There were things I never tasted growing up, like health.
In our house, if I didn't eat everything on my plate, it was disrespectful.
When I got into the real world, I was like a man at the buffet bar and I needed to eat
Then, I got to travel around the world discussing transformation with organisations and tasting
deliciousness in those lands.
I went to Korea, Boston, San Fransisco, Los Angeles, Mexico, Singapore, and Malaysia and
I got to eat everything, but I didn't yet understand the keys to transforming my own
The world is a delicious and amazing place when we travel and eat amazing food, but my
excess weight got in the way of the true adventure of travel.
I'm Oscar Chavez and in this five-part series, I'm saying to you
I'm going to teach you to lose weight and keep it off which is the hardest part.
I'm going to talk to you about the things that no one has ever talked to you about before
and some of this stuff might make you feel a little bit sensitive.
So let me ask you a question, do you want the red pill or the blue pill?
So, this web class is all about a fixed mindset versus the growth mindset.
I'm gonna talk you through these concepts here as you look at it on the screen.
And so, the, the fixed mindset says they avoid challenges.
They give up easily.
They see effort as fruitless.
Or worse, they ignore useful negative feedback.
They feel threatened by the success of others and as a result, they may plateau and achieve
less than their full potential.
All this confirms a deterministic view of the world.
And let's look at the growth mindset.
Intelligence can be developed.
You embrace challenges.
You persist in the face of setbacks.
You see effort as the path to mastery.
You learn from criticism and you find lessons and inspiration in the success of others.
And as a result, you achieve and reach higher levels of achievement.
And all this gives you a greater sense of free will.
So, to explore this topic we have to explore mindset, because there are three pillars that
you need to understand in order to get your weight loss results.
And the first one is mindset.
The second one is nutrition.
And the third one is that you have to understand exercise.
And these two - the nutrition and exercise, it's like, blah blah blah blah blah blah.
And that's what I help you understand in the weight - in the weight loss masterclass, right.
The two things that I help you understand in the web class okay.
And so, this one, we're speaking about mindset, 'cause that's like, the most important thing
you could ever possibly learn.
Mindset is the number one thing that you need in order to lose your weight and keep it off.
Because if you learn that, even if you understand the mindset about nutrition and exercise,
because all those fall under the category of mindset.
You can hit mindset - if you understand the mindset of the weight loss person - of the
person that's able to lose their weight and keep it off, then you are well ahead of everybody
Now, mindset is learned from the people around you and that's why they say 'show me who your
friends are and I'll show you who you are'.
Because your friends condition you all the time.
Your environment determines who you will become.
Mindset can seriously only be learned or coached.
Like, why do you think people spend millions and millions of dollars on coaching and consulting?
Like, honestly.
Like, why do you think I've personally spent more than an average person's income for the
whole entire year - even before tax on coaching?
Because I didn't have the mindset I needed to run a successful organization.
And I was like, well, I need help from people around me in order to get to where I want
to be.
And so, mindset is something you have to learn.
It's a conditioning principle.
You can't have the mindset unless you go and learn from people that are more successful
than you.
And I wanted to build a revolutionary weight loss company that actually told the truth
and I didn't have the right mindset for that.
Like, I tried it on my own so many times and I ended up doing was hitting my head against
a brick wall, because I had no idea what I was doing.
And so, what I do?
I got a coach and, my god.
That just transformed my whole life.
Like, and I realize now, if I gotten a coach when I was trying to lose weight, like, my
life would have been fundamentally different.
Like, ten years of yo-yo diets over and over and over and over and over again.
If I had just gotten a coach, it would have been so much easier because mindset is the
most important thing.
And so, coaching.
Like, this is why every single successful person that you know from, from an athlete,
to a sporting team, to the people we watch on the Olympics.
Like, they all have a coach 100% of the time.
There's no possible way for you to achieve the feats that you want to achieve without
a coach.
It just doesn't happen.
And now I told you that weight loss is probably the hardest thing you could ever possibly
do and that's why I built a coaching organization to actually give people real help.
Oh Blah blah blah
Stop pitching your products Oscar.
Stop pitching your products Oscar.
I can do this on my own and all the help in the world should be free!
And there are seriously those of you with the mindset out there that's like, no!
All the help out there should be free!
It's like, where has free help gotten you to this point?
Where has free...
Like, how many times you go to the Google and found some conflicting information?
It's like, free help is worthless.
Like, people that come to me and offer me advice for my business?
It's like you don't even know what you're talking about.
But if you pay someone for help, it's like they have a vested interest in making sure
that you get the results that you're after.
Otherwise, anyone could just give you advice.
Anyone can give you stupid advice.
It doesn't make sense and it doesn't work.
And it's like, why would you even listen to that person?
And that's why the old proverb goes, where your treasure is, that's where your heart lies.
And so, people pay for a Netflix subscription because it's like, they love that Netflix.
You pay for fast food, you know, you pay for clothes, which is incredibly valuable.
We all need clothes, I get it.
But when it comes to investing in your health, you're like, nahhhhhh, skip.
And I know that because like, like, the amount of times I skipped on getting a personal trainer.
I was like, no, no, no.
I can do this on my own.
I can do this on my own.
What happened?
Two slipped discs in my spine.
Two slipped discs in my spine!
Permanent injury because I didn't get a personal trainer.
Well, then what happened?
I had to go and pay lots of money for Cairo I had to go pay lots of money for physio because
I just didn't want to invest in my health.
And so, you might have a fixed mindset which is like, no, growth is not possible.
I can do everything on my own.
But you have to have a growth mindset if you want to get better results.
Honestly, a growth mindset is the only way to get you from where you are to where you
want to be.
And I'm not even talking about health here, I'm talking about everything.
Like, think about everything in the world around you.
It's all man-made.
From the supermarket's you buy your stuff from.
From the Netflix subscription that you watch.
The TV that you watch it on.
The remote control that you press play on or that you turn on the TV
Like, all of that stuff comes from here.
It comes from an idea that a human has, an individual has and they go and implement
that idea.
And so, everything around you is man-made.
Who told you that you can't have the next world-changing idea?
Like, who told you that you can't have an idea that you implement that can send a ripple
throughout the rest of the world.
Like, I'm talking about a small ripple.
It's like, you can't throw a rock into the ocean and expect the whole oceans to like,
become a tidal wave.
Like, there's no possible way to do that.
But you can throw a rock into the ocean and create a ripple that can create some change
around it, okay.
And that's a very, very, very real possibility, for you to be able to do that.
And the only way to do that is for you to have a growth mindset and you keep aiming
towards your goal.
You look at your goal.
You aim towards it and you keep walking towards it, regardless of what happens around you.
And that's a growth mindset.
And then, once you get to your goal you're like, what's the challenge?
What's the next thing I can do?
What's the next thing I can achieve?
What is the next challenge that I'm gonna overcome in my life?
And then from that, you can go okay.
How else can I apply excellence in my life?
How else can I apply a growth mindset in everything I do in my life?
And honestly, that starts with just cleaning up your kitchen.
Honestly, that just starts with cleaning up your room.
Like, that's where the growth mindset comes from.
It's like, if I believe I can start to eliminate the laziness out of my life and do things
gradually every day to start eliminating the laziness in my life and I stop allowing myself
to be lazy in every single situation and every single part of my life, like, who knows where
that could lead to overtime?
Like, it's impossible to have an idea and then implement the idea and see the results
of that idea immediately.
And everything has to go through time.
You have the idea here and then over a long period of time, you see the implementation
results, because the results take a long time.
For instance, you go to the gym, you lift a dumbbell.
What are you gonna see on the day?
But as you sleep, the muscles gonna build.
Maybe the next day you might see the muscle get a little bit bigger, but it's not going
to be visible.
The amount of growth isn't going to be visible.
It might not even be measurable, because the unit of growth that you experience may be
smaller than a centimeter, maybe smaller than a millimeter.
But you know what?
If you keep doing the same thing over six months, you might see a centimeter of growth!
And so, that's the same principle when it comes to idea implementation.
And so, the idea that you need to implement into your life today is to have a growth mindset.
It's like, keep walking towards that goal no matter what comes against you.
It's like, 50 cent with the get rich or die trying.
It's like, just get to the goal because you know that your life will be fundamentally
different, fundamentally better if you apply a growth mindset to your health because there
is no upper limit on health.
You could climb Mount Everest.
You could do the most incredible things with your health.
Like, health could take you to places you've never been before.
And so, that's what this is all about.
It's like, giving you a much better quality of life so that you can enjoy and appreciate life.
Now, if you want to accelerate your growth mindset, then you can only do it with people
around you that have the experience and the results that you want.
So you should go over to my web class.
You can sit down and you can listen with me and I can teach you about that growth mindset
that you need in order to get the results that you want.
And so, imagine who you could be if you were to implement a growth mindset into your life
and you say, you know what?
Over the next period, you know what?
In the period of five years - let's call the five years right?
And let's say, let's do an experiment, right.
Let's say I'm gonna apply for the next 12 months, I'm going to apply a growth mindset
to absolutely everything in my life, number one being health, because that's important
to you, 'cause you're watching this video.
But if you start to apply that growth mindset to everything in your life, you get around
people and have a growth mindset, you get into weight loss Academy and you build a growth
Like, who knows who you can become in twelve months?
Like, for me, I lost five kilos every single month for 12 months straight.
I lost sixty kilos in twelve months.
Then the rest of the...
Then the rest of the 17 kilos took me about a year to lose, because there's a huge difference
between the last couple of kilos and the first big chunk of weight.
Like, the first big chunk of weight is the easiest part to lose.
And so, who could you be if you apply these principles in your life?
You got clarity about who you wanted to become.
You implemented a growth mindset.
You started to remove and eradicate laziness out of your life.
Like, who could you become in 12 months?
I look forward to seeing who you become.
Join me on the web class and I'm gonna teach you a lot more stuff that you need in order
to lose weight and keep it off.
But episode number five next week, so please subscribe to this so that you can get a notification
when the last episode of this series comes out because I really want you to be able to,
you know, to get the information that I'm trying to teach you.
Important information that is life-changing.
And so like share subscribe to this.
Thank you.
Thank you so much for watching that video.
And as we always do, if you've got thoughts, put them in the comments below.
If you disagree put them in the comments below.
And also, we're trying to change lives here and we're trying to help people Live Healthier Longer.
So if you or someone else you know wants to Live Healthier Longer, then please like, share
and subscribe and help us get our message into the world.
Thank you.
For more infomation >> (mini) Weight Loss Academy - Episode 4: Fixed Vs Growth Mindset - Duration: 11:35.-------------------------------------------
How To Put On A Wig To Make It Look Natural and Feel Comfortable To Wear - Duration: 7:22.
Hi, I am the owner a woman in disguise and I'm so excited that you decided to
Click on this video and learn how easy it is to change up how you look and feel with ready-to-wear hair
It's super simple and it's so much fun, and I'm just really excited to share with you, so let's get started so
first of all I'm gonna remove the ready-to-wear hair I have on and
What you're gonna notice is I actually had this hair on right over my natural hair
Which is an option for you if you have short hair and you notice that my hair is really short around the hairline
That's the most important part
But if you don't have super short hair and real clean along the hairline
Really your best option is to wear a wig cap
And wig cap is actually a great option even when you have short hair because it does a couple things not only is it
good for containing your hair so that you don't have unwanted peeking
from underneath the actual
Wig, but it also helps just kind of help the wig stay on your head
And it helps it not slip especially be a really nice soft silky hair sometimes that can be
Can be a problem so we cap solves that so wig caps are really super simple
The most important thing I think is that it's comfortable so the caps that I use always have a nice soft
Band around them and they're really easy to put on and so I call this the bank robber method
Because you're really just gonna pull this straight down almost as if you're getting ready to rob a bank and you're gonna pull your ski
cap down
And this is where we just want to pull it straight down
And then what you're gonna start to do is use your fingers
I do recommend that you remove jewelry if you have
Rings on because they can snag the wig cap and if you have longer hair, you'll notice you're just going to go
And really start to push up that that hair the last thing we're going to actually
Do is
Fit the front of the wig cap on to the right part of our hairline and believe me. This isn't the pretty part
Don't let this freak you out
But it is an important part so taking a couple extra seconds to get your wig cap on right
Can really make all the difference for how your wig fits your head.. and what you're gonna notice
I'm gonna pull the front of that wig cap
Just up past my hairline
The other thing is if you have a lot of hair and believe me you can get a lot of hair under a wig cap
so if you have long hair don't worry a lot of hair can go up here and
What you'll find sometimes is once you shove it all up there
You might have a lump or a bump
And there's a great way to deal with that and I call it kind of a scratch method just gonna take your fingertips
And you're gonna go in little circles and what its gonna
Do is really just smooth that hair out because the goal is to have a hair contained and have it be as smooth as possible
And so the more you can do that you actually get a nice smooth looking way cap so we're done with the wig cap
Now it's styled harriman at Ryan
I'm going to switch up my look, and I love I love this way one the style is just fantastic
But what I really love is the color the red is just
It's beautiful, and it looks so good on so many different skin tones and complexions
It's just a really versatile red
and so I'm going to show you a little bit about the actual wig the construction of the wig and
We'll then get to trying it on
So as you see the actual hair of the wig
and this is synthetic hair is attached to what is also called the wig cap the cap of the wig and
Right up here
You can see is the front so the front of the wig is what's going to be on the front of our head
There's the back of the wig and what you'll notice is either
You can easily see kind of and feel usually there's a little tab here where the center of
The back of your wig is and that's important because we're going to try to position that and then you also have
The side area or what I call tabs
Which are two areas that are really going to line up with about right year approximately and all these things are just really helpless
Directionally make sure that we keep the wig on straight
The last thing we're gonna worry about when we try the wig on just so you know is getting the actual front hairline, right?
That's the last thing we worry about sometimes people try to get that right first. Don't worry about that
we're gonna shoot to kind of have that front hairline initially when we're putting the wig on just about two fingers below our hairline and
We'll make it all right at the end
So I call this the dive-in method and what I do is I face the front of the wig towards me
The back of the wig is back away from me
and I kind of hold on to those two tab areas because what I want to do is when I
Position this and pull it in I'm gonna make sure that those tabs again are right there
What I want to also think about is where the back of the wig goes
and where I want the middle of the back of that wig to rest is right about here and
Then the last thing we'll do is
We'll worry about the front hairline
so what I do is I basically think about getting that hairline stuck on the two inches below I
Pull it back. I'm
Feeling for that middle of the wig and I go okay, it's in the right spot
I'm gonna feel for those tabs and go okay. They're approximately on my temples, and then you can look in your mirror and
You'll see on this particular wig it's a lace front, which means that it's intended to have a very natural looking hair line
So I could wear this hair off my face, or you know I can wear it down and hide the hairline either way
It's meant to look very natural
So then I have the decision I'm gonna pull that wig up to my hairline
If I want or if I'm someone this is again preference if I want it down a little lower
I can adjust it down a little bit lower. It's really the look that you want, and how you feel comfortable
With your forehead with me
I tend with my short hair to have my forehead covered a lot so sometimes I find that I'm a little more comfortable
With my wigs a little bit down lower than my natural hairline
Especially when it's a hair the face style, but you'll see that
Was pretty easy so now one last thing that I recommend when you're working with the wigs
You should always use nice rounded combs and what you want to do
Is so we get that nice natural hair line along the side is you're just going to go underneath and the hair, that's actually
Intended to cover here
You're just gonna pull down
Nice and simple so that it lays very natural. Just like how our hair lays. I'm gonna go on that other side and
You want to give the impression just like the very front top of this wake does
That that hair is growing right out where it's supposed to be
From our heads our scalps, so you do like that you
Can do a little back like I said, and then that's really it
It's a totally different look I've changed it up. I've changed my color
I've changed my style in a matter of minutes, so I was really excited to show this to you
It is so easy to wig out totally transform. How you look and feel and I hope to help you wig out soon
Thanks for watching. Bye
Ep 2 - Job Application Tracker & Why You Must Have One - Duration: 2:40.
Hi, G'day guys it's Matt Haynes here from Xpand in Hong Kong.
I just wanted to thank everyone for the comments, likes feedback and just general reviews of my video last week.
I do appreciate that it was 12 minutes long
and I definitely learned my lessons from that and a few other things as well so I hope
to make this video and more value add in a less amount of time, basically.
And really keep it more engaging and a bit more punchy
so to that point and I'd like to talk about this week is really to help
help candidates really take control of
their job search and what I would
recommend that anybody who is going through the process of applying,
interviewing for any type of role
anywhere is to have a job tracker spreadsheet.
It's really quite simple
I've actually included a link to my
Google Drive so you guys can download
The version that I have made.
Obviously, that is and editable
So you can actually include what you want in there but
essentially the highlights of it are is
that it gives you the opportunity to be able have clear visibility on your
search. You know as a recruiter when
candidates come to us and say I'm
looking for a new role,
this was going on and we ask who have
you applied to? Whats going on and where are you at in your search? And you don't really
have a clue it kind of tells us that
you are not necessarily serious about your
job search as you should be, or that
it doesn't really rank
in level of importance as maybe other things that are going
on in your life at that time,
which is totally fine. But I think this
is a really really easy way to, a) give
both the recruiters like myself,
b) human resources and
c) potentially mine management the impression that
we're all totally professional not just
about what you do but also about your
search in and of itself. So that's just
what I wanted to talk to you a little bit
about today and
and thats what I will provide links on.
Do feel free to download and use it
feel free to to edit it and I really
hope again if there is any feedback that you would like to make,
on what I have discussed today
or anything you would like to add to the spreadsheet, then please let me know and i'll do that.
Then , I'll do that and then i'll look to come back next week,
with the next installment.
So I really the time today guys.
Have a look in my comments section for the links there at the bottom to see where I
.have put that Google document for you.
Thanks so much guys, have a great day and HAPPY FRIDAY!
See you later!
Ariana Grande - Pete Davidson - Duration: 1:44.
Ariana Grande - Pete Davidson
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