this is the grand department store in this store there is a dress shop where
Stella chocolate works a cosmetic shop where Lulu Golightly works and an
accessories store where Cecilia teak works and a chocolate store where laura
Cakebread works the department store is about to open and everyone is busy
getting ready I wonder what kind of makeup would go by this dress I'm going
to ask Lulu at the makeup store unleavened oh just in case someone drops
by I'm at the cosmetic shop that will be right back that should do it
I wonder if I could promote the new makeup with some accessories I'm going
to ask Mrs T cat the accessory shop I'll be at the accessory shop there a quick
note should be enough oh I need to buy some chocolate for my baby's birthday
I'm going to ask Laura to get some before they sell out I'll be at the
chocolate store I'm going to leave a note oh I forgot to ask Stella to adjust
my dress that I'll be wearing to the party I'll just leave a note saying I'm
going to the dress shop oh where is she oh is she out hmm she isn't here hmm
where did she go oh there's a note what does it say I
will be at the accessory shop route I'll go find her
hmm where is she I thought the note said she'll be here hmm no one here either
huh she's not here either hmm she isn't here maybe I should wait here
she's not coming back I'm going to look around try and find her where is she
she's not here I've looked everywhere but can't find anybody where did
everyone go Hey oh no no mystique Nova right Lulu
something I want to ask you about makeup which accessory will go with which
makeup do you still have a popular chocolate left in store I would like you
to alter my dress huh wait everyone let's not all talk at once
Featured Product - Grand Department Store Gift Set
Featured Product - Persian Cat Family / Town Girl Series - Chocolate Rabbit / Silk Cat / Toy Poodle
For more infomation >> #2 Where Were You ? Chase In The Department Store ! | Stop Motion Movie | Sylvanian Families - Duration: 3:31.-------------------------------------------
Distress Oxide ink Smooching Mixed Media tag - Duration: 5:41.
Hi I'm Gerry from Gerry's Craft Room and welcome to my channel
In this video I'm going make a mixed media tag with some different techniques
normally I start with a white tag or card but the first part of the video was so blurry
it was really horrible I could not use it so I started with the blue and then I added
little bits of the other colours I used my new ink smooching technique with
distress oxides a great way to add colour to your project on places where you want it
I will link to another video where I explain more
so I'm going to start with the tag where I have my base colours
here I'm adding a bit more ink and then I let the tag dry
stamping some text randomly with a script stamp and versafine ink
now I'm going to add some lines with a plastic card and black gesso
I embossed some hearts and I apply a thin layer of white gesso on the raised parts
now I'm adding some blue ink I don't cover it completely I want a bit of a shabby look
after drying I take away some of the ink with a wet wipe the gesso works as a resist
some black ink along the edges to make the hearts stand out more
I pierced some holes and I'm going to add some black thread
I show you the beginning because I'm making some loops as a fun touch
I stitched the rest and now I finish with a sentiment
And I'm adding some dots because dots are always fun
I hope you liked the video don't forget to like, share and subscribe
and I'll see you in the next video thanks for watching
CAST A SPELL with HOODOO | 5 ingredient PAGAN, WICCA spells for FAST money!! witchcraft* loa occult - Duration: 8:53.
Yep, you landed on the right video, you know what it is because today we bout to discuss Hulu
five-ingredient pagans slash Wicca spells to get more money
Faster. Hey Congress. Thank you. You contribute to my bank account faithful
Cheese, bicycle. What yo y'all get was good as your girls. Hi, Jane, hashtag cup game
Put it down below. If you rocking with us. Listen, man. I already told you what this video is about
There's no need to repeat it again
If you know join a family by pressing the subscribe button and pressing a bell right next to it to be always
Notified on videos drop. Let's go ahead and get into this bro. You're ready to get rich and you ready to get rich? Oh, yeah
Alright guys. Look I'm holding the camera today because I want to make this personal, you know what I'm saying?
So look, the first thing you go need obviously is a red phone
It can't be any other color, but ring if you have any other color, this will not work. Do you hear me?
Say it. Say it with me crying. What color do you need? The head red sirtalis job great job. C'mere
C'mere c'mere c'mere smart students martini. Good job
Alright listen, so the first thing we don't have to do is we don't have to add some cinnamon
Okay. Now listen to me, it has to be ground cinnamon
It can't be anything but ground cinnamon if you get it from the sky it ain't right. Okay, it has to be ground cinnamon
So what you're gonna do is to go go ahead and open this shit
Yeah, one hand
the x-games beach
So you need to learn a lot of money. You gotta put a lot of agree eat a banana. Ok
Now this might sound weird but just trust me and hear me out really work. I'm a good guy fail to say and everything
Five-ingredient ways to get more might wanna open up an end. Ok, your bananas likely it's fine. It doesn't need to be perfect
Don't worry about not having a plate or anything because you need to keep these ingredients
Well, you have to have a rainbow
We have to have a white bird in a night what time for their needless routine one time for the girls mainly three times for?
your mama who pay them four times coz you still gonna be x cuz you're stupid as fuck and
Nine times because you clean out of look now. Let's see if you want phone
I need a spell on that tool if you want mom
I get more bananas you gonna take these bananas take all of the bananas
And you gonna drop them in in the sentences? Probably one of the most
Easiest feels amazing. I'm taking it I'm talking
I took it then I toast again I frosted jumping up these mark though. They're pulling hands
Let's step over here. Come on, come on come with grab this you see what this is straight in the third
birdie has to be a lot you have to
Cover it
You need to use five ingredients you actually need seven
Okay, like we only use a five in this bowl, but you still need meal and power you give me coffee
But you don't want to miss the end of the video. I'm going to show you proof
I'm gonna actually do the spell on camera and everything in the bold is gonna turn into money
What you need to do now is add this raw honey. I got the rash
Up. Don't worry about too much level. It doesn't matter if they if it gets stuck on the spoon. It doesn't man you're over
That looks like my make this fun working with one hand here so thick bro is so thick
Let's go blood is thicker than water. I don't forget. I'm providing proof at the end of this video Oh,
Get off the phone this is beyond
Men, you want to make sure you have a blender. Okay, not a beauty blender
Not a booty booty booty
Blender this kind of blender you need this kind of blender specifically this brand. This is not a sponsored video
That's how you don't telling you you need this brand. No other brand will work. Okay
I don't know if they're into the whole ope spell thingy, but no other brand works just this one you see that?
Bananas, that's how you know, it works because I got a picture of bananas so we won't turn this box around I'm a provider
at the end of this video
We got our blender set up over there we meet you
When you race, okay, I need to leave a little bit of water
So my smartass I wasn't recording when I was touring the ingredients and I apologize
This is what we need to go to the freezer now
Don't say that. This is more than five ingredients in ice and water is free. You wanna top it up. I didn't
What now here you have a few options there's chop mix great blender and liquify we want to do is liquefy
And you want to blend this for a good
No, just like two minutes or so. Looking good. Look at me now. We got all of our stuff mix
It's all good. You want to take just a little bit and pour it into a cup?
You're gonna come back and you're gonna take the ring and pour it back
Into the bins is what I'm gonna use to show you our proof that the spill we're gonna come back over here
You're gonna get our cup this little bit right here
You have to drink some of you have to drink all of it
But the more you drink the more money that you could possibly have we're gonna take what's in that bow and I'm gonna show you
Guys proof that this world first you got a drink because the money comes from within front pick, so let's get this down
Let's get that there
Definitely tastes like ass
But now we have to go outside
250 oh shit. I almost the I finally made it. See I got my tripod set up over there. I'm out of breath y'all
Carry everything over here
Legend has it
The hair that's hanging right up here. Oh
The hair that singing right up here. It's like some blue hair something like that. I'm not sure but
Got my tripod right here. No like later on in another video
Cuz I heard this thing is actually like hunted or something. So later on in a future video like a 3 a.m. Video
I won 840 you see really what's going on go home without further ado, bro. Let's go ahead and grab our bowl
We finally have our bowls set up on the podium
So there's some magic words that you actually have to say in order to get this going
And you're gonna see as I say the spell
Supposedly this bowl is supposed to start smoking and that's how you know that it's working again
It has to be done in a specific areas. It's fine. I've shit or something like that that you can do it in
Mine is hunted. So he's even better. Ok, so these are the magic words
It's working it's definitely working. He's definitely working
So, where's the fuck what the fuck is the money where the fuck is the money in?
A minute. So where the fuck is the money?
Get up where's the money
#3 The Special Birthdayparty ! But Where Is The Cake...? | Stop Motion Movie | Sylvanian Families - Duration: 2:24.
this is the best birthday ever with so much delicious food to eat I'm
delighted that you're having fun a very happy birthday to you Laura the whole
restaurant is booked out for us to celebrate your birthday huh really
that's right and we also have this special birthday cake prepared for you
Wow it's like a dream come true I've never seen anything like this thanks dad
I'm so happy I have such a sweet cheese I can't wait to take a bite huh there's
one more surprise we have planned but that wasn't it
get ready everyone oh I can't see anything
hello one two three
this this is my favorite song how did you know of course we know your
favorite song you're our dearest friend thank you I'm
sure I'm the happiest person in the world right now that was a wonderful
performance I'm so happy you're happy now time for
some cake hmm what where did it go where did it go
I'm so sorry it just looked so delicious while the music was playing I hate
everything I'm glad you enjoyed it so much
hey Dad could you bake another cake yes of course great we can all have a piece
Featured Product - Delicious Restaurant
Featured Product - Town Girl Series - Chocolate Rabbit / Silk Cat / Toy Poodle
Featured Product - Grand Piano Concert Set / Violin Concert Set / Cello Concert Set
When I LOVE YOU is Not Enough | Couple of Mistakes | S01E23 | Karan Veer Mehra | Barkha Sengupta - Duration: 10:05.
Baby, did you press the bell Icon after subscribing? Yes, Baby.
Good Morning! Morning!
I Love You! Love you too
Baby, How much time more? 5 minutes
Washing my hair. Please wash it fast.
Sorry! I love you. Ok.
I LOVE YOU! Ya I love you too. Fast.
Shit Shit! I am too late to office. Can't eat more.
I don't want to have the tea. Finish the tea at least
Bye! I Love you. Love you too Baby. Bye.
Hmm! Shall I tell my friend to buy the tickets?
Ok. 9pm. Ya done.
Ok. Bye! I love you.
Ya Bye! Love you too.
I am too sleepy now. Can't watch it anymore.
Goo Night! I love you. Love you too.
Baby! Hmm.
Don't you think this is getting too monotonous?
Don't worry. Season 2 will come and it will be better than this.
I am not talking about the show. I am talking about us.
What do you mean?
Everyday you tell me 'I love you too'.
I say I love you, You in return say I love you too.
It's like you don't mean it. You don't feel it.
You simply say it for the sake of it. No! I mean it, i feel it.
You know, it's like you the light switches on automatically when you open the fridge.
Similarly you say I love you automatically I love you too
Without any meaning. It's just there.
No! It's nothing like that Baby.
I love you. I love you too.
See. You see what I mean?
I don't feel it. It's nothing like that.
Let's do one thing.
You tell me I love you from tomorrow.
Sure. Maybe that'll work.
You awake! Baby I love you.
I love you too.
I love you.
Love you too Baby.
Baby how much time more? 5 minutes more. Ok.
I love you!
I love you too.
Baby! Baby! Baby!
I love you!
I love you too!
Baby I just called to say something very important. I love you!I love you. Ok Bye!
You need my help? No it's ok I'll do it.
I love you baby! I love you too.
I love you! Now it's fine?
It's not working! What do you mean?
I am saying I love you since morning.
Yes you are saying. But you know it's like how a teacher says a kid to stand in line and he stands
You are just doing it like that. Without meaning it.
Because I am tell it you are doing it. But you don't want to say it.
But you only asked me to say i love you and then I'll say I love you too
I know.but you know it has to come from within. Straight from your heart
It's coming from withing baby. See I am saying this from within.
Saying from within and coming from my lip. I LOVE YOU!
See! I love you. They are very important words, meaningful words
You cannot say it just like that. You have to say it when you really mean it,
From your heart.
I am saying I lo...
Don't say it.
Don't say it till you mean it.
I won't feel bad trust me. I won't say anything.
Because when you say it from your heart, it'll matter more.
Don't say it. Don't say it.
I love you. I love you
Morning Baby. Morning!
Don't say it. Don't say it.
I'll use the loo.
Bye Baby! Bye.
See you in the night.
Hello! Baby can you pick me up from the office today? Ofcourse
Thanks! Ok. I.....
Mmm Lovely! Awesome food. I just love.......
Love the food.
Shall I switch off the TV if you are not watching it?
What! Isn't this situation also too monotonous? But my name is Ashwin.
I can handle any situations like this.
You know what a wife needs?
More than showing or expressing love, it's also important to give
Didn't understand? Wait.
I'll show you how to give love.
I love you!
I really mean it and I am not only saying it. I want to give it too. What?
I love you! Awww! Such love flowers.
1 minute
I love you!
If you also want to say I love you
Then don't say it, do it. Share, Like & Subscribe
Baby! You also say.
What? I love you too.
If you are Ashwin, the I am also Meera.
I will also give and then say. What?
Drawer. Ohh!
You got me a Tissot!
Ohh! Baby I love you. Oh My God. It's so cool!
Baby I love you!
See! I wanted this.
How you said I love right now. So genuinely. With heart.
Keep saying me like this.
casually in today's episode if you did give it a like do share and subscribe to
hot studios for more fun videos and Ithaca contests questions should be
confused the hot man okay I have a good one a hot mug gay bar comedic higher to
kidney bar frames me your heart mug behind so to win this sign by behind me
you need to answer this question what do you say and you can send in the right
answers on a comment section or any of our social media sites hot
and one lucky winner in this best of luck ciao ciao
Strengthen Your Legs with Julie - Duration: 2:11.
(bright music)
- [Narrator] Did you know that each year,
one in three Australians over the age of 65
will have a fall?
However, falls are preventable.
(cat meowing) (bright music)
- Come on.
- [Narrator] One of the best ways to prevent falls
is by strengthening your legs.
You're never too young or too old to start.
(laughing) (bright music)
- I get it.
Very clever.
- [Narrator] Thanks.
Yes, strong legs are one of the best ways
to protect yourself from having a fall,
and there are lots of different ways to achieve them.
For example, doing strength
and balance exercises in your home.
Stay On Your Feet® has a variety
of easy to follow exercises to try.
There's also an E-directory
on the Stay On Your Feet® website
where you can find details on local gyms
and exercise options near you.
They have trainers who can develop
an exercise programme to suit your ability.
They can also show you how you can make
the exercises harder as your legs get stronger.
(cat meowing) (bright music)
And you can do this either in a group
or in a one-on-one session.
- [Julie] Show off!
- [Narrator] There are also plenty
of fun, physical activities you can do with friends
to keep your legs strong, like Tai Chi,
(bright music)
(dog barking)
- [Julie] Silly dog!
- [Narrator] And even gardening.
(bright music)
The important thing is to find
a leg strengthening activity you'll enjoy.
Which will make it easier to reach
the recommended 30 minutes of exercise most days
of the week.
And the great thing is, it won't just help
you prevent falls, it will also keep
you doing the things you enjoy.
(bright music)
- Nice one Tiddles.
- [Narrator] Remember, falls are preventable.
For more information on strengthening
your legs and other tips to help you prevent falls,
or call 1300 30 35 40.
(bright music)
Certificate on Mothers Day - Duration: 4:27.
I want to share with you a funny dyslexic moment that might be of
interest to some of you parents out there.
So Mother's Day, my daughters were making pancakes
and they actually did a really good job of it
for brunch for their mom.
I'm normally the one who has to do the pancakes but they did a really good job.
It did take them 90 minutes to cook the pancakes but at the
end of the pancakes; what I did was I said "you deserve a
certificate for doing the pancakes so well."
So what I did was, I presented them
with an imaginary certificate just while we were messing around in the kitchen.
And then I thought I'll go away and I'll get a quick bit of paper and write down
an impromptu certificate for fun.
My wife looked at the certificate and all
the spelling mistakes and all the different mistakes in it.
There's something to be learned from this about dyslexia let me show you.
So first of all, we've got two certificates written five ten minutes after each other.
Now these weren't made for public show and they're just for fun.
So I grabbed a bit of A4 paper and wrote something on it.
So I wrote certificate of excellence awarded
to ____ in pancake frying 2018 signed it into the pancake and some things around the edge.
And then, I did the same one to my other daughter ten minutes later just
so that she didn't feel left out.
This one says certificate of excellence given
to ___ for pancake frying 90 minutes by Darius 2018 pancakes.
But this is the interesting thing, I get other people to check my spelling, okay.
So here we've got certificate of excellence.
I've spelled it wrong for a start.
But then, I've managed to spell it right here, I think.
And then "awarded to..." And the interesting thing is, I've written "given to".
So I've not even copied the same pattern; "in" "for"
"pancake frying" and then "pancake". I spelled it with a kicking cur instead of
a curly cur, "frying" and then I've done a different signature.
Seems different signature and the date is in a different position.
So the interesting thing that we kind of noticed in all of this is, when my guard is down,
as it were, and I'm working really fast, I make random different variations of
the same thing, different spellings of the same word, etc.
Now don't get me wrong, if I sat down and took some time and was really intentional, I
would spell pancake right. I would spell excellence right, etc.
I do all neat and so on. But one of the interesting things in that is that, it
takes extra effort, even now at forty seven.
Just think down; what is the right way to do this, what is the right way to spell it.
The automatic process is still not there.
And I just accept that. That's part of life.
It's one of these traits of dyslexia that we go through.
I can write; one letter one-two pages, the same word spelled differently in the same document.
And that's one of the traits of dyslexia.
Also I noticed this when I'm making videos.
I'll teach the same thing to my students but then I'll use a completely different example.
I'm still communicating the core
issue here but sometimes there isn't the consistency of example.
So I might say "teaching mind mapping is like teaching a person to ride a bike"
and then the next day I'm saying "well it's kind of like teaching someone how to sail".
Theoretically it's quite straightforward but the practice, it takes real time and effort.
Or teaching someone how to do woodwork or whatever.
I'm mixing my analogies; mixing my metaphors and my heart is the concept.
My heart is the concept of a fun certificate rather than the detail of it.
I thought you might find that interesting.
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