I love it!
I love it!
I love it!
yes! what?
today it's only a short video I'm actually on my way to the fitness
center to lift some weights but didn't wanna let you down.
so here's my short video today.
and it's all about you.
youuuuu! so, I love it!
I love it!
StorySpotlight my new channel.
it's so much fun.
why is it so much fun? because I always felt like kind of restricted on
my eSports and gaming channel because yeah nothing else worked.
I mean even if I did a great Fortnite video, in
my opinion one of the best Fortnite videos out there, of course it's just
only my opinion, but anyways when I did that, it didn't perform, because youtube
kind of linked my channel to Clash Royale only.
but now with StorySpotlight and I have to thank
you all so much.
we have the first video with 1500 views.
that's the one about Logan Paul's match against KSI, the
fight analysis that I did.
it's amazing.
that's actually not what I wanted to talk about.
it's just so much fun now.
Fitness is waiting.
gotta go some weight lifting.
but I want to know this.
I want to know this guys.
what do you like most so far on StorySpotlight? is it the ksi
against Logan fight, the boxing videos I did or is it the how-to videos where I
explain how to live stream, how to OBS and stuff or is it my videos about social
media or is it my travel vlogs, the one about Munich, the Dresden one,
the one about Dresden and I love the slow-mo there.
that was so much fun. it's really a video I enjoy.
let me know what is your favorite content so far on StorySpotlight.
Of course I have a plan what I want to post
there but I'm also very interested to hear what you like most and what you
want to see on my channel or if you have questions or anything just put that down
below in the comments.
of course it's way smaller than my gaming channel
to be really honest with you, it's way more fun because I can really post whatever I
like and I can share that with you. and it's also fun to build a new channel
from scratch.
it's my third channel.
I built kamcord to 12,000 subscribers, followers they're called, then I built my
YouTube gaming to 18,000 and now we just restarted here and yeah big welcome to
all the new subscribers out there.
thank you guys so much for joining us here and I
hope you enjoy my channel.
please leave a like on this video as always and yeah
please subscribe to StorySpotlight and now I got to go and lift
some weights and see you next time
For more infomation >> I 𝑳𝑶𝑽𝑬 IT! WHAT ABOUT 𝒀𝑶𝑼? - Duration: 3:49.-------------------------------------------
Pandesal Recipe (Filipino Food) - Duration: 4:45.
What's up guys! Today
we're gonna show you how we make sweet Filipino bread rolls, also known as, Pandesal.
It took us a couple tries to get this recipe down,
mainly because we're not professional bakers and there's a bit of chemistry and timing that goes into it. But, we eventually succeeded.
To start, pour in 1/2 a cup of milk into a bowl. And
microwave it for about 30 seconds or until it's warm to the touch.
It's super important that it's not too hot or too cold
because next you'll want to pour in half a tablespoon of dry activity.
Then drop in half the tablespoon of sugar. And mix
it around.
The temperature of your milk should be around 105 to 110 degrees Fahrenheit.
Otherwise, your yeast may not activate.
Allow the yeast to activate over a span of 15 minutes.
Meanwhile, in a new mixing bowl, pour in two and a half cups of bread flour,
half a cup of sugar, and
3/4 of a teaspoon of salt.
Thoroughly stir everything together. And then create a well in the center, which we'll use to contain the wet ingredients later.
In a new bowl, pour in half a cup of milk. And
then add two tablespoons of unsalted butter. We ended up cutting the butter into smaller cubes so that when we heat them up,
they'll melt a little quicker and more easily.
So now, microwave your milk and butter for about a minute or so until the butter is fully melted.
When it's done, give it a little stir and
add in 1/4 of a cup of milk.
This milk will help the mixture cool down a bit, so that when you add in your egg,
you won't run the risk of possibly cooking it.
Next, just whisk everything together.
When you're 15-minute wait for the yeast to activate is up,
pour in and whisk your milk butter and egg mixture into the yeast mixture.
Afterwards take that mixture and pour it into the well you made in the dry ingredients.
Gently introduce the flour into the liquid. And
then eventually while having one hand cup, sweep the inside of the perimeter and then fold it into the center.
Continue to mix it this way until there's no dry flour left.
At this point, your dough should feel goopy and sticky.
Now you want to gradually add half a cup of bread flour.
After each sprinkle, knead the flour into the dough until there's no dry flour.
And repeat until you've incorporated all of the bread flour.
Once you're done, cover it with a damp cloth and allow it to rise for about 45 minutes in a warm draft-free area.
After your dough is done rising, flour your kneading surface with bread flour.
If done correctly, your dough should have doubled in size.
Now go ahead and take your dough and drop it onto your floured surface.
Sprinkle a little more bread flour on top and start kneading it.
Just take the top end and fold it over itself. Then push it forward and
turn as needed.
Keep kneading it until your dough is smooth and can hold it's shape.
Next, cut your dough in half
and take one half
and roll it back into itself.
Then squish it to seal the end.
Repeat these steps two to three times until your dough is shaped like a log.
You might have to reshape it a little at the end to even it out.
At this point take a knife or a dough cutter and cut your dough into about one and a half inch wide pieces.
Now take your pieces and roll them in bread crumbs. And
then arrange them on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
Repeat this process with the other half of your dough.
Ideally your Pandesal are all the same size.
When you're done, allow it to rise again in a warm draft-free area.
Allow your Pandesal to rise for another hour.
Once they've risen, it's finally time to start baking.
Pre-heat your oven to 350 degrees. And bake
Your Pandesal for about 14 to 16 minutes. And now you have a tray of freshly baked Pandesal.
We like to think that Pandesal is the kind of bread that you can eat whenever with whatever.
One of our favorite go to snacks is a freshly toasted Pandesal with a generous spread of Nutella.
It's talagang tasty!
It's NOTHING like you see on the news.... - Duration: 5:14.
Hi, I'm Karin
and welcome to Our Human Planet,
If you live in a refugee camp
your entire life revolves around one single day.
A food shipment has arrived
and it needs to be distributed.
Before you can hand out bags of grain,
you have to know how many people need it.
It's not easy in a place
where there are no phones or internet
and most refugees are illiterate.
Relief agencies regularly send out teams
to survey every family in the camps.
Oxfam uses local props to help with simple math.
They gather information about their lives before the war
and what, if anything,
they managed to save when they were attacked.
And if any other family members have arrived
over the past month.
Feeding half a million people is no easy task
especially in a conflict zone.
The roads are nonexistent,
and everything has to be trucked in.
The UN provides the food
but the nonprofit "International Relief and Development"
is responsible for its distribution.
By US law,
any aid it provides must be grown in the United States.
So these bags might come from as far away as Texas,
and take six months,
at a price several times the local cost.
Once it finally arrives, the real work begins.
The food gets laid out the day before the distribution.
That thin rope is all the security they need.
Women make the final preparations
while the refugees wait patiently.
They've been gathering since dawn.
But how do you know who is getting what
when almost nobody has ID
and most can't even sign their names?
This is where all those surveys come in.
Only one member of each family
signs for the distribution,
If they don't know how to write,
a fingerprint will do.
They're then gathered in groups of 15
and led out to get their food.
Contrary to the mob scenes on the evening news,
everything is calm and peaceful.
The IRD is well organized
and the refugees follow all the rules.
By mid morning, it's starting to look like a festival.
The distribution includes - cooking oil,
The all-important sugar for their tea,
beans – a source of protein,
and flour –
either wheat, rye, sorghum, or a corn soybean blend.
The refugees like wheat the best.
They say that barely or sorghum gives them a tummy ache.
By lunchtime,
they've only given away a third of the food.
All of the paid workers are Chadian.
None of the Sudanese are allowed to earn money
while they're in the camp.
This causes even more resentment
between two countries who were once close friends.
But today, at least, everyone can afford to be generous.
It may seem like there's plenty to go around
but in fact the monthly distribution only
lasts a couple of weeks
so the kids grab whatever extra they can find.
though technically, it's against the rules.
If they don't get it
someone else will.
Around here, nothing goes to waste.
As the day wears on,
a mountain of food gradually disappears.
Everyone heads back to their huts.
Until next month.
Same time.
Same place.
When they get to do it all over again.
Venom Trailer 2 Breakdown- Things You Might Have Missed - Duration: 11:18.
Venom's final trailer has been out for quite a while now.
However, as this is the first time Venom is getting a movie of his own, and not being
shoved in a movie with 37465 other villains, I guess we should definitely talk about the
trailer and break it down a little bit.
In the very first scene of the trailer, Brock
is stopping in front of what looks like a prison and given how we now heard rumors of
Woody Harrelson playing the serial killer or Henchman who hosts the evil symbiote known
as Carnage, it would make a lot of sense for Eddie Brock the Photo journalist to be covering
a very well-known serial killer of his world from the prison.
then see a yellow symbiote, which has to be Scream.
And as we all know from the comics, Scream, the yellow symbiote is supposed to bond with
a woman.
I guess they transferred that bit of plot directly from the comic to the movie because
soon after we see the yellow symbiote in the life foundation facilities, we see a damsel
in distress, a woman kept in quite the unfortunate condition as Eddie goes on to investigate
the facilities and the test subjects.
Oh and by the way, after the sony and marvel logo and everything, the first shots we see
are the 3 different locations the movie will take place.
First we see two big cities of you know, well developed areas, and later on, we definitely
see what seems to be an Asian country.
Because there's definitely something written in Mandarin.
So, This could be either in China or even in Hong Kong…
Hell it could be south korea, and I could be some illiterate idjit who doesn't know
the difference.
And later on in one of scream's fight seen, we also see a marketplace of what looks like
a suburban area in Asia.
So, the symbiotes look like they crash landed all over the place.
Then we see what looks like that very unfortunate woman attacking Eddie Brock.
So, whether this lady already bonded with Scream or not, I believe she's going to
be the test subject that ultimately bonds with Scream.
We then see a test subject hesitant about being bonded with a symbiote which really
looks like Riot from the comics with a black/ dark grey color going for it.
However, it doesn't look like things went according to plan, as he was obviously not
strong enough to be bonding with Riot.
Also while this person is kinda having a very minor seizure here (Show the dude dying and
shaking) we see a woman, well a part of the face of
a woman behind Riz Ahmed's C. Drake.
I don't know about you, but these glasses that we barely see in the background definitely
belongs to the same woman from the first venom trailer, who reached out to eddie brock for
help with the life foundation.
We then see shots of Eddie's torturous bonding phase with
Venom where he kicks asses of a couple of bad dudes and Eddie trying to tell him that
they can't just go hurting people.
So, that's basically him telling us that Venom will not exactly be a superhero, but
rather an Anti-Hero who is just going to be under the borderline of becoming
a villain.
in his full form though seems to be huge, towering over the likes of an average human.
Which is actually way more comic accurate than the Venom we saw in Spiderman 3 back
in 2007.
However, there's no spider symbol on the chest of this Venom.
Which was actually explained by the director.
According to him, as the origin story of this Venom has nothing to do with Spiderman, there's
no point of putting the spider symbol on Venom in this case, which also falls in line with
the Ultimate Spiderman comic series' version of Venom.
And a lot of fans have missed one thing from the trailer and have been asking us the question,
that who actually voiced Venom, and the answer is, none other than the guy who plays Eddie
Brock, Tom Hardy himself.
Then we see a female host of a symbiote forming and projecting weapons from her body.
So, very likely, that's scream.
And if you investigate closely, she does seem a lot like the test subject from before that
attacked Eddie.
Towards the end of the trailer, we see a full reveal of Riot, the symbiote we saw trying
to forcibly Bond with a test subject.
However, our theory seems to be holding up perfectly that the test subject wasn't strong
enough as Riot is then shown to be bonded with non-other than Riz Ahmed's Carlton
Oh and by the way… we definitely see a couple of shots of venom and then venom and riot
fighting with a very suspicious looking space shuttle in the back.
Here, right Here in this scene we definitely see what that these spaceships are properties
of life foundation.
Guys, we here at fanverse definitely have a theory on what this means, but you guys
better hit the bell Icon right away, because all the venom theories and possible leaked
plotlines that we got our hands on will actually be discussed on another video, that will be
up very shortly in this channel.
So, please hit the bell icon, because I know you wouldn't want to miss all of this.
And from what we could briefly see in the trailer, Riot seems to be much stronger than
Venom as he's seen totally manhandling Eddie Brock's Venom.
This was later confirmed by the director too, as he mentioned that Venom is kind of a weakling
if compared with Riot.
But, even if we count Carnage, Riot and Scream who're confirmed to be in the film, there
are 3 more symobiotes that we know nothing about.
There was no mention or hint of Lasher, Agony and Phage were completely left out of the
trailer and may be perhaps the movie too.
And from the very last scene of the trailer, I guess we learned
that Venom….
CS:GO Free Edition - Duration: 5:35.
Blues Guitar Backing Track in A Minor Jam - Duration: 9:56.
Twelve-bar straight rock blues backing track in A minor.
For guitarist to play along, study, improvise, shred, tapping and practice scales.
Use a minor scale or a minor pentatonic. Also blues scales are fun!
Let your finger play and enjoy!
Please share to help me continue making these tracks. Thank you!
R2-D2 APP ENABLED DROID by Sphero. Quick Overview - Duration: 2:42.
R2-D2 App Enabled Droid by Sphero
What is it?
This robot toy is the mini version of the popular Star Wars astromech droid.
Thanks to its gestures, lights, and sounds, which are identical to the original character,
you will re-create the Star Wars universe.
Play and learn to control it and program it with its different apps.
In bipod stance, it can stand up and shake and turns into a tripod stance to move around.
The head rotates and has LED lights.
It has a built-in speaker, a 3D accelerometer, and Bluetooth 4.0
to connect it with your mobile device.
You have two apps to choose from and play with it:
With the ""Star Wars Droids App by Sphero," you can control and direct the R2-D2 robot
with a dynamic virtual joystick.
You can also draw strokes on the screen for the robot to follow or send it to patrol autonomously
and receive the data on your mobile device.
Your droid can become an educational tool with the "Sphero E.D.U." app.
You can program it with drawings that represent codes and also with drag and drop blocks
or use JavaScript to program it with text.
Who is it for?
If you are over 8 years old, a Star Wars fan, and have a compatible mobile device,
R2-D2 App-Enabled Droid is for you.
What else does it offer?
It comes with a legal guide and USB cable.
You can also program R2-D2 with Swift Playgrounds, an app for iPad designed by Apple
for children and beginners to learn the Swift programming language.
Artoo is complemented by the Force Band, a wearable accessory
that allows you to control it by hand and arm gestures.
How do you use, prepare, and assemble it?
Artoo does not need assembly.
Download any of its apps, connect R2-D2 with your device through Bluetooth, and start playing.
When the battery is low, it will emit a flashing light.
Charge it with the USB cable.
This AR Experience Lets You Interrogate Hologram Passengers Like A Customs Officer - Duration: 3:50.
Bring her in.
Can I see your passport?
My name is Asad J. Malik.
I'm an artist that works
exclusively with augmented reality.
This is my piece 'Terminal 3'
that's playing currently at the Barbican.
It's a place in which you're invited to go into the room
and you sit on a chair
and put on this augmented reality headset.
After you put it on, you're able to see a hologram
of someone who appears to be a Muslim.
You go through a series of questioning
where you interrogate them
and see whether or not you want to let them into the country.
We're at the Barbican Centre in London,
where you can right now experience the
augmented reality documentary 'Terminal 3'.
My name is Laura Byager and I'm a reporter with Mashable.
Can you tighten it a little bit more?
–Yeah, sure.
Thank you!
Bring her in.
Can I see your passport?
Where are you coming from?
I understand.
Where were you born?
Is your mother also Pakistani?
'Terminal 3' takes place right in here
and I was just in and, I got to say,
it feels very real.
You're alone with your goggles and a hologram,
but it doesn't feel that way.
The experiences of the people in the holograms,
are they all real?
All the holograms that you meet in the experience are real people,
telling their real stories,
none of it is really scripted.
The idea for Terminal 3 comes from your own experience.
Can you explain how it came to be?
I'm from Pakistan and I travel a good bit
and frequently in airports I'm taken into a secondary screening room
to figure out more why I'm traveling to a certain country.
Where the word 'Terminal 3' comes from –to begin with– was,
when I was going to the US for the first time as a student,
that was in Abu Dhabi International Airport and
they have a place called 'Terminal 3'
where the US has a Customs facility.
So I was just held there for a long time
to a point where my flight was about to leave in a few minutes
and I got up to ask if they could speed up the process
so I could get on the plane.
It had taken months to get my Visa
and I wasn't going to miss that opportunity.
And one of the guards kind of got up and it was rather rough
and essentially said that
"It doesn't matter if you have a visa or not,
I decide whether you go in."
You're put in this position where you have to prove yourself,
you kind of have to prove your own humanity.
But it's also something I really look forward to at times,
it's just a really interesting moment of you being able to
sit down in a room and
talk about yourself to someone who's, you know,
professionally supposed to figure you out.
And those moments are just so interesting that
that I wanted to recreate them as a mechanism
to explore this idea for a contemporary Muslim identity,
if we could say there is one.
People frequently forget that augmented reality
is a lot more about your space than
whatever virtual content is being augmented on it.
You're using 95% of your space
and it's only that additional 5% that's virtual content.
And that's usually all you need to, you know,
implant a different version of people's space in their mind.
So, when you meet a hologram in your space,
it makes you look at your space differently.
Even after you've taken off that headset,
you'll feel this hologram's ghostly presence left behind
and you'll be able to associate that space with this person.
And I think that's really the power of augmented reality.
How Credits Work for SSDI Benefits - Duration: 1:59.
Hey everyone, Paul here with Quikaid. We
received a great question regarding work credits
Unfortunately, the Social Security
Administration has a way of making
things seem confusing. But it's really
simple once it's broken down. Social
Security only considers the ten year
period immediately preceding the date
you became disabled when determining
whether you have enough work credits to
qualify for SSDi benefits. And, within that 10
year period, you must have worked five
years. But, more specifically, everything
Social Security does is based on
calendar quarters. January, February, and
March or the first quarter of a given
calendar year. April, May, June represent
the second quarter, etc. So, you generally
must have earned 20 work credits in
the 40 quarters (10 years) immediately
preceding the date you became disabled
in order to have sufficient work history
to be eligible for SSDI benefits. So a
good rule of thumb is that if you have
worked five of the previous ten years
immediately preceding your disability,
you will have sufficient quarters of
coverage and, therefore, be eligible to
receive Social Security Disability (SSDI)
benefits. You still need to meet the
medical definition of being disabled, but
at least you have coverage! It is
important to understand that any
earnings you generated prior to this
ten-year period are not used in your
disability benefit formula - they do not
count! So if you work 20 years in a
row, but have not worked in the last ten
years, you will not be eligible for SSDI
benefits - again, no matter how severe your
medical conditions may be. The rules are
different under Social Security's
retirement program, their formula takes
into account your entire earnings
history. But, under the SSDI program rules,
only the last 10years prior to your
disability onset count. If you have any
questions, feel free to give us a call.
Our team is standing by and answer any
questions that you have. Or, for a free
online case evaluation,
just click the link provided in the
description. We apply decades of
experience to provide an immediate
evaluation of your disability case. I'll
talk to you soon
Vanessa Marquez Dead: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com - Duration: 8:35.
Vanessa Marquez Dead: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com
Vanessa Marquez was shot dead by police outside of her home in South Pasadena, less than a year after the actress said she was blacklisted in Hollywood by George Clooney.
On August 30, Marquez was killed by police after they said she pulled a BB gun on them.
Marquez is best known for her appearances in ER, an episode of Seinfeld and in the 1988 movie, Stand and Deliver.
Marquez was 49 years old.
The South Pasadenan report refers to Marquez as "disabled" in their headline.
The shooting occurred on August 30 at around 12:30 p.m.
Marquez was shot once in the torso and was rushed to a nearby hospital by paramedics where she was pronounced dead.
ABC Los Angeles reports that police had been called to her home on multiple occasions in the past.
A neighbor, Mark Swaine, told the station after the shooting, "It's shocking, it's really awful.
I'm just really saddened by the whole thing.
It sounds like a horrible, horrible misunderstanding.".
Here's what you need to know:.
Authorities Marquez Pointed What Resembled a 'Semi-Automatic Handgun' at Officers.
Authorities said that officers had been called to the scene by Marquez's landlord who said that the actress was in "some kind of trouble." Lt.
Joe Mendoza of the L.A.
Sheriff's homicide bureau told the media, via the South Pasadenan, "At the time [of the shooting] there was an LA County mental health clinician here with the officers.
They began to communicate with her, she became very uncooperative and during that contact she armed herself with a handgun, she pointed it at officers and an officer-involved shooting occurred." Lt.
Mendoza later said that the "handgun" was a BB-style gun that "resembled a semi-automatic handgun.".
George Clooney Said He 'Couldn't' & 'Wouldn't' Have Blacklisted Vanessa Marquez.
In October 2017, Marquez took to Twitter where she claimed that she was fired from her role on ER because she made claims of sexual and racial harassment on set.
Marquez said that George Clooney spearheaded a campaign to have her blacklisted in the entertainment industry.
Clooney flatly denied the Marquez's claims.
Marquez wrote on her Twitter page, "Clooney helped blacklist me when I spoke abt harassment on ER.'women who dont play the game lost career'I did." At the time of her death, Marquez's Twitter account has been suspended.
Clooney said in response, "I had nothing to do with casting.
I was an actor and only an actor.
If she told I was involved in any decision about her career then she was lied to.
The fact that I couldn't affect her career is only surpassed by the fact that I wouldn't.".
Marquez Said She Was Kicked Off of Twitter for Her Clooney Allegations.
Marquez last Facebook post on August 8 took aim Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey for kicking her off of Twitter.
She says she was removed for making claims against Clooney.
Marquez accused Dorsey of hypocrisy for allowing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones to remain on the site while kicking her off.
Since being removed from her original Twitter account, Marquez opened a new account with the handle, @R2DivaLA.
Marquez says in the bio section of that page that she was terminally ill and living with celiac disease.
During her accusations against Clooney, Marquez made references to her terminal illness.
That bio also includes, "#BLACKLISTED." That Twitter account is dominated by retweets that are critical of U.S.
President Donald Trump.
Page Six reported in October 2017 that Marquez referred to ER star Eriq La Salle and another crew member as "p**sy grabbers." Marquez went on to allege that she was subjected racist abuse from actors Anthony Edwards, Noah Wyle and Julianna Marguiles.
Marquez tweeted that the blacklisting began when she made complaints to the show's executive producers, John Wells.
Marquez wrote, "Wells was the boss&I 1st reported it to him.His 1st question:Did George do something to u.".
Marquez's Acting Career Slowed Greatly in the 2000s.
On ER, Marquez played the role of Nurse Wendy Goldman between 1994 and 1997.
Marquez appeared in 27 episodes.
Her final appearance came in the April 1997 episode, "Calling Dr.
Hathaway." According to her IMDb page, Marquez's acting career slowed greatly in the 2000s.
In 2017, Goldman appeared in The Problem with Evolution, a short movie in 2017.
An online tribute to Marquez said that she was a member of the TCM Party, a classic movie fan club.
Marquez's Shopping Addiction So Her Featured in a 2005 Episode of Intervention.
In 2005, Marquez's shopping addiction was covered in an episode of Intervention.
In May 2010, her Star Wars fandom was featured on a local news program about the day, "May the Fourth Be With You.".
"Unforgiveness makes you miserable." - Duration: 1:39.
Unforgiveness, you've maybe heard it said this way,
bitterness - I use the word unforgiveness,
is like drinking poison and hoping the other person dies.
So many times we hang onto things and other people don't even know we've hung on against them,
and yet it's killing us, and they don't even know it.
Unforgiveness makes you miserable.
One of the way in Roman times, that a murderer
was punished,
was to be bound or be wrapped in chains
to the person that they murdered.
And in Roman times they would put them face to face with that person.
If the murderer cut themselves free
and made themselves loose, they were immediately killed by the guards that were standing there.
If they didn't,
they would die a slow and painful death as that decomposing body they were bound to
infected them and eventually killed them.
What a horrible way to die.
They were bound till death.
They didn't have a choice about getting out of their prison.
One way or another, whether they thought they freed themselves or whether they stayed face to face
with the person they murdered, they were in prison.
And they couldn't be free,
but you can be.
See forgiveness, Jesus tells us leads to life.
And spiritually, unforgiveness leads us to death.
It's just like drinking poison
and hoping the other person dies but you do instead.
Crochet Leaf #2 - كروشية ورقة شجر #2 - Duration: 13:11.
Peace be upon you all
and welcome back
Toady, we're going to make this cool looking leaf
Let's start
we'll start with the leaf base
Make a magic loop,
Now Rd1: 12Sc in the same loop,
then pull this strand to gather the Sts,
At the end: Slst in the 1st Scst that we began this Rd with.
Like so
Now we'll work in rows
Now Rw1: Ch1, insert hook in the same St that we closed Rd1 in it But just Slst in the BLO and pull a loop,
and keep the loop on hook
then insert hook in the next St at the Base, pull a loop and keep it on hook,
Now we've 3loops on hook,
then YO, pull through 2loops only,
then YO again and pull through 2loops only,
Like so
Now Rw2:
now tilt the leaf to the side and we'll see a loop formed right under th main yarn
this one here
this 1st loop will be right under th main yarn and we'll start Rw2 in it
So, tilt the leaf and insert hook in this loop and pull a loop,
then this St that we worked in the Base, Insert hook in its BLO , and pull a loop
now 3loops on hook,
then insert hook in next St at the base,
and now 4loops on hook, YO, pull through 2loops only,
( YO, pull through 2loops only ) repeat once
Like so
Now Repeat the same previous steps
Now Rw3: tilt the leaf and insert hook in this loop
the 1st loop will be always right under the main yarn
and this the 2nd loop
the 1st loop will be always right under the main yarn
and this the 2nd loop
and this the St that is worked in the base. we'll insert hook in its BLO,
Now Rw3
insert hook in 1st loop, pull a loop and hold
then insert hook in the 2nd loop.
then in the BLO st ,
- 4loops on hook -
then insert hook in the next St at the base, pull a loop,
- 5 loops on hook -
( YO, pull through 2loops only ) repeat like so till you're done with all loop on hook
Like so
Now Rw4: in the same previous way
tilt the leaf and insert hook in this loop right under the main yarn ,
pull a loop- this is 1
insert, pull loop- this is 2
insert, pull a loop - this is 3
then insert in the next BLO that is worked in the base, pull a loop- this 4
- 5 loops on hook -
then insert hook in the next St at the base, pull a loop,
- 6 Loops on hook -
( YO, pull through 2loops only ) repeat like so till you're done with all loop on hook
Like this
1,2,3,4 rows so far
We'll keep repeating like so till we get 8Rows
Now Rw5: tilt the leaf and insert hook in this loop right under the main yarn , pull a loop,
and so on
and the 7th in the next St at the base, pull a loop,
- 7 loops on hook -
( YO, pull through 2loops only ) repeat like so till you're done with all loop on hook
Now Rw6: in the same previous way
tilt the leaf and insert hook in this loop right under the main yarn , pull a loop,
the 6th will be in the BLO st that is worked in the base , pull a loop,
then insert hook in the next St at the base, pull a loop,
- 8 loops on hook -
( YO, pull through 2loops only ) repeat like so till you're done with all loop on hook
6 rows so far
still 2rows to go
Now Rw7: tilt the leaf and insert hook in this loop right under the main yarn , pull a loop,
and keep repeating
then in the BLO st that is worked in the base , pull a loop,
then insert hook in the next St at the base, pull a loop,
- 9 loops on hook -
( YO, pull through 2loops only ) repeat like so till you're done with all loop on hook
Now last Rw8:
the 10th will be in the next st that is at the base , pull a loop,
( YO, pull through 2loops only ) repeat like so till you're done with all loop on hook
then Ch1, cut off
and here is our final looking leaf
Thank you all soooooooooooo much for watching
and I hope you liked this video and benefit from it
and I'll see you all in next videos with new and elegant leaves
take care, Peace.
Everyday Miracles - Duration: 0:40.
The one thing that's wonderful about God's Word is there's no place that you can open
it that you can't find rich truths.
That you can't find something that will help you navigate this life and grow and learn
to - just as that song that Phil sang - God will continue to show you miracles every day.
It's not always the big things.
Sometimes it's the things that we take for granted.
Small things.
The next breath you take is a gift from God.
Is the bank misleading you? - Duration: 2:25.
Do you know it's not always best to trust what the bank says?
In fact, it could be downright harmful to your financial future if you do
Hi I'm Kelly with Pro Home Buying I help people repair and improve their finances
before they buy a home and I want to tell you a quick story.
I had a client who was a firefighter and his family came to me about 10 years ago
He was really nervous about the home buying process but the bank assured him he could
afford the home he was looking at buying He came to me because he had doubts
And he should have He was pre-approved with the bank
and they said he could afford a payment that was 65% of his gross income.
So that means 65% of his income before taxes when to his housing payment,
roughly 20% might go to taxes and that left just 15% of his income on things
like healthcare, car payment,
childcare, food, savings, utilities or anything else
he has to pay for.
That wasn't feasible for him or for most of us
we figured out what would be a much more realistic housing payment for his family
and it was around 28% of his gross income.
That's a HUGE difference and if he would have listened to the bank
that could have set him up for potentially a huge financial mess in the future.
So how do you figure out what you can afford Start by your income
what gets deposited in your bank account each month
take a look at your average monthly expenses for the past 3-6 months without housing
and make sure to include any additional savings Subtract your expenses from your income
What do you have left over?
This can be what you can use for your total monthly payment for your new home
But remember this is your total housing payment Not just your loan payment
It also includes things like your utilities, Taxes
Insurance, home owners dues any other expenses you have with a new home
Finally, see how this compares to your current rent
if it's more get a separate savings account and put in the difference each month
See how this works with your budget and adjust accordingly
Remember what the bank says you can afford might not always be feasible for your personal budget
Thanks for watching!
I truly hoped this has helped you If you like it please feel free to share it
And I'll be back with more soon!
Life In A BIG FAMILY | Ask AMY's Kids - Duration: 18:09.
The Old Man & the Gun Soundtrack | OST Tracklist - Duration: 1:05.
Parents of missing schoolgirl feared to be with man, 20, make emotional plea - Daily News - Duration: 4:43.
</form> The family of a missing teenage girl believed to be with an older man have issued an emotional plea for their daughter to return home
Naomi Rees, 15, is being searched for by police across the UK. Her parents, Peter and Grace Rees, issued a plea for their daughter to return home on Friday, in which they encouraged 20-year-old Tomas Baker, the man believed to be with their daughter, to help
Speaking from their family home in Rhydfelin, Pontypridd, Mr Rees said: "I hope he (Baker) can do the right thing
"If he is a decent guy he would realise how much this family is hurting and he would ensure she gets home to us
" Mrs Rees said: "This is not Naomi. She is a very caring girl. She loves people and is very trusting
"Right now, all we talk about, all we breathe is Naomi. Naomi, like her two sisters, is our world
We love her so much. It is so hard. We want her home." In a direct plea to Naomi, she added: "Naomi, please come home
It does not matter what has gone on. "We love you so much. Just come to us, come back home
"We are here, we are waiting and we will never give up on you - our arms are always open
"Wherever you are now, you know how much you mean to us so please find a way to get back to us
"Mum loves you. Dad loves you. Your sisters are in bits. We cannot carry on like this
"Your nanny, your friends, everybody is just rallying around wanting to know how you are
We want to be able to tell them you are OK." Naomi has been missing since Wednesday, August 15, and is believed to be with Mr Baker, from Tamworth, Staffordshire
CCTV footage shows Naomi getting on a bus on Cardiff Road in Rhydyfelin at 7.46am and heading towards Pontypridd town centre on the day she was last seen
Further CCTV footage then puts Naomi on Bridge Street walking into Ynysangharad War Memorial Park at 8
06am. Inquiries are continuing to establish where Naomi went after that. In the footage Naomi is wearing a long scarf, dark jacket, dark jeans, and black trainers with white soles
She is also carrying a holdall. A UK-wide search is under way to find them both and return Naomi home
Detective Inspector Arabella Rees from South Wales Police said: "Naomi is a teenage girl who hasn't been seen for two weeks
"No contact has been made so of course we are worried for her safety. Read More Top Stories from Mirror Online "We are working with policing colleagues across the UK and we are following up information we have had from a very supportive public
"Our investigation is focused on South Wales and also areas which run along the Wales border into the Midlands
"Other police forces are assisting us and we are asking members of the public to help us
"Naomi is a child, she needs to be with her parents. "My appeal to her is to let us know you are safe
Late Breakfast & Early Dinner Could Help You Lose Body Fat | Heavy.com - Duration: 8:51.
Late Breakfast & Early Dinner Could Help You Lose Body Fat | Heavy.com
Time-restricted eating (also called time-restricted feeding) is a new dietary concept that involves reducing the time between the first and last calorie consumed each day.
There is strong evidence to support the health benefits of time-restricted eating (TRE) in animals, and recent small studies by our research group and others suggest possible benefits for humans, too.
A lot of recent research in animals and humans has shown clear links between our circadian (daily) rhythms, metabolism and nutrition.
Circadian clocks exist throughout our bodies, including in tissues that have a big influence on our metabolic health.
Broadly speaking, these clocks enable our bodies to efficiently deal with food intake when we are awake and release energy from stores when we are asleep.
A consequence of this is that we process food consumed during the day more efficiently than an identical meal consumed during the evening or at night.
There is, indeed, increasing evidence supporting the idea that our metabolic health is not just regulated by what we eat, but also when we eat.
This interaction between circadian rhythms and nutrition is now often referred to as "chrononutrition".
One of the ways that chrononutrition is being applied to dietary health is with TRE.
Animal studies in species as diverse as mice and fruit flies have demonstrated that TRE can reduce obesity caused by a high-fat diet and reduce the risk of heart and metabolic disease.
Metabolic and nutritional studies in animals don't always apply to humans, however, so it is important to test TRE in humans before health claims can be made.
TRE in humans.
An early indication of the effects of TRE in humans is available in the form of Ramadan studies.
Islamic religious fasting restricts eating and drinking to nighttime, between sunrise and sunset.
Recent meta-analyses of these observational Ramadan studies show improvements in some risk markers for diabetes and heart disease.
These studies are difficult to interpret, however, because Ramadan involves a change from daytime to nighttime eating, as well as changes in meal duration.
Changes also tend to be short-lived and limited to the one-month fasting period.
In human intervention studies, TRE has been achieved in several ways, including avoiding eating at night, restricting intake to a fixed four, six or eight hour eating window, or by symmetrically reducing the eating window by three hours, relative to normal eating patterns.
The latter is an approach we used in a recent pilot study, published in the Journal of Nutritional Science.
We split participants into two groups.
One group – the TRE group – delayed their breakfast by 90 minutes and had their dinner 90 minutes earlier.
The other group (the control group) ate meals as they would normally.
Participants had to provide blood samples and complete diet diaries before and during the ten-week intervention and complete a feedback questionnaire immediately after the study.
We found statistically significant reductions in calorie intake and body fat in the TRE group, compared with controls.
Our data also suggested that TRE might benefit blood markers of metabolic disease, including fasting blood sugar (glucose) concentration.
Questionnaire data indicated that some, but not all, TRE participants felt the eating pattern was one they could continue with.
It should be noted that pilot studies are designed to generate preliminary data and help with the design of future large-scale research.
The number of participants in pilot studies is small, so no definitive conclusions can be drawn from the results.
Early days.
In general, TRE studies have produced mixed results, but this should not be surprising, given the diversity of protocols.
Various forms of TRE have been shown to either improve or have little effect on risk factors for heart disease and diabetes.
Some studies have shown improvements in body composition, such as reduced body fat, in both overweight and obese people, and also in men who regularly exercise, although this is not found across all studies.
One common finding is that people tend to reduce food intake during TRE, even when asked not to.
This is itself a finding that could have major health benefits.
But even where energy restriction is absent or small, evidence suggests that TRE can still influence metabolism, meaning that the benefits of TRE may go beyond simply regulating energy intake.
Important issues that still need to be investigated include whether some feeding-fasting times work better than others, how TRE might benefit health even when calorie intake is the same, and whether TRE benefits patients with metabolic disease, such as type 2 diabetes.
In this fast-moving field, we and others are now looking to expand upon the initial results described here.
Even when living in our modern 24-hour society, there may be important health benefits from eating in a pattern that fits with our internal circadian rhythms.
By Jonathan Johnston, Reader in Chronobiology and Integrative Physiology, University of Surrey and Rona Antoni, Research Fellow in Nutritional Metabolism, University of Surrey.
This article was originally published on The Conversation.
Read the original article.
What you need to know for the holiday weekend - Duration: 1:58.
The 'Really Start Dressing' Meme Will Get You Ready for Fall with Lots of LOLs - Duration: 1:23.
Fall season is upon us — time to bust out a cool leather jacket, and your very best
This week, Twitter welcomed in September by sharing what Twitter experts are calling the
'Really Start Dressing' meme.
Everyone always talks about being excited to buy a new fall wardrobe.
Frankly, their enthusiasm is grating, especially for those of us in colder climates who have
a decent sense of style.
That's where this hyperbolic meme steps in.
Thanks to Twitter user @DHGOTWAVES for introducing the meme, which references the iconic cartoon
'Ed, Edd n Eddy.'
Here is the meme art Twitter crafted out of tragedy:
We have the original 'Ed, Edd n Eddy' meme.
We've got the deep chill meme.
Technically, it's not a meme unless it involves Drake.
Same goes for 'The Office.'
We've got the loose-fit jeans meme.
We have this random photo of Bernie Sanders.
And finally, the Ikea monkey meme.
Thank you for your diligence and attention to detail, Twitter.
And thank you all for watching.
Tell us how you feel about the memes in the comments, unless your comment
involves something stupid about my gender.
We'll be back next week with more All the Memes.
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