What are the most common symptoms of TMJ syndrome?
Well, a lot of people complain about headaches
and they may be in the temporal region
or they may start from the base of the skull
and come up over the head.
It can also manifest as neck pain, which
may be on one side or on both.
And stiffness and lack of rotation of the neck and this
can track all the way down the spine to the lower
back, and the hips.
So people often complain of lower back pain as well.
Now some people also experience ear congestion.
So this may be one or both ears.
And usually it's like almost like a blockage or a
It could be just loss of hearing as well.
And some people then associated with that they
have vertigo or dizziness.
Some people also experience pain behind the eyes.
Some people have clenching grinding muscular pain
and clicking in the jaws.
Now you may not have all of these symptoms.
You may have a variety of some of them but a lot of these
are related to the jaw joint being in the wrong place.
And that's causing uneven muscle tension and impingement
of some nerves.
So if you would like to hear and learn more about TMJ syndrome.
And if you think that you might suffer from it
please give us a call.
For more infomation >> Most common symptoms of TMJ? - Dr. Vicky Ho - Duration: 1:47.-------------------------------------------
SmartThings V3 vs. SmartThings V2 Review: Should You Upgrade? - Duration: 4:56.
SmartThings version 3 is now selling for $69.99 which is $30 less than I paid for version
So today, we're going to answer two questions: One, is V3 better than V2?
And two, are the new SmartThings sensors worth buying?
That said, V3 gets a point out of the gate because it's cheaper
V3 uses the latest Zigbee and Z-wave protocols as well as Bluetooth 4.1, but rumor has it
that V2 will receive Zigbee 3.0 support later this year.
V3's most compelling feature is that though the Ethernet port will remain, it's no longer
a necessity as V3 can connect using WiFi.
But it's missing one of V2's better features and that's battery-backup.
Yes, there was that whole battery leak issue, but I liked the battery, and I miss it.
V2 also had 512MBs of memory where v3 has only 256MB, but SmartThings claims this doesn't
impact performance and that the new hub can still perform some tasks locally.
V3 is also missing a module called video core, which means that it no longer supports cameras
that connect locally including Samsung and DLink cameras, but it still supports cloud-connected
cameras like Arlo and Ring.
Finally, there's no migration path so if you want to move your V2 devices over to your
V3, prepare for some pain.
To migrate, you'll have to manually remove all of your SmartApps, Routines, devices,
and locations.
Then you'll have to start the setup process from scratch.
So do I think you should dump your V2 hubs and go with V3?
I don't.
Buy V3 if WiFi's important to you, and if you don't own Samsung and D-Link cameras;
otherwise, I'd stick with your V2.
And actually, if you're looking for a new hub, I'd probably buy V2.
It's still sold in stores and online so it's possible to get one now if you want.
That's the answer to question one, but let's move on to question two.
Let's take a look at these new Samsung sensors.
In total, Samsung has dropped five new sensors and I purchased three of them.
First, I bought two of the new Multipurpose sensors for $19.99 each, which is $20 less
than I paid for my old Multipurpose sensor.
What I love about this thing is that you can use it as a contact sensor or as a tilt sensor
to protect your garage door.
It's also a vibration sensor and like most SmartThings sensors, a temperature sensor.
From the new SmartThings app, you can add several related automations like Smart Home
Monitor which is related to home security and knock knock which will let you know when
someone knocks on your door.
I decided to spray my second multipurpose sensor with Plasti Dip in an attempt to weatherproof
it for use in my mailbox.
And don't worry, I fact checked this Dazed and Confused legal advice before doing so.
Tampering with mailboxes is a felony offense.
Of course, I found that putting a sensor on your mailbox is no big deal.
What I didn't research was the science of magnetization.
And I didn't realize there was an issue until I attempted to make this happen several
Maybe like five times.
The magnet in the contact sensor was magnetizing my metal mailbox.
Apparently, this is a common problem when using magnetic sensors on certain types of
So I decided to be basic, and I just put the sensor outside to see if it would survive
a Tennessee storm.
Unfortunately, it didn't even last a day, and I can't pinpoint why because there's
just too many variables to figure it out.
Maybe it's that Plasti Dip is not the magic cure all the internet claims it to be?
Maybe it was just too hot?
I don't know, but we'll put a pin in this one and come back.
In general, when I used the multipurpose sensors as they're intended to be used, they worked
They were responsive and I actually thought that setting up automations using the new
SmartThings app was a better experience than using the older Classic app.
The new app even has an IFTTT-like interface that you can use to create rules in an IF
This Then That format.
Next up, I tested the new water leak sensor which sells for $19.99.
It uses two metal pieces on top and two on the bottom to detect moisture.
It will send a notification if it detects something, but you can also set it to trigger
other actions like "if the water sensor is wet, then turn on a light."
I didn't test the new smart outlet or motion sensor, but my fellow YouTuber, Smart Home
Solver, did test the motion sensor's performance and found that in addition to delivering a
superior design it also more responsive to motion events so I'll link to his video below
if y'all want to check that out.
Finally, I ordered the SmartThings Button for $14.99 which you can program to imitate
actions with a click.
Unfortunately, the Button is on backorder, so I'm still waiting for it, but if you're
interested, I would be happy to do a video just covering the SmartThing's Button.
If that's something you all would like to see, please let me know in the comment section
If not, no hard feelings.
Either way, please subscribe before you go.
Next time, we are going to cover something a little bit different so stay tuned, and
I will see y'all then.
A Therapy Session with Uncle Sam | I Love You, America on Hulu - Duration: 0:17.
And our politicians are in the pockets
of special interest groups when they should be
beholden to their constituents.
@KingOfButts227 was right.
I'm not funny anymore.
What exactly is a terrarium & why would you need it? - Duration: 3:10.
RabbitMQ - 18 Hello RabbitMQ - Duration: 11:32.
Now it's time to build hello world for RabbitMQ.
First, we will create the queue.
Open your web browser, go to RabbitMQ management console, which is localhost port 15672, and
login using guest / guest.
We will create a queue.
Remember, queue is a storage for message.
Lets click on menu queues, and add a new queue
with name "course.hello".
Just fill in the name, left the other fields to default, and click "Add queue"
OK, now we have empty queue named "course.hello",
let's create the java program
Now the java part.
First, we will create the producer, and then the consumer.
On Eclipse, right click on rabbitmq-producer project, and create new Class.
We will call this class as a "HelloRabbitProducer.java" and put it under package "producer".
A package in java is like a sub-folder to organize source files.
Since this is a producer, we will organize it into "producer" package.
OK, click Finish
Spring has a special class, called RabbitTemplate,
that handle publish to RabbitMQ.
So we will create it as variable on HelloRabbitProducer.
I can type few letters and press ctrl+space and Eclipse will suggest auto completion.
Next, we will create a method to send a message to RabbitMQ.
The message is just simple greeting string.
We will call it sendHello() with parameter name.
I'll type it, save it, and explain to you.
Dont forget about the magic of ctrl+space to autocomplete.
I will use a lot of them as I type.
All messages that send to RabbitMQ will be sent in form of byte array.
Without Spring, we will have to convert a message to byte array and then send it.
With Spring, we have RabbitTemplate that do the job for us using rabbitTemplate.convertAndSend
In this lecture, rabbitTemplate.convertAndSend takes two parameters: queue name and message
to send.
Notice several things: We don't use exchange as parameter.
With this method, we will send message to RabbitMQ default exchange, which will put
our message into queue name in first parameter.
We don't need to convert message to byte array.
RabbitTemplate do that for us
For our Producer to run, we will need two
special lines, called annotations.
Annotation @Service in class level to set Spring knows that this Producer is a service class
and annotation @Autowired for rabbitTemplate, so Spring create RabbitTemplate instance for
Notice the placement of both annotations.
It must be exact placement.
I won't explain very detail about Spring in this course.
If you want to know more about Spring annotations, please do some google for now.
To test the program let's go to RabbitmqProducerApplication.java.
I will type first and explain later.
Here, we have HelloRabbitProducer that annotated as Autowired.
Spring will create and inject HelloRabbitProducer to be used.
To run our program, we will create command-line based program, so the class is implements
interface CommandLineRunner
Our RabbitmqProducerApplication needs to implements
specific method from CommandLineRunner interface.
To do this, Eclipse can help by clicking the error message on the line, and select Add
unimplemented methods
Here, I will send a message with parameter
my name and some random number
OK, It should be done.
To test it, right click on RabbitmqProducerApplication.java, select Run as…
Java application
See the console tab.
If no error message, then your message is sent to RabbitMQ.
Don't forget to stop application from Eclipse console window.
Next, we'll see if our message exists on RabbitMQ.
Open RabbitMQ management console, go to tab queues, and open course.hello
To see the message, go to "Get messages" section
and click "Get message" button.
Leave the other option for now.
OK, message received.
Now it's time to build the consumer.
Let's create the consumer.
On Eclipse, right click on rabbitmq-consumer project, and create new Class.
We will call this class as "HelloRabbitConsumer.java" and put it under package "consumer".
Consumer does not need RabbitTemplate, but will use Spring annotation to consume message.
I'll type it and explain to you.
Dont forget about the magic of ctrl+space to autocomplete.
I will use a lot of them as I type.
For our Consumer to run, we will need two annotations.
Annotation @Service in class level to let Spring knows that this Consumer is a service
class, and annotation @RabbitListener to consume messages from queue.
Annotation @RabbitListener is written before method name, so that method will consume message
from queue in annotation's parameter.
So in this case, our listen() method will consume message from queue "course.hello"
and display it to console.
To test the program let's go to RabbitmqConsumerApplication.java.
Basically, this code is ready to run and consume message.
Let's try it, right click on RabbitmqConsumerApplication.java and choose Run as…
Java Application.
See, this is our message from rabbitmq
Let's try again.
Don't stop consumer, but we will run producer once more
OK, that is our second message.
For now lets stop the consumer
And the producer too
In the next lecture, we will prove that consumer consume messages in real-time.
See you
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