channel as well as the chance
to chat with us one on one. The link is in the description box below.
OKAY….what we got here.
Selling a pint of blood will get you around $350.
Of course in almost all countries, it is illegal to sell your blood, but this how much a pint
of blood goes for on the red market, the black market name for body part harvesting and distribution.
Blood is so important for saving lives and is frequently traded in the underground markets.
Unfortunately, as people can donate a pint of blood without feeling much in the way of
side effects, blood farming has become an issue. This is where blood is non consensually
taken from prisoners in jail and sold on the red market. Without blood donations I know
I for one would not be alive, so donating blood to medical outlets is vital, although
you won't get paid for it…the reward is saving a life… like mine :)
9 – Selling your small intestine will get you around $2,500 dollars.
The small intestine is broken up into three parts, but you need this baby intact to make
the mega bucks….although to be fair, you also kind of need it to live. The small intestine
is vital for you digestive system. The small intestine is 20 ft long and breaks down food
from the stomach, as well as absorbing nutrients from the food. The reason they fetch such
a price is because they're very important to the human body, and actually bidding for
small intestines on the red market can get much higher than the standard 25 hundred dollars.
Something you can easily and legally sell up next…. There is a relief!
8 – Selling your hair can get you 1000-4000 dollars.
There are a number of ways you can legally sell your hair. In poorer nations, a lot of
girls and boys alike do this to meet demand for western hair extension markets. However,
if you are living pretty much anywhere you can sell your hair. The website, Market Place.org
has an article about it, and they interview a woman who sold her hair for 1 thousand dollars,
although it is possible to get up to four thousand, depending on the condition of your
hair. Growing it is work in itself, though! You can't dye it, you have to take vitamin
supplements and abstain from using heat on it. It can years to get it to a length where
it is worth something.
7 Gentlemen, you get up to $5,000 for your sperm!
You can LEGALLY donate sperm and get around $1000 a month for twice monthly…err…expressions,
but selling your fluid on the black market can get you up to 5 thousand dollars. To legally
donate sperm, you have to be between 18-35 and over 5ft 10 and physically healthy. The
higher your education status, the more you can get for your seed. Also, you need to be
mentally prepared to know your donation may lead to a child. While you can choose for
them to never know you, that is still a lot to deal with. Even if I was a dude and tall
enough… this wouldn't be worth It for me!
6 – Ladies, we can get around $14,000 for our eggs
You can LEGALLY donate eggs for between 8 to 14 thousand US Dollars. Like with me, screening
processes are in place. To donate, you need to be between 21-29, have a healthy Body Mass
Index, have healthy reproductive organs and be in good health yourself. I probably would
be less likely to be selected to donate as I have asthma, which can be hereditary.
Meeep….at number 5 you can get $15,000-20,000 for your eye balls.
The most valuable part of the eye are the corneas…these alone can fetch you a pretty
good price. Although, you really couldn't pay me to give you my eyes…I need them!
I am an organ donor so of course my eyes can be put to good use when I die, but alive…I
need them to see! Of course selling eyes is strictly red market, and they go to people
who are in desperate need of cornea transplants…with the number in need greater than the number
of body parts available.
4 – selling your bone marrow can get you a whopping $23,000 PER GRAM
The reason this sells for such a price on the red market is because 70% of patients
in need of a marrow transplant do not have a matching donor in their family and
donations of the substance are low. Bone Marrow is important because it produced red and white
blood cells and platelets that are altogether important for circulating oxygen around the
body, fighting infections, and clotting blood. People with blood cancer such as leukemia
or lymphoma need new bone marrow to help them survive. Again, like most things on this list,
it is illegal to sell and trade, but that doesn't stop it happening. As it is used
to save lives, people get desperate. You can legally donate bone marrow and all medical
and non medical expensive are eligible to be covered. Bone marrow levels replete in
around six weeks.
3 – Selling a liver can get you $157,000 This is another body part that you absolutely
cannot sell if you want to stay alive. Of course, when you are dead you don't need
it, so is a good organ to donate after you die. Livers on the black market reportedly
go for around 150 to 160 thousand dollars. People who need livers tend to have liver
disease or liver cancer. Patients in need of a liver are in a dire situation and the
number of livers available is less than the number of people that need them. This leads
to desperate patients and their families scouring the black market.
You only need one kidney to survive, for the other you could get $250,000.
A quarter of a million for something you can live without….while that may be tempting
to some, Kidney surgery is a pretty intense operation, and can you imagine having an illicit
doctor do that to you? Of course you can legally donate a Kidney and receive the best healthcare
around for your trouble. People usually donate kidney's to family members or loved ones.
Selena Gomez needed a Kidney transplant over the summer of 2017 and her friend Francia
Raisa gave her the ultimate gift. As well as Lupus sufferers like Selena, people who
may need kidneys are people who suffer from diabetes, polycystic Kidneys or people who
are suffering Kidney Failure.
Finally, at number one.. We have $1 million for your heart.
Heart disease is the biggest world wide killer, and roughly 3100 people in the United States
are waiting for a heart right now, with just 2,000 transplant operations being performed
each year. Once again, the issue is finding a legally donated heart from a recently diseased
donor...when it comes to life and death, people are willing to pay. So…throughout this list,
you may have been wondering how the red market even works? Aside from awful blood farms,
organ scouts and thieves operate, visiting funeral parlours preparing for cremation to
hand out organs for sums of cash. And there are alternative methods too, which do not
bare thinking about. A black market organ is sold once every hour and they do not have
the same kind of medical safety standards legal medical outlets do.
If you sold every your body, chemicals, skin, hair, teeth and all, you could make up to
$45 million dollars, which is how much a human body is worth! So, if it can make you so much
money and it is your body – why is it illegal to sell parts? Well because if it were legal,
the poor would be at risk of exploitation .
Sources: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2150932/An-organ-sold-hour-WHO-warns-Brutal-black-market-rise-thanks-diseases-affluence.html
http://www.cracked.com/article_19497_6-terrifying-things-nobody-tells-you-about-donating-sperm.html https://www.nwcryobank.ca/sperm-donation/
http://ksfm.cbslocal.com/2012/04/23/how-much-are-your-body-parts-worth-on-the-black-market/ https://gizmodo.com/5904129/heres-how-much-body-parts-cost-on-the-black-market
http://www.financedegreecenter.com/black-market-body/ https://www.marketplace.org/2013/12/30/economy/how-sell-your-hair-4000
Destroy Target Artifact - Bundle Box Giveaway - Part 1 - Day 1 Big Giveaway - Duration: 3:50.
Hello everyone, thank you for coming back to destroy target artifact
Day one we''ve done two giveaways so far they are
One pack of amonkhet and one of hour of devastation
The other is the same thing Hour of Devastation and amonkhet
Personally I opened
17 booster packs today
bunch of different modern series got one two three four
foil cards the Priest of the
Wakening Sun is the rare one I got out of those for
That of all those packs I got one mythic Lily Anna Death's Majesty
So for the third
Giveaway we're doing here today that are going a little bigger
Keep your interest
And what we got going on we're target artifact today
It's not just a couple of booster packs
Something I'm curious about is I've gotten started collecting again
But also playing just really casually
Here at home
I've got two boxes
Bundle boxes and
This here Hour of devastation
We're doing this so
We are
Going to be opening one of these. I want to see everything that's in it
Where every thing we open we give one away so for this video
Somebody's gonna be taking home this this bundle here
Included in it is a player's guide with
Encyclopedia hour of devastation card box ten hour of devastation booster packs
25 double-sided tokens an et card basic land pack which includes at least 25 full art basic lands a
spin down counter and a magic quick reference guide
So you had to have participated in both the other giveaways
Watch the very first video we put up
You're gonna have to comment with all the clues provided in the video
Let's see
You're gonna have to for part 1 for clue 1 you're gonna have to
Put in the comments and all the answers and
Clues need to be put together in one comment
Just one comment is your entry into getting this thing, so I'm gonna flip this swamp card. I put in a protector
This one's gonna be the one that gets cracked open
And the land, it's gonna be this one that gets cracked open
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