Hello guys, this is Richard Tsai Yi-Chia
So if you're interested in the life of being the short term visiting student program in America
Especially in Davis is small but beautiful city just keep watching my video and catch up with my lovely story right in there UC Davis
Okay, so let's get started as you can see the Sunshine in California is always awesome. Thanks
So let's design your life, follow your passion, and being the influencer
Davis is a small but beautiful city with the so called town of the University - DaXueCheng
consisting of the downtown featuring with a wide range of the worldwide restaurant the whole bunch of Stoffel fundamental living
Requirement such as the bank bookstore the numbers of plaza complex located in different places
And without saying UC Davis for sure in that way sniffing shop
Who is the targeted audience of this video, without a doubt it will go with my college in Taiwan National Chiao Tung University
where Professor Tseng Yu-Chee Professor Lin Ching-Ju and teacher Ma Yu-Jun and Cheng Li-Yi in the Office of Student Affairs and
teacher Lai Ju-Hsin in the Office of International Affairs are working to provide a scholarship for my visiting student program in UC Davis
But most importantly this video is dedicated to my best Housemate Joseph
Old friends in Acacia and DCCC. Davis Chinese Christian Church
And I GSM international graduate student ministry
VIDI lab in UCD
Professor Kwan-Liu Ma and Pastor Howard Chang
As well as myself as the most precious that memorable journey ever since I came to the United State of America
in pursuit of visiting student program right in UC Davis
exclusive, remarkable and fantastic experience in Davis is dramatically beyond my expectation a
really difficult to describe all the details of three months period within just a video
All I want to do is fill me is to keep the diary as visual give my family's friend and jr
In Taiwan a glimpse how awesome Davis it is
Sure thing I was convinced that visiting student program is draw drastically worthy for me and you can apply for yourself as well
And finally sure our variable memory and appreciation with you all in Davis
Hopefully looking forward to visiting you guys again and waiting you
all come to Taiwan traveling with me in an expected short time
Or even planning to live in America with my below family and friend one day soon
In the dark
Definitely my first time staying at an exotic city without going out for any itineraries
Will I feel regret about it. No, absolutely not and why?
Not like a normal tourist has been enjoying to be the temporary resident and living a authentic Americans lifestyle right here in Davis. I
had seized the precious opportunities of starting and doing a visiting researcher in the UC Davis
Which were not continue once starting my job career in Hsinchu, Science Park
I also appreciate that about the best housemate Joseph Joshua and Daniel who brought me to the DC cube community
Where I really really really miss all the friendly positive and clever friends by the time going back to Taiwan right away
If I follow the past path to go out for all the tourist attraction with a beautiful
sightseeing which can be done with the family and friends in the near future
That would be exactly what will lead me to a felling of regret. Well not to mention. I'm already tired of traveling lately
If they're interesting in taking a look and firstly I want to clarify
I don't want to sound like the pride or bragging but as I learned from DC Cube to keep humidity
Like Moses always I can share the story of my traveling in the end of this video during credit session
like skydiving in Sydney, Australia
travel with all over the most Province in China
Paper presenting in Brisbane, Australia and Edmonton Canada cetera
To class
Okay, so this is the message I would like to give to you professor Kwan-Liu Ma and my senior Shih-Min, Chao-Qing
Hide, Jia-Kai
Sheng-Yu, Tian-Chen, Chris, and Kelvin, And my peer Ke-Zhi and Zhong-Shu
So as the three month has I am really grateful for opportunity professor Ma get me to work on the project
Which is mainly focused on which can become their useful and substantial contribution through the VIDI lab
So basically what I'm doing is to implement the server streaming
Swimming engines visualization graph to any kind device based on the Nodejs and C plus plus in the implemented webpage
I'm particularly in the real time manner
and throughout the process developing this project have been learning and gaining more my knowledge about whole end servers along with the
cameras perspective in the first crack at same time and sometimes I
Have to admit that it might be a little bit challenge for you. but hopefully. I always have the brilliant senior like a
Professor Ma guiding me instructing me
another thing I will be you know
remembering All the time for sure to be a best moment. We were playing the basketball
we were playing their enormous numbers of basketball competition in the dairy
Basketball court of UCD all the time
I am really appreciated I can be part of the a VIDI Lab for a temporary time
This is message, I would have to give the guy thank you so much
Final part is a genuine gift to my beloved friends in Davis and myself to keep our most precious memory. I
Still remember that there was the meeting of the acacia fellowship a couple of weeks ago that Nathan Cindy and me as a group
Nathan taught us the balance of getting along with the new friend
Especially in a way you live in the frequency changing environment
If you choose to make a lot of the effort to build up the friendship when a leaving time approaching
It is most of the time extremely hurt our heart
But if we decide to not pay too much attention on friendship though its kind of revealed
We are too mean to be as the human being
regardless of the fact that I already know the
Inevitable hard time of separation moment with my friend in Davis will be coming soon
I still choose the former in a way of making friend with you guys and dedicated myself
Because I always know and appreciate for how friendly you are
as well as how pleasant and wonderful the time it is to be with you as always
All the honor and appreciations goes to my friend in Davis
To be
Aside from the life in DC Cube IGSM and UDC
This might be one of the most wonderful time for me to play basketball in UCD Dairy Court with you guys
Player friends sometimes are the most likely to be change over time. It is inevitable for
Instance I have been missing my player friend in PeiKang high school national ChengChi university Beijing Tsing
Hua university and national Chiao Tung University and for sure UC Davis right here
Somehow it will be sorrowful to say goodbye, but in spite of the how missing it is
I hope we can meet one day soon and compete our full court basketball again
For God so loved
Then he gay his only son
Who sue
Believe will not pass
They shall
I shall hold
To the crows I
shower hole
To God
For his love
Have salvaged be
For his love
For God so loved the world that
He gave His only Son
They shall have a
a chalet
I shall a
By his race
His race
Happy birthday
For more infomation >> RICHARD YI-CHIA TSAI in UCDavis - Duration: 19:36.-------------------------------------------
Matzkvs - Find you - Duration: 3:00.
How do you describe this?(51) (Vocabulary Building) [ ForB English Lesson ] - Duration: 1:45.
Hi everyone.
Welcome to ForB's English lesson video.
I'm Rianna and today we are going to show you another video.
I'd like you to describe what she is doing.
Let's take a look.
What is she doing?
She is pacing back and forth.
She's pacing back and forth.
Pacing means walking.
Pacing back and forth means walking a short distance again and again over the same path or place.
We pace back and forth when we feel stressed, nervous, or worried.
Let's practice this sentence together.
Please repeat after me.
She is pacing back and forth.
She is pacing back and forth.
Good job.
Some people say, pacing back and forth helps them think better.
You can try it when you are reviewing for a test or when you are learning new English words.
Thank you for watching.
If you enjoyed this video, please like, share, and subscribe.
See you.
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