Motivational Status Quotes
My Life as a Fictive [Dissociative Identity Disorder] - Duration: 8:51.Um... Hi!
It's 3am and I haven't been able to stop thinking about this and how badly I've wanted to make a video about it.
I want to preface this before I begin and saying that this is not my main account,
even though I want to get this out there,
I'm not completely comfortable with putting it in front of an immediate audience.
if.... that makes sense?
But, yes,
This is my voice, I'm a boy,
I'm an 18 year old squeaker,
please for the love of god help me.
So, as you can already tell by the title of this video,
this is a video about Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID)
I've been seeing a buttload of videos covering DID and normalizing it
and I haven't seen anyone covering exactly what I have experience with
so I figured I could step forward and publicize this like everybody else has been doing.
So... as you probably already know,
Dissociative Identity Disorder is a mental illness which stems from a childhood trauma
that causes the brain to split up into multiple "personalities" (quote unquote)
which are called alters!
this used to be called Multiple Personality Disorder. (MPD)
I'm not gonna get into the whole bulk and beef of the specifics,
because there's plenty more videos explaining this that I can link in the description for you to check out if you're confused.
I'm probably going to be talking with terms that I assume you already know,
so I apologize if it gets a little confusing.
What *I'M* here to talk about today is
fictional introjects (or fictives as you probably know them) and host changes.
Because well, that's.... me.
I'm no professional mind you, I'm just explaining my personal experiences and my personal knowledge.
I might miss a handful of things and appreciate any add-ons left in the comments!
Fictional introjects are alters that were created in the image of a fictional character.
They are usually "Born" (quote unquote)
with no other basis of an identity outside of this fictional identity.
It might even reach a point where they have memories from their source and have trouble
adapting to the real world because of this.
They might miss other people from their source or anything along those lines.
Every fictive is different from one another and has different ways of coping
and handling their identity.
They might even separate themselves from this identity if it's physically or emotionally harmful.
Alters can take *ANY* form. This can be *ANYTHING*.
It can be anything from gender, age, species, race, and so on- it does not have to match the body's at all.
It doesn't have to be real, and can be fictional characters or even mythological animals and creatures.
Nothing is a stretch.
Fictional introjects typically come from finding an extreme comfort in a character.
This isn't necessary so to speak but, the most common source of a fictive being "BORN" (quote unquote,,,)
is because the host initially found a lot of comfort in the source and/or the character itself.
That way, after a traumatic event happens,
a fictive is formed because the host saw it as some sort of escape.
Sort of like... "if I was in X world this wouldn't be happening",
"X character wouldn't have this happen to them", or even
"If X was here or I was X they would be able to stop this."
So let's say as a six-year-old child you found a lot of comfort in the show Spongebob.
You love that show. And you use this as a way to calm down and feel happy at the end of the day.
Everything about the show filled you with some sort of comfort.
Then something traumatic in your life happens.
Instead of it leaving a lasting impact on you,
your brain splits off and creates a separate person to handle or help you deal with this experience.
This person can very well turn out to be a fictional introject of a character from the show Spongebob,
because that's what your brain recognizes as someplace safe or someplace happy.
And no.
This has nothing to do with fictionkin.
Fictional introjects *CAN* be fictionkin,
but just because you are fictionkin it does not mean you are a fictive.
The original host or already existing alters cannot be fictives.
People without systems cannot be a fictive.
The difference being, in fictionkin situations,
most people view it as a strong connection, whether it be spiritual or a just for fun "me too!" thing.
They can also take it more seriously and add it as a direct part of their identity if they so want to.
But the difference is:
They *HAD* something before they became fictionkin.
Fictives are *BORN* with nothing but this fictional identity.
Fictionkin attach themselves to fictional identities to add on to their existing identity.
Hopefully that makes sense?
Feel free to ask for clarification if that's a little bit difficult to understand.
And remember: fictives and all different types of alters,
regardless of their shape, size, form, whatever, are all as important and as valid as everybody else.
For the love of *God* don't objectify or treat someone weirdly just because of their identity as an alter.
They are so much more important than that, and they have *feelings*,
and it's wildly rude were to treat someone like nothing just because of something that they cannot control.
So, again, that's me.
And I've said it to a few people here and there, but I generally keep it behind closed doors, but...
Yes. I'm a fictional introject. And...
Trust me, you don't necessarily want to be one.
Coping with it and living with it can be really hard sometimes,
especially not really knowing who you are, and figuring out your identity as yourself.
And before you say, "Oh, Jeff, you said that the original host can't be a fictive and you're around all the time!"
"How can you be a fictive if you're so clearly the host?"
WELL <:)
That's where my second topic comes into the picture.
Host changes.
Host changes are actually a lot more common than you think...
And they're exactly what they sound like!
It's basically: the original owner of the body basically backs off and another alter takes the place as the host.
This can either be a very smooth, willing transition,
...or it's very possible that in situations of extreme trauma this can be
as quick and as sudden as a snap of the fingers.
And no, this doesn't mean that the new host is gonna waltz around saying that they're a new person right off the bat.
It can be scary and unsafe for these changes to be made so immediately publicized.
Sometimes host changes aren't even noticed by the new host themself until later down the line.
So... My story? It's hard to explain.
Like most cases of this are.
I barely remember the first 14 or 15 years of my life.
I remember parts like snippets... maybe movie clips in a way.
Some of these being traumatic experiences, but some not.
I remember some of them in third-person or I feel so detached from them as a "memory" that it feels like
I'm watching through someone else's eyes, which... technically I am.
All I remember is that sometime between 2014 and 2015 everything sort of changed.
The first memory I have of *existing* was going to school and being so overwhelmed
by the people and the noise that I was sitting in a chair with my knees to my chest because I hardly understood what was going on.
The old host basically disappeared and shoved me in their place and said,
"Well, okay your problem now."
And obviously I wasn't completely alone at the time because there were two others in the system,
but all of us were still very overwhelmed by what had been going on that it was very hard to pinpoint who did what and how to organize things.
This had... a very hard blow on a lot of my friendships and relationships.
I obviously wasn't the old host so I felt completely different about all of the people that I build bonds with
and for the most part I didn't even realize that there had been a host change.
and all I really knew was,
"Oh I don't really know any of these people, but I guess I'm supposed to talk to them?"
I was literally shoved into the world with my name and identity,
a six-year-old's understanding of the world and how it works, and a list of friendships.
And don't think that this means that all of the friendships we had were
automatically null and void, I obviously still talked to them and got to know
them... again... but it wasn't the same way as the old host at all.
some I got to know better, some I lost touch with,
and that's just how the cookie crumbles.
And as I said, I didn't even really notice the host change until years later.
I didn't even know host changes were possible, because I became the host when I was literally like three days old basically.
I only started breaking the news to people sometime last year, because
I found out that this stuff is actually pretty regular so I became a little bit more ...
Comfortable? with it?
I basically started to come to terms that things in my life became different because of this.
But, yeah. That's about all I have to explain from what I can tell.
If you have any questions you're free to ask about them all you want!
No question is too intrusive and I really don't mind answering what you have to ask.
Feel free to ask things that you'd be a little bit uncomfortable asking somebody in this position,
because I know that there's a difference between
actually being curious and being disrespectful.
As I said before I'll link a few other informative videos in the description.
I'll do my best to respond to everybody.
Thank you so much for watching, and I hope this cleared up a handful of things about DID.
Ask Mark: Who would you interview if you could interview anyone? - Duration: 0:43.-------------------------------------------
Zoo 4 You: A day in the life of a zookeeper - Duration: 2:20.-------------------------------------------
Student of the Year 2 Star Cast, Actor, Actress and Director Name - Duration: 1:03.Student of the Year 2 Star Cast, Actor, Actress and Director Name
Konnichi-What? - What Do You Recommend? - Duration: 1:36.- Yeah, that one, right?
I don't know, Higa-san, what do you recommend?
I don't think so.
(strumming guitar) ♪ Konnichi-what to ♪
♪ Konnichi-what to ♪
♪ What to, what to, what to, ♪
♪ Konnichi-what? ♪
- Hi, everyone,
and welcome to this week's episode of Konnichi-What?,
the show where Higa-San will try to teach us
words and phrases in Japanese.
Literally, always, the tips from the locals
are far better than any tips that you're gonna get
from foreigners while you're in Okinawa, in Japan,
or traveling Southeast Asia.
And, though, we can't teach you all of the languages
that you can speak while you're traveling Southeast Asia,
we can help you while you're traveling around Japan
to find out what locals recommend for food,
what they recommend for tourist locations,
or, maybe, things that they don't recommend to go to.
So, today, we are going to teach you how to say,
"What do you recommend?"
That way, when you're out and about,
you can get the best and the brightest tips
from people who know the area far better than you.
(strumming guitar) ♪ Konnichi-what to ♪
♪ Konnichi-what to ♪
♪ What to, what to, what to, ♪
♪ Konnichi-What? ♪
(speaking foreign language)
Nightcore - My Blood (twenty one pilots) || Lyrics - Duration: 3:41.this video includes lyrics on the screen
Japanese candy and candy store - Duration: 16:16.Hello!
We got nostalgic candies!
''Nerunerunerune'' and ''mogimogi fruits''.
I often watched on CM.
These reminds me my old days!
I am excited!
Let's eat this one first.
We will open ''Mogimogi fruits'' first.
Not this one.
mmm, this one,
Grape, muscat and melon soda flavors are mixed.
You can take the fruits ''Mogi(sound effect)'' from the tree and eat!!
There is spot the difference here.
Candy for little children.
This reminds me your old days right? Is there anyone know this candy?
Is it difficult?
What is difficult?
Not at all.
Looks like this.
Kawaii. Nostalgic and smells good!!
Ah, I think...
Smells nice.
This purple is muscat.
Oh no, it's greap. Green is mascat.
Here is melon soda.
How much was it? I think about 60 yen??
Both candies were about 60 yen.
Super cheap.
Today, for youtube,
We bought them.
We went to the shop in the rain just now.
I will eat this.
How can I eat this??
Someone please teach us.
How can we eat this?
Is it gum?
No, gumi...
Wait wait!!
We have to eat fruits first!
So sticky.
I got grape!
Yummy, but hand gets sticky.
Why is it.
Isn't it expired?? Really okay?
Expired day is....
December 12 in 2018 so fine.
Maybe because today was a little hot.
Look at this.
Mascat is also yummy.
I got
Melon soda!!!
Food show!!
A little bit...
But I think grape is the yummiest.
''Mogimogi fruits''!
Please try this!!
You can get this at candy shops,
sometimes at convenience stores!
Do you want to go next now?
We gonna make it!!
In here,
This cup,
Tray and spoon, also
What is this ??
3 bags of powder.
Number 1, 2, 3.
We will use them later.
Please check this out!
We gonna change the angle.
In this,
You can take it off.
Mashu, please put water in it.
This number 1,
Put it in here.
Excuse me!
Yes, come in!
Please pour the water in here.
All of them.
Pour it.
Then number 2.
Please pour it!! Please!
Turned into purple !!
Pour it in here.
So now!!
Let's say ''Nerunerunerune~''
Mix it!!
Mix mix mix...
Is this all right?
True, something like..
Yeah! Smells of grape!!
Here, a little bit bubbling.
Put them into this right side.
Is it pure sugar?
We made this!!
So now!
Scoop this, and
then put the pure sugar a little !!
Stick them.
Then eat!!!
This isn't first try, but
I ate them more than 10 years ago, so I can't remember.
Will it pop in my mouth?
Very sour.
This foam,
And bubbled.
Like body soap texture.
But this candy,
It has something so sour!!
Sweet and sour are mixed,
and this is candy, so when you put them in your mouth and bite,
they stuck behind your teeth. But yummy.
Isn't it sour?
Isn't it sour like lemon?
I become ''waaaaa!!!''
You are right.
This is yummy!
Oh yeah! It says
Little hard to see. Sorry.
But like that.
The packet says why
It says ''Why does the color change?''
Because this is for children,
so you can also study from this.
Like this.
There are alkalinity, neutral and acidity.
In ''Nerunerunerune'' grape flavor,
component of purple cabbage called ''anthocyanin''.
This component...
This component... where am I !?
This component... ''anthocyanin''.
This component change the color depends on the behavior.
For example, become red with acid, purple with nature.
blue with alkali.
Ah! I see!!
But... honestly I don't like sour.
mm....don't like it so much...
So I want to eat only this.
We dropped it in the end...
So now, in Ikebukuro,
We gonna show you candy shop!
Please watch it.
We came to the candy shop.
Ramen shop??
Sushi restaurant.
Taiyaki and dango.
I think so.
Not sure.
Here is caramel. Nostalgic!
Bullet train.
Hammer, and yogurt.
This chocolete is amazing.
and moist!
Rock-Paper-Scissors gumi.
Potato chips...
I don't know.
There is Peko chan.
All done!
Thank you for watching.
Signature Club A Thinning Hair Fill Color Kit - Duration: 4:10.-------------------------------------------
IMFACT Saranghae I Love you Game - Duration: 7:00.Jian: Let's start from Sang
Sang: Okay, I'll start first
Taeho: Okay start
Sang: I love you Jian: I don't
Sang: I love you Jeup: I don't
Sang: I love you Jian: I really don't
Taeho: Jian almost done Ungjae: His laughing
Jian: Okay I accept Jian: I love you
Jian: So now I will start right?
Taeho: You are not allow to laugh
Sang: Haa, can see your teeth
Jian: I love you Taeho: What did you said?
Jian: I love you Ungjae: I don't
Sang: Ungjae really looks weird
Jian: I love you
Sang: I don't
Jian: You are really handsome, Gong Yoo look alike. I love you
Ungjae: I don't
Sang: Closed up his face
Ungjae: No, don't closed up, this is for sake of game.No choice
Jian: You look like ? sunbaenim, I love you
Sang: I also love you
Sang: I love you
Jeup: Okay
Jeup: I love you kiddo [purposely lowering his voice]
Taeho: I don't
Jeup: Young Chul aaa
[these two almost lost it]
Jeup: I love you Ungjae: Himself Young Chul but call other
Sang: Please lower your conversation [Sang lost it because of Ungjae comments]
Sang: Okay, I will play it for real now
Sang: You all better get ready
Sang: That what was funny, you said Jeup is Young Chul but he called me Young Chul
Sang: Should we change seat? It will be more fun because it is too obvious now
Sang: I will start
Sang: I love you Ungjae: Okay
Ungjae: I love you Jian: No I don't Ungjae: Me too
Ungjae: You are too handsome Sang: No
[Ungjae still trying but Sang won't laugh]
Taeho: You fail
Ungjae: Isn't he laughing? [pointing to Jeup]
Taeho: Wait, this is ... waaa
Taeho: As long the person besides not laughing
Ungjae: So this side also not allow to laugh Taeho: Yes, both sides
Taeho: We can laugh [Jeup and himself]
Ungjae: One more time
Ungjae: This is too much [referring to Jian face]
Ungjae: Okay, I will restart
Taeho: Let's all not allow to laugh
Sang: We should have do this from the start
Ungjae: I love you Jian: No
Ungjae: I love you Sang: Okay I accept
Sang: I love you
Taeho: No
Sang: Please accept my heart, ILU Ungjae: No
Sang: I love you
Taeho: Okay
Taeho: I love you
Jeup: Okay
Jeup: I told you I love you. Why can't you say anything [reenacting a scene from a movie]
Jeup: Say that you love me Jian: I will say it
Jian: I love you this much, this much
Ungjae: No
Ungjae: He's laughing right? [referring to Jeup]
Jeup: I didn't show my teeth
Jian: I love you Jeup: Really hate it
Taeho: Okay see how far this goes
Jian: I love you Ungjae: I love you too
Sang: No, no
[Jeup lost it]
Sang: Okay let's start. Another life
Sang: This time who lost will get the penalty
Sang: Let's start from Jeup
Sang: I need to think of sad things
Jeup: Which side to start? Sang: Up to you
Jian: I can't, I can't
Sang: Okay go
Jeup: I love you
Jian: I accept [avoiding Jeup]
Jian: Please accept my love
Ungjae: I accept
Ungjae: Do you love me?
[Sang lost it] Sang: I am sorry
Sang: He is not an idol
Sang: Did you see his facial expression?
Ungjae: Did you record it? Oh no
Up to here, we are IMFACT
Okay let's sleep
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