Eamonn Holmes SLAMS wife Ruth over wrinkles: 'You've got a few'
The ITV This Morning star is hosting the show with wife Ruth Langsford while Holly Willoughby and Phillip Schofield are on holiday.
And it's never a quiet day when Eamon Holmes is around.
The Northern Irish presenter is often slated by fans by being 'rude' to wife of eight years Ruth, 58.
And today was no different during a health segment on the show.
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"You've got a few of those" Eamonn Holmes Doctor Chris Steele was on the show to talk about thyroid problems and heart attacks.
He told the TV couple that those who have deep wrinkles on their forehead are more likely to die from a heart attack.
Eamonn 58, instantly turned to his wife and exclaimed: "You've got a few of those." Ruth replied: "Yes, that's why I've got a fringe.".
As Dr Chris flashed up images of furrowed brows on the screen, Ruth added : "I'm worried".
Eamonn continued his onslaught, stating: "You're a gonner you are." As well as Ruth, Eamonn also slated viewers who had written in about his dressed-down trainers he was wearing on the show today.
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He told them: "I'm wearing them as I want to," before scalding production staff for giving a close-up of the shoe.
Eamonn certainly doesn't hold back on what he thinks, does he? This Morning continues on ITV at 10:30am.
For more infomation >> Eamonn Holmes SLAMS wife Ruth over wrinkles: 'You've got a few' - Duration: 3:11.-------------------------------------------
Contentment: In God's Grace - Duration: 3:51.
What an incredible summer I had.
Filled with blessings that I enjoyed with my wife.
We stood on top of mountains in Alaska.
We stood at the foot of Burj Khalifa, the talleststructure in the world, in Dubai.
We gazed in awe and wonder at Victoria Falls,
one of the natural wonders of the world in Zimbabwe.
And yet after all those things we saw this summer,
we saw even better things than that.
I saw my dear friend, pastor and former classmate
faithfully serving his very generous and kind people at his church
just outside Anchorage, Alaska.
And I saw little children singing and jumping for joy
at their soccer Bible camp and their Vacation Bible School
there in Alaska.
And I saw faithful
American missionaries with my own eyes.
I saw them training African native people
to be leaders and pastors,
to share the good news of Jesus with their fellow Africans.
And I met a wonderful African woman named Annie.
And Miss Annie took care of us every night and cleaned up after us.
And she made delicious food for us every night.
And I met Zambian men and women and children who worshiped in the kinds of joyful ways
that we Americans could only dream of.
As I experienced all of these things this summer,
if anything, I gained perspective.
And there's a verse that really summarizes this that I want to share with you.
It's in Ephesians chapter 4.
Here's what it says,
What a glorious thing that we have one God over heaven and earth
who has given us these beautiful mountains and rivers
and valleys and oceans to enjoy.
But even better,
how gracious is our God that he so loved
this entire world that he sent his son
for all of us.
For rich and for poor.
For young and for old. For male and female.
For black and white and everything in between.
For Americans. For Africans. For everybody.
Our God is so gracious that he has this love for us all.
Do you have things weighing you down right now?
I know I do. I get tunnel vision in life.
Like a horse with blinders on.
Focused on my life and my problems and all of my things.
If you're feeling that way right now,
I want you to think about your brothers and sisters in Christ.
In our one faith,
all around the world, they're going through the same thing.
But as you think about your fellow brothers and sisters,
I want you to think about this, too.
Even though you may never meet many of them,
one day,
one day you will see them all face to face.
When you see your own Savior face to face
in his glorious, eternal kingdom.
The Bible tells us to have our minds set on things above,
not on earthly things.
Friends, this is where you find happiness.
This is where there's true contentment.
With the encouragement of your fellow brothers and sisters around the world,
set your heart on things above.
And you will be happy, you will be content
every single day.
CodeGym: About the "Tasks" Section - Duration: 4:31.
Let's continue to introduce the CodeGym course.
In this video you'll learn:
The types of tasks you'll encounter on CodeGym.
The statuses they can have.
What "ReCheck" is.
How to use search and filters.
The CodeGym course contains a large number of tasks.
They are all built right into the lessons.
When you get to a card with a task, just click on the "Open" button
and it will transform into a Web IDE widget where you can start the task.
This setup is very useful when you want to keep the lesson material handy while solving the problem,
since you don't have to switch anywhere.
But there are also other instances, like if you decide to do some tasks on a weekend.
It wouldn't be very convenient to fumble through all of the available lessons searching for unfinished tasks
That's why CodeGym has a special "Tasks" section, where we've gathered together all of the course's tasks.
In the "All tasks" tab, you can view a description of each exercise even those you haven't unlocked yet
and familiarize yourself with the task descriptions.
In the "My tasks" tab, you can view tasks from lessons that you've already unlocked
There is a separate card for each lesson.
On each card, you'll find a short description of the task, its name, and the teacher's avatar.
It also shows how much dark matter you'll earn for a correct solution and a small icon indicating the task type.
Now, let's take a look at the various types of tasks.
CodeGym exercises are divided into six types.
The first type is code entry tasks.
These are the simplest exercises you'll encounter in the course.
They are labeled with a letter T icon.
The most common type of CodeGym exercises is tasks focused on lesson materials.
These cards have an icon of a sheet of paper with a turned-in corner.
Solving these tasks is super useful and interesting.
Tasks labeled with a house icon are "homework".
These exercises are designed to be solved using the IntelliJ IDEA IDE outside of the lessons.
They often require a deeper understanding of the material than the tasks in the lessons.
Bonus tasks are more difficult tasks.
They are labeled with an asterisk.
Tasks with a Play icon are special:
you don't need to code anything for these tasks, instead you'll have to watch some useful videos.
Finally, the most interesting type of task is the mini-project.
These tasks are divided into a series of subtasks with step-by-step instructions.
We made them like that so novice developers can cope with a relatively difficult and large task.
For example, you might write the game Sokoban or create an HTML editor.
Mini-projects are labeled with a folder icon.
Each task can have one of five statuses.
If the task is in a lesson that you haven't unlocked yet, it is labeled as "locked".
This means that when you first start studying on CodeGym all tasks are " locked".
Once you unlock a lesson with tasks in it, their status will change to "available".
You can then start solving them.
After you've submitted a solution for verification at least once,
the task status will change to "In progress"
This status won't change until you complete the task correctly.
Once your task solution passes the verification process
you'll be notified and the status will change to "Completed".
During the three days that follow this status change, you can keep trying solutions
and submitting them for verification.
To do so, you'll have to reset your previous solution.
You might want to do this to try improving your code or to solve a task a different way, for example
Three days after your first correct solution is submitted
the task status will permanently change to "Closed".
This status means that the CodeGym server will no longer verify solutions for this task.
In the "My tasks" section, you can see all of your available exercises.
By the time you're halfway through the course, a lot of tasks will have accumulated here.
To select the ones you need, you can use special filters.
These can help filter the search results by quest, level, or task status.
You can also search by task name.
The more tasks you unlock and complete, the more you'll accumulate in the "My tasks" section.
To make searching easier, we created a separate "Incomplete tasks" tab
This has the same tasks as those in "My tasks"
except it excludes tasks are already "Closed" or "Completed".
That's all for now! This has been your CodeGym team. Over and out.
Managing Group Layouts of eLearning Questions - Duration: 3:10.
Hello everyone!
This video shows you how to use the Group Layout feature to manage the answer layout of the question.
Using it, you can arrange each answer choice of a question in any position in the slide.
You have two options to define the question group layout: automatically and manually
with the Grid and None mode respectively.
Note that you cannot define the layout mode for the Essay and Fill in Blank question
because each of them has only one text box in the answer section.
To set the mode, select the answer section of the question
and open the Size & Properties tab of the Properties pane.
Access the Group Layout section
and select between Grid and None from the Mode list.
We'll get to know in details both of them one by one.
First, with the None mode, you are free to change the size and position
of any choice in the answer group just by dragging it.
This mode should be selected if you need to create a quiz containing many clickable areas
that are placed randomly on the slide.
As you can see, you cannot define the number of columns and their spacing here
because you are allowed to change them manually.
When it comes to the Grid mode, the object position is fixed.
You cannot change the position and size of each object separately.
But you can still change the order of each answer choice
or change the position of the whole group together.
In addition, you can define the number of columns and spacing between answer choices
by adjusting values in the corresponding boxes from the Properties pane.
This is the number of answer columns.
This is the horizontal space between columns.
And this is the vertical space between the answer rows.
ActivePresenter will adjust the object group depending on the values that you define.
You can change the position or scale the whole group.
However, these values will remain unchanged.
Now, to have more advanced adjustments for the group layout, keep watching.
Click Advanced Settings… to open this dialog
where you can define the specific proportion of each column and row of the answer section.
Change numbers to the Proportion spin boxes to define the width ratio between columns
or the height ratio between rows.
For example, this ratio in the column means that
the width of the first column is five times more than that of the other four columns.
Now, I'll let them have an equal width ratio.
In case you let the value be 0, the minimum size of objects will be used.
And if the size of an object group is too small, the frame of each object inside it will be shrunk to the smallest size.
So, to see the clear difference after customizing default settings,
you should enlarge the group size for some cases.
That's all about the group layout of questions.
Thank you for watching!
Thyroid Health | Ayurvedic Treatment for Thyroid Disorders - Duration: 3:37.
the main causes of thyroid disease or
diet or lifestyle factors that imbalance
the digestive Agni and met Melissa
stress and overwork also play an
important part as this causes imbalanced
acne and why creation of the dosa entire
in disorders kapha dosha is violated
which can cause an depletion of or just
once the orders is affected then the
immune system begins to act improperly
attacking the thyroid glands and
resulting in depletion of highroad
functions and body metabolism all
related treatment for thyroid conditions
nausea therapy thyroid problems too can
be treated with logic therapy or nausea
fed mocked when medicated oils for
founder's or administered into your
nasal passages this treatment is one of
the cornerstones of the five pronged a
bunch of hermit treatment a holistic
edwitha therapy designed to to detox
restore balance and build immunity you
could try to lay keep on his special
vessel used to pour deep medicated oils
into your nostrils while twisting your
head at an angle allowing the oil to
move in from one nostril and out the
duck busting on the thyroid gland area
in this circle Duff is used to create
arrays to circulate down to hold warm
medicated oils in the thyroid bridge if
the treatment is believed to help
stimulate the clan under sleep thyroid
the bus Lee used especially for the
thyroid is called a mission hibachi and
the tackles troubles of the throat and
thyroid chakra the extra coils and herbs
used by the old with it specialists will
depend on your body Constitution and the
particular problems you have with your
foot massage for five minutes massaging
the points on your feet that correspond
to the throat chakra or the vishuddhi
chakra for about 2.5 minutes for each
foot can also help with problems of the
thyroid use a semicircular moment during
the massage at these points located on
the inner
involve of your feet junk for
hypothyroidism in general since an
enlarged thyroid is considered an
imbalance of cava water and mega fat if
you have hypothyroidism you may need to
limit certain foods in your diet
broccoli cabbage cauliflower sweet
potatoes peel millet soy lima beans and
maize in particular are considered
available under oil vada diet for
hypothyroidism hyperthyroidism by
contrast is a sign of water and pizza
imbalance consuming plenty of dairy
products like milk and ki can help fresh
fruits like melons and bananas and dry
fruit including walnuts and dates can
emit the water and pizza yoga asanas and
pranayama certain US laws alongside
Hubbell remedies and massages or
recommended for thyroid problems the
fish posture the face mature mudra and
the shoulder stand Sabah asana in
particular or helpful this horse's
health normal is the secretion of
thyroxine in the body restoring the
taluk balance and easing problems like
anxiety nervousness and sleeplessness
each of the process must be done thrice
they act like a massage of the thyroid
gland or a place to ratio and enhance
its effectiveness thank you for watching
this video like and subscribe for more
Like you‚ I will survive‚ De Lille tells abused women - Duration: 3:25.
Like you‚ I will survive‚ De Lille tells abused women
Like you‚ I will survive‚ De Lille tells abused women.
Walking away from an abusive relationship is a sign of strength‚ Cape Town mayor Patricia de Lille told 130 residents of women's shelters on Thursday.
"Your bravery and determination are an inspiration to all Capetonians.
I can understand that your journey has been very tough.
But you are here because you are tougher‚" De Lille told the women at a "day of elegance" function to end women's month.
"Like many of you here today‚ I too started a new journey this month when I announced my resignation as mayor of Cape Town.
"I would never want to make light of the struggle you have faced and the violence or trying circumstances you have endured.
But I‚ too‚ decided enough is enough.
"Things will be tough in the future but it can never be as bad as it was.
I am charged up and ready to take on my future." De Lille said the women at the function were building new lives with the support of the Western Cape Women's Shelter Network.
"Each one of you is a woman of fortitude‚" she said.
"Many of you endured abuse over a long period of time and I know that it seems like a mark of shame.
That is why so many women and families hide abuse and pretend it's not happening.
"Not speaking about it protects the abuser so the abuse continues like a vicious cycle.
But you are all brave women who simply refused to accept that life.
You love yourself and you did what was right for you.
"Many women stay in abusive relationships because they have forgotten what love is and what it means to love and respect themselves.
Someone who hurts you doesn't love you‚ and that is what more women must realise.
"Walking away from an abusive relationship is a sign of strength.
It shows the world that you know your worth and your rights and that you will not allow anyone to walk all over you.
"The journey you have started is filled with possibilities.".
Holiday Catalog Sneak Peak 2018 - Duration: 2:24.
Hi stampers! Jackie Bolhuis from Klompen Stampers. I just have a quick video
today to give you a sneak peek of some of the awesome, incredible, fun, fantastic
stamps that are coming in the brand-new holiday catalog. Now you should have
already received a copy of this if you're a customer of mine but if you
don't have a Stampin' Up! demonstrator sending you one and you haven't gotten
one yet let me know because I would love to send you one and be your Stampin' Up!
demonstrator. This is the front of it. It's beautiful! There's so many fun
projects in here but I don't want to bore you with the catalog; I want to show
you some fun samples! I have been stamping away with a lot of the products.
I haven't really shared any of them yet so I wanted to just give you kind of a
sneak peek today. These are all projects that you're going to see over the next
couple of months on my blog, on my facebook page, and right here on YouTube
because I'm gonna do lots of videos showing you how quick and easy all of
these cards are to make! You know me; nothing I do is difficult but look at
this beautiful designer series paper!! There are so many pretty pretty papers!
This deer is awesome I'd tell you the names of the stamp sets but honestly I
don't think I remember all of them there's so many but look at all these
cards. I told you I've been stamping like crazy. The holiday catalog begins on
September 5th so like I said if you don't have your copy yet and you don't
have a demonstrator please let me know so that I can send you one but-- all quick
and easy cards you know me those of you that have followed me for a while we
don't do anything that's hard but quick and easy doesn't have to mean boring! You
can make some beautiful cards that you can send to your family and friends so
just a couple more here and like I said all of these will show up in videos and
and in posts over the coming months but I just wanted to be able to give you a
sneak peek so that you know I've been stamping like crazy with some of these
new products and I have another big order coming really soon with a whole
bunch more of these so there's a lot of fun stuff to come over the next couple
of months. So make sure you subscribe to my Youtube channel make sure you follow
me every place because I've got a lot to share
with you and as always if you have questions or I can help you in any way
make sure to let me know. I'm here to be your Stampin Up demonstrator. Have a
stamp happy day!
Making Business Development a Habit - Duration: 4:31.
I want to talk to you about how you make business development habitual.
How you make it part of your DNA.
How you become a rainmaker.
It always strikes me on the rainmaker programme when we get to the 71 ways to keep in touch
how overwhelmed some delegates get at the notion of there being 71 ways to keep in touch,
there thinking "I've only got about three and I don't really use them.
The first thing to say is don't be overwhelmed because it simply doesn't help you improve,
it paralyses you and don't catastrophise "I'll never be any good at this."
it's useless.
So there's the first thing to say.
I suppose the second thing to say is that it's tough becoming a rainmaker and getting
good at any of this.
So just like anything that's worth the candle anything that is worth the effort that's got
big rewards at the end of.
I't's hard and it's going to be hard.
There's a blog alongside this video blog called Think Like Andy.
I wrote it when Andy Murray became world number one at tennis and Murray is now world number
150 odd at tennis.
Having 5 setters with people he would've blown off the court just a few years ago.
So if anyone knows it's tough it's Andy Murray but who's to say he's not got a plan who's
to say he's not got some goals that will set him back towards the top.
So it's gonna be tough.
Now, start today.
Just start today.
Get a bit of paper, who you going to call.
who you going to meet, what organisations are you going to try.
who internally should know you better.
Should you be more visible to.
Who's on your database. and if you haven't got a database, there's where you start.
Start collecting names in your network.
Start today.
Take action.
So once you're ready to take action and once you start taking action I've got 3 things
that are really important to say if you want to make business development part of your
DNA and habitual.
First of all you have to be kind to yourself because there are going to be setbacks and
you will not achieve everything you set out to achieve.
That's the way the cookie crumbles as they say.
You won't get everything done in the first 10 minutes or first 10 hours or the first
10 weeks so cut yourself some slack and realise it's better to do something than nothing and
getting half of your goals sorted is better than not setting off in the first place so
be kind to yourself.
But of course you have to be tough with yourself as well and I can tell you in a sentence how
to do that.
Be better tomorrow than you were today.
Continuously self improve.
Work on your skills and abilities that give you a continuous positive feedback loop.
Be tough with yourself.
Practice tough love with yourself.
Now thirdly be empirical because how would you know if you were being tough on yourself.
Measure qualitatively and quantitatively.
Now that means looking at your skills and working out where you are improving.
And secondly, measure the number of meetings.
The number of calls.
Amount of prospects and clients and sales.
Because sales solve everything.
And by doing the empirical thing you are constantly working yourself and seeing how you improve.
Way back when Andy Murray was number 4 in the world., there were a couple of things
he had to work on.
And one of them was his second serve because empirically it simply wasn't good enough.
So continuously improve.
And I suppose I might also say that it would be okay I you enjoyed it.
Do all that.
Buy yourself a big brolly.
You're going to need one.
Best of luck
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