Thứ Ba, 28 tháng 8, 2018

Waching daily Aug 28 2018

With President Trump, there's a tweet for everything.

For the last seven or eight years, he has been tweeting on every conceivable issue that

confronts us.

This was not much of an issue before he was a politician.

As a private citizen, he could say whatever he wants on Twitter and he can block whomever

he wants, and it really creates no problems.

However, if official capacity Trump, the president of the United States on a government account,

blocks people, that does implicate the First Amendment and that's the basis of the lawsuit

being litigated now in New York.

The seven plaintiffs in the litigation claim that they were blocked by President Trump

on Twitter.

These are everyday people.

They're lawyers, activists, thinkers, writers.

They come from different walks of life and they all share one thing in common: They said

something that President Trump didn't like and President Trump retaliated by blocking

them on Twitter.

These people filed a lawsuit in federal court in Manhattan and they argued that the president

was violating their First Amendment rights by blocking them on Twitter.

Our First Amendment case law teaches the government can't pick winners and losers.

They can't say, "A-ha!

Speech we agree with, we'll let you in.

But speech we disagree with, you guys have to be quiet."

We have to let everyone speak and only the best ideas will prevail.

That's the basis of how our free speech system operates.

A public forum is a place where the government allows people to generally speak.

The classic example is a sidewalk.

If I want to walk down a sidewalk and I want to hand out pamphlets complaining about some

government policy, or I want to walk down the sidewalk and hold up a sign saying stop

this or stop that, I don't need a permit.

I don't need to ask the government's permission, and the government can't tell me not to do it.

So, sidewalk's easy.

The big question that's considered here is, what kind of forum is Twitter?

The federal district court in Manhattan ruled against President Trump and the court of New

York held that this was something of a public forum.

The court reasoned that President Trump used his Twitter account as a conduit of government

information, used it to announce government business, his staffer had access to it.

It wasn't just a private account, it was an official account, and once you have this sort

of public forum, the president can't exclude people on the basis of their viewpoint.

I think the best arguments in favor of the plaintiff is that they were blocked from this

public forum, uh, because of their viewpoints, and that constitutes viewpoint discrimination.

Trump's best argument is that district courts can't tell the president how to do their job,

that it's up to the president to decide how best to manage his administration, and that

district courts should not be micromanaging these things about how he manages his Twitter account.

I think the ruling has fairly widespread implications.

All government actors -not just politicians- but mayors, sheriffs, universities, public

state universities, uh, will now have to keep their social media policies open.

This is the first time a president has been sued for his use of social media in any capacity


This is fairly novel ground we're breaking.

For more infomation >> Can the President Block You on Twitter? [POLICYbrief] - Duration: 3:35.


amma crellin ♛ you should see me in a crown - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> amma crellin ♛ you should see me in a crown - Duration: 1:24.


The little risks you can take to increase your luck | Tina Seelig - Duration: 11:40.

I've spent nearly two decades

observing what makes people luckier than others

and trying to help people increase their luck.

You see, I teach entrepreneurship,

and we all know that most new ventures fail,

and innovators and entrepreneurs need all the luck they can get.

So what is luck?

Luck is defined as success or failure apparently caused by chance.


That's the operative word.

It looks like it's chance

because we rarely see all the levers that come into play to make people lucky.

But I've realized, by watching so long,

that luck is rarely a lightning strike,

isolated and dramatic.

It's much more like the wind,

blowing constantly.

Sometimes it's calm,

and sometimes it blows in gusts,

and sometimes it comes from directions that you didn't even imagine.

So how do you catch the winds of luck?

It's easy, but it's not obvious.

So I'm going to share three things with you

that you can do to build a sail to capture the winds of luck.

The first thing you want to do

is to change your relationship with yourself.

Be willing to take small risks that get you out of your comfort zone.

Now, when we're children, we do this all the time.

We have to do this if we're going to learn how to walk or talk

or ride a bike

or even quantum mechanics. Right?

We need to go from someone one week who doesn't ride a bike

to, next week, someone who does.

And this requires us to get out of our comfort zone

and take some risks.

The problem is, as we get older,

we rarely do this.

We sort of lock down the sense of who we are

and don't stretch anymore.

Now, with my students,

I spend a lot of time giving them encouragement

to get out of their comfort zone and take some risks.

How do I do this?

Well, I start out by having them fill out a risk-o-meter.

Now, it's basically a fun thing we developed in our class

where they map out what risks they're willing to take.

And it becomes clear very quickly to them

that risk-taking is not binary.

There are intellectual risks and physical risks and financial risks

and emotional risks and social risks and ethical risks and political risks.

And once they do this, they compare their risk profiles with others,

and they quickly realize that they're all really different.

I then encourage them to stretch,

to take some risks that get them out of their comfort zone.

For example, I might ask them to do an intellectual risk

and try to tackle a problem they haven't tried before;

or a social risk, talking to someone sitting next to them on the train;

or an emotional risk,

maybe telling someone they really care about how they feel.

I do this myself all the time.

About a dozen years ago, I was on an airplane,

early, early morning flight on my way to Ecuador.

And normally, I would just put on my headphones

and go to sleep, wake up, do some work,

but I decided to take a little risk,

and I started a conversation with the man sitting next to me.

I introduced myself, and I learned that he was a publisher.


We ended up having a fascinating conversation.

I learned all about the future of the publishing industry.

So about three quarters of the way through the flight,

I decided to take another risk,

and I opened up my laptop and I shared with him a book proposal

I put together for something I was doing in my class.

And he was very polite, he read it,

and he said, "You know what, Tina, this isn't right for us,

but thank you so much for sharing."

It's OK. That risk didn't work out.

I shut my laptop.

At the end of the flight, we exchanged contact information.

A couple of months later, I reached out to him,

and I said, "Mark, would you like to come to my class?

I'm doing a project on reinventing the book,

the future of publishing."

And he said, "Great. I'd love to come."

So he came to my class. We had a great experience.

A few months later, I wrote to him again.

This time, I sent him a bunch of video clips

from another project my students had done.

He was so intrigued

by one of the projects the students had done,

he thought there might be a book in it,

and he wanted to meet those students.

I have to tell you, I was a little bit hurt.


I mean, he wanted to do a book with my students and not with me,

but OK, it's all right.

So I invited him to come down, and he and his colleagues came to Stanford

and met with the students, and afterwards, we had lunch together.

And one of his editors said to me,

"Hey, have you ever considered writing a book?"

I said, "Funny you should ask."

And I pulled out the exact same proposal

that I had showed his boss a year earlier.

Within two weeks, I had a contract,

and within two years, the book had sold over a million copies around the world.


Now, you might say,

"Oh, you're so lucky."

But of course I was lucky,

but that luck resulted from a series of small risks I took,

starting with saying hello.

And anyone can do this,

no matter where you are in your life,

no matter where you are in the world --

even if you think you're the most unlucky person,

you can do this by taking little risks that get you out of your comfort zone.

You start building a sail to capture luck.

The second thing you want to do

is to change your relationship with other people.

You need to understand that everyone who helps you on your journey

is playing a huge role in getting you to your goals.

And if you don't show appreciation,

not only are you not closing the loop,

but you're missing an opportunity.

When someone does something for you,

they're taking that time

that they could be spending on themselves or someone else,

and you need to acknowledge what they're doing.

Now, I run three fellowship programs at Stanford,

and they are very competitive to get into,

and when I send out the letters to those students who don't get in,

I always know there are going to be people who are disappointed.

Some of the people who are disappointed send me notes, complaining.

Some of them send notes

saying what could I do to make myself more successful next time around?

And every once in a while,

someone sends me a note thanking me for the opportunity.

This happened about seven years ago.

A young man named Brian sent me a beautiful note saying,

"I know I've been rejected from this program twice,

but I want to thank you for the opportunity.

I learned so much through the process of applying."

I was so taken by the graciousness of his message

that I invited him to come and meet me.

And we spent some time chatting and cooked up an idea

for an independent study project together.

He was on the football team at Stanford,

and he decided to do a project on looking at leadership in that context.

We got to know each other incredibly well through that quarter,

and he took the project that he started working on

in the independent study

and turned it, ultimately, into a company called Play for Tomorrow,

where he teaches kids from disadvantaged backgrounds

how to, essentially, craft the lives they dream to live.

Now, the important thing about this story

is that we both ended up catching the winds of luck

as a result of his thank-you note.

But it was the winds that we didn't expect in the first place.

Over the course of the last couple of years,

I've come up with some tactics for my own life

to help me really foster appreciation.

My favorite is that at the end of every single day,

I look at my calendar and I review all the people I met with,

and I send thank-you notes to every single person.

It only takes a few minutes,

but at the end of every day,

I feel incredibly grateful and appreciative,

and I promise you it has increased my luck.

So first, you need to take some risks and get out of your comfort zone.

Second, you need to show appreciation.

And third, you want to change your relationship with ideas.

Most people look at new ideas that come there way and they judge them.

"That's a great idea" or "That's a terrible idea."

But it's actually much more nuanced.

Ideas are neither good or bad.

And in fact, the seeds of terrible ideas are often something truly remarkable.

One of my favorite exercises in my classes on creativity

is to help students foster an attitude of looking at terrible ideas

through the lens of possibilities.

So I give them a challenge:

to create an idea for a brand new restaurant.

They have to come up with the best ideas for a new restaurant

and the worst ideas for a new restaurant.

So the best ideas are things like a restaurant on a mountaintop

with a beautiful sunset,

or a restaurant on a boat with a gorgeous view.

And the terrible ideas are things like a restaurant in a garbage dump,

or a restaurant with terrible service that's really dirty,

or a restaurant that serves cockroach sushi.


So they hand all the ideas to me,

I read the great ideas out loud,

and then I rip them up and throw them away.

I then take the horrible ideas and redistribute them.

Each team now has an idea that another team thought was horrible,

and their challenge is to turn it into something brilliant.

Here's what happens.

Within about 10 seconds, someone says, "This is a fabulous idea."

And they have about three minutes before they pitch the idea to the class.

So the restaurant in the garbage dump? What does that turn into?

Well, they collect all the extra food from Michelin star restaurants

that was going to get thrown out,

and they have another restaurant at a much lower price,

with all the leftovers.

Pretty cool?

Or the restaurant that's dirty with terrible service?

Well, that turns into a restaurant that's a training ground

for future restauranteurs to figure out how to avoid all the pitfalls.

And the restaurant with cockroach sushi?

It turns into a sushi bar

with all sorts of really interesting and exotic ingredients.

If you look around at the companies,

the ventures that are really innovative around you,

the ones that we now take for granted that have changed our life,

well, you know what?

They all started out as crazy ideas.

They started ideas that when they pitched to other people,

most people said, "That's crazy, it will never work."

So, yes, sometimes people were born into terrible circumstances,

and sometimes, luck is a lightning bolt

that hits us with something wonderful or something terrible.

But the winds of luck are always there,

and if you're willing to take some risks,

if you're willing to really go out and show appreciation

and willing to really look at ideas, even if they're crazy,

through the lens of possibilities,

you can build a bigger and bigger sail to catch the winds of luck.

Thank you.


For more infomation >> The little risks you can take to increase your luck | Tina Seelig - Duration: 11:40.


Natural Ways - See What Happens To Your Body When You Start Taking Fish Oil Everyday - Natural Ways - Duration: 4:17.

For more infomation >> Natural Ways - See What Happens To Your Body When You Start Taking Fish Oil Everyday - Natural Ways - Duration: 4:17.



Hi friends! My name is Gaby and thank you for watching this video

I'm so happy to be back today

with a new video

I feel like aI haven't filmed a video in a million years!

I'm being very dramatic clearly

The truth is my channel's transition from English to Spanish (Turn on notifications)

hasn't been the easiest

I lost motivation

But I love making videos, so I'm back

The important thing is not how many views you get

rather that you enjoy creating content

Today's video is about cool, short books

that you can read in just a day

Trust me when I say you can read these in a day

If I can, then you definitely can

I am a very slow reader

All the books I will talk about today are no longer than 300 pages

so it's easy to read them in one day

Let's begin with this list of short books

I will begin by talking about one of my favorite authors

Her name is Gillian Flynn

I have two of her books on this list

The first one is called The Grownup

It hasn't been translated yet

This story is part of an anthology that was edited by George R.R. Martin

I don't recall the name of the anthology but I'll insert a picture here (Rogues)

In case you're interested in that

This is the shortest book I'll be talking about today

It's only 64 pages long

I was able to read this story in an hour/hour and a half

I was pleasantly surprised with this one

It's not as creepy as I'd heard

But it does have a heavy suspenseful atmosphere

It's about a fortune teller

She's clearly a phony, but that's how she makes a living

One day she comes across a woman

that seeks her out for help with her house, which the woman thinks is haunted

The fortune teller gets hired to cleanse this house of spirits

Apparently, she also offered those type of services

That's when some scary things start to happen

A lot of weird stuff goes down

It does hook you

The next book is also by Gillian Flynn

It's called Sharp Objects

It is 254 pages long

The main character is named Camille, she's a reporter

She run away from her small town when she was younger

A typical literary rural small town where everyone knows everyone's business

She gets assigned to a story that is happening in her small, hometown called Wind Gap

She has to go back

Recently, a girl was murdered there

When Camille gets there, another body of a girl is discovered

The story also explores the relationship Camille has with her estranged family

They are an important and known family in the town

Camille does not get along with her mother

I don't want to go into further detail, but it is so good

and I recommend it if you like thrillers

The next one is a modern classic and it is The Great Gatsby

by F. Scott Fitzgerald

This is 184 pages long

I had to read this in a day

It was assigned reading for one of my literature classes in college

I procrastinated and I had to read it prior to going to class that same day

I was able to finish it on time

This is one of those classics where opinion is very mixed

There's people like me that love it

But there's a lot of people that think this shouldn't even be considered a modern classic

And just in case you don't know what this is about

The main character is the young Jay Gatsby

He's a new millionaire

Daisy Buchanan is the girl that he'd been in love with when he was younger

He was in the army I believe at the time, but he had to leave her

because he was not the adequate marriage candidate for Daisy

Later, Daisy marries to a man that comes from a family with money

While this is happening, Jay Gatsby comes into money

The book begins when Gatsby has already made his fortune

and he throws lavish parties

in the hopes of Daisy showing up to one

so he can see her again

The story is narrated by Nick Carraway

who is a man that is renting the small house next to Gatsby's mansion

This is essentially a love story

They way Gatsby strives to be a man worth is Daisy, his love

The question is whether Daisy is worth his efforts or not

The next books I'll be talking about are all in the YA genre

and they're also super quick reads

The first one is called If I Stay

by Gayle Forman and it is 201 pages long

It's about a girl that's in a car accident when the book begins

She was with her family

Everyone in the family dies except for her

The main character named Mia

is left in a coma

The book is about Mia recalling important moments in her life while she's in the coma

And it poses the question whether Mia should stay

Keep living, even though her mom, dad and little bother are no longer alive

Or whether she should go with them

The next one is called Speak

The author is Laurie Halse Anderson

It has 192 pages

This story moves at a slower pace than some of the other books I've mentioned today

But it is worth the read. It is one of my favorites in the YA genre

The themes in this book are strong

It's about a girl that is raped at a party when the books begins

She calls the cops after this happens

When the new school year starts

because this happened at the end of the previous school year

no one at school will talk to her

Everyone knows that she is the girl that called the cops

a lot of the kids at the party got in trouble due to this call

But no one knows why she did that

because she never told anyone what happened to her at that party

She's kept it a secret for months

She no longer speaks literally

She has no voice because she can't use it

to tell the truth

The next book is called Flipped

and the author is Wendilin Van Draanen

This one is 212 pages long

I couldn't find a Spanish translation for this book

This is a book that I read a long time ago

I remembered I liked it a lot

It's a very cute romantic story about a boy and girl

Her name is Julie and his name is Bryce

They meet when they are 6 years old

when Bryce's family moves into Julie's neighborhood

Julie develops a huge crush on Bryce

But as they grow up, Julie begins to realize

that Bryce is not the boy the she dreamed of

She starts to see him for who he really is

In the meantime, Bryce realizes that Julie

that he could be interested in Julie

When they were younger, Bryce avoided Julie at all costs

Julie's attention was unwanted by Bryce, and he saw her as a nuisance

As time passes, Bryce develops a crush on Julie

and he slowly stars falling hard for her

At the same time, Julie is falling out of love with Bryce

So we see them as kids when Julie is in deep for Bryce

then the characters grow older and now it's Bryce that covets Julie's affection

but Julie is no longer interested

It's a very cute story, super quirky

I read the next one recently

I have talked about this book before on my channel

I will leave a link to the video where I discuss the next book in the description box

The book is called We Are Okay by Nina LaCour

This book is 272 pages long

I read this one so fast

It's one of those books that is not heavy on plot

It focuses more on the characters

and how they change throughout the story

It does move at a slow pace

But it is a great read

It is a sad one; it will make you cry

Next one's called Dash and Lily's Book of Dares

It's by Rachel Cohn and David Levithan

It has 260 pages

The main characters are Dash and Lily

I think the story begins when Lily writes in a notebook

that she leaves in a library or bookstore. I think it's a library

Like I was saying, Lily writes a question in a notebook

that she leaves in a library for someone to find and archive in another section of the library

She leaves the red notebook on a random shelf

Dash finds Lily's notebook and he answers by leaving his own set of clues

They begin this game where the notebook is being shelved all around the library

Lily answers with her own dare and then Dash

It's like a scavenger hunt

They start to get to know one another based on what they're writing in the notebook

The last book I'm going to recommend is called Finding Audrey

by Sophie Kinsella and it's 282 pages long

I really like her writing

She usually writes adult fiction

I guess what you could call "Chick-Lit"

But this falls into the YA genre

The main character is Audrey

She's a 14 year old with anxiety

Her anxiety prevents her from leaving her house

The anxiety was caused by an incident that happened when she was in middle school

Since then, she hasn't been able to go back to school

She's seeing a therapist

Later she meets a boy

She starts to like him, and he likes her back

They begin a romance

A lot of people criticize this book due to the romance and Audrey getting better

It didn't read like that to me. I think Sophie Kinsella did an amazing job with this book

She wrote a very real character with anxiety

She didn't write a character that falls in love and never has to deal with anxiety again

And that's all the short books that I'll be recommending today

I hope this video is not too long

I will think my video will be about 6 or 7 minutes long

But when I'm editing it turns into a 20 minute video

Hopefully, it is not super long

so that you guys can go read some these quick reads

that I think you will really enjoy

If you've already read some of these books

please let me know your thoughts in the comments

As always, sending you loads of positive vibes

And I'll see you in the next one

For more infomation >> COOL, SHORT BOOKS YOU CAN READ IN A DAY! - Duration: 9:54.


Anne With An E || At A Glance - Duration: 3:59.

For more infomation >> Anne With An E || At A Glance - Duration: 3:59.


How you can protect your home from lightning - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> How you can protect your home from lightning - Duration: 2:00.


12 MYTHS THAT YOU SHOULD NOT BELIEVE part 7 | Los 12 Mas - Duration: 11:06.

For more infomation >> 12 MYTHS THAT YOU SHOULD NOT BELIEVE part 7 | Los 12 Mas - Duration: 11:06.


How Habits are Formed - Duration: 6:33.

Hey smart people, Joe here.

What if I told you that the reason you had minty-fresh breath this morning was because

100 years ago an advertiser named Claude C. Hopkins was having trouble selling a brand

of toothpaste?

He needed to convince people that brushing their teeth should be a daily routine, and

back then, it wasn't for most people.

In the end he was able to get half the American public to pick up a new behavior and repeat

it every single day, and pay money for his toothpaste.

How did he do it?

By tapping into neuroscience and decoding the awesome power of habits.



We've all got 'em.

You can probably think of a few of your own.

I always seem to tap my feet when I'm trying to sit still.

And I find myself biting my nails whenever I'm focused on reading or watching a movie.

I don't consciously think about doing these things.

That's because I've done them so often that they've become a habit.

We know habits as things we do automatically; tasks we do subconsciously, like walking or

high fiving.

And there's a ton of things that technically count as habits, and they can be good or bad.

So why do we form habits?

And how do we learn new ones, or un-learn old ones?

If you've ever taken the same path to school or work, then you likely have that pathway

burned into your brain.

You can probably walk it without really paying attention.

Habits are built in a similar way.

New neural pathways are formed when you repeat a behavior.

And the more a brain circuit fires, the easier it becomes for our brain to do whatever that

circuit controls, without conscious thought.

Think back to how you learned to ride a bike.

At first, riding a bike is tough.

You've got to learn how to pedal and balance and turn all at the same time.

You have to consciously think about each action.

This happens in an area of your brain called the prefrontal cortex, the part associated

with complex thought.

But eventually, after you ride enough, you no longer have to consciously think about

each individual action.

Riding a bike has become a habit, and now it's controlled by different parts of your


One area involved in habitual behavior is the striatum, which actually releases chemicals

that inhibit the complex thinking part of your brain for that task.

This is your brain being efficient.

By turning down your brain's thinking requirements for bike riding, it's free to think other

things, like 'how exactly do igloos keep you warm?"

Let's go back to Claude Hopkins and his toothpaste scheme.

Claude realized habits have three key ingredients.

A cue, a behavior, and a reward.

A cue is something that triggers a behavior, like how the alarm clock triggers you punching

the snooze button, and this is followed by the reward - 9 sweet extra minutes of sleeping


Claude got people thinking about that slimy film on your teeth in the morning, thanks

to bacteria that colonize your mouth overnight.

The sticky film is the cue that triggers brushing behavior.

What was the reward?

Claude convinced people this film would make their smile look ugly and a prettier smile

was the reward for brushing.

Claude understood that with the right cue and the right reward, you could entice people

to do just about whatever behavior you wanted.

But what he didn't know was that rewarding a behavior can actually create a craving,

and this is what makes habits so strong.

Scientists now know that special neurons in the brain can fire and give us chemical rewards.

But what's weird is that once a habit and a reward are tied together in our brain, those

reward neurons start firing even before you do the behavior.

This is what causes craving, and it's why you want popcorn when you go to the movies,

why you pick up your bad habits when you see other people doing them, and why habits are

so hard to break.

Claude knew a prettier smile would be a reward that would make people brush, but he didn't

anticipate that over time people would subconsciously start craving the minty tingle that Pepsodent

left in their mouths.

People's brains actually started to crave toothbrushing.

So how can you train yourself to pick up a new habit, like eating an apple a day.

And if you've got a bad habit, can you break it, or are you stuck with it forever?

Scientists used to think that our brains didn't change all that much once we reached adulthood,

like concrete once it's solidified.

But it turns out your brain is much more like clay - it's a super flexible organ.

The chemistry of your brain is constantly changing as you go about your day, in response

to everything from learning to moving to hunger.

These chemical releases are short lived, but over time, if the same behaviors are repeated,

the physical structure of the brain is actually changed.

You create new neural pathways.

And because the neural network has changed, so does the way the information flows.

When a behavior is repeated often enough, a habit is formed.

There's a famous idea that a new skill is learned by putting in 10,000 hours of work,

but it's not that simple.

The amount of time differs hugely between tasks and between people.

What's for sure is that when it comes to making a habit, whether it's learning guitar

or meditation, there's simply no substitute for repetition.

The reason bad habits are so hard to break is because you have literally woven new neural

networks into your brain.

That doesn't go away overnight.

So give yourself a break.

And if you're trying to change a habit, know that it's usually best to try and replace

bad behavior with a new behavior instead of just trying to erase the pattern altogether.

The good thing is that now you know you have the power to change your brain.

It's as easy as brushing your teeth.

And if you haven't already made it a habit – Stay Curious.

For more infomation >> How Habits are Formed - Duration: 6:33.


6 Tricks to Strengthen Your Nervous System - Duration: 10:11.

6 Tricks to Strengthen Your Nervous System

Have your ever asked yourself what you can do to optimize your nervous system? The truth is that most of us forget about this aspect of our health.

Today, we want to tell you about the habits and tricks that you can use to strengthen it.

That way, you can make sure it's in good condition for a long time.

What really makes up your nervous system?.

The nervous system regulates all of the human body's functions.

It does this by working on both their preparation and execution.

In addition, it receives the sensory stimulation that you get on a daily basis through neurons.

These transmit electric impulses that transport all of the information from your body so that it can carry out its functions normally.

As you can see, it's a very important part of your body! That being said, let's take a look at how to make sure it's strong and healthy.

1,Strengthen your immune system with a healthy diet.

Your diet influences your health in a significant way.

When you have a balanced and varied diet, it's easy to strengthen your nervous system together with the rest of your body.

However, if your diet is deficient, you need to be sure to eat the following foods regularly:.

Essential fatty acids.

Essential fatty acids are necessary for normal body functions.

However, since your body can't synthesize it, you need to get it through your diet.

The foods that give you the most fatty acids are:.

Salmon. Avocados. Almonds. Olive oil.

Broccoli. Brussels sprouts. Linseed.


Besides strengthening your nervous system, calcium also strengthens your bones.

As a result, it prevents osteoporosis.

It also helps to control hypertension, regulates PMS, and plays an important role in menopause.

You can find this in foods like:.

Chocolate. Dairy.

Vegetables (Swiss chard, spinach, leek).

Sardines. Almonds. Garbanzo beans. Eggs.

Tuna. B-complex vitamins.

These are hydro-soluble vitamins that are essential for bodily development.

They help with the metabolism of foods, which is something that is highly important for strengthening your nervous system.

Some of the foods that have them are:.

Yeast. Shellfish. Parsley. Walnuts.

Vegetables (mushrooms, carrots, lettuce, spinach).

Cereals and pseudo cereals (oats, wheat bran, soy beans).

Meat. Cheese.

Egg yolk. 2,Avoid toxic habits.

It's well known that the consumption of toxic substances like alcohol and tobacco is highly toxic for your health.

These habits encourage the development of diseases like:.

Type 2 diabetes. Hypertension.

Chronic lung diseases. Cancer.

Heart diseases.

By avoiding the consumption of toxic substances, you are directly contributing to strengthening your nervous system.

Also, keep in mind that by smoking and drinking alcohol, your neurons come into contact with chemical substances that affect their health significantly.

3,Get enough exercise.

To strengthen your nervous system, it's important to exercise regularly.

By doing this, you can free yourself from stress that affects your mental health.

One of the best exercise routines is yoga.

However, you can choose the activity that you like the most and that inspires you.

It's a good idea to exercise for 30 minutes at least three times per week.

The best thing to do is to exercise on a daily basis.


It's not a secret to anyone that caffeine is a strong energizer.

The problem is that drinking it has consequences for your nervous system in the long run.

There are other ways to start the day with maximum energy without needing to drink caffeine.

The best thing to do is to change this drink for a green drink.

This way, you get energy and nutrients naturally.

Another alternative to strengthen your nervous system are these teas:.

Chamomile. Rosemary. Eucalyptus. Ginger.

Lemon. Valerian.

Green tea. 5, Get enough sun.

Over exposure to the sun's rays is highly toxic for your skin.

However, in small amounts, sunlight helps improve your body's functions.

The sun can help:. Prevent breast cancer.

Disinfect and speed up the healing of wounds.

Fight skin diseases, like psoriasis or acne.

Reduce your cholesterol through its conversion of steroid hormones.

Increase blood oxygenation.

Improve your immune system's function.

Encourage children's growth.

Improve the health of your neurons.

6,Do artistic and cultural activities.

Activities like music not only affects your mood, it also increases and strengthens your nervous system.

This happens because the neurons are obliged to be active and work several areas of your brain.

This happens when you:. Read.

Draw. Paint. Do crafts. Play chess.

Do Sudoku. Play an instrument.

Learn or practice a foreign language.

Choose one that you like and put it in practice for at least a few minutes per day.

Pay attention to your nervous system.

It's important for your nervous system to always be healthy.

With these tips, you can do it.

Remember that by making a healthy routine, you not only contribute to optimizing your nervous system function, you also can prevent diseases.

For more infomation >> 6 Tricks to Strengthen Your Nervous System - Duration: 10:11.


Michael Ray - Kiss You In The Morning (Acoustic) // The George Jones Sessions - Duration: 2:54.

Them jeans are faded In all the right places

You got me hanging on tight to your curves like little E Races

Girl your funky little back beat's got me Feel like I'm tipsy and I ain't even had a drink

I wanna kiss you in the parking lot

Under the moonlight Kiss you running red lights

Baby set the mood right, just like Everything you're doing to me right now is making me crazy

I wanna kiss you on the dance floor

Kiss you like a lets go, come on Baby let me hear you say oh, oh

I wanna kiss you with the neon light in your eyes glowing

Then I wanna kiss you in the morning (Yeah)

Yeah I wanna kiss you in the morning Oh you little outlaw

Stealing my heart and all When you drop it down low, touch your toes

Girl you know you just showin' off That little tattoo on your tan line, oh my

Pretty little butterfly What else have you got to hide

I wanna kiss you in the parking lot Under the moonlight

Kiss you running red lights Baby set the mood right, just like

Everything you're doing to me right now is making me crazy

I wanna kiss you on the dance floor Kiss you like a let's go, come on

Baby let me hear you say oh, oh I wanna kiss you with the neon light in your eyes glowing

Then I wanna kiss you in the morning

Yeah I wanna kiss you in the morning I wanna kiss you in the parking lot

Under the moonlight Kiss you running red lights

Baby set the mood right, just like Everything you're doing to me right now

is making me crazy I wanna kiss you on the dance floor

Kiss you like a let's go, come on Baby let me hear you say oh, oh

I wanna kiss you with the neon light in your eyes glowing

Then I wanna kiss you in the morning I wanna kiss you in the morning, morning

For more infomation >> Michael Ray - Kiss You In The Morning (Acoustic) // The George Jones Sessions - Duration: 2:54.


Mia Khalifa Audition Part-1 | Adult Movie Actress Interview - Duration: 3:04.

Mia Khalifa Audition Part-1 | Adult Movie Actress Interview

For more infomation >> Mia Khalifa Audition Part-1 | Adult Movie Actress Interview - Duration: 3:04.


What Are Goji Berries and Why Are They Good For You? - Duration: 8:03.

What Are Goji Berries and Why Are They Good For You?

It's pretty likely that you've heard a little about goji berries before (Lycium barbarum).

This Eastern remedy has started to make its way into the Western world.

Keep in mind that the strength of Western medicine is based on commercialized drugs that are made in factories.

However, thanks to the process of globalization, the cultural gaps have gradually narrowed on a worldwide level.

Because of this, our understanding of the far east is becomming more and more influential.

With it comes an even better understanding of healthy foods that are beneficial for our bodies, like goji berries.

What are goji berries?.

These berries are one of the foods with the most benefits for fighting skin aging.

Goji berries from the Himalayas have been used since before recorded history in China.

This fruit is also called the goji cherry, the Tibetan goji berry, or the cherry of Tibet.

The most important components.

The success of these berries comes form their nutritional composition.

This includes:.

Vitamins (B1, B2, B6, C, and E).

Beta-carotene. Lycopene.

Minerals (Calcium, Potassium, Selenium, Iron, Zinc, Germanium).

Lutein. Essential amino acids.

The properties of goji berries.

This food continues to grow in recognition around the world.

This is due, in large part, to its properties.

Even though everyone can greatly benefit from them, the greatest benefits are for women.

Let's take a look at some of their amazing benefits:.

1,They improve your overall health.

The majority of the components in this berry are some of the best natural antioxidants known in the whole world.

In addition, it has more beta-carotene than carrots.

Beta-carotene contributes to fighting damage caused by free radicals that are responsible for cellular deterioration.

Eating these berries reverses the effects of premature aging.

On the other hand, they stimulate the growth hormone.

This hormone responsible for reducing body fat.

Plus, it improves your sleep, memory, and tissue restoration for affected tissues.

2,They reduce your likelihood of suffering from cancer.

According to a study carried out in 2009, eating goji berries slows cellular mutations that are responsible for producing cancer.

This is because of its antioxidant properties and germanium.

In addition, it supports and protects your liver.

This also prevents liver cirrhosis.

3,They regulate your cholesterol.

As you already know, cholesterol is usually divided into HDL (good cholesterol) and LDL (bad cholesterol).

Thus, we recommend a healthy diet that keeps your levels balanced.

The foods you eat can help regulate your cholesterol along with other things.

These include exercise and natural alternatives that help regulate digestion.

In the case of cholesterol, you can regulate it with goji berries.

This is thanks to their beta-sitosterol.

This is a great chemical compound that is effective in treating cholesterol imbalances.

On the other hand, this food also has flavonoids.

These are in charge of keeping your blood vessels fully functioning.

Plus, they keep cholesterol from sticking together.

4,They increase weight loss.

By reducing your cholesterol, the fat stored in your body turns into energy.

This is synthesized in your body on a day-to-day basis.

The objective is to combine your intake of goji berries with regular exercise.

This way, you'll lose weight in a healthy way.

5,They help your heart.

The heart is one of the most important organs in the human body.

In this sense, it's important to keep it in the best condition possible.

Eating goji berries on a regular basis can be a great help.

Thanks to their anthocyanin, they strengthen your coronary arteries.

Also, these berries also have cyperone.

This is a phytochemical that helps you regulate the blood pressure in your heart.

6,They improve your eye health.

If you stop to think, you'll realize that your eyes are one of your most used organs.

You expose them to multiple factors.

As a result, they're subject to considerable wear.

In general, this results in the use of glasses or surgery.

These berries are one of the many amazing natural remedies that can help improve your eye health.

Their components prevent macular degeneration and cataracts.

For more infomation >> What Are Goji Berries and Why Are They Good For You? - Duration: 8:03.


How To Stop Comparing Yourself - Duration: 7:20.

Hey friends in this video, I want to talk with you about something that we've most likely all felt at one point in time

Financial jealousy and how to deal with it

Specifically when comparing your finances to theirs, I'll give you a couple of techniques to start practicing today towards the end of the video

Hey I'm Jared from debt-free blueprint where I show awesome people smart people like you how to get out of debt and create freedom through your

Finances using the debt free blueprint you get together with your friend Tana who you haven't seen in a while

She tells you to come over to her new house so you both can hang out and just kind of catch up

you're actually

Really excited to see her because you've been following her on social media and she's been posting some pretty amazing

Pictures as you pull up to her new house sure. I just kind of light up because the house is

Unbelievably beautiful. It looks like one of those houses that you always see in pictures that absolutely blows your mind

It's something you kind of always wished you had you instantly know this a pair of nice cars in the driveway

look down at your

Less-than-stellar car and start to feel a little out of place

So you go in spend some quality time with Tana and her husband

Later that night. You say your good-byes and you start heading towards your car as you're walking closer to your car

You notice a little bit of rust starting to show on the hood of your car

Hear that stupid squeak as you open your car door

Start up your car and remember hmm that radio in your car hasn't been working for the past month

You instantly think what the hell are they doing? Then? I'm not as you drive home

You start to get a little bit depressed not even because of anything that they said because they're probably the nicest, sweetest

People in the world and never come off as rubbing it in your face

You think yourself wouldn't it be amazing to have all of those things like Tana?

Banana does maybe here's the problem with comparing your financial situation to the other people around you

You have no idea where they stand with their money just because things look amazing from the outside

Doesn't always mean that there's a direct correlation with being financially savvy now that's not to say that

Ann and her husband don't have their financial life under control though

If there's one thing that I know it is that I knew some people who appeared to have it all I mean it all

Then as time went on and this smoke started to clear

It was very apparent that their financials were built on a house of cards it

Seriously blew my mind when I found out I didn't even know that was possible

How can you continue to buy things and spend massive amounts of money?

That you don't actually have I was so innocent and naive back then

This was actually really sad to see because they were great people

It was at that point where I realized that most people who truly have their financial shit together

Aren't the people who look like they have their financial shit together

When you start to compare your finances to someone else's you're immediately putting yourself in a position to make some dumb decisions

You start buying things because you saw someone else buy something you start feeling bad about yourself when they have something that you don't have

You start booking vacations to get more likes on your social media pictures. The messed up part is that we usually do this

Subconsciously. I don't say this very often because I want you to do things that are different from the majority

but you have to stay in your lane when it comes to comparing your

Finances to someone else's maybe they have more than you because they got an inheritance

Maybe they have more than you because their parents are funding part of their lives

maybe they have things you don't because they're taking on stupid amounts of debt to have those things and

maybe they have the things that you don't because they've always been really smart with their money in the end it really

Doesn't matter how they got what they have

What matters is how you're going to get what is best for you in a financially responsible?

Way the research shows that no matter which income group you find yourself in you will

Always be looking up to find someone to compare yourself to

Always the first technique you can use to help out with this is to compare your finances to people with less

This is by no means a way to look at someone with less to make yourself to feel better than that

This is all about recognizing how little they have and feeling appreciation for what you do have

There are always people out there who have less than what you and I have use these people to gain more perspective

Next is to take note and do something with it a good technique to fight off

Your jealousy is a little trick. I heard on some meditation app that can be applied to this type of thinking don't worry

I'm not gonna get all woowoo on you

Okay, if you've ever meditated, it's really difficult to start clearing your mind when there's so much going through it

You initially sit down in silence and all these random thoughts start going through your mind

I wish I had time to work out can blind people see in their dreams. Why was my boss such a dick today?

Can you cry underwater why aren't blueberries blue when this starts to happen?

You were supposed to acknowledge the thought take note of it then let it go

You can do the same when you start to compare your finances to someone else's for example

If someone has more money saved for retirement

Than you then take note of how great that is for them and how happy you are for them

Then let it go. If someone has a bigger house designer clothes or a nicer car than you take note

How nice those things are then get on with your life do this same thing for any of those kinds of situations that you find

Yourself in next is to find a role model a method that is backed by research is to find a financial

role model and use them to help shape your financial future find someone who closely

Resembles you in your situation if you can't find anyone in your closed circle

Then look beyond to that group of people as long as you find some sort of connection with them

Then it would will help you exponentially. One thing to know is that finding a role model?

That is too big may not help if you choose someone like Jeff Bezos

Who is worth a hundred billion dollars at this point and you're not even close to his level?

Then this exercise will not work

there may be a time where you can use him as a financial role model later down the line once you start leveling up your

Financial life, but not now don't even bother comparing yourself to other people isn't necessarily the problem. We're all humans

So we're naturally

Always going to find a way to compare our financial lives to others the problem arises when you compare yourself to someone else

in a way that isn't beneficial to you to the point where it negatively

Impacts you if you don't get a handle on this sort of thinking now expect the rest of your life to be miserable

Because there's always going to be someone who has more money than you is

prettier than you has a bigger retirement savings a bigger house and is more

Successful than you don't envy or compare yourself aspire to get those kinds of things in a financially responsible way

Make sure to smash that thumbs up button and pick up your free copy of the debt free prep workbook

I'd love to have you as a subscriber

So we can start getting you to the point where you are financially free. I'll see you next one friends. Adios

For more infomation >> How To Stop Comparing Yourself - Duration: 7:20.


What you need to know about measles - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> What you need to know about measles - Duration: 2:16.


Why Did You Start Modo Property - Duration: 1:10.

Real estate is a very competitive industry with thousands of different

real estate agents to select across Melbourne. Richard and I both worked for a

prominent international property franchise from many many years. Drawing on

our extensive knowledge we knew that we could do better than what was considered

to be the industry standard and give clients a great experience whilst also

providing great value. We have been on each side of the fence as agents, sellers,

landlords and buyers. And whilst the standard of some of the agents we've

dealt with was extraordinary the majority were actually really quite

average. The story we wrote on our website about the early days of Modo

is a hundred percent true, our company was registered ready to go and we would

have comfortably contacted at least a dozen agents about office space they

were advertising for lease and two of them got back to us. Like one, two

It seriously underscored an important point to us that market knowledge and

experience is absolutely useless without the desire to give good service and to

be relentless with our follow-up

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