Music: Natural by Endless Love.
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For more infomation >> Red Flowers - Speed Painting. - Duration: 1:28.-------------------------------------------
How to Instagram Followers | followers no password UNLIMITED - Duration: 2:12.
Martin Garrix feat. Bonn - High On Life || Lyrics - Duration: 3:45.
Killed the demons of my mind, ever since you came around.
We're a river running wild. How could I have been so blind?
I just live a fast life. Forget about the past time.
I numb out to escape my feels.
And friendships only pass by. Show up, gone, like strobe lights.
But with you, I feel something real.
And I'd walk a million miles, just to see you smile
'Til the day I die.
Oh, I need you by my side. We get high on life
'Til the day we die.
High on life 'Til the day we die.
High on life 'Til the day we die.
High on life 'Til the day we die.
And I'd walk a million miles, just to see you smile
'Til the day I die.
High on life 'Til the day we die.
Through my fingers, out of sight.
How could I have let you go?
Cutting corners, turning stones. But I can only see your ghost.
I just live a fast life. Forget about the past time.
I numb out to escape my feels.
And friendships only pass by. Show up, gone, like strobe lights.
But with you, I feel something real
And I'd walk a million miles, just to see you smile
'Til the day I die.
Oh I need you by my side. We get high on life
'Til the day we die.
High on life 'Til the day we die.
Oh I need you by my side. We get high on life
'Til the day we die.
High on life 'Til the day we die.
And I'd walk a million miles, just to see you smile
'Til the day I die.
Oh I need you by my side. We get high on life
'Til the day we die.
Mary Ellen Powers: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | - Duration: 12:38.
Mary Ellen Powers: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |
LinkedIn Mary Ellen Powers is a Jones Day law firm partner defending the Trump camp in a federal case in New York that claims it was complicit in the Russian cyber attack on the United States.
Late Thursday a new filing was made in the 12-count federal Southern District of New York case the Democratic National Committee versus the Russian Federation, Donald J.
Trump for President, Donald Trump Jr., campaign cohorts including Roger Stone, Paul Manafort, Rick Gates, George Papadopolous, John Does 1 – 10, Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner, the GRU and its agent Guccifer20, Julian Assange, Wikileaks, and Trump himself.
The complaint alleges all of the above violated numerous federal laws in the Russian cyber attack on the U.S.
2016 presidential election.
The Trump camp has a new lawyer, Mary Ellen Powers.
Powers is a partner at Jones Day in Washington D.C.
and according to the 'about me' page, her specialty is "complex civil litigation and high-profile criminal, regulatory, and congressional investigations for clients charged with racketeering.
In many high-profile cases where the federal government, specifically the U.S.
Department of Justice, has brought charges, with Powers as defendant's counsel, it fell to technical court matters that resulted in her successful defense of clients including Saudis in a 9/11 liability case where jurisdiction was argued and where a sitting governor found guilty of corruption saw his conviction vacated based on too-broad jury instructions.
In a court filing late Thursday, Powers told the court she'd be representing the Trump campaign.
Powers and her firm has a real stake in the Trump-Russia probe and recall that soon-out-the-door White House counsel Don McGhan was a Jones Day partner.
It's not clear if he'll be returning to the firm with his departure imminent.
The firm, and Powers in particular, is very much involved with the Trump-Russia case as it defends the administration and the Trump campaign orbit.
Here's what you need to know about Jones Day's Mary Ellen Powers:.
Powers Helped to Successfully Defend the Bin Laden Family in a 9/11 Terror Attack Liability Case.
With Powers as second chair, according to the Jones Day website, court records and media reports, eight Saudi companies and individuals walked away because a court agreed there was a question whether or not federal prosecutors had jurisdiction to bring charges related to the September 11, 2001 attacks.
After a deep dive, Heavy located the list of clients Powers represented; the Bin Laden family and its businesses: Appellees Saudi Binladin Group, Abdullah Bin Laden, Bakr M.
Bin Laden, Omar M. Bin Laden, Tarek M.
Bin Laden, Yeslam M.
Bin Laden, and and Khaled Bin Mahfouz.
In April of 2103, a press release from Powers and Jones Day said the government "sued hundreds of foreign defendants alleging wide-ranging theories of liability for the attacks under the Anti-Terrorism Act, Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act, and Torture Victim Protection Act.
The U.S.
Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit affirmed a series of decisions by the district court that neither general nor specific jurisdiction existed over any of Jones Day's clients.".
Powers and Jones Day claimed this case another victory for the firm and its clients.
They do not mention their clients were the Bin Laden family in the statement.
On the Jones Day website highlighting Powers' big wins, it reads she defended "a Saudi construction company in connection with claims arising out of the 9/11 attacks." Which is true.
The family of 9-11 mastermind Osama Bin Laden owns a large construction company.
Powers Defended Virginia Gov.
Bob McDonnell & His Wife in a Federal Corruption Case.
In 2014, then-Virginia Gov.
Bob McDonnell and his wife were indicted on federal corruption charges after a lengthy federal investigation into $130,000 worth of gifts McDonnell and his wife got including trips and a Rolex from a dietary supplement maker.
McDonnell repaid the CEO $120,000 and apologized, but claimed he didn't break the law.
He and his wife were indicted and found guilty of public corruption.
The sitting governor was facing up to 12 years in prison, but after his attorney Powers and her firm argued for leniency, he got a 2-year sentence.
A few months later, while out on bail pending his appeal-he was turned down by the 4th U.S.
Circuit Court of Appeals, the U.S.
Supreme Court heard his case argued by Powers and Jones Day and vacated his conviction saying the trail court issued jury instructions that defined 'official acts' too broadly and the government could come back with a more narrowed-down charge.
The Washington Post reported in September of 2016 that prosecutors decided against retrying McDonnell.
Powers' press release called the win in the high court a "decisive victory" for McDonnell and Jones Day.
Powers Got a Successful Jury Verdict for Client IBM When Workers Claimed They Were Exposed to Carcinogens.
Workers brought a case against IBM saying its workplace was a toxic environment claiming they'd been systemically chemically poisoned due to exposures to chemicals at IBM's disk drive manufacturing facility in San Jose, California.
The workers said IBM knew of the dangers and failed to act and "as a result of this alleged concealment, their initial injuries had aggravated into breast cancer in one plaintiff and non-Hodgkin lymphoma in the other plaintiff.".
The case got a lot of attention nationally but it the end, IBM prevailed.
Powers' press release says the cases she successfully defended against were "…the first four of more than 40 similar, pending cases brought by former employees or their survivors against IBM on the West Coast and another 200 pending cases brought by former employees or their survivors against IBM on the East Coast.
Given the novelty of the San Jose lawsuit and the potential implications of an adverse verdict for IBM and the entire industry, the trial was highly publicized by the plaintiffs' lawyers on both coasts, receiving significant attention from an often-hostile media as far away as India and Taiwan, and was closely monitored by the microelectronics and semiconductor industries.".
Bottom line: despite the cancers workers had, and with at least a couple two score more with similar claims of getting cancer from working at the IBM plant, "the jury of 11 women and one man deliberated for only a day-and-a-half before returning their unanimous defense verdict in the case of both plaintiffs, finding that neither plaintiff had suffered "systemic chemical poisoning.
"The team's success was a real testament to the one-firm concept, as reflected by the superb and coordinated efforts of Jones Day lawyers from six different offices," the release read.
Powers, Described as Having 'Cold-Blooded' Analytical Skills as a Litigator, Says the 'Media Exaggerate the Obstacles Women Face'.
In a revealing, albeit brief, article from the Washington Law Journal from eight years ago about the most powerful D.C.
female attorney's, Powers, who was named among them joining U.S.
Supreme Court justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sonia Sotomayo, said the "media exaggerate the obstacles women face.
There's too much focus on women as 'victims of historical problems,' she said.
'There's a lot of opportunity out there.'".
Now the Jones Day partners running the Europe division, then the report said she was "partner-in-charge of one of Jones Day's largest offices — more than 400 lawyers and staff in Washington.
Working For You: News Wheels and New Friends - Duration: 1:45.
When you come -- Nanook El Último Esquimal - Duration: 3:26.
Commissioner Malcom invites you to visit our 2018 State Fair Booth! - Duration: 0:43.
Hi, I'm Jan Malcolm. I'm Commissioner of
the Minnesota Department of Health. I
hope you'll come visit us this weekend
at the Health Department booth in the
Education Building. We've got lots of
great information here about vaccine
preventable diseases, how vaccines work,
why they're important. We've got a fun
game for you and your kids to play. [Jan: "Comeon' baby!"]
There's so many things to love about the
State Fair. I love interacting with the
people, it's just fun to see who's here
and where they come from and what
they're interested in. We love talking to
people about health at the health
department so come on and see us!
Connecting to Positivity - Duration: 4:18.
Hey, hey friends. It's your girl Taylor Shanklin
aka T-Shank and it's a really
stupidly hot day here in Austin,Texas so
I got my skinny mocha on right now and I
want to talk and drop some thoughts on
the topic of connecting to your
positivity and what I mean by this is...
it's focusing on the positive things
going for you and the positive things going
in your life whether it's personally,
professionally and really seeing the
bright side of things even if you are
going through something rough. Maybe a
difficult situation at home, difficult
situation at work...anything like that...
focusing and connecting to the
positivity to help think through and be
in a more agile frame of mind to really
help you get through it and get
things done. So I want you to think about
and ask yourself (and if you want to)
write this down. Get a little notepad.
Think about a time that you were
going through a rough patch and you were
in just a negative, like, bad mindset. Okay...
and think about a time in your life
where you've been in a very good
positive mindset. What was it about those
two situations that made you either
negative or positive? I think sitting
down and writing some of these things
out and doing a little bit of journaling
on it might help you find patterns in
your own behavior to think through how
you can go back to that positive mindset
and connect to your positivity. At the
end of the day when you think about it
if we're focused on the negative then things
are not going to change for you.
I've certainly had my dark days in life
and I've had bright days in life and
I've had so-so patches as well
right we're maybe things
aren't so great. And what I've
started to learn and started to feel a
lot better about is that when I'm
focused on the positive in any situation
I can get myself into a mindset where
I'm more agile and more able to then get
through whatever rough patch it is and
grow and learn from it. But whenever I've
been in the mindset that's a very
negative one..that's you know "everything's
just not going well"... nothing changes.
And so something that I do a lot now is
focus on connecting to my positivity.
So I just wanted to share that because I
think pretty much anyone who's a human
has gone through rough patches in their
life and had hard times whether
personally or professionally and it's
just a really big thing to be able to
take a step back and connect to
positivity and be able to shift your
mindset by doing so. I like to talk a lot
about growth hacking and the growth
mindset and being agile and I think that
connecting to positivity has a real deep
correlation with being in that growth
mindset and being able to adapt and be
flexible. And so I think a lot of
connecting to positivity is about being
flexible as well. So... these are just some
thoughts I wanted to put it out there.
I wanna get other people's opinions on it
and share...share what works for you.
Alrighty...have a good day
2pack iFrogz Plugz Wireless SweatResistant Headphones - Duration: 12:41.
TNT Boys Sing Beyonce's Listen | Best Little Big Shots - Duration: 3:54.
Listen to the song here in my heart
A melody I start but can't complete
Listen to the sound from deep within
It's only beginning to find release
Oh, the time has come for my dreams to be heard
They will not be pushed aside and turned
Into your own
All 'cause you won't listen
I am alone at a crossroads
I'm not at home in my own home
And I've tried and tried
To say what's on my mind
You should have known
Oh, now I'm done believing you
You don't know what I'm feeling
I'm more than what you made of me
I followed the voice you gave to me
But now I gotta find my own
Oh, I'm screaming out, and my dreams will be heard
They will not be pushed aside or worse
Into your own
All 'cause you won't listen
I am alone at a crossroads
I'm not at home in my own home
And I've tried and tried
To say what's on my mind
You should have known
Oh, now I'm done believing you
You don't know what I'm feeling
I'm more than what you made of me
I followed the voice you gave to me
But now I gotta find my own
I don't know where I belong
But I'll be moving on
If you don't
If you won't
Listen to the song here in my heart
A melody I start
But I will complete
Oh, now I'm done believing you
You don't know what I'm feeling
I'm more than what you've made of me
I followed the voice you think you gave to me
But now I gotta find my own
My own
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TCL 32" LED Smart HDTV w/BuiltIn Roku, HDMI Cable 2Yea... - Duration: 16:55.
John McCain & Sarah Palin: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | - Duration: 11:45.
John McCain & Sarah Palin: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |
Sarah Palin, former Governor of Alaska and Republican Party nominee for Vice President of the United States during the 2008 election, has made headlines recently as the McCain family discloses more information on their behind-the-scences relationship with her.
Since the passing of Senator John McCain, some want to know where the two families now stand, especially after the releasing of Meghan and John McCain's books that discuss some tensions they've had with Sarah Palin.
Here's what you need to know:.
Sarah Palin Was Not Invited to Any of McCain's Memorial Services, Including Saturday's Funeral at The National Cathedral in Washington.
A private funeral was held for McCain's family at Arizona State Capitol on Wednesday, the same day McCain would have turned 82.
On Thursday, a second service was held at North Phoenix Baptist Church where former Vice President Joe Biden gave an emotional tribute.
A small ceremony at Sky Harbor Airport was also held on Thursday.
Active duty Arizona National Guard members honored McCain as his body was transported to Washington D.C.
A service will be held on Saturday at the National Cathedral in Washington.
Former presidents Barack Obama and George W.
Bush will speak.
The final goodbye will be on Sunday afternoon.
McCain will be buried at the US Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland next to his classmate, Adm.
Chuck Larson.
Sarah Palin has not been invited to Saturday's memorial service in Washington D.C.
"My guess is, it came from Cindy," a source close to the McCain family said.
"She is very protective of John's memory and legacy.
She's also a grieving widow.
I think she wants to get through this as best she can.".
In His Book 'Restless Wave' McCain Expresses Regret Over Choosing Palin as His Running Mate.
John McCain's book "Restless Wave" was released on May 22nd of this year.
In it, he mentions regretting his pick for Vice President, stating he wished he would have chosen then-Connecticut Senator Joe Lieberman instead of Sarah Palin to run with him in the 2008 presidential election.
"It was another mistake that I made," McCain said in his documentary "For Whom The Bell Tolls.
" His advisers said that choosing a VP candidate who supported abortion rights would cost him the race.
"It was sound advice that I could reason for myself," he writes in his book.
"But my gut told me to ignore it and I wish I had.".
Lieberman wasn't aware of how McCain felt until he watched the documentary.
"It touched me greatly," he said.
Palin also had something to say on the matter:.
"I don't lie, so I'll tell you — a bit.
You know, I think I described it earlier as a gut punch," Palin said.
"But again, I'm going to choose to look back on the good times that we did have together.".
In Meghan McCain's Book 'Dirty Sexy Politics' She Writes that Sarah Palin Brought Drama, Stress, Complications, Panic and Loads of Uncertainty to Her Father's Campaign.
Meghan wrote that she wondered whether her father's loss "was Sarah Palin's fault," but in an interview on "Good Morning America" said, "I do clearly state at the end that we did not lose because of her, and I'm speaking out now because I do have conflicting feelings about her," she told George Stephanopoulos.
"She brought so much momentum and enthusiasm to the campaign.".
"Change brought complications and chaos and sometimes a little entertainment," Meghan wrote.
"Drama was inevitable and created almost out of thin air.
Tempers were always flying, and feelings were always being hurt.
I couldn't have predicted just how serious it was going to get.".
Meghan says that Palin is a "time bomb," straddling the line "between genius and insanity." She told Jay Leno back in 2010 she was unaware of her father's pick until an hour before he announced her.
"I think they were scared I would say something or whatever.
Like the rest of the country, I had no idea who she was and I was actually crying on the bus on the way to the rally.".
Meghan claims that Palin has blocked her mother's efforts to reach out to the Palin family.
Palin hasn't commented on the matter or on Meghan's book.
Back in 2008, McCain Said Palin Was Exactly What The Country Needed to "Help Fight Washington Politics of Me First And Country Second".
The whole world was shocked when Senator John McCain chose then-governor of Alaska Sarah Palin as his running mate for the 2008 presidential election.
McCain described Palin as having "strong principles, a fighting spirit and deep compassion." McCain felt that Palin could best fight the political status quo in Washington.
"She's exactly who this country needs to help me fight the same old Washington politics of me first and country second," McCain said in Dayton, Ohio in August, 2008.
"I found someone with an outstanding reputation…someone who has fought against corruption and the failed policies of the past.".
McCain said the world would be as impressed with Palin as he was.
"She's got the grit, integrity, good sense and fierce devotion to the common good that is exactly what we need in Washington today.".
The McCain-Palin Ticket Failed; Then-Senator Barack Obama Became The 44th President of The United States.
Obama defeated McCain, winning the Electoral College and the popular vote by a sizable margin.
As of the 2016 presidential election, Obama still carries the record for the largest tally of votes won by a presidential candidate.
69.5 million people have voted for Barack Obama.
McCain and Palin supported the Iraq war.
Obama opposed it.
Bush endorsed McCain, while Obama criticized Bush's leadership saying that "Washington must change." The election took place during what economists considered was the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s.
McCain suspended his campaign during the height of the crisis, costing him support.
He remained in good standing with Obama and Biden despite his loss in 2008.
He continued to serve in the Senate, even through his battle with brain cancer started to take an ugly turn.
McCain returned to the Senate just two weeks after brain surgery in July 2017.
On July 28th, he cast the deciding vote against the Republicans' final proposal of the "skinny repeal," their latest healthcare plan.
McCain was loved by both Republicans and Democrats.
His funeral on Saturday is already being called "historic." Obama will deliver the eulogy.
President Trump will not attend.
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