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Gnyabagam Varuthe 2 ᴴᴰ - Official Teaser | A Journey to Childhood | DCP Release - Duration: 1:56.News : After the summer holidays, the schools are open today.
Hey, Aswath !!
What mom?
What's your aim? Is it Engineering?
You must become an Engineer !!
Mom!! Everyone went to their native place.
中國打造世界最大「眼睛」,打破西方壟斷 - Duration: 15:23.-------------------------------------------
Why You Should Treat Your Passion Like a Job | Author Entrepreneur - Duration: 14:07.Do you aspire to make writing your full-time occupation?
Learn the eight ways you should treat your passion like a job to make that dream a reality
in this iWriterly video.
Heya, book nerds!
I'm Meg LaTorre, and on this episode of iWriterly let's talk about why you should
treat your passion like a job… in order to make it your job.
Before we get into today's content, make sure you hit the subscribe button if you haven't
Here on iWriterly, we create videos on how to be a successful modern-day author: the
ins and outs of writing, being an entrepreneur, author platform, and publishing.
If that sounds like something you're interested in, be sure to ring that bell so you're
notified every time we upload a new video.
Most writers have a few things in common: 1.
A need to write 2.
A habitual over-consumption of caffeine 3.
A desire to make writing their career However, in order to financially-sustain yourself
(and your family) on your writing, it's important to treat your passion like a job.
This isn't to say you should force yourself to do something in such a way or so often
until you no longer love it as you once did.
But there are certain principles from corporate jobs that can (and should) be applied to your
passion in the hopes of one day making it your full-time job.
Although this discussion will be geared toward writers, the overarching topics are applicable
to entrepreneurs or others who are looking to turn their passion into a career.
SHOW UP EVERY DAY What would happen if you didn't show up
every day to your 9-5 or to your 12-hour shift?
You would probably get a concerned phone call asking if everything was okay.
If you didn't show up often enough, you would eventually be let go.
Because employees are paid to work.
Employers need certain projects or tasks to be completed in order to accomplish the goals
the company needs to remain profitable.
Let's flip that around to writing, specifically.
If you say you want to be a writer and only invest in your author platform as you feel
like it or write once a month or a couple times a year, that isn't enough time to
do your job, which is to improve your craft, create stellar manuscripts, and launch a successful
author platform.
INVEST IN YOUR ONLINE PLATFORM AND PRESENCE The entire purpose of marketing is to spread
the word of a product or service in order to ultimately make a sale.
As I've discussed in iWriterly videos—Author Platform Basics, Author Platform: What Should
You Put on Your Author Website?, and Author Platform: What Social Media Platforms Should
Writers Use?—author platform has a sole purpose: to establish future readers for your
Moreover, you want to invest in your platform before you have any books ready to be published.
Writers looking to break out in today's modern world need to have an entrepreneurial
Investigate how you can create a website, make a YouTube channel, post interesting (and
relevant) content on your social media channels, learn how to advertise, and so on.
Invest your time into learning the craft of writing as well as other things like marketing,
business plans, and author platform.
In short, you never want to stop learning.
COMMIT YOURSELF FOR THE LONG-RUN Most writers will not experience overnight
It will take years of learning your craft of how to write a good book (making compelling
characters, raising the stakes, successful world-building, etc.) as well as to create
a following for your author platform.
Many people will look at people like Christine Riccio or Sasha Alsberg with frustration and
say, "Of course they got a book deal.
If I had hundreds of thousands of subscribers, I would too."
However, think of the YEARS of work people like Christine and Sasha have put into their
Not to mention the YEARS of work they had to put into learning how to write a good book.
They were not overnight successes.
They were people who worked hard and made their own niches in the industry.
In an interview with Jenna Moreci on Science Fiction & Fantasy Marketing Podcast, Jenna
shares her business-minded strategy for her YouTube platform, which now has more than
130,000 subscribers.
She reveals that she worked on her platform for years before seeing a boom in subscriber
Don't expect to have success right away or even within the first few months or years.
Be prepared to hustle for the long run before you start to see the payoff.
KEEP YOURSELF ACCOUNTABLE Like any corporate position, where you are
given a list of goals you have to achieve throughout the year in order to earn your
bonus, for example, you should also give yourself goals as a writer—and make sure you hit
the goals you set out for yourself.
This doesn't mean giving yourself unachievable goals or goals beyond your control (such as
getting a literary agent within the next year).
I mean practical, attainable goals with deadlines.
Do you want to write a book and start querying within the next year?
Give yourself a deadline to write the first draft, another deadline for editing, another
for beta reading, and another to prepare your submission (query, synopsis, pitch, etc.)
so that you are ready to query.
Track your progress throughout.
Rework your deadlines if you have to (for example, if you realize it was unattainable),
and consider creating a reward system for a job well-done.
Most importantly, though, write your goals (and deadlines) down.
Don't leave room for ambiguity or opportunity to forget what your goals are.
Write them down, track your success, and make new goals.
BE WILLING TO RESTRATEGIZE Not everything you set out to do will have
the ROI you hoped for (meaning, return on investment).
Businesses are constantly shifting and changing to adapt to the current marketplace.
As should you on your author platform and writing endeavors.
Take a look at your author platform, for example, to see where most viewers are engaged.
If you have 100 readers on your blog, which you spend 5 hours on each week, and you have
3,000 viewers on your YouTube channel, which you also spend 5 hours on each week, it might
be time to prioritize one over the other.
There is only so much time in the day, and it's important to invest your time into
what will have the greatest return on investment.
PRIORITIZE YOUR SCHEDULE The whole point of turning your passion into
a career for writers is to make their writing profitable enough to (at the very least) sustain
But if you find yourself spending more time on your author platform than your writing,
it might be time to tweak your schedule or priorities.
Here are a few tactics to consider: What time of the day are you most productive
or creative?
Consider utilizing those hours as writing time.
down your to-do list into essentials and non-essentials.
What will contribute to growing your passion as a career, and what is just white noise?
Say no.
You only have so much time in the day or week.
That means you may not be able to go to every event with friends or family.
Be willing to set boundaries.
WORK ON YOUR CRAFT OFTEN Although many people will say that writers
should write every day, I would argue writers should write often.
What that looks like will depend on your lifestyle.
If you're a nurse, for example, you may not be able to write every day.
Instead, writing for longer periods of time for fewer days each week might work best.
Take a look at your schedule, and make writing a routine.
Treat writing like a job (show up every day, as we discussed in tip #1), and one day it
might be.
OFFER PRODUCTS OR SERVICES In order to be able to make your writing profitable,
you need to have some type of product(s) or service(s) available for purchase.
Depending on where you are in your career, you may not have books available for purchase.
If that's the case, consider pursuing freelance writing opportunities or starting a course
on writing.
Whatever it is, consider carefully what viewers actually want and not what you want to make
for them.
Ultimately, as writers, the goal is to have books to sell.
If you have published one or more books, consider having multiple streams of income (and not
simply relying
on your books).
Teach classes, speak at conferences, sell merchandise on your website, make sponsored
videos—whatever it is, find a way to create a financial backing to support your creative
Thanks for tuning into this episode on iWriterly on why you should treat your passion like
a job.
If you liked what you saw, give the video a thumbs up.
It lets me know you like this type of content and want more.
If you're new here, welcome!
Consider subscribing.
I post writing-related videos every Wednesday.
If you have questions about anything we covered today or if you agree or disagree with any
of the ways you should treat your passion like a job, let's start a dialogue in the
comments below.
Be sure to connect with me on my other social media platforms, including Twitter and Instagram.
I also have a monthly newsletter, Book Nerd Buzz, which includes exclusive giveaways for
All of the links are listed below.
That's it for today.
As always, KEEP WRITING!
Unfold Your Mind (How To Think, Mind Power) - Duration: 13:28.This lesson will bring you a conception of thought which may carry you far above the
level to which you have risen by the evolutionary processes to which you have been subjected
in the past; and, for this reason, you should not be disappointed if, at first
reading, you do not fully understand it.
Most of us disbelieve that which we cannot understand, and it is with knowledge of this
human tendency in mind that I caution you against closing your mind if you do not grasp
all that is in this lesson at the first reading.
For thousands of years men made ships of wood, and of nothing else.
They used wood because they believed that it was the only substance that would float;
but that was because they had not yet advanced far enough in their thinking process to understand
the truth that steel will float, and that it is far superior to wood for the building
of ships.
They did not know that anything could float which was lighter than the amount of water
is displaced, and until they learned of this great truth they went on making ships of wood.
Until some twenty-five years ago, most men thought that only the birds could fly, but
now we know that man can not only equal the flying of the birds, but he can excel it.
Men did not know, until quite recently, that the great open void known as the air is more
alive and more sensitive than anything that is on the earth.
They did not know that the spoken word would travel through the ether with the speed of
a flash of lightning, without the aid of wires.
How could they know this when their minds had not been unfolded sufficiently to enable
them to grasp it?
The purpose of this lesson is to aid you in so unfolding and expanding your mind that
you will be able to think with accuracy, for this unfoldment will open to you a door that
leads to all the power you will need in completing your temple of success.
You will also observe that these principles have been so presented that they lead to success
as measured by material wealth.
This seemed necessary for the reason that to most people the word success and the word
money are synonymous terms.
Obviously, the previous lessons of this course were intended for those who look upon worldly
things and material wealth as being all that there is to success.
Presenting the matter in another way, I was conscious of the fact that the majority of
the students of this course would feel disappointed if I pointed out to them a roadway to success
that leads through other than the doorways of business, and finance, and industry; for
it is a matter of common knowledge that most men want success that is spelled $UCCE$$!
Very well - let those who are satisfied with this standard of success have it; but some
there are who will want to go higher up the ladder, in search of success which is measured
in other than material standards, and it is for their benefit in particular that this
and the subsequent lessons of this course are intended.
Accurate thought involves two fundamentals which all who indulge in it must observe.
First, to think accurately you must separate facts from mere information.
There is much "information" available to you that is not based upon facts.
Second, you must separate facts into two classes; namely, the important and the unimportant,
or, the relevant and the irrelevant.
Only by so doing can you think clearly.
All facts which you can use in the attainment of your definite chief aim are important and
relevant; all that you cannot use are unimportant and irrelevant.
It is mainly the neglect of some to make this distinction which accounts for the chasm which
separates so widely people who appear to have equal ability, and who have had equal opportunity.
Without going outside of your own circle of acquaintances you can point to one or more
persons who have had no greater opportunity than you have had, and who appear to have
no more, and perhaps less, ability than you, who are achieving far greater success.
And you wonder why.
Search diligently and you will discover that all such people have acquired the habit of
combining and using the important facts which affect their line of work.
Far from working harder than you, they are perhaps working less and with greater ease.
By virtue of their having learned the secret of separating the important facts from the
unimportant, they have provided themselves with a sort of fulcrum and lever with which
they can move with their little fingers loads that you cannot budge with the entire weight
of your body.
The person who forms the habit of directing his attention to the important facts out of
which he is constructing his Temple of Success, thereby provides himself with a power which
may be likened to a trip-hammer which strikes a ten-ton blow as compared to a tack-hammer
which strikes a one-pound blow.
That you may understand the importance of distinguishing between facts and mere information,
study that type of man who is guided entirely by that which he hears; the type who is influenced
by all the "whisperings of the winds of gossip" that accepts, without analysis, all that he
reads in the newspapers and judges others by what their enemies and competitors and
contemporaries say about them.
Search your circle of acquaintances and pick out one of this type as an example to keep
before your mind while we are on this subject.
Observe that this man usually begins his conversation with some such term as this - "I see by the
papers," or "they say."
The accurate thinker knows that the newspapers are not always accurate in their reports,
and he also knows that what "they say" usually carries more falsehood than truth.
If you have not risen above the "I see by the papers," and the "they say" class, you
have still far to go before you become an accurate thinker.
Of course, much truth and many facts travel in the guise of idle gossip and newspaper
reports; but the accurate thinker will not accept as such all that he sees and hears.
This is a point which I feel impelled to emphasize, for the reason that it constitutes the rocks
and reefs on which so many people flounder and go down to defeat in a bottomless ocean
of false conclusions.
In the realm of legal procedure, there is a
A principle which is called the law of evidence; and the object of this law is to get at the
Any judge can proceed with justice to all concerned, if he has the facts upon which
to base his judgment, but he may play havoc with innocent people if he circumvents the
law of evidence and reaches a conclusion or judgment that is based upon hearsay information.
The law of Evidence varies according to the subject and circumstances with which it is
used, but you will not go far wrong if, in the absence of that which you know to be facts,
you form your judgments on the hypothesis that only that part of the evidence before
you which furthers your own interests without working any hardship on others is based upon
This is a crucial and important point in this lesson; therefore, I wish to be sure that
you do not pass it by lightly.
Many a man mistakes, knowingly or otherwise, expediency for fact; doing a thing, or refraining
from doing it, for the sole reason that his action furthers his own interest without consideration
as to whether it interferes with the rights of others.
No matter how regrettable, it is true that most thinking of today, far from being accurate,
is based upon the sole foundation of expediency.
It is amazing to the more advanced student of accurate thought, how many people there
are who are "honest" when it is profitable to them, but find myriads of facts to justify
themselves in following a dishonest course when that course seems to be more profitable
or advantageous.
No doubt you know people who are like that.
The accurate thinker adopts a standard by which he guides himself, and he follows that
standard at all times, whether it works always to his immediate advantage, or carries him,
now and then, through the fields of disadvantage (as it undoubtedly will).
The accurate thinker deals with facts, regardless of how they affect his own interests, for
he knows that ultimately this policy will bring him out on top, in full possession of
the object of his definite chief aim in life.
He understands the soundness of the philosophy that the old philosopher, Croesus, had in
mind when he said: "There is a wheel on which the affairs of
men revolve, and its mechanism is such that it prevents any man from being always fortunate."
The accurate thinker has but one standard by which he conducts himself, in his intercourse
with his fellow men, and that standard is observed by him as faithfully when it brings
him temporary disadvantage as it is when it brings him outstanding advantage; for, being
an accurate thinker, he knows that, by the law of averages, he will more than regain
at some future time that which he loses by applying his standard to his own temporary
You might as well begin to prepare yourself to understand that it requires the staunchest
and most unshakable character to become an accurate thinker, for you can see that this
is where the reasoning of this lesson is leading.
There is a certain amount of temporary penalty attached to accurate thinking; there is no
denying this fact; but, while this is true, it is also true that the compensating reward,
in the aggregate, is so overwhelmingly greater that you will gladly pay this penalty.
In searching for facts it is often necessary to gather them through the sole source of
knowledge and experience of others.
It then becomes necessary to examine carefully both the evidence submitted and the person
from whom the evidence comes; and when the evidence is of such a nature that it affects
the interest of the witness who is giving it, there will be reason to scrutinize it
all the more carefully, as witnesses who have an interest in the evidence that they are
submitting often yield to the temptation to color and pervert it to protect that interest.
If one man slanders another, his remarks should be accepted, if of any weight at all, with
at least a grain of the proverbial salt of caution; for it is a common human tendency
for men to find nothing but evil in those whom they do not like.
The man who has attained to the degree of accurate thinking that enables him to speak
of his enemy without exaggerating his faults, and minimizing his virtues, is the exception
and not the rule.
Some very able men have not yet risen above this vulgar and self-destructive habit of
belittling their enemies, competitors and contemporaries.
I wish to bring this common tendency to your attention with all possible emphasis, because
it is a tendency that is fatal to accurate thinking.
Before you can become an accurate thinker, you must understand and make allowance for
the fact that the moment a man or a woman begins to assume leadership in any walk of
life, the slanderers begin to circulate "rumors" and subtle whisperings reflecting upon his
or her character.
No matter how fine one's character is or what
service he may be engaged in rendering to the world, he cannot escape the notice of
those misguided people who delight in destroying instead of building.
The moment a man begins to make himself felt in the field of industry or business, this
chorus becomes active.
If a man makes a better mouse-trap than his neighbor, the world will make a beaten path
to his door; no doubt about that; and in the gang that will trail along will be those who
come, not to commend, but to condemn and to destroy his reputation.
You are well on the road toward success if you have such a keen conception of life that
you never build a plan which contemplates your requesting another person to do that
which does not bring that person some corresponding advantage in return for compliance with your
As an accurate thinker, it is both your privelege anf your duty to avail yourself of facts.
Even though you must go out of your way to get them.
If you permit yourself to be swayed to and fro by all manner of information that comes
to your attention, you will never become an accurate thinker; and if you do not think
accurately, you cannot be sure of attaining the object of your definite chief aim in life.
Many a man has gone down to defeat because, due to his prejudice and hatred, he underestimated
the virtues of his enemies or competitors.
The eyes of the accurate thinker see facts - not the delusions of prejudice, hate and
An accurate thinker must be something of a good sportsman - in that he is fair enough
(with himself at least) to look for virtues as well as faults in other people, for it
is not without reason to suppose that all men have some of each of these qualities.
"I do not believe that I can afford to deceive others - I know I cannot afford to deceive
This must be the motto of the accurate thinker.
With the supposition that these "hints" are sufficient to impress upon your mind the importance
of searching for facts until you are reasonably sure that you have found them, we will take
up the question of organizing, classifying and using these facts.
Look, once more, in the circle of your own acquaintances and find a person who appears
to accomplish more with less effort than do any of his associates.
Study this man and you observe that he is a strategist in that he has learned how to
arrange facts so that he brings to his aid the Law of Increasing Returns.
The man who knows that he is working with facts goes at his task with a feeling of self-confidence
which enables him to refrain from temporizing, hesitating or waiting to make sure of his
He knows in advance what the outcome of his efforts will be; therefore, he moves more
rapidly and accomplishes more than does the man who must "feel his way" because he is
not sure that he is working with facts.
The man who has learned of the advantages of searching for facts as the foundation of
his thinking has gone a very long way toward the development of accurate thinking, but
the man who has learned how to separate facts into the important and the unimportant has
gone still further.
You Can Do It if You Believe You Can.
Sad News People Are Crying Singer Aretha Franklin Funeral - Duration: 2:45.Sad News People Are Crying Singer Aretha Franklin Funeral
ESPERA--WARRIORS CATS Broken Heart MAP - Duration: 1:27.I, already know who I'm
and what I did was for my good
I am, what it didn't be,
and I'll be the tomorrow of two
Where're going?
Wait for me
I'll be better for you
All times you leave, I feel the end
I don't want to stay here
Where're you going?
wait for me...
Top 6 Most Exciting Places To Have Sex In Your Life - Duration: 3:19.Is your sexual coexistence trapped in a hopeless cycle?
Is it accurate to say that you are searching for some innovative approaches to return some
flavor to your association with your accomplice?
One thing is for sure, with such a variety of various positions, gadgets you both can
include, and places to have intercourse, your sexual coexistence ought to be a long way
from exhausting.
Get creative!
Be spontaneous and have some fun getting the excitement back.
Getting bored of the bed, Checkout some of best Exciting Places to Have Sex:
if you new to my channel do subscribe hit the red button and press the bell notification
button and don't miss any of our videos Bathtub
When you're doing it on the bed, you doubt the significance of each other furniture in
the house.
Bed is the most misrepresented furniture out of all.
Foam each other up in the bathtub and bother her into a hot furor.
Enjoying this moment in the bath tub is one of the most exciting places to have sex in
your life.
The Kitchen Slab: Every girl wants to do it on the kitchen slab
because kitchen is one of the most favorite place for every women in this world.
It's playful, passionate and tells her that you just cannot wait to take her to the bedroom.
It is one of the best way to show your love and passion about her.
It's going to be a memory that will turn you on every time you think of it.
The Park: The most risky, adventures and most exciting!!!
Hit the recreation center late around evening time when everybody is resting and there is
a light sentimental breeze streaming.
Go out for a stroll together and let things go moderate.
The fun in doing sex in park or in outside has a different unique feeling which you must
have never felt in your life.
You should experience it once in your life for sure.
This is one of the most exciting places to have sex in your life.
The Tents: Young ladies discover tents massively attractive
and exciting Places to Have Sex.
Lease a tent in a faraway place, disregarding an excellent valley and the state of mind
is set.
Obviously, the tent is somewhat wobbly and can descend any minute.
In any case, isn't that the best part?
If you think yes than what are you waiting for.
The couch: Hit the couch you have in your bedroom!!!
Isn't it is the best idea.
The couch is supposed be for lounging.
So, you have all the comfort you need along with the excitement factor it comes with.
Do it on the couch once and you'd swear to never return to your bed.
You will love doing it more on couches as compared to do on bed.
The Pool (Really one of the Most Exciting Places to have Sex):
Midnight skinny dipping.
Swimming at night sounds sexy in itself.
Why not have sex in the pool too?
When you are in water, than you are more arousal and you will feel more energetic to do it
in pool because being wet make you more sexier and both partners look sexy to each other.
Love & SexTop 6 Most Exciting Places To Have Sex In Your Life Nisha Sharma 2 Years Ago
5 0
2 7Shares
Views: 10,214 Is your sexual coexistence trapped in a hopeless
Is it accurate to say that you are searching for some innovative approaches to return some
flavor to your association with your accomplice?
One thing is for sure, with such a variety of various positions, gadgets you both can
include, and places to have intercourse, your sexual coexistence ought to be a long way
from exhausting.
Get creative!
Be spontaneous and have some fun getting the excitement back.
Getting bored of the bed, Checkout some of best Exciting Places to Have Sex:
Bathtub When you're doing it on the bed, you doubt
the significance of each other furniture in the house.
Bed is the most misrepresented furniture out of all.
Foam each other up in the bathtub and bother her into a hot furor.
Enjoying this moment in the bath tub is one of the most exciting places to have sex in
your life.
Exciting Places to Have Sex
The Kitchen Slab: Every girl wants to do it on the kitchen slab
because kitchen is one of the most favorite place for every women in this world.
It's playful, passionate and tells her that you just cannot wait to take her to the bedroom.
It is one of the best way to show your love and passion about her.
It's going to be a memory that will turn you on every time you think of it.
Exciting Places to Have Sex
The Park: The most risky, adventures and most exciting!!!
Hit the recreation center late around evening time when everybody is resting and there is
a light sentimental breeze streaming.
Go out for a stroll together and let things go moderate.
The fun in doing sex in park or in outside has a different unique feeling which you must
have never felt in your life.
You should experience it once in your life for sure.
This is one of the most exciting places to have sex in your life.
Do You Know About: Top 4 Female Sex Secrets She Never Want To Tell You
Exciting Places to Have Sex
The Tents: Young ladies discover tents massively attractive
and exciting Places to Have Sex.
Lease a tent in a faraway place, disregarding an excellent valley and the state of mind
is set.
Obviously, the tent is somewhat wobbly and can descend any minute.
In any case, isn't that the best part?
If you think yes than what are you waiting for.
Exciting Places to Have Sex
The couch: Hit the couch you have in your bedroom!!!
Isn't it is the best idea.
The couch is supposed be for lounging.
So, you have all the comfort you need along with the excitement factor it comes with.
Do it on the couch once and you'd swear to never return to your bed.
You will love doing it more on couches as compared to do on bed.
Exciting Places to Have Sex
The Pool (Really one of the Most Exciting Places to have Sex):
Midnight skinny dipping.
Swimming at night sounds sexy in itself.
Why not have sex in the pool too?
When you are in water, than you are more arousal and you will feel more energetic to do it
in pool because being wet make you more sexier and both partners look sexy to each other.
I hope you enjoy it and you must be thinking to try these exciting places to have sex in
your life.
If yes, share it by hitting the share button and have fun.
Thanks for Watching.
Two friends, True friends? ft. Tinder - Duration: 5:35.Such lovely weather. A song to fit the mood would be great!
That's enough.
Something is missing. Where is he?
Oh, right! Let me call him.
Where are you, dude?
I'm just 20 metres away. Hi!
Accurate to the metre, like you're some James Bond! Come up, fool.
What is it, buddy? Your face is glowing with joy.
Yeah, Siva. His face is oozing glow!
Glowing with joy?
Oh, I just got a Tinder match on the way...
I guess that's why I look happy to you.
What are you saying?
A girl liked you on Tinder?
Just how?
How did someone like you get a girl?
It's impossible!
No chance in hell.
I'm single too.. how did you get a girl, but not me?
How? How? How? How?
How you?
What did you say?
Even I matched some 10 girls in 2 days.
But you matched someone at least now.
I'm happy for you. - How?
How did you win her over?
But I'm happy for you.
Thank you!
Dude, getting a match isn't the point.
It's about how I message her.
You're still picking up girls that way?
I'd throw my visiting card and assess a girl from the way she bends to pick it up!
If a girl picked up that visiting card and handed it over to me...
I'd tear it to pieces, toss it on her face, and just move on.
That's why you're still single.
Stop it, guys.
It's not about her picking that card up, or you tearing it into pieces.
It's about how I'm going to pay this girl a visit!
Stop thinking something and saying something else!
If a friend asks for an idea for his love...
A committed and a single guy give ideas together...
that's the true bond of friendship.
So please, buddies, give me some idea.
I'll help you for the sake of friendship.
Okay, dude. We'll help you.
Why don't you ask her for her number? - Correct.
So that she'd reject his message?
He is just so outdated!
If a girl says 'hi', you'd ask for her number right away?
Dude, don't over think it.
She 'liked' you, right? Then she surely loves you.
Ask her out on a date.
Don't listen to his ideas! He is just a sore loser!
Listen to my ideas. I'm committed.
Go ahead, buddy. - Find out where she studies.
So that you can hit on her?
Why are you showing off for no reason?
You're a single guy, and you dare to advice me?
Don't play this 'committed' card for everything!
Your first six attempts ended in failure, and you got lucky the 7th time.
and now you're giving him advice?
Buzz off!
Why are you taking my case for no reason?
You're just jealous that you couldn't get a single girl!
Why would I be jealous? I'm single and happy about it.
You don't like that?
What for?
Like you're some big shot!
What for?
You think I'm a loser like you?
Hold it, guys!
What for?
Buzz off! You tell me, what for?
What for?
What for? What for?
See, look at him!
You think you're some stud? Try being single.
What for? - What for?
Let me tell you one thing. Listen up!
I dare you to try being single and young. - Get lost!
You buzz off!
She's messaged me.
She sent you a message? - She did?
What are you going to reply? - Show me.
What for? - What for?
Happy now?
What for!
Bye, buddy. - Bye, dude.
Why did he message 'what for?'
Did he panic, or is he my true friend?
Neither do I get in a relationship nor do I allow others to!
The female population is apparently decreasing, too...
Instead of living single...
I'd rather die single.
塔罗占卜:2018年下半年是你人生的转折点吗? - Duration: 7:32.-------------------------------------------
Formal - Spotlight's Word of the Day - Duration: 1:11.Hi, I'm Liz Waid bringing you Spotlight's Word of the Day.
Today's word is formal.
This word comes from the program, "The Power of Clothes".
The word formal is an adjective.
It means: requiring or using serious and proper clothes, manners, or speech.
Here's formal in a sentence from this program:
"Many jobs used to require people to wear formal clothing."
In the comments below, try using the word formal in your own sentence.
Be sure to subscribe to Spotlight on YouTube
to see more videos to help you practice your English.
And join us next time for another Spotlight Word of the Day.
FULLTANK FAVORITES #2: Is there a person in your life that is hurting you constantly? - Duration: 8:04.Is there someone in your life that's abusing you right now?
Is there somebody hurting you?
Harming you right now?
If there is, you need to listen to my message.
I mean, just close the door.
Shut off whatever music or TV, you know.
Put off...
Put off whatever other noise, and just listen
carefully to what I'm going to say.
By the way, I'm in New Zealand right now.
I'm in a hotel room, and just arrived a few
hours ago.
But I needed to make this Fulltank message for people who need to hear
this message.
I've been very big unforgiveness by the way - in the past
Fulltank episodes.
I've been telling people,
"You need to forgive."
You need to forgive.
You need to forgive.
Because you need that peace, and you need
that forgiveness - that freedom.
When you forgive, guess what?
It's a gift that you give to yourself.
Now, I've been harping about that, but I know the
reality that there are people, that you've forgiven...
And that you've forgiven...
And you've forgiven, and they still keep on
doing the harmful thing, and you get hurt again and your hurt again...
And I just want to balance things off.
I'm very big on forgiveness, but I'm very big on fences.
What do I mean?
Fences means boundaries, a person that does not
have fences.
Protective fences around the person, so that you will not
get hurt again.
You will not be able to love.
You cannot love.
A person without boundaries, a person without fences
cannot love.
I was talking to a wife, who is a battered wife.
Her husband is a drunkard, and he would beat her.
Time and time again, beat her up and then ask forgiveness.
And then, she would forgive.
She has stayed in that relationships for 18 years.
And I asked her, "Why haven't you left?"
And this were her words.
And then, I hear it often from battered women,
"Because he needs me".
You know what?
Those words are very telling
"This is not love - this is need".
And there's a huge difference between love
and need.
Her self-worth and herself identities wrapped
around him, needing her.
I'll say that again, just in case you didn't get that, "This is not love.
This is need".
Her self-worth...
Her identity...
Her self-esteem it's all based on this guy,
needing her.
She's a very broken woman.
This is not love.
Love can only come from
someone who is strong already as a
person, and does not need anyone needing her.
That's the only person that can love.
I need you to understand that.
And so, I told her, "You've got to love
yourself first.
And you've got to protect yourself.
You've got to get out of that
marriage, and you have to tell him - your
husband that he needs to go through
counselling, and go through treatment.
And you will not accept him, until he totally
goes through that treatment and changes.
And say, 'You know, I've had it."
I'll tell you why.
By allowing him to hurt you
again and again and again, you're not
loving the person.
Because you're allowing him to be destroyed
by his own weakness.
But if you stand up and say, "No,
you cannot hurt and hurt me again!
I will not allow it."
"I'm building my boundaries".
You're loving yourself,
and you're loving the other person.
Yes, forgive the person, of course.
And love the person, of course.
But love from a distance.
I hope I'm making sense to you.
I know this is difficult teaching, and it can be confusing...
If this is the first time you're hearing this...
My name is Bo Sanchez.
And welcome to Fulltank.
And my goal is to inspire you.
And sometimes to disturb you - to actually remind you.
And that there is a difference between forgiveness and
friendship - that you can forgive someone, yes.
But it doesn't mean that you're going to be friends with that person
If that person is abusing you, and abusing you and abusing you.
I read the gospel for the day, and I pray that it will inspire you.
The gospel is Matthew 7 - where Jesus said, "Do
not give what is holy to the dogs.
Do not throw pearls to the swine.
What will the pigs do with pearls except to
step on it, and trample it underfoot."
You know, you need to be discerning.
There's another Scripture verse that I like
When Jesus says, "You know, if somebody rejects your peace, shake the
dust of your feet."
I love that!
You know.
Yes, forgive.
Yes, love.
But if that person is harming you and hurting you, love from a distance.
Protect yourself.
Put boundaries.
You know, my wife and I, we love each other.
We've been together for 19 years, and we do apply what the
Bible says.
You know, Jesus said, "How many
times should you forgive?
His answer, 'Seventy times seven.'"
That's basically in Hebrew 'Eternal', 'Forever'.
But listen to me.
She forgives me every day for
being disorganized, for taking her for
granted, because I'm so busy with work, you know.
She forgives me....
Forgives me...
Forgives me...
But there's a difference between mistakes like that
and harming her, and abusing her, emotionally or verbally or physically.
There's a difference!
And yes!
We were supposed to forgive each other, but
I cannot break those boundaries.
I need to respect her, and love her.
I'm going to be praying for you,
this at this moment, right now - that you
learn to love yourself because unless
you love yourself, you will never be able
to love anyone.
And one very important way of loving yourself is building those
fences, building those boundaries around you to protect yourself.
Because when you do that, you're going to teach other
people how to treat you.
And that's important in loving them.
Father in Heaven, I pray for every person listening to me at this time.
I pray that Your Word be like a sea that plants deep
in their heart.
I pray that it will become a beautiful harvest in the future.
I pray for miracles.
I pray for wisdom.
I pray for discernment to be able to know
how to love -- how to build those fences.
In Jesus Christ's name.
Father God, I pray for more miracles, and for more blessings,
for this person I'm praying for right now.
In Jesus' name.
Amen and amen.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
Thank you so much guys for this opportunity that I
have with you.
And yes, again we do offer you know, if you need a friend
just to pray with you or to listen to you call our Pastoral Care Center in the
Light of Jesus.
It's (632) 725-9999.
I wasn't very sure with the first numbers.
Of course, it's in Manila.
So, (632) 725-9999.
Or email, the email I'll put there at the around this video.
So, thank you so much.
I'm going see you tomorrow.
Learn about animals, learn colours and fun animal facts & win this toy - Duration: 11:49.-------------------------------------------
Do You Like Broccoli Ice Cream?Nursery Rhymes /Song for Kids - Duration: 2:17.Do You Like Broccoli Ice Cream?Nursery Rhymes /Song for Kids
Yaya Toure: Arsenal linked with shock move as journalist provides transfer truth - Duration: 3:25.Toure is currently a free agent after leaving Manchester City back in the summer, with Arsenal emerging as one of the favourites to snap him up
His agent, Dimitry Seluk, confirmed he had passed a medical in London - alerting Arsenal fans in the process - by tweeting: "Toure @YayaToure has passed a medical in London
Yaya is close to signing a new contract." He then added: "It's not West Ham, 100%
Yaya is a champion. The last place is not for him." Before mocking Crystal Palace by saying: "It's not Crystal Palace, 100%
Roy Hodgson said he doesn't know when his players' birthdays are. Can Yaya go there?" Many think that, with Palace and West Ham out of the running, Arsenal will be Toure's next club
But Football London journalist Charles Watts insists the player will NOT be moving to the Emirates
He tweeted: "I'm sure none of you are thinking this Yaya Toure stuff has anything to do with Arsenal, but just in case there is any doubt - If he is moving to a London club, it is certainly not Arsenal
" Toure has pulled on an Arsenal shirt before. He featured when they faced Barnet in a pre-season friendly in 2003, before a work permit problem stopped him from joining
Toure penned an emotional letter to City fans after leaving the club this summer
He said: "This is Toure Yaya, this is my personal message to you for all your support and all the things you've been doing for me most especially for me and my family
"I want you to understand that you made me who I am. It is only in City I achieved a lot of personal trophies like four times best African player in a roll, won trophies, week in week out playing games and was free of injuries
"You've always been behind me pushing me on to be able to be the best and today I want to say thank you and I appreciate all the time we 've been together
"To be honest this is the first time in my whole career I will be staying with a club for more than eight years
The love I have shared with you has been immense and incredible and I was thinking it will never end but now it has ended
"You have to understand that you will always stay in my heart and maybe one time I will be very happy to come back
"I think the thing my family and other persons close to me saying is the legacy I have left
"What I have been thinking for this club and thinking for you is what is happening now and I want to say thank you and I hope you will continue to support this club and be the greatest fans I have
Xara Photo Graphics - Creating Transparency is So Easy - Duration: 10:36.Download this Software - Link in Description Below
Free Download this Software - Link in Description Below
Download Software - Link in Description Below
Feels like '98: You Got Schooled - Duration: 2:40.-------------------------------------------
How to Keep Your Bottle of Water Cold for Hours - Duration: 1:52.You've probably already heard about how important it is to drink a lot of water throughout the
Drinking water is one of the most important things we can do as a human being.
Since water is so essential to our lives, drinking it in adequate amounts can bring
us several different health benefits.
It can:
Control our blood pressure; Prevent cramping;
Protect our heart; Improve the functioning of our intestines;
Increase our physical resistance; Cleanse our body;
Protect us against kidney stones; Protect our eyes;
Improve vitamin absorption; Keep our skin looking young.
Now that you know about all of these benefits, it's easier for you to understand how important
water is in our daily routine.
Staying hydrated is fundamental for anyone who leads a busy life.
Many people carry a bottle of water around with them so they can drink it whenever they're
The problem is, depending on the temperature and how we store our water bottle, as time
passes it may become warm and we may not want to drink it.
So today we're going to teach you a very simple trick that will help you keep your water colder
for much longer.
It's quite easy, the only thing you'll need is an empty water bottle.
Fill the empty water bottle up one fourth of the way with water.
Then, place the water bottle in the freezer overnight.
The next morning, fill the rest of the bottle up before leaving the house.
Now, your water will be cool all day long.
10 DIY Project Ideas for Mudroom - Duration: 8:34.Mudrooms are usually small and untidy
since they are considered to be
a home's secondary entrance.
Well, actually, your mudroom is your real superhero
as it keeps your house clean
by keeping the wet coats and muddy boots in place.
Therefore, it deserves to be refurbished
with these 10 DIY project ideas
so that it will look more appealing.
As always these ideas are brought to you
by simphome.com.
10. DIY Custom Room
When stepping into this mudroom,
you will feel amazed with its design
which makes it functional as well as practical.
The DIY bench is the best thing in it.
Instead of building the bench the entire length
of the wall which makes it hard to open the door,
centering it along the wall will be much better.
To get this look,
you need to attach the beadboard sheets
using brads and studs.
After that, you can begin to attach the anchor
and bottom plate using screws.
And don't forget to attach the vertical supports
that divide the plates into four compartments.
And finally, attach the top plate
so that it forms a nice bench.
After attaching the moldings,
you can apply oil-based white for a sleek finish.
But don't forget to apply oil-based primer first.
To kick it up a notch,
you can hang a painting for a perfect centerpiece
and some pillows that add pops of color.
9. DIY Bench
This bench is a perfect choice
if you have an awkward space for your mudroom.
It is not too long and just suits this corner well.
To make this bench,
you need to get the baskets that you want
so that you can measure the bottom of the bench
based on the dimensions of the baskets.
Once you have assembled the plates
and ready to place the bench,
you have to cut the baseboard
so that it can be put in place perfectly.
For the finishing, you can stain the top of the bench.
It will be better if you use gel stain
as it will give a top-notch look.
After that, you can seal it with polyurethane
for a better and long-lasting look.
8. Hall Tree Bench
I love the color of this hall-tree bench.
The green and orange colors add a nuance
in this mudroom,
making it more appealing.
The bench features some cabinets
that you can use to store things
so that your mudroom will stay clean and organized.
Some hooks are added over the bench
to hang the wet bags and caps
so that they won't mess your house.
7. Locker Room Bench
More family members entail more space.
And thus, this mudroom bench is suitable
for you and your big family.
The bench is quite long
and can accomodate more people.
The back part of the bench is made of wooden panels
which are arranged in tongue-and-groove paneling style.
A number of hooks line up along the bench
that enable you to hang wet jackets or scarves.
To make the bench look more beautiful,
you can either stain or paint it the color of your choice.
Or, if you want a cool rustic look,
you can just whitewash it.
6. Stackable Crates Mudroom Storage
This is why I love DIY projects a lot.
I can explore my creativity to meet my need
just like this budget DIY mudroom idea.
You don't have to break a sweat
just to make some racks to store your shoes.
If you are a complete novice,
but you are longing for a spectacular mudroom,
you can try upcycling some wooden crates.
You won't have to cut some wooden boards
and be precise in measuring
the dimensions of the racks
since you only need to hang the crates on the wall.
That's all what you need to do.
But before hanging them on the wall,
you can paint them
so that they can jazz your mudroom up.
5. Schmidt Home Mud Room
This wall-mounted bench gives you more space
beneath it so that you can store
more shoes and flip-flops.
A white shelf with four compartments
hangs at the corner of the mudroom.
Just place some baskets in the compartments
to keep things tidy.
Besides having sufficient storage space
under the bench and in the shelf,
you still have an extra storage right under the ceiling.
It is pretty high, but functional.
You can store your ice skates there
so that you can find them easily when you need them.
4. Garage Mud Room
This is another effortless idea for a novice
which harnesses the practicality of wooden crates.
The great thing of using crates
is you don't have to worry about the mistakes
you might make when measuring the length and width
for some shelves.
You simply need to hang them on the wall
and you're good to go.
Making a mudroom bench is fun and thrilling,
but if you don't have much time to do it,
you can always get a nice bench from IKEA
or any home improvement store near you.
3. Board and Batten Makeover
Some home owners put their mudrooms
right in the hallway due to the limited space.
But you still need to make it as appealing as possible,
and the most important thing is free of clutter.
Just put two benches and some wooden crates
to store things.
To keep room clutter-free,
put the crates under the benches.
A colorful rug lies on the floor
to ensure your feet are dry enough to enter the house.
2. Entryway Closet
A nice mudroom doesn't have to take up
a lot of space.
You can even turn your closet into a cozy mudroom
just like this one.
Although it is small,
it still has all the elements needed
as a perfect mudroom
such as hooks to hang your jackets,
sufficient storage space, and a comfortable bench.
Besides, it can also be a perfect nook
where you can enjoy reading your favorite book
or chatting with your friends.
Before we get to number 1,
I suggest to press subscribe button
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if this channel is new to you,
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1. Entry Closet Transformation
A lattice wood is usually used
as a pergola or patio cover.
But in this mudroom, it is used as a fantastic wall cover
in place of wainscoting or beadboard paneling.
It has the same pattern as the white baskets
which creates a good harmony in this room.
isn't it amazing?
So, those are 10 DIY project ideas
that can turn your mundane mudroom
into a room that you can proud of.
Now you can invite your friends
to come over for a pool party
without worrying about what they might think
about your mudroom
because, you know what?
they will be impressed.
That's it for now,
Before you leave, I welcome you to use comment area
if you have anything to say.
Press like button because you still let my voice
fills your brain
and see you again later
with more video like this in the near future.
I hope.
See you soon next time and thanks for watching.
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