Today we're gonna be talking about five ways that you can participate in the end intersex surgery campaign
And while we're doing that I'm gonna be trying on some suits because it's almost time to return them and I still haven't figured out
what I'm gonna wear for my best friend's wedding
Which I'm standing up in so stay tuned to figure out how you can be an ally to intersex people
*upbeat music*
What is intersex? Intersex is an umbrella term for people born with sex traits that don't fall neatly into either the male or
female categories as we traditionally think of it. These can be your gonads,
Reproductive organs, hormones, genitalia or your chromosomes. A nd intersex happens in about one to two percent of the human population
Making it as popular as people born naturally with red hair
And what is the End Intersex Surgery campaign? Intersex children are often subjected to medically unnecessary
surgeries to alter their genitals and these surgeries have devastating negative impacts. Some of these surgeries include
clitoral reductions, removal of one's functional testes, and
vaginoplasties. These surgeries should be delayed and should only be done with the full informed consent of the intersex adult
patient. And we're calling, actually we're demanding, that Lurie Children's Hospital in Chicago become the first children's hospital in the nation
to ban these unnecessary surgeries
which have been called out by the United Nations as forms of torture and human rights abuses.
So the first thing we ask you to do in our digital
campaign for End Intersex Surgery is to tweet at Lurie and here's a sample tweet
@LurieChildrens you do so many good things and you're a leader in keeping up with current medical practices
So will you also become the first to lead in this campaign that urges medical providers to respect the human rights of intersex children?
#EndIntersexSurgery. There's a few other tweets there that you can copy and paste as well now
l et's try on the second suit for the wedding and also talk about the second
You can do online to put pressure on Lurie Children's to end these horrible surgeries.
I kind of like it good color
I really like the color really love the material of the pants and the jacket. This is also
the second thing you can do in the End Intersex Surgery campaign, and that's using facebook
So one of the sample things we have for you to say to Lurie on
Facebook is this: Did you know in October of 2016 the United Nations declared that
unnecessary surgery and treatment without informed consent of intersex children is a human rights violation yet @LurieChildren's
continues to perform medically unnecessary
"cosmetic" procedures on intersex children. I am a hundred percent invested in supporting intersex patients across the country
but in particular those that are born with intersex traits and come to your hospital. As
intersex activists from across the country came outside of Lurie Children's Hospital on June
I mean on July 18th demanding an end to intersex surgery
I hope Lurie will listen and become the first hospital in the US to
end unnecessary intersex surgery
So that's just an example of something that you can paste into your Facebook and tag Lurie to make a change for intersex people
Now, let's go to suit option number 3
Kind of nice kind of like it this is also the third thing that you can do for the End Intersex Surgery campaign
Which involves Instagram. So every time Lurie Children's posts on Instagram
Their handle is @LurieChildrens we're asking people to comment #EndIntersexSurgery and you could take it one step further
So if you go into the toolkit linked below we have sample posts that you can share and one of them is this:
Intersex children should be allowed to determine if they want surgery when they are adults
intersex children deserve
Lurie will you be the first to lead and urge providers to respect the human rights of intersex children?
So that's just one of the many samples that we have up on the digital toolkit for you to copy and paste
every time Lurie Children's posts a new post. We're looking for you to really help us with that part of the campaign
So let's try on another suit and come back with the fourth thing that you can do to help out with this campaign
So the fourth way that you can get involved with the end intersex surgery campaign, and this one's a little bit different so pay attention
This is the part where we're asking you to actually email Lurie Children's
But we make it as easy and pain-free as possible because we give you a whole thing that you can copy and paste
and you just tweak a little bit here and there I'm not gonna read the whole thing because it's kind of long
but if you can go on the digital toolkit linked below and
write an email to the CEO Patrick Magoon and also the ethics department at Lurie Children's
we have a whole template for you and feel free to tweak it however you want and
please please please send them an email
I think we often use social media like Twitter and Facebook Instagram
But we often forget that we can also just email people
So I think it's also important to email them because the CEO is the same CEO that was present when I was a child
going through my unnecessary surgeries at this hospital
so he needs to know that he is overseeing this and by
Overseeing this and not ending it he's complicit in it as well. And we also have the ethics department here
cc'd because we want the ethics department to know what's going on at their hospital, too.
So, please send the email you can cc me as well so I know you sent it.
So let's move on to the fifth outfit and the fifth way that you can get involved in the campaign.
They match, and I really like that. I really think I like this one. This one might be it. It's really comfortable it fits right.
It's the color. It's one of the official colors of the wedding cobalt blue. So I
like it. Let me know what you think
And also let's get down to the fifth way that you can take part in the end intersect surgery campaign
And this one is using which is really hard for millennials like myself the telephone but we've made it really really easy
When you go to the link below
There is a telephone script and we're asking you to call Lurie Children's and just read what's on there. Don't worry
you're not gonna speak to anybody. It's just leaving a message and we're asking them again at the end
Will they become a leader and end intersex surgery?
So these are the five ways that you could take part in the end intersex surgery campaign. Also
I wanted to talk about the fact that wearing suits for me as a non-binary person who has a chest
It's kind of hard right because like shirts and coats made for people without chests. Don't really fit us that right
I have been wearing a binder underneath this suit and it's a chest binder that flattens out my chest that I got from
gc2b and their Instagram handle is
gc2b and they are a queer trans owned company that makes really awesome binders
it's my first binder ever and
I thought it would be more uncomfortable than a sports bra but actually since I've gotten the binder
I've stopped wearing sports bras because now those are super uncomfortable to me and I could wear the binder almost all day
Not saying that it's gonna be this true for everybody
But for somebody like me it has been and it's really helped me feel better when I try on
masculine or men's clothing such as a suit because it
flattens out the top and it just makes the clothes fit me a little bit better
I got the color that's like closest to my skin tone
If you can see it right there kind of just blends in and kind of stays out of the way
So shout out to them if you need a binder, I really really highly recommend them. That wraps todays video
I really hope you enjoyed it and I hope you take part in the end intersex surgery campaign
Don't forget to click the link in the description to see all the ways you can participate
And if you like this video and you want to see more like it
Please feel free to subscribe to my channel and also hit the little bell for
n otifications and don't forget to let me know which outfit you liked best. One, two, three four or five in the comments below
I hope that we can work together to bring positive change for intersex people. I remember intersex stories not surgeries
*mouth click*
*upbeat music*
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