Hello and welcome to the channel
today we will be making Homemade Flour Tortillas
but we will make a little different
its going to taste delicious and look different and interesting
I hope you all enjoy the video and lets begin
to make eight extra large tortillas and eight small ones you will need
1 kg of white flour
650 ml of warm water
1 tbsp of salt
these are the tree basic ingredients in making flour tortillas
however I am going to add a few ingredients
to enhance and the improve the texture and the flavor of these tortillas
I am adding 1/4 tsp baking powder
3 tbsp milk powder
1 tbsp butter
This is just to improve the flavor the texure of the bread
you can leave them out if you want
For more infomation >> Flour Tortillas Like you Never Made Them English Subtitles will be added soon - Duration: 10:58.-------------------------------------------
Weird, Extreme & Unusual Motorsports You Have to See - Duration: 10:02.
Stop the car, stop the car!
My arm is stuck!
Dang it, now my legs is tired.
Oh crap! Now my ass is stuck!
Somebody help me please!
I just got them shoes!
My beautiful shoes.
That's my stop here, thanks for the ride buddy.
Hey Tyrone, did you bring the stuff?
Thanks dawg!
Yo dawg, gimme a lift to Wal-Mart.
Oh crap! Not again?!
Hell yeah.
That's how we roll.
What the heck did Tyrone sell me?
This don't feelz right.
It was at this moment that HE knew, he f@#ked up.
*the sound of uncertainty*
Get me outta here! Vladimir just sharted in here.
No I didn't!
You lying sack of shit!
Did you piss your pants too?
That's what you get for blocking the road.
*Instant Karma*
Make a slight right up ahead.
Look what you did now!
You little shit.
You're fired!
Liar, liar, pants on fire!
Well I just buried that stinker!
Owww, my spleen!
I'm Ok.
Need a band aid little buddy?
Yes, I'm here to join the race.
Ok, don't die buddy.
Whatya lookin' at?
Yea it's for sale.
I put it up on craigslist last night.
Ok buddy, stay alive!
*When you order Amazon Prime*
NEFFEX - Best of Me (Official Video) | [Re Upload] - Duration: 4:00.
I have a dream
that's all I need
I'll make it happen with some work and belief
know what I want
so ill take it on
I've made mistakes but mistakes make you strong
let's break it down for a minute
I want the crown Im gon get it
you hear me loud man I'm winning
yea charley sheen would be grinning
these ladies know that I'm sinning
and this is just the beginning
I'm closing in the 9th inning
there ain't no point in resisting
livin life
like a dream
live it right
that's the theme
every night
got a team
mobbing tight
to the scene
out on stage
hear em scream
this the dream
and I prayed
as a teen
one day
Itd be me
if I want it
then I get it
head down
don't regret it
push myself
to the limit
if I play it
then I win it
I'm just saying
I'm just living
for today
for a minute
I dont stay
I just visit
have no shame
I'll admit it yea
they lookin right at me
to see if i succeed
to see if i believe
they looking up to me
they want the best of me now
best of me now
best of me now
best of me
They want the best of me now
best of me now
best of me now
best of me
and I won't rest in peace now
rest in peace now
they want it now
oh damn if they want it now they got it now!
I swear to god man Ima make it soon
silence all the haters as they see us making moves
I do what I want so I got nothing to prove
stayin motivated teaching others what to do
Im staying focused
my mind is open
they start to notice
that Im in motion
there is no potion
your not just chosen
it takes devotion
to stay composed man
never stop never stall
there ain't no time to fall
try to live get it all
you got one life to ball
thinking big never small
cuz you gotta want it all
when you finally get that call
you get ready take it all
I don't need a handout
I already standout
startin to advance now
ready to expand now
you don't have a chance now
cuz we're in demand now
make it by the grand now
feelin in command now
they lookin right at me
to see if i succeed
to see if i believe
they looking up to me
they want the best of me now
best of me now
best of me now
best of me
They want the best of me now
best of me now
best of me now
best of me
and I won't rest in peace now
rest in peace now
they want it now
oh damn if they want it now they got it now!
Where Are You From? The Game - Duration: 1:34.
Do I really need a dishwasher? - Duration: 2:46.
WARFACE/#14/ FN SCAR-H + CO-OP misia. Rikardo. (CZ/SK). /SUBTITLES/. - Duration: 10:41.
Greetings to all people, who will watch this video.
In the last video I said about sniper,s rifle MC Millan CS5 what I bought permanently
and I would like to say I bought permanently also this weapon what you can see and this is FN SCAR-H
This weapon gives 90 damage, this is the biggest damage to weapons in rifleman class
and I would like to play now with this weapon one CO-OP match so I am going for it.
So you could see how strong this weapon is
and I will make next video again next thursday or friday maybe
so bye
for now.
Do You Like Broccoli Ice Cream? | Simple Songs - Duration: 2:35.
do you like broccoli?
yes I do, yes I do!
do you like ice cream?
yes I do
yes I do
do you like broccoli ice cream?
no I don't, no i don't
do you like doughnuts?
yes I do yes I do
do you like Juice?
yes I do yes I do
Do you like Doughnuts Juice?
No I don't!
Do you like Pop Corn?
Yes i Do!
Tes I Do!
Do you like Pizza?
Yes i Do! Yes i do!
Do you like Pop Corn Pizza?
No i don't, no i don't!
Do you like Bananas ?
Yes i do, yes i do!
Do you like soup?
Yes i do, yes i do!
Do you like bananas soup?
No i don't!
Sing Big Hero 6 finger family song | Daddy finger Big hero 6 Sing - Duration: 0:54.
Daddy finger, Daddy finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
HP How To For You — Windows 10 के साथ वायरलेस प्रिंटर कनेक्ट करना - Duration: 4:13.
It's Time for Proper Sleep - Emma and Sam - Shortbread Prophetic Word - Duration: 3:49.
We want to pray for you today. In fact we
want to warfare for you today. So, right
where you are, I want you to just to go into
a place of just receiving the blessing
and the fighting that we want to do on
your behalf.
God has spoken to us at Glasgow
Prophetic Centre for many years about
the ongoing battle over the church for
rest and sleep and quality in that area
so that you wake up refreshed with a
spring in your step and a hop skip and
jump back in your body. And I believe
it's a real contention ground repeatedly
for not just your ability to sleep but
your ability to have the level of rest
in your sleep that God actually wants us
to have. Now the word of God says, 'God
gives sleep to those that he loves', so
you know right there when God says that
that it's going to be contended by the enemy
because rest really matters to God. So
Sam and I are going to raise our hands
towards you. We're going to just pray -
each of us in turn - and start to command
this into order. [To Sam]: Do you want to prophesy first around that?
I believe that just like the
Psalm says that God makes you and makes
us lie down. That God is saying to you,
"I'm gonna make you lie down on your bed
on your sofa in your house and I'm
gonna make you rest". And for some of you
where resting and allowing yourself to
sleep it's almost unnatural and doesn't
feel quite right - you're just gonna have
to say to God, even as we pray, "God I let
you make me lie down; I choose to partner
with your rest". I think there's a
wonderful prophetic a gift from God to
you because some of you've got so into
your work and so into busyness you've
actually lost the ability to know what
it is to look after yourselves and rest
properly. So we just raise our hands
towards you and, in the name of Jesus, I
speak to any assignments that have come
against you in the night and I stop them
dead in Jesus name! And where you are
struggling with your rest I bless you
to be one who can fall asleep, who can
stay asleep! And I bless you in the name
of Jesus to have a quality of God-given
sleep that transforms your night but
also transforms your day in Jesus' name!
And this isn't just about having long
sleep but it's having the right amount
that is deep sleep. So we bless you in
Jesus' name with deep sleep that
rejuvenates your body; that rejuvenates
your spirit; that brings life to your
insides; that you won't wake up, even after
long periods of sleep, still feeling
tired but you will wake up ready for the
day ahead. So we bless you with the
gift of deep sleep that renews all of
who you are, in Jesus' name.
And I bless you as one who now comes
alive during the day because you have
gone to sleep during the night. And I
bless your energy levels in Jesus' name,
to now come in to Godly alignment. So we
bless you now to be one who knows Godly rhythms,
Godly cycles, and we bless you to
get the gift of yourself
back to you, from the hand of God. Amen!
Hey! If you really liked this video
then we'd appreciate it if you could
give us a thumbs up, subscribe to our
channel, comment below and you can also
find us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
Filter Bubbles and Fake News (3/3) - Duration: 3:09.
28 ways you can get disqualified. Swimming rules and regulations according to FINA - Duration: 4:37.
Swimming doesn't seem like a complicated sport with a lot of rules.
However, there are at least 26 rules that can get you disqualified.
1- On the starter's command "take your marks", swimmers shall immediately take up a starting
position with at least one foot at the front of the starting platforms.
The position of the hands is not relevant.
2- Any swimmer starting before the starting signal has been given, shall be disqualified.
3- Some part of the swimmer must break the surface of the water throughout the race,
except it shall be permissible for the swimmer to be completely submerged during the turn
and for a distance of not more than 15 meters after the start and each turn.
By that point, the head must have broken the surface.
4- Standing on the bottom during freestyle events or during the freestyle portion of
medley events shall not disqualify a swimmer, but he shall not walk.
5- Obstructing another swimmer by swimming across another lane or otherwise interfering
shall disqualify the offender.
6- Bending the toes over the top of the touchpad or over the wall is prohibited.
7- At the signal for starting and after turning the swimmer shall push off on his/her back.
8- swim upon his/her back throughout the race except when executing a turn
9- The normal position on the back can include a roll movement of the body up to, but not
including 90 degrees from horizontal.
10- Pulling on the lane rope is prohibited.
11- Upon the finish of the race the swimmer must touch the wall while on the back in his/her
respective lane.
12- From the start and throughout the race the stroke cycle must be one arm stroke and
one leg kick in that order.
13- All movements of the arms shall be simultaneous and on the same horizontal plane without alternating
14- The elbows shall be under water except for the final stroke before the turn, during
the turn and for the final stroke at the finish.
15- The hands shall not be brought back beyond the hip line, except during the first stroke
after the start and each turn.
16- During each complete cycle, some part of the swimmer's head must break the surface
of the water.
17- All movements of the legs shall be simultaneous and on the same horizontal plane without alternating
18- At each turn and at the finish of the race, the touch shall be made with both hands
separated and simultaneously at, above, or below the water level.
19- After the start and after each turn, the swimmer may take one arm stroke completely
back to the legs during which the swimmer may be submerged.
20- At any time prior to the first Breaststroke kick after the start and after each turn a
single butterfly kick is permitted.
21- Both arms shall be brought forward simultaneously
22- over the water and brought backward simultaneously under the water through-out the race,
23- All up and down movements of the legs must be simultaneous.
24- At each turn and at the finish of the race, the touch shall be made with both hands
separated and simultaneously, at, above or below the water surface.
25- It shall be permissible for a swimmer to be completely submerged for a distance
of not more than 15 meters after the start and after each turn.
26- In Medley relay events, swimmers will cover the four swimming strokes in the following
order: Backstroke, Breaststroke, Butterfly and Freestyle.
Each of the strokes must cover one quarter (1/4) of the distance.
27- In relay events, the team of a swimmer whose feet lose touch with the starting platform
before the preceding team-mate touches the wall shall be disqualified.
If you want to learn more about swimming check out our other videos and subscribe to our
Only if you are passionate about swimming, I recommend visiting our webpage at skillswimming.com
, but only if you are passionate, otherwise you won't like it.
Thanks for watching! see you next Friday!
Swim fast!
Lajpat Nagar Central Market | Bedsheets, Curtains, Cushion Covers | Episode 3 - Duration: 6:01.
How To Be A Leader In Life & In Business - Duration: 2:14.
Hey everyone, Simone MIlasas here with
Business Done Different.
I'm at a ranch in Texas check this out
so horses, goats, chickens, cows, Wagyu,
Longhorn lots of fun.
One of the things that we've been doing today at this
Conscious Horse Conscious Rider class is lunging horses
and one of the things
that Gary Douglas says is that if you
can't lunge a horse you can't lead your staff
So the way I
looked at this as well as when you lunge
a horse it's like you have to put your
attention on the but not on the head
so how many of you in business are
trying to like head trip to get someone
to do something rather than actually
just requests and putting this energy in
an area that you just go okay move,
this needs to move and it's like not from a
point of view not from a fixed point of
view just from a request.
So the other thing I would like to say is how many
times do you think that business should
just be in one area it's like what if
you could take yourself outside your
comfort zone for example you know what
go play with a horse and see what shows
up I'm so incredibly grateful that I've
been here this weekend and and got to
play with these horses. So what if you
were being a leader in your life in your
business it's like what would you choose,
what would you nudge and what would you put
your energy on so that you could just
like it's like a flick and it's like
okay I'd like this to move over here or
this needs to change and you direct it
but not with your head okay not with
your head
so all you head trippers out there
everything that is and everywhere that
you've decided that head tripping is the
most is the thing that's going to create
the most success will you destroy and
uncreate it? Right and wrong, good and bad
POC and pod, all 9, shorts boys and beyonds.
What if your business was different.
Business Done Different!
Reset a Forgotten Mac Password - Duration: 1:21.
I'll show you how to reset a forgotten
Mac password, next.
Hi, I'm Chris.
Here on Chris Fry Tech Guy, you'll find tech
reviews and tutorials, like this one, to
help make technology work for you. I'm
excited to have you here today, as I'm
going to show you how to do a Mac
password reset, which is handy to know
should you forget yours... not that I know
from experience or anything... Let's get
Restart your computer and hold command +
R keys. When the Apple logo appears on
the screen you can release them. Your
computer is now booting into recovery
mode. Click utilities tab. Click terminal.
Type resetpassword
Press enter. Close terminal window.
Select user in password reset utility.
Enter new password.
Save. And that's how you reset a password
on a Mac. Like and share this video if
you found it helpful. Thank you for
joining me today. I'll see you next
Ada Vox releases debut single 'Because of You' - Duration: 2:19.
HOW TO MAKE $18-$25 PER HOUR WITH AMAZON FLEX - Duration: 9:05.
Hey guys it's John Kevitz Acquire Liberty
thanks for spending some time free here
today I want to show you something
that's pretty neat okay this isn't a
home-based business opportunity but it's
a way for you to be independent your own
boss and you'll have job security and
the reason I know you're gonna have job
security is because it's for the biggest
business in the world right now it's
Amazon okay and with Amazon you pretty
much have job security unless you mess
it up real bad and what you see on the
screen here is called Amazon flex now
Amazon flex is a great thing it allows
you to partner with Amazon you're going
to be your own contractor and what
you're gonna do is pick up things in
their their warehouse right there local
warehouse wherever you live and deliver
to the customers how easy is that right
so let's take a look here I flex for my
own fitness studio okay let's see here
you can make 18 to 25 dollars an hour
folks working for yourself with Amazon
just delivering packages how awesome is
that if you don't have your own if you
don't have a boss okay these guys are
kind here boss but the great thing about
this is as you get to pick your own
hours of work and it actually tells you
down here somewhere why Amazon flex
trade earnings 18 to 25 flexible hours
scheduled ahead or pick up any available
block of time now see basically oh and
at 7 days a week so I mean how can you
beat that right it's seven days a week
so whenever you want you can have your
full time job and do this part-time
unless you know and if it comes up that
you know make them more money you're
doing this and you're happier this is
something you could do a full time if
you want to understand this covers the
whole United States okay so locally you
have to check where your local you know
area is a posis area you'd be able to
work for Amazon but it covers the whole
United States so I mean you've got to
have you know a pretty good range or a
good area where you can work where you
can deliver because everybody orders
things off of Amazon right so seven days
a week that's fantastic now let's just
check the
so about Amazon flex I just get a little
more the details here here are the
cities Amazon flex is already in more
than 50 cities now see that's fantastic
and I see cities all across here I see
Pennsylvania Philadelphia Pittsburgh so
you'd have to check like if you're in a
smaller you know a smaller city in your
state something in that area you have to
check it but Amazon carrot you know
covers a lot of area so I wouldn't worry
about that too much
now the only thing the only drawback to
this whole thing that I found was the
fact that the majority of these cities
were already taken so if you're looking
for a job now I like just to say you're
you know in middle eastern Pennsylvania
or you know Northeast Pennsylvania or
you're in western Ohio or something of
that nature you might not have any job
opportunities because somebody are you
snatched them up but the good thing
about it is is Amazon is always
expanding and this menu is always
changing constantly now from what I've
read like it says right here you know
certain cities and certain states or
whatever but the cities are constantly
changing from week to week for what
positions are open so if you're serious
about this you get on here you check
this out every week and you'll probably
find something at some point in time
that's close to you in your area so I
mean I think that's phenomenal now how
this works is Amazon flex app you have
to have a cell phone okay whether it be
an apple or it be an Android or whatever
you're going to download their app you
have to download their app and you put
that in your in your phone you got to
have a certain requirements for every
phone I mean I guess you can't have an
ancient phone you can't live to have one
of those flip phones like you can't have
one of those flip phones you got to have
one of those update smart phones right
you gotta have about two gigabytes of
RAM for the app to work which most
almost all the phones have at this point
and you know think that thing's great
because what you do is what you'll go to
the warehouse wherever it is that you
have to go to pick up the package to
deliver for Amazon but when you go to
pick it up you basically have to scan
the box you know how you've seen the UPS
guy scan their boxes before they you
know they pick them up and drop them off
that's essentially what you're gonna be
doing you pick up the box you'll scan it
with your
phone with the app on the phone and then
you'll put it in your car your truck or
whatever you got
make the delivery drop it off scan it
again say it's delivered and Boop you're
on your way and the great thing about
this is it keeps a tally of how much
you've earned okay so that's pretty
phenomenal so you'll know what you're
entitled to it's always constantly
updating every time you deliver a
package this gets updated how great is
that so I mean this is a phenomenal
option for people frequently asked
questions getting started that's easy
enough I told you basically how you get
it started you got to go in here check
your area for areas available you apply
you got you didn't do the normal things
download the app to get started they'll
give you an account set up basically and
everything and anything that you see on
the on line you know how to set that up
name address phone number and if you're
working for them I imagine whether
you're a contractor or considering an
employee in their eyes whatever the case
may be you'll have to give us a certain
specific information like social
security and whatnot now the one thing I
found that was interesting here was the
background checks there's going to be
background checks now this isn't
extensive maybe they'll do a quick FBI
check on you because they're basically
trusting you with their packages right I
mean interacting with their customers so
they want to make sure they get you know
an upstanding person delivering packages
for them and more importantly probably
since you're going to be driving for
them and I'm going to give you a little
bonus here if you work for them full
time they actually supply you with
insurance on your vehicle that's pretty
awesome so say goodbye to your car
insurance or truck insurance or whatever
you have you can have if you're working
for Amazon delivering packages for them
they pay for your insurance which is
pretty good
and so the background checks are going
to basically only check you know FBI
background checks basic ones and
probably um your driving record they're
not gonna hire you probably feel like
three speeding tickets in a year
something like that most people don't so
and then scheduling delivery brought
blocks you could schedule whenever you
want like if you want to work from like
you know eight to twelve right if you
want to work twelve to four if you want
to come home and you still want to
deliver you can deliver four probably to
eight o'clock at night the delivery
blocks are usually reach somewhere
two-two three-three two-six or you know
two to four hours something like that
depending on what you're delivering
because you could end up delivering just
merchandise or you can end up delivering
groceries they actually do that now and
another thing they actually deliver
which I found out is you could actually
be picking things up if you so choose
now from a restaurant people can order
things at a restaurant you can deliver
it to them and it's really not that
difficult because you're there's no cash
or money transactions involved all
you're doing is brute your skin in the
package whatever they get stamped on the
bag or the box or whatever the case may
be give it to the customer their account
gets charged and you're done look at he
split so I mean there's a lot of
different options for you here there's a
lot of different ways that could work
for you
but the great thing is you get to pick
your hours you're basically your own
boss because you do it when you want how
you want and whenever you want I mean as
long as you're courteous and kind and
you know the basic stuff right but the
biggest hurdle with this thing like I
said earlier in the video is getting the
actual job because getting the actual
job is the toughest part because
everybody wants these jobs right so an
18 to 25 bucks an hour is nothing to
sneeze at
especially in most areas across the
country so I wanted to give that guy
give that option to you guys so you're
aware of it you know about it and you
know just something to keep in mind and
you're looking for a job you might be
your own boss all right guys you take
care until next time do me a favor
subscribe to my youtube channel okay hit
the little bell notification so every
time I make an upload you will see it
and the reason I want you to subscribe
to my youtube channel is because
everybody wants subscribers to the
YouTube channel but more importantly I
want to get to a thousand subscribers
because I want to monetize monetize my
channel and I'd also like to do live
screening or you know do live shows you
can't really do that to get the thousand
subscribers I think that'd be really
great to use remember you can also
follow me on Facebook Twitter and
Instagram and if you are serious about
being your own boss do you want you be
your home I want your own home based
business click the link at the bottom of
the description it's the first line in
the description down there click on that
that's how I got started that's how
thousands of people got started before
me and
doing fantastically well and I'm not
going to bad myself
alright guys hey listen you take care
and until next time God Bless
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