Hey friends, Kris Krohn here. Welcome back. Today, I want to shoot a video for you.
And I want to talk about the difference between abundance and scarcity. Because
one will create the world that you want and the other one will decimate it. And I
want to also share with you the one thing that will make all the difference
in shifting out of scarcity to ensure that you step powerfully into abundance.
Years ago, I was hanging out with a friend of mine and he said, "You know what
abundance is Kris?" "What is it?" He said, it's a bun dance. Like, well that's really
quirky and dorky. He says, "You know what scarcity is?" I said, "No, tell me." He said
its scare city." I'm like, "Ok ,yeah." Super, super dorky but I actually kind of liked the
meeting a little bit. Like scarcity fears scarcity. A bun dance like shaking it loose,
right? Abundance and scarcity really do ultimately determine what you get out of
life. And I want to just start with a basic definition because both of these
ideas circulate around the concept of enough. Abundance is more than enough and
a scarcity is less than enough. And you got to understand that the mantra the
ego, right? That we come into this world with that says, "Only trust your 5
senses." What you can taste, smell, touch, hear etc. Always says more. The ego, the
mantra says, "More, more, more, give me more for me to be satisfied and happy." And
that's what actually triggers us into scarcity on a regular basis as human
beings. Especially in our day and age. No matter where you live in the world,
we've never had better living circumstances than we have today. And
especially, if you live for example in America or another first world country.
You know that every single day there's some brand new technology coming out
that's advancing and improving our lives. It's crazy in the world that we live in. And
yet, there's something inside that still says, "More, more. Not enough. I'm not enough."
And ultimately scarcity, what it does is it I say it decimates your drains
because it actually keeps you from being able to actually step into a mindset
where your dreams can live and survive. They can't live in an environment of
scarcity. So, what I want to show with you today is how do you actually get into
abundance. If abundance is about more than enough then first understand this
key difference. We're not talking about money. We're talking about a state of
mind. An abundant state of mind is different
than a scarce state of mind. But it has nothing to do with how much money you
actually have in the bank. In fact, you might be watching this video saying,
"Kris, teach me abundance, teach me prosperity.
I want my outside world to look better." If you want your outside world to look
better then the number 1 hack that I can share with you today is how you get
your inside world to reflect the outside world that you want. Now, let me tell you
right now, disclaimer, when people come out to my
events that I do on a regular basis. They are amazing and life-changing. And I'm
going to try and condense a massive experience into a very short video here.
And so without going into the science of the mind and how all this works. What I
want you to understand is this: The subconscious mind is what's ruling your
world. So, whatever's in it, is what's determining how you feel inside and what
you're experiencing on the outside. We spend very little of our waking hours
actually conscious. Most of the time, most of our world is being created from
what's in here. So, we've got to find a way to shift and change that if you want
to change your outside world. In other words what I'm saying is, if you want to
have a more prosperous, abundant outside world then you have to find a way in
your mind Palace to create that first internally. And that's what I want to
share with you today. So, I want you to write this down. This is a system and
I've been using it for years. Friends, it works. Trust me. The information that I'm
giving you, there are people that have paid some serious bucks to sit down and
have me share this with them. So, write this down. What I need you to do is to
dedicate a little bit of time and decide what you want on paper or notes in your
phone in 4 different areas of your life. Present tense. For example, health
wealth, connection and power. Health. What do you want for your body? Not what is
but what would you like your body to have. Endurance wise, health wise, looks
wise. And I want you to form up those statements, present tense. For example, "My
body is amazing vibrant and healthy. It supports me in all of my athletics."
Right? It's a present tense statement. Not of what is but what you
want as if it's already happened. You're going to do that in your body. Health,
wealth, relationships and power. Next you're going to do that in your wealth. So,
but financially. How do you want your world to look different. Is there a house
that you want to live in? A car that you want to drive? Are there trips that you
want to take? There's a certain amount of money you want in your bank account? Is
there, your business that you want to flourish? Is there a
charity that you want to give to? I want you to form all the present tense
statements about what you want as if it's already happened.
Interjecting adjectives of joy and excitement. Okay next, we're going to get
into our relationships. What do you want your relationships to look like? How do
you want them to improve? Write them first person. And then finally, personal
power. Confidence like, how do you feel being you during the day? What's it like
being you? And do you... What's it like for you to stand in your power and love your
life or feel peace and tranquility? You're going to be calm, level-headed. What
is that? It could take you half hour, an hour maybe more to sit down and fill up
an entire page or 2 with your wish list of what you want your life to look
like in your health and your wealth and your relationships and in your personal
confidence. When you're done writing out all these statements, present tense, which
is the only language. It's the only power the subconscious mind that it really
comprehends. Not getting into the science right now. Just trust me on this. Then the
next thing you need to do is do something with this. It is not enough to
know what it is. What knowing what you want, step 1. Putting what you want to
action is step 2. Here's what it looks like, every morning wake up, grab your
favorite tunes that you can jam out on. High energy. Something that really lifts
you up. For me, I love that movie Greatest Showmen. I'm loving on the soundtrack
right now. Take your favorite music. Pop it on, listen and then I want you to read
those statements. Now, you can't just read them. You've got to read them with energy.
You got to read them with emotion. You see, when the subconscious mind receives new
information as you're about to put in and you can emotionally feel it and
connect it, what it does is it starts pushing and expressing it into your
conscious mind, so that the subconscious and conscious can meet together and you
start viewing the opportunities that are available right now to you that you
couldn't see before. That can make that world that you want more of a reality.
You'll find more natural motivation. Maybe it's to go to the gym or to
network with different people that can help your business grow. Or maybe you'll
feel inspired to say sorry to someone you've been holding a grudge against.
Change your inside world, your outside world changes. The most powerful way that
I know how to do that is to get clear on exactly what I want and then to have a
powerful ritual to recite it and practice it every day. Now for me, just
last week I sat down and I rewrote my entire set of statements. I do this on a
regular basis. I rewrote them, put on the jamming on the music and boom! I'm running
through these statements. And what I'm doing is
I'm actively saying this is where I'm at. This is where I want to go. I got to
first see it believe it and feel it first in my mind palace. And once I can
feel it in my mind Palace that's why I'm using the help of my favorite music
tunes. That's why I'm intentionally adding emotion to it. You should be out
there when you're reciting this. Get yourself in a space where you can
express yourself. Yes I get it. You're going to look like a total weirdo. Yes, if
someone walked in on you, they'd say, "What the crap are you doing?" But I'm telling
you that this is the most powerful way that I know how to have my subconscious
open the doors to the conscious world that can introduce me to the people and
the circumstances and the things that can make my outside world reflect my
inside world. Friends, I'm telling you. You just got to have to trust me on this because
I've been practicing this for years. My outside world continues to change and
reflect my inside world. And literally just last week, I rewrote all of my
statements all over again. I'm reciting them passionately. I'm reciting them with
energy. I do it on a daily basis and what I'm doing is I'm convincing my
subconscious mind that what I'm feeling with emotion inside with those present
tense statements is the same as what's happening outside. Because the
subconscious mind, it cannot tell the difference. If you'll do this, if you'll
make this a pattern and a habit in your life, I'm going to tell you right now,
that is the number 1 hack that I can give you for moving from scarcity into
massive abundance. Hey, thank you so much for watching this video. This tool only
works if you do it every single day for at least 21 days. That's how long it
takes to actually grow new neurons in the brain. Now, if you enjoy this video, I
also want invite you to subscribe if you're not already. So, you can join me
for some of the other suggested videos that are out there. And if you really
want to learn this information at a mastery level which will change
everything, you've got to get live with me at one of my events. I want you to
check out the link in the description below. Learn about my upcoming events.
Join me. I'm going to tell you YouTubers from all over the world come and join me
at these regular events that I put on. It is a party. It's fun and it's
life-changing. That's the promise that I can make for you, is that if you come and
get live with me and we have this experience your life will never be the
same again. Check out the link in the description. We'll see on the next video.
For more infomation >> Abundance vs Scarcity - 1 Change Makes All The Difference - Duration: 8:42.-------------------------------------------
Happy JUNGKOOK Day! ♥ - Duration: 1:57.
15 Metallica riffs that used to be BETTER or WORSE - Duration: 6:15.
We musicians are perfectionists
and we always strive to imrove a song, even if it's already fine
So, a guitar riff may eventually end up sounding much different from the original idea
There are about 700 Metallica riffs, and a lot of them have gone through that
For today's video, i picked a few that were altered the most noticably
To the worse or to the better?
This is up to you to cunclude
Enjoy watching and listening, frrriend ;-)
5 Reasons Why You Should NEVER Exercise - Duration: 3:50.
Maybe you're sick and tired of hearing about all of these exercise benefits.
That's why in this video I wanna reveal what the media has been hiding from you.
And I hope that my arguments will convince you to never even think about exercising again.
First of all, your body is designed to sit all day.
It's vital for your health to understand that the human body is a fascinating organism
which obviously works best when you lie down and relax without any physical activity.
It's not like humans had to run from predators or explore new lands
That's a total lie; undoubtedly they were enjoying their time, talking to penguins,
and cracking a cold one with them.
And let me ask you the ultimate question.
Why do you think pizza, ice cream and all the junk food taste so good?
Allegedly, science says that calories were scarce, so taste receptors evolved to reward
you with that sweet flavor whenever you find food that is packed with sugar, fat, or extra
calories that are important for survival.
But common man!
It's 2018!
Do people really still believe in science?
Sugar was ubiquitous in our ancestor's time.
The sky used to rain muffins and doughnuts constantly.
Calories were available everywhere.
Therefore the body definitely had to adapt to eating lots of sugary stuff.
So please continue shoving your mouth with many unnecessary calories.
This is the way to go healthy.
Which brings me to my most important point: Exercise is exhausting; you shouldn't get
tired at all.
Keep your heart rate at the lowest level possible.
There are lots of rumors that say exercise is good for the heart and all.
But you don't like feeling sore after a workout, and you prefer to lie down and scroll
through Instagram.
Keep it up.
The best thing that could help you through your depression journey is to look in front
of a mirror and hate your body image.
Ignore the researches that say exercise will make you feel happier by releasing endorphins;
NO! This is the last thing you want.
I'm telling you from experience.
Depression is awesome.
There's no better feeling in the world than being miserable all the time.
But maybe you're a busy person.
You have to study, you have to work, and taking care of your body is something that would
absolutely crush your soul, and kill your productivity.
You're right.
It's not like you can devote half an hour every day and think that this would be helpful.
That's insane.
Clearly, everyone who went running reported afterward that they felt less energized and
less focused right?
Now despite all these convincing arguments, maybe you're like: "I still want to exercise,
but you're afraid that you might see some good results"
Well, I have good news for you.
If you worked hard and if you committed to a workout routine you definitely aren't
seeing any results, ask people who exercised for six months.
They would all tell you that exercise is fake news.
So please avoid it at all costs.
And don't even get me started on entering the gym
All 7 billion of us will be watching you, analyzing your weaknesses and judging your body.
We don't have our own lives, we're obsessed and waiting for you to mess up.
I hope I've convinced you to never even think about exercising again, take it from
me, I used to be very healthy
But as soon as I started working out, I became homeless and lost all my friends.
Obviously, this whole video was a joke; the purpose is to make you think about the opposite
of your goal.
(Reverse psychology amirite?)
And how much-underrated exercise is.
We could talk all day about exercise benefits, and everybody knows that.
But I wanted to offer a different approach to illustrate how much you're missing out
and how easy is it to get back on track.
No pill comes close to what exercise can do, and if there was one, it would likely be the
most valuable pharmaceutical ever developed.
Share this video with someone who might need it.
And subscribe for more animations.
Collection THUG LIFE 2018 // Best Thug Life #10 - Duration: 7:14.
Top 10 Queen Elizabeth Facts You Didn't Know Before She Was Queen - Duration: 10:08.
Hello and welcome back to the Most Amazing channel on the internet – I am your host,
Rebecca Felgate and today we are talking about the Top 10 Queen Elizabeth Facts You Didn't
Know from the time before she became Queen.
Before we get into this video, why don't you let me know which country you love in
and whether or not you have a King or Queen?
There aren't too many of us left that do!
Also, do you watch the crown?
Like – share!
Okay, coming in to number 10 - She Wanted to Marry a Farmer
Customarily, royal people wed other royals or members of high society.
The Queen did not grow up thinking she would ever be Queen, as her uncle was the one on
the throne.
When he abdicated was when she became second in line after her father.
Growing up living in a house, rather than a palace, the Queen loved animals, particularly
dogs and horses.
When she was young, she proudly declared to one of her nannies that she wanted to marry
a farmer so she could have lots of cows, horses and dogs.
In reality, her family would have lost it had she tried to marry an actual famer.
She met her actual husband when she was 13 and he 18.
More on that next….
9 - Her Parents Didn't Like Philip Despite Philip coming from a Greek and Danish
Royal blood, his heritage contained a dirty word in 1940s Britain – German.
Not only did Prince Philip of Greece and Denmark have family with strong Nazi links – he
was also quite a brash man.
Having met Elizabeth when she was 13, the pair didn't become involved until she was
17, but he was still 5 years her senior, which at the time her family considered too old
for her.
King Georg the 6th reportedly considered Philip Rough and Ill mannered.
Her mother, the Queen Regent, also regularly clashed with the self-assured Navy Man.
Her parents would rather her have married her childhood friend Lord Porchester.
Despite their resistance to Philip, he and Queen Elizabeth were the first ruling couple
in Britain to celebrate their diamond wedding anniversary.
8 - Her Middles Names Do any of you know the Queen's full real
Do you know her middle names?
I knew her last name was Windsor, but I didn't know her full name until I was researching
for this video.
The Queen was christened as Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor by the archbishop of York at
Buckingham Palace in 1926.
7 - Her House Was Bombed – Elizabeth's younger years were happily spent
living at 145 Piccadilly, near Hyde Park.
When she was ten she had to move to Buckingham Palace as her dad had ascended to the throne.
During the war years, The Royals stayed in Buckingham Palace.
A lot of bombs fell near the palace, but it was worst hit on the 13th September 1940.
Often the royals were woken at night and sent into the underground vaults of the castle.
Like Prime Minister Winston Churchill, they slept in 'siren suits', zip-up all-in-one
jumpsuits designed for warmth and practicality in bombing raids.
The Queen said the bombing of her home made her feel better connected with the suffering
of other people living in London.
6 – She Was In The Army During World War Two, Princess Elizabeth learned
to drive and joined the Auxiliary Territorial Service as a trainee ambulance driver.
Pictures of her servicing vehicles served as great propaganda for the war effort, and
Elizabeth later said this was the time she felt most at one with her peers.
5 - Her Sister and her Partied in Public in Disguise
I have so much love for Princess Margret, arguably my favourite of the Royals.
Margret was a regular partier, but Princess Elizabeth, the future Queen, was more reserved.
None the less, when the war was over, on VE day, the Princesses left the palace and joined
in the crowds on the streets of London.
They then submerged themselves in the swathes of people in Green Park shouting We Want the
Elizabeth said" All of us were swept along by tides of happiness and relief".
4 - She was a Keen Performer While the queen is known for her classic British
stiff upper lip, she has a wicked sense of humour and enjoyed putting on performances
with her sister.
There are quite a lot of photos of the Queen in costumes from various performances she
was in in her youth.
While her acting days were over when she became Queen, she has continued to be a good mimic.
She was recently heard impersonating an aeroplane flying over Buckingham Palace, and she reportedly
does great impressions of the now disgraced Rolf Harris, René from 'Allo 'Allo and Tony
While I say her performance days are over, we did see the Queen act in a James Bond skit
for the 2012 London Olympics.
I loved it!
3 – She is Good with a Gun The Queen can shoot a gun, and well at that.
Royal families of the past have been known to enjoy hunting, and the queen is no exception.
This is one area of the Queen's pastimes I personally don't love.
None the less she was said to have shot her first stag age 12 – and one of the royal
Ghillie's – a person who assists the hunt – said that it was a fine wee shot for a
The queen was pictured in the 1990s shooting a huge rifle in Surrey.
2 - She got ger first house age 6 Many of us struggle to get on the property
ladder…some of some of us never will.
I am starting to think that at this point in my life, maybe I wont ever have a house….
It is so expensive, especially in the city!
Anyway, the Queen never had these woes.
As well as being born wealthy with pretty much a lifelong guarantee of a roof over her
head, Elizabeth was given a tiny cottage in the Gardens of the Royal Lodge in Windsor
in 1932.
The cottage is actually a very elaborate Wendy house – a two thirds size actual cottage
– the rooms are 5ft high and the building itself is 24 feet by 8 feet.
The people of Wales gifted her the house – a Welsh style cottage, named Y Bwthyn Bach,
which translates as "little cottage".
Her sister played there too, and adults were only allowed in by invite only.
The Queen now owns four homes of her own, as well as a further four as the monarch.
Finally, I just wanted to end on a fun, cute and quirky fact about Queen Liz and a hobby
of hers that began before she was crowned!
The Queen collects pepper grinders Since she was young, the Queen has collected
Pepper Grinders!
One of her favourite was a gift from a friend who bought it from an Italian restaurant — it
is a plastic waiter and when you turn the head for pepper – it is said to scream in
a mock Italian accent: 'You're breaking my neck!'.
Back in 1976, the Queen visited Trinity Church in New York, as part of her trip to the United
States for the nation's Bicentennial of American Independence celebration.
During that trip she collected 279 years of back pay from the church in the form of 279
Pepper corns.
Perfect for her hundreds of pepper grinders!
So there we have it, those were some pretty cute and interesting facts about the Queen
of the United Kingdom before she was Queen, and we can see that her wit, quirkiness and
humour have carried over into her reign.
A lot of people alive in the UK today have only known one monarch, and she will be remembered
with fondness not just as Queen Elizabeth the Second, but as the human that is Elizabeth
Alexandra Mary.
What was your favourite fact?
Do you watch the crown?
Okay, totally unrelated video to read the comments from… one of the most recent – The
Top 10 worst things convicts have said to a judge.
Toni Remer has an idea of how to deal with some of the foul mouthed tirades - Rebecca,
IF I was a judge, I'd have the foul mouthed punks take a huge bite out of Lava Soap.
Then I'd sentence them 1 week for each threat, profane word, and racial slur in prison.?
Tony Stewart : Rebecca is awesome like if you agree?
- I like!
Finally we have a great comment from Wild Serval who said: Hey!
I have a few suggestions for future videos!
More space videos: For example top 10 facts about all the solar system planets, or top
10 most beautiful things in space, or top 10 safest places in space.
For some creepy vids, maybe: Top 10 most famous ghosts, or top 10 haunted graveyards or top
10 most dangerous haunted places Other vids: Top 10 strangest animals, or top 10 most beautiful
photographs, or top 10 most unbelievable photos!?
LIFE UPDATE | puppy, coffee shop, new jobs - Duration: 4:33.
Hey everybody wanted to do a life update with you
For you and if you are new to the channel, hello, welcome and everybody he's coming back. Welcome to you guys, too
So if you've been following along, you know or about two weeks that's out of town with some tour stuff
But also some family vacation but a lot of things have been happening
Behind the scenes that I can share with you first thing music is kind of shifting right now
So it's it's changing and I can share more about that second thing
So as you know, we moved to this apartment, but out of an IR also, we're starting in the coffee shop downstairs
So we're literally starting up an entire coffee shop
so that's like anything and again more info will come on that so that's been taking a lot of
headspace and
Finances and things like that. Also. We got a puppy. This is patchouli
This is been too easy to see this little baby, but she's a puppy so she's not least being that much at night
And she takes a lot of our attention and she's still like teething
Um, but we love her so much
We rescued her for rescued her from a shelter in Kansas, and it was just awesome
The experience was amazing, and we worked with her foster
Mom Tracy who was amazing with her into her and now she's our little baby
My name is patchouli. And if you haven't already you should go follow her on it. Grant. Oh, she's so cute
So besides starting a business getting a dog. Oh, I also started a new job
I want an that you shop like a couple blocks away because we have one car so I have to
Walk to wherever I'm working. So I chose a place that was really close and it's juice jumps so it works out
I'm still working his evening
Shifts at his job and he has been working
I know that's about 45 minutes away
Because we moved and I'm also really trying to do this YouTube channel and making that a priority
So, um what is going on? And I really appreciate you sticking with me
I'm really glad you're with me on this
Journey, because that's what it is a journey and just wanted to give you a little life update
My birthday's on Monday and then we would have been on Tuesday
And then our Grand Opening Carl's coffee shops on Wednesday, and I started a job yesterday
It would go to puppies like fucking script. So anyway, all things are good much. Love you guys. I
Music is kind of shifting. We're into this music is cut a big transition
Sookie does
SUMMER PLAYLIST 2018 - Octoly - Duration: 2:11.
What's your favorite song at the moment?
My favorite song at the moment is "One Kiss" by Dua Lipa
"2 Souls on fire" by Bebe Rexha
I really like Lana Del Rey.
Currently, my favorite song is Bazzi - Cosmic, it puts me in a great mood!
I listen to K-pop so I have to say BTS - Fake love!
What's your favorite type of music?
My favorite type of music is rock music
even though I listen to lots of different styles.
My love for music started with rock music,
I play the guitar and I sing so music means the world to me
and I'm really happy to be here at the Gibson studio!
I love hip-hop because of its good vibes.
It makes you dance, feel in a good mood.
I listen to hip-hop during the summer, on my way to school... all the time! I love it!
I really like soul music, like Amy Winehouse.
I also like David Guetta, I like electro-pop.
I only listen to K-pop and Chinese music.
I often listen to music to free my mind, to put myself in a good mood.
I like all types of music, I dance a lot,
and I love music that makes you move,
that makes you feel something!
How to Enhance Diversity and Inclusiveness in the Veterinary Profession - Duration: 1:49.
So I know there's been multiple different ways that we've been trying to
do that. And I think one of the things is that I've realized is that when
I was in veterinary school or starting in the routes that I wanted to
go into—you know large animal, equine or working in the government, going to
farms. I was one of very few females that were out there doing that and
sometimes they wouldn't ask me. I was in Michigan at the time, they would
be like well where are you from Detroit? And I was like no from this small little
town of a thousand people and graduated with 50 kids and we drove
tractors to school. And you're like what, that doesn't make any sense. I know it's kind of different.
So I think after going through that, I realized that I wanted to pay
it forward and I want to give back and help others and show that you
know I'm not just only one of few that are out there being in
this veterinary profession. And show students, show kids,
that you know she can do it I could do it too. And so I think that's
why I'm so involved with so many different areas of nonprofits
and organized leadership, because I want to show others that
being a model for them that they can do this as well.
And giving them advice as well as to what's the best route and
what's the best thing to do. So I always think that the way
we're going to be able to enhance diversity and inclusiveness is by paying
it forward and really in all telling our stories and helping mentoring those
that we see that we want to move up and do more and do different
things. That's kind of why I work at the community college as well to help with
that too.
For Hire: The Writing Process - Duration: 2:13.
So writing someone else's book is basically... It's kind of how I came into
this. I was reading... I did not say! I did not say that the book was terrible I didn't.
What I did was that I put it down. What did you say? I will watch later and I will
find out what you said. Because it's video proof. No. So, I read like three
pages and I said "I really don't feel like this is an authentic like woman's
voice" and I said "Hey I'd love to see it when you've you know done another
draft" and he's like "Another draft?" And so we actually came back to the book
about a year later. And instead of going right into it, we talked about the world.
And I sort of asked him some questions like, "Hey how do you explain this?", "How do
you justify this?", "What is this person's motivation?" "No, I'm not quite getting it.
Tell me a little bit more about their motivation." and through that we ended up
finding the book that was already there. But like it became so much more...
It was the book underneath the book. Yeah lets dust some sand off of this and find the
book. Yeah yeah. And I it's been really fun cuz what it is is like Kev already
has that like amazing first draft and so what I do is I just go in I'm looking
primarily... Well I started looking for editing. You know editing stuff and then and then
all of a sudden like hey you know what in here this person you need to see a
little bit more of their thought process. Kev's like "Write that!", "Do that!", "Write that."
"Write that for me. Do it." I didn't say write that for me. You're
not an editor, you're a co-writer. I'm a co-writer. Your name's on the book. My name's on the
For Hire Character Profile: Voss - Duration: 1:27.
Let me tell you a little bit about Voss. Cuz Voss is the character that made
me say "I want to be on this project." Voss also known as the Amazing Magisteria is
a world-famous non-binary magician who is secretly an operator. Which if you
could explain that please.
Yeah! Operators are essentially legal dirty work. In the
same way that, if I sell you heroin, I'm a drug dealer. But if I sell you tar and
nicotine, I'm a businessman. Our universe has people who contract out
their superhero abilities to do things that would technically be outside of the
law otherwise.
Right, so with Voss you have this incredibly charming
charismatic sexy character. Who, every time that they are on the page, they are
stealing the scene. I love them so much. Yeah there's nothing more I can say that
would bring Voss out other than "read the book."
Read the book!
Rose Byrne Weighs In On Possibility Of 'Bridesmaids' Sequel | TODAY - Duration: 4:01.
5 Real Ghost Stories that'll give you chills - Duration: 5:08.
The reality of Ghosts has always been a debatable topic.
On one hand, science says there is no proof of ghosts, experiences of some people say differently.
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Today, we are going to tell you 5 real Ghost Stories that'll give you chills.
We will present these stories as told by the people themselves.
So, hit those lights, sit back and enjoy.
5 Double suicide in IIT Kanpur
I stayed at the beautiful IIT Kanpur campus for a few weeks a couple of years ago.
It's a dense, big campus, a whopping 1055 acres of lung space on the outskirts of the
chaotic madness that is Kanpur.
At a literary meet, a student told me about a room in one of the hostels, where there
had been two suicides in a row.
After the second one, the authorities locked up the room.
At night, though, some students heard a rattling sound from inside, as if someone was trying
to open the door.
This student even approached the door one night when the noise disturbed him.
"The doorknob turned even though I knew there was no one inside," he told me.
He ran back to his room, firmly shutting the door.
"Yeah," said another, "but the room was cleared the next year and given to a first-year
The ghost has been forgotten."
I wonder if the new student experienced anything.
4 The man with a lantern
For residents of the mountains, paranormal experiences are an everyday occurrence.
They don't think of ghosts the way we city dwellers do.
An old man told me this tale of his youth: he was walking down a lonely stretch of road
at night, in darkness as there was not much moonlight.
He saw a man up ahead walking with a lantern and called out to him.
The man didn't turn.
He reached the man and touched his shoulder, but when the man turned and the lantern illuminated
his face, there was nothing there.
No eyes, no lips, no nose.
"I turned and ran so hard I had no idea where I went," the old man told me.
3 The woman on the Lonavala road My friend insists this is a true story: on
the way back from Lonavla one morning, he and his two friends saw a woman.
"We were driving slow as we wanted to enjoy the early morning scenery.
The woman looked like a beggar from a distance, really tall, thin and lanky."
The weird part: she was walking backward.
As they passed her, they saw her disappear into their rearview mirror.
"Maybe she was drugged or a nutcase," my friend says, "else why to walk backward?"
Though they were tempted to, they didn't dare turn around, stop and see who the person
was up close.
2 The Manali sighting
As a teen, I'd once gone to a camp in Manali.
At night, when the clear sky was laden with stars, all of us sat on a ledge away from
the camp, chatting.
About 30 meters behind a ledge, I saw a figure in white.
I thought it was a girl at first, but there was something weird about the figure.
It began to glide towards us.
Not walking.
I blinked and asked others if they saw it too.
Thankfully, they all did.
The figure shimmered in the starlight, almost as if she had a torch under the white ensemble.
As we wondered what it was and tried logical arguments, the figure vanished just as eerily
as it had appeared.
I am still unsure what it was.
1 The fat lady in Haridwar
My grandmother, who recently passed away, told me this story.
She'd heard it from her brother, who'd heard it from the rickshaw puller who experienced
A really fat lady had once ridden on his rickshaw, wanting to go to Har-ki-Pauri.
Surprisingly, though she was really fat, the puller peddled the rickshaw as if it were
When they reached the ghat, the lady asked him to wait.
"I'll be back in 15 minutes after a quick dip in the Ganga."
She gave him a handkerchief tied up in a pouch.
The driver waited for her for an hour, then a few more hours, then began to worry.
Had she drowned?
He went to the ghat and found her clothes floating in the river.
But there was no sign of her.
When he opened the knot of the kerchief she had left behind, he found precious emeralds,
rubies, and diamonds wrapped inside it.
When he went back to the spot he had picked her up from and inquired about her, he found
that she was a rich lady who had died in an ashram the previous year, her last wish is
to take a dip in the Ganga.
So, these were 5 real ghost stories as told by the people.
After listening to these stories, one thing comes to the mind again.
Are ghosts real?
What do you think?
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Do you go to Federal Court for Criminal Cases? - Duration: 1:12.
We do go into federal court.
Federal offenses are typically much more serious than other offenses, and a reason for that
is, is it's just a hire range of offense, it could be anywhere from tax fraud, there's
white collar crime, or drugs.
I see a lot of people, for example I had a lady the other day and she had 6 pounds of
methamphetamines in her car, actually in a bean bag in her car, and she was originally
charged in state court and it was moved to federal court because of the amount of substance
that she had.
I am licensed in the federal court system and its actually unique, you don't have to
be licensed other than just being a lawyer to go into most courts.
Federal courts are different, you have to actually be licensed in the federal court,
not every lawyer can do that, but I am licensed in federal court and we do handle federal
To speak to a lawyer call us at the Goolsby law firm.
Our telephone number's (972) 394-2141, we'll get you in for a free consultation.
Halik: Ng pananabik - September 1, 2018 - Duration: 2:35.
Do You Have to Consent to Vehicle Search in Dallas? - Duration: 1:25.
The police cannot just search your vehicle randomly.
There's two cases, there's two situations where they can; one is if you say 'you can
search my car.'
They may ask 'is it okay if I search your car?'
If you say yes they have permission to.
The second way is if they believe that something's in your car.
So, for example they pull you over, they smell marijuana, and that may give them if it's
fresh burned marijuana.
That may give them probable cause to go in and actually search your car.
Other times if they feel that something's in there and they just kind of have that feeling.
They may even get a drug dog to come out and to go around your car if they get, you know,
an indication from the dog that there's something in there, they had the ability to search your
The other way that they have the ability to search your car is if you've been arrested
for something, then they can do what's called an inventory search.
An inventory search allows them to go through your entire car, under the guidelines of they're
writing stuff down so that they know what's in your car, so that if something's taken
it's all documented.
So you see several cases where they could arrest you for speeding and they do that so
they can search your car.
To speak to a lawyer call us at the Goolsby law firm.
Our telephone number's (972) 394-2141, we'll get you in for a free consultation.
How to transform offer management with Dynamics 365 for Talent - Duration: 2:14.
>> Win the best talent
by transforming the way you make offers.
If they are your top candidate,
chances are your competitors want to hire them too.
You need to act fast.
Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Talent
helps you quickly create personalized offers,
boosting your offer acceptance rate while
adhering to compliance regulations and company policies.
In the Offers Management section
get started by building your templates.
Templating reduces the time to produce
an offer and helps keep you compliant.
Some templates can be for just a small number of roles,
others can apply more broadly.
Use drag-and-drop tags to clearly
mark fields that will auto-populate.
Approved candidates appear in the Active Offers section.
Select a pre-built template
to save time creating their offer.
Approvers can easily be included in the process
to ensure everyone is
happy with the offer before sending.
Once you're ready, share with a candidate via the portal.
The candidate can add questions
or comments next to
the contract streamlining negotiations.
They can sign the contract
electronically and accept your offer
with just a few clicks.
When your candidate accepts,
you know you've won a valuable new employee
who can deliver business impact that much sooner.
'I Never Wanted to Be Sexy Like Other Women' - Duration: 4:33.
Should you fight DUI/DWI charges? - Duration: 1:28.
DUI charges, or it's actually called DWI in Texas, of course we get many people who call
them DUI's, but it's actually DWI in the state of Texas.
Many times you've got to make sure that they're able to prove their case and what that is,
is that when you're stopped they've gotta have a reason to stop you, they can't just
say 'oh I think I'll pull this guy over' they can't just do that.
And so what they need to do is I've got to have driving facts to pull you over, the second
thing is, is they've got to believe that you might be intoxicated, then they do field sobriety
tests and field sobriety tests are basically tests that they do to see if they believe
that based on those tests you're intoxicated.
What they have to prove is that you've lost a reasonable use of your mental faculties
or you've lost a reasonable use of your physical faculties, or they've got to prove that your
blood alcohol concentration was a .08.
Now that is at the time of driving, not at the time of the test, but at the time of driving.
And so they have two ways to just do the .08 or they have two ways to measure the blood
alcohol content as number one.
They can give you a breath test or number two a blood test.
To speak to a lawyer call us at the Goolsby law firm.
Our telephone number's (972) 394-2141, we'll get you in for a free consultation.
Hairdorables Commercial Style Review - Hairdorables Life Size Anjali - Duration: 0:59.
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