Love per Square Foot Star Cast, Actor, Actress and Director Name
For more infomation >> Love per Square Foot Star Cast, Actor, Actress and Director Name - Duration: 1:15.-------------------------------------------
How to Connect MT4 to Excel - Duration: 3:20.
hi this is Artin Behdad and in this presentation I'm gonna teach you how connect your MT4 to excel sheet
you know, you can have live quotes, live ask numbers bid numbers everything
in your MT4 in excel sheet too.
okay? in the previous videos about MT4 I told you. if you want to make some changes go to
here. "open data folder"
but for this one its different first you should go to tools, options
in server tab. thick enable DEE server okay? then click on okay.
second go to "my computer" drive C, program files and find the position that you have
installed your MT4. okay? so, it's here. and find "DDE-Sample.xls" this is an excel sheet
that is connected to your MT4. click on it.
you can see here, click on enable content now you can see the details are live.
please watch here, USDCHF Bid this number and it changes all the time. ask number high
and low and everything okay? if you want to write something new, you have sample here.
for example, click here.
if you want to write bid number you should write like this MT4 this line Bid this sign
and USDCHF for example.
now I want to write ask line for EURAUD. I click here and copy it and paste it here so,
if you click here you can see the formula about ask here.
we want EURAUD.
so, I highlight this one type in big letter EURAUD. you can see the number of ask line.
ask for EURAUD. you can see here, you know? you can use this table or draw and write something
for yourself okay? based on this information that you can find here.
you can write, something for your own.
that's it.
if you have any question please write it down in the comment box
and I have created an awesome forex course that is 100% Free for you
you will learn a lot in the course all practical all useful
if you are interested you can go to the description find the link click on it and subscribe
then you will receive it immediately.
Why You Should Join an Antenatal Class | Sitaram Bhartia - Duration: 0:27.
One tip I will suggest, please attend the workshop.
Its super useful.
You'll find a lot of stuff on the internet. With this,you will know what is correct, you will know
what to consume.
This 2-3 hour workshop is extremely snackable, its..uh really well constructed.
It answers all of your questions, and it gives you a lot of confidence, in terms of what
you're expected to do (during labour and delivery).
Savannah Guthrie's 4-Year-Old Daughter Vale Has Adorable 'Toddler Negotiations' for Ice Cream - Duration: 1:24.
Savannah Guthrie's 4 Year Old Daughter Vale Has Adorable 'Toddler Negotiations' for Ice Cream
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