hello gorgeous welcome back to my
channel today I am talking about one of
the best sales of the year that is not
related to Christmas and that is the
Sephora sale
I mean it is every girl who loves makeup
favorite sale of the year because you
get to get literally anything in the
store at a discount which doesn't
usually happen throughout the year so
I'm going to jump right in and show you
guys the products that I would be
spending my money on if I were y'all
at the sale so let's get started alright
guys excuse the noise because I have a
very needy little almost a month old
downstairs with daddy and if he even so
much as leaves her line of vision it's a
disaster so if you hear a fuss and
that's why but okay let's jump right
into the Sephora vib sale and I'm saying
be as in beauty not P as in Paul and I'm
gonna explain to you exactly what it is
because if you're new to it then you're
gonna be like what the heck what's
what's up so what it is is that when you
are an insider so basically you know you
give them your email address and and
every time you buy sales you accumulate
points and when you hit certain brackets
throughout the year of spending it gets
you to a different level so the levels
are Rouge vib and insider so Rouge is
the top tier and that started on August
24th so the sale goes until September
3rd they got earliest access because
they're the top tier of spenders and
they get 20% off of their purchases
during the sale the next is the vib and
that is that starts on the 30th which
I'm filming today on the 29th but this
video will be up on the 30th and so
today it's open to both the VIPs and the
insiders VIPs get 15% off of everything
and insiders get 10% off of everything's
just so that you know and this is in
store and online by the way it's not
sponsored I just wanted to share the
love because it's Sephora and who
doesn't love Sephora so what I did
instead of my you like I've watched a
few of these videos because a lot of
people are talking about the sale and
what they would buy and the one thing
that I would do personally is I would be
spending whatever budget I allocated to
this sale I will be putting it towards
the products that are pricier because
that makes the most sense you're gonna
get the most bang for your buck and so
what I did was I divided up my favorite
brands and I made a huge list
oh it's bleached out but I made a huge
list it's two bits a two cider of what
it is that per brand that I would buy so
I'm gonna jump right in so I'm gonna
first kick it off with Marc Jacobs Marc
Jacobs is a little bit on the pricier
side of
products obviously it's a higher-end
brand I'm newer to the Marc Jacobs
bandwagon and there are particular
products that I have been using in this
probably past year so that I just
absolutely loved one of which is the
bronzer so this guy is the tantalizer
bronzer or tantastic am very tantastic
bronzer it's a matte bronzer and it's a
huge bronzer as you can see there's a
lot of product there which is awesome
the thing that I love about it is that
it is so mat but it is a very it's not
it's pigmented but not heavily pigmented
so it blends really well it's just a
fantastic bronzer it was discontinued
for a minute there and then all of a
sudden its back and guys run don't walk
run because I am obsessed with this
bronzer I think it's fantastic and it's
something that you should definitely try
another Marc Jacobs product that I love
that I talk about all the time on my
videos and I you guys asked about this
all the time this is the Marc Jacobs the
face to foundation brush again pricey I
love it though it's and I'm a big Beauty
Blender fan I have one always right here
I just used that one that's why it's so
dirty but that's another thing to invest
in is like stock up on your beauty
blenders while they're on sale but they
do who on sale pretty often at Nordstrom
but this I'm such a klutz this brush is
fantastic it really just gives you a
really flawless finish on your on your
foundation and I just I love the way
that it blends
I am completely obsessed I haven't used
a foundation brush in years I was only
using a Beauty Blender and then I
discovered this and I love it a couple
of other products that I love from Marc
Jacobs is their eye primer and then
let's see what else is it that I love oh
they have an eyeshadow palette that I
absolutely love please hold and I will
get it for you okay so I have I think
every single eyeshadow palette that Marc
Jacobs makes and my favorite is this guy
no but this is beautiful oh my gosh
isn't that beautiful this one is Glu
ambition so pretty this is my favorite
one it's called scandal lust and it's
because of that shade that shade that
shade and that
obviously I'm a big reddish fan for
eyeshadow it's just my thing especially
if you have green eyes just really makes
your green eyes pop love this palette I
think it's fantastic the quality is
amazing the pigment is unreal it's
beautiful the shimmer of slash glitter
colors just pack on beautifully and not
if I don't if I recall not a crazy
amount of Fallout which is something
that I always look for when I'm doing a
glittery shadow so I highly recommend
these and like I said the eyeshadow
primer is great it's a coconut one and
then their foundation I've only used it
a couple of times but it's a it's more
of a medium coverage and I actually
really like it the only thing I would
say is that it's a smaller bottle it's
it feels like you get a lot less product
than you would say like a bottle of
nonono covergirl but maybe I should look
at the the weight maybe I'm wrong about
that but it just feels like it's less
because it's a very thin bottle and
maybe it's just like a visual like
illusion that's what I'm trying to say
but yeah these are my must-haves for
Marc Jacobs and if you're going to
invest in the brand those are the top
picks for it in my opinion okay so the
next brand on my list is it cosmetics
I'm opening a bag right now they
actually sent me a whole new bag of
products in the mail that I just opened
up yesterday just okay first let me tell
you why I picked 8 cosmetics ok so I
love it cosmetics because it is so
awesome for everybody and I'm talking
everybody like no matter what age you
are no matter what type of skin I just I
love it cosmetics and I have yet to try
a product of theirs that I'm like me I
don't like it I really do I like every
single product and love a bunch of them
so one of the products that I absolutely
love is the CC cream have it on right
now it's a great coverage it's so good
for everyday and it's got 50 SPF I'm
really big into SPF lately but what they
sent in the package it's the CC cream
and it's the new oil-free matte and
there's 40 SPF in it oh my gosh I'm so
excited about that
oh this is cute it's time to meet your
CC soul mate and they included what else
was the heavenly skin brush I'm very
excited to try these the oil free to see
how they compare to the illumination
because I feel like the illumination
looks so good so I use this all the time
and then when I set it with is the air
see see powder I am a medium and then a
medium tan and the combination just is
fantastic so it was not yesterday but
two days ago I I have like a breakout
going on right here which I don't know
if you can see it but it's it's on the
way out and all I had on my face was
this this CC cream I had some concealer
tiny bit of mascara had my brows and had
this and maybe a small amount of blush
no bronzer nothing and I'm sitting in
the living room and that listened me
goes do you have makeup on today because
your skin looks really good and like
that was just a really nice compliment
especially being that I had a breakout
going on so I know that this really does
make your skin look great plus I'm
trying out a whole new skincare routine
right now that I'm hopefully gonna share
with you guys but it's a full-on routine
and it's a mixture of all different
products and I'm testing and trying them
out to see what works but these ones are
must-haves love their universal brow
powder gel it's Universal taupe it's
literally matches every single brow
color out there I love their brow gel um
what else do I love Oh their mascara
their superhero mascara is fantastic
their concealer their miracle water I
use that every day so yeah it's just a
fantastic brand I feel like you can't go
wrong with it
and it's something that when it's on
sale scoop it up and take advantage and
you know what if I were you I would buy
Christmas gifts because every single
person that I have recommended it
cosmetics to absolutely loves it it's
fantastic up next is Laura Mercier big
Laura Mercier fan and there's so many
products of hers that I love I love her
primer use it every day I've been using
the hydrating one but I really really
love the secret brightening powder I've
used this for several years now pretty
much every single makeup tutorial that I
do you're gonna see this powder recently
she the Branson over this new blush that
they have it's in peach and I have it on
right now and I think it's really
beautiful it's buildable it's the kind
of sheer so you do have to build it a
little bit but then it looks beautiful
on then I picked up the highlighter
palette during the Nordstrom sail her
highlighters are incredible her tinted
moisturizer is incredible everything
Laura Mercier does is wonderful so
that's another
product brand / brand that like can do
no wrong in my opinion okay next up on
my list is GA and I'm opening up my
little handy dandy I keep a little thing
of lipsticks right here these are the
ones that I reach for all the time and
let's see how many are you a in here
right ii enough for jus a products a lip
liner a lip topper and sunset ii and
then a lip cream and praline
and then a high pigmented lip gloss and
PCH like i literally always have jouer
and i know if you were to go look in my
bag that I'm carrying right now I'd have
at least one G a lip product in there I
always have jouer on me it's just
something that I do the newest thing
that they have now is the rose gold
collection I just got this as a PR
package in the mail and I can already
tell you I'm going to love it because
I've seen it all over social media but
these are the new products that are in
there that are in the kit and they have
four new lip products we've got a lip
cream a lip top or lip gloss another lip
topper and then their blush duo's are
fantastic these are their new shades
right here but what I'm really excited
for is this eye shadow palette I think
that these colors are incredible for
fall and I think that they're gonna be
oh my gosh so pretty I cannot wait to
try this out but that's another brand
that I would highly suggest if you're
new to g'way so for a sale is the
perfect time to invest in something from
them to try out if I were just starting
out and you are a new nude lip fan I
would go immediately to their lip creams
because they we're so awesome I remember
putting on a jus a lip cream before a
flight and it was like a five or six
hour flight like before I even went to
the airport and then got to wherever I
was going hours later like it was like a
nine-hour day and I still had the lip
color on because it just wears so
awesome so I would just really suggest
that that's where you start but I gotta
say this eyeshadow palette looks
incredible too so again jouer is awesome
and there's so many awesome products
that you could try at a discount
all right I've been talking your guys's
the ears off way too long so I'm just
going to just
quickly go over my list of other things
that I would just highly recommend I'll
pop them in the description bar below so
that you can easily reference them and I
go with a pencil and just mark them off
but next is Estee Lauder I love their
advanced night repair I use it
constantly I think it's great and I also
love their foundation they just sent an
entire package of new foundation that I
haven't tested out yet and I'm really
excited to try that actually I'm gonna
show you the box please all okay so this
is the SA Ladder box of foundation and I
don't even know how to like get this all
on camera cuz it's so huge but they sent
every single shade there's a little
video that plays there and then when you
pull out the drawers on the side they
sent over another Beauty Blender some
product there some foundations to try
out like I said I just got this
yesterday so I haven't tried them out
yet but I am very familiar with their
foundation it's great they also sent the
smoother and be set and refresh right
so I love Estee Lauder like I said their
skincare is among some of my favorite
it's in my my repertoire if you will and
I even get Matt to use it a lot of times
so it's really good next brand is NARS I
love their their lip gloss is a cult
classic in Turkish Delight like Kim
Kardashian put that on the map but I
also love their lip pigment an American
woman I think this is a beautiful shade
if you haven't tried these they're new
and they're fantastic and they wear so
long I actually gave one too
I believe it was my mother-in-law and
she texted me or called me afterwards
and told me that she wore it and it
lasted like 12 hours and she was blown
away with how well they wear and it's
true I've worn these and they are great
and they don't dry your lips out I also
love their creamy radiant concealer and
I love their blush also both of those
are called classics the blush and orgasm
everybody knows that okay and then last
but not least him and just tell you a
few more brands to check out that are on
my list because their favorites of mine
make up forever incredible foundation I
live in decay oh my gosh they're naked
heat pallet I have it on right now I
wear it everyday I'm constantly reaching
for it Urban Decay has a million awesome
products I don't even know where to
begin because I love their settings
where I said my face
with it every day if I'm not using that
that I'm using Mac there lip products
are great everything is great urban
decay benefit brow oh my gosh I use
their brows every day I'll link that
also I'll put it in the description bar
Moroccan oil huge fan of Moroccan oil
I've recently gotten back into it I use
it in conjunction with Nioxin and I just
love the way it makes my hair smell feel
and look dry bar oh my gosh I love my
dry bar straightening iron and curling
wand I've pretty much gotten rid of
everything else and only have been using
those exclusively lately and then last
but not least is Kat Von D I was such a
huge Kat Von D fan for so long and I've
kind of gotten away from I hurt a lot of
her stuff
only because I really loved her
foundation because it was such full
coverage but it oxidized very easily so
I kind of quit using it but what I will
say is that her concealer and her
translucent powder and her contour kit
are all worth every penny they're
fantastic great quality and I just
highly recommend them that is a lot of
information I hope your heads not
spinning because mine kind of is right
now because there's just so much good
stuff obviously you're not gonna run out
and buy every single thing that I just
named but at least it gives you an idea
of the top brands that I am highly just
loving right now highly loving just like
really bad English use ear words and I
feel like I see that every single video
use your words and probably because I
say that in life to myself everyday
anyways that is my list I'm forgetting a
million things I'm sure because I I you
know play with makeup on like an
everyday basis and I love it all so I
hope you guys enjoyed this video leave a
comment below and let me know what are
you buying from the Sephora sale I have
a couple things that I'm thinking about
going and getting a couple of things
that I really really really really want
so I might I might run out and get them
tomorrow or order them online I mean I'm
not really sure yet but these are the
things that I think you should
definitely consider and like I said let
me know in the comments what you're
gonna get alright guys thank you so much
for watching love y'all so much au
For more infomation >> Sephora VIB Sale Recommendations - Top Product Picks That You Need To Buy - Duration: 16:04.-------------------------------------------
Avengers 4 GALACTUS Is The Power Stone REVEALED!? You Won't See This Coming! - Duration: 7:44.
voted into existence and the remnants of
these systems were forged into
concentrated ingots infinity stone he
stones it seems can only be brandished
by things of extraordinary strength
observe these carriers can use the stone
to mow down entire civilizations like
wheat in a field once what a moment that
group was able to share the energy
amongst themselves but even they were
quickly destroyed by it
what is good youtube Warstu here with a
video on Avengers 4 so it's coming up to
September that's when the infinity war
blu-ray officially comes out over here
so I'm starting my giveaway on this
video I'm gonna be giving away up to
three at least one so all you got to do
is subscribe to the channel make sure to
like share and comment down below who is
your favorite MTU villain and why so
today's video is insane and it's come
from a fellow youtuber who I speak to
called the cosmic Wonder don't worry I
spoke to him back going over this theory
and he okayed it so he's a fellow
youtuber in the Marvel creator community
that we have here pretty awesome dude
so yesterday post an insane theory which
makes a lot of sense about Galactus
being the Power Stone or trapped in the
past own so make sure to subscribe to
him guys the link will be down below and
he's also been on my recommended channel
list for a while so guys make sure to
so yesterday I posted a video about the
Infinity Gauntlet snack waking up or
creating Galactus inside with a quantum
well but what if this isn't true and he
is in fact the power stone like this
video just say so ages ago there was a
theory are going around about the
finalists Easter Egg from guardians of
the galaxy B and Galactus inside the
celestial staff because of the helmet
but it was debunked by James Gunn
now James Gunn has nothing to do a
Marvel because they fired him due to
what was going on we don't know what the
final Easter Egg is ever going to be
although some people say it was
confirmed it wasn't really confirmed he
debunked it so the theory is Galactus is
the power stone or is trapped in the
Power Stone but to answer this question
you have to know what the infinitive
Infinity stones are throughout the whole
m2u we've learned a band from various
people in this video from the theory
I've said and where it's come from Odin
and the collector mainly are the sources
of information
our relics that predate the universe
itself what lies within
so in dark world
Odin said there were relics that predate
the universe itself then in gardens that
galaxy the collector went into more
detail about the creation itself there
were six singularities then the universe
exploded into existence and the remnants
of the system will forge into
concentrated in Gong's aka leo infinity
stone so in the flash there are remnants
there's time remnants when you
manipulate the timeline manipulate a
universe and kind of do stuff you're not
supposed to do it so that's not really
relevant to this I just thought it's
kind of funny that as remnants in the
MCU and there's remnants inside the
flashy universe so what this theory is
saying is both Odin and that the
collector said that these relics existed
before our own universe existed and when
it exploded these relics left from these
universe and the remnants pieces all
fought into Infinity stones hence why
they are so strong this is how and why
the Infinity stones were actually
created so how this theory worked is
really due to the origin of collectors
himself the lion who gained cosmic
abilities by passing a near star and
then the character was further developed
revealing that Galan lived during the
previous universe that existed prior to
the Big Bang which begun the current
universe as client universe became to an
end he merged with a Centon of the
universe to become Galactus an entity
that wielded such cosmic power as to
require devouring entire planets to
obtain his existence he's essentially a
source of power he is the power who is
Galactus the world eater
so the Galactus came before the current
universe before the Big Bang his
universe was wiped out and he could be a
remnant from the universe which could
easily be one of the six six seven six
singularities that we spoke about the
MCU and Marvel Comics aren't exactly the
same but Marvel directors like the Russo
brothers who made infinity war civil war
an event
for like to pull from the comic but the
Russo brothers pacifically won't carbon
copy anything from the comics but they
will take Emperor inspiration and they
will modify a story or talent in
different way so the power stone angle
actors are the same color we see this in
the gardens the galaxy Easter egg with a
celestial and that's why most people
think that is the last Easter egg which
is interesting during the flashback we
see a celestial with what looks like the
Power Stone and the helmet looks like
practice helmet wiping out a whole
planet which shows the true power of
Galactus the world here and obviously
their similarities so if you follow this
video the idea that Galactus could
either being a Power Stone or be stuck
in that the Power Stone makes a lot of
sense but who could have actually
brought them in there I'm not sure in
the comics it was the watcher so maybe
they could do it and here so I don't
know guys it would be a really
interesting concept I know what some
people would say but would you the fox
deal hasn't gone through well yeah he is
part of the Fantastic Four and that kind
of stuff but you never know they might
have a secret deal like I said in
yesterday's video that could allow
Galactus to be SERP for the Avengers 5
overall villain he could appear it could
be a little cheeky Easter Egg telling
you oh my god Galactus is stuck in the
Power Stone you got remember cuz we
never seen the Power Stone get taken did
we it got took from Xander but that
scene got deleted did it get deleted
because of the hole he is Galactus stuck
in the Power Stone I think it's very
interesting so guys I like I said that
the style video make sure to check out
the original video from the cosmic
Wonder is links in the bio it's also in
the community and I sorry it's also in
the feature channels at the left at the
right off the top of the channel so guys
would love to know what you think about
his theory I think it would be insane I
know - like this videos back to back I
am working on an Adam warlock video I
think there is a way the Adam warlock
was secretly inside infinity war and
Avengers 4 so I'm posting that later on
if I've got time should be posting it a
couple of hours after this two or three
hours out of this
if I get time so I call his guys check
out the competition let me know who's
the best MCU villain ever and don't you
say that offs please please because we
want a nice low-key jokes anyway guys
please like subscribe and comment and I
will catch you in another video very
soon catch you
Is Caffeine Why You Feel Like S&#T? - Duration: 6:46.
all right so let's speak about caffeine and why it really may be the reason
you're feeling like crap feeling tired you know paradoxically caffeine actually
makes a lot of people tired and many people don't realize this many people in
fact don't realize how strong caffeine is because it is a drug it's a stimulant
it has profound effects on the brain but it's something that people underestimate
just because of how widespread its use is I think it's somewhere of upwards of
70 to 80 percent of Americans at least have at least one cup of coffee or some
sort of a beverage that contains caffeine a per day so it's extremely
widely used but misunderstood so basically how caffeine works is that
when you ingest it it blocks something called adenosine which naturally builds
up as you get more tired so basically it blocks this so it prevents you from
getting tired and increases things like cortisol the stress hormone and this
also leads to you being more alert as well as increasing things like
catecholamines like norepinephrine increasing ketone bodies caffeine
actually mobilizes fat too so you know caffeine is great it helps with your
physical performance it's been shown in studies to help with
the working memory but the problem is that these benefits are short-lived
after you become dependent on caffeine because once you're actually dependent
on caffeine and it only takes about a cup of coffee per day for this to occur
all you're doing by giving yourself that boost physically or mentally or both is
alleviating the withdrawal symptoms you experience so you go to bed you wake up
you feel tired you feel like crap because you're having withdrawals from
the caffeine you have your coffee and the cycle continues as you continuously
think that you're getting a benefit from caffeine but in fact if you were to go
off caffeine if you were to allow receptors in the brain to re sensitize
then over time you would feel just as good if not better without a dependency
on something like caffeine what caffeine is actually doing in the body isn't
creating energy right it's basically giving you an advanced on energy it's
giving you energy and then it's gonna take that away late
as you crash your ballroom energy and once you get in the cycle of
continuously borrowing energy and never using any of your own you're gonna feel
it with some negative side effects of caffeine there are some other negatives
of caffeine increased risk of anxiety especially if you're already prone to
that it's going to exacerbate that because of the increase in cortisol that
it causes and now let me be clear I'm not saying it's bad I'm not saying that
having a cup a day is as bad if you can manage with that and that's perfectly
okay even to I mean there are many correlation studies which link caffeine
to a decreased risk of degenerative brain disorder disorders like
Alzheimer's there's even a correlation with a longer life for those who consume
more coffee up to four cups a day generally teens tends to be optimal for
life expectancy when looking at correlation studies these are just
correlations but you know certainly caffeine isn't something that's
dangerous to the extent of other narcotics obviously but um what I am
saying is that we are in general drinking too much and I don't advise
that you drink it to the extent where it becomes something you're dependent on
that's never a good idea to be dependent on something it's always good to have
your baseline your normal self where you're not stimulating yourself with
caffeine or nicotine or alcohol and then use it as a boost when required for
example before a workout or on a day where you feel particularly tired
rather than utilizing it as a crutch everyday in order to get up and live
your life now again I'm not saying that that's a bad thing you can do that but
if you personally have been feeling tired and you're not sure why maybe even
anxious maybe even your performance in the gym isn't as you want it to be and
you've been consuming caffeine on a regular basis for a long time and
gradually building up the dose of it as you become more tolerant to it then I
would highly recommend decreasing it not permanently not I'm not saying that's
the best course of action but if you haven't and you've been doing it for
five years and you might as well give yourself a few weeks where you go off
the caffeine just to see how your body responds now do be warned that you will
experience withdrawal symptoms from stopping the use of caffeine especially
if you go cold turkey and you completely eliminate it you're probably going to be
bed bound if you've been reliant on several couple of coffee per day for
several years so you know a good idea it can be to slowly kill it cut it down by
drinking decaf mixing it with decaf you know reducing the cups of coffee from
three one week to two the next week to one the next week or you could just call
go cold turkey and brace through those first few days of feeling like crap but
you know through my own personal experience and other anecdotes I've read
online after you do quit caffeine you're going to have much more stable energy
instead of having that cup of coffee in the morning feeling that energy and then
crashing a few hours later the energy that you do have although it may not be
as intense and exciting and euphoric the moment you wake up will be much more
gradual and you'll be more productive overall paradoxically as you have more
stable energy to take you through from morning to night so that's definitely
something you want to consider the best part about reducing your caffeine intake
and you know ideally eliminating it almost completely is that when you do
use it when you want to use it for example if you're very tired and you
still want to go to the gym but you really need a boost when you do use it
in that circumstance you're actually going to feel the positive effects of it
and get a real benefit rather than just alleviating the withdrawal symptoms you
were experiencing so that's probably the best part so I
highly advise that you form a relationship with caffeine more similar
to the one most people have with alcohol you know wake up and have a drink you
know you have a drink on the weekend to have fun with your friends for example
if you do that if you don't it's fine and just like that it's good to have
that relationship with caffeine where you use it once in a while for a workout
once in a while when you need to do an all-nighter for a project you're working
on that's kind of the relationship I think you should have with any sort of
stimulating substance which does have profound impacts on the brain so that's
it for the video leave your thoughts down below on caffeine and I'll I'll see
you guys later
Ali-A Intro MEME COMPILATION #2 - Duration: 11:11.
okay see you well come on Jenna our FBI
is watching me oh my god this meme is so
funny these people on Twitter are saying
that the FBI is watching them through
this webcam hi webcam hey FBI
dies you won't believe best this is
I just found out my dad died of cancer
that's really hard it is hard isn't it
I'm cut again now this keep up keep on
doing that keep on doing that until
again sir rhythm
I really hate to say this I think it's
not hanging right there
it's Rea gay and I guess this is a good
time to address this question since so
if you guys ask the answer is yes
what a fucking
hey Chuck
Wow Wow Wow this is nuts
he's collector's car oh my god
hey guys is comedy short scape hey dot
don't do that Dad what hey guys is
comedy shorts gamer
your dick is
let's see so we have one more thing meme
haha oh that's such a funny meet wait a
minute oh my god that's me what happened
to my face
winter is coming winter is coming winter
is coming winter is coming
hey guys I don't feel too good
what's happening to me I don't want to
go I don't want to disappear no no
why is some trouble our nation
I'm your host killer keemstar love
I'd into the noon
do it
really loaded today
this is gonna be the biggest verse troll
in the history of food life is literally
looking at
after Bill after Bill
what what is it
Yanni all lower
I'm fastest fuck-boy still fastest fuck
boy eat come gets up I don't think you
have any idea how fast I really am I'm
fast as fuck boy
hey everybody welcome back to another
episode of Kickstarter crap now fucking
jump head that I could use man let's do
some fucking bad bad he's so bad man are
you kidding me girl because of the
Stupak great
thank gosh it's me put the pie in today
I'm accountable doing Ana mean with you
okay sorry my beard keeps falling off so
today the meme review is going to be of
these memes I found on the Internet so
first we have this one
jump down jump down and then say
something fucking gay shit okay
you get so mad and you just break all
this shit
Noobs Cheaters Liars & Cryers of Max Payne 3 VOL1 mr-23e44 TheB3ST_-CHR1S ARES2010 AFEX CREW - Duration: 0:16.
when you stub your toe.. - Duration: 0:22.
when you dont have a editing program and cant cut off this part (me)
amazing walk cycle, 10/10
timing is great aint it?
rip toe ;( 1 like = 1 prayer
when you stub your toe..
when you still dont have a editing program and cant cut off this part (me still)
3D Model of Volkswagen Caddy 2018 Review - Duration: 3:36.
Grant Woods: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com - Duration: 12:06.
Grant Woods: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com
Google Labeled for Reuse Grant Woods is speaking at John McCain's funeral Thursday.
Grant Woods, former Arizona Attorney General, will be speaking at Senator John McCain's funeral Thursday morning.
Woods describes his personal and professional relationship with McCain as a "heck of a ride.
Woods served as Attorney General of Arizona from 1991 until 1999.
He was a staunch supporter of McCain in his race for the Republican U.S.
Senate nomination against J.
Hayworth in 2010, and was McCain's chief of staff when he was a congressman.
Here's what you need to know about Woods:.
Woods Was Close to McCain & Called Him a "Warrior".
Woods was close to McCain, remembered him as "warrior," and told KNXV that "it was [his] time.
" He remembers him as someone who didn't enjoy just sitting around waiting to die, and that he was a "fighter" who was ready to go.
In a heartwarming interview with the Arizona Republic, Woods told a story about McCain's time as a prisoner of war in Vietnam, and how a man brought him "gruel" every day while he was in solitary, and every day the man demanded that McCain bow to him.
Every day, McCain told the man to "f-himself," according to Woods.
Woods has often been referred to as Arizona's most famous RINO, or Republican in Name Only.
He ran a private legal practice in Phoenix, and began his career as a politician in 1983 as chief of staff to John McCain.
Although he served as Attorney General for eight years, he has "since broken with the GOP establishment by endorsing some Democrats in local elections," according to the Arizona Republic.
As an attorney, Woods was esteemed.
Since returning to private practice in 1999, he has won many multi-million dollar verdicts, including "successful litigation involving antitrust, fraud, breach of contract, wrongful termination, medical malpractice, and toxic torts," according to Grant Woods Law.
He was also elected to the International Academy of Trial Lawyers, which is limited to the top 500 trial lawyers in the world.
Happy birthday to the really old guy.
Many more to come.
Thanks for being my friend and hero all these years.
pic.twitter.com/W5oemOqv8S — Grant Woods (@GrantWoods) August 29, 2017 .
Woods is a Playwright & Wrote a Comedy Called "The Things We Do".
He staged a reading for his play at Theater Works back in 2016, as part of the annual Dan Schay New Works Festival.
The performance featured Hollywood actor Rob Estes, according to the Arizona Republic.
"It's two couples approaching middle age whose lives all become intertwined, and they have to figure out what their lives are all about with each other," Woods told the Arizona Republic.
"So it's kind of a modern relationship comedy.
It's fun, but it has its serious moments.".
Although he chose a more "practical" career path, Woods wanted to be a writer before he became a politician.
In the past few years, he has focused on a plethora of creative endeavors, including "The Things We Do.
"I reached a point in life where I just said, 'OK, I've kind of done it all on the legal side.
If I'm going to do this writing, if I want to do it, now's the time,'" he said. "I didn't need to have a clear path in that I didn't have to support myself necessarily by writing.
So that gives you a lot of freedom, obviously.
You can write what you want to write.
And it took me in different directions.".
Woods Has Written Children's Book & a Novel, On Top of Several Screenplays & Songs.
According to the Arizona Republic, Woods has written screenplays, songs, a children's book and a novel.
In 2015, he put together an album called "The Project" that features Arizona musicians Ray Herndon, Francine Reed, Hans Olson and Nils Lofgren of E Street Band fame.
He even started his own label, Bright Angel Records, to release the CD, the Arizona Republic reports.
"I am dedicated to promoting the arts in Arizona — within Arizona and promoting Arizona's talents to the rest of the world," he told the Arizona Republic.
"I've lived here my whole life, so I know Arizona has great talents across the board.
I think we're under-recognized for that.
Check out some of his music below:.
He told the Arizona Republic that he'd like Arizona to be known for more than just "crazy politics," which is a driving force behind his motivation to promote music and art in the state.
He Led a Successful, Humble Life & Founded Several Organizations, Including the Mesa Boys & Girls Club & an Outreach Program That Helps Prevent Elder Abuse.
He graduated from Occidental College in 1976, where he was a member of Phi Beta Kappa, according to Grant Woods Law.
He graduated from Arizona State University College of Law in 1979 and was the 1999 Alumnus of the Year from the law school.
"Woods was President of the Conference of Western Attorneys General and chaired the Civil Rights and Supreme Court committees for the National Association of Attorneys General.
He was selected by his peers as the nation's top attorney general in 1995," Grant Woods Law reports.
Woods founded the Mesa Boys & Girls Club, the Mesa Education Foundation, and the Mesa Arts Academy, according to Grand Woods Law.
The Boys & Girls club is named after Woods.
He and his wife also helped launch the Phoenix Children's Museum, where the Woods family sponsors a construction exhibit.
Woods has won several awards from a plethora of organizations, including the American Cancer Society, Salvation Army and the Children's Action Alliance.
He also created a community outreach program that helps raise awareness and prevent elder abuse called MEAPA, Grant Woods Law reports.
Woods is Married With Five Children & Endorsed Hillary Clinton for President in 2016.
Woods is married to former Fox and CBS anchor Marlene Galan Woods.
They have five children: Austin, Lauren, Cole, Dylan and Ava.
According to Grant Woods Law, Austin is a Phoenix attorney and Cole recently graduated from the Dodge Film School at Chapman College.
His youngest daughter attends school at the Arizona School for the Arts in Phoenix.
According to Wikipedia, during the U.S.
Presidential election of 2016 he was the only Arizona Republican to have "held high office to endorse the Democratic candidate for President, Hillary Clinton.".
"Hillary Clinton is one of the most qualified nominees to ever run for president," he said during the election.
"Donald Trump is the least qualified ever.
The stakes are too high to stand on the sideline.
I stand with Hillary Clinton for president.".
QuickBooks Online Budget - Duration: 9:58.
Hi, Kerry here from MyQuickBookKeeping.
Did you realize that you can put your organization's budget inside Quickbooks?
Today, I'm going to walk through the steps.
I'm going to show you the different methods to put the numbers in, the different options
you have to split it out, and then at the end, we'll have a look and see the reports
that show your budget and then the report that will show your budget against the actual
That's the important part!
Here we are in a sample company.
And from the gear icon, have a look at under Tools and select Budgeting.
We're going to add a new budget.
In the top right hand corner, select the green button.
Let's name our budget, 2018 Budget.
Here we go.
There is no need to change the fiscal year.
And here we have the options for different intervals.
We can divide this budget over twelve months, quarterly or even yearly which would require
us to just enter one number for each of the different categories that we have.
This should be useful if you're doing a high level budget over a number of different years.
You could then run a report over the years just to compare those totals.
We're going to use monthly intervals today.
We have the option to pre-fill the data.
So we can use either last year's actual numbers.
This would be nice if you wanted to look over the actual results and then make any changes
based on your assumptions for the year ahead.
I don't know perhaps increase sales ten percent, reduce your rent if you are moving,
just different things that based on what you had from the prior year.
That makes sense hopefully.
Or we can pre-fill with the actual data of 2018 and because we're halfway through the
year, I'm going to select that option.
Now as you can see here, the table is being filled with numbers up to date.
So while I am doing this, here in July 2018 we have numbers up to July 2018.
Now, this next option is really great.
You can prepare a different budget for every class or the specified customers.
Let us have a look and see what that looks like.
Perhaps you have a different budget for each of your sales departments and you would like
to set targets and run reports.
You could change the name here to the 2018 budget for salesperson 1.
And then you could go to here.
Select all the customers who are served by salesperson 1.
So we just go, click down all of salesperson 1's customers, maybe they still have the
A's B's and C's.
Let's see.
And then we would press tab.
There we go.
And we've pre-filled only for those particular customers.
It doesn't look like much happened so sales been made into one of them and some cost of
good sold.
But if you had a different budget for each of the salespeople or for each different customer,
zone or how you want to divide it up, you could have a different budget for each of
Now, if we split by class, we then have the option to have a budget for each one of our
classes and you can see for this particular sample company, it is divided into 4 geographic
regions and admin.
Not specified is typically transactions that you don't have a class assigned to.
Usually, you get a warning, yeah I wouldn't expect to see a lot of numbers in not specified
but sometimes it happens.
Now, if we select East here, we'd want to rename our budget, the "2018 Budget East".
Then we can easily see the budget for the east.
If we dropdown here and we create a budget for the west, for example or the north, we'll
go for the north.
And we type north here.
Here we go.
We can toggle between these two budgets right here.
So then it would be north and then we toggle between the budget for the north and the budget
for the east.
I don't think there is actually much in here.
Yeah, a little bit but not much.
But today, we're going to prepare a sample budget by month for the whole year.
And we're not going to subdivide it.
So let's click down here, create budget, just a little bit of an odd thing because
it doesn't actually create the budget.
It takes us to a page where we can create the budget.
So let us scroll down to sales here.
We have 2000 in February, 1500 in April, let us continue that pattern.
So just remember I am using a sample company and in your organization you know what your
sales are going to be.
You are not just going to be random and making it up like I am.
So sales of product income here.
We can see a total so far this year of 19,050.
So let us just do a little bit of math.
Let us remove that July number of 3900.
So we have 19050-3900.
It gives us 15,150.
And let us divide that by 6.
We have an amount here of 2,525.
I want to show you how auto-fill works.
So let us go to August.
Type out 2525 in here.
And auto-fill the rest of the year.
We have that same amount across the year.
We are now expecting to have sales of product income at 31,675 dollars.
Let us go down to the expenses.
We have interest coming in at 95 dollars a month.
Looks like that one's doubled up so we pop into here.
We'll type 95 dollars and we'll fill this automatically right across.
Now let us do the same for rent.
Here it is here.
And to lease payment $1,250.
We can see once again something odd has happened in May there where the expenses doubled up
and there is nothing in June.
If this was your company, you would know what happened there.
Now let's say in November we are going to need some extra storage capacity.
So we know, we are going to have some extra expense for rent.
So will just increase this to $2,500.
So easy to change and enter these numbers as we go.
Depreciation is clearly the same each month.
Here it is.
So we can pop this one in as well.
We have to put in some numbers in Utilities.
Yeah, this could be a little bit more seasonal, different weather or climates, whether it
is colder in certain months or perhaps hotter and we need to run the air conditioning more.
So we'll just randomly put numbers in here.
We'll say in August, say it is 350.
And then press tab across to September, it is going to drop down to 300.
And in October, 250.
November started to get a little colder again and December, with lots of heating.
If this was your organization you would be looking at utilities bills, you would be looking
at your history, you wouldn't just randomly make numbers up like this.
So now you can see we've popped some numbers and we haven't filled everything in by any
Let's save this budget and see what happens next.
So here is our budget and what are our options.
Let us run a budget overview report.
In here we can see that we have put in some sales of product income here.
We have put in our rent here.
We have put some utilities in and depreciation is in here.
So these are the numbers that we entered in for the last half of the year.
Let us pop back out to the budget section.
I prefer to do it this way.
Go to budgeting.
If we have done different budget for east, west, north and south, then they would be
showing up here as well.
We also have the option to copy the budget.
It would be great if we have done it for the east or the west.
For example, then we could just copy it and change the numbers for every region we wanted.
Another option that we have here is to Run Budgets versus Actuals Report.
Now it is not going to be very interesting because of course, we filled it in with the
actuals for the first part of the year.
And then the last half of the year hasn't happened yet.
But this is the report that you would use to watch a progress against the budget throughout
the year as you filled in your actual numbers.
Now, if you go to the reports section, here reports on the left hand tab, and we scroll
down, we can see here we have the budget overview and the budget versus actual reports.
These are the two reports that we pulled up when we went to this budgets tab.
So once again, you can find the same thing in so many different ways with Quickbooks.
It makes it so easy for you to work with.
That was a very quick overview of what can be done with budgets in QuickBooks.
Obviously, you're going to put a lot more time into the planning before you start throwing
numbers around in there.
If you require most sophistication, there are some great third party apps.
Fathom is one that's particularly good.
You can upload your budget from an Excel spreadsheet right into the app, which integrates with
QuickBooks so you'll have a lot more reporting functionality from that.
If you have any questions, do reach out.
You can send me a message.
There's also a link below.
You can book a consultation and we can see perhaps if we could work together, which would
be quite exciting.
There's my month-end checklist so make sure you download that.
You will also get my newsletter, which will keep you up to date with any of the smaller
changes in QuickBooks perhaps things that I don't have a video on or details about
some of the apps that might help you to make the most out of your QuickBooks.
While you're down there, click like, subscribe to my channel and if there is anything else
you'd like to know about, please do let me know because my next video could be for you.
3 Reasons WHY Native Speakers DON'T Understand YOU - Duration: 11:18.
watch this video and learn the three
reasons why native speakers don't
understand you and how to change that
hey friends teacher Prix here to help
you talk to anyone anywhere anytime in
English thanks for joining me on another
video I appreciate you coming back but
if it's your first time here yes thank
you so much I hope I can help you with
this lesson make sure to subscribe so
that you don't miss any of my weekly
videos the first reason native speakers
don't understand it is accent and
pronunciation yes guys
why because strong accents may confuse
native speakers okay many students study
listening, grammar writing
but they don't focus on pronunciation and accent
reduction consequently when they travel
abroad or when they have an opportunity
to talk to a native speaker it gets a
little hard for the native speakers to
understand you, because the truth is you
were not practing how to reduce your
accent how to improve your pronunciation
the most common problems are to stress
the wrong syllables to pronounce to
stress the wrong syllables mispronounce
words vowel sounds consonant sounds
to stress the sentences incorrectly
the intonation is wrong I don't know if
it's in if it's a question or if it's an affirmative based on the intonation
because you don't have a clear
intonation and all of these things
together will make it very difficult for native speakers to understand you
Now, what do you need to do to change that
accent and pronunciation exercises need to be on the top of your priority
list if you are having problems if native speakers are having problems to
understand you okay think about it
actors do accent reduction lessons or improve their accent I am a teacher but
I'm always doing accent and pronunciation exercises
because I want to be clear I want to
make sure that people understand me so this is a continuous exercise now
imagine if you have never done it okay so make sure to do pronunciation and
accent reduction exercises to help you become a clear English speaker okay
awesome number two the reason why native speakers don't understand you or are
having problems to understand you is because your vocabulary and your grammar
are not on point now when I say that please keep in mind
that making mistakes is alright okay I'm not saying that you have to stop making
mistakes, no you will continue making mistakes I make mistakes everybody makes
mistakes the problem is when those mistakes stop
you okay there are some mistakes that will confuse native speakers and will
stop conversation and what are they the first one that comes to mind is tense
conjugation if you are having a conversation and you're constantly
changing the tenses present past future, present past best present you will
confuse any speaker not just native speakers it'll be difficult to
understand your story if you're not clear with the tense so this is a past
story is it a present story the speaker may be a little confused this
can and will stop native speakers from understanding you one thing that I also
noticed using the wrong words before and after many students confuse that so if
you confuse this in a conversation using before or using after the native speaker
will have a very difficult time understanding what you have to say so
make sure that you're very careful with the words you choose that you really
know what they mean because they can confuse people that's why I said the
vocabulary and grammar because it's not just grammar that stops conversation but
vocabulary and most of the times it's not
it's not because you don't know a word it's because you think you know the
meaning of that word you think you know how to use that word but you don't so
make sure that you work on that before you're having a conversation because
these things combined can do a terrible damage to your conversation
with a native speaker okay now what do you need to do to improve your grammar
and vocabulary when talking about grammar the first thing you need to have
is a clear understanding of the basic tenses past present future you need to
understand this basic lessons present past future because they stop
conversations all the time so it's a basic lesson okay learning the tenses
it's a very basic lesson but if you haven't mastered yet no problems but you
need to dedicate more time to studying it okay actually for my students I make
it like a routine to study these tenses because they are so important and they
stop conversations so make sure that you study them on a continuous basis okay
now vocabulary same thing but I would recommend studying vocabulary
that is connected to things you like to talk about okay because if you just sit
down and study vocabulary me and that's gonna take a long time because
vocabulary is so general so what kind of vocabulary do you want to study or do
you need to study that's a good way to start okay and then number three reason
why native speakers don't understand you especially if you are from
spanish-speaking countries or if your country's language come from Latin okay
false friends what is a false friend a false friend is a word that you believe
has a meaning but it doesn't it means something completely different from what
you think it is this is what we call false friends and this my friend
stop conversations it can make people very confused
I am a non-native speaker and I know a lot about false friends and sometimes
when my students use them with me I get confused I need a minute or two to be
like oh you're trying to say that I'm a teacher now imagine a native speaker
they can have many problems if you're using false friends and if you're using
the wrong words it's very similar to problem or chew up vocabulary but here
it's very specific it's about false friends words that we
believe mean something but they don't they look like something the
spelling is, makes you think they are something now what can you do study it
study fast friends okay there are many lists on the internet
that you can download and and read more about because the truth is that are many
false friends so start small then go big you don't need to download a
list with 100 false friends download a small list and start becoming familiar
with that list that's the best way for you to improve your knowledge of false
friends and start changing this okay breaking this habit alright
very nice now I have a bonus for you because I'm a cool teacher ha, killer
reason why native speakers don't understand you why did they make this to
the end because only the true followers watch until the end so if you are a true
follower write in the description #truefollower because I'm
watching it to the end so #truefollower okay and the
killer reason why native speakers don't understand you is you are trying to
explain things how you would explain them in your language yes if you are
doing that it doesn't matter if you're having grammar problems vocabulary
problems intonation problems the problem is how you structure the things to
explain to native speakers and if you are doing that thinking of your language
people will not understand you okay so you need to let go of this mentality of
explaining things how you would explain them in your language that's when I talk
about translation and how they stop conversation that's what I'm trying to
show you when I make this videos about translation this is the impact of
translation when we are communicating in English it's not that you're just
translating words all the time but you're doing that automatically when you
are communicating with someone in English okay what do you need to do well
I don't have a short cake recipe to share it with you it's a process okay if
you realize that you're doing this and I know many of you are okay I receive your
emails you are my true follower remember so I get your emails I see that you guys
do that so it's the process writing can help you
okay writing can help you a lot if you make this kind of mistake okay
writing and listening watching things can help you but especially writing
because you speak what you're right it doesn't matter if people tell me all
teacher I'm an excellent writer but I'm a terrible speaker no chances are that
in 90% of the cases maybe even more if you write well you speak well if you
don't write well you don't speak well and when I say writing well and not
saying about having a good range of vocabulary creativity imagination no I'm
talking about the structure I'm talking about explaining things in writing okay
so if you have problems to explain things in writing you will have the same
problems to explain speaking because imagine when you're writing you have
time to think so if you're having problems already to write this is the
same problem you have in speaking that's why I'm always saying that everything is
connected and if you're not doing one you're not improving the other okay so
this is the killer reason why native speakers don't understand you improving
that takes time and dedication and a lot of writing very nice guys I hope you
enjoyed this video if you found this information useful share it with your
friends it helps the channel grow and more people will improve their English
thank you so much and I'll see you next time bye
Audrey Rodrigue Missing: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com - Duration: 6:22.
Audrey Rodrigue Missing: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com
Facebook Audrey Rodrigue and her daughter Emily have been missing since Sunday after flying to California to go camping.
Audrey Rodrigue and her daughter Emily flew to California from Canada to camp along the coast, and weren't heard from again.
Authorities are asking for help in locating the mother and daughter, who disappeared last Sunday.
Rodrigue and Emily came to California to camp at various places throughout the state, according to Kron 4.
They rented a car at the airport, checked into a hotel in Burlingame, and then checked out at noon on Sunday.
They haven't been located or heard from since.
Here's what you need to know about the missing pair:.
The Mother & Daughter Flew to San Francisco & Stayed at a Hotel Last Weekend But Disappeared Sunday.
Rodrigue, 29, and Emily, 10, arrived at San Francisco International Airport on Saturday, rented a dark gray 2018 Ford Focus (license no.
8DIN900) and stayed the night at the Vagabond Inn in Burlingame, according to the San Mateo County Sheriff's Office.
They checked out the following day and were believed to be headed to a hotel at Pigeon Point but never arrived.
Rodrigue sent her boyfriend a text message Sunday, but he was unable to contact her after receiving the text, sheriff's officials said.
He reported the mother and daughter missing on Monday.
Rodrigue & Emily Had a Campsite Reserved for Tuesday & Campers Saw The Two Camping.
They had a reservation for the Fish Lake Campground, near Orleans, in Humboldt County for Tuesday night, according to NBC Bay Area News.
Park rangers checked the camp area, showed photos of the mother and daughter to other campers and staff, and asked around the area, according to police.
Both park staff and other campers claimed they thought the two were there, but left without knowing the rangers were looking for them, sheriff's officials said.
The neighbors and camp staff said Audrey and Emily did not appear to be in danger or distress, sheriff's officials said.
Rodrigue & Emily Were Adventurous & Enjoyed The Outdoors.
Based on Rodrigue's Facebook profile, the two enjoyed the outdoors and often did adventurous things together.
Pictures show them kayaking, hiking, rock climbing and learning how to surf in a pool together.
A picture of Emily rock climbing is captioned: "This little love of mine," while several other pictures of Rodrigue's daughter are captioned with heart emojis and words of love and affection.
Most of the pictures seem to be taken in Montreal, Quebec, where her profile states the two live.
Several pictures were also taken in Morocco, on Taghazout beach and near the Atlas Mountains.
Rodrigue is a Fan of Game of Thrones, Harry Potter & Exploring Dietary Changes for Health.
Rodrigue's profile states that she is from Vancouver, British Columbia, and enjoys music.
Radiohead, Iron and Wine, and Jared Leto are just a few of many bands she has "liked" on Facebook.
She's a fan of the TV shows Breaking Bad and Game of Thrones, and has liked several movies, including Juno, Harry Potter and Pineapple Express.
She also liked movies promoting dietary changes, including Forks over Knives and Hungry for Change.
Forks over Knives explore the possibility of people eliminating cancer and disease from their bodies by going vegan, and Hungry for Change discusses the diet industry's attempts at keeping people from losing weight and keeping it off.
Authorities Are Asking For Help in Finding Rodrigue & Emily.
The San Mateo County Sheriff's Office is asking for the public's help in finding Audrey and Emily and/or their rental car.
Anyone who sees them should call 911 or Detective Fava at 650-363-4192.
10 Ways Prison Is Better Than Your Life - Duration: 13:17.
Conscious Isolation: What Do You Need to Change? - Duration: 6:20.
Conscious Isolation: What Do You Need to Change?
Conscious isolation is isolation that a person chooses voluntarily because it is something they need or want.
However, there are some people that see it as a negative thing or a strange situation that they completely disagree with.
In the society we live in, isolation is not looked at favorably.
Because of this, we have the tendency to look for approval from others or to depend on our partners.
We don't want to be alone or feel separated from the rest of the world.
This is seen as something bad, but in reality, could it be something that we need?.
Conscious isolation helps us find ourselves.
Always depending on others and trying to please everyone simply because we are scared they might leave us on our own only leaves us exhausted in the end.
However, this isn't the worst of the consequences that result from these types of attitudes.
The worst is when we finally realize that we have lost ourselves on our paths.
Where is the person from before that we used to know so well? When did we stop listening to our own selves and start doing what others told us to do?.
With the smallest actions that we carry out day to day, we have learned to ignore our own thoughts so much so that we are living completely dictated by those around us.
However, there will come a time when we are suffering, when we are not happy, and we don't want to be around friends.
It's not that other people are toxic.
It's our fears, our continuous attempts to please everyone, our want to be perfect that have caused our relationships with ourselves to be toxic.
And this is dangerous for our health.
That's why conscious isolation helps us to find ourselves again.
The person that we truly are, that we left behind, but that we are now hoping to be again.
A new perspective.
Conscious isolation also gives us a new perspective about everything that is happening around us.
As we know, sometimes we make decisions that don't benefit us or we respond to situations in a way that we really shouldn't because we lack perspective.
Taking this time for ourselves will help us see problems as opportunities, mistakes as lessons, and people as mirrors that tell us about ourselves.
Having arrived at this point, we realize that conscious isolation has to happen when there is something in our lives that need a solution.
It could be because you have fallen into depression, you are not managing your relationships well, or because you have fears that you are not facing.
With all of these, there had to have been a disconnection with our true selves and it's important that you find yourself again.
Because, even though we may be looking for help, we know that the solution is within ourselves.
We just have to give it time and listen to ourselves.
The answer is always inside us, but it's true that sometimes we just need a push to help us.
However, changing the things we want in respect to ourselves is completely our own responsibility.
Conscious isolation lets us pamper ourselves.
When we have a problem, sometimes we forget to treat and care for ourselves.
This is because we are waiting for other people to do it for us, but we don't realize that we have to start by being the ones who do it for ourselves.
We are always worrying about other people, and we don't spend enough time worrying about ourselves.
Maybe it's because we think that it would make us seem selfish.
But, when conscious isolation calls it's because we need some time to concentrate on ourselves, and no one else.
Conscious isolation helps us to prioritize our lives, to take care of ourselves, and to listen ourselves when we have lost so much time and have forgotten who we are.
Spending time alone can be a very positive way to see a situation from a new perspective, to break away from emotional dependence, or to heal from the pain.
Avoiding conscious isolation when we feel and need it is a mistake.
Our fears, like the fear of losing someone, should not control us.
Our well-being should always come first.
Emmy Rossum Is Officially Leaving 'Shameless' - Duration: 4:32.
MFÖ - Sakın Gelme (Dont You Ever Come/ English CC) - Duration: 2:49.
Don't you ever come, my words are lost. I've been disgracing myself.
There's an ache in my heart, I kinda want to die.
I've been living so loudly for days. I've been unable to sleep, don't you ever come.
Don't you come, I'm not ready. I've been insane for days. I'm windy, my storm is cold.
Don't you even come, I don't feel like returning. I've been far far away.
There's a song on my mind in all the modesty, with lost words
I keep harping on it, don't you sing it.
Robert Chain: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com - Duration: 8:38.
Robert Chain: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com
Robert Chain is the 68 year old Encino, California man who authorities say was behind a series of death threats against Boston Globe employees this month.
Chain was arrested in California on August 30 and charged with one count of threats in interstate communications.
You can read the full criminal complaint against him here.
And you can read more about the threats against the Globe here.
Here's what you need to know about Robert Chain:.
The FBI Says Chain Started Making Death Threats to Boston Globe Employees After the Globe Launched an Editorial Campaign Against President Trump.
On August 10, the Boston Globe announced plans to carry out a nation-wide editorial campaign against President Trump and his alleged attacks on the media.
The Globe's editors said they wanted newspapers around the country to publish editorials on August 16 in response to Trump's statements about the media.
You can read more about that here.
As soon as the Globe announced its plans, the newspaper started receiving threatening phone calls an "unidentified male caller" who threatened to travel to the Globe's offices and kill its employees.
Newspaper staff recorded some of the calls and determined that it was the same male caller making all the phone calls.
Law enforcement later identified the voice — using "subscriber phone records" — as belonging to Robert Chain.
The Globe Asked For Extra Security After the Explicit Language and Death Threats Threats Frightened Its Staff.
The "male caller" who threatened Globe staff used explicit language that, in some cases, seemed to reference some of President Trump's statements, in some cases calling journalists "the enemy of the people.
In one angry message, Chain allegedly said, "You're the enemy of the people, and we're going to kill every f***ing one of you.
Hey, why don't you call the F, why don't you call Mueller, maybe he can help you out buddy.
Still there f*****? Alright, why, you going to trace my call? What are you going to do motherf***er? You ain't going to do s***.
I'm going to shoot you in the f***ing head later today, at 4 o'clock.
That call was made on Augusts 16.
In response to the call, Boston police mounted a patrol in and around the Globe's headquarters.
Police were stationed in the lobby and around the perimeter of the building.
Chain Owns Several Firearms, Including A New Rifle Purchased in May 2018.
The 68 year old Chain is a native of Encino, California.
The FBI says that in May, Chain bought himself a new 9mm carbine rifle.
He already owned at least one other gun.
The FBI did not say whether Chain has any prior criminal record.
Chain allegedly threatened to travel to the Globe's Boston offices and shoot reporters with his gun, after the newspaper launched a call for newspapers around the country to run editorials against President Trump's alleged attacks on the media.
Chain's Wife Is a Licensed Attorney in California.
Chain is married to Betsy Staszek Chain, who is an attorney in Los Angeles County, California.
She has been admitted to the bar in California since 1982 and has no disciplinary action on her record.
It was not immediately clear whether she would be involved in her husband's defense.
Chain was arrested in California on Thursday.
He was due to appear before a court in Los Angeles on Thursday and then was expected to be sent to Boston at a later date to face trial on one charge of making threatening communications in interstate commerce.
The special agent in charge of the iFBI's Boston Division, Harold Shaw, said in a statement that the FBI takes death threats extremely seriously and will not tolerate them, even if they are intended as hoaxes.
Speaking of Chain's arrest, Shaw said, "Everyone has a right to express their opinion, but threatening to kill people, takes it over the line and will not be tolerated.
Today's arrest of Robert Chain should serve a warning to others, that making threats is not a prank, it's a federal crime.
All threats are taken seriously, as we never know if the subject behind the threat intends to follow through with their actions.
Whether potentially hoax or not, each and every threat will be aggressively run to ground.".
If Convicted, Chain Could Spend Up to Five Years in Prison and Pay a Fine of Up to $250,000.
The charge of making threatening communications in interstate commerce provides for a sentence of up to five years in prison, and one year of supervised release.
The sentence could also carry a fine of $250,000.
Authorities say that Chain made approximately 14 threatening phone calls to the Globe between August 10 and 22, 2018.
On August 16, the day that the co-ordinated editorial campaign against President Trump appeared in newspapers around the country, Chain allegedly called newspapers and threatened to shoot employees in the head at 4PM.
That's when the newspaper requested, and received, police protection at Globe headquarters in Boston.
If Trump remains a bully, John McCain's funeral won't be the last he isn't invited to - Duration: 3:17.
Tess Holliday: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com - Duration: 12:49.
Tess Holliday: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com
Plus-Size model Tess Holliday has made the cover of Cosmopolitan.
Her life has been full of tragedy and beauty that lead her to this moment.
She celebrated today by sharing some of the photos from the shoot to her social media accounts, which drew mostly positive comments.
There were some who spoke out nearly condemning her.
Journalist and TV personality Piers Morgan was one of those people.
He shared the model's Cosmopolitan feature to his Instagram page with a caption that read: "As Britain battles an ever-worsening obesity crisis, this is the new cover of Cosmo.
Apparently we're supposed to view it as a 'huge step forward for body positivity.' What a load of old baloney.
This cover is just as dangerous & misguided as celebrating size zero models.".
Tess addressed Morgan's comment, "To everyone saying I'm a burden to the British health care system, I'm American so you don't have to worry about my fat a**.
Worry about what horrible people you are by whining about how me being on the cover of a glossy magazine impacts your small minded life.".
Despite negative voices, Tess continues to inspire millions.
"This cover is going to be a game changer for so many girls and young women!" She wrote.
Here's what you need to know about Tess:.
Her Mother Was Shot in The Head Twice by an Ex-Boyfriend When Tess Was 10.
Last year, Tess opened up about an tragic moment in her childhood when her mother was shot in the head twice by an ex-boyfriend and then left for dead.
"Most people don't believe me," Tess told Diana Madison in an interview.
"When I was 10 my phone was shot in the head twice by her soon to be fiancé.
She was left for dead.".
Tess' mother, Beth, had to learn to walk and talk again and remains partially paralyzed.
"I have to help her or someone has to help her walk steps.
She's in constant pain," said Tess.
After her mother was shot, Tess and her brothers split up.
Her relationship with them and her father remains strained.
Tess' mother spends half her time at the house Tess shares with her husband Nick Holliday and the other half at Tess' grandparents' house.
"It's been quite tough," said Tess.
Tess Confessed in Recent Months That There Are 'Crippling' Mental Health Issues She's Battling.
In a new interview for Cosmopolitan UK's October 2018 issue, Tess confessed that she's currently in "the worst mental health state of her life".
"I remember very vividly driving in the car with Bowie [her two-year-old son] and I thought to myself, 'I wish I could just disappear.
I wish I could vanish.' It felt at that point like I was causing everyone around me so much pain.
It felt like a never-ending black hole.
I was so tired of hurting… I just didn't want to be here any more," said Tess.
She didn't dive into details of why she felt like a burden on her family, but she did mention how the hateful comments she receives daily sometimes weigh on her significantly.
Tess explained how she was a size 16/18 her entire life until she gave birth to her son Rylee.
"I look back on those photos now and I don't wish I was that size, but what I wish is that I loved myself 120 pounds ago." Tess claims she is now the heaviest she's ever been but becoming more empowered than ever.
"It took me being the heaviest to finally love myself.
Tess Started The #EffYourBodyStandards Movement in 2013 to Promote Self-Love.
Tess started the #EffYourBodyStandards movement back in 2013 around the time she signed her first modeling contract.
The campaign reaches across social media platforms to champion women of every size, color and background.
Hundreds of thousands of people have joined the movement to redefine what beauty is and means to us as a society.
Tess usually features one woman a day.
Their photo and story is shared to the #EffYourBeautyStandards Instagram page where thousands of others celebrate them.
Tess told The Huffington Post why she started the hashtag.
"I got tired of being told what I could and couldn't wear by the media and how I should cover my body because of my size," she said.
"So I decided 'eff that,' I will wear what I want!".
"To me it's such a simple concept.
It's all about loving your body regardless of your size and chasing your dreams.".
Tess Recently Confessed That She And Photographer Nick Holliday Have Been Secretly Married For Three Years.
On July 5th, Tess shared an Instagram photo of her and long-time love Nick Holliday telling her followers that she married Nick on her 30th birthday.
"It's been 7 years of being loved by you Nick & here's to many more! (according to the health trolls I'm gonna die soon- so let's party until that happens)," Tess wrote in the caption.
She first broke the news about their secret wedding back in July 2017 on her Instagram page.
Entertainment news went crazy over it and so did her fans.
Tess and Nick first met in 2012 on Tumblr.
According to The Daily Mail, Nick reached out to Tess to tell her how much he appreciates her promotion of body positivity and of course, to tell her how beautiful she is.
They've been together ever since.
The two have a two-year-old son together named Bowie and are raising an 11-year-old son Rylee from Tess' previous relationship.
Tess has been extra vocal about motherhood.
She struggled with postpartum depression after giving birth to Bowie, but focused her mind on writing a book which she released in August 2017.
"I wanted to write a book for awhile but I didn't want it to be a book about my life.
I wanted it to be something that was going to help others.
I picked it up and started writing it in October when my baby was a few months old.
I wanted to write something that would help a ton of people.
I had a lot of life advice so why not put it all in one place.".
Tess Became The "Largest Plus-Size Model of Her Size And Height to be Signed to a Mainstream Modeling Agency" in 2015.
Tess moved to Los Angeles in 2010 with her son Rylee.
She was casted on A&E show 'Heavy' after the casting director found her through ModelMayhem.com where she had a profile under the name Tess Typhoon.
In the meantime, her social media presence continued to grow.
Her friend dared her to use the name Tess Munster for her profiles simply because she likes the TV show 'The Munsters'.
In January 2015, after four years of being featured in fashion blogs and publications like Vogue Italia and Nylon magazine, London-based modeling agency Milk Model Management signed Holliday to their plus-size division, Curves.
The news of Tess' signing made major news.
She became the largest plus-size model of her size and height to be signed to a mainstream modeling agency.
"It's something that I've wanted my whole life," Tess told USA Today.
"To even think that it's happened, it feels like an out-of-body experience.
I found out about plus-size modeling when I was 15, and I went to an audition in Atlanta.
They told me that I was too short and I was too big, and I would never model.
But I'm very hardheaded! I was getting shoved into lockers.
I was being called names.
Modeling really helped my confidence because I started seeing myself in a different light like, 'Wow, I'm actually pretty.'".
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