For more infomation >> বিদেশী মেয়ের জিম(GYM)করা পাছা দেখুন || amazing hot beautiful girls 2018 - Duration: 3:34.-------------------------------------------
This is the Bloodwork You Should Get for Iron Overload | Chris Masterjohn Lite #64 - Duration: 7:35.
This is how to use an iron panel, serum
ferritin, and transferrin in order to
assess your iron status.
Hi, I'm Dr. Chris Masterjohn of This is
Chris Masterjohn Lite,
where the name of the game is
"Details? Shmeetails. Just tell me what works!"
And today we're going to talk
about blood work for managing iron status.
There's a whole lot to unpack in
the topic of iron that I'm not talking
about today, and that includes anemia, and
that includes many medical disorders.
What I want to talk about today is how
to make sure that you're not suffering
from iron overload using these iron
tests, and in particular why it's
important to look at ferritin and
transferrin on top of the iron panel
when looking at this. If you look on the
screen, you'll see the list of iron tests
that I got for my most recent blood
analysis. We'll look at the numbers in
the next video.
We have iron and TIBC. TIBC means
total iron-binding capacity, and that
breaks down into TIBC, UIBC, which is
unbound iron-binding capacity, iron, and
iron saturation. Then as separate tests,
I have added on here serum ferritin and
serum transferrin. The things that we're
really interested with these tests are
serum ferritin, which is a marker of your
long-term iron storage, and transferrin
saturation, which is not the same as
serum transferrin. It's the number of
transferrin molecules in your blood that
have their iron binding sites bound to
iron. Transferrin is your short-term
store of iron, distinct from ferritin,
which is your long-term store of iron,
and together serum ferritin and
transferrin saturation give a good
picture of your short- and long-term iron
status. When you are subject to iron
overload, what happens early on is
transferrin saturation increases above
what it normally would increase to
before ferritin kicks in. Normally you eat
iron, your serum transferrin saturation
goes up, that kicks in ferritin to take some
of that iron and put it in long-term
storage. When you have iron overload
conditions because of a genetic
predisposition, the transferrin
saturation goes up, and it doesn't kick
iron over into ferritin until much later.
If you have a late-stage iron overload
condition, you will see ferritin rise,
and you can see it rise very, very high.
In the iron binding panel, what we're
looking at is measures of iron
saturation, and this is a cheaper
estimate of transferrin saturation. What
they do here is they say, "You know, it's
mostly transferrin in the blood that's
binding iron, so let's just throw iron at
the blood and see how much sticks."
By doing that, you can estimate the total
iron-binding capacity of the blood, that's
how much can stick when the iron is
removed; the unbound iron-binding
capacity, that's how much sticks when you
don't remove the natural iron present in
the blood; and then how much iron is in
the blood, and you can use all this to
estimate the iron saturation, all as a
means of getting a cheaper estimate of
transferrin saturation, which is what
we're really interested in. What we want
is for the transferrin saturation to be
between 30% and 40%. The range that
they give for iron saturation is bigger
than that, 15% to 55%, but when we're
looking for an optimal range, 30% to 40% is the
optimal range. In the case of serum
ferritin, the ranges are controversial,
and the ranges vary from laboratory to
laboratory and over time. In my opinion,
we generally want to keep serum ferritin
between 60 and 150. In cases where
someone has a long experience of being
subject to iron overload, it might make
sense to go under 60, maybe even go
down to 20 or 30. But in cases
where someone's predisposed to anemia,
that's a good reason for trying to keep
it above 60 and maybe even get
towards 100 to 150. Because in one case,
you're trying to drain iron that's been
overloaded out of the body, and in the other
case, you're trying to replete iron
stores, and so it makes sense to be on
the higher or lower end of that
accordingly. For transferrin saturation,
the way that we estimate—the way that
we calculate this when we've measured
transferrin is to take this serum iron,
divide it by the serum transferrin, and
multiply it by 0.79.
Now, you might ask, "Why should you bother with
that if you have already estimated it
with the iron saturation?" And the reason
is that there are other things in the
blood besides transferrin that bind to iron.
Albumin, for example, is the most
prevalent protein in the blood, and it
can bind to iron. And there are studies
suggesting that in some people with iron
overload, iron saturation is often an
underestimate of the transferrin
saturation. And it's the transferrin
saturation that you want between 30% and 40%.
So here's what I would
suggest. Given the fact that measuring
serum transferrin is more expensive than
the iron panel, it does make sense to be
conservative about ordering the test
when you don't need to. But you don't
know if you need to until you order the
test at least once. So what I would do is
at least once or maybe three times, get
all of these measured and compare the
transferrin saturation when calculated
as serum iron divided by serum
transferrin times 0.79
to the iron saturation. If they diverge
consistently, then you probably want to
continue measuring your transferrin
saturation by getting transferrin and
making the calculation as long as you
continue to have iron-related issues
that you believe need to be managed.
If, on the other hand, your transferrin
saturation as calculated that way always
looks like your iron saturation, then I
think you can conclude from that that
iron saturation is a good enough proxy
to use going forward, and going forward,
you can limit this to the iron panel and
to the ferritin.
You can find more details on managing
and monitoring iron status in my e-book,
Testing Nutritional Status: The Ultimate Cheat Sheet.
The audio of this episode was enhanced
and post-processed by Bob Davodian
of Taurean Mixing. You can find more
of his work at
This episode is brought to you by
Testing Nutritional Status: The Ultimate Cheat Sheet.
Everything you could ever need to know
about optimizing your nutrition all in one place.
Easier to find and use than ever before.
Get your copy at
Use the code LITE5,
all capitals, L-I-T-E-5.
LITE5 to get $5 off.
All right, I hope you found this useful.
Signing off, this is Chris Masterjohn of
This has been Chris Masterjohn Lite.
And I will see you in the next episode.
John Travolta Mega Lifestyle | 2018 - Duration: 10:31.
John Travolta Mega Lifestyle | 2018
Powerfull insights to become more Agile - The vision of Agile Cockpit - Duration: 0:57.
Creating high performing digital enterprises, that's our mission
To achieve this we offer three services
software, consulting and training
This combination helps you to increase your State of Agility
to improve your time to market
and to get more value for money
Our consultants help companies all around the world
their experience in agile transformations
in combination with a strong, unique, software tool
will give you powerful insights to become more agile
Agile Cockpit is a company where people know your name
where there's openness and transparency
throughout the whole organization
and where your growth and ideas are taken seriously
so that together we bring the company up to a new level
Do you want to know more about our services or our company?
Visit our website at
Japanese Temple & Peace Pagoda Darjeeling I MAHBUBUL - Duration: 8:46.
There is a wonderful Japanese temple located at a 10 minutes driving distance from the Darjeeling town center.
The temple open hours is from 4:30am in the morning up to 7pm daily.
There is no admission fee.
There is a toilet below the temple.
top of the pagoda you get wonderful views.
The reason you can't buy just one thing at Target - Duration: 2:11.
Everything You Need to Know About Face Serums - Duration: 3:47.
- Hey there, I'm Trina Felber
from Primal Life Organics,
and I'm here to talk to you today
about everything you need to know about face serums,
my secret weapon to looking younger.
So, your skin is more susceptible
to damage from the elements like sunlight and pollution.
All-natural serums are a great way
to protect your face.
There are so many options for every skin type,
like dry skin, oily, combination,
even acne-prone skin.
But, before you run out and buy the first thing you find,
I have come up with a couple
simple basics that you'll want to know
before selecting the best skincare serum
for your skin.
So, first things first,
why should you incorporate a face serum
into your routine?
your largest organ is your skin.
This important organ is exposed
to all sorts of stressors, like the sun,
free radical damage, and so much more.
Your skin is also subject to anything
that gets smeared on it,
like lotions and cleansers, makeup,
and so much more.
factor of damage is aging.
The older we get, our skin loses its firmness
and its glow.
But, the good news is, you can counteract the process
by using a face serum.
Serums will help your skin be smooth
and make it more firm.
They'll also hydrate your skin
and decrease the size of your pores.
You'll look younger, and you'll feel fresher
in no time at all.
So, you might be wondering,
"How do face serums actually work?"
Well, they're just like a lightweight moisturizer
that can easily penetrate into
the deepest layers of your skin.
And because of this, they can deliver
those important ingredients and nutrients
that your skin desperately needs
to stay younger-looking.
The next question you should be asking yourself
is not where you should buy your face serum.
Where you buy it isn't as important
as knowing what you're buying.
You wanna focus on the ingredients.
When you're looking for a serum,
what is and isn't in it
is the question you should be asking.
If the face serum claims to be
the best one ever, but contains toxins and chemicals,
leave it on the shelf.
It might do great things for your skin,
but later on, your body's going to pay for it.
A good tip is to avoid serums
that contain fragrance, parabens,
water, and artificial ingredients.
You wanna go for gentle, organic ingredients,
such as pomegranate oil,
grape seed oil, essential oils,
and plant extracts.
Also keep in mind that no two serums are the same.
If you start with a simple, natural formula,
you'll quickly learn which ingredients
your skin absolutely loves.
After just a few uses,
you'll notice brighter, softer,
and more youthful-looking skin.
So, my final thoughts about face serums are this.
Face serums are my secret weapon
to ageless-looking skin.
Don't leave them out of your routine.
Invest in an all-natural serum
that will benefit your skin
and your entire body later,
like the Coffee Bean Serum
and the Super-Berry Skin Elixer I created
for Primal Life Organics.
Serums are my secret weapon
to looking younger than my age, which is 50.
This way, you can enjoy aging gracefully, 100% naturally.
(lively music)
Thanks for watching.
Make sure you subscribe to keep learning how
to create your healthy self.
See you next time.
Dive in Z-stream: users registration and invites - Duration: 2:33.
Hi! In this video we're going to tell you how to add and manage new users in Z-Stream.
There are several ways to register new users.
Option 1 - Self-sign up To see how it works we need to go to the 'Admin' page,
click 'Settings', then 'User sign up options'.
This is where the "Self-sign up" function settings can be found:
Self-sign up If a user knows the subdomain of their company,
which is in their company's unique web address for Z-Stream,
they can sign up autonomously by simply following the link.
Restricted by Domains People will be able to create their own account
by following the subdomain link only if their email domain matches the stated ones.
Unavailable The administrator can restrict the possibility to register a person in the system.
In order to add users when the Self-sign up option is off, you need to use the "Invites" function.
Option 2 - Invites
In all cases, and especially for the accounts that have activated the 'Unavailable' option,
in order to send the invitations to users to sign up,
the administrator should go to the 'Admin' page and choose the 'Users' tab.
Then go to the 'Invites' menu and click 'Invite Users'.
In the 'Add a New user' window type in the email address of the user you would like to invite
and click 'Send invite' to send the invitation.
Through the 'Invites' page in the 'Users' tab,
admin can access the following information:
invites (email addresses that the invitations were sent to); their status and the date of when the invite was sent.
Further, the invites can be managed; click on the three dots to 'Resend' or 'Decline' any of them.
The 'Users' tab also displays the 'Current Users' page with personal data
and information about the level of access they were given.
By selecting a specific user, an admin can see the companies,
product lines and products that the user is added to and his or her level of access in each.
The three dots menu allows a user to be 'Deactivated'.
This is how people are added who will work on the most interesting and significant projects to your account.
Now try it yourself, click the link below to start with Z-Stream for free!
Grout Cut-out Mosaic 🤔 Mosaic art for beginners 🎓 - Duration: 20:06.
welcome to another mosaic art for
beginners and today I want to show you
how to grout a cut out mosaic piece in an
easy way
hello art people how are you guys doing
grouting is a messy work this is the
cut-out mosaic piece you cut up because
you don't you only have the heart the
year this we have created and the
earlier videos and you can go and check
them if you want to. it's all on this
playlist okay.
what we need to go grout this piece of
this is a ceramic tile art made in art
nouveau style you know art nouveau style like
I did it in Spain so let's check out
what we need for the grouting okay in
general we first we will need bit up
throughout because this piece is not
bigger than my hand then we need was a
Colin sweat okay
we cup with water then we needed cup you
know empty but then focusing is you will
need a flat you know you see it's flat
it's not like this one it means to cut
curves we have to you know mix the grout
the powder with water that's what you
needed flat we will need something like
that or similar
water then you will be is discovering
this trowel trowel how to call that
trowel it's a gum
we say Gummi in German you
know you can find all this stuff on
Amazon home on I have store over there
where it can find you know I sort of the
professional tools and materials to
they're almost all I don't mean I mean
almost all tools and materials you can
find over there worldwide so let's start
okay first first first thing first
this is a package of grout material okay. focus
that's cool and no matter what the brand
is that was not so nice anyway all these
letters okay this letters is trying to
say something what most of the mosaic
artists don't want to understand so it
says I don't know with who will able to
catch this right here it said before
good for joints between one and six
millimeters so what does this mean
excuse me we have a dusty situation in
here what does it mean it means if your
gaps are between one and six millimeters
okay you don't have to measure all the
gaps but this one four or three some so
we can use this kind of a grout so
it's important that you check before you
purchase any
grout no that's a small package it's
what is the 1 kilo about the gap okay
the measure of the gap is important if
our gaps are what we're between you know
there can be like 1 centimeter then you
have to buy a different type of a grout
ok let's do this first we're gonna mix
our stuff are we gonna do that
it's quite simple just decide this is
our flat our what is that cup so we
first we'll put some water just a bit
because the piece is really small I mean
that most like is not bigger than my
hand and then we're gonna go with the
grout I first put a bit and you start to
mix it and then I will go another time
one more time inputs also
okay we'll definitely need a bit more
and this grout will be too much I can
see it already
you see you can go like that
and to the sides that thing it's it's
too wide I wish I had a smaller one but
I don't have but it's okay
okay we will need a bit more okay now it
starts to get look like a grout
okay that's perfect so we're gonna let
this in here for a while not too long
we have to you know. This is a cut-out
mosaic okay and the only grout that we
need is on this area and we don't want
to mess up we don't want to have any
grout in here I mean it's possible that
we will have some drops but we have to
avoid it because we're gonna paint this
in white and we'll put some design
effects on it how to do that okay how to
do that I have this regular paper that's
DINA4 for in German you know it's like
a 29 by 20 or 30 by 21 I'm not sure it's
a small piece of paper and this is all
you need to grout a cut-out mosaic
without any mess and this is all you
need to grout it cut out
mosaic so you're gonna put it like that
okay then you're gonna press with your
fingers to the edge of the mosaic be
careful you know because this our
corners are very sharp so don't cut your
fingers okay now we have the shape
almost on this paper okay is there some
focus I'm not sure so what we're gonna
do now
we're gonna cut out this piece it's
quite simple like a stencil work I'm not
sure if it will be fit but it will I
believe that's a a cutter I don't know
how to call that it's a simple cutter
okay it's like closing a model perfectly
it's better than nothing
okay no let's check out our grout see
you don't want to have your grout too
it needs to be like this hold on focus
okay see it's not wet that's important
that's a antracit gray and what we do
now you're gonna take this trowel is we
call that stuff it's called Gummi in
German you know it's very soft you can
find it on that Amazon thing I will use
not the side which is not so wide okay
not that side I will use this side and
then closer that's even too much that's
too much
that's enough you know my technique I
just roll a bit on the center and then I
go like this
I hope you can see anything it's black
on black right now this is what left
okay and this is what let form the whole
thing it was too much whatever so now we
have a bit on the sides a bit grout okay
there is one a bit missing at the corner
it's missing so I'll put it on with this
and then I'm going that and like that
and one more time
and then I'm gonna clean up the sides
like this
Also in here okay a bit of grout is
missing over there now we don't need grout
on the sides
this piece here in a in the corner I'll
take it out by using this tool in one
more time okay so we don't need this
paper right now. Perfect.
You see it is getting dry and the color
changes. I will let the camera on and put
it on time-lapse. okay that was enough
this was a cool three minutes three or
four minutes okay what now. Now we have
to clean it what I do actually what I'm
trying to show in here because of its
ceramic okay ceramic tile mosaic I do
wait until the surface is getting dried
you know okay then I start to clean it I
will put this on once again
and we'll take this what was that call
it swept whatever you know what it is
it's dry you see it's not wet
so with the first move I clean it up
actually the almost dusty stuff if you
know what I mean and now I will make it
a bit wet okay like that not much
and now I will start to clean it
with some very fine moves I'm not
pressing I'm not pushing and doing
nothing so one thing that you have to
take in consideration I don't know if
you can see the the joint lines right
now so if you see a joint like this
don't go like that in the same direction
because you will take out the grout
which is already place it in the gap try
to go as much as End way so one more
time I will use the not wet site which
is this side
I'm taking care of not pushing too much
or any push you know especially where
the grout is - I mean the gaps
don't push over there don't push
anywhere just you know make your move
now we have to wait a bit more okay it's
on time-lapse that's that you can use this
baby fresher things I don't know how to
call that you know you can just clean
your fingers with that do it as soon as
you can okay see quite clean right was
it cool
another cool four minutes so what we
have to check before we make the final
cleaning before we get into the final
cleaning process okay I will just check
the surface there is no water it's not
wet please we can go ahead one more time
it's not wet okay this is the not wet
side perfect now we can take this out
again we are actually done with the
okay this is how it looks like for now
the color will get more light it's too
dark right now you know when you when
you wonder what color okay let's go this
Grouting has a real strong effect on the
visual look of your mosaic so if you
really want to know how you grow up
grout will look on your mosaic I mean
the real color I will take a bit of this
grout there was too much
anyway this is the real color we'll turn
to that so I will put it here on the
surface so if you can see the difference
between this grout color and this grout
color so that means the real grout color
it's it's wet right now so it's it's
looking dark but the color will turn
into this color this is a real color that
we will see tomorrow
because this needs to be dry a bit more
what I'm gonna do with this I have no
clue i okay
another you know this baby fresher thing
and we'll clean out that stuff on my
hands so if you see it's really simple
even if you know big mosaics is more
easier to make than a smaller mosaic and
in grouting small mosaic like you have to
take care of many other things you know
each detail is in front of your eyes
like any huge mosaic you don't have that
much. this is the final look for now and
you will see it's not pico bello
clean right now and the point is we
have to wait until to make the real final
cleaning after the the
the grout is as dried really we know how
we learn how we don't know that it will
reach the same color like and this
package then you know the grout is fine
but but listen I already clean almost
100% it's just a bit of dust on there
and I you know this is how I'm doing it
I don't want to destroy the joint the
gap the grout that's why I give it one
more chance to really get strong and
then I'm going to clean up the dust and
this is what we're gonna do tomorrow we
will also paint these sides on the next
video tomorrow and put up a bit of a
design on it because this is still just
a mosaic you know glued somewhere
so we have to give it a bit of you know
don't expect too much from the
next video it's just give it a bit of
movement just a bit of a idea design or
some people were angry Ida let have
further and half the last video because
I say share it don't keep it for itself
I'm sorry I don't want to say you know
I'm giving me a bigger informations no
just share it that others also know how
to do this kind of stuff
Gimp 2.10.4: How To Use The Foreground Select Tool, Make a Silhouette And More. - Duration: 14:47.
In this Gimp Workshop we are going to create an image with several silhouettes.
If you want to follow along, you can find the download link
for the images in the video description.
Press Ctrl+O to open the image open dialog box.
Here we search for the image of the arch, and open it.
Press Ctrl+Shift+J, to fit the image in the window.
Right click somewhere in the image.
Go to layer, transparency and click on add alpha channel.
This allows us to have transparency in the layer.
Now we go to the toolbox and we activate the foreground select tool.
Then we go to the configure tab icon, click on tool options menu and hit reset all tool options.
Click reset.
Change the engine to matting levin and leave both levels on the default 2.
I found out, that this option works better, at least with these images.
Zoom in to the edge of the arch, by holding the Ctrl key and rolling the mouse wheel.
The cursor looks the same as the free select tool.
We will click in the arch, and stay just a little bit within the stones, like so.
It helps to stay close to the edge, but do not cross it.
We can click node after node but we can also drag the cursor to make the selection.
With the backspace key we can undo one or more nodes.
When we hold the space bar down, the cursor changes into the move tool.
We can now, by just moving the mouse, move the image.
When we are back at the first node, we hover over it, and when it turns yellow,
we click the last node over the first one.
Hit enter to apply the selection.
Press Ctrl+Shift+J. We now see something that looks like a quick mask.
Do not yet click on the select button.
Now the cursor has changed into the paintbrush.
Make the stroke width about 80.
Zoom in, and paint as much as possible of the areas within the arch.
The painting can be done in several strokes.
Use the space bar with the mouse to move the image.
Make sure not to paint over the stones of the arch itself,
but paint only the inside area.
Here to it helps when we stay close to the edge.
Here we have to press Ctrl+Z to undo the last action.
When we think it is enough, we hit enter.
This can take a moment to process.
We can still paint some more if necessary.
For this image however, we leave the bottom area as it is.
When we check the option draw background, we can paint, if needed, areas of the background.
With this image however, its not really necessary.
When we are sure that it looks good, we press Ctrl+Shift+J again,
and then we click the select button.
Now we have our final selection.
Go to select and click on grow.
We grow the selection with 3 pixels and click okay.
This gives us a nice sharp selection.
Hit the delete key, to remove the selected area.
Press Ctrl+Shift+D to make a duplicate of this layer.
Press Ctrl+I, to invert the selection, so the arch is selected.
Go ahead and drag the black of the foreground color into the image.
And now we press Ctrl+Shift+A to deselect.
Activate the eraser tool, and make the opacity 15.
Choose brush hardness 025 and make its size about 300.
Now we can erase a bit of the black, to make some of the stones of the arch visible, like so.
In the next step we are going to scale the image.
When we click on the chain locks of both layers, we can scale them as one layer.
Activate the bottom layer.
With this layer selected, we have a better view on what we scale.
Zoom out a bit.
Make the unified transform tool active.
Check the option scale to constrain the proportions when we scale the image.
Click in the image and drag only the scale handles to make a good composition, like so.
When we click and drag inside the framework, we can move the whole image.
Place the opening of the arch just a little outside the center.
When we feel its okay, we click transform.
Press Ctrl+Shift+J again.
When this is to our liking, we press Ctrl+Alt+O to open the image open dialog box again.
In this way we open the image of the sunset as a layer.
Drag this layer to the bottom of the layers stack.
In the next step we make the move tool active.
Check the option move the active layer, and move the sunset layer to make a nice composition.
Make sure however, that it still covers the opening of the arch.
Time now, to open the image of the pirate.
Press Ctrl+O, search for the image and open it.
We open this image as a separate image and import it later into the project.
Right click somewhere in the image, go to layer,
transparency and click on add alpha channel.
Here we will use the paths tool to make the selection,
because its much more precise then the foreground select tool.
Activate the paths tool.
Zoom in...
and click the first node.
Now click the next node, but keep the left mouse button down.
Draw it out to see the handle and move it around to make a curve.
Then we can let go of the mouse.
Now click and drag the handle back to its node.
Click the next node and again, do not release the mouse,
but drag out the handle to make the curve.
Then let go.
Now click and drag it back to its node.
With Ctrl+Z we can undo our last steps, and with Ctrl+Y we can redo them again.
For the sake of the tutorial we will go fast forward now.
When we are back at the first node, we hover the last node over it.
Then we press and hold the Ctrl key and when we see the chain icon,
we click to close the path.
In the same way we select the smaller areas, within the trumpet and the arm, like so.
And again we go a bit fast forward.
When this is done, we press Ctrl+Shift+J and then we click on the button selection from path.
Go ahead and drag the black of the foreground color into the image.
Press Ctrl+I to invert the selection and hit the delete key to remove the background.
Press Ctrl+Shift+A to deselect and hit the B key to get rid of the path.
And there we have our silhouette.
Now we can drag the thumbnail of the pirate, via the thumbnail of the arch into the project.
Double click on the layers name and rename it pirate.
Hit enter.
Activate the unified transform tool again.
Zoom out a bit and click in the image.
Scale and reposition the pirate like so.
Then hit the transform button to confirm, and press Ctrl+Shift+J ones more.
Now we will open the image of the dog on the treasure chest.
Press Ctr+Alt+O and open this image also as a layer.
Zoom out a bit, and click in the image.
Scale and move the image like so.
Then hit transform.
Now, in the next step we will again press Ctrl+Alt+O,
and we open the image of the pirateship.
The unified transform tool is still active, so we can just click in the image.
Then we scale this image also and move it to get a good composition.
Click transform.
Press Ctrl+Shift+D, to make a duplicate of this layer.
Double click on the name and rename it shadow.
Hit enter.
In the tool options we uncheck the scale and shear options.
Zoom in a bit.
Now we can click in the image and grab the shear diamond.
We transform the image to make a long shadow, like so.
Make sure that the shadow and the ship fit together well.
Move it if necessary.
Hit transform again, to confirm.
Now in the final step we right click on the shadow layer and hit add layer mask.
Initialize the layer mask to white full opacity, and click add.
In the toolbox we click on the gradient tool.
Choose the gradient foreground to transparency.
Then we make a gradient in the shadow, like so.
Click and drag the begin, the end, and the midpoint to make corrections.
When it looks good we press enter to apply the gradient.
Press Ctrl+Shift+J. Now we will do some additional tweaking.
Select the pirate layer.
Go to colors, threshold and slide the arrowhead all the way to the right,
to get rid of the remaining white lines.
Click okay.
Go to the toolbox and activate the eraser tool.
Make the opacity 100.
Choose brush hardness 100.
Make the size about 30.
Activate the arch layer, zoom in and erase the areas in the sky, like so.
Select the arch copy layer and repeat this erasing.
Hit Ctrl+Shift+J for the last time.
Make the paintbrush active.
Make the size about 100, and check the option apply jitter.
Now we can make the underground black, like so.
And that is how we can make silhouettes, use the foreground select tool and much more.
I hope you enjoyed this video.
Please do not forget to like it, and maybe leave a comment.
Thank you very much for watching.
Beverley Warne - How can you turn a negative company culture into a positive one? - Duration: 1:46.
It takes time there's no quick fix to it, it's a journey and it has to absolutely
start at the top. I often go into businesses where a business owner or a
manager might say if you can get everybody else or if we can get everybody else
working in a certain way or behaving in a certain way everything will be fine.
And often it's about starting with them first and it's about looking at how they
interact with their people because whether a business owner likes it or not,
a culture that's happening in their business is a reflection of them.
You need to think about what it is that you want, what do you want your
business to look like and to feel like and to sound like. And so you need to
start with the end goal, what is it that you really want and once you know what that
is then you can work back and think about the sort of values if you like
that you want to be demonstrated within your business, for example, it could be
open and honest, fair. I think most people will think that that's what's happening
in their business but is it really? Because if you've got bad behavior going on,
if you've got negativity, if you've got gossiping behind corners well that's
clearly not open or honest you know and certainly not fair.
Gemini - Something in Me, Something in You [Cover Art] - Duration: 4:07.
Tell me what you're thinking of
Now we're lost in the water
Tell me if you feel at all
If you're breathing deeper
Show me what it's all about
All that journs in the other
Something we can talk about
If you're breathing deeper
Resurrect the nights we stayed up
With nothing more than chaos on our minds
Promise me you'll find your way out
There's something in me, there's something in you
Resurrect the nights we stayed up
With nothing more than chaos on our minds
Promise me you'll find your way out
There's something in me, there's something in you
Tell me, tell me
Tell me, tell me
Tell me, tell me
Tell me, tell me
Which way does the river flow?
I think we're lost in the ocean
It's not something we can talk about
So, I'll breathe in deeper
I watch your eyes turn so cold
I got us caught in the fire
It's not something we can talk about
So I'll breathe in deeper
Resurrect the nights we stayed up
With nothing more than chaos on our minds
Promise me you'll find your way out
There's something in me, there's something in you
Resurrect the nights we stayed up
With nothing more than chaos on our minds
Promise me you'll find your way out
There's something in me, there's something in you
Tell me, tell me
Tell me, tell me
Tell me, tell me
Tell me, tell me
Feel your love, take its hold
And I can't seem to let it go
I'm falling away from you
I'm falling away
Resurrect the nights we stayed up
With nothing more than chaos on our minds
Promise me you'll find your way out
There's something in me, there's something in you
Tell me, tell me
Tell me, tell me
Tell me, tell me
Tell me, tell me
Resurrect the nights we stayed up
With nothing more than chaos on our minds
Promise me you'll find your way out
There's something in me, there's something in you
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