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How can you leave dinner at night? | Dietician Gülfem Yalçın - Duration: 1:52.-------------------------------------------
Mandy - Duration: 0:39.-------------------------------------------
Day 46: Live Life Without Regrets - Bucket List! - Duration: 5:08.I just wanted to shoot a very quick video so that you are
Not living life with regrets and you're living life on your own terms
And I think that if there is one message in this world today that you receive it's that one message
How many times have you and I know it's happened for me. You've been to someone's funeral and
It's a moment
that it's half an hour to an hour where you sit there and you you go inward and you reflect on your own life and
you reflect on those things that you have not done those things that you've always wanted to do and
I think it's really important to really stop
Those are those moments. It's only really at funerals. Sometimes maybe weddings. I don't know
It could be when you're ill I know that when I've had incidences when I've been taken off to hospital because I've had an issue
and I'm laying in that hospital bed and
It's moments like those that really really cuts back to that moment of saying to yourself
What is it that I have not done that I need to do
What is it that I have not said that I need to say
What are those things that I really need to look at and either resolve or?
those things that I just haven't done and
Life is short
And I think it's moments like those when you go to funerals when you end up in a hospital bed
That you actually say to yourself. My life is short
What is it that I do need to do when I get out of this hospital bed or you know?
What is it that I need to do?
and most times it's not improved my job or improve my profession or improve my workload or
Generally, it's all about a lifestyle and it's all about creating a certain lifestyle on your own terms
And I think it's really important for you to start reflecting while you're well while you have your health to start thinking about
What are the things that I need to do now that I haven't done or taken action?
One thing for me it's been my health
I've always had issues with my health in the past
and that was when I was
working as a corporate accountant and when I was stressed and when I wasn't happy with what I was doing in life and
health got better as soon as I started to make decisions around my own lifestyle and
You know ways of improving that
More recently. What I've decided to do is to shed weight
I've always sort of been around 70 72 kilos and
I think we I don't know what that is in pounds maybe 170 pounds and
in the last
45 days. I've made a decision to improve my lifestyle by improving my weight and
so I've gone on the 90-day health and well being
challenged to make sure that I make that commitment and stick to that commitment to losing weight and again, it's all about
You know life's regrets
I've been promising myself and asking myself to get down to my ideal weight for the last two decades
you know that's 20 years and 20 years goes by like that and I look back and I think to myself why had I not
Made that decision. Why had I not taken that action?
You know make a decision and start taking action around losing that weight. And honestly, it's only taken 45 days
to share a quarter of the weight that I want to lose and
45 days out of two decades so we have to ask ourselves the question
what is it going to take to take that dream vocation or to create a lifestyle that's going to be able to
Allow me to take that vacation when and where I like so I think it's really important start to
Write down those things write down those things that you want to do that you have promised yourself
You know ages ago that you wanted to do and you just haven't got around to doing
Just write a list of those things
I think they call it a bucket list
Those things that you really really want to do and I've started to go about doing that today
I think it's really important to share that message and pass that message on to you as well
I am all about my website his leisure lifestyle
So it's all about how do I go about leading my own lifestyle?
How do I what what are some of the shifts and some of the changes that I can make in my life to be able?
To then bring in and create the things that I really want to do and it could be small shifts
But then it could be some big shifts
But just start writing them down and you'll be surprised as to what happens when you actually start to write things down
That's my share today. And if you're on my You Tube channel
Press that subscribe button Trish leisure lifestyle calm. Talk to you very soon. Bye for now
Samsung Offer II Samsung galaxy S9 II for USA II Take it now - Duration: 2:15.-------------------------------------------
John Daniel Carothers: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | - Duration: 5:36.John Daniel Carothers: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |
Rutherford County Sheriff\'s Office John Carothers is a man currently charged with first-degree murder after he burned a black man to death; it was revealed that he has connections to a white supremacist group.
John Daniel Carothers is a white man accused of burning a black man alive earlier this year.
Now, Carothers is on trial for his murder- and it was just revealed that he has been a known member of white supremacist groups for several years.
Carothers is on trial for allegedly lighting 40-year-old Robert Miller on fire and killing him.
Here's what you need to know.
Carothers Is Accused of Burning 40-Year-Old Robert Miller to Death in March, 2018.
Carothers is accused of pouring accelerant onto Millers, igniting him and watching him die, according to News Channel 5.
There is no specific Hate Crime law in Tennessee but District Attorney Jennings Jones has suggested that he might pursue something called a "hate crime enhancement" if Carothers is found guilty, which would lead to a harsher sentencing.
The murder apparently occurred at a halfway house for veterans, where the two men were living.
Police reportedly found Carothers with a backpack and an empty lighter fluid bottle on him, and one officer testified in court that Carothers said, "I live in a place I burned," when the officers arrested him.
Carothers Reportedly Wrote Miller a Letter Written to a White Supremacist Group.
While in jail, Carothers attempted to send a letter to a white supremacist group, in which he wrote, "I believe the Bible is about white people and for white people.
I am in the Rutherford County Jail for burning a black man I set on fire with lighter fluid poured on his head.".
Carothers Has Since Been Found to Be a Subscriber of 'Christian Identity'.
According to The Huffington Post, Carothers has recently been revealed to subscribe to "Christian Identity," a racist, anti-semitic ideology that believes white Europeans are the true Israelites, that Jews are the spawn of Satan, and that non-whites are "mud people.
Carla Hill, a senior investigative researcher at the Center on Extremism at the Anti-Defamation League, told Huffington Post that Carothers has been on her radar "for years," saying, "He comes from a family that practices a particularly vitriolic brand of white supremacy that's explicitly very racist and anti-Semitic.
In 2009, Carothers Was Spotted With His Son Passing Out National Alliance Pamphlets.
Carother's son, Michael Weaver, is also a white supremacist, and according to The Huffington Post, he was named National Alliance's "Activist of the Year.
" He, too, has a criminal record, and pleaded guilty to aggravated assault in 2011 after he pepper-sprayed a black man in the face.
Carother was also seen handing out National Alliance pamphlets with his son at a gun show in Columbus, Georgia in 2009.
The National Alliance is a neo-Nazi group that calls for the eradication of Jews and non-white people from America.
Carothers Faces Charges of First-Degree Murder, Reckless Endangerment & Aggravated Arson.
Carothers currently faces charges of first-degree murder, reckless endangerment and aggravated arson.
Carothers has been charged with second-degree murder twice before.
He was convicted of the crime in 1999, and pleaded to a lesser charge in 2011.
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