Thứ Tư, 29 tháng 8, 2018

Waching daily Aug 29 2018

Today we're gonna be talking about five ways that you can participate in the end intersex surgery campaign

And while we're doing that I'm gonna be trying on some suits because it's almost time to return them and I still haven't figured out

what I'm gonna wear for my best friend's wedding

Which I'm standing up in so stay tuned to figure out how you can be an ally to intersex people

*upbeat music*

What is intersex? Intersex is an umbrella term for people born with sex traits that don't fall neatly into either the male or

female categories as we traditionally think of it. These can be your gonads,

Reproductive organs, hormones, genitalia or your chromosomes. A nd intersex happens in about one to two percent of the human population

Making it as popular as people born naturally with red hair

And what is the End Intersex Surgery campaign? Intersex children are often subjected to medically unnecessary

surgeries to alter their genitals and these surgeries have devastating negative impacts. Some of these surgeries include

clitoral reductions, removal of one's functional testes, and

vaginoplasties. These surgeries should be delayed and should only be done with the full informed consent of the intersex adult

patient. And we're calling, actually we're demanding, that Lurie Children's Hospital in Chicago become the first children's hospital in the nation

to ban these unnecessary surgeries

which have been called out by the United Nations as forms of torture and human rights abuses.

So the first thing we ask you to do in our digital

campaign for End Intersex Surgery is to tweet at Lurie and here's a sample tweet

@LurieChildrens you do so many good things and you're a leader in keeping up with current medical practices

So will you also become the first to lead in this campaign that urges medical providers to respect the human rights of intersex children?

#EndIntersexSurgery. There's a few other tweets there that you can copy and paste as well now

l et's try on the second suit for the wedding and also talk about the second

You can do online to put pressure on Lurie Children's to end these horrible surgeries.

I kind of like it good color

I really like the color really love the material of the pants and the jacket. This is also

the second thing you can do in the End Intersex Surgery campaign, and that's using facebook

So one of the sample things we have for you to say to Lurie on

Facebook is this: Did you know in October of 2016 the United Nations declared that

unnecessary surgery and treatment without informed consent of intersex children is a human rights violation yet @LurieChildren's

continues to perform medically unnecessary

"cosmetic" procedures on intersex children. I am a hundred percent invested in supporting intersex patients across the country

but in particular those that are born with intersex traits and come to your hospital. As

intersex activists from across the country came outside of Lurie Children's Hospital on June

I mean on July 18th demanding an end to intersex surgery

I hope Lurie will listen and become the first hospital in the US to

end unnecessary intersex surgery

So that's just an example of something that you can paste into your Facebook and tag Lurie to make a change for intersex people

Now, let's go to suit option number 3

Kind of nice kind of like it this is also the third thing that you can do for the End Intersex Surgery campaign

Which involves Instagram. So every time Lurie Children's posts on Instagram

Their handle is @LurieChildrens we're asking people to comment #EndIntersexSurgery and you could take it one step further

So if you go into the toolkit linked below we have sample posts that you can share and one of them is this:

Intersex children should be allowed to determine if they want surgery when they are adults

intersex children deserve


Lurie will you be the first to lead and urge providers to respect the human rights of intersex children?

So that's just one of the many samples that we have up on the digital toolkit for you to copy and paste

every time Lurie Children's posts a new post. We're looking for you to really help us with that part of the campaign

So let's try on another suit and come back with the fourth thing that you can do to help out with this campaign

So the fourth way that you can get involved with the end intersex surgery campaign, and this one's a little bit different so pay attention

This is the part where we're asking you to actually email Lurie Children's

But we make it as easy and pain-free as possible because we give you a whole thing that you can copy and paste

and you just tweak a little bit here and there I'm not gonna read the whole thing because it's kind of long

but if you can go on the digital toolkit linked below and

write an email to the CEO Patrick Magoon and also the ethics department at Lurie Children's

we have a whole template for you and feel free to tweak it however you want and

please please please send them an email

I think we often use social media like Twitter and Facebook Instagram

But we often forget that we can also just email people

So I think it's also important to email them because the CEO is the same CEO that was present when I was a child

going through my unnecessary surgeries at this hospital

so he needs to know that he is overseeing this and by

Overseeing this and not ending it he's complicit in it as well. And we also have the ethics department here

cc'd because we want the ethics department to know what's going on at their hospital, too.

So, please send the email you can cc me as well so I know you sent it.

So let's move on to the fifth outfit and the fifth way that you can get involved in the campaign.

They match, and I really like that. I really think I like this one. This one might be it. It's really comfortable it fits right.

It's the color. It's one of the official colors of the wedding cobalt blue. So I

like it. Let me know what you think

And also let's get down to the fifth way that you can take part in the end intersect surgery campaign

And this one is using which is really hard for millennials like myself the telephone but we've made it really really easy

When you go to the link below

There is a telephone script and we're asking you to call Lurie Children's and just read what's on there. Don't worry

you're not gonna speak to anybody. It's just leaving a message and we're asking them again at the end

Will they become a leader and end intersex surgery?

So these are the five ways that you could take part in the end intersex surgery campaign. Also

I wanted to talk about the fact that wearing suits for me as a non-binary person who has a chest

It's kind of hard right because like shirts and coats made for people without chests. Don't really fit us that right

I have been wearing a binder underneath this suit and it's a chest binder that flattens out my chest that I got from

gc2b and their Instagram handle is

gc2b and they are a queer trans owned company that makes really awesome binders

it's my first binder ever and

I thought it would be more uncomfortable than a sports bra but actually since I've gotten the binder

I've stopped wearing sports bras because now those are super uncomfortable to me and I could wear the binder almost all day

Not saying that it's gonna be this true for everybody

But for somebody like me it has been and it's really helped me feel better when I try on

masculine or men's clothing such as a suit because it

flattens out the top and it just makes the clothes fit me a little bit better

I got the color that's like closest to my skin tone

If you can see it right there kind of just blends in and kind of stays out of the way

So shout out to them if you need a binder, I really really highly recommend them. That wraps todays video

I really hope you enjoyed it and I hope you take part in the end intersex surgery campaign

Don't forget to click the link in the description to see all the ways you can participate

And if you like this video and you want to see more like it

Please feel free to subscribe to my channel and also hit the little bell for

n otifications and don't forget to let me know which outfit you liked best. One, two, three four or five in the comments below

I hope that we can work together to bring positive change for intersex people. I remember intersex stories not surgeries

*mouth click*

*upbeat music*

For more infomation >> 5 Ways You Can End Intersex Surgery - Duration: 8:26.


[ASMR] Two Packs Shin Ramyun - Best For Late Night!! - Duration: 9:21.

Hi everyone, welcome to our channel!

Today we will be having two packs of Shin Ramyun~

Let's enjoy the meal~~🍜🧡

I added two fried eggs and some pumpkin seeds into the noodles. Making it more healthy and delicious to eat~😋

The more you eat, more spicy it gets! I started sweating hardout afterwards..😂

See you guys next time~ Bye~😘

P: You wanna tie up your hair? A: Huh???😧

For more infomation >> [ASMR] Two Packs Shin Ramyun - Best For Late Night!! - Duration: 9:21.


Gaia Project: Solo Playthrough Part 1 - Duration: 43:26.

For more infomation >> Gaia Project: Solo Playthrough Part 1 - Duration: 43:26.


Gorgeous Beautiful THE GYPSY WAGON TINY HOUSE - Duration: 1:47.


For more infomation >> Gorgeous Beautiful THE GYPSY WAGON TINY HOUSE - Duration: 1:47.


Best Superfood Smoothie of 2018! | MUKBANG (Vegan) - Duration: 5:33.

hey everybody my name is Danny Reitzloff also known as moon hawk welcome to

my youtube channel if you're already subscribed thank you so much if you're

new to this channel make sure you look around for that little button that says

subscribe so just smash it and if you're wondering what's going on right now I

decided that I wanted to do a smoothie recipe video so this is kind of like a

mukbang as a house a bomb so I'm going to show you guys how to make one of my

favorite smoothies and it does have a few different type of superfood

ingredients that you should be able to find at your local grocery stores or

health food stores such as Whole Foods or something like that if not you should

be able to order them online and if you're missing a couple things it's

still gonna be good I promise a lot of people I know this ends up being their

favorite smoothie of all time let's just get right into it okay I'm gonna start

with blueberries and I like putting the blueberries in first because they're

smaller and you can fit a lot more fruit in there if you have the smaller fruit

at the bottom then I cut up fresh bananas and froze them so bananas by the

way if you're wondering how much of each type of fruit to put in I just go by how

I feel right in that moment so I'm sure you'll figure it out over time then I

have this frozen chunk of s ie it's pureed frozen s ie these come in these

little frozen packets at the grocery store they're amazing I get the

unsweetened ones so I'm just gonna break that in half drop it in there and now my

hands are all purple so I'm gonna get into the superfood powders now this is

maca maca is a root vegetable I love a lot so I tend to put in a very

generous amount some of my friends are like that's too much vodka whoa

on to the next powder this is sachet inchy protein powder and it's 30%

protein by weight it has kind of a nutty flavor I think it really does the trick

when it comes to getting protein so I like to add a lot sheis seeds I like to

add a generous amount of chia seeds have a little bit of cacao nibs a little bit

of cacao powder so as you can tell I stock up on these superfoods and it's

just a lot more affordable when you buy it in bulk so I also like to add a few

cacao wafers this is just unsweetened cacao cinnamon I love cinnamon in my

smoothies I am extremely generous but some coconut milk so this is always like

that turning point where you may or may not add too much liquid so I always kind

of try to make sure I don't add too much at first because you can always add some

afterwards and this is spring water so I'm gonna add a little bit of spring

water to I'm gonna have to bring it over to the table

okay drink it out of the blender oh this is life

I don't think I can finish this whole thing so the beauty of smoothies for me

is that I like to put them back in the fridge or even in the freezer for short

periods of time so it's like a smoothie that goes on forever right I've been

making this smoothie for a few years and it still doesn't get old it's like the

equivalent of a cup of coffee for some people like for me this is my cup of

coffee am i doing it right so it's that simple

all you got to do is grab some superfoods from your local grocery store

get some fruit I like to buy frozen fruit and then get a mix of fresh fruit

and then cut it and freeze it on my own I do like making green smoothies my life

is so much better when I am blessed with one of these bad boys

I'm not gonna lie and if you're around and I'm around I will share this

smoothie with you

happiness is just it comes in all forms

it definitely makes you happy so I'm pretty sure that in mukbang they like

finish the food completely I just don't know if I can do it oh my god hmm if you

enjoyed what you see please feel free to like or comment the video you can

subscribe to my channel and all the links to my other social media platforms

can be found in the description below until next time

For more infomation >> Best Superfood Smoothie of 2018! | MUKBANG (Vegan) - Duration: 5:33.


Trying out face masks and peeling off lipstick - First Video!!! - Duration: 20:21.



My name is Yoni

And my name is Viki

And today we're going to be trying on face masks and lipsticks

When you take them off and you start screaming


Now lets go over there

Ok so now we're going to be putting on the face masks but first we're going to put this head band on our heads' so we don't get anything in our hair


Ok now I am going to put on the head band for her

Ok hold on guys let me just put on this head band

No but seriously let me just put on this head because I hate these


Now we are going to put the mask into the bowl and hopefully this will look cool

Hold on let me help you

This smells really nice

Oh yeah it actually does

Squeeze it

Hold on I want to squeeze it

I told you this was gonna happen but you didn't believe me go and get some scissors, Jorik go and get some scissors

No I want to squeeze it

And then you are going to squeeze the mask into my bowl


Oh this is gonna be so gross

Oh we have never done this before

We have never put masks onto our faces

And now for the first time

I didn''t know it was gonna be this gross

I don't think you guys see it but it is so gross

Hold on I will show them what it looks like

But it smells really nice

Here you go

Is there still more?


I thought it was going to look really nice but it wasn't

This looks like slime and it it could turn into slime

This looks so black

Do you think this will work on my face

I have no idea

The scissors are a bit big so you have to be careful

Ok we will be careful

Look at these scissors ladies and gentlemen

Ok so I'm going to cut it like this and hopefully this works with scissors

Ok hold on for a second, I'm going to rip it because I did cut off a bit

Hold on, hold on Viki

Where should I put this, I'll put it over there

Ok we will sit 10-15 minutes like this

Wait hold on a second, this is how you do it

Let me do it

Wait hold on give me a tissue


Wait hold on there is one here

Well you are laughing


I'm not taking part of this channel thats all I'm saying

But he made it for us

Ok so now it is currently 13:04

Hold on we haven't finished yet

You have to put some over here

Hold on I'm doing it not you

Hold on you are putting on too much you should put some on my chin

Ok I know

A little bit here

No no

Hold on wait

Wait hold on a second let me do it on my own

Then I'm going to put on my mask without any help

Oh I put mask on my eyebrow

We have to wash it off, we can't just peel it off because that will hurt

I have a pimple and it's really annoying

Ok I'm finished with my mask

No you're not

Give me another tissue

Let me do it

No because I know wear its itchy

Ok I'm done I don't want anymore

Ok but currently it is

Currently it is 13:06

13:06 and now we're going to start doing Viki's mask now

Ok now we're going to start doing Viki's mask as I said I'm going to use this mask because we have one more because we might put it on Joro and you never know

Wait what I'm not taking part of this channel

Or we could do one for their grandmother, anyways so now Viki you're not going to be using anything are you going to get your headband?


Ok and now I am going to start on putting on her mask, ok come a little bit forward

Wait I think my one is dry, oh no it isn't. Viki hold on for a second, I just quickly need to put some mask on your pimple and a little bit on your tiny moustache

I'm sorry I look like my dad

Are you sorry?

Guys look at this beautiful mask I put on her and I still need a little bit more on my tiny moustache, oh no wait hold on I'm not going to put some on actually, wait Viki hold on you need a little more on your chin to make it look good and lets put some on your nose because there's not enough on there

But you won't letting me put mask

What on my tiny moustache?

No I wanted to finish off your mask but you didn't let me

Because it is gross and you know how it feels

I like it, I just don't like it how it's black I thought it was going to be pink

If it was pink that would have been so cool

Well the packet is pink, thats why we thought it was pink, the mask looks like the ones where you peel it off and I hope it dries soon

Mine is nearly dry

I mean you need twenty minutes to wait for it to dry

No 10-15 minutes actually, ok so we are done Jorik come and stop the clip so you don't have to watch us wait 10-15 minutes

Ok so currently it is wait ill show them because your hands are dirty oh wait hold on wait currently it is 13:12

I have, wait hold on I have six, ten, eight I have eight minutes and you have so you have to finish at eight, twenty ok fifteen minutes actually no ten minutes no wait actually thirteen minutes so you have to finish at 13:25 and I have to at 13:20 I'm finished soon in eight minutes I'm finished. Jorik come to stop our clip, Victoria is finished so now we have to wait a little bit, guys this is Jorik04 go and subscribe to him link in the description we also got a mask for him

Wait what no you don't

Ok come on

Why did we get two packets I feel like it was a waste

Yeah true we might do it for another video that we might do for Jorik04's channel

I feel like Viki's mask has been put on better

Yeah because I did it

Yeah but you didn't let me

Viki I think your hair is going to get stuck on to the mask

Ok so now our mask is now dry and we've learnt that you don't wash it off you peel it off ok so lets get started Viki is going to be standing up and I'm going to be sat down like this, ok I already know how to do this alright lets start

Ok lets do it together

Ok isn't this what it's used for?


Wait lets see oh that is just from the mask

The other part of the clip we are going to be doing later


When we take off this painful mask

Just go to the bathroom


No if you see that I'm crying a little bit is because this is so painful

We really do hope you enjoy this video and just a little bit of advice if you want a mask get yourself a mask that washes off

Wait Viki

I'm sorry I had to do it oh dear now I have to do it I haven't peeled off one of my cheeks yet

Lets see

This is the mask don't worry look


Viki is nearly finished

But I'm not

I can't wait for this part

That is my eyebrow

No it's not calm down

I took off a little bit of my baby hair, if you can see it

My face hurts you know what Viki I'm going to use water now I can't do this

We got ourselves some water well my brother did

But it's not for drinking anymore, Jorik can you go and get me some tissues quick, Viki get your mask wet oh I just realised that you don't have anymore

I got you toilet roll

Ok give it all to me because I need to use all of it for my face

Never buy yourselves cheap masks

Buy yourself a good quality one

It's really itchy

Well you haven't got it I do

Yeah but it's still itchy

Come and help me hold on a second, oh sorry, oh yeah thats a good idea I'm going to do that as well, look how Joro is looking at me, hold on let me just use this water as much as I can, I regret buying two masks

We didn't know anything about these mask

I think this channel is going to be so weird

Oh yes I removed this really annoying piece

The things you are doing at the moment just makes me think this channel is going to be weird, if you want to check out my channel I'm going to be doing FIFA, FORTNITE and football mostly and a few vlogs probably

Oh not this FORTNITE game his YouTube channel is called Jorik04 I'll put it in the link in the description and my mask is taking so long to remove

Why did we do this to ourselves

Viki go and get that really smooth cream that you have

No you can only put on a different cream that I don't know where it is

Ok can you try find that cream


Ok this is what is left

But we still have one more packet we might put it on his face


Ok so now as you can I managed to remove my mask as you guys can see and my skin feels so smooth and now we are going to put on a mask for our lips Viki is going to be first

And this is what we are going to be putting on

Viki should I go and get you the mirror?

Yes please and by the way I've seen so many people do these type of videos so this is what inspired us so yeah now we are waiting for Yoni

Guys just to let you know that there is going to be a next video all about nails so stay tuned for that

Ok so this is what it looks like ok give me the mirror and lets get started

How long do we have to wait for the mask to dry out like five minutes

No like twenty I think


Are you ready and here she is and why don't you show your brother

Do you have to put on a lot of lipstick

No but now it's my turn put some lipstick on

The lipstick is a bit pink/red if you know what I mean

I don't think so, oops sorry ok so now I'm going to sit down and you lot are going to watch me how I'm putting on my mask

And I'm going to get myself a wet tissue to clean some stuff

Ok I'm ready and this is actually a really nice mask in my opinion

Is there still lipstick in there?


I've seen so many YouTubers try out so many masks and Yoni thinks I need to put on a bit more lipstick and tell me when you're finished so I can put on a little bit more

Ok fine just a wait a little bit

This looks like that we've bought the wrong one because the YouTubers I watched they were able to talk after they finished with their lipstick and I can't so it isn't really working

I think it suits me

And for me

Ok hold on

It's going to look lighter when we remove it, hey you are putting on so much lipstick than me

Ok I'm ready but I'm going to do something because I look a bit messy, Viki go and sit down so the people can see you so, just sit down on the chair and if you just stay there then who is going to see you?

Ok guys lets just remove these things we have waited for a couple of minutes and now our masks are dry

Wait are you recording oh hello

And now we're going to start to peel off our mask


Mine is already starting to peel off

I already know how to peel it off just to tell you guys, oh you removed it

Oh it makes your mouth go like red/pinky colour

I can't remove it for some reason

I need a bit of wet tissues so we remove the left overs from the mask

I actually really like it, what do you think? leave your thoughts in the comment section below on what you liked more Yoni's or Viki's lipstick?

Your lipstick looks better than mine and also what did you guys like more the mask or the lipstick?

I liked the lipstick more

Me too

Wait hold on for a second I haven't removed the left overs so

Wait guys we will be back

Does it not come off when you do this

Oh hey guys

Ok guys so I am finally finished and she is also finished and now...



For more infomation >> Trying out face masks and peeling off lipstick - First Video!!! - Duration: 20:21.


Victoria Osteen - Encourage Yourself - Duration: 13:04.

I was talking to a girl the other day who had had a breakup in her

relationship and she was so disheartened she said that she thought this

relationship was on the right track she thought that it could even be headed

towards marriage and then one day he came to her and he said I'm taking a job

in another state where she was so discouraged she thought what's happening

when she began to think about how he could leave so quickly it began to

demoralize her she thought well I'm not as special as I thought I was I guess he

didn't love me like I thought he loved me she said I began to dwell on these

thoughts and I became more discouraged she said you know I was just really just

trying to make sense of it all trying to figure it all out what

happened what did I do she said I got to the place where I

didn't even want to go hardly go to work I certainly didn't want to go out with

any friends I found myself just staying at home a lot and she said one evening I

turned on the television and I saw your ministry she says as I began to listen

and listen to the messages I begin to regain a sense of who I was she said I

began to become encouraged again she said this that I thought was so good she

said I realized what I had been doing was I had been so focused to what had

happened to me that I wasn't understanding what was happening in me

she said I had been so hurt I have been so discredited I felt so all alone and

what was happening to me was causing what was happening in me to totally

destroy my life she said I didn't want to do anything she said and as I became

encouraged she said that discouragement left in how

Rose she said I literally got to the place where I could look myself in the

mirror and like myself again she said little by little she said I'd get up in

the morning and I would look in the mirror and she would say you were

beautiful you are talented you are Val

Yubel she said I begin to have this fun person come back into my life the person

I really was and she said I got so excited I got it I got encouraged to get

up in the morning and look at myself and tell myself how well I was doing you see

I love that she added this and I can't leave this out she said and I would say

to myself God is gonna bring the right person across my path because I'm in the

palm of his hand I love the fact that she did something about her

discouragement she made a choice she took what she received on the inside the

encouragement she got from the ministry and she began to encourage herself it

says in Exodus 6 that when Moses was going to lead the children of Israel out

of captivity which God had promised would happen when he went to them to

tell them that this was their time this was the moment that God was going to

cause them to leave this burden of this yoke this bondage that they had been

under the scripture says this it says that they were too discouraged to

believe they had been under so much discouragement

that they couldn't even believe that what God could do for them you know

that's a sad statement too discouraged to believe but I'll tell you what it

shows me it shows me the power of discouragement in our life it shows me

that when we become discouraged we can't even get the faith to believe that God

can take us to the places we need to go to take us over a challenge through an

obstacle you see discouragement is heaped on us and we can't see you know

it's very interesting because the young girl that I talked about when she began

to encourage herself when she began to take this encouragement that she had on

the inside and encouraged herself you know nothing had changed on the outside

that man didn't come back to her life but everything

had changed on the inside and when hope rises in your heart faith causes you to

act faith causes you to move forward the scripture tells us that David the mighty

man of God who faced challenge after challenge learned this secret he

encouraged himself in the Lord you see David had a warrior's mentality he took

this place inside of him that he had built up this place where he had

encouraged himself in the things of God and he was able to take that war chest

and encourage himself on the things on the outside he was able to look at the

face of discouragement and say no my God can supply all of my needs my God can

get me through this you see at one point in David's life everybody had turned

against him even his men that were fighting battles with him were so down

and discouraged that they turned to David and they said we want to stone you

they were looking for someone to blame for the difficulties that they were

facing David had no one around him that could encourage him yet he encouraged

himself in the Lord his God you know it's great when your family is there to

encourage you when your friends are there to encourage you but what happens

when no one's there to encourage you you know what I believe I believe we

shouldn't depend on other people to encourage us I believe our main source

of encouragement should come right from the inside of us see I can't even

imagine my husband trying to encourage me every time I'm discouraged you know

what if I went to Joel every time that I was discouraged

he'd probably lock himself in a closet and not come out you see we've got to

learn to encourage ourself every day we've got to remember what God has done

in our life we have to understand that we have to get in agreement with God

that you are made in the image of Almighty God God created you and he made

you and if you believe that about your life then when you criticize yourself

you might as well be criticized your Creator the one who made you you

see if you can criticize his creation then what you're doing is criticizing

the Creator because he made you he formed you he fashioned you just the way

you should be see when you encourage yourself what you're doing is you're

saying thank you God for who you made me to be thank you God that you've made me

to be more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus

but I'm an overcomer because you backed me up because I have your word in me see

it's so easy sometimes to see the good qualities and other people yet ignore

the good qualities in ourselves but I believe that we need to see are the good

things in ourselves and we need to applaud even the smallest

accomplishments you know maybe you feel like you're a procrastinator and there's

been a project that you've been putting off well when you begin to start that

project even if you don't finish it applaud yourself you know what what

about that diet you've been trying to stay on listen when you have a good day

applaud yourself what about the addiction that you're overcoming when

you see yourself trying listen cry on your own efforts with the success

applaud yourself you see we've got to learn to applaud even the smallest

accomplishments in our life when we applaud ourselves you know what we're

doing we're not being boastful we're not being egotistical and prideful we're

building confidence and faith in ourself too often we see what we're doing wrong

and not what we're doing right we see all the times we blew it but I want to

tell you something don't go around looking at all the times you blew it

applaud yourself for all the things you've done well buy yourself some

flowers celebrate yourself you've been made in the image of God you got to

understand when you celebrate yourself you're celebrating God on the inside of

you see it's so important that we do this

you know life doesn't always turn out the way we planned and maybe today you

can say well not everything has gone my way but can I encourage you with this

you're still here you're still full of purpose you're still full of value you

can still get to where God wants you to be

you can't live negative and expect to have a positive life you can't dwell on

everything that you can't do and expect to go out with strength and courage to

do it you see we're all in the process that is the truth every one of us in

here is in a certain area of our life in process to becoming and it's up to us to

stay encouraged along the way I'll never forget the time we were in another state

and my husband was on a book tour and we had done an interview with this

journalist but I'll never forget he got in the car we all piled in the car and

he sat there for a second and he said you know what I did a good job he said I

did everything that I knew to do I said what I knew to say he said and I just

feel good about what I did today I did the very best that I could and we had a

friend with us and a little later he said Joel you know when you affirmed

yourself after that important interview he said it reminded me of how negative I

am towards my own self he said I thought about what if that was me that just came

out of that interview he said I would have probably had a mind full of doubt I

would have probably thought I didn't say the right thing and I didn't do the

right thing but when you had the boldness and the courage to affirm

yourself he said it was such a freedom for me it made me realize that I can

affirm myself but could see the truth is we can only do the best that we can do

today and it will do the best we can do today whether it was the best or not

we'll be more equipped to do better tomorrow you see my husband is one of

the greatest encouragers that I think I've ever seen

he's encouraged people all over the world and I believe one of the greatest

secrets to his encouragement is the fact that he knows how to encourage himself

he practices finding the best in himself see when you're full of good things it's

interesting how you see through that lens of good things then you're able to

see the best in others to affirm and encourage other people so you can't give

away what you don't have if you've got a full tank then you can give

encouragement and love to one another

listen I believe I'm looking at people who've decided they're gonna practice

looking in the mirror and deciding who they really are

I believe I'm looking at people who are gonna affirm themselves they're gonna

watch the negative talk and the negative thoughts that are going on in their mind

and I believe that as we get up every day and we say who God says we are and

we reflect the image of Almighty God that we'll be able to go out and be

encourages everywhere we go amen your partnership makes this ministry possible

you're faithful and consistent monthly support makes you a champion of hope the

vision of Joel Osteen ministries is to use every avenue available to present

the hope of Jesus Christ to people everywhere we know it is this hope and

the transforming power of the gospel that makes an eternal difference in

people's lives to partner with Joel Osteen ministries visit Joel Osteen

flash partner today

For more infomation >> Victoria Osteen - Encourage Yourself - Duration: 13:04.


Jim Rohn: Who Are You Becoming? ( Jim Rohn Law of Attraction ) - Duration: 13:27.

I want you to ponder these questions

what are you becoming what are you becoming what are you becoming - the big

question is not what am I getting paid here the big question is what am i

becoming here

because true happiness is not contained in what you get happiness is contained

in what you've become

here's the big challenge of life you can have more than you've got because you

can become more than you are that's the challenge and of course the other side

of the coin reads unless you change how you are you'll always have what you got

I have found in my experience that income does not far exceed personal

development now sometimes income takes a lucky jump

but sure enough unless you grow out where it is it'll usually come back

where you are life has strange ways if somebody hands you a million dollars

best you become a millionaire quickly so you get to keep the money otherwise sure

enough it'll disappear somebody once said if you took all the money in the

world divided it up equally among everybody it would soon all be back in

the same pockets incredible success is something you attract not something you

pursue success is looking for a good place to stay so instead of going after

it you work on yourself personal development see the major

question to ask on the job is not what are you getting the major question to

ask on the job is what are you becoming - the big question is not what am I

getting paid here the big question is what am i becoming here

because true happiness is not contained in what you get happiness is contained

in what you become so that's our major subject for tonight personal development

of all the assignments mr. chef gave me at age 25 this was probably the most

difficult in fact I'm still working on this one I think it's an unending

challenge to see what you can become the next subject is called basic laws and

it's good to study the basics and I call these basics primarily

because they come from the Bible now I'm not a theologian or a minister and

that'll be a parent but mr. shelf taught me that the Bible was a good textbook

for ideas and stories and success equations how to live the better life I

found out that was true he also taught me that the Bible is as practical as it

is spiritual and I found out that's true if you look at your bank account and

your income and you're not happy there are several places in the Bible to check

to see what the heck's wrong so you can make the changes and we're gonna cover

some of those tonight called basics okay the next subject is my favorite setting

goals mister shelf taught me how to set goals what a favor that was one morning

at breakfast shortly after I met him he said Jim let me see your current list of

goals and let's go over them and talk about him he said maybe that's the best

way I can help you get a better direction started and I said I don't

have a list he said well is it out in the car or

home somewhere I said no sir I don't have a list anywhere

he said well young man that's where we got to start he said I can tell you

right now if you don't have a list of your goals with you he said I can guess

your bank balance within a few hundred dollars

which he did and that got my attention I said you

mean my bank balance would change if I had a list of goals he said drastically

that day I became a willing student how to set goals and sure enough learning

how to set goals changed my life and I often wondered why no one had ever

taught me how to set goals up until age 25 I went to high school but if they

offered it I missed it I went to college for a year never heard it I work for

Sears really and to my knowledge Sears never taught it right how to set goals

so here I am age 25 married my family starting I'd been to college I'm working

and I still don't know how to set goals but fortunately when I was 25 I met the

man who taught me how and it revolutionized my whole life

economically socially personally it's incredible so I want to share with you

tonight what mr. Show shared with me how to set goals it can be a life changer

okay the next subject is the negative part of the seminar life is part

negative so we got to talk about the negative and this subject is called


of attitude

diseases of attitude there's a lot of things that can wreck your chances to do

well we live in a rather dangerous world so you got to be not only wise you got

to be careful now attitude diseases are just as bad as physical diseases right

high blood pressure heart trouble I mean a lot of things lace your chances to do

well so you've got to be careful and attitude diseases are deadly I mean

they'll destroy all the good things you start okay so we'll go through those

attitude diseases how to spot them how to look for them what they are and and

the cure and I'm a pearl on these because I've had them all so I can give

you excellent advice on these now the last subject we're going to consider

tonight is called the day that turns your life around the day that turns your

life around and under this subject were going to talk about the emotions that

can change your life human beings are emotional creatures and

emotions are powerful for life change now of course the emotions are so

powerful they can go either way on you emotions can either build or destroy so

you really have to employ emotions properly we call civilization the

intelligent management of human emotions if you can intelligently apply your

emotions in the right direction no telling what can happen could turn your

life around one day would be sufficient so we'll talk about those it's the major


to your better future

is you

that's the theme of our seminar tonight the major key to your better future is

you and I'd like to have you underline two words just to give it some added

punch underline the word major and the word you so that it reads the major key

to your better future is you now my first suggestion is transfer this to a

card or something where you can put it up where you can see it every day

preferably put it up where you can see it at the beginning of the day before

you go off to put the day together this is a good phrase just a glance out to

keep in mind as you're putting the day together it's called the silent seminar

if you'll just let this talk to you during the day I found it to be

tremendously helpful the major key to your better future is you for a big

share of my life now I didn't have this one quite figured out among a lot of

things I didn't have quite figured out many things just to puzzle me back in

those early days I used to wonder why two people could work for the same

company one make twice as much money now see that used to puzzle me and maybe

they were the same age graduated from the same school live in the same

community work for the same company with the same products in the same services

they've got the same traffic the same problems and one makes a thousand a

month the other one makes two thousand a month now that was my puzzling question

why would this long list be the same and the money twice as much I asked what's

the difference between a thousand a month and two thousand a month and I

don't mean a thousand a month right I could figure that out but what makes the

difference why would one person do twice as well three times as well speaking

economically now I know there's more than one way to do well I understand

that but in this little narrow area called compensation what's the

difference well back then with my faulty thinking

I'm trying to reason it out I thought well maybe time makes some of the

difference right some people do better because they have more time I used to

say Harold ought to be able to do well he's got a lot of time if I had all of

Harold's time I could do well now that's got to be done right number one you

can't get somebody else's time

a guy says to me one time he says you know if I had some extra time I could

make some extra money I said then forget it

there isn't any extra time hey when the clock strikes 12:00 midnight that about

wraps it up right I mean you can look around the gong here for a little more

but it's over you say to the guy what are you doing he said I'm looking for

extra time see they'll come and take you away right there isn't any more time now

if you can't get more time which you can't

what could you get more of that would make a difference in economic results

and here's the key word make it a part of your notes we're going to consider it

tonight the word is value and I have a little phrase for your notes value makes

the difference in results value makes the difference

you can't get more time but you can create more value

now here's the first lesson of economics everybody should learn it from the time

they're old enough to understand what a dollar means how to earn one how to get

one how to keep one what to do with it first lesson of economics we primarily

get paid for value that's lesson one bringing value to the marketplace that's

how you get paid you don't get paid for the time I know it takes time to bring

value to the marketplace but you get paid for the value not the time now

since that's true here's one of the key questions of the evening is it possible

to become twice as valuable at the marketplace and make twice as much money

in the same time could you become three times as valuable make three times as

much money in the same time is that possible

the answer is yes if and it's always if right life is known as the big if Harry

Truman once said life is iffy how true and here's the big if we're going to

consider it tonight it's possible to do much better at the marketplace if you go

to work primarily on yourself and that's the theme of our seminar tonight

learning to work primarily on yourself

people have asked me for the last 24 years how do you develop an

above-average income and the answer is become an above-average person develop

an above-average handshake some people want to be successful they don't even

work on their handshake as easy as that would be to start on they let it slide

they don't understand develop an above-average smile develop an

above-average excitement develop an above-average interest in other people

develop an above-average intensity to win see that'll change everything

probably one of the most frustrating experiences in life is looking for an

above-average job with above-average pay without becoming an above-average person

it's called frustration

and mr. shelf gave me probably the greatest clue he gave me when I first

met him he said Jim if you want to be wealthy and happy the rest of your life

just learn this lesson well he said learn to work harder on yourself than

you do on your job

For more infomation >> Jim Rohn: Who Are You Becoming? ( Jim Rohn Law of Attraction ) - Duration: 13:27.


Wheels On the Bus | Nursery Rhymes Songs for Children | Kindergarten Cartoons by Little Treehouse - Duration: 2:31.

The wheels on the bus go round and round.

Round and round, Round and round.

The wheels on the bus go round and round,

All through the town.

The wipers on the bus go Swish,swish,swish.

Swish, swish, swish Swish, swish, swish

The wipers on the bus go Swish, swish,swish..

All through the town.

The horn on the bus goes Beep, beep beep..

Beep, beep, beep, Beep, beep, beep

The horn on the bus goes Beep, beep, beep,

All through the town.

The windows on the bus go up and down..

Up and down,up and down

The windows of the bus go up and down..

All through the town.

The seat on the bus goes squeak, squeak, squeak

Squeak, squeak, squeak Squeak, squeak, squeak

The seat on the bus goes squeak, squeak, squeak

All through the town.

The monkey on the bus goes giggle, giggle, giggle

Giggle, giggle, giggle, Giggle, giggle, giggle

The monkey on the bus goes giggle, giggle, giggle

All through the town.

The wheels on the bus go round and round

Round and round, Round and round.

The wheels on the bus go round and round

All through the town.

For more infomation >> Wheels On the Bus | Nursery Rhymes Songs for Children | Kindergarten Cartoons by Little Treehouse - Duration: 2:31.


Are you enjoying the Summer Institute? | United Teaching - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> Are you enjoying the Summer Institute? | United Teaching - Duration: 2:00.


塔罗牌占卜:你的外表和内在哪个分数更高一些? - Duration: 9:08.

For more infomation >> 塔罗牌占卜:你的外表和内在哪个分数更高一些? - Duration: 9:08.


NAVI PUBG at StarSeries S2: Last Day Matches - Duration: 15:49.

MVP are here! MOLODOY and ubah are placing fire on the Koreans.

In the meantime, Method are getting picked by Knights.

Two knocks for NAVI so far.

Team 17 and GenG are getting into a firefight, Shou is taken down by ubah.

A perfect play from Batulins.

Shade gets another knock on Divine, Leviz is on the ground.

MOLODOY picks up Lsn as NAVI are taking fights across the entire area.

The Asian teams are in huge trouble, ubah finishes off Lsn.

NAVI are spreading wide over the area, gathering a lot of intel.

Beneath me.

Optic are coming towards me! Faster!

They're in the open!

Drainys, join them!

I'm knocked. Healing up.

One's about to come out.

Shade don't rush! Good job!

Don't hurry, bro.

Are they all dead?

No, there are more. One more, to be exact.

He's probably over there.

Get back now.

I knocked him.

There's only one left.

GenG are down.

There's one hiding in the hut.

Let's push Optic first, do you copy?

Yes, I'm coming with you, bro.

Optic first! We'll finish these later.

Optic is our priority.

One enemy is inside the shed, I guess.

A large rock in front of the shed.

Slow down, Vanya!

Behind the rock.

- That was a mistake. - They are getting surrounded.

Is he going to get knocked? Yes, SimSn knocks ubah out, after all.

But he's very low, no chance.

NAVI wins the round! Great job!

It's odd nobody was there, the spot was free.

Well, you and I had it under control playing from the camp.

Quit going prone all the time, seriously.

Why did you change your dropping spot?

We got a lucky plane's path, so we decided to change a spot.

I didn't understand how to loot that city, we dropped there for first time.

Actually, I found a lot of stuff there, I just didn't tell you so that you wouldn't get complacent.

- Balloc's doing the job. - Ubah chimes in, trying to steal a frag. He manages to finish off AK.

- He should've tried to get into the zone. NAVI are out. - Top 11 for NAVI.

Vadim, you placed 11th in the last round. What went wrong?

We should've taken a camp, but we didn't, I don't know why.

We will avoid this mistake next time.

It was hard to rotate towards the end as we only had two vehicles.

One ran out of gas, as it turned out.

We got as 3 into another car, leaving Shade behind to distract attention.

The guys survived for a bit, Vanya could've probably stayed alive for a little while longer though.

But he got taken down by M24.

We should've taken camps by the road, but we lingered.

This is a new spot, so there's stuff we don't know yet, we're getting experience.

NAVI are only getting out of the blue zone, Xtreme2g comes out and takes down ubah.

MOLODOY spots Method, the entire squad's trying to wipe them out.

He might spot the last one, but he can't detect him yet.

They might try to revive each other somehow.

MOLODOY gets shot, NAVI are in quite a bad spot.

Knights are holding the ground as 4, Shade peeks, good job! There were too many enemies.

You know, you can open your own hookah place after these smokes on low ground.

There were tons of smokes indeed, but it was just to survive.

- Shade, you outlasted 5 teams playing for placement. - I did? - Yes.

How many teams? - 5 teams.

Well, I tried to crawl through, it was a good call from MOLODOY to crawl under the fence.

Had I knocked another Knight, I would've lived for longer than I did. But still not bad.

Krama gets finished off, Knights lose one.

Xiaodu from XQuest also goes down.

NAVI are trying to pass through Ghost, it's not really the best timing though.

I think only MOLODOY might be able to make it somewhere.

Drainys is trying his best to get inside.

MOLODOY is down, Drainys is likely to follow.

Are NAVI really going to place 17th?

One player is still alive. No, he's dead. - Top 16 for NAVI.

Batulins, how many times did the circle shrink on you?

- In the last game? - Yes.

Every single time.

Well, it's hard to say anything, really.

We changed our strategy along the way — we're now dropping into the northern city of Torre Ahumada, or something like that.

The first round went well, but the rest, not so much.

We're still trying to figure out stuff.

I remember we used to drop vehicles off and just walk to the center, but for some reason, it's no longer works on this map.

Overall, we have a hard time playing Miramar on the current patch.

We're gonna keep trying to make it work,

but for now, it all boils down to everyone wanting to change a dropping spot to somewhere closer to the middle.

We'll see how it goes as the tournament progresses.

I wanted to smile, but the guy with the camera approached and now I have to put on my serious face.

What did they ask you?

If we're going to make it to the play-offs and what exactly we're going to do to advance there.

Behold, Dr.Diezzzrespect.

Are we engaging?

I'm going in first, cover me.


First floor, on the right.

It is going like 1 km/h.

NAVI are in trouble. Bahawaka gets a knock on ubah.

Let's see how this unfolds.

Wow! MOLODOY makes it out alive, but Shade does get knocked out of the bike.

Drainys is trying to get through, but also goes down.

Jesus, there's only MOLODOY left.

We're surviving.

NAVI are in a firefight as they shut down Secret.

MOLODOY needs to be revived; one more airdrop comes in.

Ubah takes out Vard, Optic trade Drainys.

Valliate's doing a good job on the bridge; serious fights are starting to break out.

NAVI are outside the zone, GenG and Tainted Minds are taking positions inside, Optic are trying to return fire.

Shade is unlikely to get revived here, NAVI are down to two now with ubah and MOLODOY still being alive.

However, ubah is also knocked out and he's going to get pushed.

NAVI found themselves on the wrong side of the river.

Well, they're not to blame for that.

In the end, it is Knights not Optic who finish off MOLODOY. 10th place for NAVI.

Dima, tell me about the fight under the bridge in the second match.

I didn't have a scope, Drainys couldn't cross through, I realized I couldn't either.

As a result, only MOLODOY and ubah made it.

Also, there were Knights on a ridge throwing fire at us from the other side.

It was tough, especially with hardshifting circles.

Shade gets taken down by MVP.Paeng as NAVI suffer their first casualty in this round.

How come?

The push is on! Spray!

That's a great spray from MOLODOY. Good job.

Has he got any utility? Vadik, deploy the nade!

It's only a smoke and a flashbang. Unfortunately, not a frag one.

Here comes the second attempt from MVP.

They barge in prefiring, NAVI have lost MOLODOY and Drainys!

A nice headshot from Drainys. NAVI need to pull through, they need to push.

The timing's off, no more consumables.

On the other hand, there's a good news, they are higher than XQuest in the standings.

MOLODOY gets lucky. He needs to run. Can he make it in time? No, he can't.

NAVI get a top 10 finish, friends.

They're doing a 2-2 split or are they going to group up?

They're grouping up, Shou finishes off ubah, NAVI are down to 3.

Drainys... It's dangerous!

They're going back to a spot they could've taken earlier.

A lot of rotations are being made by NAVI, the guys are obviously nervous.

Maybe they're trying to guess where the circle is going to head next.

The main thing is to avoid these guys here!...

They're in a valley right beneath Tainted Minds!

This move might turn into a mass grave for NAVI and result in their elimination from the tournament.

Turtle is risking but gets a knock.

Shade's down, TM are pushing NAVI, there are only Drainys and MOLODOY alive.

MOLODOY's in trouble, Vampire lands a shot on him and knocks him out, Drainys is the last man standing.

It looks like a 14th place. TM continue to throw fire.

Drainys is trying to make it out of there. Will he? He's triyng to go uphill, the car is damaged.

He's probably done for.

TM eliminate NAVI! That's it! NAVI were unable to make it to the play-offs.

For more infomation >> NAVI PUBG at StarSeries S2: Last Day Matches - Duration: 15:49.


New Zealand lottery POWERBALL Aug 29 2018 - Duration: 1:45.

New Zealand lottery POWERBALL Aug 29 2018

For more infomation >> New Zealand lottery POWERBALL Aug 29 2018 - Duration: 1:45.


Add these 6 Foods to Your Diet for More Vitamin E - Duration: 7:22.

Add these 6 Foods to Your Diet for More Vitamin E

Vitamin E, also known as alpha-tocopherol, is a lipo-soluble nutrient that stands out thanks to its powerful antioxidant effects and its role in the synthesis of heme pigment.

This is an essential component of hemoglobin.

Its absorption by the body helps you protect your tissues against the negative effects of free radicals.

In fact, vitamin E is thought to play a major role in the prevention of certain diseases that are caused by aging.

Your body requires high doses of this vitamin to keep your immune system working strong.

After all, it helps deal with the pathogens that attack your tissues and cells.

It's also been referred to as the "vitamin of youth.

" This is because it helps maintain healthy skin and hair in spite of the passage of time.

Best of all is that you can get your daily allowance of vitamin E through a wide variety of foods that can easily be incorporated into your diet.

Today, we want to talk about the top six so you'll remember to eat them more regularly.

1, Almonds.

Almonds are a nut that has a very high vitamin E content and healthy fatty acids, such as omega-3.

These nutrients, in addition to their essential minerals, help keep your cells in good condition.

In addition, they also decrease your risk of cardiovascular and inflammatory disease.

Every 100 grams of almonds contains up to 26 mg of vitamin E.

Because they have a lot of calories, however, it's best to eat almonds only in moderation.


Green leafy vegetables like spinach are a healthy source of vitamin E.

They're low in calories, but with plenty of important nutrients for the body.

In this case, this vegetable packs an incredible amount of vitamin E.

This, along with its other antioxidants, helps protect your body against chronic diseases that come from the effects of oxidative damage.

In addition, it provides essential minerals that aid in the formation of red blood cells and the strengthening of your bones and joints.

They include:. Iron. Magnesium. Calcium.

Zinc. Potassium.


Net, kale is another plant-based source of significant quantities of vitamin E and other essential nutrients that protect your body from the negative effects of aging.

It's estimated that one cup of this ingredient provides between 6% and 8% of the recommended daily allowance of vitamin E.

It also contains fiber and essential minerals.

Once absorbed by the body, they support your metabolic function to prevent problems like diabetes and obesity.


Known around the world for its high content of vitamin C and dietary fiber, papaya is a fruit whose antioxidant effects can counteract the impacts of free radicals on your cells and tissues.

Thanks to its significant amounts of vitamin A, potassium, magnesium, and other minerals, it supports the function of all your bodily systems.

Regular consumption of papaya decreases your risk of viral and inflammatory disorders.

In addition, it also improves the appearance of your skin.


Olives are known for their multiple applications in the kitchen.

However, they have other medicinal uses and benefits for both physical and cognitive health.

They contain high levels of vitamin E and essential amino acids.

Together, they create a protective barrier against the impacts of free radicals.

Olives also contain small amounts of essential fatty acids whose anti-inflammatory effects improve joint health and prevent the wear and tear that's associated with aging.


Avocados are one of the best foods for healthy diet plans.

This is not just because they contain vitamin E, but also because they provide healthy fatty acids, B vitamins, and minerals.

They have a slightly higher caloric content than other fruits and vegetables.

However, their nutrient concentrations make avocados one of the best dietary supplements.

Consuming them as well as external application can improve the health of your skin and hair, particularly with respect to the face and the signs of aging.

When you add these foods to your diet, you'll give your body some potent and important antioxidants to maintain good health.

As a result, it will promote your well-being and reduce the risk of wrinkles and other early signs of aging.

For more infomation >> Add these 6 Foods to Your Diet for More Vitamin E - Duration: 7:22.


How to keep your anxious co-worker from rubbing off on you - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> How to keep your anxious co-worker from rubbing off on you - Duration: 2:28.


The Why: What's behind our pumpkin spice obsession? - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> The Why: What's behind our pumpkin spice obsession? - Duration: 1:11.


BLOOPER: Colton Reveals He Never Wears Underwear! | The Bachelor Insider - Duration: 1:18.

For more infomation >> BLOOPER: Colton Reveals He Never Wears Underwear! | The Bachelor Insider - Duration: 1:18.


Sewer Cleaning Orange CA 800-538-4537 Sewer Cleaning Orange CA - Duration: 1:19.

Sewer Cleaning Orange CA

Are you sick of having your drains or sewer line clogged and having to pay a plumber every

6 months to come clear it out?

Hydro jetting is a long lasting solution to the problem of drain obstructions and tree

roots intruding into sewer lines.

We have a state of the art high pressure water jetter that cleans out grease, sludge, tree

roots or any other blockages in your pipes.

While conventional snaking only pokes a hole in the clog, water jetting cleans out the

entire surface of the pipe.

We are trained experts in sewers, drains, and septic systems.

We'll stop your problem at it's source and keep your home safe.

To get a better view of what's going on, our technicians can do an in-pipe camera inspection.

If your drain is blocked and causing issues, emergency service is available.

Give us a call today, we'll get there fast!

For more infomation >> Sewer Cleaning Orange CA 800-538-4537 Sewer Cleaning Orange CA - Duration: 1:19.


Best New Pick Up Tool for Paper Crafters - Duration: 2:49.

Hi everyone! Welcome to Lisa's stamp studio, my name is Lisa Curcio. I'm here

today to talk to you about the new take your pick pick-up tool. This is a

fantastic addition to the Stampin Up tools. This pick up tool has a tacky end

here underneath the cap. Now, it's real important that you don't twist the cap

you're just gonna pull it straight off; there's a tacky putty here on the end

that's gonna make it so easy to pick up those small items. I've got some small

punched pieces here. Normally you would try with your fingers to pick them up

and it's really difficult but with the pick up tool it's really simple. The

smallest of things can be picked up. And they can be picked up again once the

glue is in place to adhere them to your projects. It works great even for sequins!

I know with an assortment like this that sometimes I'm hunting and pecking for a

specific color. Now I can easily pick them up and put them back. The pick up

tool is dual ended; on the other side there is a protective cap and there's a

spatula this is great for getting up underneath items like rhinestones and

pearls that have glue dots already on the back to adhere them to your projects.

Go ahead and pull out the other end by unlocking the mechanism- there is an

indication here for the unlock and the lock so you're just going to turn this and

slide this out and you have the most perfect paper piercing tool. Simply lock

it back in place to ensure that it doesn't come loose. Well the great part

is it also comes with another accessory. So we'll go ahead and unlock that and

remove this and we've got a dual ended stylus tool so I'm go ahead and we're

going to put that in and then we're gonna lock it again. One side is large

and the other side is smaller. Great for scoring everything from designer series

paper to cardstock. The other great thing about the pick up tool is it comes with a

refill so when the tacky putty is already gone all you have to do is

unscrew this and place the new one in its place and then you're good to go. The

refills are really inexpensive and you're going

get them in a two-pack. This product will be featured in the brand-new holiday

catalog with Stampin Up that comes out on September 5th. If you don't already

have a Stampin' Up! demonstrator and you're interested in receiving copies of

both the annual and the holiday catalog I'd be more than happy to send them to

you just leave me a comment below. This new pickup tool is going to make picking

up these small pieces a lot easier especially as we design our holiday

cards. Thanks for joining me everyone! I look forward to seeing you next week for

another quick tip.

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