I find it interesting how there are still a lot of people out there who will watch a
news story and think, "yep that's true" without ever questioning the facts, biases,
or incentives of the speaker.
But ultimately how can someone put their trust in a media that puts its trust in mediums?
A medium is someone who claims to communicate with dead people.
Imagine if you had this superpower?
What would you do with it?!
Maybe help the F.B.I. solve the millions of unsolved murders?
Maybe find the buried treasure of Captain Jack Bootpirate?
Maybe ask the first president what he thinks of the current president?
But no no no what do these mediums do?
They decide to work in some back-corner of a carnival charging $5 bucks a pop to tell
people how their Grandma whose name starts with the letter J is so proud of the person
they've become.
Two of todays most popular medium's are Tyler Henry and Teresa Caputo.
They each have a TV show where they talk to a celebrity's deceased loved ones…
Now I ain't guna to list all the reasons why mediums are fake because there are plenty
of videos that do that effectively by revealing to you the tricks of cold reading and hot
The purpose of this video is to ask how something so blatantly fake can be taken as truth by
so many members of the media…
So why does the media believe these bamboozlers?
I believe there are 3 reasons in particular…
The first reason is due to a credibility loop: once enough people believe something then
it becomes real.
These mediums appear with one celebrity, then another, one show, then another, and eventually
they're accepted with as much credibility as their associations.
The second reason the media believes in mediums is because as humans we want to believe our
deceased loved ones are okay and they're proud of us.
This is why you'll never hear a medium say something negative about those who passed
For example you'll never hear a medium say, "Grandpa doesn't like your current girlfriend
because he caught her cheating on you with your best-friend Jacob!"That would turn
the reading into a whole other show…
I can forgive the average person for believing in a medium, because heck, when I first started
researching them I wanted to believe or at the very least believe enough to keep open
the window of possibility, but the more I researched the more clear it became that these
guys are nothing more than professional hucksters.
And since it was so clear to me it should be even more clear to "journalists", but
the fact of the matter is that many of these so-called journalists are nothing more than
hair and makeup, which leads me to my last reason why the media believes in mediums:
Eyeballs = $$$: The truth is our modern media is less concerned with truth and more concerned
with money.
And so the novelty and hope mediums offer to unsuspecting viewers keeps people glued
to their screens.
The media is therefore willing to sacrifice it's long-term credibility for short-term
We must therefore ask ourselves…
"If the media can't tell fact from fiction then what else are they telling us that is
fake, wrong, or misleading about a particular story, person, or narrative?"
In watching a news story their should be more question marks going through our heads than
just a series of periods and exclamation points!
And once we start to question the credibility of the media just a little bit more, regardless
of our political persuasion, we'll hopefully start to realize that there is more to a story
than meets the eye… and we don't even have to see dead people to recognize it.
For more infomation >> How Can You Trust the Media When They Trust Mediums | Tyler Henry & Theresa Caputo - Duration: 7:08.-------------------------------------------
How To Find Your Profit Using The Amazon FBA Calculator - Duration: 2:59.
In this video, I am going to show you how to find your profit per unit, using the Amazon
FBA calculator
Stay tuned…
Either find your product listing or find a product very similar to yours that you're
interested in sourcing.
Once you get to the listing, get their ASIN
Go to google and type in "Amazon FBA calculator"
Get the ASIN from the previous step, and paste it into the calculator
The 3 points of information you will need are:
The price you want to sell your product
The cost of shipping per unit to ship into FBA
The cost of your product
Let's break down the 3 points you need to know
You should already know the price you want to sell at
The way you calculate shipping cost per unit is divide the total cost of your shipping
by the number of units
For example, if you pay your freight forwarder $1200 to ship 1000 units
You will divide 1200/1000 and you will get $1.20/unit
You will put this into the calculator under the "ship to amazon" section
The last section is to find the cost of your product per unit
You will find this similar to how you found the shipping cost per unit
For example, if you pay $2500 for a total of 1000 units if derma rollers
You will divide 2500/1000 and it will be $2.5/unit
Now you have the 3 points of information you need to input into the FBA calculator
Let's go back into the Amazon FBA calculator
Input the 3 points and the Amazon FBA calculator will spit out your Amazon Fulfilment Fees,
Amazon Referral Fee, Net Profit and Net Margin.
With this information, you can determine if your product will be profitable or not
I hope you guys liked this video and it was useful for you…
This is Oscar and I will see you in the next one!
To Love-Ru Darkness True Princess (PS Vita) - Missing (English Subtitled) - Duration: 11:01.
Hey, where are you?
Momo-san, where did you go~?
Hey Momo~?
I'm gonna eat your snack okay~?
No good, I haven't seen her.
I even checked to see if Yami-san knew, but she didn't.
Nothing on my end either.
I had the animals search all throughout town but they told me they didn't find anything.
It's been three days.
Where in the world did that girl go?
I know that you're worried, but if it's about Momo-san then I'm sure she's fine.
I'm sure she just forgot to tell us where she was going!
She's surprisingly clumsy after all!
Thanks Mikan, Nana.
But this isn't the first time I've heard this...
W-We've got bad news, Rito!
Did you find a lead!?
No, forget finding a lead, it's more like I found out too much...
Listen to this, her ship's gone!
Then Momo went to outer space!?
Yeah, looks like it...
Can we not call her from here?
Or maybe even go after her ship?
We can't do either of them, I tried.
Our radio waves won't reach her.
It looks like she's really far away...
So we don't know where she is?
Yeah, sorry Rito.
I got in touch with Zastin and the others and tried to get them to do whatever they could, but...
Momo-san, what happened to you?
Anyway, it looks like all we can do is believe in Momo.
Come on, Rito.
Cheer up!
...Yeah, thanks.
I'm a little tired, so I'm going to take it easy in my room.
I'm sure she's fine like you're all saying.
Especially if it's her.
I'm a mess.
I didn't know I'd start feeling like this without Momo around...
I don't know how I felt when I could still remember things...
But right now I'm used to having Momo with me...
...Dammit, where the hell did she go?
Wh-What's that!?
There's someone inside the futon...
Is that Momo!?
Momo is that you!?
Hey, it's been a while.
Oh servant of mine.
Sorry for not being Princess Momo.
How long have you been there!?
While all of you were running throughout the house in a panic, I hid myself inside your futon.
I was thinking of surprising you.
How was that, were you surprised?
...W-Well, I was definitely surprised.
But what do you want?
Let me tell you right now, I don't have time to keep you company.
...My oh my, are you that worried about Princess Momo?
...Wha-, why do you know about that!?
You're not trying to say that you did something to her, did you!?
Even if I could, I wouldn't lay my hands on the three Deviluke Princesses without a reason, that's not how I do things.
Don't worry, this time I'm not related to the problem.
...Then how do you know about Momo not being here?
Well that's because I've been keeping an eye on her the whole time.
I didn't think anything of it when she got into her ship, but I also didn't expect her to keep it a secret from any of you.
To be honest even I'm surprised.
Do you know where Momo is?
Yeah, of course I know.
I put a transmitter on her ship, you know?
Do you want to know, servant?
I might not tell you though.
Tell me, Nemesis!
Where did Momo go?
Hehe, well it's not like I can just tell you for free.
...I know.
What do I have to do to get you to tell me?
You understand well, servant.
Let's see, maybe I should make you do something that a servant would do.
W-What should I do...!?
...For starters, why don't you massage my shoulders?
Stay still.
Mmm, that feels nice, servant.
Even after losing your memory you haven't forgotten your techniques on how to please a woman, that's wonderful.
All I'm doing is massaging your shoulders though...
Now massage my feet next.
I'm tired from walking all the way here.
I-Is this okay?
That's fine.
I let out a voice without meaning to.
Yes, right there, more...
Stop making weird sounds.
More importantly I can totally see you...
Bring your legs a little lower.
There's nothing for a sevant to be embarrassed about.
Well, have you gotten attached to me?
I can guarantee you that I'll treat you so well that you'll think that you're dreaming.
I refuse.
Now how long am I supposed to do what you tell me to?
Now don't be in a hurry.
This is the last one.
My feet are dirty from walking all the way here.
Rito Yuuki, clean my feet with your tongue.
It's a small price to pay, isn't it?
With this you'll know Princess Momo's location.
You're right...
Nemesis, lift your foot higher.
...Are you seriously going to do it?
Rito Yuuki.
You said it yourself, doing this to know where Momo is is a small price to pay.
I'll do it, so make sure you tell me where she is.
...Let me ask you one thing before that.
Is Princess Momo that important to you?
...Yeah, that's right.
Momo is someone important to me.
I finally realized that after not having her here.
She's always trying hard for me, and her being that way makes me...
...Rito Yuuki.
Maybe you've forgotten now, but didn't you have someone on your mind before when you could remember?
Once you get your memory back, those old feelings will return, and the ones for Princess Momo could fade.
Your feelings may only last for a moment.
Do you still plan to take Princess Momo back despite all that?
I want to value the feelings that I have now.
I don't care what happens later.
What are you doing!?
I'm done I'm done.
It's not fun when there's nothing to get upset about.
D-Don't screw with me!
You're telling me where Momo is!
Don't be hasty.
I'll tell you where she is.
I want to see how you settle things.
Do your best to see how far you can get, servant.
Me of all people giving you information for free is not something to shrug off.
This is a service that's being given for less than it's worth.
...So then where' Momo?
Based on the course that Princess Momo's ship is taking, we also have the prediction for her destination.
Hehe, you better be ready.
Princess Momo's whereabouts is in a dangerous place called "The Planet of Darkness".
Preparing for surgery at Mary Washington Hospital - Duration: 5:34.
Welcome to Mary Washington Hospital and thank you for choosing us for your procedure.
The video you're watching will provide information about each step of your surgical journey and the progression of activities
you'll be taking towards improved health and a better quality of life.
We're here to keep you and your caregivers informed every step of the way. Now, let's get started!
Once your physician has scheduled your surgery,
please call centralized scheduling at 540.741.2000 for a pre-admission testing appointment.
On the day of your appointment, you will receive a phone call from a nurse who will interview you about your medical history,
any past surgeries you've had, and the medications that you take.
Your surgeon may have you come into pre-admission testing to bring in your preoperative paperwork and to complete any
preoperative tests, which will need to be completed ideally, seven days prior to your procedure and no less than three days before surgery.
Depending on the type of surgery you are receiving, you may be asked to come in and see a nurse practitioner in
addition to the nurse phone call.
During this on-site visit, you'll be given a complete physical. You'll discuss your health history and receive preoperative education,
about when to stop eating and drinking,
what time to arrive for the surgery and
you'll receive directions about medications you may take on the day of surgery. At this on-site appointment,
we can complete any physician ordered additional testing such as labs,
EKGs, or x-rays prior to your procedure.
Additionally, the nurse practitioner may identify
specialists that need to be seen. Whether you receive a phone call or come in to visit with the nurse,
it's a great time to ask questions! On the day of your surgery, please arrive on time.
We have free valet service available from the front entrance of the hospital and they can park your car for you.
Valet service is available from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. As you enter
the hospital, patient registration is located on the left side of the lobby.
You'll be asked to provide identification and we'll collect a co-pay if appropriate.
A volunteer will escort you to the surgical waiting room on the second floor.
A nurse will come to retrieve you and your family or friends will wait in the surgical waiting room while you are prepped for surgery.
You may be given a Bair Hugger gown to wear that feels a bit like paper,
but it's attached to a heater hose that will keep you warm and comfortable.
Once settled in, you'll meet your team that will be working with you. This is composed of an
anesthesiologist, an IV therapist and nurses
who will be with you. At this time,
a family member or friend may be allowed to stay with you until you are wheeled to the surgical suite.
Sometimes, your surgery may be delayed, but we do our best to keep you informed.
All surgeries are unique and sometimes emergencies happen, so we appreciate your patience.
Once it's time for your surgery,
we will wheel you into the surgical suite and your family or friends will be asked to provide a cell phone number
so that we can keep them informed on your progress on an hourly basis. After the surgery is completed,
the surgeon will meet with your family or friend in a consultation room to provide an update.
You may still be in the operating room or the recovery area, also known as PACU, but for your safety and theirs, your
caregivers are not typically allowed to join you until you are comfortably settled in your hospital room.
Please note that you may be in recovery for a while, as it sometimes takes a while to prepare a room for you.
Unlike a hotel, where you have a room waiting for you, a hospital
sometimes can become very busy without notice and rooms may not be readily available.
While you wait, we'll be keeping you warm and comfortable in the PACU.
Once you arrive in your hospital room, the nurses will show you how to operate your bed
which will move up and down, recline and sit up. Most people experience some level of pain
so we will help you manage this pain during the hours following your surgery.
Nausea and vomiting occasionally occur after surgery, so don't be alarmed if this happens. We will help you with medications to ease your discomfort.
Assistance is available to help you get in and out of bed, sit in a chair, take deep breaths, and cough.
Once in your room, your family and friends are welcome to visit.
Typically during your stay, you may receive a visit from one of our hospital leaders who will ask you questions
regarding your experience at Mary Washington Hospital. We value your feedback and this is perfect time to voice concerns or compliments.
Before you go home,
please make arrangements for a responsible adult to transport you.
During discharge, a nurse will review instructions and the medication list with you.
If you or a family member have questions,
please be sure to write them down during your stay and present them to a nurse, physician, or leader prior to your discharge.
We are here to help and we want to make sure that you clearly understand how to reach your goal of improved health.
Within 24 to 48 hours after discharge,
you will receive a call from a Mary Washington Health Link nurse who will be checking on your progress.
We want to thank you again for choosing to have your surgery at Mary Washington Hospital.
Our goal is to always be there for you and provide a positive surgical journey that opens doors to an improved quality of life!
Can I sue the driver of the car I was riding in? Personal Injury Law - Duration: 0:22.
- Can I sue the driver of the car I was riding in
if I was injured in a Florida car accident?
It depends on the facts.
If the driver of the car was a family member
or someone covered under the same policy as you,
you may not be able to.
However, if for example, you're in a friend's car,
yes, you can definitely bring a claim against them
if they were negligent in operating their vehicle.
West GunFighter (Open World Offline RPG ) Best New Android Game 2018 - Duration: 10:08.
Open World Offline RPG
West Gun Fighter
Day 1 Where It Began IYP #55 - Duration: 13:55.
Picking on your purpose show episode number
I'm going to say that again
50 I
JB how the fuck you three?
must max Pantelis
Posted vibes together. We are here to eat. Not your purpose. That's
So, okay something so we
Won so show one we started all this on YouTube. I mean John and I got together we were doing it over zoom
it's progressed into a daily thing now, but when I first started we started talking about health and
A lot of the questions that have been coming into us lately and not just via, you know
on this internet thing, but people we talk to daily are like, you know, it's overwhelming and so I
Sit there and I take that in and when I meditate it, I I'm like man, how can we you know?
How was it that we changed? How was it that I changed? What was it? What was day one for me?
because I can remember back then which was ten years ago now and it was just like
For lack of a better word. It was a clusterfuck. Excuse my French rap. It was it's like
What what does healthy mean
Should I eat like this? Should I not do that? You don't same confusion, right?
Because we don't know and if I want to get into the story of how I was raised and what we what we ate
Which is the standard North American die the sad diet, right?
You don't know better. We're not taught in school
John and I are gonna talk about that to more more than likely about what schools are teaching
and I
Mean what they provide like from pop machines you just we just don't know
now what I want to ask John is this and this is base to help our viewers and the community we've created is
What was the first thing right? What was day one for you?
And I and I know what it is for me and I'm gonna be honest. I continued 10 years later to do that practice
twice a year
I'm gonna be something okay
He's always on the fly. Okay. I'm not pulling this out can
The floor over there. Yes, I can that's the current studying modules that are going on
Of an equal nail plant-based course
TV calling on Bob who's a bit of a rock star?
Yeah a little bit I'd say yeah every day every week this learn you don't know but that's so same question
That's so so yeah like and that goes on and again ten years ago
To this day. I'm still learning. I put myself in courses. I read I buy books. I talked to people something
I've just done recently was start talking to like the indigenous people of this area being the Native Americans
Whatever the hell you want to call them amazing amazing people to see, you know, if you go back into lineage
What were they eating here? Right because you also have taken to content where you are
You know, I'm in the great white north the cold of Canada and the west coast so every day I'm learning
I'm trying to be better. I'm trying to learn more. So for me John, what was my day one? What was my first step?
What was my first process in this and do you want me to answer it first?
No, I'm gonna go with this
Three and a half years of four and a half years
I'm gonna text three and a half years ago. I
She's gone away from we can't see her brother. I've been here. I'm really talking with the ridge north version supply store life
So I went down to the supermarket that posh
Supermarket and I bought a stir fry
And there was in packets to submit some noodles
Sauce and some vegetables and to me stir-fry at that time. We quite healthy. That's a healthy action trap
exactly, and I think
That we can they do certain tasks from the paper saying do you know and I'm not saying sugar is the enemy here?
That's another episode
How much sugar is in your food?
Read the labels and something like 37 poets equals of shit in this meal for two people as a half
So we ate it anyway we
Sorry, but we decided that on that moment right next weekend. Let's do a detox
I think I might see the mum and dad do one years ago
we had a bookseller and we did a very basic detox and it's still in to
Italy dairy it's the little nested but we went through basic detox, and I think it just for me processed foods
both of us were up in the night with sort of pain headaches that like
Taking them taking taking pills because you get headaches because of a lack of aspirin. Do you know?
and then we were talked about over the next two or three days and said
Well if we decided to do a detox
Every couple of months what we don't want to do is to go through this process. And so
That day we said, all right. Let's just try and remove some to process, please
That was a down stay warm through
So simple right that's just you don't know anything yet. You're just going to remove a few things for your diet, right
And that was me and it was an experiment. Let's remove processed foods and seal
The next remove processed food and drink more water. So we'd buy a bottle of all two liters each day
We'd write our name on it not because we don't like tap water, but because you know, I would love that today
I drank I don't yeah
What happens when we do this and I like up a book and I made notes and on this thing
We did this on this thing. We did this
How does that feel
What happened now is the first now you spare you start journaling. They prop the journeys start journaling the process
No, and this takes time. What's funny? Is that John? I did not tell John this idea
I said I want to talk about a health series. Yeah, and the funny thing is is
That's the exact same for me a little different with the exact same. So again, my store is
Again, always going back to a story from the past right? But thought I was eating. Yeah ten years in the game
Thought I was eating healthy and that to me was you know?
If you went to the burger joint, you would just take the top of the burger off and you know
you'd eat the rest of the burger but not half of the bun because I somehow assume that was healthy and they fight fish and
Not a clue brother. Like I said, absolutely
Not a clue because I wasn't researching enough. I started reading books, but I this was on a certain day
I met my teacher who I'm still with and he said man, you should come see me
You know humans you got to think of it like a car if you haven't and at that time
I think I was like 25 26 years old. He said, you know, it's just like a car
He said if you haven't changed the oil in 20 30 years then it's time for an oil change and now didn't make any sense
To me, right? I was like oil change makes sense to me. How do we change our oil? I sat down with them and
The very first thing you said was bro
You need to get on a liver and gallbladder cleanse for week. 1 week 2 is gonna be a colon cleanse
And he told me to stay off certain foods and I still have the thing right there and those certain foods were chocolates
No coffees caffeine no white meaning. No sugars. No pizza pasta. Yeah. I know alcohol
No, eggplants. No acidic tomatoes type shit peppers anything in the nightshade family
Still I look at it now and it's it's how I eat now
but back then it was like k2 and
I remember that two weeks which I dragged it over for a month because I'm an eager beaver. I'm crazy like that
I dude I'm you see me John. I'm skin and bones. I lost 14 pounds, bro
So that was gunk that's stuck in your
It's inside you right so that was my step one. I still did not know anything
I knew zero about what health was what healthy eating is and that's
That something will get deeper into like what's what is the definition of healthy because you and I see it all the time my mom
I was just there stopped by to see her love my love. My mamacita my italiano mama
She tells me she's eating healthy and I just look at her and I look what she's putting on the plate
what's in the fridge and I'm like I
Used to think that was healthy - Matt we have just had the conversation this house
How do I speak to my mom? She's killing my dad
with love
With love, she's making these incredible meals. She's fucking killing him
and the first one he's already had the first kind of warning but the next warning is gonna be
No, I'm not. I'm not joking. I'm not saying this with
Break, exactly just goes back to this goes back to you know, especially for our community like, you know
I don't want to say I'm a seasoned vet because I'm a baby in this game
And I know I am I I know there's so much more to learn like I can't read enough in a week
To keep up and learn something I've done now is I'm going back to the ancient ways
because a lot of my teachings are teachings are from seventh generation lineage from eastern Asia and
It's just I'm trying to just learn what we used to do where the societies changed
You know how me with being Sicilian and Italian how?
You know even coming over here to Canada how the diet changed and all these things, right?
but but day one step one and I've stick to this is I
Twice a year spring and fall spring and fall spring and fall like clockwork. We know there's a summer solstice
We know there's a winter solstice. So from that I do a cleanse twice a year. I've gone so far as to do
Solid food vacations as I've grown, right?
It's all a few vacation. Which means I'm just juicing that's a whole other way to do it. So you're not popping pills
You're just giving your body elack's water
Water only diet and I've also got into doing
Parasite cleanses. Yeah
But that that's a growth over ten years. We're talking day one and I've stuck to it is a cleanse because if
Today is gonna be the first day of the rest of our life. We need to get all that shit
We've built up there whether you're 15 whether you're 30 whether you're 65
That stuff's got to get out. We need to be one day one
We need to put the body in a position where it can take care of itself
Because our liver or kidney come on or they're all
Stuffed full shit
So we need to get some of that eye outlet you Paris up there Max and I we cross over on a lot of areas
we don't cross some color areas, but we
And I think throughout life if you look at all the various diets and the schemes out there if we kind of look at
common ground that's a really good place to related and we
Three four eight ten hundred weeks. I
Think would be really interesting is if any reason that is little bit
You name the subject if you want to talk to us about if you would like us particular dairy for me
Being a food parent or an hair terraeum or whatever it might be about
Enemas or
Whatever you want to break in earthing and grounding
Don't want been that at all not at all to some level. So
So in to wrap this up
Just if you're looking for a reason to start or some some how to start just ask man
it's I'm telling you I could not ever go back to the
Nothing we can ever go back, but I can't go back to how I used to eat
I can't I just I just can't do it when you wake up feeling this amazing. Don't get me wrong
There's peaks and valleys, but on my worst day now on my absolute worst lowest day now
200% better than I was on my best days back in the day not even a question
Attention, I won't go back and all all those things anything. I say. I'm not a
Physician, I'm not a freakin scientist
My bright guy and the best research and knowledge I can find today that
Is what I will say and it's right for me it may not be right for you I
could read something different next week and then I will reassess our
Duties have of this more research where the doctor come in from who?
- like some things look at the results - go. Okay off the basis of that
I'll make a decision to go forward not necessarily a simple headline all the same
Cranberry juice will make your hair return
There you go
Look a little shiny there bath. No, ma'am. All right people as always we thank you
We know you could be anywhere in the world and you was right here with the ignite your purpose
Thank you the skull and we appreciate man. We appreciate
Appreciate it. Thank you chew anymore. Cuz they
Shed the news and spread the love and we lost you can't
Audrey Rodrigue Missing: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com - Duration: 6:22.
Audrey Rodrigue Missing: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com
Facebook Audrey Rodrigue and her daughter Emily have been missing since Sunday after flying to California to go camping.
Audrey Rodrigue and her daughter Emily flew to California from Canada to camp along the coast, and weren't heard from again.
Authorities are asking for help in locating the mother and daughter, who disappeared last Sunday.
Rodrigue and Emily came to California to camp at various places throughout the state, according to Kron 4.
They rented a car at the airport, checked into a hotel in Burlingame, and then checked out at noon on Sunday.
They haven't been located or heard from since.
Here's what you need to know about the missing pair:.
The Mother & Daughter Flew to San Francisco & Stayed at a Hotel Last Weekend But Disappeared Sunday.
Rodrigue, 29, and Emily, 10, arrived at San Francisco International Airport on Saturday, rented a dark gray 2018 Ford Focus (license no.
8DIN900) and stayed the night at the Vagabond Inn in Burlingame, according to the San Mateo County Sheriff's Office.
They checked out the following day and were believed to be headed to a hotel at Pigeon Point but never arrived.
Rodrigue sent her boyfriend a text message Sunday, but he was unable to contact her after receiving the text, sheriff's officials said.
He reported the mother and daughter missing on Monday.
Rodrigue & Emily Had a Campsite Reserved for Tuesday & Campers Saw The Two Camping.
They had a reservation for the Fish Lake Campground, near Orleans, in Humboldt County for Tuesday night, according to NBC Bay Area News.
Park rangers checked the camp area, showed photos of the mother and daughter to other campers and staff, and asked around the area, according to police.
Both park staff and other campers claimed they thought the two were there, but left without knowing the rangers were looking for them, sheriff's officials said.
The neighbors and camp staff said Audrey and Emily did not appear to be in danger or distress, sheriff's officials said.
Rodrigue & Emily Were Adventurous & Enjoyed The Outdoors.
Based on Rodrigue's Facebook profile, the two enjoyed the outdoors and often did adventurous things together.
Pictures show them kayaking, hiking, rock climbing and learning how to surf in a pool together.
A picture of Emily rock climbing is captioned: "This little love of mine," while several other pictures of Rodrigue's daughter are captioned with heart emojis and words of love and affection.
Most of the pictures seem to be taken in Montreal, Quebec, where her profile states the two live.
Several pictures were also taken in Morocco, on Taghazout beach and near the Atlas Mountains.
Rodrigue is a Fan of Game of Thrones, Harry Potter & Exploring Dietary Changes for Health.
Rodrigue's profile states that she is from Vancouver, British Columbia, and enjoys music.
Radiohead, Iron and Wine, and Jared Leto are just a few of many bands she has "liked" on Facebook.
She's a fan of the TV shows Breaking Bad and Game of Thrones, and has liked several movies, including Juno, Harry Potter and Pineapple Express.
She also liked movies promoting dietary changes, including Forks over Knives and Hungry for Change.
Forks over Knives explore the possibility of people eliminating cancer and disease from their bodies by going vegan, and Hungry for Change discusses the diet industry's attempts at keeping people from losing weight and keeping it off.
Authorities Are Asking For Help in Finding Rodrigue & Emily.
The San Mateo County Sheriff's Office is asking for the public's help in finding Audrey and Emily and/or their rental car.
Anyone who sees them should call 911 or Detective Fava at 650-363-4192.
Sidney McCain, John McCain's Daughter: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com - Duration: 12:05.
Sidney McCain, John McCain's Daughter: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com
John McCain's oldest daughter, Sidney McCain, stays out of the spotlight more than many of his other children.
Sidney McCain (who sometimes goes by just "Sid") is the third oldest of John McCain's seven children: he had three daughters and four sons.
She says she was the most rebellious of his children, pushed his boundaries the most, and loved debating her dad.
She's happily married and living in Milwaukee after spending many years working for major record labels.
Here is what you need to know about Sidney McCain.
Sidney McCain, the Only Child Born to John McCain & His First Wife, Carol Shepp, Was 9 Months Old When McCain Was Captured.
Sidney McCain, 51, is John's third-oldest child, but she is the only daughter born to him and his first wife, Carol Shepp.
When John McCain was married to Carol from 1965 to 1980, he adopted her sons from a previous marriage: Doug and Andrew.
Then they had Sidney.
After he married Cindy McCain, they had three children of their own — Meghan, Jack, and Jimmy — and adopted Bridget.
Sidney was only nine months old when her father was captured.
She told The New York Times that because she was so young at the time, she didn't really remember his absence.
But she does remember his return: "I remember my dad just squeezing me and not wanting to let me go.
It was very overwhelming at the time.".
But once he returned, she and her dad grew very close.
She said he was always supportive, Milwaukee Mag reported.
Sidney McCain Is Married to Jason Sweet & Doesn't Consider Herself a Republican.
Sidney, who now lives in Bay View, Milwaukee, will be speaking at her dad's national memorial service, WISN 12 News reported.
Last year, she told Milwaukee Mag that she moved back to Milwaukee because her husband, Jason Sweet, is from there.
She said they first met in New York City at a bar, dated, and fell in love.
She never originally intended to move to Milwaukee, but then she was laid off from her job with EMI doing label acquisitions.
She said: "I had gone as far up the corporate ladder as I could.
I got loosely offered a job in L.A., and I didn't want to live in L.A., so we made the decision to move.
We thought of three cities: New Orleans, Raleigh, N.C., and Milwaukee.
So we thought let's give Milwaukee a shot.".
She said people often assume she's a Republican, but she's not.
And they often assume she grew up rich, but she was raised on a Navy salary.
Sidney's Mom Raised Her & Her Brothers Alone While John Was a POW, & John Paid Sidney's College Tuition When He & Carol Divorced.
Sidney's mother, Carol Shepp, has a long history with John McCain. They married on July 3, 1965 in Philadelphia.
The very next year, he adopted Douglas and Andrew.
In 1966, they gave birth to their daughter, Sidney.
After he was shot down over North Vietnam in 1967 and spent five-and-a-half years as a prisoner of war in North Vietnam, she raised their children with the help of friends and family.
Los Angeles Times journalists discovered that John and Carol were still living together in January 1980, after he and Cindy had been dating for nine months.
John and Cindy married five weeks after Carol and John were divorced.
John McCain regretted his actions during that time period.
He said that ending his first marriage was "my greatest moral failure.
The divorce itself was amicable and John gave Carol full custody and agreed to pay alimony and child support, along with Sidney's college tuition.
Despite the amicable divorce, Sidney and her brothers did not attend John and Cindy's wedding in 1980, People reported.
In May 2018, Sidney recalled her parents' breakup, People reported.
"It caused quite a rift within the family," she said.
She said about Cindy: "Cindy was very young too, and you can't help who you fall in love with.
I truly believe that my dad is very much in love with Cindy, and I think she is very much in love with him, and I think there is something very beautiful about that.
At the time it was really awful.".
Sidney McCain Has Worked as the VP of Major Record Labels & Is Now a Promotions Director for a Radio Station in Milwaukee.
In 2007, The New York Times reported that Sidney worked in the music business for years and had been a registered Democrat "until recently." Milwaukee Mag shared that she had been a "bigwig" in the music industry.
She worked as the VP of major record labels, including EMI.
In 2017, she took a job as the promotions director of WMSE-FM radio in Milwaukee.
She told Milwaukee Mag: "My previous job was almost like selling widgets.
Music wasn't creative; it wasn't fun.
It was about how many records the band sold.
Being at WMSE is an open field.
We can basically do anything we want.
And my whole goal is just to have us affiliated with everything in Milwaukee that's cool.".
She originally got into the music business when she was a college DJ and interned with MTV.
Her first job was at ATCO Records, and AC/DC was doing promos.
According to her LinkedIn profile, she worked for 4 years with EMI as a VP of Label Acquisitions, one year with EMI as a marketing consultant, and 10 years with V2 Records as the GM in Canada and the head of the Media Department.
She also worked for nearly three years for Capitol Records as the senior director of media.
She told Milwaukee Mag: "Angus Young came out and sat with me in the reception area every day.
He was not creepy; he was just really cool.
We would chat and eat pizza, and I thought, 'I am never doing anything else in my entire life.'".
Sidney Liked to Debate Her Dad & Considered Herself the 'Boundary Pusher'.
As a child, she often challenged her dad's authority and still liked to debate him on issues as an adult.
Grant Woods, former chief of staff for McCain, told The New York Times: "I think she stretched him a lot.
… Sidney has been very involved in the entertainment industry and taken him to the award shows even though her interests have been quite divergent from his.
He is very close to her as well.".
Sidney referred to herself as the "boundary pusher." "In high school I was very rebellious," she told The New York Times.
"I needed to look at all sides.
At least he would hear me out.".
Sidney was close to her father and has been seen in a number of public appearances since he passed away.
She was seen yesterday, following her father's casket and attending his memorial service at the Arizona State Capitol.
Tommy Espinoza: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com - Duration: 6:47.
Tommy Espinoza: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com
YouTube/Raza Development Fund Tommy Espinoza is a longtime friend of John McCain who is set to give a speech at his Arizona service.
Tommy Espinoza is one of a select group of individuals who were chosen to speak at the late Senator John McCain's memorial service on Thursday, August 29.
Espinoza is a businessman and activist in the Phoenix area.
Here's what you need to know.
Espinoza Is the President and Chief Executive Officer of the Raza Development Fund Inc.
According to the ceremony details on McCain's official site, Espinoza is the president and Chief Executive Officer of the Raza Development Fund Inc.
Formerly, he worked as the president and executive director of Chicanos Por La Causa.
Espinoza is listed as a "friend" of McCain's.
They have been friends for over 30 years, according to NBC News, and met for the first time at a Washington, D.C.
Espinoza said of the first time they met, "The whole evening, we just started talking about a variety of different things.
But what sticks out in my mind is I asked John, I said look 'I suspect you've been asked this question before, I said, but how did you manage to survive your captivity in the prisoner of war camp? What was it that kept you together?' and he kind of looked at me and goes 'You know, I've never been asked that question.
Everybody always asks me how they treated me and of course they did treat me very well, right? So, he said 'first of all, it was my belief in God, my family and my country.
I knew those pieces would in effect bring me back home.' And that stuck with me… he's also a man of faith and obviously a man that does really trust our country.".
Espinoza Is the God-father of McCain's Son, Jimmy.
According to NBC, Espinoza is the god-father of McCain's son, Jimmy McCain, and he introduced McCain as his "compadre" when McCain was running for president.
Espinoza said of the honor of being Jimmy McCain's godfather, "When Jimmy was born to Cindy and to John, I was honored by John McCain asking me to sit in and be part of baptizing Jimmy, which was a little bit of humor in John.
I said 'John, you know, I'm a Catholic.
So, I'm not sure that's helpful to you, he says.
'Don't worry about it that!' Typical John McCain… I say "Okay.
Let's do it!'".
Espinoza Is a Democrat, & Has Opposed McCain on Several Issues, Especially Those Related to Immigration.
McCain was a conservative Republican, and Espinoza is a Democrat.
Of their differences politically, Espinoza said, "There were some positions he didn't like obviously that I would stand on… at moments of elections, especially, John had to be conservative republican that everyone wants to BE elected in Arizona, so there were certain times that he took positions that were very difficult for me to swallow, but yet I had the high respect for him knowing that even as he got elected.
That the Senator would be there for our community.".
The Ceremony Will Take Place on Thursday, August 30, at 10 AM, PDT.
According to John McCain's official site detailing the ceremony schedule, the Arizona-based memorial service will take place at North Phoenix Baptist Church in Phoenix, Arizona.
The site reads, "Senator McCain's family and friends, along with state, local and tribal officials, and business and civic leaders from across Arizona have been invited to attend the service.
In addition, about 1,000 seats have been made available to the public.".
Espinoza Is Set to Be One of Four Men Who Give a 'Tribute' During the Service.
Espinoza is set to be the second of four men to deliver a "tribute" address regarding McCain.
He will follow Grant Woods, the Arizona Attorney General, and will be followed by Arizona Caridinals player Larry Fitzgerald, Jr., and former Vice President Joe Biden.
Mega Man Maker! Levels from a fan! - Duration: 1:38:19.
well here we go again
another long night of trying to fake being good at this
its a fun game man, i love it so much
i wish they would make a sprite of me to put in the game
how cool would that be
the coolest shit ever
Get a taste of Brew-B-Que - Duration: 7:13.
You Do Not Matter But You Are Important IYP #52 - Duration: 11:47.
That was that was the quickest drop-in ever what's up, beautiful people welcome to the ignite your purpose show
Podcast and show with your boy Massimo from Canada and my main man. Mr. Johnny B from the UK
We as always appreciate your time
We know you could be anywhere in the world and he was right here with us, and we appreciate that
We love doing this for having fun
Today John doesn't even know how I'm talking about
so I'm gonna drop it on him and all of you as well at the same time is this
The last couple conversations we've had with John going on his walk
Off the air John and I've talked about doing a podcast on
The three words you are going to die there's that three words you are going I made it for but anyway you're you will die
We had a show yesterday the day before about ego and a question from a viewer that came in about the ego
so I wanted to talk about my class and
last week in class
One of the things that comes up since solos in all the time. Is this the statement that
You are not important, however
You do matter
What I want to talk to you about is is this we were talking about ego so much
I don't know what John's doing with this
Could you spare that then?
You are not important
You do matter
So it's it's one of the philosophies and photos photos photos and I'm sure a few other Buddhism's and stuff like that yes
so and
the thing that got me was we've had some conversations about ego and
How the e who controls us that we're this were the center of our own universe
We think we are the center of the universe some people say that about London New York and Toronto, right?
People from there think they're the center of the universe
And no disrespect to them. I'm just using it as a metaphor
Yeah, and what I want to get it is one of the new students in class now
I remember this 810 years ago when that first came up and I was like wall, you know, I'm a rapper
I do this I do that. How do we you know, how does that make sense? She could not fathom this
It would just borrow her mind. She's like I have to be important like I don't understand what you mean
I am NOT important and I just want to talk about how the ego
completely overtook her and what I want to say is this
In our societies today, you look at the Great's who have just passed. You're Tom Petty's your prince
You're David boy the journalist who just passed the other, you know last week
how long did they stay in the social media world and on the
The newsreels it was 24 hours tops, right? We all care so much and
Then it's over
So all I'm trying to say is this the world keeps on spinning whether John dies from his 84 kilometer or Mile Run
If I live too much in CrossFit tomorrow, and I'm gone the world keeps spinning
The energies and the vibes we put out to this show and to those around us
They do matter John after that entire rat. How do you feel about that statement? How does that resonate with you?
I don't know if I've ever mentioned that to you before so I'm just trying to rush that through to you as well
Thanks, man, I
Was kind of wait hey and there's my spin on this this is how it relates to my life
why I can drop a little on that if you wanted me to I
think I
Think I've heard it before
I said Lee
Where where I am right now
III understand it
How often do you hear
somebody say I can't believe
he behaves like this he does this needed that he's no sales field and
Then if I walked up to that person and said have you said yourself?
does that mean if he thinks about himself like that because you're behaving that way you think about yourself like that we all
View ourselves as the center of the world as you said
I'm struggling how am I need to process this and answer it tomorrow?
Well, here's what here's my take on it. Just just so you get it
Um, so you get it, but just just so you get my vibe on it
Um, it's to me that statement after I sat with it like you want to do right now, it's freeing
alright like
You and I've run companies we've we've had staff. We have our hustles. We work our finger to the bone
We we grind you know, and at the end of the day
When you know, I've talked with us before like it's freeing to think, you know
What if we can't do it or if we don't make that deadline err we don't make that meeting and it doesn't go our way
And somebody else takes it on or does it for us or it doesn't go in for us whatever the case may be
Then we're freed, man
It wasn't meant to be the universe said hey
You're gonna have a day off instead or you know, that that energy wasn't for you. So for me it's freeing and
Then it's also empowering to know
Everything I do every day from opening a door for an or elderly lady or buying somebody a cup of tea matters. Oh
Think they say that the value for which you've contributed to the world comes down to what will people yeah
And you've just made
Prince Tom Petty you ever
24 hours later
we've forgotten about them and we might hear a song but very little say
Oh, there's Prince he died last year wasn't the incredible. Did you hear about how he he came?
but I
Think in that scenario, I would rather
Be remembered not for what I created, but how I behaved each and every day I
acted with people
in my in my daily life and for people so he on he's
Even even now John. Yeah, he's nice guy. I remember when I met Emma's
Nephew and niece or mum and dad. I can't remember which it was and they said yeah. Yeah. Yeah, he's just normal
What an incredible compliment in this day and age, I mean yes normal
And so yeah everything you do is important
By holding the doors Oh same please saying thank you these simple
gestures and and habits each and every day that
actually create the the good version of ourselves the honest genuine versions rather than the
Egotistically is always seeking something next and there you go. And the Pat's on the back to something they have done
Themselves. Usually I'll open it
Not because you want to do it because it's the right thing to do, there you go
exactly and it ties into like the conversation about the last couple days right if we can learn to free that ego as
much as I understand the ego is very important to us because I
You know through my studies. I understand the shadow size is important as well
Your dark side is important. But if we can free that ego, we've actually feed ourselves from our own enslavement, right?
Yeah, because once we understand that we aren't that important
Then it's just cool. Let's just get on with it. Yes. Let's just get on with what we're here to do
well, I I remember going to I've been to a couple of
Christians classes Christian is
The then Buddhists then I'm not even sure have you had to describe it. He's a great guy I've been
classes with max over the past three or four years and
Sort of Utley I've often sad added content
Because it just blew my mind about you
know the set and the ego and the reactions and the ins and I was thinking I have not got a
Freaking clue what you're talking about and its own you're going over
That these things have dropped in no max
Time it's a bit of week in week
Months and years at a time and Max would say he's only baby steps into it. So
I can't wait to delve, you know in the space to delve into it. So
Welfare guards goes there worth it
So just in in in ending, I'll say this
You know again once you can free yourself a nurse and you aren't that important again?
As always easier said than done I still struggle with it every day
I'm not a monk that lives, you know in some mountain that doesn't interact with people
So, of course the ego is gonna come up every day because it thinks is the center of the universe
That's just what it does. But again, if you can think that you are not that important, but you do matter you are somewhat freed
Yeah cannoli
Maybe it may be
Something for you to go away and try though
Oh the next occasion when you're feeling pissed off or angry or resentful
I need all just end it yeah
Walking like that. Yep. Yeah, big floppy hat on them bells and shit
So next time you feel yourself getting wound up getting emotional about something remember?
It's just an emotion and see it
Within within 90 seconds you can clock
Clock it's happening. I'm getting angry. I'm getting pissed off and getting resentful and getting depressed. I'm talking negative things
yep, and just
don't think
Just through just okay five big rats. I
Think trying to go what one thing you grunt before in that second flips your mind from negative to positive
I'm alive baby. I am I live units fresh. Oh
My feet feel really comfortable my shoe
The Sun on my face or the wind or smelling the blossom or it sounds all airy-fairy but if this
in that moment change it from
Fox like that
Yep, we'll just write down negative energy. That was you just wanna drag things in from other people rather than
sharing your energy and vibrations and it says we were
It's the real deal there be no battle 90 seconds start breathing one. Good Thor
Meaty you knew I'm out of here
Amen, brother exams people. We appreciate you for tuning in
We know he could be anywhere in the world and right here with us and that's a beautiful thing
We'll talk to you. Well, thanks John. Appreciate it. Yeah. Yeah, we know
That it's good
Necessarily comment, or they've got their privacy set, but we appreciate you
appreciate you guys also so
It's very much very shy chip in and more speech you all tomorrow
Are you working for Jesus? - Duration: 1:15.
Jesus didn't die for you so you could work for Him.
Jesus died for you so you could know Him.
That has everything to do with how you worship.
Because if you think Jesus died for you so you can work for Him, you're just going to
be toiling your whole life.
You're going to be trying to prove something.
Isn't that even what the enemy did when he came to Jesus.
Jesus had just heard God, the Father, in a loud booming voice say, "This is my Son, in
whom I'm well pleased."
The very next verse, Jesus goes into the wilderness.
And what does the enemy do?
He comes to Him and says, "Well if You really are the Son of God?
You should probably do something to prove it."
Here, do this great work.
Turn this stone into bread.
Did Jesus need to do that to prove that He was the Son of God?
Did He need to do that to prove His worth and His value?
But that's what the enemy likes to do.
He likes to attach our identity to our work, and our service, and how hard we work.
Listen, again, Jesus didn't die for you so you could work for Him.
Jesus died for you so you could know Him.
Quit Smoking with these 15 Psychological Practices - Duration: 9:53.
Quit Smoking with these 15 Psychological Practices
It's always the time to quit smoking.
It's better for us to quit smoking as soon as possible and to abandon this harmful habit.
We should do this before our body gives us the first warning, the first problem, or the first scare.
So if you have tried all the methods, you will have stopped believing in these miraculous techniques.
There are many that are touted as " The final answer to smoking cessation ".
Nevertheless, they haven't worked for you.
We ought to know that these ideas are not magic recipes.
There is no technique that works for everyone.
We need to choose the one that works for us and for our personality.
From the following list, choose the ones that suit you, try them and integrate them into your daily life.
Let them be the key to your success and the closure that opens the door to a better quality of life.
Each person is unique; their habits, needs, and nuances that will determine your ideal remedy.
You may also try several methods that suit you the best and fit your personality.
From the following list choose the ones that appeal to you, try them and integrate them into your daily routine.
Let them be the key to your success and the closure that opens a door.
This will lead to a better quality of life.
Strategies for the three phases that a smoker goes through.
During smoking cessation there are three phases that the individual goes through:.
Preparation is when we should assume a strong intention to quit smoking.
The phase of abandonment.
This abstinence syndrome causes strain, doubt and it pushes us to go back to the habit.
This phase is especially critical.
The last phase is maintenance when it is vital to secure this new phase for a long time and prevent possible fallback.
Once we learn these phases we know well what could happen at any time and what we need to do.
Because of this, it's important to know the following steps to be successful at any moment.
Tips for the preparation phase.
Smoking is an act that has its origins in social factors.
It is maintained by various psychological factors.
Above all, it is a physiological dependency on the nicotine.
Therefore, in this first phase, we lay out a series of keys to have a suitable and surefire plan.
Reduce social factors and availability.
1,Make ourselves a list of the situations and moments when we have the opportunity to smoke.
2,The idea is to reduce the availability of tobacco in those crucial times.
For example.
I know that just waking up, I will feel a great urge to have a cigarette.
Then I will have gum or a caramel handy.
Reduce psychological factors.
3,One of the psychological techniques is self-perception.
Now we see ourselves as "NON-smokers".
4, Instead of telling the world that you are going to quit smoking, tell them that you no longer smoke.
5,If we concentrate on the process (I am quitting) it can cause doubts, low moments.
The ideal is to see ourselves as how we want to be: non-smokers.
Tips for the most critical phase of "possible abandonment".
Now we are in the critical phase.
We are positive that we want to quit smoking.
The psychological and physical dependence is so strong that we are facing hard times.
Controlling the social and availability factors.
6,There are places and daily habits that automatically trigger our need to smoke.
We go to the cafeteria, the gym and meet with friends in these places every week.
7,This is the time to change scenarios and create new habits.
8,Attend mindfulness classes, do yoga, take dance classes, swimming classes, or paint.
It's about giving new stimulus to the brain to divert attention.
At the same time, you are participating in healthy and useful activities to channel and train your emotions.
You can manage your anxiety by means of respiration, focusing and progressive relaxation.
9,You should be able to identify risky situations and plan ways to confront them through positive self-instruction.
10, Perceive yourself as a person who is effective and has great willpower.
Reduce dependence on nicotine.
11,Something that is recommended is to phase out our preferred brand of cigarettes and switch to a brand with less nicotine.
This process should last for two weeks.
Maintenance Phase. You've done it.
Or at least for the time being.
It's important to know that when a person has made it to 5 months without smoking, one has not even reached the maintenance phase.
In reality, it is the action phase, and there still exists a high risk of falling back into the habit.
The desire to smoke still persists, including the symptoms associated with dependence.
Some of these are headaches, bad moods, anxiety and more.
It is not easy.
In fact, there are people who need to control the psychological and availability factors even after one year of quitting.
Nevertheless, after 6 months without smoking, we are in the phase of needing to continue habits.
We need to control the psychological and availability factors.
For this there are the following steps:.
12,Don't lose sight of the "whys", meaning the reasons to quit smoking.
13,Value the work that has been done and your strong will.
Also, value how you feel now; the well being and motivation to keep from falling back into the habit.
14,Focus on those activities that you used to quite smoking such as sports, yoga, etc.
15,Lastly, it will be good for us to share our strategies with others who are going through the same situation.
In this way, we reinforce our goal and feel proud of ourselves.
How To Have SEX On The First Date (Shocking Step by Step Method Guaranteed to Work) - Duration: 7:39.
What's up my Sons.
Father is fucking back with something very special for you today.
By the end of this video you will be able to have sex with any girl on the first date.
As usual no bullshit let's dive into it.
So you watched Father's other videos and met a girl online or in person.
You got her number and got a date.
So how exactly do you bang her on the first date?
First you need to feel & act confident throughout the whole process.
Remember that when the girl gave you her number she was interested in you at that moment in
time, but as agreed to see you then she's 100% down.
You can get some serious action from that even if she's on a "practice date,"
or if she has to get up early in the morning.
So where do you take her?
Here's what the average moron does First diner date at $60 – Gets an awkward
hug Second diner date at $35 - Kiss on cheek,
maybe peck on the lips Third diner date at $100 – Kiss on lips,
but no groping.
Fourth diner date at $60 – Kiss on lips and groping
Fifth date at $35 - Hooking up on bed or couch, but no clothes come off.
Brief titty grab Sixth date at $20 – Hooking up at his place.
The Girl blocks removal of bra Seventh date – Sex (if you he's lucky)
Assuming he has 1-2 dates a week, this process takes a month with an estimated cost of $300.
Jesus fucking Christ.
If you currently do also do that.
Erase this process completely from your mind.
Here's how to fuck her under $30 Setting up the date
Once she agrees on a date.
Just tell her where and when to meet you.
Something like "Cool, how about (x place) at (x time)?"
Once you arrange the date cut contact completely . Don't be texting her smily faces and shit
or sending her good morning texts.
It's like talking to the police.
You're just giving her shit to use against you.
You have nothing to gain by texting her after you have already arranged the date.
Most girls have the decency to let you know if they're going to flake.
Don't take it personally if she does The date should be scheduled for Tuesday,
Wednesday or Thursday.
Friday and the weekend is a no no.
You have a fucking life and should not have first dates during the weekend.
The time should be just after diner and the venue should be a bar.
For god sake No diner or movies.
Now if she tells you that she will drive to the location.
It's mandatory that you choose a location extremely close to your place.
Like walking distance or tell her to pick you up if she insists on driving.
If you need to pick up her (which is ideal) pick a location not more than 10 minutes away
from your place.
The Meetup Wear clothes that are stylish and make you
look confident.
Watch my other videos on how to dress nice Be 10 minutes late to your meet up location.
If she's on time, there will be tension as she will believe that you flaked and once
you appear boom.
Instant tingles.
I hope that she brought extra panties with her.
On arrival, Smile son, be confident and hold your frame.
Remember that she already likes you.
She will be nervous so will you.
But you are a man.
You should not show that you are nervous.
You're frame of mind should be that she is extremely attracted to you and that you
are here to have fun.
This will make sure that you get the cool vibe.
Have the little chat.
How are you?
Did you get here easily?
Blab la.
Then take her to the bar.
The BAR Pay for the first round, and be prepared to
pay for the entire date.
I didn't say it was equal opportunities – I said it was how to fuck her on the first
If she proposes to pay.
Even better.
Tell her what you're going to drink, and then ask her what she wants.
if she starts umming or looks confused– just suggest a mojito.
9 times out of 10 she will start to think she's Carrie Bradshaw and will say "OK!"
Cocktails are good.
they contain shit loads of alcohol and taste like sugar.
Alcohol is a great lubricant.
But be careful that you don't drain your drink before she is still on the first 10%
of hers.
Avoid beer, you'll be pissing every 5 minutes, burping like a camel, and your breath will
smell like shit.
Encourage selection of cocktails, choosing different cocktails, and the trying of each
other's cocktails.
The combination of different alcohol will get you both more drunk, the shared experience
will boost the date, and the sharing of different opinions on flavors inevitably leads to "oh
yeah, try this one!" – all very positive and fun.
On a side note, If you are enjoying this video up to now, hit the like button, subscribe
and hit the bell.
Thanks a lot.
Back to business Conversation Learn to lean.
James Dean always leaned and James Dean was fucking cool
Do the usual script.
What do you do, what's new, how did you and mutual friend meet, where did you go to
college, bla bla.
The important thing here is not to act weird.
Also if she asks for personal questions.
Be mysterious and reply in a joking way.
gradually move to some more interesting and fun conversation.
You can get more details on exactly how to do that in my other videos
Don't stress this part to much.
As the date progresses and the alcohol takes effect you will naturally begin to laugh more
and talk about all sorts of things – by agreeing to meet you she already has one foot
in your bed, remember that.
First Kiss When she wants to be kissed – just do it.
Always end the kiss before she does.
Otherwise you seem too eager to physically escalate and she'll pick up on that.
Kiss her for a bit and when you can sense things are really heating up, pull back and
say something like "But that's all you get for now since we ARE in public and both you
and I are obviously very classy" (even better if you have a grin while saying that)
Going to your place When it's time to fuck – do it.
Staying in the bar too late for the sake of it just means you're too scared to go for
the kill.
After 3-4 drinks, just say "Hey we're going back to myplace for x.
But DONT get any funny ideas now." and give her the accusing eyes.
This will now plant the idea of sex in her head while you're at the same time disqualifying
it AND accusing her of being the pervert.
And since it's done implicitly, it works like magic on hot girls.
Your Place Get in to your room, make-out standing, start
taking off her clothes, and grope slowly but stronger than in the bar.
PICK HER UP then walk to your bed while holding eye contact and throw her on the bed.
On a side note.
If you don't think that you can pick up her.
WHAT the FUCK Son.
Didn't I tell you to hit the fucking gym.
Why are you even dating girls fatter than you?
Jesus Don't bother kissing on the bed with clothes
Undress her then take your clothes off and go for it.
Also Fucking use protection.
On a side note.
Beware if at any moment she tells you to STOP or pushes you away.
Forcing a girl to have sex if no cool.
Don't fucking do that.
Just respect her decision continue fooling around and schedule another date
Meals in Canada - Comidas típicas en Canada - Duration: 15:28.
hello hello hello This is your app scavenger
again this time we're going to learn
something very delicious "muy delicioso"
we're going to talk about comida .."ya me esta
dando hambre. Pero, no vamos a comenzar con hambre, vamos a comenzar con sed"
what do you
say when you want to .. the most typical
things you want when you travel
go somewhere you say can I have a beer
beer How do you say beer in Spanish cerveza cerveza and how do
you ask for one you say can I have a
beer please
in Spanish you say this... una cerveza por favor
una cerveza por favor. Esta es la mas importante pregunta. Lo que mas debes aprender.
This is the best and you should learn it
a beer please una cerveza por favor
gracias. when you receive it you say gracias what is gracias? You should know
Thank You!. After you drink a beer what do you say? where's the washroom?
where is the washroom you say "donde esta el baño?
"Donde esta" means where is it?
whatever you're asking and then
you say "el baño" no "la baño" no "la boña"
el baño, baño. donde esta el baño?
After drinking beer you go for the washroom
So,after drinking a lot you start to be hungry
next we are going to see
talk about food food so here we are food now
As I said before "como dije antes" I live in
Canada Canada and
... breakfast
how do say breakfast this is
the first meal so you need to learn it
if we go somewhere you say "desayuno"
"desayuno por favor"
and here in Canada
a difficult thing for our children
children - niños you need cereal cereal
could be anything .. corn flake or
any any other sweet there are lots of
kind of sweet oats meals and oat cereal
so on for people in general they like
toasts this is typical for everybody
they like muffins and so that's what we eat
cereal, tostadas. Como dices eso en Español? Dices Cereal
Cereal - cereal por favor.
Toast - tostadas.
muffins ... como dices muffins muffins really muffins
queque .. cupcake muffins!
okay so "lo mas tipico" that's the most
typical thing you do and then ....
you are ready to go to work and then
this is breakfast for
people usually seven o'clock no later than 8:00
and then comes lunch lunch
and here in Canada is not the main meal
it's usually light for people work so most
people will have a sandwich
sure How do you sandwich en Español? Sandwich
sandwich copycats Sandwich
en Español people may have hotdogs
dog ... How do you say hotdog in Español?
In many countries they say "hotdog" sandwich de...salchicha
and people who work near a mall "gente que trabaja cerca de un mall"
"ellos comen Fast Food .. en un food court
En un lugar donde venden almuerzo y venden cosas de nuevo
sandwiches .. la gente come pizza .. una rebanada de pizza
pizza ... como dices pizza en Español? ... pizza
o comen Chinese food
rice ... fried rice
En Español? arroz. "arroz con palitos"
arroz frito. o carnes. japonesa . puedes comer Sushi
como se dice en Spanish ... Sushi!.
Eso es lo que comemos aca lunch. Desayuno lunch
How do you say lunch in Spanish?
I forgot to mention that you say ....ALMUERZO
Hora de almuerzo! Niños, hora de almuerzo. Vengan a comer!
and now we are going to see the last meal our best
our main food here in Canada at least
dinner... en Espan1ol se dice "Cena". Diner. . cena
hora de cena. And the interesting thing is that here in Canada
we eat "cena" dinner round dinner at 6 p.m.
That's it, there is no no more food later on
children have some snack
"los niños quieren comer algo. postre en la noche" But 6pm las chance to eat
till the next day But you won't be hungry
never mind Dinner
what do we eat for dinner here.
what do you find in a typical home?
In Spanish Arroz ... con palito de nuevo!
potato ... papa. No papá! No
papá NO! papa. Quien es Papá?
Papá is father or Daddy
daddy is the English "de la palabra" Papá
papa es para comer. Papás no se comen.
Don't eat Papás. Daddies. You eat papas.
Pasta. Como dices pasta?
spaghetti ... tallarines
Por supuesto. Carnes
The most typical ones
steak or ribs
so Pollito Pollo
Beef .... vacuno
o costillita. Ribs son "costillas"
o costillar.
pork cerdo . Carne de cerdo
And you could cook typically ...
you put them in a frying pan or barbecue barbecue
barbecue very typical here in summer
barbecues son muy típicas en el verano
everybody barbeques.
this is our food at 6 PM
of course we need to eat our greens salad I almost forgot this
salad the most typical salad is Caesar
"Ensalada" not enchiladas ... ensalada
.. Ensalada Caesar has basically
lettuce lechuga
another day we are going to talk about
different kind of means different kind of greens
verduras lechuga
Niño comete tu verdura!
that's the most typical thing that people say ..
mama say to the children
eat your greens .. eat all your veggies
Come toda tu ensalada
come verduras. Verdura es buena para ti
veggies are good for your health
anyway. that's all for now
I think that's all
Okay I'm getting hungry
no I'm not getting hungry I just had my lunch
what did I have for lunch? Panini
hopefully, you enjoy this time together
I'll teach you something else
we'll learn something together .I will have fun
see you later see you alligator
bye bye. for now
CNN Told A Racist Lie About Donald Trump That Will Leave You Speechless - Duration: 3:30.
The Nun Soundtrack | OST Tracklist - Duration: 1:13.
How to Measure a Garage Door Spring - Duration: 2:05.
There are a few ways to get the
measurements of a spring. These methods
will work for both torsion springs and
extension springs. If you choose to use a
spring wire gauge, insert the gauge into
the spring and count 20 coils. Once
you've reached the 20th coil, look on the
gauge markings to determine the wire
size. Part 425 measures wire sizes
between 125 and 625. If you prefer to use
a pocket wire gauge, you'll be able to
find the correct wire size by matching the
coils to the correct wire size key. The
Keyes should exactly match the coils on
the spring. Part 427 is for wire sizes
.187 through .312, while part 446 is for
wire size .319 through .500. The wire size
can also be figured by counting 20 coils
of the spring and measuring the length
of these 20 coils in inches. Take that
measurement in inches and divide it by
20 coils. So if your 20 coils measured 5
inches, take 5 and divide it by 20- giving
you .250 for a wire size. To determine the
length of a torsion spring measure from
the outside of the first coil to the
outside of the last coil- excluding all
cones. Torsion and extension Springs must
be measured in their relaxed state. If a
tape measure isn't available, the length
can be determined by counting the number
of coils and multiplying this by the
wire size. For example a spring with 100
coils of .250 wire would be 25 inches
long. To figure out what the inside
diameter of a spring is, measure the
inside diameter from inside coil to
inside coil with a tape measure or
caliper. The inside diameter can also be
determined by taking the outside
diameter and subtracting 2 times the
wire size.
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