you this evening of course was gonna
continue on with this series of sermons
on that which destroyeth kings and so
we're gonna look at King JA or I'm here
this evening and look at the mistakes
that he made what it was that destroyed
him and so I think you're safe tonight I
don't think I'm gonna hit on
dispensationalism here this evening I
think I got plenty of that
out this morning in my sermon and so
let's look at this here tonight look
down at verse number one and of course
you know the Bible does tell us just to
give you our text verse for this series
the Bible tells us in Proverbs 31 in
verse 3 give not thy strength unto women
nor thy ways unto that which destroy
your kings and so look down here at
verse number 1 and the Bible says now
Jehoshaphat slept with his fathers and
was buried with his father's in the City
of David and Joe home his son reigned in
his stead now Jehoshaphat his father for
the most part was a godly King now
Jehoshaphat did make some mistakes if
you looked back at 2nd chronicles
chapter number 19 and chapter 18 in fact
before that Jehoshaphat joined up with a
hat and said my people be as thy people
and thy people as my people and in
chapter 19 God tells Jehoshaphat that
because he has loved those that hate the
Lord therefore wrath is upon thee from
the Lord and so Joshua fat made some
mistakes but for the most part
Jehoshaphat was a godly king but he
makes a mistake here when Jehoshaphat
dies in who he appoints to be a king in
fact the mistake that he makes in this
plays into Jerome who were looking at
here this evening is that he gave the
authority to the wrong man in fact take
your Bibles there look on down at verse
13 and look where the Bible has say here
and this here look at what the Bible
says and it says but has walked in the
way of the kings of Israel and has made
Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem
to go whoring light to the whoredoms of
the house of Ahab and also has slain thy
brethren of thy father's house gnosis
which were better than thyself and this
is Elijah sending a letter to him saying
this to King Jehan and there were others
of his house he had brothers that were
better than he was but but because he
was the firstborn yo he's the one that's
given the kingdom and Jehoshaphat
appointed the wrong man and so there are
some lessons that we can learn from this
now first of all was this a precedent
that was set in the Bible where they
just had to you know coronate the the
firstborn did the kingdom have to pass
from the father to the firstborn now
many people would be tempted to say well
the firstborn in the scriptures don't
they usually get the blessing aren't
they the ones that usually get blessed
and the answer to that is yes but we are
not talking about a household getting a
blessing we're talking about a man being
made King we're talking about a man
being made the ruler of the people now
take your Bibles and go to 2nd
chronicles now second chronicles 1st
chronicles chapter number 3 maybe mark
this cuz we'll be right back to it and a
little bit but go back to 1st chronicles
chapter number 3 and look at verse
number 1 and let's see what David did
you know when David passed away or right
before he passed away you know he made
Solomon King now was Solomon the
firstborn let's see what the Bible has
say look at what the Bible says 1st
chronicles chapter number 3 and look at
verse number 1 in somebody count here
tonight as we read all these names and
you tell me how far down the line
Solomon was from being king if it was to
be passed to the firstborn and then to
the second born third born and so on you
tell me how far down the line King
Solomon is look at where the Bible says
in verse number one first Chronicles
three the bible says in verse number one
now these were the sons of David which
were born unto Him
and hebron the firstborn amman and a hen
om and the jet of a hen om the
jezreelite us the second daniel of
abigail the car mellitus the third
Absalom the son of maica the daughter of
Tao my king of guess you're the fourth
Adonai Jahnavi agus the fifth chef
attire of AB a bite all the six a three
M by egg Allah his wife these six were
born unto him in Hebron and there he
reigned seven years in six months and in
Jerusalem he reigned thirty and three
years and these were born unto him in
Jerusalem chimayo
and show by show Bab and Nathan and who
Solomon so how far down is Solomon
he's tenth in line so King David said
the presidents at hey you don't have to
pass this on to the firstborn that it
ought to be passed on to the man who is
best qualified to the man who is the
better man the man who is going to be
the best king that's the one to whom the
authority ought to be given but there
are many people out there and many
preachers this is where we make an
application of this there are many
preachers who have made a mistake and
made the mistake that Jehoshaphat made
they you see we have seen many churches
in the past that have passed on the
pastorship the bishopric from the pastor
just to the pastor's son just because
he's his son or to his son-in-law just
because it's his son-in-law a great
example of this would be pastor Jack
Hiles you know pastor Jack house was a
good man of God not perfect by any means
in there there were things he was wrong
on but the man was saved in there those
out there that say that he was a false
prophet and let me just give you a
correction here this evening in order to
say somebody is a false prophet you know
what you need to have you need to be
able to show me in the Bible
and from that man's words where he
preached a false gospel not where he was
wrong on some minor doctrine not where
he was wrong on something listen Jack
house was wrong on some things he was
wrong on interracial marriage he was
wrong on Zionism he was wrong on the
pre-trib rapture but you know what he
did he encouraged a whole lot of soul
earners to get out and to preach the
Word of God and they saw thousands of
people saved that man was not a false
prophet and if you're gonna say a man is
a false prophet then show me from his
own words where he preached a false
gospel one thing you will always notice
when I call somebody out as a false
prophet I show you where they pervert
the gospel I show you where they pervert
the Word of God but listen Jack house
made a mistake Jack Hiles in his church
made a mistake in that they hired after
Jack house passed away they hired his
son-in-law to be the pastor and then lo
and behold his son-in-law went into all
kinds of perverted and weird and strange
doctrines and ended up in jail because
he was taking a 16 year old across state
lines in order to sleep with that 16
year old you see that was a mistake of
giving authority to the wrong man I've
seen it in my own church where I grew up
at where the pastor basically said hey I
want my son to be the pastor after me
and nobody in the church would disagree
with the pastor and would not dare
challenge the pastor on it so everybody
accepted it so the pastor's son comes in
and takes over the church and starts
bringing in people onto staff that are
not godly people people that did not
care about the Word of God but these
people were his buddies and so he brings
these guys in and before long some of
those people ended up in jail because
they as well were sleeping with students
in the church and with students in the
Christian school and that pastor ended
up running that church into the ground
that was a
problem of giving the wrong man the
authority and you see this is why one
day this is why I will never recommend
any of my sons to be the pastor of this
church you see one day if they want to
be a pastor that's fine that's well good
they can get trained they can get
ordained they can get sent out but I
will never recommend for them to be the
pastor of this church you know why
because it is easy for myself as their
father to be blinded to their mistakes
it's easy for me to be blinded to their
faults and to be biased towards them
simply because they're my son when there
might be a better man that could be the
pastor there might be somebody else that
is more qualified to take this pulpit
and it would be the pastor of this
church and so I do not ever want to be
put in that position where I influence
this church to have somebody in the
pulpit who could possibly be a false
prophet you see there are qualifications
in the Bible for a reason and you must
meet all those qualifications now take
your Bibles go to Luke chapter number 19
and look at what the Bible has to say
there in Luke chapter number 19 and look
on down at verse number 12 when you get
over there Luke chapter number 19 look
down at verse number 12 and see what the
Bible has to say Luke chapter number 19
and verse number 12 and listen if you
disagree with me on that then you know
what you need to just take a look around
you need you haven't seen all the
experience that I have every single time
where I have seen a son take over for a
father in the ministry it has never
worked out it has never gone well I mean
listen we could see it even at a church
that's close to us over in Baton Rouge I
mean with central Baptist Church in the
pastor there was Bob Buchanan and then
his son took over that church and before
long the son was miss appropriating the
funds of the church and using the funds
of the church to buy his daughter a car
didn't work out too well
there did it and we could see example
after example after example of that all
throughout this nation where preachers
were biased simply because it was their
son you see Jehoshaphat might have been
biased towards his older son when there
was a younger son who was the better
choice he had other sons that were
better than him look at what the Bible
says here in Luke chapter number 19 and
looked down at verse number 12 and the
Bible says right there in Luke chapter
number 19 and verse number 12 the Bible
says he said therefore a certain
nobleman went into a far country to
receive for himself a kingdom and to
return and he called his 10 servants and
delivered them 10 pounds and said unto
them occupy till I come
but his citizens hated him and sent a
message after him saying we will not
have this man to reign over us and it
came to pass that when he was returned
having received the kingdom then he
commanded the servants to be called unto
him to whom he had given the money that
he might know how much every man had
gained by trading then came the first
saying Lord I pound at gain ten pounds
and he said unto Him well thou good a
servant because thou has been faithful
and very little have thou authority over
10 cities and the second came saying
Lord that pound had gained five pounds
and he said likewise to him be thou also
over five cities and another came saying
Lord here is thy pound which I have kept
laid up in a napkin for I feared thee
because thou art an austere man now take
a stop that thou layest latest not down
Andrey pused that thou didst not so and
he saith unto Him out of thine own mouth
will I judge a thou wicked servant thou
knewest that I was in austere man taking
up then I laid not down and reaping then
I did not sow wherefore then gave us now
my money into the bank that at my coming
I might have required mine own
usury and he said unto them that stood
by take from him the pound and give it
to him that hath the ten pounds and they
said unto Him Lord he had ten pounds for
I say unto you that unto every one which
has shall be given and from him that
hath not even that he hath shall be
taken away from him but those mine
enemies which would not then I should
reign over them bring hither and slay
them before me now stop reading there
what do we basically see here then if
somebody is going to be the steward of
God they must be found people if they're
going to be somebody that rules over the
house of God they need to be somebody
that is faithful to the work of God that
they're going to take what God has given
them and take those talents that God has
given them and not just hide it in the
dirt but take it and plant it out there
you see that's what we're doing every
single Sunday that's what we're doing
every single Saturday when we go out
we're taking that which God has given to
us and we're taking it out there you
know I believe one day this church will
run over a hundred people I believe this
church will have many more people that
God will continue to add to this church
you know why because I see that
principle in the Bible that if you are
faithful unto God and you do what God
has called you to do that God is going
to bless that but listen we need to have
the right motivation about that don't we
we don't want to run a hundred people
just for the sake of running a hundred
people no we want a hundred people that
are soul winners we want a hundred
people that are doing the work of God we
want a hundred people that aren't just
gimme-gimme-gimme but there give give
give that they're going out and giving
of themselves to God and giving to
others and that they're working and
they're sowing seeds because those are
the kinds of people we want that's the
kind of church that we want but in order
for a man to be a pastor in order for a
man to be put in a place of authority
you need to be found painful and you
know what that takes some time to be
found that
doesn't it you see as a teenager
especially you kid you know you could
get impatient quick couldn't you I mean
you guys start off at the bottom of the
ladder right I mean we've all been there
as a teenager working those lowly jobs
you know I worked at winn-dixie all
throughout high school and I started off
as a bad boy and then I worked my way up
there stocking shelves and worked my way
up to cashier and worked my way up and
before long you know I was somebody that
could be found painful within there but
you know we all start off somewhere oh
don't we we start off at that point and
what your boss wants to see is if you're
faithful you want to get a promotion one
day you want to get a pay raise one day
you want to make better money you want
to be over more responsibility then be
faithful over what you have be faithful
over the responsibility that you do have
now you want your parents to trust you
more in the future
then be faithful with what you have now
be faithful with the responsibility that
you have now show your parents you can
get up on time show your parents you can
get your school done show your parents
that you won't fall behind in your
school that you get those things done
show your parents that you're
responsible and you know what your
parents will give you more
responsibility before long you'll have a
job before long you will be working out
in the world before long if you stay
painful and you're responsible and you
get to work on time and you get the job
done and you have a good attitude while
you're at work and before your boss you
always have that good attitude listen I
don't care if you had a bad day that day
you know when you're before your boss
you need to have a good attitude you
need to make sure that you don't show
your boss disrespect because you know is
your boss going to promote you when you
show that boss disrespect and you listen
even if you don't like that boss all of
us have had bosses we did not like I
mean let's be honest we've all had
bosses that we probably thought were
idiots we probably had bosses that we
thought hey I know how to do this better
I could do a better job than this boss
but you ought he's the boss for a reason
maybe because he was faithful for years
and you need to make sure that you're
faithful and maybe someday you'll be the
boss and then you know it you will have
employees that will not like you and at
that point you'll have people that will
sit there and say the same thing about
you that you said about your boss well I
think I could do better than him
hey maybe so but you're not the one
who's been found faithful you're not the
one who's proved yourself yet you want
to get to that point then prove yourself
faithful take your Bibles go to first
Corinthians chapter number four look at
verse number one and see what the Bible
says there 1st Corinthians chapter
number four and look on down at verse
number one the Bible says there 1st
Corinthians chapter number four and
verse number one the Bible says let a
man so account of us as of the ministers
of Christ and stewards of the mysteries
of God
now listen think about what God has
committed to your trust we've not just
been committed with stock in the shelves
of a grocery store we've not just been
committed with the money and the
finances of this world we've been
committed as the stewards of the
mysteries of God God has given to us the
awesome responsibility of taking the
gospel to the world I mean this is more
important than anything out there in the
world this is more important than any
job out there that you could have in the
world and God has committed this to your
trust and listen he's committed to your
trust to preach the gospel and one day
if you're a pastor you have even a
greater responsibility because then you
don't just have the responsibility of
sowing in you've got the responsibility
of feeding the people of God you've got
the responsibility of feeding the Sheep
of God Peter just now love me what did
Christ tell him feed my sheep you see
you've got that responsibility look at
where the Bible says in verse number two
moreover it is required in stewards that
a man be found what
faithful the Bible says Bible makes it
plain that hey you know what this
is not just something that is optional
it is required it is not an option it is
required that you be found faithful if
you one day hope to be ordained as a
pastor evangelist whatever it is you
must prove your self faithful it is not
just an option it is required that you
be faithful to the things of God you be
faithful to the Word of God to the
doctrines of the Word of God that you're
faithful to church that you show up on
time I mean listen if you can't show up
on time to church do you think you have
a snowball's chance in hell of being
ordained listen why would i ordain
somebody that can't come to church on
time I mean if you show up late and you
leave as soon as the preachings early
you're not getting ordained you know why
because a pastor is somebody that you
know what you have to be here because
people want to talk to you people want
to see you and you know it you need that
fellowship and I wonder about Christians
that show up late and leave as soon as
the service is done and don't want to
have any fellowship with the people of
God I wonder about those kinds of people
you know why because we are to be here
in the Church of God to provoke one
another unto good works but how can you
be provoked by the people of God if you
not having a fellowship with them that
fellowship is important and as a pastor
people want to fellowship with you so if
you want to be a pastor number one learn
how to be on time I mean listen it is
this simple I mean when you go to work
in the morning and you show up for your
job if you show up late every single day
what's eventually gonna happen
you're you're fired so wouldn't I do
that to you
do you think I'm going to hire you on
staff at this church or ordain you to
send you out if you can't even show up
on time and listen not only show up time
you need to be early if you hope to be a
pastor because you know what you're the
one that has to open the doors yeah make
sure the ACS all
you gotta make sure everything's good to
go everything's running and that you're
here early a visitor's show up that
there's somebody to greet them somebody
to talk to them you've got all that work
that you need to plan out that you need
to get done and you know if you can't be
on time how can you ever do that so you
know what learn to show up on time learn
to be dress well let me just hit a few
practical things here tonight as a
preacher learn to dress well listen I'm
not talking about you know dressing up
in some kind of fancy outlandish outfit
but look neat for goodness sake iron
your clothes a men don't look like a
slob I mean listen it's one thing if you
just don't know how to match the clothes
people get over that they just think you
look funny but if you show up looking
like a slob I mean that's going to
distract people from the message of the
word of God hey listen if you're gonna
be a preacher hey I am all for having a
beard but keep that theme trimmed keep
it neat don't look like a hobo that's
living under a bridge keep it within a
reason I'm all for having a beard if you
want to have it I'm not anti beard but
you know like keep yourself looking trim
and neat and I'm not speaking to anyone
in particular here tonight now take your
Bibles let's move on from that point go
to Titus chapter number one poor brother
Jeffrey number one look where the Bible
has to say they is here the Word of God
has say Titus chapter number one and
look what the Bible has say over there
Titus chapter number one and look down
at verse number six and the Bible says
right there in Titus chapter number one
and look down at verse number six by the
way what I just told you I was taught
that in Bible College hey listen that's
one of the few good things I got out of
Bible College amen look at where the
Bible says here Titus chapter number one
and look down at verse number six
survival says if any be blameless the
husband of one wife having what's this
Hey now he should the steward be
faithful he ought to have children that
are faithful he needs to know how to
train up people that
our faithful because if I am faithful
but I don't know how to train people up
to be faithful well then I'm gonna have
a church of people that aren't faithful
and if you don't know how to rule your
own house how shall you rule the house
of God look back where the Bible says
here Bible says having faithful children
not accused of riot or unruly for a
bishop must be blameless as the steward
of God not self-willed not soon angry
not given to wine no striker not given
the filthy lucre but a lover of
hospitality a lover of good men sober
just holy temperate holding fast the
faithful word as he hath been taught
that he may be able by sound doctrine
both to exhort and to convince the
gainsayers now listen if you hope to be
ordained one day you need to be every
single qualification not just some of
them none of these are optional but you
know in Bible College I was taught some
of these are optional I was taught
having children that's optional I was
having a wife that is optional that is
not optional it is a clear command in
the Word of God that these are the
qualifications that in order to be a
pastor you must be the husband of one
you must have children who are faithful
so guess what if you don't have children
you don't have faithful children do you
you're not quite qualified there'll be a
pastor yet now you maybe one day if you
have children you raise them up there
they're faithful children you know what
then you are qualified at that point you
need to meet every single one of these
none of them are optional now look back
what the Bible has to say here and look
on back what the Bible has say I had a
thought there that I was going to cover
I forgot what it was it slipped out of
my mind let's go back and read it verse
number 7 for a bishop must be blameless
as the steward of God not self will not
soon angry not given to wine no striker
not given to filthy lucre it came back a
steward must be faithful you know what
you need to learn
how to do faithfulness starts with being
in the house of God you need to make
sure if you want to be ordained one day
you need to get to the point where
you're in the house of God every single
service now listen I know for some that
at the moment that is difficult I
understand that there might be a
transition there that it might take a
little bit of time to get to that point
where you can get some things in order
to get moved whatever you got to do
where you can be in the house of God but
listen if you can't be in the house of
God at every single service how you
going to Pastor when you're required to
be there every single service yeah I
mean that's just basic that's just basic
logic isn't it so you know you need to
learn to be in the house of God every
single service you want to be a pastor
someday get used to wearing a suit and
tie amen because you know what you need
to be look respectable when you're up in
front of the people of God you'll need
to be one of these sissy limp wristed
preachers out there they're taking off
the suit that are taking off the tie
that are putting up the red colors in
the purple Carozza in the church and
changing the hams from the old hams to
all this contemporary CCM that's out
there we're not going that route
I will never ordain somebody that goes
that route and if I see somebody that I
ordained and send out that goes that
route I will cut ties with them because
a preacher needs to be found faithful a
steward of God needs to be found
faithful this is why it's important that
you give the authority to the right man
in the first place that you don't make
the proper mistake that Jehoshaphat made
and give that authority to the wrong man
because then it can destroy the house of
God just like it destroyed the kingdom
of Judah now look back at where the
Bible has to say in second chronicles
chapter number 21 let's move on from
that point second chronicles 21 and look
down at verse number 4 and the Bible
says there and said chronicles chapter
number 21 verse number 4 now enjoy harm
risen up to the kingdom of his father he
strengthened himself and slew all his
brethren with the sword and diverse also
of the princes of Israel now what did he
do there in verse number 4 of 2nd
chronicles 21 he did what he slew all
his brethren you see he did something
that was of worldly logic right because
oftentimes you'll see in the world
especially with the heathen kings that
when they would come to power they'd
just kill anybody else that has a shot
at the throne right somebody else that
is in line to the throne they would just
come in and they'd kill him they'd wipe
them all out and wipe their house out
now is that what David did no David did
not do that and when there were men that
came to him and said hey we killed Saul
sons what David do to them David killed
those men
David put those men to death because
those sons were better than they were
you see David didn't do that but here
that's what this man does he goes and
kills his brothers because he's afraid
that they're going to take the kingship
he's afraid that they're going to send
to the throne they're better men than he
is after all they're proud he's probably
jealous of them or envious would be the
better word he's probably envious of
them and he's afraid of them and so what
does he do he's insecure about himself
he's insecure about his own kingship so
what has he done new he goes and kills
the Brethren now listen just on a
practical a practical application of
this we will see this all the time
you'll see this with people that are
insecure about themselves what do they
do they're insecure about themselves so
they got tear you down because they're
afraid about themselves they're insecure
they're afraid that you're going to show
them up they're afraid that you're going
to take their place they're afraid that
you're going to ascend up to the throne
or whatever it is that they perceive as
the throne in their life and so they got
to do whatever they can to tear you down
now listen you need to learn not to be
that kind of a man not to be insecure
and by the way a preacher
never be a person that's insecure
because if you are a preacher and you're
a true man of God the Bible says study
to show thyself approved unto God a
workman that needeth not to be ashamed
hey if you've actually studied out the
Word of God you know what the Bible says
you have no need to be ashamed you have
no need to be insecure when I look at
these other preachers that are in our
movement when they're doing great things
for God here's what I don't think I
don't think how can I show him up I
don't think how can I do better than
pastor Anderson I don't think how can I
be a better preacher than brother mejia
or pastor Jimenez or brother or pastor
McMurtry how could I do better than them
you know what I think when I see them
doing great things for God amen
glory to God and you know it shouldn't
motivate me to do better than if I see
myself as inferior I shouldn't try to
tear them down to my level
I ought to try to build myself up to
where they're at I ought to try to do is
good or better than what they're doing
and not to show them up but to give
glory and honor to God that is the
attitude that we have but a lot of
Christians what do they do they just
tear down people that they perceive are
better than they are instead of using it
to motivate themselves to do better they
just want to tear that person down to
their level and so they end up hating
the Brethren they end up in a spiritual
sense killing the Brethren right in fact
take your Bibles let's look at some
scriptures go to 1st John chapter number
3 and look at what the Bible says in
verse number 14 first John chapter
number 3 look at verse number 14 see
what the Word of God has say there 1st
John chapter number 3 and verse number
14 and the Bible says there in 1st John
chapter number 3 and verse number 14 and
the Bible says this right there the
Bible says we know that we have passed
from death unto life because we do what
love the Brethren he that loveth not his
brother abideth in death whosoever hated
his brother
is a murderer and you know that no
murderer hath eternal life abiding in
him with the Bible just say there you
see if you hate your brethren the Bible
says you are a murderer because you have
committed that murder in your heart no
you haven't physically gone and killed
but you perceived him better than you
you thought that they were a threat to
you you were insecure and you saw how
great they're doing and so you go and
you got try to kill them you hate your
you gotta tear them down the Bible says
you are abiding in death
Yolo you key what you don't realize the
foolishness of this and what you don't
realize is if you would love your
brethren and join up with that guy
that's doing great works for God
hey - can do even greater works you
could be an even better team the church
could be a better church the church
could do more for God if you'd love your
brethren take your Bibles go to 1st
Peter chapter number 3 and look at verse
number 8 first Peter chapter number 3
looking for some rate see what the Bible
has to say there first Peter chapter
number 3 and it looked down at verse
number 8 and the Bible says right there
first Peter chapter number 3
and verse number 8 finally be ye all of
what one mind having compassion one of
another love as brethren be pitiful be
courteous not rendering evil for evil or
railing for railing but contrariwise
blessing knowing that ye are there unto
called that ye should inherit a blessing
for he that will love life and see good
days let him refrain his tongue from
evil and his lips that they speak no
Kyle let amidst you evil and do good let
him seek peace and ensue it for the eyes
of the Lord are over the righteous and
his ears are open unto their prayers but
the face of the Lord notice is against
them that do evil and who is he that
will harm you if ye be powers of that
which is
who can harm us if we followed that
which is good who can harm us if we love
the Brethren
but you see many churches will be torn
down because of themselves not because
of Satan not because of what the world
does but because they hated the Brethren
how many churches have had church splits
in the last generation because they had
disagreements about the most stupid
minor things what color the carpet is I
mean how we're going to situate the
church I mean all these minor things and
they end up hating one another and
bickering over these things when the
Bible commands us to have the same mind
that we are to have one mine you know
what that means that means that we have
to compromise with one another not
compromise with the world not compromise
over doctrine not compromise over
standards but if it's something that's
minor that is not a big deal that's not
against the scripture either way then
you know we have to find a way where we
can be in agreement we have to find a
way where we are of one mind that we
have one purpose that we have one goal
that we're trying to get the same thing
done so that we're not divided because
we are stronger together than we are
separated we're stronger as a unit we
can get more streets not as a unit then
if each one just goes a separate way
right I mean listen we can get more done
if we're organized and we're working
together than if we were just
haphazardly he had no organization
whatsoever but you see there are a lot
of churches out there
they don't have that kind of a sewing
program they don't have the kind of
soul-winning program where they're
keeping track of all the streets and
what's getting done and they're not of
one mind and they allow all these minor
issues into the church that tear the
church apart listen if it is something
that does not matter listen you ought to
rather to suffer the loss of something
than to suffer the loss of your brother
because a brother of
is harder to be won than a strong city
that's where the Bible says you offend
that brother in Christ and you will have
a heart or a harder time winning him
back and getting back in fellowship with
him than if you were to go attack a city
with a sword I mean think about that
that brother is harder to win back that
relationship is important that's what we
ought to try and strive to be
peacemakers that's why we ought to
strive that have unity within the charts
that we would all speak the same mind
but your home didn't have that did he he
was just envious of his brothers and
instead of uniting with them you know
what he could have been a strong King
right had he United with his brothers
had he strengthened himself with his
brothers hey a brother is born for the
day of adversity if he had strengthened
himself with his brothers hey he could
have appointed them over other areas of
the kingdom and gave them some rulership
sin the kingdom and they could have been
stronger together but instead what does
he do he strengthens himself against his
brothers and kills them and destroys
them and this will lead to the downfall
of the nation now look back what the
Bible has say in fact go ahead and take
your Bibles go to 2nd chronicles 21
again and look back over there Otto get
some more problems he had 2nd chronicles
chapter number 21
y'all gotta listen up a little quicker
sorry getting late look at what the
Bible says 2nd chronicles chapter number
21 and it looked down and I have less
notes and what I had this morning good
night 2nd chronicles 21 look on down at
verse number 5 and the Bible says there
in second chronicles 21 verse number 5
Bible says Joe harem was thirty and two
years old when he began to reign and he
reigned 8 years in Jerusalem and he
walked in the way of the kings of Israel
well I guess did the house of Ahab nosis
before he had the daughter of Ahab to
wife and he wrought that which was evil
in the eyes of the Lord now not spend a
whole lot of time on this because I've
already covered it but how many times
have we seen this with kings now where
they go
wrong direction and even going to false
religion because they have a heathen
wife isn't that what happened to Solomon
sure is happened to Solomon and it now
happens to Johar um where his dad was a
godly King but yet he what does he do he
takes a heathen wife he takes a wife of
Ahab and listen he probably this is why
this makes a difference what you do
fathers because what did his father do
although his father was a godly king his
father joined up with Ahab his father
made that mistake his son sees that so
his son takes it farther than his than
his dad did and so he goes and he not
only joins up with Ahab but he takes a
halfs daughter to be his wife he takes
it farther than what the generation
before did take that as a lesson fathers
that whatever you do the sins that are
in your life if your children see that
they'll take it farther than what you
did they'll go further down the road
than what you did each generation just
goes further and further down the road
from where their parents were so you
need to hold the standards up here your
entire life
don't let them slack up don't when you
get older and you start getting soft in
your old age
don't slack up you get older you keep
those standards up there your children
get older you see the problem I see with
a lot of parents is they're strict when
their children are young but they get
wore out on the older ones you know
older ones graduate and leave home and
then the younger ones come along and
they get softer with the younger ones
and they drop the standards they drop
the clothing standards they drop the
music standards they drop those kinds of
things and before long you've got a
generation that gets out of church that
gets away from the King James Bible that
gets away from godly music and they go
into all kinds of sin keep those
standards up here high because it makes
a difference as their
your children are going to turn out
don't get soft in your old age don't get
soft when your children become teenagers
and it's easy to do so because that
teenager is constantly in your ear that
teenager is constantly asking you things
daddy can I get this daddy can I get
down daddy can I do this
daddy can I get that and they're
constantly trying to get you to drop
those standards down and you know why
it's not because they're bad children
but they're children
and foolishness is bound up in the heart
of a child and they don't understand all
things and they don't understand things
the way that you do and if you give in
don't be surprised if they go further
than what you wanted them to look back
at what the Bible has the same fact
let's move on in fact let me just read
this to you the Bible does tell us in
Scent Chronicles 6 verse number 14 be
not unequally yoked together with
unbelievers for what fellowship hath
righteousness with unrighteousness and
what communion hath light with darkness
the Bible specifically commands us not
to be yoked together with unbelievers so
should you be taking a person who's not
saved to be your wife or to be your
husband young people than the first
qualification ought to be are they saved
not are they good-looking not can they
cook not I like them the first
qualification is are they say no it's
and it doesn't stop there there ought to
be a whole list of qualifications that
you have that they ought to meet you
know when I met my wife I had a list of
I knew the things that she needed to me
that she it was required that she met
those things and then the fact that she
was good-looking was just bonus right
then the fact that she could cook was
bonus right but you know what the first
thing is are they saved and you got your
list of qualifications because one day
that cooking may wear out one day those
good looks certainly will wear off right
a bitch for both of you by the way they
wear away so you know there's a listener
qualifications that you ought to have
because if they don't if you don't have
that list of qualifications even if
they're saved they may be a worldly
person and you know if you want to be a
passer one day you need that godly wife
and there's a sermon coming for you
wives on this in a little while but you
know they need that that wife needs to
meet some qualifications as well because
you know if you can't have a godly wife
and you're a preacher that will destroy
your ministry your first ministry is the
home your first ministry is that wife
your second ministry is those children
and if you can't get that right you
don't belong up here you can't get that
right you don't belong being a pastor
and being behind the pulpit and if you
don't have that right and yet you desire
to be right here your hearts wicked and
evil get that right first yeah and make
sure that is right
make sure your wife meets those
qualifications men make sure your wife
is a sole one or two because if she's
not its owner
I won't ordain you if your wife isn't
somebody that can take the Bible and
open it up and lead something to Christ
you're not getting ordained in this
church it is a must it is a requirement
let's look back in the Bible let's move
on from that point go to send chronicles
21 I'm chasing too many rabbits tonight
look at what the Bible says 2nd
chronicles 21 look down at verse number
10 and the Bible says their sin
chronicles 21 and verse number 10 the
Bible says right there so the Edomites
revolted from there under the hand of
Judah unto this day the same time also
did live in a revolt from under his hand
gnosis why did they revolt what does the
Bible say because he wasn't good to him
because he didn't keep it strong enough
hand on him because he didn't have a
strong enough military because he didn't
pass the right policies sound familiar
to our political candidates out there is
that sound familiar to our Fox News
Baptists that are always voting for our
political candidates is that what we see
in the Bible no why is it
that they revolted why is it that he
lost control and lost control of his
kingdom look what the Bible says because
he undone what forsaken the Lord God of
his father's you see why he lost control
was not because he was not strong enough
he strengthened himself that's where the
Bible told us he strengthened himself
against his brothers he tried to
strengthen the kingdom but Tropes going
to strengthen the kingdom right he's
good for the military he's going to
strengthen our national defense he's
going to make us a stronger nation
hey they revolted because they had
forsaken the God of their fathers they
lost control the kingdom because they
had turned against God and you know if
that happened at them don't you think
it'll happen to us that if we forsake
the God of our fathers and we suffer
take the Word of God and the
commandments of God it doesn't matter
what you do it doesn't matter how you
strengthen yourself it doesn't matter
the wisdom that you think you have or
the counselors that you have in your
government or who you elect makes no
difference because if you forsake the
God of your father's
there's nothing you can do when the hand
of God moves against you you see had he
just followed God had you just followed
the Word of God and stayed with the god
of his father's they wouldn't have
revolted he would have kept that Kingdom
together he would have had them under
his stewardship he would have had them
as tributaries to him and his kingdom
would have been enlarged had he just
followed the god of his father's but
what did he do he was wise in the things
of this world he thought it was wise to
kill the Brethren he thought it was wise
to go after these false gods and not go
in the way of his father's and therefore
they revolted and rebelled against him
don't be surprised America when it
happens to you you've got all these
countries in subjection to you and
you've got all these countries under
your tribute air
and that are under your rule and under
your thumb but you have forsaken the god
of your father's you forsaken the God of
the Bible and you're constantly casting
aside the Word of God don't be surprised
when you are destroyed don't be
surprised Republican Fox News Baptists
when your nation continues to get worse
and continues to get go down the drain
and things just get worse and more a gun
confiscation laws are passing by the way
they're already being passed
you see Republican Baptists are all
everything Trump right all pro Trump but
since Trump made his remarks that he
would rather confiscate the guns first
and then go to the courts later then
what did what happens
oh then you've got states like Florida
that pass red flag laws and those red
flag laws what do they say all we have
to do to take somebody's gonna way is we
have to say he's a risk this guy brother
Drew I mean he's psycho we think he's
just gonna kill somebody we think he's
going to do this so we're gonna go take
his guns then where does that lead then
that leads it to being in the hands of
the government all they have to do is we
think this guy's are terrorists yeah
those independent Baptists they're a
bunch of crazy people we think they're
insane so we're just going to go take
their guns and then you see this is how
the gun confiscation is going to take
place it's not going to be in some mass
confiscation all you conspiracy
theorists out there listen up the
government's not just going to do a mass
confiscation and come knock on everybody
every conservatives doors and just take
your guns away they're going to do it
little by little by little and every
time they take some of these guns away
and that person sat and tries to stand
up they're just going to say well he was
a threat they're just gonna say he put
off some red flags and listen all they
have to do is go on Facebook and make up
some fake things about you there listen
they're in control of the Internet all
they gotta do is go on there and make a
fake account and put some fake things on
there and boom they got their proof of
then they come knock on your doing they
take your guns and all these
conservatives that sit there and say you
can pry it from my cold dead hands
we'll sit there and be silent and won't
come to your aid because they think that
you're crazy and they're just going to
allow them to take away their guns and
they won't realize it's happening until
their guns are gone - that's exactly how
it's going to happen you know why
because America has forsaken the God of
their fathers and it doesn't matter how
much you strengthen yourself and how
many hours upon hours upon hours you
have spent stockpiling those guns and
stockpiling that amo and sitting there
cranking ammo out after em all right and
making your own bullets and doing all
that and storing up the food and
throwing up the water if your first take
the god of your father's you're done you
forsake the god of your father's you're
going down the toilet and that's exactly
where this nation is headed you know why
because we sought to strengthen
ourselves instead of going after God we
have gone after the world and we've
taken the wisdom of the world and we
have brought it into many churches today
where churches a day have taken the
wisdom of the world and brought it into
the house of God and they have forsaken
the God of their fathers don't be
surprised when your churches are
destroyed and when your children go to
the devil because you for silk the old
ways because you first took the old
paths because you forsook with the Word
of God says don't be surprised when
you're destroyed look back to what the
Bible says let's move on from that I got
a bunch of Scripture we could look on
that tonight but we just don't have time
take your Bibles go back 10 chronicles
21 and it will get verse number 11 the
Bible says this in second chronicles
chapter 21 and verse number 11 Bible
says moreover he made high places in the
mountains of Judah knows this and caused
the inhabitants of Jerusalem to commit
fornication and compel Judah thereto
now this reminds me of somebody in the
scripture who else
ade Israel to commit fornication any
names come to mind he's a pretty famous
guy I'll give you a hint
he's somebody in the Bible that the
Bible warns us that there are these
kinds of men out there today
and he names come to mind how about
Balaam take your Bibles and what's going
to look at it Revelation chapter number
two look at the bob says anybody
remember the story of Balaam what
happened with Balaam Balaam was the man
that when Israel was coming out of the
land of Egypt that the kings of the
Moabites wanted to hire Balaam to curse
the nation of Israel the Moabites were
afraid of Israel and they were afraid of
their number so they came to Balaam and
they wanted to hire him to curse him so
the King Balak comes the Balaam and
wants the Hiram and tells him hey I'll
promote you
I'll give you honor I'll give you riches
all you got to do is curse these people
was Balaam say name says I can't do it
I can't curse him and he goes up and he
offers sacrifices on several different
mountains in the high places just like
King Jehoram offers up these sacrifices
in the high places and beseeches God and
God tells him you can't curse um Balaam
knows this so what does he do instead of
cursing them because he can't
he teaches King Balak to cast a
stumbling stone before him and to cause
him to commit fornication because he
knows if they do this they will be
cursed of God themselves he won't even
have to curse them look at what the
Bible says here revelation 2 verse
number 13 and Obama says there in verse
number 13 I know that works and where
thou dwellest even where Satan's seat is
and thou holdest fast my name it has not
denied my faith even in those days when
Antipas was my faithful martyr who was
slain among you where Satan dwelleth but
I have a few things against thee because
thou hast there them that hold the
doctrine of Balaam who taught Balak to
cast a stumbling block before the
children of Israel and to eat things
idols and to commit fornication
listen fornication is serious it is
something that always brings the curse
of God and you young men and you men you
need to listen up to what the Bible is
saying tonight because if you go into
fornication or if you commit adultery it
will always always bring a curse upon
your life you go into that strange woman
and the Bible says none that go in unto
her return
none of them you think you're gonna get
away with it you think you can overcome
it you think you can hide it
you think you can keep it secret but
you'll not return it will destroy you
and it will bring the curse of God upon
you and furthermore it can bring the
curse of God upon the church and listen
if we don't want to be destroyed we need
to make sure that we don't allow this
kind of nonsense in the church that you
keep yourself pure and clean that's why
this is a sin that's a wicked that God
says to cast them out of the church this
will always bring the curse of God on
the people now take your Bibles go back
to numbers chapter 31 this is where this
story unfolds about Balaam numbers
chapter number 31 we don't have time to
all get the entire story because it
spans several different chapters in the
Old Testament look at numbers chapter
number 31 and look down at verse number
12 when you get their numbers chapter
number 31 and look at verse number 12
when you get there let me get turned
over there as well numbers chapter
number 31 and verse number 12 notice
where the Bible says numbers 31 verse
number 12 and they brought the captives
and the prey and the spoil unto Moses
and Eleazar the priest and unto the
congregation of the children of Israel
unto the camp of the plains of Moab
which are by Jordan near Jericho and
Moses and Eleazar the priest and all the
product and all the excuse me and all
the princes of the congregation went
forth to meet them without the camp and
Moses was
off with the officers of the host with
the captain's over thousands and
captain's over hundreds which came from
the battle and Moses said unto them have
you saved all the women alive behold
these cause the children of Israel
through the counsel of Balaam to commit
trespass against the Lord in the matter
of peor and there was a plague among the
congregation of the Lord
now therefore kill every male among the
little ones and kill every woman that
hath no man by lying with them but all
the women children that have not known a
man by lying with them keep alive for
yourselves now let's go back to chapter
number 25 turn back over there chapter
25 of numbers and those where the Bible
says their numbers chapter number 25 and
look down at verse number 6 and the
Bible says their numbers 25 verse number
6 and behold one of the children of
Israel came and brought unto his
brethren a minion eightish woman in the
sight of Moses and in the sight of all
the congregation but don't you dare
judge me that what you see let me tell
you something when you commit a sin in
private that's one thing but when you
commit a sin in the sight of God and in
the sight of the congregation don't be
surprised when you are rebuked openly
Peter or Paul withstood Peter why
because Paul was to be Peter was to be
Peter committed a sin openly and it had
to be rebuked openly you commit a sin in
the sight of the congregation you know
what you're doing that's worse than just
committing the sin because what you're
now trying to do is you're trying to
cause the others to fall into your sin
with you you see I will have grace for
you and give you the opportunity to get
the sin right and to do the right thing
but when you refuse and you're doing it
openly listen you're gonna get cast out
you're gonna get slain is what is going
to happen I'm speaking metaphorically
there of course because I'm not actually
going to take you out and shoot you look
baba says although I might be tempted
look back what the Bible says here look
down at numbers chapter number 25 and
looked down at where we left off look at
verse number 6 there again it says in
the sight of all the congregation of
children of Israel who were weeping
before the door of the tabernacle of the
congregation notice what the
congregation is doing they're weeping
they're trying to get this matter right
they're trying to do the right thing and
here comes this Israelite who brings
along his whore that he has been
committing fornication with in the sight
of Israel this is what is going on look
at where the Bible says in verse 7 and
when Phinehas the son of Eleazar the son
of Aaron the priest saw it he rose up
from the among the congregation and took
a chaplain in his hand and he went out
to the man of Israel into the tent and
thrust both of them through the man of
Israel and the woman through her belly
so the plague was stayed from the
children of Israel where's the nailless
- he saved the nation by the way he gets
a special blessing from God because of
this but you know what how many people
said all that for Nahas he's so mean
he's so judgmental I mean he just called
these people down in public hey don't
you glad I've never done this don't you
think I'm a hard man you think I'm a
hard preacher I've never come in anybody
and taken a javelin and thrown it
through your stomach that's what fun a
hustle literally did and you know it was
his job to do it because he's a man of
God there's sin that is open in the
sight of the congregation and he has to
deal with it and listen preachers if you
don't have the stones to deal with
something openly that's an open sin in
the sight of God don't you dare stand
behind the pulpit
don't you dare desire the opéra office
of a bishop if you ain't got the
backbone to deal with it because sin
that is open in the sight of the people
must be dealt with you see this is why
I've called out Josh ties you know why
because his sin is not just a private
of him being an effeminate little queer
sissy boy you know what his sin is his
sin is that it's in the sight of the
people his sin is that it's in the sight
of the congregation and he's causing
other churches to go along with him into
that ecumenical watered-down kind of
junk that's out there and he must be
called out and he must be preached
against and he wants to sit there and
say well well they hated Christ first
and that's why y'all were hating on me
hey Christ wasn't hated on because he
was a queer feminist sissy Christ was it
hated on because he was doing away with
the old standards Christ wasn't hated on
because because he was hiring queer
sissies on his staff no no what did
Christ do Christ hired some pretty manly
men I mean fishermen they're men that
are used to working with their hands he
had some men on his staff and he was a
man a man that grew up in a carpenter's
home and knew how to work with his hands
I guarantee a christ wasn't a sissy boy
and the reason why you're being hated on
is because you've gone the way of the
world you've not gone the way of Christ
you're not being hater and listen if you
think that somebody preaching against
you is persecution that just shows you
how sissy you are because that's not
real persecution real persecution is
when they come and they knock on your
door and they beat on your door and they
want to break in your door because
you're preaching the truth and they want
to stop you and they want to behave you
Christ was hated and they killed him
that's not what they did to you Josh
ties no but you have led people astray
and to all this watered-down
Christianity this fake Independent
Baptist movement and you have led other
churches astray and therefore you must
be confronted and therefore you must be
preached against because it is in the
sight of the congregation this was the
mistake that your whore made this was
the mistake
that these people made here and when sin
is in the sight of the congregation it
must be dealt with
I saw a church here in the last year
probably a year ago a church that's in
Baton Rouge and in they let this woman
get up on the stage and she got up on
the stage to sing with a group and
there's nothing wrong with the song that
they were singing but the woman had a
miniskirt on and independent Baptist
Church by the way and I know for a fact
that the pastor never dealt with it you
know why because the pastor wants to be
liked because the pastor wants to be
everybody's buddy and you know I'm not
here to be everybody's buddy I'm not
here to be everybody's friends I hope I
can be your friend I want to have some
good friends but you know what my
primary reason for being here is to
teach you the Word of God and to keep
the Wolves out of the church and the
turn people away from their iniquity so
that our church can have the blessing of
God that's what we want in this church
and so in their sin that is open it must
be dealt with and if you don't have the
guts to deal with it if you don't have
the guts to say something if you don't
have the guts to go to that person that
isn't open sin and rebuke them openly
before all don't you dare desire the
office of a bishop don't you dare to
ever stand up in this pulpit and to
preach the Word of God we need some men
of God that have some guts we need some
men of God that aren't scared of the
world we need some men like John the
Baptist we need some men like the Lord
Jesus Christ that wasn't afraid to go
into the temple and the flip over the
tables and to drive people out with a
whip and just in case you think that
Jesus Christ just laud it lost it
he sat outside the temple sitting there
making the whip he made the whip first
he said you know how long that takes he
said they're thinking about it before he
ever went into the temple and then he
went in
he flicked a mouse over and he drove the
people out of the temple that was our
Savior we need some men like Elijah that
would confront the false prophets and
would say take him down to the river and
slay him we need some men like Jesus
Christ they gave us a parable that we
read earlier where he said those that
won't have me to be king slay on before
me that's the words of your Savior Jesus
Christ we need some men men that are not
afraid to deal with sin that when there
is open sin and it's in the sight of the
congregation it must be dealt with and
if you sit there and let it go on you
know what it does it emboldened others
commit sin had Phinehas not risen up and
slain those people what would have
happened the plague would have continued
on more of the people of God would have
been destroyed more of the people of God
would have gone into that sin because
they would have thought that it was okay
and you know what when you've got this
queer feminist sissy boy that's standing
up in a pulpit then you've got a
congregation and you've got children
sitting in the church and they're not
just going to grow up just thinking that
it is okay for a man to be effeminate
they're going to grow up thinking that
it's something to look up to then it's
something to be desired
don't be surprised if you go to that
church and I know there are people out
there that listen that go to that church
don't be surprised if you go to a church
where your pastor is an effeminate
little sissy when your son grows up to
be an effeminate little sissy because
you took him to a place where the man of
God somebody that's to be looked up to
was that you know how would you like if
I was a drunkard would you like that
would you want your children to see that
would you want your children to see that
that's not only okay but something to be
desired and looked up to how would you
think if I was a fornicator
uh-oh or an adulterer would you want
that as your path
sir then why in the world do you want
somebody that's effeminate you're I
could not sit there in the pews and
listen to somebody that's effeminate and
sit there and listen to somebody stand
behind the pulpit and prance around the
pulpit like a little girl
you'll men know how to yell how to
scream how to spit how to stomp with the
employer and they're smite with the hand
and when they speak their hands are out
here not in here that's how men act men
are to be men and to not be these little
sissies and enough is enough with the
old IFB promoting all these queer
effeminate little sissies out there they
need to be called out they need to be
spoken against and it needs to be dealt
with that we need some men to stand in
the pulpit we need some men that are not
afraid to preach the Word of God they've
got a backbone that will stand against
the multitudes out there in the world
let's send a word of Prayer will be
dismissed here this evening then we'll
sing our hem here this evening dear
Heavenly Father we thank you for what
you've shown us here tonight or lord I
just thank you for your word and for how
good it is for the truths that we found
in your word father Lord I just ask that
you'd help us to be a people that we
would seek after you that we would not
give our ways to that which destroy of
kings and we just ask that as we seek
you first and you Kingdom first that you
would bless this father that you'd send
us more laborers to get the work done
father in Jesus Christ's name I pray
amen let's take our psalm out here
tonight Psalms chapter number 11 and
we'll go ahead and sing this as we close
here this evening Psalms chapter number
eleven and we'll go ahead and sing here
tonight Psalms chapter number eleven you
all might have to sing out a little bit
here tonight because I use my voice
quite a bit in these two sermons here
say Psalms chapter number 11 and let's
go ahead and sing here tonight in the
Lord put on my trust he'll say to my
soul please
as a bird to your Mountain for all the
wicked bend their bow they make ready
their home on stream then they may
privily shoot I the our pride in heart
if the Foundation's be destroyed what
can the righteous do the Lord is in we
temple the war throne is in heaven
his eyes behold his I try the children
are man
and the war try thermite yes but we can
and in the violence he is oh hey Ted is
so hey Ted upon the wicked he shall rain
snares fire and brimstone town and in
horrible tempest there shall be the
portion of their come for the righteous
Lord loveth righteousness his
countenance doth behold dust behold the
upright in the war / time I try
amen were dismissed this evening
For more infomation >> That which Destroys kings Part 4 (Jehoram) - Duration: 1:13:05.-------------------------------------------
'Cats' Movie Anticipation Coming to You December 2019 | THR News - Duration: 1:49.
Get ready for some Jellicle songs, for Jellicle cats. A release date has been set for the
upcoming movie version of Cats that is set to star Taylor Swift, Jennifer Hudson
and more super stars.
The film version of the Andrew Lloyd Webber musical will pounce into theaters
on December 20, 2019. Production on Cats is set to take place later this year in the U.K.,
with more cast due to be announced soon.
Swift, Hudson, James Corden and Ian McKellen are all set to star in the Universal film,
which will be directed by Les Misérables movie director Tom Hooper.
Sources told THR in July that Hudson will play Grizabella, a former "glamour cat"
ostracized by the tribe of cats known as the Jellicles.
The characters sings the musical's powerhouse song, "Memory."
McKellan will play Old Deuteronomy, the elderly Jellicle Leader, and the cat queen herself
Swift is being eyed for Bombalurina, a flirtatious red cat.
Now, as any theatre dork like myself knows, the musical tells the story of the Jellicle cats
and the night they make what is known as "the Jellicle choice" aka decide which cat will
ascend to the Heaviside Layer and come back to a new life.
The December 20th release date means Cats will be opening opposite the next
Star Wars film, J.J. Abrams' Episode IX. Also set for the date is the Murder on the Orient
Express follow-up Death on the Nile. So, what are your thoughts on the new Cats musical
movie? And who else do you think should join the cast? Be sure to let me know
in the comments. Until next time, for The Hollywood Reporter News, I'm Tiffany Taylor.
Watch Fantasia Sing at Aretha Franklin's Funeral - Duration: 0:52.
Do not insist on who disappoints you, appreciate those who love you - Disappointment phrases - Duration: 4:09.
Daily Dose of DeJ: Reach out and touch somebody's hand - Duration: 1:00.
Chelsea Ambriz: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | - Duration: 6:45.
Chelsea Ambriz: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |
Chelsea Ambriz is a meteorologist at WSAZ in West Virginia.
She's accused of breaking the skull of news anchor Erica Bivens in a fight over Bivens' husband.
The Charleston Gazette-Mail reports that Ambriz was arrested at a bar in the city on August 26.
The Mail report says that Bivens suffered a skull fracture and a ruptured eardrum after being pushed by Ambriz.
The pair work together for WSAZ's 4 p.m.
news show. Here's what you need to know:.
Cops Say it All Started When Bivens' Husband Told Ambriz He Wasn't Interested.
FTV Live reports that the incident began when Bivens confronted Ambriz.
The news anchor believed the meteorologist had been hitting on her husband.
The documents obtained by FTVLive says that Bivens and her husband had been out a celebration and went to a bar on Broadway after the party.
There, they ran into Ambriz.
The documents says that Bivens has had problems with Ambriz in the past.
Bivens had thought that Ambriz was aggressive with her.
The complaint reads, "Erica said that her husband didn't think anything of it until later in the evening Chelsea began to hit on Donald.
Donald told Chelsea that he was not interested in her and went back over and stood with Erica.
Donald mentioned to Erica about what had just happened with Chelsea and so Erica went and confronted Chelsea about it.
Erica said that Chelsea became irate and began to shove Erica causing both of them to fall over in the bar area.".
Ambriz Said on Facebook in May 2018 that She 'Loved' Bivens.
In May 2018, Ambriz wrote on Facebook page, "I honestly can say I love my coworkers! Especially WSAZ Tim Irr, Erica Bivens and the entire First Look at Four team!!" In February 2018, Ambriz nominated Bivens for take part in the ALS Pepper Challenge.
Ambriz Calls Herself a 'Cat Lady'.
Ambriz is due to appear in court on September 21.
The Mail report adds that Ambriz could face a year in prison and/or a $500 fine.
On her Instagram page, Ambriz refers to herself as "Meteorologist.
Cat lady.
Purdue University Alumna." Ambriz says on her official WSAZ bio that she grew up in an Indianapolis suburb and attended Purdue where she graduated with a degree in Atmospheric Science.
Ambriz cited the TV show, How the Earth Was Made, as having a huge influence on her interest in science subjects.
While at Purdue, Ambriz did weather report broadcasts for the school and was an intern at WISH-TV.
Her first professional job was at WBBJ-TV in Jackson, Tennessee, where she was a weekend meteorologist.
In addition to her interest in the weather, Ambriz cites traveling and playing tennis as her other hobbies.
In July 2018, Ambriz repelled down the city of Huntington's tallest building for United Way charity Over the Edge.
Authorities Have Advised Bivens to Get a Restraining Order Against Ambriz.
As news of the assault spread, Bivens posted on her Facebook page saying, "Just wanted to update you all, I am at home recovering from a fractured skull and ruptured eardrum.
I'm waiting on the doctors to clear me so I can get back to work.
Thank you so much for the kind words and support." FTVLive reports that authorities have advised Bivens to get a restraining order against Ambriz.
Ambriz Is a Volunteer With the American Red Cross.
According to Ambriz's LinkedIn page, in 2014 she spent a year studying at Tsinghua University & Hong Kong Baptist University.
Ambriz writes on the page, "Traveled to Beijing, China and Hong Kong for a Maymester to learn about Chinese culture and how business is started and ran abroad." Ambriz is also a volunteer with the American Red Cross.
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