RC Steep Climb | Traxxas | Axial - Duration: 10:53.RC with the guys!! Our RC mounted GoPro gets you up close and personal
to the RC 4X4 scale action as we
flip, roll, and crash our
Traxxas TRX-4, Axial SCX 10 and Axial RR10 Bomber
over the BIG rock at Mount Diablo
The GoPro RC gives us RC crawling
from the RC truck's POV.
We crawl our way down the Camel's back
then up a tricky incline and
all three RC trucks make it the top!
For whatever reason we all seem to be wanting go off the rock
nobody's tired of it yet
got to keep high in gear
right? right. ahhhhh. for real
has anybody made this pit
I dunno, we have the bomber going in front of me, should be able to do it
let's see
hey you did it! I did it
ahh I lost it
within 45 minutes .... yeah one of my Axial
Axial yeah
I can run a couple times
I don't understand it fell apart out of the box, you know
yeah my son Tonto, he's still running stock
I mean I had a servo for him
but I'm like I'm not going to let you blow this one up
My red TRX 4 Sport is my favorite radio control Traxxas
so far - an RC crawler/scale crawler that
takes rock crawling to the next level.
As far as remote controlled cars, I also have an
Axial RR10 and my next Axial will be an
Axial SCX10 or an Axial Yeti XL.
How Do You Respond to Threat - Duration: 4:43.Hi there.
I want to talk a little bit about the three ways that we
tend to respond when we feel threatened or scared.
They are
Fight, Flight, and Fright. And
generally, we will have a specific way that we tend to lead off with. It's not conscious.
It's just our nervous system's response. It happens a lot of times before we're even aware of it.
Because it really is our nervous system responding to a perceived threat.
So if we lead off with FIGHT,
then obviously we may be anywhere on that spectrum between getting Angry...
Irritable...all the way to Rage. It might be we're still so low that it's kind of, "I feel frustrated,"
"I feel impatient," but at its worst, it could be, "I'm screaming and yelling. I'm just enraged!"
Then there's FLIGHT.
Flight can be, "I have got to get out of here!" So it's the person who just
leaves the room...who runs away...isn't there.
Or it's the person who takes frequent breaks...
Like they can only handle it so long. They either just sort of spaced out, or they got to go physically remove themselves.
that's FLIGHT, and it could be all the way to, "I'm really
feeling threatened," and I run like crazy to get away from whatever it is.
It is that "leave the scene" piece. And then we have FRIGHT. Now fright is
often times an involuntary
response and
it's when our nervous systems are kind of like circuit breakers, and
we can't respond with Fight and we can't respond with Flight.
So it just sort of like boom pops the circuit breaker, and you go into shutdown. So it can be where somebody
literally collapses.
Other ways that Fright kind of manifests is that you just get exhausted. You're
incredibly tired. Or it might be just that you get really spacey.
That is frequently actually a Fright response:
To just kind of zone out. You're not really there even though you you look like you're there, but mentally you're not there.
Another thing that can happen with a fright response is that you cannot speak. What happens is
your nervous system shuts down to the point that actually, if you look at a brain scan, your speech centers are not "getting the juice."
So you really can't get your words out. I
tell you this to let you have some compassion for the fact that when you can't speak up or
yell or do something to protect yourself, that it's actually just your nervous system is saying it is already
overwhelmed, and it has already blown the circuit breaker. And
then there are people that
have that fright response, that overwhelm response,
so frequently that there's such a presence of stress hormones in the system all the time. Just "whoosh,
whoosh, whoosh" stress hormones, that they literally get sick!
So it could be that your fright response is the thing where you have tried to maybe fight you tried to flee
You've tried to work it out.
None of it works, and you just get overwhelmed by it all, and you just you have to call in sick. You're literally sick!
So Fight, Flight, and Fright.
Just thinking about it. And "which one is your primary one,"
is an important piece that we will work with a bit more later.
But for right now, I would say for you to think about it. Then down below let us know
how you watch your own self-defensive responses coming out. You know,
maybe you notice little bits of all three of them or two of them, but just to kind of note that.
guess my other question is
"Noticing that, what do you notice for yourself?"
You know...
Like "What's the most difficult of the responses for you? Where you
really feel kind of at loose ends about how to deal with it," because that's something we can also talk about.
So let us know below. Let's all get talking because we all have these kinds of things
So I am Becky, and I really want all of us who are highly sensitive and intuitive and empathic people
not only survive but to thrive!
Brian Egg: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com - Duration: 4:22.Brian Egg: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com
Brian Egg was reported missing over two months ago, but he was only found on August 27, in a fish tank in his San Francisco home.
Egg's body has since been identified and confirmed, and police are intend to release suspect names shortly.
Here's what you need to know.
Egg Was a Local Bartender at 'The Stud' in San Francisco in the 80s.
Mark Matthews of NBC reported that prior to his death, Egg was a bar tender at The Stud in San Francisco in the 80s.
The Stud is a historic, cash-only gay bar that showcases events like karaoke and drag shows.
More recently, the San Francisco Chronicle reported that Egg had been having trouble finding more steady work.
It has not yet issued a statement on the death of Egg.
Egg Reportedly Let Homeless People Stay at His Home, & Persons of Interest in the Case Were Living at the House After He Died.
Matthews reports that neighbors said Egg would let homeless people stay in his San Francisco home, and that the people who police say are of interest in the case were living in his home after his death.
According to Newsweek, Egg's neighbors in the city's South of Market area after they hadn't seen him for several weeks.
When police went to check on Egg, a man who was living in Egg's home reportedly said he had gone on vacation.
One of Egg's Neighbors Called the Police Again After Seeing a Private Cleanup Crew Enter Egg's Home.
The Independent reports that a neighbor called the police earlier in August when he saw a private crime-scene clean up crew show up at Egg's house.
This time, police searched the house, at which point they found the corpse that would later prove to be Egg.
"It's horrifying," Egg's neighbor, Scott Free, said to The San Francisco Chronicle.
"A dead body was in the house this entire time.
Egg's Body Was in 'an Advanced State of Decomposition' at the Time of Discovery.
By the time police found Egg's body, it was reportedly in such a state of decomposition that they weren't immediately able to identify the sex of the body.
Egg's Neighbor, Scott Free, Described Egg as 'Eccentric'.
Free explained to The San Francisco Chronicle that he had known Egg for several years, and had even rented a unit in Egg's building for a while twenty years ago.
Free described Egg as living by "humble means," saying, "He had no job and lived on the margins.
He was eccentric.
A vacation seemed very implausible.".
What to expect during your free consultation with a Tampa personal injury attorney - Duration: 0:52.(gentle music)
- Your initial free consultation
with a personal injury lawyer is critical.
During that meeting, you're going to understand
what the legal process entails.
The attorney is going to be able to gather
whatever facts and evidence is needed
to move the case forward, and explain to you
just exactly what is going to happen
in the weeks and months to follow.
It's critical that you're open and honest
with that lawyer during that meeting.
You have what's called attorney-client privilege,
so that nothing that's shared between you and attorney
leaves the room.
If you have any questions or concerns
regarding a legal matter, contact us at www.kfblaw.com.
Thank you.
(gentle music)
世界超級大謊言,流傳至今還有人相信不以 - Duration: 7:03.-------------------------------------------
十二星座面對情敵,會有什麼表現呢,獅子座宣告主權 - Duration: 6:31.-------------------------------------------
Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com - Duration: 10:32.Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com
Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano is the former Vatican ambassador to the US.
Last week, Vigano published an explosive letter claiming that Pope Francis had known about the sexual abuse allegations against Cardinal Theodore McCarrick years ago.
Vigano said that Pope Francis effectively helped to cover up for Cardinal McCarrick.
Vigano is calling for Pope Francis to resign.
The letter from Vigano has caused deep divisions in the already-troubled Catholic Church.
When reporters confronted him during his visit to Ireland, Pope Francis himself was dismissive of the letter, saying that it "speaks for itself" and telling journalists, "I will not say a single word on this.
"I think this statement speaks for itself, and you have the sufficient journalistic capacity to draw conclusions.".
Here's what you need to know about Carlo Maria Vigano:.
Vigano Wrote that Pope Francis 'Did Not Respond' After He Personally Warned Him About McCarrick Back in 2013.
In his 11-page letter calling for Pope Francis to resign, Vigano wrote that he had personally spoken to the pontiff about Cardinal McCarrrick five years earlier.
He said he told the pope, "Holy Father, I don't know if you know Cardinal McCarrick, but if you ask the Congregation for Bishops there is a dossier this thick about him.
He corrupted generations of seminarians and priests and Pope Benedict ordered him to withdraw to a life of prayer and penance.".
But, Vigano says, he got absolutely no response from the pope.
McCarrick continued to have a public role in the church until his resgination last month.
Vigano charges that McCarrick's replacement, Donald Wuerl, who took over as the Archbishop of Washington DC, also knew all about McCarrick's lleged sexual misconduct.
Vigano wrote, "His [Wuerl's] recent statements that he knew nothing about it … are absolutely laughable.
The cardinal lies shamelessly.".
Vigano Claimed that Pope Francis's Predecessor, Pope Benedict, Had Informally Punished McCarrick, but Pope Francis Didn't Follow His Lead.
In the same 11 page letter, Vigano said that Pope Benedict XVI had quietly placed certain restrictions on Cardinal McCarrick, presumably because he knew about the allegations against the cardinal.
Vigano says that Benedict forbade McCarrick from celebrating Mass publicly or from traveling.
The former pope also ordered McCarrick to a life of prayer and penance, according to Vigano.
However, it's not clear whether Vigano is fabricating these claims.
The Catholic Reporter says that under Pope Benedict, McCarrick performed Mass in public and traveled.
There was no evidence that the cardinal was observing a life of prayer and penance, either.
Vigano Has Called Attention to Other Vatican Scandals — But His Detractors Say He is Just an 'Extremely Disgruntled Archbishop' Who Resents Not Being Promoted to Cardinal.
Vigano has been involved in controversies within the Church hierarchy before.
So the question is — is he a whistleblower, or just a malcontent? or, perhaps, is he a little bit of both?.
In 2012, an Italian television station published a series of letter written by Vigano claiming that high-ranking Vatican officials were involved in corruption and misconduct.
The letters, written to Pope Benedict, claimed that contracts were being awarded unfairly, and that a group of Italian banks was mishandling Vatican money.
The letters were leaked to an Italian TV program known as "The Untouchable" and have been referred to as "Vatileaks.".
Conservatives within the church have applauded Vigano for exposing scandals within the hierarchy.
But others say he simply resents never being promoted to the rank of cardinal.
"It's really not about McCarrick; it's about an old story that begins seven or eight years ago.
He became an extremely disgruntled archbishop," Massimo Faggioli, a historian at Villanova, told the National Catholic Reporter.
Vigano is Part of a Group of Conservative Prelates Who Have Been Angered by Francis's Stance on Homosexuality and Cultural Issues.
Vigano wrote that the "homosexual network" in the Vatican is responsible for the abuse which has been allegedly carried out within the church.
Other conservative church officials have echoed his views.
Cardinal Wilfrid Napier of South Africa has reportedly said homosexuality is to blame for the abuses.
And Cardinal Raymond Burke, a high-ranking Vatican conservative and a leading critic of the pope, says there is "a very grave problem of a homosexual culture in the church, even within the hierarchy, which needs to be purified at the root.".
Pope Francis has won friends and created enemies with his relatively liberal views on social issues, including homosexuality.
"Who am I to judge?" the pope once said, when asked for his views on homosexuality.
This was in contrast to his predecessor, the famously conservative Pope Benedict, who once said that even celibate homosexuals should not be allowed to enter the priesthood.
Vigano Was Forced to Retire in 2016 After He Allegedly Mishandled Pope Francis's Trip to America.
In 2016, Pope Francis visited the United States and Vigano, who was the Vatican's ambassador to the US, was instrumental in organizing the pope's trip.
He came under fire after he organized a secret meeting between Francis and Kim Davis, the Kentucky clerk who refused to sign same-sex marriage certificates.
Then, after Vigano's contract ran out, the Vatican opted not to renew it, and he was replaced.
Officially, Vigano left his job because he was 75, the age when Vatican officials normally retire.
But media reports say that in most cases, the retirement requirement is waived, and that Vigano was actually ordered to resign because of fall-out from Pope Francis's meeting with Davis.
Vigano had already been criticized by American activists for his position on LGBT issues.
In 2015, Human Rights Watch sent a letter to Pope Francis asking him to stop Vigano from speaking at a rally against same-sex marriage.
You can read that letter here.
"There is absolutely no room for an emissary of one of the world's great religions at an event that will espouse hate and bigotry and promote outright discrimination against LGBT Americans and their families," said HRC Vice President of Communications Fred Sainz.
"Pope Francis has continually emphasized love and acceptance in his tenure, but this event stands for anything but.".
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