hello boys and girls I'm Jude the
unicorn and today we're going to be
learning about the long U vowel
sound we're going to be doing this by
looking at picture cards with words that
have the long u sound and when we find
words that have the long u vowel sounds
we're going to give them over to my good
friend ulysses the owl but ulysses the
owl only likes cards that have the
long U vowel sounds
- any cards that we find that don't have
that we must not give to Ulysses so will
you help me find the long u vowel sound
cards and give them over to Ulysses Wow
great let's go have some fun
so before we start we need to know what
the long you sound sounds like and it
sounds just like the letter U so if you
ever need to know what the long U vowel
sound sounds like it sounds like you or
so the first car that you see here is a
tune what does the tune word sound like
you hear the long view sound let's say
together - - it does have the O sound so
it is a long view Val
hey Lizzy's we have a tool here for you
do you want here you go
here's our next car it's a suit just
suit paliku sounds like the long you've
out suit suit it does have the cool
sound it is along you
hey Ulysses guess what we have a brand
new suits for you here you go
our next card is a tasting cake cake
this cake has the sounds in it seit now
I'll say cake do you hear the long you
Val sound I don't so I don't think cake
uses the long view sound so we are not
gonna give this card over to Ulysses
sorry Ulysses no cake for you today oh
here's something that was uses screw all
the time
it's glue glue does glue have the you
sound in it so it with me glue can I
hear you say it now I'll say it glue it
does have the Oh sound it's a long you
foul sound hey Ulysses we have some glue
for you
I could totally go for a glass of juice
juice do you hear the you sound the web
juice juice juice I sure do would you
like to give some juice over to Ulysses
cuz Ulysses loves juice because it has a
long new bell sound here Ulysses here's
some juice for you here's our next card
it's a red sock the sock has a long you
now sound stage with me suck suck
no sock does not have the long u vowel
sound so we're not going to give the
sock over to Ulysses sorry Ulysses not
this time our next car is a boot boot
say vote for me can you say it again
dear I'll say it boot this boot has a
long view vowel sound do you hear the
ear sound in boot I do too tell your
missus we have a fruit for you here you
and we have a bug here buck can you say
buck buck here I'll say it again - fuck
you here too long you've a sound in bug
you hit it boom sound and bug no buck
does having you in it it's spelled be
you g what it's not the long you Val
sound so we are not going to give this
bug over to Ulysses which I think
Ulysses will be very happy about can you
believe it when on our final card it's a
shoe shoe can you say shoe great you had
a long view sound shoe shoe I do as well
just what your Z's we have a sure for
you here you go
well boys and girls I sure had a great
time finding the longview vowel sounds
with you with all these cards we found
things like glue and juice and boots and
tubes and guess what your lucy's was
very very happy to play with you too
he's so happy that he has all these
clocks with the longview bell sound make
sure you check out our other videos
because we have many other videos
teaching you all different types of
lenses it was all different types of
characters just like me and hit that
thumbs up button as well make sure you
give this video a nice thumbs up and
subscribe to us if you haven't
subscribed to top dog toys we put out
videos every Monday and Thursday so
please check back and thanks so much
again and have some fun
For more infomation >> Learn the Long U Vowel Sound - Phonics for Kids Series - Duration: 6:58.-------------------------------------------
Protected Voices: Have You Been Hacked? - Duration: 2:49.
Hi, I'm Ronnee, a staff operations specialist with the FBI.
Today I'm going to talk about possible indicators that your computer system or devices may have
been hacked.
However, before delving into those, I want to emphasize the importance of adhering to
the cybersecurity principles outlined in the other videos in this series.
Chances are, by the time you realize that your systems may have been compromised, the
attacker has likely already taken most or all of your data and information.
Indicators, or symptoms, that your computer or devices have been hacked can vary from
nothing identifiable to the most obvious, like getting a ransomware message or having
your financial accounts drained.
Some of the more blatant indicators include:
Your password not working.
While this may be a temporary issue with an Internet connection or a requested website
having technical issues, it could also been an instance which an attacker has hijacked
your account and changed the password.
People receive emails or social media invites from you which you did not send.
Maybe you get large number of pop up advertisements.
Or you get fake antivirus messages.
You have unexplained online activity.
You have new browser toolbars, applications, or software which you do not recognize or
didn't install.
There are also indicators related to how your computer or device is behaving.
For example: your device suddenly slows down, you see a marked increase in data usage, your
device randomly restarts, or you're experiencing redirected Internet searches.
Attackers will also use subtle ways to avoid detection.
You may notice that your security software or anti-virus has been somehow turned off.
Your security settings on your device may have been changed, your logging or registry
editor may have been disabled, or system settings may have been altered or disabled.
Trying to identify if you have been hacked, and what may have been compromised, is a difficult
Even large corporations with large financial resources dedicated to cybersecurity fall
We hear or read about these incidents all of the time.
Campaigns shouldn't hesitate to hire professional cybersecurity experts, just as you would hire
professional video services for a campaign ad or catering services for a fundraising
Make sure you do your own research to identify a reputable firm.
Hardening your systems against attacks and thereby making yourself a harder target for
would-be cyber attackers is absolutely critical.
Use other videos in this series to enhance your campaign's cybersecurity posture and
Remember, your voice matters, so protect it.
【英語のうた・曜日】 "A Week Is Seven Days" by ABCmouse.com - Duration: 2:51.
seven days are in one week is something new that you may want to do with the
family Monday is the second day is on its way
Wednesday is the more paper and something that's fun
with three more days to go Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Friday Saturday then start again on Sunday Thursday a play date
outside you here's some raisin bread do a puzzle draw a picture read a story or
play a game Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday then
start again on Sunday a week in seven days
Saturday's the seventh day and now the week is done seven days go by so that
when you are having fun Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
on Sunday but we get seven days Sunday Tuesday Wednesday
say Friday and start again on Sunday but we get
seven day
4 Things Only A Really Good (Human) Agent Can Do - Duration: 5:23.
I'm Katy Clancy, CEO of The Cape House at William Raveis, and you are watching the
Cape House Show: where we give you the tips, tools, and sense of humor you're most
definitely going to need to get through the biggest transaction of your life.
Okay, so over the weekend I got this letter, and it just made my day.
Listen, when we do a good job, it's not weird to get a thank-you letter from
a client...this one really knocked my socks off.
"Katie, this letter is long overdue, but I wanted to express my gratitude for who
you are and what you've done for me. Enough can't be said about how you
handled our closing last summer - permitting issues and all - there is no
one else that I would have rather had on my team." And it goes on, and, like...
...I got nothing else, I'm done. But, really, it made me think about what's going on in
our industry right now. And right now, we have a lot of changes happening. It's
almost possible, I think, to probably take a real estate transaction from end to
end and never have any interaction with an agent. I think - I'm not sure if it's
100% possible right now, but it sure is close, and there are a lot of agents that
are really nervous that we're going to be extinct at some point.
And, not just because I don't want to be extinct, but for real - in studying what is
going on, and seeing the the grand scheme of things around the country, I am NOT
concerned that we all go extinct. I think that some will definitely not survive,
but the ones who do things like...you don't get letters like this for
nothing. This was a deal where three days before the closing we found
out there was a code violation in the house that my client was never informed
about. He was completely aboveboard, but it changed the house from a
three-bedroom to a two-bedroom. You can imagine the buyers' dismay at that. So
I won't go through all the details of what I had to do to keep this deal
together, but we kept it together. We got the right people, and we got building
inspectors, and I had contacts at the town that I knew. I was like "Oh please, you
have to help me with this. Who do I talk to? How do I figure this out? What's the
solution?" I got builders in there because, you know what, I'm married to one, and
he'll do me favors like that. And we finally - and let me tell you, it took a long time -
it was a sticky, dicey situation, but we got through it. We got all the way
through. Happily ever after! No machine is gonna do that for you. And I
started thinking about these other things like, "What other things do we
do or I do for my clients that's something that could not be
replaced by a system?" And I thought about it, and I have the wife of the Cape's
probably most popular and most requested home inspector - I have his wife's cell
phone in my contacts. And she answers my calls, you guys! Like she's happy to hear
from me. You need a home inspection? You need it fast? I can probably help you. Can
your machine do that? I don't think so. Another thing that we did was because of my
involvement with local land trusts in town. I knew
about a huge tax benefit that my client could take advantage of, and so now she
is going to get $75,000 in tax credits because I had that connection and hooked
her up. I'm actually working on it with another landowner right now to see
what they can do - not even just land, it's just big properties that
they could protect. I won't get into details. And then, finally, just little
things like - who else is gonna spend $50 on produce and wine just to stage
your house and then leave it in your fridge for you two days into the
listing? This girl. There's no app...you can't swipe left and drop
the Prosecco on the table. That happens right here. So, I don't know, sometimes
there's no need for that that human interaction and there are
those transactions. Those aren't my deals. That's just not who I deal with. But I
deal with the people the human beings who really appreciate the contacts that
I have, the investment that I have in doing a good job for you, and just how
damn hard I work. And I'm not alone. I'm talking about
myself, but there's hundreds of us out there who do all of that stuff and more
and give you so much more than you're paying for.
You walk away from working with people like us thinking, "Wow, totally
blew my mind." So I want you to realize that we are out
there. You need to interview to find us. Not everybody is the same. Not everybody
offers this stuff. You need to be checking out if someone says, "I'm
so great. my clients love me!" Get a list of references that you can call and
actually talk to them. Check out their ratings online. Look at their website.
Look at objective websites to see what sort of information you could get about
what people say about them. But I think you'll find that most of us are pretty
awesome, and we're worth what you pay us - I promise! If you want to find more about
us, or real estate, or Cape Cod, or I have some random stuff on there, too - come see
us at theCapeHouseTeam.com
Healing Hurts, but This Pain Helps You Grow - Duration: 5:53.
Healing Hurts, but This Pain Helps You Grow
Healing hurts because you have to touch the wounds, open them and let them be cured, now, as it should be.
Sometimes, we avoid looking at the parts of us that have not healed.
We ignore them as if by doing this they will disappear.
However, this is nothing more than an illusion.
For those that do not want to touch these wounds, they will continue hurting.
By looking away from them you impede its ability to heal well, to take care of it, and to close it.
The only way we can let it get better is to leave it open and let it continue to hurt us.
Healing hurts, but this pain is necessary.
We have all gone through times in our lives where a situation has affected us in some way has taken a lot out of us to overcome.
Those that cause us the most pain are the ones that involve our bonds with other people.
For example, a breakup or the loss of a loved one can create an emptiness within us that can cause a lot of pain.
But, how can we keep this wound open? How do we prevent it from healing naturally like a wound or a scratch?.
We avoid the healing of the wound through different resources that prevent us from accepting the adversity that we are faced with and, because of this, there are various forms.
Fall victim to looking for refuge from the pain.
Healing hurts the most when we try to find refuge from the pain.
We already hurt, the lesion burns, but we keep moving.
We rejoice in our misfortune, and we avoid healing it.
It easy to feel like the victim in a situation.
Phrases like "How unlucky am I!" or "Why do all of these bad things happen to me!" are heard every day, as well as other complaints about our daily lives.
We are not victims nor is the world against us.
This only increases the pain of the wound that will not heal until we accept what has happened because regardless of how much we fight it, nothing will change.
Look the other way, distract ourselves.
At some point, you have been going through a hard time, and you've been told "go out with your friends!" or "don't stay home feeling sorry for yourself, distract yourself!".
This can be helpful when trying to avoid falling victim, but you cannot take it to the extreme of turning a blind eye and pretending that nothing has happened.
Because, by doing this, we do not learn anything.
As much as we try to change our perspectives on things, the wound will continue to be there, creating problems and hurting the same, or more, than before.
The value of our experiences.
Our experiences have a great value, that is why healing hurts, because only through this pain can we learn something, grow, progress, and mature.
Although we might not believe it, when everything is going well we don't pay attention to it, but when things get tough, everything changes.
Have you realized that when you have a cold and you're in bed, you realize the value of being healthy? However, you might take it for granted.
This demonstrates how much we can learn when the world seems to be against us and everything is falling apart around us.
Maybe it's because we have to back up, stop our lives for a moment so that we can start to realize what is really important because, sometimes, we live our lives in auto-pilot.
Healing hurts, but the bad experiences are not a total loss.
We can take them as an opportunity to value the good moments and to perceive the beauty in the smallest things which will allow us to really savor life.
Pain helps us grow, we cannot avoid it or try to cover it up with distractions.
It is there for a reason.
Embracing our wounds and paying attention to them allows them to heal faster and therefore allows us to avoid wallowing in our suffering and prolonging the unnecessary agony.
Verify: Are you breaking the law by swearing in front of kids? - Duration: 2:06.
7 Foods You Should Eat to Accelerate Hair Growth - Duration: 6:28.
7 Foods You Should Eat to Accelerate Hair Growth
If you want your hair to grow faster, but you are not sure how to do it, pay attention because it's possible that the only thing you have to do it change your diet.
This is because, in many cases, the foods we choose can give us everything we need to resolve our hair problems.
Salmon is a fish that is rich in omega 3 fatty acids, a nutrient that helps to strengthen the hair follicles and stimulates hair growth.
Various scientific studies have demonstrated that if you consume these types of acids regularly for half a year, it will help telogen effluvium, which is the resting phase of hair follicles following catagen.
So, the consumption of foods that are rich in omega 3 will help to reactive hair growth.
Also, salmon is rich in vitamin B12 and iron, which also aid in hair growth.
2,Chicken to help stimulate hair growth.
Chicken is a meat rich in animal protein, which is fundamental for the production of keratin, the substance that makes up 80% of our hair.
If you are deficient in this type of protein for 2 or 3 months, your hair will stop growing at its normal rate and it will begin to fall out.
Other meats that can also help us increase our intake of animal protein are turkey and rabbit.
This type of dried fruit is rich in vitamin E, a nutrient that helps to activate the growth and strengthening of hair.
Consuming 20 almonds a day is enough to provide 70% of your recommended daily value of this vitamin.
And if that wasn't enough, they are also rich in many substances that are great for you hair such as biotin, fatty acids, and B vitamins.
Oysters aren't just a delicacy, they are also great for our hair.
They are a food rich in zinc which helps our hair grow faster and have more shine.
You only have to eat one oyster to get the recommended dose of this mineral.
If you can't eat oysters every day, there are other zinc rich options that are also great for promoting hair growth.
For example:. Wheat. Figs. Beef.
Pork. 5,Pumpkin Seeds.
Pumpkin seeds are rich in B vitamins which are great for hair growth, as well as for bettering the appearance of your hair overall.
To avoid hair loss, you will have to add pumpkin oil to your diet.
Thanks to its properties, it is a great complement to problems like alopecia.
Beans contain a lot of iron, one of the body's essential nutrients that ensures that growth of healthy hair.
One portion of beans contains approximately half of the recommended daily value of iron.
Also, beans are rich in zinc and choline which are necessary for the regulating blood circulation in the scalp.
Eggs are one of the most protein- rich foods that you can find, and they also contain a large amount of vitamin B12.
If you eat eggs regularly, your hair will grow faster and with more strength than ever.
Foods we do not recommend.
Just like there are foods that can stimulate hair growth, there are others that we should avoid if our goal is to have healthy, strong hair that grows at a good rate.
These would be the foods that have been refined and that have high amounts of sugar and carbohydrates.
There are a series of products that cause bloating, a change in hormone levels and increases the possibility of fungal infections, which directly disrupts the hair's ability to grow.
In terms of sugar, it is one of the biggest factors, in addition to stress, that can increase hair loss.
This includes breakage of hair follicles (which causes the hair to not grow).
Of course, this doesn't mean that you have to eliminate all sugars in your diet since it has other properties, it is just good to keep in mind.
You just have to know how to control your cravings, to not abuse your diet when it comes to sugars, and how you can substitute them for other healthier alternatives.
CNN Told A Racist Lie About Donald Trump That Will Leave You Speechless - Duration: 3:20.
CNN's Warren Donald Trump's sunk to an
all new low the liberal network attacks
Trump every day with fake news and
smears but now CNN was caught telling a
racist lie that will leave you
speechless Donald Trump tells religious
leaders what is at stake in 2018 Donald
Trump held a closed-door meeting with
religious leaders and discussed the
stakes and the upcoming November
elections the president said he was
fighting for the same issues they cared
about such as religious liberty Trump
told them that if Democrats win in
liberals would resort to violence in
order to turn back their gains the level
of hatred the level of anger is
unbelievable Trump stated part of it is
because of some of the things I've done
for you and for me and for my family but
I've done them this November 6th
selection is very much a referendum on
not only me
it's a referendum on your religion it's
a referendum on free speech and the
first Trump continued they will overturn
everything that we've done and they'll
do it quickly and violently and
violently there's violence when you look
at an tyfa and you look at some of these
groups these are violent people an tyfa
violent leftists terrorize america aunty
Fay is a gang of left-wing thugs they
were all black and masks to cover their
faces they beat up Trump supporters in
their claim to fight fascism however in
reality an tyfa our domestic terrorists
CNN tells the racist liable donald trump
CNN's Jeffrey Toobin pounced on what
Trump said about an tyfa to claim he was
a racist saying let's be clear also
about what's going on here the theme
here is I'm Donald Trump and I'll
protect you from the scary black people
but this attack blew up in CNN's face
black conservative activist Candace
Owens Ruben as the real racist tweeting
holy dollar % carrot and at CNN is now
lying on black Americans accusing us of
committing the violent atrocities that
anti-fur commits across the nation
anti-fur is a notoriously all-white gang
and blaming blacks is absolutely
disgraceful at jeffrey toobin paul
joseph wants
posted the mug shots of several antique
remembers cops had arrested in recent
months see announced troubles pile up
see an ins racism scandal is the latest
problem the network is facing the
anti-trump cable channel is still
dealing with the fallout from a fake
news story about Michael Cohen Cohen's
attorney Lanny Davis admitted he lied
when he said Cohen would testify that
Trump knew about the Trump Tower meeting
with the Russians in advance
Slean an lied about Davis being an
anonymous source for this story in this
story CNN reporters said Davis declined
to comment this was aligned see an ins
constant lying and fake news has caused
the network to suffer the ratings tanked
in August CNN's primetime ratings drop
12% while their daytime ratings dropped
15% Americans want real news not fake
news tube ins racist libeled Arnold
Trump will only hasten the network's
do you agree let us know your thoughts
in the comment section
Keto Diet Explained For Weight Loss - Duration: 6:24.
what's up Team UNALTERED Zach Munoz here
today talking about the ketogenic diet
versus a low carb diet now there's a
bunch of videos on YouTube already
discussing these diets so I want to
specifically dissect them as they
pertain only to weight loss so if you're
somebody who's on the fence between a
keto diet and a low-carb diet and you
really want to learn the science of how
they work and the differences between
them please make sure that you stay
tuned to the end of this video to find
now let's start out with the more
popular of the two the ketogenic diet
now I believe this is a huge
misconception most people that I talk to
believe that the keto diet is simply a
low carb and high-fat diet and this is
just not true if that were the case it
would just be called a low carb high fat
diet and it's not it's the ketogenic
diet meaning the word ketogenic is
referring to the body's metabolic state
of being in ketosis in other words your
body is using ketones as its main fuel
source to burn for energy versus
glucose which is a blood sugar derived
from carbohydrates well what are ketones
ketones are water soluble compounds
which brings us to the tip of the day
now it's extremely important that you
are having an adequate amount of water
when you're trying to follow the
ketogenic diet because ketones are
water soluble meaning that they cannot
be absorbed by the body and effectively
used as an energy source unless you are
having adequate amount of water
generally it is recommended that you
have at least a gallon of water a day to
support being in ketosis if you don't
have enough water then you can put
yourself at risk for having severe
headaches low energy and inability to
sleep as a matter of fact I personally
recommend taking a BCAA supplement while
you're following a ketogenic diet so that
you can still support your workouts with
enough energy to keep you going as a
matter of fact you can check out our
100% UNALTEREDBCAAs at unaltered
athletics.com we'll even throw a 10%
discount in the description so that you
can use that as well but getting back on
topic ketones are compounds that are
produced by the liver from fatty acids
to use as a fuel source for your brain
and other organs like your heart in the
absence of carbohydrates but then people
ask well if having little to no
carbohydrates is the determining factor
of getting into a state of ketosis then
why can't I just have a low carb high
protein diet why does it have to be a
low carb high fat diet and that is a
great question and there's two reasons
to this the first reason is that fat is
a lot more calorically dense than protein it
just is what it is fat has nine
calories per gram versus protein that
only has four calories per gram so as we
can see fat provides almost actually
over double the amount of calories on a
per-gram basis then protein
so it gives you a lot more energy and
anybody who has tried or has done a
low-carb diet in the past knows that one
of the main symptoms of restricting
carbs is low energy and poor mood and
nobody wants to be that person in the
gym that everybody tries to avoid
because they look like they're wearing
the face of death so in the
absence of carbohydrates fat definitely
provides a lot more energy than protein
now the second reason is that ketones
are produced from fatty acids themselves
protein cannot convert into ketones it
can only convert into glucose so in
order to get the weight-loss benefits
that come from a ketogenic diet and
being in ketosis you need to make sure
that you are actually having moderate to
low protein and getting majority of your
calories generally 65 to 70 percent from
fats as a matter of fact if you have too
much protein you can actually throw
yourself out of ketosis generally it's
recommended to have anywhere between 0.3
to 0.6 grams of protein per pound of
bodyweight so you need to make sure that
you're consuming the right amount of
protein based on your weight in order to
stay in ketosis and get the weight-loss
benefits from a ketogenic diet so
the main difference between a ketogenic
diet and a low carbohydrate diet is the
fact that a keto diet requires a lot
more fat usually 65 to 70 percent of your
daily calories coming from fat versus a
standard low carbohydrate diet that is
just manipulating carbs versus really
focusing on fats and proteins and it's
relative to what low-carb is to you
right in other words if you're somebody
who's used to having 300 grams of carbs
per day than just having a hundred grams
of carbs per day is low to you but
it's not low enough to get into that
state of ketosis where your having 25 grams
or even zero grams of carbohydrates per
day so that is the main difference
between a keto diet and a low-carb diet
now let's take a look at a few studies
determining the results between a
ketogenic diet and low-carb diet
first study was done in 2004 by the
National Center for Biotechnology
information which took a group of 83
patients split up between men and women
that followed a 16 week protocol of
following a ketogenic diet by the end of
16th week they found that all 83 patients
lost an average of 26 pounds now for the
second study it was documented by the
journal of Pediatrics which took a group of
30 men and women and had them get on a
standard low carb diet for 12 weeks by
the end of the 12th week they found that
on average the patients lost about 20
pounds so even though these are two
separate studies and they're not
directly comparing ketogenic diet versus
a low carbohydrate diet you can see that
separately they are both extremely
effective diets when it comes to weight
loss so that's it for me today guys I
hope that you found this video helpful
at the end of the day it all comes down
to sustainability right you need to be
able to stick to a diet and choose a
diet that's based on your lifestyle that
you can see yourself sustaining for a
long period of time whether that's
ketogenic or a low carbohydrate diet
for me personally the keto diet wouldn't
necessarily be the best diet because I
love bread too much as a matter of fact
pizza is one of my favorite foods so I
just wouldn't be able to sustain doing
25 grams to even zero carbohydrates per
day because I like this too much this
good cheese pizza it doesn't matter what
you put on pizza I'll eat it except for
olives but at the end of the day again
it comes down to sustainability so just
make sure that you can choose a diet
that you can see you're self-sustaining
for a long period of time thank you so
much again guys for watching please make
sure that you subscribe to the channel
turn the notifications off so you can
stay up to date with all the other
videos that we have coming out when it
comes to health, nutrition, and fitness to
help you achieve your goals
Zach Munoz out
The Truth They Don't Want You To Know - Duration: 5:03.
alright guys what's up Shawn Scott okay
so here's how it works yes the average
person can't make money from home now
the volume or the amount that you make
all depends on your level of experience
and what you have to invest in the other
tools that you're going to need you're
not just going to pay a monthly
membership fee and then all of a sudden
you're making thousands of dollars if it
was that simple everybody would be doing
it so here's how it works
as far as an offers concern I have an
offer that basically helps ninety
percent of the population with things
like credit repair debt tax reduction
how to create a positive cash flow a
positive cash flow starting with your
paycheck that you get from work that's
one of the things that I feel is very
very effective in that the average
person who gets involved in a home-based
business usually is pressed for cash so
when you're able to get involved and
then from the jump
be able to use some strategies to free
up some income from your paycheck from
which you already make that puts them in
a position where they can now invest in
their business they can eliminate some
debt blah blah blah you can find that
out through the video presentation but
so the offer that I have basically
solves a major problem and people are
attracted to it so I don't have to
really work that hard to get people to
you know join or any great thing about
the company also is that the products
are Alec Hart what that means is even if
people don't want to get involved in the
business is important to have an offer
that people can basically purchase
products and services that are relevant
that are real and that solves a real
problem so we have all of this I call it
the golden egg so to speak and then the
cream or the cherry on top of the cake
is that the average person can do this
and realistically make some money now
when you talk about I would say over the
thousand dollar a week margin that type
come point it usually comes with
somebody who has a large following on
Facebook or Instagram whatever the case
may be or has somewhat of an email list
and they can send out some email blasts
and get people to respond but if you are
the average person with no email list
you don't have a lot of following then
we will teach you some strategies once
you free up some income once you come
into the company take that income and
use it for paid advertisement because
that is the way to go when you have no
following we don't have an email list so
that is the truth that's what they're
not telling you that's why people are so
upset and I don't know why it's like why
not be real with people why not tell
people the truth why not tell them like
look yeah you can make 5 grand a week
but you're gonna have to spend about 700
a week that's a great return there are
people in the stock market in other
areas of a finance investing that do not
make that type of return so why not tell
people the truth they don't want to tell
you the truth because if they told you
that you're gonna have to come out your
pocket with more money even after you've
already solidified your membership they
know that the average person is going to
back away well for me Mom mindset
concerning that is I don't want average
people or an average thinking people who
would back away because they have to
make an investment and make like a 5,000
percent return that's insane if I knew
that I could put a dollar in and get two
out I'll do that all day what about you
exactly so you know while I that is the
realism in the realization of making
money from home if you don't have an
email list you got to do paid
advertisement yes you can do some
organic tactics that are you know or
organic or specialized techniques that
will help you to get traffic organically
but it's slow it takes a long time when
you compare it to working how long would
it take you to make it extra ten
thousand dollars at work so I got to
check myself and I want you to check
yourself when I said a long time I'm
talking about maybe a year to build a
solid you know this organically and um
you know it may take you a year but you
got to work hard every day but you might
make 23
fifty or hundred grand a year after you
develop this email list that's the
beauty of home-based business so go
ahead and watch the presentation put
your thinking cap on
hopefully you're good with numbers
because it's exciting and the moment you
decide that you know what this is to me
I can do this you know you have a good
feeling about me you believe that I'll
be there for you as a sponsor trainer
mentor and teammate then hit the joint
out button if you need more information
you can just click more information to
get more information but that is the
truth and that is why they want your boy
gone but I ain't going away I'm gonna
keep reaching the truth to your success
Sean Scott
What Makes a Disciple? I want to hear from you! - Duration: 1:35.
Hey friends! This is a Apostle Jared
here I want to know what is it disciple
to you and what are your thoughts this
is your moment to help me decide what
are the key values we need to have as we
disciple Nigeria Uganda Kenya Germany
Ecuador South Korea Mexico as we go on
these trips and as we build here locally
in Kennewick as a regional and as an
International Apostolic Center I want to
know your thoughts on what you believe
are the key values number one the key
behaviors and the Bible references that
you find like Mark chapter 16 is perfect
some things in acts some teachings of
Jesus what are the characteristics that
you believe every disciple no matter of
location throughout the globe will have
and I want you to fill out this form and
let me know so we can consider it and
make a finalized list so that we could
push this all throughout the globe to
say here are the Bible verses here are
the things that we think every disciple
should know and move into because we're
moving from the stage we're just
learning how to heal is good but it's
not enough where Sun ship needs to be
addressed where kingdom and apostolic
centers and glory and power and miracles
in the Bible and all the things we teach
in burning ones but out of all of that
what are your key things you think every
disciple should have I want to hear from
you so please fill out this form hit
Send and let your voice be heard
amen god bless you guys
【英語のうた・せかい】 "Explore and Discover" by ABCmouse.com - Duration: 2:16.
Explorers ask questions.
They have curious minds.
They explore to learn answers to questions of all kinds!
Explore and discover the world outside.
See a rainbow, or hear a new sound.
Learn about weather, the sun, plants, and rocks.
Or look for new bugs on the ground.
Explore and discover!
Discover and explore!
Learn something new that you did not know before.
You're an explorer when you read a book.
It's a journey from beginning to end.
Learn new ideas, new facts, and new words.
Then share what you learned with a friend.
Explore and discover!
Discover and explore!
Learn something new that you did not know before.
Go be an explorer—observe, think, and learn.
Solve a problem or puzzle for fun.
Look all around.
You'll be proud of yourself when you're done.
Explore and discover!
Discover and explore!
Learn something new that you did not know before.
Explorers discover by trying new things.
They take chances and might make mistakes.
Explorers keep going!
They never give up— For as long as discovery takes.
Explore and discover!
Discover and explore!
Learn something new that you did not know before!
Learn something new that you did not know before!
Why do YOU teach? - Duration: 3:39.
First we asked a few teachers...why do you teach?
Alyssa Thrasher - McLane Elementary School: I love teaching because it gives me a purpose.
I can come in and I can see my kids and no matter where I'm at in my day everything just gets a little bit better.
Paul Rae - Olympia High School: I became a teacher largely because of the influence of my seventh and
eighth grade math and science teacher Mr. H. When I saw what Mr. H did for a living and
the impact he had on me personally as well as all my friends, that really spoke
to me and I knew kind of right then that's what I wanted to do.
Tracy Pulsipher: Jefferson Middle School - I just want to always be able to give kids options. You know that's my thing like whatever
path you take, that's your, but I want you to have a choice.
I don't want you forced down a path because you don't have options.
Education, background, knowledge, things like that. Someone gave me those options and I'd like to give those to someone else.
Marianne Lang: Olympia High School - Well it's fun! Every day it's different.
Time goes quickly and it's important, but most of all it's inspiring.
Kids impress and inspire me every day. So, it's just a great place to be.
Joan Moore: McLane Elementary School: Why do I love teaching?I love the innocence of the kids that come in
especially those young ones that are just brand-new to school. I love the kids
that get involved in the literature, we do battle of the books, and the excitement
that those fourth and fifth graders have anticipating that happening. I love
working with my staff. The young ones coming in all fresh and bubbly and know
everything, and all of us with experience who still think we know everything, but
we don't. I love the newness of it. I love the oldness of it.
I love the traditions and I love this community here at McLane is just amazing.
Kristen Costello: Olympia High School - I love teaching because I love to work with the students and help
them find their best selves and I love that moment when they
realize that they have learned something and that light bulb comes on and they're
so excited and I feel like their youth keeps me younger than I feel and younger than I am.
Rachel Diane Brock: McLane Elementary School - I love teaching for many reasons.
One of the reasons I love teaching is because I just love the types of relationships
that I can build with students each and every day from the fall to the spring.
I also love the growth that students make from fall to spring on their test scores
and they also are able to track their progress throughout the year and it's
really exciting because you see them light up when they see how much growth
that they've made and that really keeps me in teaching.
Anthony Brock: Olympia High School - I became a teacher because as a student I deeply wanted to have teachers who looked like me leading
my classroom and that is something that I wanted for the next generation and so
I'm really passionate about that work, it's something I continue every single day. I love recruiting new teachers.
I truly believe that this is the world's greatest profession.
So it's a joy to work in the Olympia School District and I think everybody should become a teacher honestly!
Then we asked our students to describe their teachers in a single word. This is what they said...
Amazingly cool.
Exciting to be around.
Role models.
Providing opportunities.
I was going to say kind.
A big part of your life.
Olympia School District: Creating opportunities and shaping success for all students.
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