welcome to another tutorial in today's..
video we're gonna be taking a look at
our automation first how we make them
and second what they will actually do so
first let's go ahead into our automation
and look at our automation rules here my
mailing boss I do not have any rules yet
so let's go ahead and add a rule over
here guys we have our trigger and also
our actions so first we choose the
trigger and then we choose the action
you guys can think of this much as cause
and effect so for example when a user
subscribes to a list we can choose an
action maybe to unsubscribe him from
another list or move them to another
list so let's go ahead and see how that
works let's click over here so when I
user subscribes to a list we can choose
this list over here
they will then be I'm subscribed from
the tutorial list we can go ahead and
save that rule and that rule is now
added to our automation rules list let's
go ahead and add another rule over here
when a user unsubscribe from a list we
can choose another action so let's go
ahead and do that let's say if this oops
if the unsubscribe from our tutorials
list let's move them into our book sale
list and then we can save the rule so
pretty much guys that is how it works so
you add a rule over here you choose a
trigger and then you choose an action
over here you guys about the insert tag
value I'm going to be talking about that
in the next tutorial so please be aware
of that tutorial also as it will be very
useful to you thank you guys so much for
watching this tutorial I hope it has
helped you a little bit and I'll see you
in the next one
For more infomation >> Builderall Tutorial 18 - Mailingboss Autoresponder: Automation overview #builderall - Duration: 2:16.-------------------------------------------
Collocations in English - Learn English Vocabulary - Duration: 14:16.
Hi, I'm Kasia.
Welcome to Oxford Online English!
In this lesson, you can learn about collocations in English.
But, what are collocations?
Why can't you say, There was hard traffic on the way to the centre?
Because of collocation.
Can you say totally exhausted?
Yes, you can,
What about totally freezing?
No, you can't.
Why not?
Why do you apply for a job, but you apply to a company?
Can you guess?
Of course, the answer is 'collocation.'
But what does this mean?
Collocation means that some words fit together, and other words don't.
Look at a sentence you heard before:
There was hard traffic on the way to the centre.
Is this correct or not?
It's not correct.
If you said this, everybody would understand what you meant, but native English speakers
would never use the words hard traffic together.
Do you know the correct way to say it?
You could say heavy traffic, bad traffic, terrible traffic, and there are other possibilities.
What's the point here?
The point is that some words fit together, and some words don't.
There isn't any logic to it.
This makes collocations difficult.
If you don't know that heavy traffic is the correct collocation, it's hard to guess.
You either know it, or you don't.
In this lesson, you'll learn about common collocations in English, how to learn and
remember collocations, and why you should focus on collocations as part of your English
You almost certainly know many collocations in English already.
The most common collocations in English are with everyday verbs like do, make, get, give,
have, and so on.
Each of these verbs has tens of possible collocations.
Here's a challenge for you.
You're going to hear a dialogue.
In the dialogue, there are ten collocations with these five verbs.
Listen and write down the ten collocations.
Can you do me a favour?
I've just got in!
Can't I have a break for five minutes?
But I have a big problem!
Amanda's arriving in fifteen minutes, and my car won't start.
Can you give me a lift to the station?
Ok, fine.
Give me a minute to get ready.
So, where's Amanda?
Shouldn't she be here already?
I think I made a mistake…
I got confused and mixed up the dates.
She's coming tomorrow.
Well, at least you already made the beds.
Can you give me a lift tomorrow?
Work is busy tomorrow, but I'll do my best.
How was that?
Could you write down the ten collocations?
If you want, you can go back and listen to the dialogue a second time.
Here are the ten collocations you heard:
do someone a favour do (your) best
make a mistake make the beds
get in get confused
give someone a lift give (me) a minute
have a break have a (big) problem
You can see how common collocations are.
They're everywhere in spoken English!
All the collocations you saw are based on verbs.
However, collocations can be based on any part of speech.
For example, there are adjective-noun collocations, like a great achievement or a long journey.
There are adverb-adjective collocations, like terribly hot or extremely significant.
There are noun-noun collocations, like a slice of cake or a pile of laundry.
There are more.
The point is that collocations are everywhere.
To speak English naturally and fluently, you need to pay attention to them.
So, what should you do?
The best way to find and learn collocations is to do regular reading and listening practice
in English.
As you read or listen, pay attention to collocations.
If you're reading something, you can try to underline the collocations you find.
Remember that just because you know the words, it doesn't mean you know the collocation!
For example, you might see collocations like:
He went bald when he was in his twenties.
It's a big decision, but we have to do something.
It was a little expensive, but still good value.
You might think, "I know the words, so there's nothing to learn here," but this could be
a mistake.
Think about the collocation big decision.
If you don't know the collocation, you might say something else, like large decision or
heavy decision.
However, these don't work.
You need to know the collocation: big decision.
The collocation is almost like a separate word that you need to learn and remember.
Let's practice!
Look at a short text.
There are ten collocations in the text.
The collocations are of different types.
Can you find the ten collocations?
Pause the video, read the text, and try to find them.
Start again when you're ready.
Let's look.
One quick point: maybe some of you have different answers.
Maybe some of you think there are more than ten collocations in the text.
You could be right.
There isn't a clear line between what is a collocation and what isn't.
For example, is very patient a collocation?
You could say that it is, or that it isn't.
It isn't clear.
Don't worry about this point.
It doesn't make any difference to how you should study and use collocations.
So, now you've found ten collocations in your text.
You could find more collocations using a dictionary.
For example, there are two collocations in the text with the word friend: become friends
and one of my closest friends.
Can you find two more?
Use your favourite dictionary, preferably a monolingual dictionary.
Look up the word friend, and write down two more collocations.
Pause the video and do it now!
What did you get?
There are many, many possible answers, but maybe you wrote down something like:
make friends (with someone) a good friend
(your) best friend Or: a true friend
Let's do one more.
In the text, you saw the collocation demanding job.
What else can be demanding?
Pause the video, look up demanding in your dictionary, and write down two more possible
What did you get this time?
Here are three suggestions:
a demanding person a demanding period
a demanding situation
Again, there are other possibilities.
So, when you're reading or listening in English, try to notice the collocations you
see or hear.
You can then use your dictionary to look up related collocations.
However, you'll very quickly have a lot of collocations!
How can you remember them all?
Learning and remembering collocations is the same as learning any other vocabulary.
That means you should:
One: Learn vocabulary from real-life sources, for example from reading articles, listening
to songs, or having conversations with your friends.
Don't learn vocabulary by making big lists of words from the dictionary.
Two: learn and review vocabulary in full sentences.
If you want to remember the collocation keep in touch with someone, don't just write
down the phrase; write down a full sentence which is meaningful for you.
For example: I use Whatsapp to keep in touch with my friends overseas.
Three: you need a system to review vocabulary regularly.
The best way to do this is to use a flashcard app like Quizlet or Anki.
Finally, like any vocabulary, you need to use it, otherwise it won't stick in your
How can you do that?
Here's one suggestion: when you learn collocations, put them in groups by topic.
For example, collocations to describe a person, collocations to describe a city, collocations
to talk about relationships, and so on.
When you have ten or more collocations in a group, write a short text, and try to use
all of the collocations as you write.
For example, if you've found ten collocations to describe a city, you could write a short
paragraph about your hometown using the collocations you've learned.
It might look something like this:
Athens is a sprawling city with a rich history.
The old centre is full of steep, narrow streets and archaeological monuments.
It has a lively atmosphere, especially at night.
You can get around by metro, which is useful because traffic jams are a constant problem.
You can easily find tasty local food in the centre, although touristy places can be overpriced.
There's very little street crime, so you don't have to worry about safety, although
you should look out for pickpockets in the metro.
This can be challenging, but it's worth making the effort.
By using the collocations you learn to write something which is true for you, you'll
be able to remember them more easily.
Finally, let's see how collocations can be the key to increasing your English vocabulary.
Often, students tell us things like:
I need more vocabulary to speak English.
I can't find the right words when I'm speaking.
Or: I need to learn more vocabulary for my IELTS exam.
Or: I want to learn academic vocabulary to express my ideas clearly.
What if we told you that you could improve your vocabulary massively, without even learning
any new words?
How can that be?
It's not about how many words you know; it's about how you use those words.
Remember earlier, you saw the collocation big decision?
Probably, all of you know the words big and decision, but we're guessing not all of
you knew the collocation big decision.
Most of the collocations in this lesson are probably similar.
The individual words might not be new, but the combination is.
You've seen around thirty to forty different collocations in this lesson.
Actually, you've seen many more, but we've highlighted that many.
This is a tiny, tiny proportion of the collocations we could have shown you.
Collocations are everywhere, and many of them use words you're already familiar with.
So here's our final piece of advice: spend more time learning collocations.
Don't just learn single words; learn combinations and phrases with them.
Learn collocations using the vocabulary you have.
Follow the steps in this lesson: find collocations by reading or listening, use good vocabulary
learning practices, and use collocations by writing short texts on different topics.
This way, you can learn to use the vocabulary you already know to express a wider range
of ideas.
You'll be able to talk more fluently and naturally, and express yourself more clearly.
Here's a question for you: have you found any weird, funny, interesting or really illogical
English collocations?
Please share them in the comments!
Don't forget to check out our website for more free English lessons: Oxford Online English
dot com.
Thanks for watching!
See you next time!
Distress Oxide, Nuvo Mousse, WOW & Scrapbook paper Mixed Media tag - Duration: 5:18.
Hi I'm Gerry from Gerry's Craft Room and welcome to my channel
In this video I'm going make a mixed media tag with fabScraps scrapbook paper as a base
I applied a thin layer of gesso on the tag with a plastic card
and now I add some colour with the ink pad on my work surface
and I spray some water so I can dip in my tag
I add colours and in between I dry so I can add another layer and the colours
will be over the other colours here and there and don't mix
by the way I added the products I used in the description box for you and
if you are new here don't forget to subscribe
No I add a flower pattern with a stencil and a sponge
I don't use the ink blending tool because
of the thickness of the stencil it will ruin the sponge applicator
I spray some water in my hand and flick the drops
on the tag and let it set a bit and then dry
making some splats with diluted black gesso and let it dry
and now I'm going to add the embellishment mousse with a stencil
I use a card to apply the mousse
then I sprinkle on embossing powder, I don't want it everywhere
so I sprinkle on a little bit and then shake it off and I melt the powder
the mousse is not dry yet so the powder sticks easy
going to add some more mousse here and there to get some more blue colour
adding a sentiment and some white pearls to finish the tag
I hope you liked the video don't forget to like, share and subscribe
and I'll see you in the next video thanks for watching
The Most Productive Habit That Will Achieve You MORE In LESS Time— Daily Motivational Video | Dose 4 - Duration: 1:56.
You know, in our life, two days never come -
One day and Monday, because we humans are
the creatures of habits. Yes, we humans are
the creatures of habits. And here at
Pep Talk India, we try to help our
students form some good ones... and we try
to keep it really simple... like today I am
going to talk to you about the simplest
of the idea, but if you follow this
you'll be highly successful and highly
productive in life. STFU - shut the fuck up
and learn to finish things every day. You
pick up a book. you finish the book,
or at least you finish one chapter. You
start some tasks you finish the tasks;
you start some assignment you finish the
assignment. Learn to finish things every
day. This can be the smallest of the
things to finish, no problem; teeny tiny
thing - no problem, but learn to finish
things every day. Go to your bed every
night being a little wiser. Be more
productive. So learn to finish things.
STFU- Shut The Fuck Up,
and learn to finish things. I wish you
highly successful and productive life.
play at office you are very happy - Duration: 9:26.
play at office you are very happy
SHOPPING IN PARNDORF യൂറോപ്പിലൊന്ന് ഷോപ്പിനിങ്ങിനു പോയാലോ ?I with English subtitle I MALAYALAM VLOG - Duration: 6:54.
today, European Diary invites you to a designer outlet in Burgenland
Burgenland is a state in Austria
Burgenland is famous for producing wine
there are many vineyards there
wine is made from these grapes
they are similar to our juice grapes in Tamil Nadu
these grapes are only for making wine
I have a taste of a grape
its sweet and sour...
...but it tastes good
now we leave for our main destination
I just arrived in Parndorf
the 50km drive from Vienna to Parndorf takes about 30 minutes
in Parndorf, there is a designer outlet for different popular luxury brand products
you will get 30 to 70% discount in this outlet, even for very expensive luxury products
now I am at the Samsonite showroom
you will find different bags and luggage
you can check the quality of the materials
this is a map of the outlet
with this electronic map, it's very easy to find your favourite shop
the outlet in Parndorf is very beautiful and well maintained
in summer, there are a lot of different flower beds
compared to India, everything in Europe is expensive...
...but you will get better prices here than in usual shops
rituals is a shop for organic care products
you will find traditional products from all over the world
Europeans dress very differently to Indians
there are no dress restrictions, ...
... which makes the hot summertime more comfortable...
...especially for women
European culture is very different to India...
...and finds their own explanation
a tour of a shopping centre is very exhausting, I am very tired
I hope you liked the video
if you did, please like, comment, share and subscribe
I'll see you again next week with a new video from Europe
How To Preach Memorable Sermons [3 TIPS] - Duration: 9:35.
K1 Adjustment Of Status Requirements: Seven Problems To Avoid Fiance Visa Denial - Duration: 10:29.
In this video, I'd like to briefly discuss
some of the red flags that you might encounter
on your journey to bringing in someone you love
from another country on a fiancé visa.
In recent weeks,
I've read several articles on the Internet where the fiancé visa process
has been under attack.
So, that leads me to believe that the current administration
is probably going to begin
a more continuous effort to attack
the fiancé visa process.
As you know, the fiancé visa process
can be labeled in a sense another form of family immigration.
Family immigration,
even legal family immigration,
has been under attack by the current administration
as being a form of chain migration, a family chain migration.
So, it's very important that you know
what's ahead and that you know what types of things to look out for.
So, when you prepare your petition to bring in
someone you love, you're ready and
you have all the evidence to submit.
So with that, let's get started.
Red flag number one, your relationship,
your engagement.
Can you prove that this is a bona fide relationship?
That is really what the fiancé visa process
is all about.
They want to weed out fraudulent attempts.
So, they're going to be looking at when did you meet
the person you fell in love with?
How often have you been in contact
with this person?
How many times did you physically visit with this person?
Did you actually come in physical contact?
Not to say that someone that meets online
that that couldn't be a legitimate relationship.
It very well could be,
but the proof is going to be harder,
and the less physical contact you have,
and the less time that you spent together in a relationship,
the greater the red flag for the government.
You have to prove that this is a bona fide relationship.
So, be careful about that.
The second thing is immigration history.
For instance, if you've been involved in . . .
let's say you've had two or three divorces,
and one or even both of your previous spouses
were from another country,
and you tried to immigrate them.
Well, they're going to be looking at that.
They're going to be looking at that because they might be thinking
that, hey, the previous divorces weren't real.
Maybe they were a little fraudulent?
Maybe you were paid to bring them into the country?
Or, on the other hand, your fiancé
in the country abroad,
have they been married?
Have they been the beneficiary
of a previous fiancé visa petition?
Have they perhaps come in and out
of the United States and overstayed their visa?
Have they ever been denied entry to the United States?
These are issues that are definitely
going to be looked at during the fiancé visa process,
and that will probably be questioned of the immigrant spouse
or the immigrant soon-to-be spouse at their fiancé visa interview.
The third item is culture,
or as some folks say, commonality.
Are you, say, from two different religions?
How big is the age gap?
Is there a racial difference?
Is there an ethnic difference?
Are you say even
let's say you, the petitioner, is highly educated,
has advanced degrees in college,
and the immigrant soon-to-be spouse is
not educated, speaks very little English,
has two or three children from a previous relationship.
They're going to be looking at that to see if that's a real relationship,
if that's a legitimate relationship,
and so, you have to be prepared for that.
The less commonality you have.
Does the person speak English
from the other country,
or do you speak their native language?
Those are the issues you're going to have to be aware of
when it comes to culture.
And marriage history,
I mentioned that when I was talking about immigration history.
If you've been previously married,
or if your fiancé has been previously married,
and they also filed immigration petitions
that failed for one reason or another,
they're going to be looking at that.
You certainly want to make sure
that when you decide to file papers
to bring in your fiancé,
that you know what papers they have filed,
if they have ever filed immigration papers,
if they've ever entered the United States.
Those are issues that you have to raise.
Of course, if you met in the United States,
that's another story.
You know they've been in the US.
But then again, did they fulfill the terms of
their tourist visa or their student visa?
In other words, did they leave on time?
The fifth red flag is supporting evidence.
Can you support the relationship?
If you visited your fiancé in his or her home country,
do you have hotel receipts?
Do you have plane receipts?
Did you guys go to restaurants?
Did you spend time together going to a movie or some cultural event?
Did you spend time at family functions?
Do you have photos?
Did you meet your fiancé's family,
or, if on the other hand, your fiancé came to the United States,
do you have photos of introducing your fiancé to your family,
to your parents, to your brothers and sisters,
to your friends, to your co-workers?
Do you have proof of their receipts here in the United States?
That's the type of supporting evidence
that can be real critical in these types of cases,
and that you definitely,
definitely want to provide the government
which takes us into the sixth area,
family and friends.
Do you know your fiancé's friends?
Do you know your fiance's family?
Does your fiancé know your family and
your friends over here?
What do they know about your work history?
What do you know about their work history?
What do you know about their life over there
and who they hang out with, and what they do daily,
and what do they know about you?
What do they do during the day?
Who do they live with? Who do they hang out with?
Who do they work with?
Who are their family?
Who are their friends?
You want to know that.
These are really, really important issues.
Now, where this could become a real issue in
some cases is take a same sex situation marriage
where the marriage is two individuals of the same sex.
Now, in some cultures, that's taboo so it's kept very secret.
You don't share that.
In that case, there may not be a lot of evidence of family and friends
because the immigrant spouse is sort of hiding
that information.
That can also be if an immigrant spouse, let's say,
is a younger female,
and they're marrying an older male in the United States
or vice versa, older female,
younger male, and
they're not too keen on the age difference,
and so they sort of hide it.
Well, the government is going to look very harshly on that
because, it's like, what tells us that you're a real couple?
What tells us that you share things together?
That you're going to share your life together?
That this is a legitimate marriage
despite the age differences?
That's red flag number six.
And then after marriage, what are your plans after marriage?
What do you know about your fiancé, again?
What does your fiancé know about you, again?
What type of job do you have,
and what are your career goals?
Has your fiancé,
has she or he attended college in their home country?
Do they have career goals when they get to the United States?
Do they understand English
or are they going to take classes here to improve their English
so that they can contribute to their education,
to the household expenses by getting a better paying job?
What are you going to do after marriage?
What's the plan?
Is your fiancé going to move in with you to the United States?
Are you going to move out of your current, say,
one bedroom apartment to a bigger place?
What are your plans?
Share those plans.
Document those plans, and if you have friends, have them document it too.
Anyway, these are just some of the red flags that you should be looking for
when you're seeking to bring in a person
that you love through a fiancé visa.
There is no set formula
of what you should provide, but these are basics.
These are like common sense factors if you're really,
really going to marry this person.
You really love this person.
These are things that you would likely know,
and because your relationship is legitimate,
it's just a matter of staking your claim
and becoming super-prepared
and preparing the documentation correctly,
and then filing your papers.
With that, I wish you the best of luck.
I've included at the end of this video
a link to a guide for fiancé visa marriage interview,
a checklist of questions that you might want to review.
In any event, I wish you and the love of your life
the best of luck going forward. Take care.
THE ART OF AGING | Sleeping tips, tips for insomnia - Duration: 2:19.
HOW TO DRAW CATERPIE | Pokémon Drawing and Coloring for Kids | BLABLA ART - Duration: 10:24.
How to draw Caterpie, Pokémon
Don't miss any Blabla Art episode
Subscribe! :)
Princess Rock Stars | Princess Game for Girls - Duration: 2:56.
CodeGym: About the "Tasks" Section - Duration: 4:31.
Let's continue to introduce the CodeGym course.
In this video you'll learn:
The types of tasks you'll encounter on CodeGym.
The statuses they can have.
What "ReCheck" is.
How to use search and filters.
The CodeGym course contains a large number of tasks.
They are all built right into the lessons.
When you get to a card with a task, just click on the "Open" button
and it will transform into a Web IDE widget where you can start the task.
This setup is very useful when you want to keep the lesson material handy while solving the problem,
since you don't have to switch anywhere.
But there are also other instances, like if you decide to do some tasks on a weekend.
It wouldn't be very convenient to fumble through all of the available lessons searching for unfinished tasks
That's why CodeGym has a special "Tasks" section, where we've gathered together all of the course's tasks.
In the "All tasks" tab, you can view a description of each exercise even those you haven't unlocked yet
and familiarize yourself with the task descriptions.
In the "My tasks" tab, you can view tasks from lessons that you've already unlocked
There is a separate card for each lesson.
On each card, you'll find a short description of the task, its name, and the teacher's avatar.
It also shows how much dark matter you'll earn for a correct solution and a small icon indicating the task type.
Now, let's take a look at the various types of tasks.
CodeGym exercises are divided into six types.
The first type is code entry tasks.
These are the simplest exercises you'll encounter in the course.
They are labeled with a letter T icon.
The most common type of CodeGym exercises is tasks focused on lesson materials.
These cards have an icon of a sheet of paper with a turned-in corner.
Solving these tasks is super useful and interesting.
Tasks labeled with a house icon are "homework".
These exercises are designed to be solved using the IntelliJ IDEA IDE outside of the lessons.
They often require a deeper understanding of the material than the tasks in the lessons.
Bonus tasks are more difficult tasks.
They are labeled with an asterisk.
Tasks with a Play icon are special:
you don't need to code anything for these tasks, instead you'll have to watch some useful videos.
Finally, the most interesting type of task is the mini-project.
These tasks are divided into a series of subtasks with step-by-step instructions.
We made them like that so novice developers can cope with a relatively difficult and large task.
For example, you might write the game Sokoban or create an HTML editor.
Mini-projects are labeled with a folder icon.
Each task can have one of five statuses.
If the task is in a lesson that you haven't unlocked yet, it is labeled as "locked".
This means that when you first start studying on CodeGym all tasks are " locked".
Once you unlock a lesson with tasks in it, their status will change to "available".
You can then start solving them.
After you've submitted a solution for verification at least once,
the task status will change to "In progress"
This status won't change until you complete the task correctly.
Once your task solution passes the verification process
you'll be notified and the status will change to "Completed".
During the three days that follow this status change, you can keep trying solutions
and submitting them for verification.
To do so, you'll have to reset your previous solution.
You might want to do this to try improving your code or to solve a task a different way, for example
Three days after your first correct solution is submitted
the task status will permanently change to "Closed".
This status means that the CodeGym server will no longer verify solutions for this task.
In the "My tasks" section, you can see all of your available exercises.
By the time you're halfway through the course, a lot of tasks will have accumulated here.
To select the ones you need, you can use special filters.
These can help filter the search results by quest, level, or task status.
You can also search by task name.
The more tasks you unlock and complete, the more you'll accumulate in the "My tasks" section.
To make searching easier, we created a separate "Incomplete tasks" tab
This has the same tasks as those in "My tasks"
except it excludes tasks are already "Closed" or "Completed".
That's all for now! This has been your CodeGym team. Over and out.
Co-Founders Corner - Episode 15: Do you need experience to be successful in enterprise sales? - Duration: 1:33.
CAN YOU GAME A $500 GAMING PC? - Duration: 10:20.
Jamie Alderton - Crazy Conditioning (Motivation) - Duration: 3:31.
Jamie Alderton - Crazy Conditioning (Motivation)
oh and your heart lay then and all you
can see is
till you discover it is within each
other as you forgiven
except for a long road thought I'd be
better on my
time's up riders
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