Gorgeous The "Cheyenne" tiny house keeps you warm in winter for sale in Lyons, Colorado
For more infomation >> Gorgeous The Cheyenne tiny house keeps you warm in winter for sale in Lyons, Colorado - Duration: 2:35.-------------------------------------------
The Turkeys Got Out Again! - Duration: 5:45.
Hello, I'm Liz Zorab and this is Byther Farm.
We've been sorting out a turkey problem today.
The turkeys have been getting out of this netted
area and at night trying to roost up on
top of the shed, which itself wouldn't be
a problem but it's not predator proof.
So today home Mr. J and I have taken
off some of this green netting, at the
far end of here, and we've put on
some metal grid panels, put the green
netting back over the top of it.
Hello darling! You've got a lot to say! And then over
in that direction we've put up some
additional chicken netting that's flexible
netting, but we've actually put it above
the chicken wire that's already there
just to discourage the turkeys from
jumping over. Now we've consciously
decided not to do anything permanent
because the turkeys will be with us for
about another three months and then we
don't know what we're going to do with
this area. We've been thinking about it,
we've been discussing it, but we haven't
come to any fim decisions yet.
All of it is temporary, nothing is
fixed in permanently, all of these are
just screwed together and the posts are
just banged into the ground, they're not
concreted in. There's one post that's
concreted in the center, but it's only
with a very small amount of concrete so
we could actually take that out too if we wanted to.
Thank you Whitey! So everything is just
fixed in on a very temporary basis, it's
enough to guide them not to be wandering
over the food forest and the annual
vegetable garden. To be honest if they
really wanted to, if they weren't getting
enough food and enough water here, they
could very easily just jump over or fly
over the 3-foot high netting that we've
got around and wander off and do whatever they want to.
And luckily they
don't do that except for that one turkey.
So at the top of this run we have put
this 2x2 inch fairly heavy gauge metal
gridding, in the hope that this will
deter the boy from jumping out at the
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And the rather bodge job of green
flexible netting along the top of
the chicken wire, hopefully, will
discourage them from jumping over that
way. At the moment it's only the largest
turkey, the black one, who is trying to
sleep on the roof of the shed, but we
want to reduce the number of nights
we're up on ladders trying to get it
back off the roof. And so hopefully this
will do it, if not, there's a couple more
places that we can pop panels in the
hope that. that if that's where he's
getting up,
we can do that and I guess the other
thing is I'm just going to come out here
towards bedtime and watch and see where
it is that he's trying to get out.
Well, that's it from us today, we're heading
inside to have a cup of tea and find
something to eat. And so, wherever you are
in the world and whatever you've got
planned for today I hope it's a good one,
I also hope you'll join me again tomorow!
Prison Architect - Escape Mode DLC: Great Escape Trailer | PS4 - Duration: 2:01.
Hilarious Road Moments That Will Leave You Bemused - Duration: 5:00.
Hilarious Road Moments That Will Leave You Bemused
Nightcore - Not Her (Erika Costell) || Lyrics - Duration: 2:44.
this vide includes lyrics on the screen
Are you suffering from screen burnout? - Duration: 2:51.
5 Things to Know / University of St. Thomas Catholic Studies Graduate Program - Duration: 2:30.
Learn Construction Vehicles for Kids | Number Song for Toddlers | Superhero Fun Rhymes - Duration: 3:33.
I can count my numbers. Will you count them with me?
I can count my numbers. Will you count them with me?
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
10 10 10 10
11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20
20 20 20 20
21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30
30 30 30 30
31 32 33 34 35
36 37 38 39 40
40 40 40 40
41 42 43 44 45
46 47 48 49 50
50 50 50 50
51 52 53 54 55
56 57 58 59 60
60 60 60 60
61 62 63 64 65
66 67 68 69 70
70 70 70 70
71 72 73 74 75
76 77 78 79 80
80 80 80 80
81 82 83 84 85
86 87 88 89 90
90 90 90 90
91 92 93 94 95
96 97 98 99 100
100 100 100 100
I can count my numbers. Will you count them with me?
I can count my numbers. Will you count them with me?
Baa baa black Sheep. Have you any wool?
Yes, sir. Yes, sir
Three bags full
One for the master one for the dame
And one for the little boy who lives down the lane
How to Research Your Salary - Duration: 4:32.
Hey there!
Welcome to Work in Progress, a how-to series that's meant to help you with everything from
prepping for a job interview, to boosting your confidence or negotiating a raise.
Here's today's question.
It's probably a well-known stat by now, but did you know that for every dollar a man makes,
a woman, on average, only makes 80 cents?
And for women of color, it's only getting worse.
Black women make, on average, 63 cents and Latina women on average make 54 cents in that
same comparison.
That's why salary transparency and knowing your worth is crucial.
But there's a lot to determine before coming up with that desired salary number.
We'll take you through step-by-step on how you can come up with that number.
Step 1: Research One of the first steps to determining your
salary is research.
And there are some great online tools out there from Glassdoor, Salary.com, and even
And at Career Contessa, we have our own salary tool.
It's called The Salary Project, and it's an anonymous salary database that will give you
free access to over 10,000 real salaries, so that you can compare what other people
in similar industries, and job functions are making, to really understand, "Am I being
paid the right market rate, or should I be looking into this a little bit more?"
With the Salary Project, you can see real salaries from women working in your state,
city, dream industry, current role, and more.
Plus, you have complete independence when navigating the database—which gives you
an unparalleled freedom to data in comparison to the other tools.
You can find the link to The Salary Project in the description.
These reports and salary comparisons provide great insight.
But the next thing you want to do with your research is not just rely on online tools,
but also go and talk to real people.
Ask someone who maybe works at the same company, or in a similar role within a company that's
similar or in the same industry as yours, and ask them if they'd be willing to share
their salary range, so you can really see if you are within that desired rate.
Step 2: Self-Evaluate Based on your research, you probably have
a solid idea of what is the typical range for someone in your job, and at your company,
and industry.
But now I want to go a step further, and really evaluate how your skills and experience and
education really play into this.
Consider your level of education, additional certificates, trainings, or courses you've
completed, years and level of experience, unique knowledge, skills, and abilities that
will benefit the organization, responsibilites and accomplishments in other roles.
For example, perhaps you discover that the typical range for someone at your level and
in your industry is $40,000 - $50,000.
But those who are paid closer to $50,000 have additional education like a graduate degree,
a specific certification, or more years of experience than those who are paid closer
to $40,000.
Where do you best fit on the sliding scale?
Step 3: Account for the Cost of Living The last thing you want to consider when you're
thinking about your desired salary range is your location—where you live—because that
cost of living can play a really big role as well.
For example, those who live in large metro areas like New York City, San Francisco, or
Los Angeles will likely demand a higher pay scale than those in smaller, less expensive
To help you calculate the difference, use a cost of living calculator.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics also provides wage data by state and metro area if you're
looking for more in-depth information on the subject.
It also doesn't hurt to sit down and calculate your expenses, and understand what you need
to live comfortably.
For example, in a city like Los Angeles, if your job is located really far away from where
you live, you might have a really long commute.
Those expenses might cut into actually how much you need for your salary to live comfortably.
We hope that these three easy steps help you come to an educated decision on what you should
ask for your desired salary.
As we mentioned earlier, the salary project gives you free access to thousands of salaries
to see how yours compares.
Check that out in the link in the description.
Devices that let parents keep tabs on their kids - Duration: 2:16.
8 Tips From Grandma That Will Help You Be a Better Person - Duration: 6:48.
8 Tips From Grandma That Will Help You Be a Better Person
Advice from our grandmothers have been a huge part of our lives since we were kids and, although we don't always find it important, we realize over time that everything she told us is right.
Her years and her experience have made her wiser than you can imagine, and we realize that the things she tells us are very valuable.
However, when we learn to accept these lessons and apply them to our lives, we better our way of seeing the world and we learn to be better people.
Because of this, despite each person having a different personality, it is necessary to eliminate negative aspects of our lives and make changes to achieve happiness.
For this reason, today we want to dedicate a special space to these words of advice for your health that, without a doubt, with help you to feel better.
1, Don't give much importance to the material things in life.
Sometimes, unconsciously, we spend a lot of time trying to find happiness in material things that, in the end, do not have any significance.
Although is it true that these things can often make us happy and calm, they will never be more important than experiences, people, and the simple things in life.
2,Think about the future and leave the past behind.
Regardless of where you are now or what you are doing, you have to believe that the future will be better and that there will always be many opportunities to achieve our goals.
Don't think about the bad moments from the past and distance yourself from the things that, indirectly, are burdening you from transcending.
Each experience in your life is useful for growth and, although some moments might seem bad, time will show you otherwise.
3,Learn to see the good side of things.
Have you thought about all the time you have lost thinking that the world is against you?.
Every thing that happens to you, whether good or bad, will end up making you a better person.
Life will take you to different places, will show you different paths and, although you might not think so, it will also cure all the bad times.
4,Spend time with the people you love.
Work is an important part of one's life, but it shouldn't be the only important part.
to grow psychologically and to be happy it is necessary to spend sufficient time with all of the people that make life worth living.
Family and friends are the fuel that helps us live and be strong faced with anything life throws at us.
5,Learn to detach yourself from certain people.
Sadly, although it hurts to realize, not everyone is our friend and the ones that we want to be with are not always who we had hoped they be.
It's hard to control our feelings, but the healthiest thing to do is find happiness and grow apart from toxic people.
These people create obstacles that, in one way or another, interfere with our future goals.
6,Life can be simple.
When we have a lot of obligations and work to do, we become stressed out and feel like life is too complicated.
But…why see it this way?.
Everything is a question of attitude and, a lot of the time, we get worn down without any need.
We must learn to do things one at a time, to the best of our abilities so that we do not have to do it again.
We have to try to be disciplined with everything we do, be active and take advantage of our time so that we can eliminate unnecessary wastes of time.
7,Maintain a positive mind.
Grandma has always told us that many things happen due to the attitude we live our life with.
It's true! We like to complicate things, to see the bad side of things, and to be severely critical of ourselves so much so that the only way to be successful is to make our paths more difficult.
Smile, look for the bright side of every situation and find solutions before complaining.
All of this can help us be better both on an individual level as well as a social one.
8,Do what you love.
We've been told thousands of times, "Do what you love.
But…why is it so hard to do that?.
We are so worried about having material things and making money that we put our passions and dreams off to the side.
It is brave to actually do something that you love; it doesn't just make you happy, it also gives you a sense of pride and satisfaction with who you can become.
How many of these things apply to your life?.
Box Office Buzz - August 30, 2018 - Duration: 2:51.
5 Cool Gadgets on Amazon Under $25 - New Invention You Should Try! - Duration: 11:40.
The 92 billion dollar industry and this is the best we can come up with
Surely there's a better way to mix our health top earners
Was sick of carrying around ugly rattling bottles and drinking lumpy nutritional shakes and half of which would just end up in my shirt anyway
So I thought you know what? I'm gonna do something about this
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Hi guys and welcome to wrap our YouTube channel and let your host and today
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Tablets smartphones or any other device that can be charged up using a USB cable
Both of the port's have different amperage
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But you're going to ask yourself. Well, why don't my phone requires a lower amperage? Well, this is where the I smart technology Thomasina
your power bank is going to recognize exactly how much amperage your phone or your tablet requires to charge up and
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It means that you can charge on any of this ports a smart phone an iphone
Samsung galaxy and nexus on both of them doesn't matter. It's now going to burn up your battery
But if you tableau requires up to 2.1 and peers you might want to use that 2.1 report
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Both of these power lines are also very simple to use
All you have to do is plug in your device and they're gonna start charging it up
Automatically if you ever want to see or want to check how much power you've got left
Inside your power bank
All you have to do is press this button here in the middle and you're gonna see a blue light right there
Also here do a lie right there and you'll know exactly how much power you have left
another extract
And there's a little bit more an extra feature is that if you press the middle button for a few seconds
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You can always use it. So wish you spoke about the flesh
So there you have it the latest addition to Iraq
Our family's here to stay. If you want more information on this product. You can click on the Amazon listing links
They're gonna be there in the description of this video. You can also click on our Facebook page Twitter account
and of course if you like this video
Give us a like or subscribe to our Channel
If you have any comments suggestions
About me of other products about the company anything just leave us a comment right there in the comments section or send us an embossing
On Facebook or tweet us something and we're gonna get right back at you. We'd love to have conversations with you
Thanks so much for watching emember. We're a powered Cheers
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What you need to know about this year's flu shot - Duration: 1:52.
Trendy Nail Art 2018! 26 Cute Nail Art Designs Just for You - Duration: 10:07.
5 AMAZING Inventions that will Improve your LIFE! #1 - Duration: 10:47.
25 Bizarre Facts About Each US State (Part 2) - Duration: 11:09.
We did the first round of bizarre facts about each US State and now we're back for round
That's right, in this list, we're going to wrap up going through strange little facts
about each US state.
As we've discovered so far, the United States is full of weird happenings and history.
From uncomfortable festivals to Bigfoot traps, you're going to want to stick around
for what we're about to cover.
Ready to see what odd things the other States have been up to?
I'm Mike with List25 and Here are 25 Bizarre Facts About Each US State, Part 2.
Montana - Testicle Festival For 35 years, this festival in Clinton, Montana,
hosted some of the wildest antics on planet Earth.
Hosting weird games, tons of music, plenty of debauchery, and thousands of Rocky Mountain
oysters, this wild party had people parading around town in costumes, or wearing nothing
at all.
However, in recent years, the festival has been canceled due to several deaths and low
Nebraska - Kickstarting the Apocalypse Believing that it was required to have a red
heifer born in Jerusalem to move along the second coming of Jesus Christ, a Nebraskan
farmer, along with Reverend Clyde Lott, bought and sent planeloads of these red heifers
(at $1,000 per heifer) to the Holy Land.
Unfortunately for them, all the heifers were rejected and the apocalypse hasn't happened
Nevada - The Black Mailbox Many don't realize famous stories can have
unintended consequences.
In this case, Area 51 and UFO sightings set off a panic and fascination for thousands
around the country.
Unfortunately for poor Steve Medlin, he received the brunt it simply for living nearby.
A rancher along "Extraterrestrial Highway," he received tons of mail asking about Area
He grew so tired of it, he made "The Black Mailbox," a mailbox with his name and the
name "Aliens" for all the mail to extraterrestrials.
Sadly, in 2015, the mailbox was taken down.
New Hampshire - Chicken Farmer On Route 103 in Newberry, New Hampshire, a
large boulder is painted in red and white with the message, "Chicken Farmer I still
love you."
Some believe the rock first was painted as early as the 1970's by a boy trying to send
a message to a local girl on a chicken farm.
It remained unchanged for decades.
When it got worn down, locals would paint it to make sure it remained intact.
However, in 2011, someone complained about graffiti, and the city had it painted over.
Sure enough, someone repainted it back on the rock and locals have petitioned to keep
it there.
New Jersey - Cockroach Derby The New Jersey Pest Management Association
holds a cockroach derby every presidential election to see which candidate will win.
Cartoon pictures are placed on top of each cockroach's back and they race.
Of course, in 2016, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump raced in the derby.
Clinton won.
New Mexico - Psychologists to Play Dress Up Upset by all the psychiatrists and psychologists
used as expert witnesses in trials in New Mexico, former Senator Duncan Scott proposed
an amendment on a bill requiring them to dress up like wizards, wearing long white beards
and waving a wand around during testimony.
The Senate passed the bill, but it was ultimately removed in the house.
New York - Albert Einstein's Eyes During Albert Einstein's autopsy in 1955,
his personal physician, Henry Adams, took his brain but more notably, his eyes.
According to him, he snipped them and they came off clean as a whistle.
After that, he placed Einstein's eyes in a safe deposit box somewhere in New York.
Just let that sink in for a moment.
Einstein's eyes are still out there somewhere in a safe deposit box.
North Carolina - Hoi Toider While many languages are spoken in the US,
there's an English dialect spoken in a couple parts of North Carolina that most people living
outside the area would be hard pressed to understand.
The region has its own pocket of unique language.
North Dakota - Spinning Ice In 2013, a very strange natural phenomenon
was recorded on the Sheyenne River in North Dakota.
It was a large spinning circle of ice.
It looked like a giant record on a turntable.
Scientists explained it was like tiny bits of ice all caught up in an eddy.
Ohio - Cornhenge In Dublin, Ohio, a monument to an inventor
of various corn species resides in perfect form.
Called "Cornhenge," it was commissioned by the Dublin Arts Council and completed in 1994.
It consists of 109 6-foot tall ears of corn statues.
Oklahoma - Space Debris The only person known to get hit by space
debris was Lottie Williams, a Tulsa, Oklahoma resident.
In 1997 she saw a flash of light and instantly was struck by a piece of metal.
NASA confirmed it was likely space debris.
Fortunately, Williams was not injured.
An estimated 5,400 tons of space debris has fallen to Earth over a forty year time span;
luckily, the chance of being hit by any of it is very, very small.
Oregon - Bigfoot Trap Near Jacksonville, Oregon, they take Bigfoot
sightings very seriously, so much so that they built the first and only Bigfoot trap
in the United States.
After someone claimed to find 18-inch footprints resembling human feet, the North American
Wildlife Research Team built the trap in 1974.
For six years, they filled the trap with animal carcasses.
Usually, the trap was only set off by a hungry bear, though.
Pennsylvania - Male Cop As Amish Woman From 2013 to 2014, a male cop dressed up as
an Amish woman in Pulaski Township.
Why did he do this, you might ask?
Well, apparently he was going undercover to catch a man exposing himself to Amish children.
The Amish community was fully supportive of him so that he could potentially catch the
He never caught him, but as it turns out, a similar person was caught in another county
for doing the same thing.
Rhode Island - Nuclear Explosion This little state experienced quite a big
explosion in 1964 when a uranium recovery worker made a big mistake at Wood River Junction.
Rather than adding trichloroethane to a tank of uranium-235, he added more uranium
which led to the explosion.
Exposed to plenty of radiation, the worker died within 48 hours.
South Carolina - The Caning of Charles Sumner On May 22nd, 1856, the U.S. Senate transformed
into a WWE wrestling match when South Carolina Representative Preston Brooks walked up to
unsuspecting Senator Charles Sumner and beat him over the head with his cane.
He beat him several times before Sumner was carried away.
Brooks walked out of the Senate chamber unrestrained and became a hero in his state.
Why the violent act?
Sumner was talking trash against one of Brooks' kinsman, Andrew Butler.
South Dakota - Mashed Potato Wrestling If you ever wanted to wrestle with another
human being in a vat of mashed potatoes, now's your chance to head over to Clark, South Dakota,
and get in the ring.
That's right.
Mashed Potato Wrestling is a thing that happens.
Cause, why not?
Tennessee - Murderous Mary After an elephant named Mary was goaded by
an inexperienced innkeeper, she charged and trampled him to death.
In reply, the circus took the elephant to nearby Erwin, Tennessee, and hung the elephant
with a railway crane.
Texas - Blowout In 1854, a handful of Kentucky settlers moved
out to Texas, creating a small community that would later become Blowout, Texas.
In that area was a bat cave with a thousand bats and a substantial build-up of bat guano
which is full of ammonia and other flammable gases.
One night, lightning struck at the mouth of the cave, igniting a massive explosion of
bats and their prospective guano.
And that's how their little town got its name.
Utah - UN Free Zone In 2001, the town of La Verkin came together
in a council meeting and voted on becoming a "UN Free Zone."
Even more bizarre, the council put in the ordinance that United Nations supporters must
come forward and put a sign on their lawn or business with the words, "U.N.
Work Conducted here."
They also had to file their support with the council and pay fees.
Vermont - No Liquor for You!
While it's not a big deal for most people, if you are visiting Vermont and want to buy
alcohol to bring back to your vacation rental or hotel, you might come up empty handed.
Unless you are at a bar, Vermont will not sell alcohol to out-of-state licenses.
Virginia - Home of Stonewall Jackson's Arm New York isn't the only state with random
body parts resting.
Stonewall Jackson's amputated left arm is buried in Lacy Family Cemetery in Ellwood.
For those who don't know, he lost said arm after his own men mistook him for the enemy.
Washington - Vashon Island Bike Tree No one is really sure how it got there but
raised 7-feet high inside the trunk of a tree is an old, rusty bicycle.
Many stories and legends have been spread about it, usually involving a boy in 1910
leaning his bike against the tree and it swallowed up the bike over time.
Others just think its a big hoax.
Regardless, it's likely not going anywhere.
West Virginia - Roadkill Cook Off Hosted in Pocahontas County, the annual West
Virginia Roadkill Cook-Off is a beloved tradition by locals where they can eat squirrel
gravy over biscuits, teriyaki-marinated bear, or deer sausage.
After you get your fill, you can burn it off by running the Possum Trot 5k.
Wisconsin - Trollway If you're a fan of trolls, and not those that
grace the comments section, the main street in Mount Horeb is a place you'll want to visit.
The "Trollway," as it's dubbed, is lined with hand-carved wooden trolls.
Wyoming - Largest Jackalope The Jackalope is a hoax invented by Wyoming
brothers Douglas and Ralph Herrick after they affixed antlers to a jackrabbit and sold the
taxidermied animals and a tall tale to anyone who would believe them.
The myth spread, of course, and today you can find the largest Jackalope in Dubois,
Though, why you'd want to is anyone's guess.
So, once again, what's a weird fact from your state, country, or town?
Let us know in the comments below, or tweet your answer to us @List25.
Enjoying our lists?
Be sure to click that subscribe button on the bottom right and the notification bell
so you don't miss out on new ones every Monday through Friday.
Share them with friends and help us consistantly conciliate curiosity.
And if you want even more lists check out these videos here or just head to our website
at list25.com
*NEW* CAN YOU SEE ME? | Fortnite Funny Fails and WTF Moments! | Part 101 - Duration: 10:36.
Thank you for watching!
Hope you have a great time!
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Are You Worried About Your Brain Health? Discover 6 Bad Habits That Can Affect It - Duration: 8:22.
Are You Worried About Your Brain Health? Discover 6 Bad Habits That Can Affect It
Regardless of being conscious of the importance of cerebral health, many ignore that certain habits can increase its deterioration and cause several disorders.
Although cognitive illnesses are related to factors such as genetics and age, some daily practices can also have an influence on their occurrence.
The problem is that many do not know how to properly take care of this organ and, despite recommendations, continue with certain practices that increase its aging.
As a consequence, this causes damage to the neurons and cerebral tissues.
This affects its abilities and interferes with essential brain functions that are necessary to have a good quality of life.
1, Eating an excessive amount of sugar.
The excess consumption of refined sugar is related to the development of metabolic and cerebral illnesses.
This ingredient, present in many foods in our diets, reduces the production of chemical substances in the brain and, with time, affects its functions.
Daily ingestion of refined sugar is one of the causes of anxiety, depression, and dementia.
Choose natural sweeteners like honey, coconut sugar or Stevia.
Check food labels and opt for alternatives that are lower in sugar.
2,Skipping breakfast.
Daily consumption of a healthy breakfast is one of the most important habits for maintaining a strong, healthy, and young brain.
This meal, which is one of the most important of the day, provides the body with a high amount of essential nutrients that allow you to stay active throughout the day.
Skipping it or replacing it with unhealthy options can increase the risk of suffering from health issues relating to metabolism, memory, emotional stability.
Also, given that energy levels are affected, neuron activity is decreased and concentration becomes more difficult.
Plan your weekly breakfast and ensure that they include sources of:.
Vitamins. Minerals.
Dietetic Fiber. Protein.
Omega 3 fatty acids. Antioxidants.
Smokers are exposed to many toxins that, over time, affect the tissues of many different organs.
These toxic substances accelerate the brain's aging process and, in addition to increasing the risk of cancer, interfere with cognitive functions.
These consequences also affect former smokers who can develop diseases such as dementia and Alzheimers.
Stop smoking as soon as possible and adopt healthy habits to control anxiety.
Eliminate your exposure to cigarette smoke.
4,Not drinking enough water.
Insufficient consumption of water is one of the factors that influences the premature deterioration of brain tissue.
Dehydration decreases energy levels, affects your mood, and makes it hard to concentrate.
This is because the brain is composed largely of water which means that a decrease will interrupt its functions.
Lack of liquid also affects circulatory health and, consequently, interferes with the oxygenation process in brain cells.
Consume between 6 and 8 glasses of water a day.
Increase your consumption of fruits and vegetables that are rich in water.
Opt for teas, juices, and other natural drinks.
5,Sleeping poorly.
Having poor sleep quality decreases physical and mental productivity as well as affecting your emotional health.
Since the organ cannot rest for a sufficient amount of time, the functions of the frontal lobe are reduced and affects creative thinking.
At the same time, the segregation of stress hormones is increased which decreases one's ability to resolve daily problems.
Sleep in a quiet environment for at least 8 hours.
Eliminate the use of electronic devices before going to bed.
Eat a light dinner, 2 or 3 hours before going to bed.
6,Exposure to contaminated environments.
To perform all of its functions without obstacles, the brain needs a continuous supply of oxygen to allow for the maintenance of energy levels.
However, because of contaminated environments, the exchange of gases and the transport of oxygen can have difficulties getting to the cells.
This decreases the efficiency of cognitive work which increases the risk of suffering illnesses such as dementia.
Eliminate exposure to contaminated environments, and in case of exposure, take preventative measures.
Try to go to greener areas where you can breathe in the fresh air.
As you can see, even though some habits seem to be harmless, in reality, they can carry various consequences for your cerebral health.
Try to eliminate these habits to the best of your ability and follow our recommendations.
How Do You Rise? - Duration: 6:12.
Today I have a story I would like to share
A tale not of two cities or of mice and men
But instead, of a page turning when a new chapter began
You see, I see, I believe it was Mandela who shared a message for us all when he said,
"The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time you fall
How do you rise?
You see, I see, years ago I was asked "What do you want to be?"
Not who, not when, not how.
Back then I had an answer, not today, not now.
Because I look around and see our planet so broken
I find myself asking how?
How did this happen?
Every day I hear of violence and attacks, disease, corruption
yet no one will report the facts
How do you rise?
you see, I see a disparity
When my Creator promised a kingdom for all
Why in the midst of potential peace do bridges continue to fall?
Why do we only see 'left' or 'right'?
'Boy' or 'girl'?
'Black' or 'white'?
There's so much in-between, why is this the reason we fight?
How do you rise?
You see, I see a tapestry
Remarkable color and beauty
Yet here we are at year 2018 and we still experience skin-tone inequity?!
How dare they!
How dare they call my friends "illegal"
They are not aliens, they are people.
A wall does not keep in or out,
a wall divides us and division is not what my Christ is about
How do you rise?
You see, I see dollar signs
That equate to unchecked power
when so many struggle, struggle to afford this thing we call safety
for one single hour
Why does an addiction lead only to conviction?
Instead of yelling, "Lock him up!"
What if we whispered, "I am here" by extending a simple coffee cup?
How do you rise?
You see, I see we wanna be with, and we say "me too"
because there is so much left to do
We cannot stop, this story it isn't done
That's why I wanna know what keeps you here instead of on the run
Whether you sing, you scream, you shout
when asked the question "What is this all about?"
In a world of unreasonable hate, what would it mean if we decided to stop?
To stand up and say, "I refuse"
I refuse to obey your preordained instinct to push and shove
Instead I will respond with unreasonable love
The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling but in rising every time we fall
How do you rise?
You see, I see I am one, but we are many
And in these times of desperation we must call on, lean on, love on,
we must carry on so that this thing that we call "Just Love" does not wash away into extinction
how do you rise?
you see, I see there's a point
a point of no return, but when it arrives who will be there standing on the edge?
standing up and saving lives?
how do you rise?
you see, I see I have to believe that somewhere up above there is a father, a mother, a sister,
a brother
someone something some being to help me rain down
rain down unreasonable love
receive love, give love, repeat
we don't just say these things because they're sweet
we say them because we too have dreams
dreams that require each and every one of us to be courageous
a dream that this movement, right here will be contagious
imagine, imagine a world, love beyond labels
imagine a world where it's not us against the other
imagine a world of family, and families belong together
how do you rise?
When did our priorities get so jumbled?
It's hard, it's hard to not be humbled right now, looking at you in the face
do you feel that?
there's something powerful happening in this space.
Here is where it begins, with a cup of coffee at 60 West
right here, Love Wins.
But we are called forward, called out of our comfy seats
called by our Creator to get out on to the streets
We must move up, move out, move into the tension
Move to rebuild this Kingdom of Heaven
One more time I will ask:
How do you rise?
When injustice descends, when it bends and twists it's not just she, but we who must
At our core we believe the Creator's work has begun
But to rise, to rise, she commands greater mending has yet to be done.
The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall
You see, I see
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